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  • Report:  #1347719

Complaint Review: High Priestess Kathie

High Priestess Kathie Ceesay KathieHIGHPRIESTESS OF WITCHCRAFT AND HOODOO SCAM, ILLEGAL COPYRIGHT, DEFAMATION Los Angeles , Chicago, Illinois California

  • Reported By:
    MamboLinda — Glendale California USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 05, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 18, 2017

The Nonsense Will End Now!

I thought we ended this war on Youtube and Facebook.  No I didn't delete my Facebook page since everyone is after Money. Fake High Priestess Kathie seems to be mocking our tribes and traditions through her facebook statues. We already knew she was an amateur claiming to be a witch mocking our ancestors to profit off of them! Any real spiritual workers can see the name "High Priestess" is a scam. Her whole persona is crazy mixing witchcraft, hoodoo, new Orleans voodoo together. Playing with the spirits is nothing to be played with foolish child . You are not a Witch! I am old enough to be your grandmother! I am your elder. To clear some facts Yes, I did state I was from Salem but then moved to California to learn Hoodoo before I even posted youtube videos.

I have said plenty of times in my videos that she stole many photos, videos and words from other spiritual workers. Look at her youtube videos claims to be a black witch but steals videos from white witches and others which we take a offensive. This is the same person that sent a message to us stating " we are all ganging up on her and casting banishing spells on her". We complete phase 3 of the banishing spell soon . d**n IT! This person is a conartist! Fraud! I know d**n well you changed my words copying my own ASTROLOGY PERSONALITY TRAIT VIDEOS! You are are liar , ripping off my

How to make Cascarilla or eggshell powder Video! I put my s**t on Youtube 2 years ago and you uploaded your bs 6 months ago. Changing the name of my videos and style does not make them yours.
What Coven? I read your interview and you provided no evidence . No one tried to start a war between her and Mambo S, it was Kathie herself. The war is back on and we will win. Now there are 7 of us that approve this message and more will come to take action. Normally, I don't have time for it it's just a bunch of bull and nonsense but enough is enough. Why? What is the purpose?

Another Mambo wrote through the comment section who told me Kathie's magic is from New Orleans but had no proof. Just another lie. She also brought up 'How To Make A Jar Altar'. I will not reveal who she stole this from but it was entitled 'ancestry jar altar'.
No one gave you the spell recipe you copied my instructions from my video! The public can clearly see I uploaded my video
Anyone with come with a brain on my youtube channel can see and hear the similarities . I'm sure more spiritual workers in the community will come forward to help banish and take legal action.


11 Updates & Rebuttals

High Priestess Kathie


The saga continues! More lies against me as I am being continually stalked!

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 18, 2017

Many spiritualist in the community go to Universal Life Church Ministries to get ordained. My lawyers have informed me to no longer give explanations here on rip off report about this situation. Here is a video explaining my ordination that I have had since 2012 that these liars claimed I didn't have, that church will not print up a fake certificate. I just want to thank all of you that have been supporting us through this and we all know that the divine and most high is with us. If you feel drawn to me still after reading this campaign, how these people have tried to slander me. Please feel free to contact me yourself and see how I am for yourself and see this is why these people have a campaign out against me. God and the Goddess is turning this around in my favor! ASE!!! 


Los Angeles,


#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 15, 2017

I just can't! Too Much ROFL! So anyone can order a fake ordained minister certificate. DUH! All you have to do is Google it like Fake High Priestess No Priestes KATHIE. CESAY KATHIE LMAO! Girl Bye!


Come on now! Dead Give Away. This is B* is CRAZY MENTAL.

If her fake certificate is real. Why did athie wait until all this time to reorder it to show prove . She claims it got burned up in a fire. ROFL! Why did you wait until now to reorder or show it? Why didn't order it and show it when you first started you Youtube channel?

BIG A* LIAR! If she was real no need to respond or make video. 100% FAKE NOT LEGIT YOU ARE!

Notice the date on the certificate. Photo shopped badly after the minstery sent it to her . She ordered it a few weeks and changed the date to scam people. Even if you didn't . The paper is not REAL! 

