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  • Report:  #1150951

Complaint Review: Higher Calling Aircraft Parts

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts Higher Calling Aircraft Parts Inc.Terry Mendez Owner & CEO DUNS#:006311879 CAGE CODE:70SR2 Hires under a legal contract, you end up working for free and never get paid. If you threaten to file a law suit you are attacked back with lawsuits of slander etc. Oceanside California

  • Reported By:
    higher calling aircraft parts victim — North Hollywood California
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 31, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 20, 2014

Myself and 8 others were called by Terry Mendez owner of Higher calling Aircraft Parts LLC in Oceanside, Ca. He comes across very excited and willing to share his love for God! He claims God brought you to him and that he and his wife are avangelists. He convinces you that his new company is thriving with Government, Military and corperate accounts. He tells you he is setting up his new corperation and offers you the dream opurtunity and job title. He convinces you that your employement with him will be doing Gods work as 20% of the profits will gotoMinistry. His goal is to take profits of the company he claims will be in the Millions and provide jobs for transformed convicts. He is very infectious and has a great Idea and niche, but as you get to know him you learn that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He will call you and drain hours of your time over the phone with big plans and promises.

The calls begain to run into all hours of the night and upto 6 a day and 320 tests a day. You start to realize he has severe ADHD which he addmits to he will call with marriage issues and always at home with his 3 kids in the back ground. He asked me personally to be his VP of Sales ad Marketing and eventually CEO when his wife and him leave the company for full t-ime minestry. He claims he attend Bible colleg in North County SD and has his master degree to become a Pastor.

I personally spent over a month building the foundation of the company, consulting,and document reviews, drafting all legal forms and doing his HR hiring and interviews. To this day I have not been paid a dime. I was working another job and lost weeks of commissions being focused on his company. He actually told me to quit my current job and he would send me $1400. to make up for my loss. He then promised to send me and four other new employees $5,000 each for cross country job relocation fees. Again I found out that his company had not earned a dime and the pending contracts were cancelled.

I have been in contact with his other victums and they are also in the process of filing civil suits.

I got Terry to admit he owed me a minmum of $3,000 for indepent contractor initial set up fee and would wave the balance he owed if he would send a letter and make payment arrangements. I ofcourse sent him a reminder that his payment will be due on June 1st and immediatly got a list of excuses why he could not pay me. he even said he would pay me $1,000 on the first to work the balance off faster. When he responded he could not even pay the minimum $500 we agreed to. I also learned he was making simular arragements with the other employers. He has now thretened harrassment charges on me, slander and thretend to call the police on me for critisizing his religion which I practice. I leanred he has a very dark past of violence, jail and drugsand is only 29 years old acting like he has been a CEO for years.

I would never recomend him or his company to anyone, he is not a stable person and uses religion to oversee his lies and con tactics. I can and will answer anyone who has questions and send them all my documentation as proof.


Victim # 4


10 Updates & Rebuttals

higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

Won My Case, Terry made 2 court ordered payments then Harrassed me till I had to get a judgement

#11Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2014

Hello readers, I just wanted people who read this to know what has transpired since the last reports. Terry Mendez and I went to court and I decided to try and mediate and give him a chance to resolve this issue of payment. He met with the lady/Mediator separately as did I She asked us to sit in the hall and swap evidence and review it.

After hearing both sides privately, She told Mr. Mendez he would not win if we took it in front of the judge. Terry whom I to that day had never met in person, comes over to me and begins bulling and attacking me trying to intimidate me to dismiss the case. He was horribly unprofessional and embarrassing. When I showed him the evidence I brought to show the judge and refused to back down, he walked back in and told the mediator he wanted to settle. He agreed to pay me in full and walk away. He signed the paper work and we went in front of the judge. He agreed to a payment plan and even had to run to an ATM that afternoon while we mediated for hours and had to present a first payment in front of the judge.

He then swore under oath that he signed the agreement with full understanding of the consequences of non-payment and would make the payments on time or he would default and a Judgment would be filed against him. He raised his right hand and swore he would also stop harrassing me and only have contact via email regarding payments. He gave me cash that day in front of the entire court room and judge and on the second payment he paid on time via money order. The 3rd and final payment was due in less than two weeks when I received a call out of the blue. Terry called me blocked and began screaming at me saying I was a Con a liar etc, he went on about some BS about how he dug up my past etc. He began to make up so much stuff. I told him I was recording the call and he hung up. He then began to email non-stop and I had to call the police to file a report to make him back off.

