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  • Report:  #943241

Complaint Review: Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited / Wakabayashi Fund LLC.

Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited / Wakabayashi Fund, LLC. Jeff Stone / Janette Diller Stone / Curtiss Parker / Shruti Khurana Soni / John Harter / Dexter Daran Serial Fraudster, Convicted Felon, Con Artist, Nefarious, Deceptive, Spamming Scam, Fraudulent, Top Line Pitch, Internal Bid Support Internet

  • Reported By:
    just4facts — Kensington Kansas United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 19, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 03, 2012

If it is not your money, and it is shareholders stock, should your firm not act in the best manner and perform due diligence on these known "SERIAL FRAUDSTERS"?  I assure each of you reading this "Ripoff Report"; If it were hard-cash and not stock; your firm would perform very strict due diligence efforts before ever engaging with these known "SCAM ARTIST".

This report has been provided to help individuals, executives, companies, shareholders and institutional agents whom are approached for services offered by the mentioned individuals discussed within this ripoff report.  By presenting the factual information provided within this posting; may it serve each with enough FACTUAL evidence to make a wise decision prior to having any involvement and being completely scammed out of any stockholders stock.

Before any company listed on ANY stock exchange, private company globally, or any brokering agent ever decides to sign ANY contract agreement for what may seem to be very lucrative: STOP!!! Search the internet utilizing Google search engine and review at least twenty five or more pages deep and seek legal counsel and have them conduct due diligence prior to signing over any cash, stock certificates, and DO NOT EVER in any manner sign over any FREE TRADING shares, period!

GOOGLE: Jeff Stone - Fraud / Jeff Stone Crescent Fund / Wakabayashi Fund Fraud / Curtiss Parker  Fraud / Janette Diller Stone - Fraud / Hong Kong Alliance Fund - Fraud

For starts, Jeff Stone  is known as a Serial Fraudster whom is a Convicted Securities Felon in the United States has been barred for life for numerous counts of securities fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Upon soliciting your firm claiming to have the ability to provide promising services; Jeff Stone has already pre-existing arrangements to SELL-OFF certificates of stock to several offshore firms  pegged purely based upon the company share price, volume, liquidity market cap, etc.

Regardless the present condition of the company financials, and current filings; For Jeff Stone it is all about extracting from your firm a PLUG OF STOCK as a Retainer Fee.  It is always in Jeff Stone's favor when dealing with his firms; NOT until you release shares of stock will he lift a finger. Further, he will promise the prospect an Executive Summary within (7) seven business days, regardless. Part of the mechanism which he has designed to lure prospects in desperate need.

However, due to the facts that he states to the prospect/client there is a (30) thirty day back-out clause; Jeff Stone once he has possession of shares in hand, Janette Diller Stone purposely delays efforts for the (30) day back-out clause to expire preventing the return stock certificates. Moreover, once Jeff Stone has the stock certificates; the client has lost the game. Sound familiar?

Jeff Stone having over two decades in the industry; knows good and well  for the most part, none of the clients will ever receive funding due to his/his firms years of fraudulent history in the securities industry.  As he has always stated: What a better way to make a living ripping off crooks bleeding on the OTC markets.

All Jeff Stone does is prey upon companies in markets which have slim chance to obtain financing.  Any positive ebitda firm with assets and wherewithal in need of such services, once they performed due diligence on Jeff Stone: DECLINED DUE TO HIS FRAUDULENT HISTORY

Once the EMAIL SPAMMING SCAM has been deployed, Jeff Stone refuse to act in good faith for the client, perform as promised to determine whether the email campaign respondent even fits in line with the client needs.  All Jeff Stone does is forward the email to the client without even having any dialog.


Each of you reading this Ripoff Report, I am providing first-hand internal knowledge here based upon working in the trenches with him personally.   Having work with Jeff Stone in the past years, (owed several hundred thousand - several million shares of stock) I am willing to provide ample and sufficient factual evidence as to how he works, his firms tactics, and the appealing approach which is utilized to convey his firms slick presentation to those which are desperate to facilitate institutional market awareness, private equity funding, debt financing, bridge loans, equity lines of credit, internal bid support, overhang clean up and sophisticated call center efforts.

