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  • Report:  #386558

Complaint Review: Homefundsdirect Luke Giesmann Branch Mgr. Luke Singen Loan Officer

Homefundsdirect, Luke Giesmann, Branch Mgr., Luke Singen, Loan Officer, And The Regional Director Home Funds Direct--abusive lender Sunset Hills Missouri

  • Reported By:
    St. Louis Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 31, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 24, 2016
  • Homefundsdirect, Luke Giesmann, Branch Mgr., Luke Singen, Loan Officer
    10805 Sunset Office Drive, St. Louis Missouri 63127
    Sunset Hills, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Everything the man from Joplin, every abuse of trust by the Sunset Hills of Missouri (St. Louis metro) branch of Homefundsdirect is most likely to be true. I know firsthand, and I also hope there will be a class-action suit, because like him I can't afford an attorney.

But to the person who said not to judge the entire company by the behavior of the few: Isn't that why the company should fire the offenders and repair its reputation by remedying the fallout? I went to the regional manager in Texas, by phone ,and though his clerk said "this is not the way we do business", I was unable to ever get him to return the call; he was always "traveling on business".

I went to Luke Giesmann because I had suffered medical complications after paying out-of-pocket for major surgery, and it had caused me to live off my credit cards for a time until I recovered and went back to work after 5 months.

I now have a resulting medical disability hat very much limits my employment choices, too, so my financial situation was desperate when I went to Homefundsdirect/Luke Geismann.

I told Luke I could not make the payments on my 175k loan at 6.35%, along with my ARM HELOC through Countrywide for 23k, with the rate rising rapdily. My credit cards were in the 800-plus range, and had despite my desperate months of struggling finally gone 30 and (1 of them 60) days late. I was about to lose my house.

Luke told me his own mother is a nurse, and he knows how hard they work, and he would like to help me especially because of that and my new disability.

I knew the rate would be high, because my credit wasn't remotely good, and I was not surprised when the appraser he insisted on valued my house at 295k when the real value in 2006 was closer to 255k, but as the mortgage was for less than that, I did not complain. I know such companies are aggressive and they are in business to make a living on others' desperation. And don't they have a right to make money lending when no one else will?

But I thought Luke would be honest and up-front about the terms, if I was honest and realistic about this aspect of the business. They were making massive origination fees, so I thought that would be enough to keep them in business.

There were junk fees, too--thousands of dollars in what I knew were unwarranted and which we've been warned against, but there again I expected aggressive greed. When he sent out the wrong contract (on purpose, with a higher rate and missing points we'd agreed upon), he still charged me 200.00 for the notary and another 200.00 for the signing of the correct copy! A notary is 10.00 at my bank or Mailboxes, etc.

There were delays that were unavoidable: I had a new part-time job, and it didn't work out. I took another, and the HR office was slow in confirming my income. But the delay was still MONTHS, and when I asked Luke, he became defensive about it--but assured me that, since rates were actually going down in the market, I would benefit. Instead, my rate was 9.4, partly because he unaccountably dragged his feet for about 2 months near the closing, knowing that if I went 30 days late with my existing mortgage, and it would have to happen very soon---and I finally did when I could hold out no longer--he could justify jacking up the rate again to that level.

But the part that devastated me was this: I had gone to him precisely because I was not surviving with my current bills, and I hoped to consolidate them and start fresh, by paying them off. There wasn't enough equity, he said, for me to do that, but he suggested I arrange a settlement with the card companies, and said he would make those arrangements himself. I needed some money for urgent medical/utility bill/household needs, and wanted to be sure I could make the first 2 payments while I got caught up, so I took out about 6k for that.

When I closed the loan, I picked up the checks--listed in the mortgage contract--from the title company and dashed to the post office, sending them Express/registered mail, with a letter confirming the arrangments.

But to my shock and horror, the 3 biggest companies--MBNA, Emerge, and Bank of America, said no such agreement had ever been made; they thanked me for the huge chunks of money toward my principal balances and said they'd expect my regular payments to continue.