He describe my car license plate number, color, make and model, told me all his family were cops and did a background on me etc. Well my car was registered in another family members name, name so i knew that was a lie and he was stalking me. He then began contacting family, friends etc trying to dig up trash on me to avoid payment. The Police had to call him and tell him I have rights to get a restraining order and to leave me alone. I never called him, never bothered him only sent reminder payment emails. The police said he is a punk and mad because he has to pay you so he is going to try and make my life hell. Now the time has passed and I sent him a response stating that all his threats were irrelevant to the court order and he signed it and the money is owed bottom line. I never received any payment only an email saying Fine I'll pay you, but never did. I even emailed him to discuss the payment professionally and he was to irate, immature and just off his rocker so I handled it legally.

I now have the judgment and he is even angrier. So I found out he made contact with my landlord and is making up lies to get me thrown out. What a piece of work.

This is all so stupid and could of all been avoided. It’s simple I provided a service, you admitted it in writing, you agreed to pay me, signed a court order and now pay and walk away peacefully. He also had to pay the other Victim tammy in Labor Board court. Made a scene, pitched a fit in court, and then ended up walking back into court with $2,000 first payment to her.

Higher Calling


Miss. Brenda Russell-Baca

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 28, 2014

To Whom this may concern,

Mr. Terry Mendez is a Honroable Man, and for this women to display such a childish act is absurd. I hope she finds peace, so she can move on. It does not look like Mr. Mendez did anything wrong. It looks like Miss. Brenda Russell-Baca, is upset. From calling future employees and stating that Mr. Mendez is "a young successfull individual who is bright, smart, and with great ideas" then asking a potential employee, and soon to be Terry's VP of operations to show you sales and numbers. Makes Brenda look like a women with no understanding and knowledge of the aviation industry, and kind of pushy. However, finding out one week later she post a ripoff report comment about Terry is very strange and loose ended. That is what i call a loose canon for sure.


higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

Update more of Terry Mendez's Odd Behavior

#11Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014

I just want to ad that yes with my over 15 years of being a business owner and Sales/marketing and Branding expert. I work as an Independent Contractor which was my initial agreement with Mr. mendez. Hence the reason I get paid a consulting fee between $3,000-$5,000. This is what we agreed to until I formally relocated back to California from caring for my sick mother. I have since been offered 3 other positions nationwide and accepted one that has been around for over 15 years and presented myself with a great compensation package above and beyond what Higer Calling offered me as well as Tammy. We both are working for two professional companies with full benifits. A full employment background check 4 interviews to include the owner, DMV and drug testing, reference checks and guess what I passed as a normal business professional.

As they say where one door closes another opens let's just say lesson learned by all. I just want this man to be honorable and held accountable and as he claims he is an honorable ex military, man of God etc, and do the right thing with or with-out Gods assistance. No single mom should be put through this kind of tourment, and i did not even post the nasty texts Mr. Mendez sent me and the other employee suing him. It was not God like that is for sure. 

Tammy the other victim had so much stress and aniety she was put on meds. I am here to fight for womans rights by men who bully, lie and take advantage. It is not OK...So you all can take this information any way you want. But as long as I am a live with my freedom of speach I will stop this kind of treatment and behavior.

As of this Wednesday night while trying to mediate the situation through church, i was blasted again by Terry with text threts and very pour emotional skills. It was actually sad to read. So I have been forced to keep my promise to pursue legal action and will be followed by the other victims as well.



higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

text message rants by Terry Mendez to myself

#11Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014


I have been shown how to forward texts to my email and these are text messages from Terry Mendez to myself between 4/20/2014 to 6/25/14 They may not be in exact order as I had to forward them one by one to my email from my cell. (There are 2 of mine asking him to back off or I will have to call the police or get a R/O and another telling him to only contact me when he has payment. You can see the rants…I have over 100 texts blasting and shaming me for wanting to be paid what is legally owed to me and because myself and other reported him to I just drove 3,000 miles back to California as I lost my job there with a promise of employment by Higher Calling, and with the hours of time spent on the phone with Terry doing Marketing and all his HR hiring etc. He was the one who called me and told me he needed me and he would send me $1,400 next week to cover the commissions I lost at that week at my job. I had already lost a full week’s commission due to the time I spent with Terry’s high demands and calls to 11pm. I have tried to work out payment plans ,asked for $ a few hundred to show good faith per my attorneys request, I even went to his church he invited me to once I moved back, and his Bible College he convinced me to join, to seek out spiritual help. The rage and threats were so out of control, when he found out I went to speak to the pastor and his wife. I now realize I am dealing with a very irrational emotionally unbalanced 29year old man.  I am now forced to proceed with legal action.

1:06 PM (6 minutes ago)

Moving forward, and as we grow. I would like for us to implement these tactics in our hiring procedure for our sales team: 1. We need to hire right: • that involves; A formalized interview process that involves a interviewer questionnaire and dual interviews with at least two separate managers. This provides consistent questioning, and it tests candidates competency against job description, and ensures that an objective decision is made. "I hired you, because of your expertise and how successful you are in what you do." 2. We need to induct and train: • that involves and orientation conducted by me, and training conducted by you. We will all get together and brain storm on how we will approach this process. 3. We need activity over results: • which involves producing a solid pipeline, and prospecting. This will be ushered by a great system which will have to involve a analysis that shows us the sales reps stats. How much company's they called to ask for new requirements, how many new requirements they receive, how many new contacts they receive, how many deals did they close, etc.... A great sales and marketing leader, along with a great accounts manager, along with a great sales manager will be able to come together as a team and help me establish a great system to solidify our greatness. 4. A show me don't tell me attitude will have to be imparted into our team: •which will involve a high spirited, but competitive inviornment. This will enable our team to build togetherness/ unity. This all starts with our leader walking the walk, and not just talking the talk. 5. Align with business targets: • which will be meeting the goals we set. It's simple!!! 6. Know what we are selling, know our nitch in our market and strive to master our approach. • which involves showing the clients you know what your doing, and are saying.

1:06 PM (15 minutes ago)

Please let me know if this is a successful approach. If it isn't let me know what is more fluent and more effective.

1:08 PM (6 minutes ago)

Did you call Kim and Alfred?

11:57 AM (15 minutes ago)

I truly agree with you and your Mom. That is why I will be handling things on my own; however, I never once tried to persuade you into doing anything you did not want to do. I hope you know that. Everything was voluntary and we did discuss your contract, and you coming out here on June 1st. I respect your decision and will stop calling you so you can concentrate on your obligations with your duties you have now regarding the job your working. Please forgive me for all of the distractions caused on my behalf, I take full responsibility and hope you call me when you are ready to start.

11:59 AM (14 minutes ago)

That is if you still want to work for Higher Calling; and as for an act of faith on my behalf! It's actually happening, because faith is now and my actions are faith driven. "If it's not of faith, then it's sin!!!" I'm not in sin, because Jesus is in the driver swag of this vehicle.

12:01 PM (12 minutes ago)

I want you to work for me!!! Your a great asset, and I would love to have you on board. I want to learn things from you, and I see that there is a lot of things you can teach me. So please decide if you want to stay or leave. But please know that if you decide to stay there is no turning back. Your either in it, or not a part of it. Money is coming in, and as it comes in I will pay you; because as of right now, you nor anyone else is help me with bringing in any sales. If you could maybe help me produce some sales instead of saying I need to be paid, would really consolidate our discussion of pay. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible. I'm sure you know for the long run, you won't find another opertunity like this one. There is tremendous opertunity for growth for you here, and your already at an executive position starting off. "CEO of a Fortune 500 company". And if do decide to go with an investor, that is my decision, however, your opinion is welcome and is greatly appreciated; but I do have the last say, Right?

12:04 PM (9 minutes ago)

Are you going stay and work for me, and see this through or not?

12:06 PM (9 minutes ago)

Please send me a copy of the job proposal you typed out for Kim and Alfred.

12:06 PM (10 minutes ago)

I tried calling you, please call back when you are available.