 SLOW DOWN: Do yourself, your family, your company and, for the common welfare of the companys loyal shareholders; perform deep and strict due diligence measures before ever signing any contractual agreements for services with Tadaharu Wakabayashi, Jeff Stone, Janette Diller Stone, Shruti Khurana Soni, John Hart or Curtiss Parker, another known convicted securities felon; barred for life by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


FIRST AND FOREMOST: Have your legal department perform a GOOGLE Search on each of these firms and individuals. Take the time and call any/every single past client which has entered into any contractual agreement with either company Wakabayashi Fund, LLC. / Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited.

FIND / LOCATE: Bring forward and post for those concerned (1) One Company which has anything beyond decent to say about their experience with these Serial Fraudsters. Omit funding for now.  Bring forward (1) One corporate executive, or better yet, have Jeff Stone surface with someone which reports any good news regarding the simplest in nature: A GOOD EXPERIENCE?

Every client will state the very same facts: ONCE they released the demanded shares PLUG OF STOCK for services as promised; Jeff Stone becomes very arrogant and difficult to work with to obtain funding throughout the entire six month contract; not to mention, he will sell off "Free Trading" share into the open market during the six month contract as he did with my client ASX-DGI.

None of the Term Sheets Facilitated have any weight, and for the most part are not within scope of the client needs; PURE HOGWASH.

Everything promised during the Top Line pitch; nothing but Mundane Garbage.  Regardless the condition of your company; Jeff Stone will always convey to your company during Opening conference calls that his firm(s) take great interest.  Jeff Stone boast Call Center abilities which he claims to staff located in the Philippines.  

For grins: take a look at his own public company CXLLE; sub-penny / yield sign / no volume / many 8-K's are pure fraud, and the original website content provided for FINRA to obtain floating status / ticker symbol was fraudulent.  Call the companies and speak to the CEO's with the Press Releases.

 Jeff Stone claims that his firm has the ability to contact every institutional investor globally regardless where they may be domiciled, the time zone, and regardless the language since they operate 24/7 speaking nine different languages.
Is it true?

YOU MUST STOP ASK YOURSELF? Would any private equity firm allow some minimum wage individual  working in the Philippines to ever speak to a lender concerning funding for the firm(s) clients? Of course not, nor does Jeff Stone ever begin any dialog with the incoming emails stemmed from the firms spamming scam efforts.

Although HONG KONG ALLIANCE FUND LIMITED / WAKABAYASHI FUND may lead your eyes to the catchy "Tombstones" which seem to portray results of funding; Not one of the past clients, nor have any present clients ever walked away with any funding to this date. Even the brokering agents which cultivate the clients into the door for Jeff Stone will not get paid for their efforts.

It is a MUST that each individual perform the deepest due diligence measures concerning the past history of Jeff Stone whom for certain runs BOTH operations from the "Helm" in Tokyo, Japan.  Regardless the current condition of the companies being solicited on a global mandate - regardless their cash position - regardless whether the company is having severe listing eligibility problems - yield signs, stop signs or caveat emptor; Jeff Stone will still convince the corporate executives with a slick "Top-Line" sales pitch that their company will ferret very well with the list of 500,000 to 2,000,000 institutional investors which he claims to have ongoing established relationships.

Lets answer a couple of questions:

Why has Jeff Stone and Janette Diller Stone decided to ramp up new operations (Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited) when Wakabayashi Fund, LLC has portrayed to the public a laundry list of companies posted on the company "Tombstones" which reflect to the prospects many examples and years of funding which have taken place?

Answer:  Not one client has ever received what they were promised as a prospect. Repeatedly, firms declined to conduct any business once they performed very little due diligence on Jeff Stone. Further his track record demonstrates not one single company has ever receiving funding. The firm has lost too many deals due to continuous fraudulent history.

Why has Jeff Stone  and Janette Diller Stone strategically placed Shruti Khurana Soni as Director of Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited?

Answer:  Shruti Khurana Soni has an unblemished record thus far. The strategy having her as the director allows for Jeff Stone to continue in his efforts as an industry SERIAL FRAUDSTER to continue conducting business behind the scenes at the Helm in Tokyo, Japan.

Why does Jeff Stone and Janette Dillerstone elect not to provide "Full Disclosure" as to who all the officers are in the company websites?

Answer:  What legitimate firm would do any business with Jeffery Stone / Janette Diller Stone / Curtiss Parker?

Why does Jeff Stone and Janette Diller Stone NOT disclose the fact that Curtiss Parker (Convicted Securities Felon) plays a huge role in soliciting public / private companies for both Wakabayashi Fund and Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited?