Luke ignored me at first, dodging my desperate e-mails and calls, having Luke Singen handle it instead....promising me via e-mail he could not understand what happened either, and he'd "pull my file right away" and straighten it out. Later, he became abusive, saying "count yourself lucky" and that he'd had no obligation to help me in any way because it was ultimately up to me to make any special arrangements with my creditors, and that there was therefore nothing I could do to him.

This was, of course, in spite of the fact he's stated unequivocally he had already made those arrangements, verbally and in the e-mails I still have. And knowing those debts, and settling them, was precisely why I came to him. And that now I had no hope at all, by what I knew, of keeping my house at all. I have only done so by working so many hours (which I am not supposed to do, medically injurious as it is to do).

I have many e-mails documenting this discussion, both before and after the closing. I went to an attorney who told me this amounted to loan fraud because Luke knew I thought the payoffs (settlements and closure of the card accounts) were not only part of the loan but REQUIRED as a condition of it, because anything else would leave me much worse off than before the loan.

And I was. I now had those same credit card bills and a new loan payment of 2300 a month! The loan origination fee and junk fees were the highest allowed by law, I was told, and so now my principal balance on my new loan was 245,000 with a payment of 2350 per month approximately; it varies a few dollars due to escrow needs, which have also gone up.

I have struggled for 2 years and 3 months to save my house, working 60-plus hours a week at times, suffering health damage while I tried, taking out cash loans at massive interest and living worse than paycheck-to-paycheck to survive. I eventually--many months later-- got the card companies to accept the settlements, but not before they all reported me much farther in default first.

I have not been able to save my credit, though the only use of my remaining 3 cards (saved to preserve my credit/rebuild it) in 2 years or more has been Home Depot, as I tried to fix up the house to sell. (This in itself breaks my heart, because it is all I have ever achieved by going to college and working for all these years. I'm 49, and it was my 42nd birthday to myself.)

America's Servicing company will not talk to me because I am only--or will be, as of midnight tonight--30 days late for the 2nd time in 14 months. Yet I am maxed out on cash loans and am paying massive interest and have even been scammed by US Fast Cash, too.

I can't keep it up any longer...even if I did, my employer no longer offers over-time, and so I can't save the house nor refinance it, because it is now already mortgaged for more than it's worth, and there's a 4500.00 early payoff penalty.

I have been told the housing bubble--but also the overly high appraisal--is making it impossible for me to sell now. All I can do is pray there is a program to help me before ASC forecloses, because no one will refinance me now. I tried BEFORE I got to this point, many times....the fiasco with the credit card companies ruined my credit so completely that by the time I got any distance beyond it, I could no longer survive the massive payments, and I had to be late twice on my cards.

So everything that poor man in Joplin said is totally and completely true, no exaggeration, I'm sure. I, too was told to the MO attorney general, and I did have the forms sent to me. But being so exhausted from overtime and so depressed, I never had the energy or the will.

But maybe I will now, if it's not too late.

And, as for the smart-aleck consumer woman who all but called that man stupid whiner, I can only guess she's about 25 or so, and has no idea how vulnerable she might someday be, and how deceptive lenders and salesmen can be. I hope she finds out for herself, though maybe not in so harsh a way as we did.

Jesse in st. louis
St. Louis, Missouri

2 Updates & Rebuttals

ell, Luke, I see you're behaving like the sociopath you are--again!

#3Author of original report

Sat, September 24, 2016

Hello again, after all these years. (It's now nearly 7 years since my original post.)

You must be the “other Luke”—supposedly named "Luke Singen", who pretended to be Giesman's assistant, but was probably his boss. Or is one and the same Luke.

It’s me again, the allegedly well-off lazy nurse who just didn’t like to pay her debts.

Isn’t that what they said about all the people who lost or nearly lost their homes in the Great Recession? I was just one of many.