12:07 PM (10 minutes ago)

I will have the money when I have it. As of now, nothing came in yet! And go ahead and get my statements pulled, you'll be wasting your time.

12:07 PM (10 minutes ago)

I will mail you a check of $500.00 every month until I pay you in full. That is the terms I agreed upon.

12:08 PM (10 minutes ago)

A cease and desist letter is being mailed to you, and emailed to you. And it will be notarized and delivered by a perfered carrier.

12:09 PM (10 minutes ago)

You are a liar, please leave me alone. I am not a stocker, nor did I sexually harass you, nor did I say boo-yeah b***h to you. Haven't you defamed me enough already? Never call or text me again.

1:11 PM (8 minutes ago)

Everything that you said was a lie, and all you do is talk about yourself. You not pretty either, stop flunting your self because it's a insecurity issue that you have. Also your disparate for money!!

12:10 PM (9 minutes ago) FROM ME TO TERRY

Terry you have been asked more than han 3xs to stop contacting me. This is grounds for a RO and harassment. I only will accept payment as described before cashiers ck m/o only Other than that do not contact me.

12:10 PM (10 minutes ago)

I'm not paying you anything. Bye

12:11 PM (11 minutes ago)

Your not judge Judy, and yes I am a criminal justice major as well.

12:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

If you had a lawyer you would of already filed , your a bluff. Find money else where, there is non here for you. Your liar, a bully, and very insecure.

1:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false but misleading. And you have some lies on your post, and some missed used verbiage as well. Saying stuff about someone's personal life and past with out knowing anything about it is defamation. A person who defames another may be called a "defamer", "famacide", "libeler" or "slanderer".

12:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

Your a liar, and placed your self into a pretty bad situation.

12:13 PM (28 minutes ago)

So delete my number, or that is harassment and also the reason for me not paying you is defamation.

12:13 PM (28 minutes ago)

And I'm not paying you a dime. Because you bullied me into paying you, you never signed a contract. I don't have to pay you.

1:10 PM (5 minutes ago) FROM ME TO TERRY

Calling police now.. you were told to leave me alone I have your home address to send them too.

12:57 PM (2 minutes ago)

As for you Tammy, I'm still paying you; money has not come in yet.

12:57 PM (2 minutes ago)

Your A liar, don't need your prayers. I'm praying for you to get delivered, you're nuts.

12:56 PM (2 minutes ago)

I'm not afraid of your threats anymore, so do whatever it is you think you need to do.

1:10 PM (3 minutes ago)

I don't have the money, It is still pending; and I will mail you the money through fed ex or UPS when it comes in.

12:56 PM (3 minutes ago)

1 Corithians Chapter 6; your a believer right, believers don take each other to court.

12:56 PM (4 minutes ago)

And over $3000, really?

12:59 PM (12 minutes ago)

I hope you can really afford to go to court. Because off a so called 3,000, you go off and do all all of this is yelling disperosity!!!! Your broke and can afford a lawyer, and need to bully money out of me.















higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

Actual Email from Terry Mendez to me about $$$ he owes me

#11Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014


Terry Mendez <>

May 20
to me
Hello Brenda,
You have helped me with your consulting expertise, and also have guided and advised me on business development. So for your services, (Terry Mendez "DBA") Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc. here by agrees to pay Brenda Russell-Baca $3,000.00. I understand that by not paying you, not avoiding any kind of payment will be grounds for law suit. 
Payment Method is here below:
I here by agree to pay you a minimum of $500.00 a month beginning june 1, 2014 which will be when the first payment is due. I will pay you until the debt is paid in full. If there is an opportunity to pay you off in full, I will do so.


Best Regards,

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts Inc.

Terry Mendez

Owner & CEO

3060 Industry Street, Suite 101

Oceanside, CA 92054

Office: 1-760-547-1898

Fax: 1-760-547-1899

Cell: 1-760-687-6890



DUNS#:006311879    CAGE CODE:70SR2



Terry Mendez <>

May 20
to me

higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

Higher Calling Aircraft parts Terry Mendez text mes rants

#11Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014

UPDATE!!! Higher Calling Aircraft Parts owner Terry Mendez rants via text message to myself...