People if you don't believe me look it up. Google or Yahoo search "universal life church free online ordination".


So Kathie what Test's did you take ???

What courses?

How long was your training?

Search - universal life church free online ordination scam

Really, sad we have people like FAKE HIGH PRIESTESS to prey on people for money. I being wathcing her videos and yes it's sucking people preying on the their depression when they need to talk someone. This is ILLEGAL AND HARMFUL.

That still doesn't mean YOU A  HIGH PRIESTESS! I REALLY FEEL SORRY FOR THE POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS HER VICITIMS. I read somewhere before she deleted the comment about scamming a woman out of $1700 for a house blessing. Lord, I hope this monster faces charges.  In her state she faces more than 40 years or life in prison. Since she doesn't have a permit for this.  It's considered a felony.

She also has been stalking other witches online. At first I didn't believe this part of the report until I did my own homework and compared things. She did steal and copy others which is also a felony in her state. I advise anyone wanting to pursue legal action to show the videos as proof. You can even have your county clerk transcript them down on paper and noted.

There are 2 cases already in process in her county and city more will come. Hopefull, we can find out who she really to end this.

If anyone have question. I am a Paralegal for a Civil Rights Firm. You can also contact your local police department, sheriff's department and FBI in your area.


Informed Consumer



#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 25, 2017

anyone looking to collect from damages done by Kathie (fake name)will have to file a private lawsuit which is easy. Court cast should be $150 / 250. Just let her talk herself into a deep hole that you want be able to get out of. It's sickening that she had to go extreme measures to scam people. I'm sure any Judge will know she is scamming thousands and pretending to be something she is not . So much hate and greed coming from one human being is horrible. Through out her entire scam she tells us she doesn't believe  in him, the bible and so. If that is true why did she say "God will get you" when she doesn't believe in him. Anyone can see her so called golden reviews written by real people are fake. She could have made those reviews herself. I still have not see a birth certification or proof that she is from New Orleans?
1.  The Secret of Conjure Coven (Fake) She says in her videos that it's a online coven? Over the internet group of people or strangers.
2.  Most of the evidence in the reports can be proven by you guessed it. Kathie herself her own videos. We have already made copies from the first video to the latest video. So you can't go back and change them! Collected data from YouTube that clearly shows the copying copyright been stolen. In other words plagiarism!  Numbers don't lie!   
See  while you were learning and stealing information from other business. You should have taken the time to do everything by the LAW and you didn't
3. By Legal Law, you must have a Business permit!
4. By Legal Law,, you must have a LEGAL DISCLAIMER to offer such services. For Entertainment Purposes ONLY. It's clear through her videos and Facebook page she doesn't provide this. So she is liable for what happens and doesn't happen as a  result of spell casting services! This must be in writing .
Several frauds in this business have faced jailed time.
5. Business owner must pay both FEDERAL & STATE TAXES
6. By, Legal Law, you must have patient / trademark
7. Two of her videos she issued to do harm or threats

These are just some of the facts.

Informed Consumer



#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 25, 2017

Since the lawyers told us do not disclose her information. We finally know who High Priestess Kathie is!

Since this is a class ation declaration anyone looking to collect from damages done by Kathie (fake name)will have to file a private lawsuit which is easy . Court cast should be $150 / 250. Just let her talk herself into a deep hole that you want be able to get out of. It's sickening that she had to go extreme measures to scam people. I'm sure any Judge will know she is scamming thousands and pretending to be something she is not . So much hate and greed coming from one human being is horrible. Through out her entire scam she tells us she doesn't believe  in him, the bible and so. If that is true why did she say "God will get you" when she doesn't believe in him. Anyone can see her so called golden reviews written by real people are fake. She could have made those reviews herself. I still have not see a birth certification or proof that she is from New Orleans?
1.  The Secret of Conjure Coven (Fake) She says in her videos that it's a online coven? Over the internet group of people or strangers.
2.  Most of the evidence in the reports can be proven by you guessed it. Kathie herself her own videos. We have already made copies from the first video to the latest video. So you can't go back and change them! Collected data from YouTube that clearly shows the copying copyright been stolen. In other words plagiarism!  Numbers don't lie!   
See  while you were learning and stealing information from other business. You should have taken the time to do everything by the LAW and you didn't
3. By Legal Law, you must have a Business permit!
4. By Legal Law,, you must have a LEGAL DISCLAIMER to offer such services. For Entertainment Purposes ONLY. It's clear through her videos and Facebook page she doesn't provide this. So she is liable for what happens and doesn't happen as a  result of spell casting services! This must be in writing .
Several frauds in this business have faced jailed time.
5. Business owner must pay both FEDERAL & STATE TAXES
6. By, Legal Law, you must have patient / trademark
7. Two of her videos she issued to do harm or threats