But no, I never ran up my credit cards, never bought a house I couldn’t afford. The one and only time I got into such a predicament was when 50k-plus in medical bills happened at the same time I was too sick to work for 6 months....and when my short-term-disability didn’t get processed until I was back at work already!

If I had it to do over again, I would not have tried to save the house. (But read down and see what happened later.)

BTW, I Googled “mortgage fraud” now in 2016, and this old column popped up along with others. Your office is mentioned in more than one site!

I know a lot more about fraud and how it is perpetrated, and what kind of people-without-a-conscience engage in it.  So does the rest of the world, post Bubble Meltdown.

It’s no longer shocking that people like you and Bernie Maidhoff are everywhere, like vampires, looking like ordinary people but lacking anything like a conscience. That is SO different than being adventurous, daring, and just a “real go-getter” as you probably like other to think you are.

I can only hope you ended up in prison, or at least got fired when companies who hired people like you knowingly also fired you to make themselves look better once it all came to light.

If not, your day is coming. You, too, will be vulnerable some day. Ask Bernie how many friends you have at such a moment. Even as a caring nurse I would enjoy that scene

I don't need to repeat what I wrote originally. Every word--and more!--is true.  Every detail you adds in your rebuttal is an outright lie.

People who are working 60 hours a week and going from cash lender to cash lender to save their houses and pay their debts for as long as they can, don't order up a convenience notary at 200.00 a pop.

People who need their payments to go WAY DOWN don't sign agreements to RAISE that house payment to half again what it was before, while maintaining the entirely unaffordable credit card bills they also had, and had taken out the mortgage to consolidate or pay off.

A six-year old has better math skills than that. It would have taken major deception to get anyone with half a brain to sign a document saying the terms you say I cheerfully accepted, never intending to pay.

Because, even a greedy stupid person would be expecting something out of it, right?   And so:  You said I thought that refinance was going to be helpful to me, and gladly accepted the terms

Really? Really? Helpful---how?

I wasn’t buying anything, or getting cash out that would last for more than a month of medical and other bills.  My mortgage payment, the % rate, and the principal would all be much higher, not lower.

The credit cards would still be there, and now some would be expecting the lump sum payments I had told them you were sending.

So much for the fresh start I wanted to make without filing bankruptcy—BECAUSE I pay my bills. I know now I could have done so in good conscience, for Chapter 13 was made for situations like mine—even Chapter 11. But I wanted to make good—unlike you.

If your agent, Luke Gesiman, wasn't authorized to make deals on my behalf, why did he actually make one of them? Why did he repeatedly say in e-mails that he had made all of them, and would immediately take steps to rectify any misunderstanding, yada, yada.

It is typical of sociopaths that they smear the victim’s reputation, which you have done here. You also revealed private information you legally have no right to do--my income. Which you exaggerated, by the way.

Why not go and say my medical bills were almost a 1000.00 a month, in after- tax dollars, and that the fallout from the failed surgery left me partly disabled? Why not add that, after income taxes, my take home was closer to 47k? Out of which my new house payment would take $27, 600, plus a big chunk for escrow?

Why not add that the college degree I earned to become a  nurse was still costing me over $250.00 a month? Or that I had started graduate school, but had to drop out due to the medical bills, and yet I still had to pay $300. a month on THAT student loan, too?

But even if I had been stupid and greedy, you had no legal or oral right to take advantage of my naivete, and no legal grounds for committing fraud.  In fact, the law says that even if I BEGGED you to issue a loan that would make me worse off than before, you are not allowed to do so.

Such a loan is fraud committed against the investor, too, who would have little or no chance of recouping his investment on such a loan.

It’s a second crime to lie about the terms and trick me into a contract—one it was clear I would not only not benefit from, but which would throw me into a far worse financial disaster than the one I came to you for help with.

People exactly like you took this country through a disaster these last 8-plus years by doing exactly that, many times over. Even people who had no debts or mortgages were harmed by you and your kind.