I have been shown how to forward texts to my email and these are text messages from Terry Mendez to myself between 4/20/2014 to 6/25/14 They may not be in exact order as I had to forward them one by one to my email from my cell. (There are 2 of mine asking him to back off or I will have to call the police or get a R/O and another telling him to only contact me when he has payment. You can see the rants…I have over 100 texts blasting and shaming me for wanting to be paid what is legally owed to me and because myself and other reported him to I just drove 3,000 miles back to California as I lost my job there with a promise of employment by Higher Calling, and with the hours of time spent on the phone with Terry doing Marketing and all his HR hiring etc. He was the one who called me and told me he needed me and he would send me $1,400 next week to cover the commissions I lost at that week at my job. I had already lost a full week’s commission due to the time I spent with Terry’s high demands and calls to 11pm. I have tried to work out payment plans ,asked for $ a few hundred to show good faith per my attorneys request, I even went to his church he invited me to once I moved back, and his Bible College he convinced me to join, to seek out spiritual help. The rage and threats were so out of control, when he found out I went to speak to the pastor and his wife. I now realize I am dealing with a very irrational emotionally unbalanced 29year old man.  I am now forced to proceed with legal action.

1:06 PM (6 minutes ago)

Moving forward, and as we grow. I would like for us to implement these tactics in our hiring procedure for our sales team: 1. We need to hire right: • that involves; A formalized interview process that involves a interviewer questionnaire and dual interviews with at least two separate managers. This provides consistent questioning, and it tests candidates competency against job description, and ensures that an objective decision is made. "I hired you, because of your expertise and how successful you are in what you do." 2. We need to induct and train: • that involves and orientation conducted by me, and training conducted by you. We will all get together and brain storm on how we will approach this process. 3. We need activity over results: • which involves producing a solid pipeline, and prospecting. This will be ushered by a great system which will have to involve a analysis that shows us the sales reps stats. How much company's they called to ask for new requirements, how many new requirements they receive, how many new contacts they receive, how many deals did they close, etc.... A great sales and marketing leader, along with a great accounts manager, along with a great sales manager will be able to come together as a team and help me establish a great system to solidify our greatness. 4. A show me don't tell me attitude will have to be imparted into our team: •which will involve a high spirited, but competitive inviornment. This will enable our team to build togetherness/ unity. This all starts with our leader walking the walk, and not just talking the talk. 5. Align with business targets: • which will be meeting the goals we set. It's simple!!! 6. Know what we are selling, know our nitch in our market and strive to master our approach. • which involves showing the clients you know what your doing, and are saying.

1:06 PM (15 minutes ago)

Please let me know if this is a successful approach. If it isn't let me know what is more fluent and more effective.

1:08 PM (6 minutes ago)

Did you call Kim and Alfred?

11:57 AM (15 minutes ago)

I truly agree with you and your Mom. That is why I will be handling things on my own; however, I never once tried to persuade you into doing anything you did not want to do. I hope you know that. Everything was voluntary and we did discuss your contract, and you coming out here on June 1st. I respect your decision and will stop calling you so you can concentrate on your obligations with your duties you have now regarding the job your working. Please forgive me for all of the distractions caused on my behalf, I take full responsibility and hope you call me when you are ready to start.

11:59 AM (14 minutes ago)

That is if you still want to work for Higher Calling; and as for an act of faith on my behalf! It's actually happening, because faith is now and my actions are faith driven. "If it's not of faith, then it's sin!!!" I'm not in sin, because Jesus is in the driver swag of this vehicle.

12:01 PM (12 minutes ago)

I want you to work for me!!! Your a great asset, and I would love to have you on board. I want to learn things from you, and I see that there is a lot of things you can teach me. So please decide if you want to stay or leave. But please know that if you decide to stay there is no turning back. Your either in it, or not a part of it. Money is coming in, and as it comes in I will pay you; because as of right now, you nor anyone else is help me with bringing in any sales. If you could maybe help me produce some sales instead of saying I need to be paid, would really consolidate our discussion of pay. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible. I'm sure you know for the long run, you won't find another opertunity like this one. There is tremendous opertunity for growth for you here, and your already at an executive position starting off. "CEO of a Fortune 500 company". And if do decide to go with an investor, that is my decision, however, your opinion is welcome and is greatly appreciated; but I do have the last say, Right?

