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  • Report:  #172821

Complaint Review: Highway Patrol Louisville Metro Police Dept. Kentucky

Highway Patrol, Louisville Metro Police Dept. Kentucky Metro Police Officer Lied about speeding, Harassed Woman -Tried to manipulate by putting me into interrogation room surrounded by men. Louisville Kentucky

  • Reported By:
    LOUISVILLE Kentucky
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 23, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 23, 2006
  • Highway Patrol, Louisville Metro Police Dept. Kentucky
    Louisville, Kentucky
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was on my way to work across town when I got stopped on the highway. At the time I had a sporty red stratus. My husband had tinted the windows w/ mirror tint as a birthday present (I actually thought it was kinda tacky.) I joked w/ people about how "gangster" my car looked & I think that came back to bite me that day.

The speed limit on this particular highway is 65. In rush-hour traffic, if you do 65 other drivers & tractor-trailer trucks in particular will run you off the road, literally. So I drive this highway at 70-75 mph.
On my way to work at an office across town I got stopped by an officer. I watched him get out & he looked ready to get somebody. I can imagine what kind of person he expected to see roll down my window. Some punk kid or gangster-looking druggy behind the mirror tint & shiny wax job on my car.

To his suprise it was a young, attractive, professionally dressed woman. He then informed me I was driving 85 in a 65. I respectfully disagreed, my explanation being that I always, ALWAYS as a general rule used my cruise control (because it saved gas) & it had been locked on just over 70.

He asked me the classic, "So miss, are you calling me a liar?" My reply was, "Well,....yes." So I officially had a court date. I had never had a ticket before. Most likely due to the trusty cruise control. But I did now. And I was steamed because I knew I was not doing 85 mph.
On the court date my husband drove me down because I was nervous. He waited in the lobby & saw the officer come to the door & shoo me off down the hall. This made him nervous & ANGRY when he found out what the officer had done to me.

I asked him where we were going & he didn't answer. He led me into an office where I looked around me to find 5-8 other men standing & sitting around while he tried to manipulate me & convince me I had been going 85 mph. As a rape victim it scared me to be surrounded by these men in a small room, but moreso ANGERED me & I looked him in the eye & told him I was not playing his game & asked him who all the other jokers standing around. I told him I had taken off work for the day & had all the time in the world. This made him more angry.

After nearly an hour, he had caused me to question myself & whether or not I was right. Eventually he told me I could plead "faulty equipment", meaning my spedometer was incorrect & pay the court costs.

I ended up paying around $200 trying to prove myself innocent! I had to try to PROVE myself INNOCENT of speeding. WHAT THE HELL! And that is exactly what I had no power to do, stuck in a room, surrounded by "cops" or whoever they were, just because some jerk cop picked my car on the highway, hoping it would have a pot-smoking, school-skipping punk kid in it. And when he discovered that he was mistaken, he had to have some excuse for pulling over my car, so he wrote me a bogus ticket.
It just goes to show you can't trust anyone anymore, even the lousy highway patrol are a bunch of dirty, corrupt pigs of men.


17 Updates & Rebuttals



All lies

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, May 23, 2006

I happen to live in Southern Indiana and work in Louisville. I am constantly on the highways into and out of Louisville daily, and have yet to see *ANY* roads patrolled by the Louisville Metro police that have 65 MPH speed limits... they are all 55!



give us his name

#18Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 23, 2006

If we have the officer's name maybe we can do something about it.



I'm confused

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, May 18, 2006

Who were the other men in the room? You have never answered that yet.

Did you report the officer's conduct to his supervisor? Have seen no mention of that.

If you had a court date and you are in the court room waiting your turn, why did you go into an office down the hall? And what happened when you went before the judge?

There are many unanswered questions in this and I feel you are leaving out vital bits of information that don't play into your version of events.