These are just some of the facts.

High Priestess Kathie


Setting the record straight part 2 / These Cyber bullies are still harassing me.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 24, 2017

I wanted to make sure that for those of you who are reading this also listen to this video with me explaining more into detail about what is really going on. This video was not able to be uploaded to this website but here is the link.

This is on going so as soon as I get the information of who these people are which I know who they are I just need the proof to come in. I will also share it here and make several youtube videos along with exposing them for who these cowards truly are who do not show their faces.



High Priestess Kathie


Here we go again. These people are Christian stalkers.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 24, 2017

These people are stalking me and trying to slander my name in hopes that no one will get readings from me or rootwork. Well they have failed and actually I have gotten two clients from these reports. Not only that, they are doing this because I don't believe in the bible and have said so on my facebook page. They are mad about it and these are the types of people I talk about on my facebook page. They don't respect peoples beliefs. I have the right as an American to talk about what I want on my page just like they do. They are trying to shut me down. Calling me a racist when I am not. I share information about white and black relationships in Africa and also in America.

These people whom I have never met in person are all ex facebook friends or fans and they are obsessed with me cause I don't want anything to do with them. The people havenever gotten any services from me. They continue to call me racist but I am not! I have white people in my coven and also in one of my facebook groups.

Everything you want to know about hoodoo, voodoo and witchcraft. I have people of all colors in there! Also my moderator is a WHITE WOMAN LOL! If I am a racist like you all are lying and saying about me then how can I have a moderator who is white? You people are jealous of me cause many love me and I am real! I am a true spirit reader. For those of you that are reading this. Try me out for yourself! I have many reviews on facebook. Stop by and like my page and see hundreds of reviews I have from people. I also will upload a youtube video about this situation and try to provide a link on this report as well. 

Informed Consumer


Close Call She is a SCAMMER!

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2017

Thank the Lord I  found this truthful report and was able to avoid being scammed by fake High Priestess Kathie. It was a close call and something told me to do research. She actually sent a message in our Facebook group about this report. There are several ofus on her friends list. Too bad she doesn't know the main people to block. I am making this comment because first she told me 'It's $40 for 30 ". Then tried to get $70 of me! I don't understand when I already told her the issues I was having with my husband and his job. Why do I even need to purchase a consultation?  I almost fell out of my chair laughing when she said the whole time her coven was online. May I add that of course in the less six months she never told us any information about a coven just a fancy name. So the entire time she lead us to believe she has a physical witch coven but in reality it's made of strangers online. Person is crazy and has a mental problem. I have a degree in psychology and get tell when someone is suffering from a disorder. I can say she is lying about that story if her grandmother putting a death curse on a guy.  I replayed her video called Graphic video talk from the darkness. Check the ego!. She us clearly making the story up and she also tripping over words with much slurring in her voice. So many things don't add up. Still no proof of New Orleans? She told us she was from Chicago? Notice she has been making more video's. Trying hard to make what she does legit but is failing The sad things is Kathie is a RACIST! Even if my skin is white and lighter than her skin. I wouldn't keep bashing a certain race and her Facebook timeline is filled with Pro Black material and calling her said the 'N' word. How can you help others while back biting and bible slamming people? I use the bible as prayer work but I don't bible thumb. Bottom line to consumers " KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET AWAY FROM FRAUDS"


#12Author of original report

Tue, January 24, 2017

This person continues to tell lies and has gotten caught in her own trap! Your pathetic video proves you are a fraud. You said you have been ordained twice? First in 2012? LIE! How is that when you said you have over 15 years of experience? 2012-2017 is not 15.