12:04 PM (9 minutes ago)

Are you going stay and work for me, and see this through or not?

12:06 PM (9 minutes ago)

Please send me a copy of the job proposal you typed out for Kim and Alfred.

12:06 PM (10 minutes ago)

I tried calling you, please call back when you are available.

12:07 PM (10 minutes ago)

I will have the money when I have it. As of now, nothing came in yet! And go ahead and get my statements pulled, you'll be wasting your time.

12:07 PM (10 minutes ago)

I will mail you a check of $500.00 every month until I pay you in full. That is the terms I agreed upon.

12:08 PM (10 minutes ago)

A cease and desist letter is being mailed to you, and emailed to you. And it will be notarized and delivered by a perfered carrier.

12:09 PM (10 minutes ago)

You are a liar, please leave me alone. I am not a stocker, nor did I sexually harass you, nor did I say boo-yeah b***h to you. Haven't you defamed me enough already? Never call or text me again.

1:11 PM (8 minutes ago)

Everything that you said was a lie, and all you do is talk about yourself. You not pretty either, stop flunting your self because it's a insecurity issue that you have. Also your disparate for money!!

12:10 PM (9 minutes ago) FROM ME TO TERRY

Terry you have been asked more than han 3xs to stop contacting me. This is grounds for a RO and harassment. I only will accept payment as described before cashiers ck m/o only Other than that do not contact me.

12:10 PM (10 minutes ago)

I'm not paying you anything. Bye

12:11 PM (11 minutes ago)

Your not judge Judy, and yes I am a criminal justice major as well.

12:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

If you had a lawyer you would of already filed , your a bluff. Find money else where, there is non here for you. Your liar, a bully, and very insecure.

1:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false but misleading. And you have some lies on your post, and some missed used verbiage as well. Saying stuff about someone's personal life and past with out knowing anything about it is defamation. A person who defames another may be called a "defamer", "famacide", "libeler" or "slanderer".

12:12 PM (11 minutes ago)

Your a liar, and placed your self into a pretty bad situation.

12:13 PM (28 minutes ago)

So delete my number, or that is harassment and also the reason for me not paying you is defamation.

12:13 PM (28 minutes ago)

And I'm not paying you a dime. Because you bullied me into paying you, you never signed a contract. I don't have to pay you.

1:10 PM (5 minutes ago) FROM ME TO TERRY

Calling police now.. you were told to leave me alone I have your home address to send them too.

12:57 PM (2 minutes ago)

As for you Tammy, I'm still paying you; money has not come in yet.

12:57 PM (2 minutes ago)

Your A liar, don't need your prayers. I'm praying for you to get delivered, you're nuts.

12:56 PM (2 minutes ago)

I'm not afraid of your threats anymore, so do whatever it is you think you need to do.

1:10 PM (3 minutes ago)

I don't have the money, It is still pending; and I will mail you the money through fed ex or UPS when it comes in.

12:56 PM (3 minutes ago)

1 Corithians Chapter 6; your a believer right, believers don take each other to court.

12:56 PM (4 minutes ago)

And over $3000, really?

12:59 PM (12 minutes ago)

I hope you can really afford to go to court. Because off a so called 3,000, you go off and do all all of this is yelling disperosity!!!! Your broke and can afford a lawyer, and need to bully money out of me.















higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

This is the official letter I received from Terry Mendez.

#11Author of original report

Tue, June 03, 2014

Terry Mendez <>

May 20

to me

Hello Brenda,

You have helped me with your consulting expertise, and also have guided and advised me on business development. So for your services, (Terry Mendez "DBA") Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc. here by agrees to pay Brenda  $3,000.00. I understand that by not paying you, not avoiding any kind of payment will be grounds for law suit.

Payment Method is here below:

I here by agree to pay you a minimum of $500.00 a month beginning june 1, 2014 which will be when the first payment is due. I will pay you until the debt is paid in full. If there is an opportunity to pay you off in full, I will do so.

Best Regards,

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts Inc.