Does your pimped out ride have new wheels

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 18, 2006

You say you were doing 70...and you may have thought that you were. The LMPD officers radar guns are calibrated frequently, and if you were pulled over by a traffic unit, they do that for a living and don't need to lie about you doing 85, there are plenty of people out there that break the law at that speed. They don't bother with 70 in a 65 unless you wouldn't get out of their way as they were trying to pass.

That said, you did have your car "modified." If this is true,if you have new rims, tires, or both, and they are not factory installed, your speedometer will be way off from what you are actually doing. The car gets it's speed from the rotations of your tires. Of course, smaller wheels mean faster speeds showing than you are actually doing, and as I suspect in your case, big 22" rims on a stratus which normally has 16" wheels will make you think you were doing a lower speed than you actually were.

Is this the cops fault? No. It is your boyfriend/husband's fault for modifying the car and not having the speedometer adjusted to the new wheel size. If this is the case, you are at fault, and you were doing 85, and you should believe you were accused of lying, albeit for thinking of one thing because of what your car told you on the speedometer, not because you were trying to lie intentionally. Consider yourself fortunate they offered to plea deal it down to faulty equipment. They offer those deals to almost anyone that goes to court, and the "secret room" is actually the officer's room to make deals, so no, they were not there to scare you, they were there to make you a deal.....Geez.



In response to posted speed limits.. among other things

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, April 11, 2006

In reading through some of the responses posted, there is a highway that runs the entire outer circle of Metro Louisville ( FKA as Jefferson County) where the posted speed limit for it's entire length is 65mph. This would be I-265. There are also parts of I-64,I-71& I-65 just outside of the "old city limits" , but still within Louisville Metro ( aka Jefferson County) that are also 65 mph. In her defense, they will literally try to run you off the road if you are going less than 70mph+ in rush hour, particularly on I-265. ( Which is why you can find a state trooper posted on the west end side of the hwy. in the morning and closer to I-65 in the afternoon.) I have also been seeing an unmarked Camaro in the same areas, recently.

As a former dispatcher for 7 years (with a local towing provider ) I can verify that these are the speeds posted. I have had a number of drivers make court appearences over speeding, and depending on the officer, and the situation, they can and sometimes do go to the first court appearance. ( Particularly if you have managed to offend the officer in any way)

Also, having attended several court appearances with my lead-footed husband, I can also say with certainty, that it is very rare for the courtroom deputy sherrifs to allow anyone other than the defendant and their attorney into the courtrooms because of lack of seating due to the high volume of cases in traffic court.

The "small room" she is referring to is used for DA's to conference cases before going into court. She should have been allowed to have her husband present at that meeting.

In addition, a speeding ticket for less than 10mph over the posted speed limit in our jurisdiction, holds little water. For some reason, judges ( at least locally ) dismiss those cases UNLESS, they have been caught with more than one violation.

With a posted speed limit of 65, a ticket for 20 over is a substantially bigger fine, and will greatly increase your insurance rates. ( And, If I am not mistaken, she is driving a 2-door vehicle, which puts it into a sports coupe classification for insurance reasons, and her rates are higher becuase of that to begin with. Did I fail to mention that as a tow-provider, I worked closely with several insurance agencies and know precisely how they rate drivers and vehicles for insurance purposes?)

As for quotas, with an ex-LPD-pig turned federal marshall ex-father-in-law, I can tell you that he has told me they do NOT have quotas, so to speak, but they do have certain guidelines to meet. Just depending on how you look at the fine print, I guess.

For future reference to speeders in Louisville Metro, for a first offense, take traffic school. You will not lose points off of your license, and your insurance rates do not go up. It is a long class, but cheaper than increased insurance rates.

As for me, I am 37, and have never had a ticket for anything. Do I go over the posted speed limit from time-to-time? Sure, but I also know where to watch for potential "speed traps" and I NEVER do more than 9 over. Well, almost never....And I drive a black SUV with tinted windows and dare to take into areas well-known for drug trafficking..If I get pulled over for "suspicious activity" , I know they are profiling my vehicle.. they do that, they have to, for our protection... It may not be right, but it is what we have to expect in today's world...