Anyone who wants to read "the other Luke's" e-mails in which he lies repeatedly, then verbally abuses me, is welcome to do so.  I will be glad to post them on a website, where my safety is maintained.

I also have the documents he tried to trick me into signing the first time, that would have made my payment even higher than the nightmare I was left with.

But the ending to the story is that a few years back I was able to save my house after all, with the help of the HAMP program. I got through the 5 years of the HAMP, and went back to school. In another year or so I will graduate and my house will be affordable at last. I pay my bills, and the only damage to my credit now is the lingering medical bills.

But for years, I paid that massive payment, and my current payment after the HAMP (which is like an ARM, with a lower cap) maxed out is nearly as big....I’m scraping by only becuase, little by little, other debts have been paid off. I haven’t enjoyed the things like electronics, cars, clothes, vacations, etc. that other might; I never did, since the medical disaster. So I’m used to it; I never was a big spender, as Luke knew.

But I survived. And I have the house. Luke didn’t destroy me, as he was happy to do.

I have learned that massive medical bills are the number one reason people go into bankruptcy or almost go into it.  Sharks like the two Lukes—if there really are two different men, and that’s not just another lie—know all about such medical bills. To them, the homeowner’s desperation and fear are just blood in the water that signals “feeding time!”


United States of America

Completely inaccurate complaint

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 06, 2011

First this client was absolutely in a bad spot and was not paying their current credit cards on time nor did she intend to pay her debts on time. She came to us because of our ability to help others in her situation and was referred by two, yes TWO others we were able to help save on their OVERALL credit obligations. She was back to work not only full time, but also at another part-time job and more then beyond recovery from her surgery that caused a short term and temporary disability. 

We did have delays on this loan, due to this client changing their mind several times on whether they wanted to proceed or not and changing places of their part time employment, the change of part time employers took a longer delay because we had to wait till she received her first check to see what to expect in terms of hours worked for a two week period.

We did not have staff appraisers, and this home was appraised by a third part appraiser certified, licensed and paid by the customer.

Any arrangement of settlements was not handled by me personally. Our policy as a company was this was absolutely only to be handled by the consumer or client on their accord. The Loan Officer on this loan was instructed of that strict policy. I do know this client stated there were settlements on the named cards for less than reported amounts. The Loan Officer on this named in the complaint has the same first name as I. We would not have been able to settle these debts on her behalf in any case as corporations especially those named MBNA and Bank of America would not release or settle amounts with a third party without legal right, i.e power of attorney...

This customer states the fees were the most allowed by law and that is not true either, an inaccurate statement completely. The notary fee was not just for a simple notary, she would not attend the title company to close and requested a insured bonded closing agent to be available to come to her residence, thus costing additional. She was not concerned about the cost because it was "easier for me" 

The customer was already working about 55-60 hours per week to qualify for this loan with both jobs, so this was not something that was done to accomplish paying the new loan which was saving this customer well over $500 per month on her obligations. If you read this complaint closely you will see the real issue is that she is no longer able because of employer policy to work the additional hours, that was nothing that came about because of this loan. This client shows a pattern of completing financial transactions and later having buyers remorse and expecting others to pay for those decisions when they were indeed her decisions. She also had a 3 day right of recission period to cancel this loan as a refinance in Missouri. She did not choose to cancel this loan because she was more than happy with the loan, structure and benefits at the time. 

There was no further action taken on this because there was nothing done wrong by me or by our company. I wish this client would have continued to be a satisfied customer, but she shows a pattern of making decisions where there was plenty of time given, accurate closing disclosures by a norary, bonded, insured third party closing agency, and full legal right of loan cancellation given, then later having a difficulty in life and blaming others for the situation. It is very clear that this certified registered nurse who was making well over 65,000 per year needed disability insurance to pay for her unfortunate surgery and resulting time off of work but that was not something we caused, we attempted to help her fix the aftermath which was not a pretty picture. We handled her requests with all the resources we had available.

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