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  • Report:  #1487393


HEXIANJU QIGONG CENTRE. COSTLY RIP-OFF. Dongjiao Yelin Bay, Wenchang City Hainan province

  • Reported By:
    Komen — Australia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 07, 2019
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 07, 2019
    Dongjiao Yelin Bay, Wenchang City , Hainan province
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  A few months ago, I was induced to take a retreat at the Hexianju Qigong Centre (run by Mr. Liu Jianshe) in Hainan island, China. As my interest lay in healing with Qi, I was swayed primarily by the healing stories on their website

My interest was piqued further when I read on the website that two of the five teachers at the Hexianju Qigong Centre had been teaching in the past at Dr. Ming Pang's (founder of Zhineng Qigong) Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center in China. One of the teachers purportedly worked at Huaxia even as a healer.  

Alas, what a colossal disappointment, what a bitter let-down the retreat was! Firstly, there were only TWO teachers (including Liu Jianshe) at the Centre- not FIVE, as advertised on the website. The teacher/healer was one of those three gone from the Hexianju Qigong Centre.

Secondly, the English of the two teachers available for the retreat was atrocious. What came out of their mouths in English was unmitigated, meaningless drivel. They were unable to express themselves coherently and meaningfully, and with their appallingly limited vocabularies they could not really explain or teach anything.  

The retreat turned out to be nothing but a very expensive scam (I was charged 2900 dollars for 3 weeks). It was a pathetic farce. Nobody at the retreat was healed; no healing was even attempted, even though a whole page on the website is devoted to healing with Qi stories.

We were not even taught how to go about healing ourselves. There was NO demonstration of the power of Qi or Yiyuanti by Jianshe or the other teacher. Disappointingly as well, the claim on the website that with the powerful Yiyuanti, one can even make boiled peanuts sprout, remained unsubstantiated.

The whole concept of Yiyuanti, featured on the website, remained as enigmatic to me as it had been before the retreat.   It seems that the healing stories and the concept of Yiyuanti are given special prominence on Jianshe's website merely to whet the reader's appetite for one of his overpriced but bogus retreats. This is most regrettable, as many- perhaps most- people go to Zhineng Qigong retreats these days for one sole reason- HEALING.

It is my sincere and considered conclusion that the retreatants lured to the Hexianju Qigong Centre are a mere 'cash cow', sheep to be fleeced for Liu Jianshe.  It is also my sincere and considered conclusion that the retreats run by him are one gigantic scam.

Jianshe's website, though amended since my retreat (for example, there is no longer any mention of Yiyuanti being capable of making boiled peanuts sprout), is still deceptive, grossly hyped up and run in bad faith.

My dictionary defines the word 'charlatan' as 'a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses.' It seems that we have a perfect match here.
'The word 'scammer' is defined as 'someone who makes money using illegal methods, especially by tricking people.  Ditto- again a perfect match.

Let this post be a warning to all the readers who may have been tempted by the guile of Jianshe's website, and are considering signing up for a retreat at the Hexianju Qigong Centre.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Beverly Hills,
United States

If This Is Like Your Other Complaint - You're Wasting Your Time

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2019

You seem to hold an incorrect definition of healing and what this place purports to do.  Places like this can offer a good deal of assistance with regards to healing of your soul, but there is no evidence to suggest anywhere that these sorts of practices can cure any medical condition you may have. 

Your overall expectations must at least match what you expect to receive.  This place, like the other place you complained about, does not offer a cure for anything.  They offer a healing - which is not close to the same thing as a cure.  They cannot offer you a cure for anything you are suffering from.

Many people place a great deal of emphasis on eastern practices to cure what ails them.  I suppose it all depends on what the overall expectation is when you engage in eastern practices.  Qigong when done in conjunction with Tai Chi, can help an individual reach their innermost soul.  But will that cure an ailment?  I suppose it depends on what ails you.  Cancer, and other fatal diseases like it?  No.  Can it help you with some mental condition?  Possibly?

A place like this can offer a refuge for people looking to reconcile what's left of their life - to cleanse their soul in preparation for the end.  Many hold anger, resentment, and other negative chi that tends to exascerbate and accelerate their conditions to their logical end because the expectations you hold don't match what you receive. 

So when you state there was no healing....there may have been healing offered.  It was simply not the healing you were expecting because you mix the word healing with a cure just as you did with your other complaint.  There is no cure offered.  Only healing was offered.  If you closed your mind to that healing, then you received nothing in the time you were present.

If you wish a cure, then your best chance to get that is western medicine.  No, I do not work for this Centre.

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