I smell bacon... oink oink!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, April 02, 2006

Now who are you trying to fool with your cops don't have quotas? crap. Just because your super trooper husband, son, or whatever doesn't have quotas at his department doesn't mean that that's the standard across the board. My uncle is a pig er cop too and he says they have quotas. My realtor was a pig er cop for 10 years in Pittsburgh then in Arizona and he said they had quotas. Or maybe they both lied about it cuz they have nothing better to do. They may not call it a quota per se and put another name on it like goal? or objective? or some other bullshit reference to it but we all know what they really mean by it. But nice try sweetheart.

And surprise surprise all you bacon lovers but I have never been arrested or in jail for anything either. I may have gotten a speeding ticket once or twice (not in the past 10 years though) and that's the only time I've had to personally deal with swine. But my discontent for swine has nothing to do with that either. It's not so much that I hate pigs. It's more that I hate individuals that acquire a certain amount of power and abuse that power simply for kicks or because they got their a*s kicked everyday in high school. You pig lovers are so quick to defend your pig counterparts and so eager to call Angela ignorant, a liar, drama queen, mental head-case, etc etc. but none of you were there. And I'm supposed to believe your assumptions or speculations as to what may or may not have happened? But according to trailer trash officer Steve, who is definitely a pig by the way, can assure you the events as described, simply did not happen.? There are dishonest and crooked pigs in this world too you know. Wouldn't you all agree with that? I hate to say it but I bet all of you defended the bacon brothers that beat the s**t out of Rodney King. If so, then I was right. You're either a Pig or affiliated with a Pig. Oink Oink Bitches!

p.s. this one's for you Tawni (and anyone else who say quotas don't exist)?..

Oh, and Officer Steve, the name of my ?trailer park? is called Seven Hills and my trailer? is worth $ 1.35 million. You can thank my pig-turned-realtor for that one.



For Christ's Sake

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 02, 2006

Sun, get a grip. No I am not a cop, I am not a wife of a cop, I do not personally know any cops, and I have no affiliation with any cops. I sincerely hope that you are never in need of police assistance. God forbid you are ever mugged, robbed, raped, beaten, or anything else that would require a "pig" to investigate and arrest the offending person.

I imagine you have been arrested, and therefore hate all police. I, for one, am a law obeying citizen and oh gee, I don't hate police. Coincidence? I think not.

Now on to the OP, I have never been in that situation (going to court over a speeding ticket) but even *I* know that the police wouldnt be asking you questions. Where was the judge, did you not question it? I think you are making mountains out of molehills. Did you ask if your husband could come? I bet they would have let him. Grow up and get help, lots of women are raped every year and can handle a few men in a room with them.



Cops Don't Have Quotas

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2006

I have to tell you, cops, deputies and troopers don't have quotas, they can write as many tickets as they want! In almost every state in this country, the violation fines go to the courts and the highway department or the jurisdiction the violation occured in. There is no bonus for writing a certain number of tickets, the post or precinct doesn't get the money. I am the proud mother of an Ohio State Highway Patrolman. Troopers, above all others are the final word in law enforcement, the training they receive is rigorous and exact. The officer that pulled you over may have done so for any reason, he could have let you go, without a ticket, for any reason as well. I get the impression that you are so full of yourself, you just couldn't imagine that YOU would get pulled over. If the officer had let you go with no violation, you would be posting about how they made you late for work! The person who suggested you not call 911 was right, don't waste their time. We need to respect law enforcement for the risk they accept as part of their job and their sense of duty to YOU!



Suggestion for "Sun" in Hender-tucky, NV.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 01, 2006


I suggest you get a grip on life. Whatever hatred you have for police is a separate issue here. However, I think it was the sole reason for your post.

For the record, I am in no way affiliated with any division of law enforcement now, or ever.