 Another l
ie about being in a coven with a witch mother. If this is true why did she let you go? Because you are making it all up. This sh** doesn't any damn sense and you know it. I have also sent a email to Youtube to remove your videos with copyright violation. I'm not worried since many have wrote me about you. Kathie, I feel sorry for you maybe you have a mental problem.

Wait! Kathie said in her video admitting that she has a online coven? So, that's first truth you have told. I'm glad your Facebook friends have turned over screenshots of messages and your private posts has been given to the police. We finally have your full name and location.

The whole time one of our members lives in the same city as you only a few blocks away from you. We will have our day in court and you will behind bars. Why couldn't you just get a job? You are not a blood born witch but I am and have been since 1937! This whole situation really boils my blood!You are just a sad stupid little girl go around taking money claiming to be a spiritual work playing with forces you could never understand. Making fun of people who have been doing this work for centuries is insult and disrespectto their ancestors.

Just to let you know we will send Shadow Witch Seductress a message since you stole her Hot Foot Video!
Anyone can look at your video titled '

How to make Hoodoo Hotfoot powder(my way)


See that you followed he instructions word for word!


Now please go ahead make up a lie! Tell us how your Grandmother gave you this and you have been making it since 2012!


High Priestess Kathie


These stalkers are up too it again.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 24, 2017

These people or this "so called" person, continues to lie on me and say that I have been ordained for over 15 years. I clearly stated that I have "experience" or been in the business  and doing readings and hoodoo for over 15 years. Which is true. I clearly state that "I have been ordained since 2012 and got ordained last year a second time when my witch mother and I saw our separate ways". Which is true. These people know who she is cause they are the same ones that has tried to get me to fight with her! She and I have no problems with each other and we are too above to fight and go back and forth like these trouble makkers want. Those that are in my coven still and many I am not close with anymore know all about that story and she still has her online coven. I have contracted with other companies to do readings professionaly and not only that I have read for family and friends since I can remember. Being that my grandmother did the same. These people want me to tell them who I am under so that they can stalk and harass my family and the people who taught me. I have nothing to prove to these trolls that continue to stalk and harass me. As of today this mentally ill person came upon my youtube videos and accused me of stealing videos where you can see for yourself. That is me and my voice making the video! This person and these people are so consumed by hate for me that they are going around to other witches(so that they claim). Spreading lies on me saying I stole their spells. Not one other witch has contacted me cause when they see my video they will see there is no way my tutorial videos or prayers nor anything is exactly like theirs. This person follows my youtube history and likes and assumes that I am stealing from people. Which is a form of mental illness that this person has this sick twisted obsession with me. I would advise you to seek help or maybe find a healthier outlet or maybe even a hobby might help you. For those of you who are potential clients of mine that are reading this. Please know that if you give me a chance and I do a reading for you. You will see I am the real deal. I am able to even get messages from the spirit and tell you things that the person said to you directly! That is how you know I am real. I would have no way of knowing that information. I work by spirit and I work hard for my clients. Even though you have heard all of these lies from these internet trolls, who will not reveal themselves or show photos hopefully that will give you another clue cause the names they give are fradulent. I ask you to test the spirits for yourself. Contact me and together we can help you make sense of it all. If you listen to my youtube videos listen to my voice and decide for yourself. ASE! 