Terry Mendez

Owner & CEO

3060 Industry Street, Suite 101

Oceanside, CA 92054

Office: 1-760-547-1898

Fax: 1-760-547-1899

Cell: 1-760-687-6890



DUNS#:006311879    CAGE CODE:70SR2


 "Let us help you where we can" 

higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

You have only responded because the police have been called for harrassmet

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 31, 2014

After multiple requests from two of Mr.Mendezes victims to stop calling, emailing and texting or we will call the police, did he step up and write this rebuttle. He has said money is coming in for 6 months as we have spoken with other victims whom he offered employment and cross country relocation fees of $5,000 each to drop their current employment and move to California to help him. BIG MONEY DEALS COMMING IN THIS WEEK IS HIS FAVORITE SAYING!! This site is hear to warn and protect people from scams and cons. You have heard from everyone you all decide. Why would we be this upset to take our time writting on a website if we were lying. We are not mad at Mr.Mendez we are ashamed and feel sad for him and his victims. We pray he gets the professional help he needs. His texts messages are rants of rage and anger of a child and the sexual content is definetly not God Like. He is only 29 years old and still attends school. You would not know that when you meet him over the phone as he carries himself much more maturely. After you spend weeks with him the red flags start popping up everywhere. 

Two formal police reports have been filed against Mr. Mendez for verbal abuse and attacks in regards to bully two innocent women from fighting for what is rightfully and legally owed to us. He hopes to scare us into hiding and that will not work. He is now thretning to sue us for defamation and Slander if we pursue him for payment. What a God like man. We have forwarded all our text messages and emails to the police and will be included in our Civil suits against him as well.


Good Luck to anyone who falls for this mans big Dreams and Lies. 


Higher Calling


I am Terry Mendez

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 31, 2014

To whom this may concern:


My name is Terry Mendez, and i am the Owner of Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc.; however, this is a defaming speach given by Miss. Brenda Russell-Baca who i only sent a Job Proposal Letter too asking for her expertise, and to offer her a position in helping me get my business establish. I have been working by my self for some time now, and needed sme assistence. I admit that i did put the cart befor the housre by reaching out to her. I  also sent a moving expense agreement that would of been in effect on June 1, 2014. But, after this display of her lack of charecter i have decided not to persue with hiring her, and at this point im not sure anyone would want too!! I wish her the best, and pray that she excells some where in this tough economic turn that we have going on in our country. 

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc. is a start up company that has been in business less than one year; and we are a veteran owned small business. Anything to do with my personal life i believe it is personal; however, im sure Miss. Russell-Baca has displayed some truth about my personal life. 

I am a student at Word Bible College where i will be recieving my Bacholors Degree in Theology and ministry on June 1, 2014. Which is tomorrow, and I have been a believer for about 6 years now. I am not in the ministry as a fulltime minister and never said i was. I am a servant of my Lord and Savior, and take pride in helping the lost.  I have never been in any type of gangs or arrested for any felonies or anything that Miss. Russell-Baca is trying to make you believe. I truly have sympathy for her, she is a very eagered indidvidual trying to make a living. You can certainly understand that she has bills to pay, and a women needs to eat. However, defaming my business and charecter is uncalled for, and i truly believe she needs some peace of mind in her life. 

I would recomend Miss. Russell-Baca to work for any professional business; she would be a tremendous asset. I seen her resume, and she is a very bold individual as you can tell by her post, and has a lot of great experiences as a business professional. However, being a start up company i could not bring her on to work for me at this point. I cant afford her asking annual salary, it is extremly high. She might be worth that much, but that is her personal agenda not mine. 

If you would like to know more about who i am as a person, or who Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc. Please email me at


Sincerely, my appologize;

Terry Mendez


higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,

Original Email to Brenda Russell-Baca after services rendered.

#11Author of original report

Sat, May 31, 2014

Terry Mendez <>

May 20
to me
Hello Brenda,
You have helped me with your consulting expertise, and also have guided and advised me on business development. So for your services, (Terry Mendez "DBA") Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc. here by agrees to pay Brenda Russell-Baca $3,000.00. I understand that by not paying you, not avoiding any kind of payment will be grounds for law suit. 
Payment Method is here below:
I here by agree to pay you a minimum of $500.00 a month beginning june 1, 2014 which will be when the first payment is due. I will pay you until the debt is paid in full. If there is an opportunity to pay you off in full, I will do so.

Best Regards,

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts Inc.

Terry Mendez

Owner & CEO

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