The only reason the OP was treated the way she was [if she was] was her ignorance.

She appears to be a drama queen, or she is suffering from some sort of PTSD that is making her paranoid.

Police do not show up for a ticket appearance unless it GOES to TRIAL, which will NEVER be your first appearance.

I have been a commercial driver for the majority of the past 25 years, and have had my share of dealing with tickets all over this country.

Therefore, I can assure you the events as described, simply did not happen.

So take your hatred and insults somewhere else, please. They have no place here.

ps..I lived in Las Vegas for 7 years. Which trailer park do you live in?



There's a Reason Why We Call Cops PIGS....

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, March 31, 2006

Nicole - probably wife of Pig or Pig herself
Cory - probably Pig or affiliate of Pig
John - probaby Pig or affiliate of Pig
Steve - definitely Pig
Angela - victim of Pig

I'm sure Angela has no reason to lie about her unfortunate run in with loser-turned-pig yet the Pigs or affiliates of Pigs who responded to this post are so eager to call her a liar and discount the events of that day. No one knows what really happened except Angela and her counterpart Pig. You have to give her the benefit of the doubt since none of y'all were actually there to witness what happened. It's amazing how everyone didn't even try to understand the point she was trying to make yet nitpicked at the technical issues even though she never denied speeding in the first place. The issue wasn't whether or not she was speeding. The issue also isn't about justifying going over the speed limit. The issue is about how some Pigs try to abuse their power, take advantage of unsuspecting citizens, and bend the truth to save face or, probably in this case, meet a quota. Of course there are honest Pigs that are out there trying to protect and serve. Good for them. But there are also good-for-nothing Pigs as well. From the responses posted, it just proves that y'all Pigs pick and choose what you want and say things like "well techinically....." and don't look at the big picture of why the post was written in the first place. And you wonder why nobody respects Pigs.



Right on, smart guys.

#18Author of original report

Thu, February 09, 2006

You know, your average person who has never had a speeding ticket or been to court for anything isn't going to know what to expect. I'm sure it was quite obvious that I wasn't going to know whether or not it was legal what the officer was doing, which is probably why I was treated that way. And regardless of if it is what is normally done, what happened in my case happened, just as I said it did. You are obviously more familiar with being in court and being around the police for one of two reasons: Either you are a police officer or related to one which is why you are so eager to backfire at what I posted to protect your fellow piglets, or you, yourself have had problems with the law.
I don't have run-ins with the law on a regular basis and I live in a different county so no I don't know the difference between the districts of police as you mentioned. Point for you! Good goin, guy. Go get her!
One of the biggest problems in our schools right now is reading comprehension. Perhaps you could take another look at my post because to sum it up I didn't say I wasn't speeding. In fact, I clearly admitted that I was. The actual issue was what the officer did to me at court.
So whether or not you think what I've said is accurate or true is not my problem. In fact, you've actually agreed that what happened in my case was not in line with what you "smart guys" are familiar with as far as court proceedings and police work are concerned. Saying there should have been 2 dates, they shouldn't have split me up from my husband, etc. So you guys have confirmed what I said to begin with. The way I was treated was not right.
So have your party on this forum and make yourselves look really smart.
Thanks for the imput.



John, right on the money!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 30, 2006

I was thinking the same thing.

You actually show up twice for a ticket if you are contesting it. The first is a plea/pre-trial date and they will attempt to get you to plead guilty or take a reduced ticket, etc.

At this time the cop does not even have to be present. The cop only needs to be present if it actually goes to trial.

And, she didn't even know who she was complaining about! Was it Highway patrol or Louisville Metro? They are two separate organizations.

As far as bringing up the rape thing, she obviously needs counseling on this one, and where was her husband? They had no legal right to separate them at this point as she was not under arrest and it was not an interrogation.

So where was he?

Too many things just don't make sense here.

And, the Tractor Trailers on the road, statistically, mile for mile driven are the safest drivers on the road.