High Priestess Kathie


These are people that are not consumers nor clients. They were former facebook friends.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 24, 2017

It is really a shame that in this time and day, that we have to deal with facebook friends that become angry because of being blocked from you. These people that are trying to defame my character or ex facebook friends and people that were a part of my coven that I did not want to have anything to do with anymore so now they have been stalking and harassing me now for the last 6 months, lying and saying that they are doing it to protect voodoo loa, when there are so many others out on youtube and on the internet that work with the loa without being initiated, even one of the women that is with these gang online stalkers claims that she is not initiated herself. I am not a fake nor fraud. I am an ordained minister that has been ordained since 2012. I am a rootworker and spellcaster. I have studied hard through out the years and have helped many people. If you come to my facebook page or even my fanpage you will find many reviews of people from around the world that have been happy with my work. I have even refunded money to people, not only that but I make videos and keep photos of the work that I do. Just in case something like this pops up. If you read the reports from these people you will see its personal and this rip off report has nothing to do with my work or services. These people are jealous because of my following and because I get results. I actually know who these people are. They are so obsessed with me that I have had to make my personal facebook private. Not only that but they stalk me on youtube and harass me. I have a youtube video addressing the issue in more detail called "this is my first and last time addressing my haters". It is a shame that it has to come to this now I have my lawyer involved and also google. These people are mad because I use my workings to make money and google made me partner. It's a shame really how obsessed they are with me. There was never any war with me, these fake voodoo people have gone out of their way to start wars with me and other mambos and voodoo people that don't have anything to do with me. I continually told these people to leave me alone over and over again. The cyber crimes division states that this is a form of online bullying stalking and harassment. Now I am going to have to invest over 15,000 so that I can find out who these people are so that I can try to get a subpoena for them for court. I have to go through all of this trouble and hopefully get the IP addresses as well. I know that these people probably don't have a lot of money but this will be a lesson learned not to ruin a person's online reputation or defame them just because they don't want to be your friend on facebook or block you. You people want all of this information from me about my family to prove something too you? I would never give you people any information about my family or who ordained me, just for their safety alone from people like you. For the people and potential clients that are reading this. If anything when you read this, ask yourself what is the point of all of this if she didn't give you a service? Well, its because not only they are ex friends from facebook, keep in mind that I have never actually met these people in person which should make one question their mental stablity, they are also in the business, which they should not be people, because of this what they are doing to me right here, never met these people face to face in my life. Lower level competitors that have to resort to this. For my potential clients if you feel led to me and that you feel that you want my services but still are not sure. I ask that you try a reading or consultation with me. I do not charge a lot for that, and if you feel you are not happy with my consultations or the reading then you do not have to hire me for any further services, I am the real deal and I come from a long line of seers, conjure women and witches. I ask that you only come to me and find out for yourself ASE! 



Fake Friend ,Fake Witch

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 11, 2017

At first , I felt sorry for her thinking this report was false and evil. Since Kathie unfriend me on Facebook followed by a block I completely agree. She had around 850 friends not her friend list has dropped due to people finding out the truth! I didn't do anything wrong to be blocked. I only asked her about a who she worships and brought up the protection video since my family practices Palo Mayombe. I forgot that when a man asked her about this on youtube she blocked them! Kathie has anger issues when confronted about her origins but willing to collect other workers information.

I think what is going on after being her friend for over 6 months now is taking from everyone she meets. She does lie and only tells us that she learned all of her videos from her grandmother but want go into detail. Kathie wants to make it a career I guess watching and learning from others then pretending like she has so much experience after learning a spell from a video that she didn't make. If you tune in listen to her voice it appears that she is reading off of something in most of her videos. I sent her pictures of my spells and she asked for instructions. Kathie couldn't even do a proper candle reading of the wax Is sent. If I see any of my spells on youtube under your name I will screenshot our messages! I don't understand I thought you were my friend and you got offended because of what I asked in a private message. I just wanted to know more about it but you f**king blocked me!?

Matter fact the new video you posted (TO SEND SOMEONE TO HELL) is not hers. Listen at the end of the incantation . I have heard the so mote it be ending ! Wicca chant on another's video and read it the same words online on I think she might have stolen this spell from youtube user Chica de Podenco. She only it modify it some. I will be contacting her today. Just for the record whoever wrote this report, I think you should start a group on exposing frauds. I have a friend that is a detective with the police department . I have given him her photos, names, alias, location, etc so we can find out exactly who we are dealing with. Please contact me for updates on the case. In the meantime since she likes to send people to hell. Let's all join in and use her alleged new spell against her. You will need Kathie's photo, loa or evil sign drawn, paper, pen, and real blood as she puts in her video.

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