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  • Report:  #464394


High Profile Realty - Chris Hanson ,Chris Hanson stole my commission, along with twenty+ other realtors Glendale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 24, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 24, 2009
    18185 N. 83rd Ave.
    Glendale, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The above website is a small indicator as to the number of realtors Chris Hanson has cheated out of their commissions.

Chris Hanson has the gift to present himself as one of the finest people on earth, when in fact he is truley an evil person. Chris Hanson is not bias, he will cheat everybody, including his friends (although I believe he has no one left in his life that cares about him).

The Arizona Department of Real Estate, Arizona Association of Realtors and the Phoenix Association of Realtors have been informed as to how Chris Hanson operates and will do nothing about it because they say they have no power over forcing a broker to pay his/her realtors. A broker can legally take a realtors commission for any reason or no reason at all and not violate any ethics of real estate.

Chris Hanson knows it takes thousands of dollars and a great deal of time to file a lawsuit. On the other hand Chris Hanson will use the money he has taken from the realtors he will not pay and use that money to file lawsuits against realtors just to get them to stop persuing him.

Chris Hanson at one time had six very nice offices. When the real estate market turned, rather that curb his extravagent spending, Chris continued with his lavish life style, first by not paying his realtors, then by closing his real estate offices. Now Chris operates out of a small executive suite in Glendale; however he is seldom there for fear of being served with a lawsuit, or fear of being confronted by one of the many realtors he refuses to pay.

Chris has many excuses for not paying earned commissions. Chris will claim the paperwork is missing or incomplete. You can fax and refax documents, yet Chris will claim he did not receive them.

Chris is on his fourth or fifth attorney because he can not pay them for their services either.

Chris will not give up his Lamborghini, $200,000 boat, two Hummers or his Cadillac Seville, but he will give up his integrity, his honor, his offices, and the very people that helped him obtain all his toys.

Chris even borrowed $50,000 from a High Profile branch manager to keep him going, and as a thank you she was asked to work as a manager for free if she wanted her money back.

How do you spell "low life"

Phoenix, Arizona

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