AND, speeding is speeding. What is the d**n difference between 70-72 or 85 except for the amount of the fine? You were still, admitting to the speeding violation.

Where is the Rip Off here?



Gi ve me a break

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, January 29, 2006

I am very informed on the law system in Louisville and many of your statements are not true at all. There is no reason for a policeman to have any contact with you on court day. Matter fact, a policeman writes so many tickets and has contact with so many people that he wouldn't even remember who you were until the case went to the judge. If you really had a problem with the policeman you should have filed a complaint and had him investigated. Now for the speed limit. Most major highways in the Louisville Metro area are 55 miles per hour. Even the expressways go down to 55 at the county lines. So you better watch where you are driving and the speed of that given highway.


San Antonio,

Gag Me

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2006

"....a young, "attractive", professionally dressed woman". "sporty red stratus", "windows w/ mirror tint" "how gangster my car looked" "the morror tint and the shiny wax job" You're driving around in a "pimped" out "ride", admittingly going over the speed and you wonder WHY he pulled you over. The "faulty equipment" was a suggestion to get you out of the speeding ticket. He was trying to do you a favor and you didn't even know it. Blame the speedo, not the driver. Done it myself a few times. As for your previous troubles, I'm sorry to hear about them. But the next time you have a problem. Try not calling 911. Because there's a good chance some "dirty, corrupt, pig is probably going to show up to save your life.



In response to Nicole

#18Author of original report

Mon, January 23, 2006

Your response seemed a little fueled.
Please let me clarify the situation & my point:

As for being guilty of speeding, I never denied that I was driving over 65 mph. Yes, I was speeding @ "just over 70." However, the issue pushed by the officer was that I was driving @ 85 mph, which I was not doing & would never be stupid enough to do. Therefore, I was not going to plead guilty to that. It's not being picky & petty, it's being honest & not letting some cop get away with using me to fill his quota.

Furthermore, I am not so ignorant that I do not know what a courtroom is. The officer actually pulled me out of the courtroom & took me down the hall to an office where I was surrounded by men in jeans & plain clothes taunting me & telling me I was a liar, playing on the fact that I was a young woman who had never had a ticket in her life, assuming that I would be intimidated & "get my story straight."

While I respect your response, I found your comments regarding my being a rape victim very insensitive & frankly ignorant.
After experiencing a traumatic event such as rape, YES a woman might panic or feel threatened in a situation where she is put into a room full of men. It is not that I actually believed those men were going to attack me, but a situation like that can trigger flash-backs & a great deal of emotional stress that I was not prepared to handle & still am not to this day.

Regardless, I believe that the manner in which this officer treated me was inappropriate.
THAT was the point I had intended to make.
I certainly didn't think that I would need to defend myself/educate the public on what it's like living after being raped.
Study up before you go on a rampage next time. Was that officer your husband, or were you just trying to find someone to walk all over after a long day of work?




#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2006

when you admit that it was 65mph and you were driving "just over 70" you were speeding. You may not have been going 85, but you were STILL speeding. Breaking the law is breaking the law and you were guilty.

Now, as for the "interrogation." I am very sorry you were raped at one point, does that now mean that any time you are in a room with several men you assume they will do the same thing? They were proably lawyers and officers getting your statement. Why didn't you get up to leave if you were uncomfortable.

And usually when you are guilty you have to pay court costs. And that fact that you did pay court costs says you went to court. Which is probably what that "small room with several men" was. a few lawyers, cops and a judge, maybe?

Get real, you can't justify breaking a speeding law. If it was safe to drive 75, the speed limit would be 75. But then again if it was 75, you'd probably justify doing 80.

Honest Sam

Bay Area,

But.... you did admit

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2006

I would definitely report that officer if that's what truly happened to you, in fact I would have mentioned it to the judge as well.

BUT, you did admit you were speeding, whether you were going 70 or 85 MPH.

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