Answer: Convicted Securities Felon / Barred For Life in the USA

Why have over (40) forty brokers / institutional agents departed from his firm(s) if all these companies have received funding?

Answer:  Jeff Stone defrauds his agents by not paying them or issuing them their owed shares,  clients and demands his staff to perform fraudulently and create fraudulent website information (Chatterbox Call Center CXLLE) for starts.  I have the original website created by Dexter Daran (fraudster) which the firm presented to FINRA to obtain ticker symbol.

Why are each of the firms  for the most part listed in the company Tombstones all companies which have little fruit?

Answer:  Real firms will true substance would never conduct any business with known SERIAL FRAUDSTERS, PERIOD.

Ever visited both firm(s) 110 Wall Street 11 Floor Office New York?

Answer: Jeff Stone wants the prospects to believe he has a presence on Wall Street in New York; the same exist concerning the Hong Kong China office.

Answer:  Executive Suite!!! Not one person occupies the spaces; mail drop!!!



Based on the "Tombstones"; from the outside it appears that much success has taken place regarding funding. There are many nice charts provided by an individual whom has been paid for services. Catchy words such as "TERM SHEET FACILITATED" / "MULTIPLE TERM SHEETS CONVEYED". ALL " HOGWASH".

All of the listed above; have ever once provided any neither current nor former client with any success regarding funding. Once Jeff Stone runs AMOK with your shares and WAKABAYASHI FUND / HONG KONG ALLIANCE FUND LIMITED HAS THE PLUG OF STOCK ISSUED FOR SERVICES; THE CLIENT IS TREATED IN A WHOLE DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE PUT POLITELY: LIKE BAT GUANO.

For now, your firm now has ample enough information to get started; save your legal department time and money; obtain a swift and quick decision as to why you should pass.

Start calling the CEO's of past clients; Let them share their horrifying stories of how they were taken for the plug of stock or cash.

Any request for documentation? I have the ability to provide digital recording(s) original website content and email thread which I have previously turned over to Mr. Sean McKessy - Whistleblowers.

Under investigation as we speak; Have clients which will confirm forged signature(s), notary(s) and fraudulent opinion letters, etc, and on and on.


6 Updates & Rebuttals



FRAUD: Curtiss Parker, Jeff Stone, Janette Diller Stone, Shruti Khurana Soni / Hong Kong Alliance Fund / Wakabayashi Fund

#7Author of original report

Sat, November 03, 2012


The Devil slept in my bed
, she said. I found Curtiss Parker drunk and passed out in my bed and I don't feel safe in my home anymore. One day last summer I came home to find my roommate stoned on the couch, and to find the devil slept in my bed.

My roommate seemed to think nothing of the fact that a man entered our home, proceeded to my bedroom and decided to take a nap in my beddespite the fact that his very own bed was literally one floor above, as he lived upstairs and his bedroom was directly above my own.

I woke him screaming and chased him out of the house, and then I kicked out my roommate. The roommate moved out, but I continued to have to deal with the drunk upstairs, Curtiss Parker. Who, in addition to sleeping in my bed, also molested me. Yuck.

*** Per John Harter:

The following is information from my former neighbor, John Harter (Curtiss Parkers former roommate and employee):

Thanks for the platform Angela. 

Sorry you had the unfortunate experience of getting molested by my old room mate Curtiss Parker.  Allowing me to post this article should at least give you some satisfaction. Too bad it wont bring you redemption.  Maybe well get lucky and someone will do something about these two con men.  

As always, Your Friend and former neighbor, John Harter.  Its time to blow the Whistle on the BIG SCAM known as the Hong Kong Alliance Fund. If you own a public company and youre looking for a funding company you better do your homework before entering into any contract with these FRAUDULENT SCAM ARTISTS.

After working more than two years as Vice President in charge of International Sales for the Wakabayashi Fund, and the Hong Kong Alliance Fund, I decided to jump ship and disassociate myself from these horrible greedy con artists.  Fed up with the ongoing excuses of why I wasnt getting paid, I decided to do a little research on where all the money went. My intuition was correct when I learned that NONE of the Eighteen US Companies I set up for funding were ever funded.

They were ALL SCAMED out of MILLIONS of dollars which caused most of them to go under.Where did all the money go? Well, to answer that question you should first understand how the scam works. The Mastermind, Jeff Stone, a Felon from Dallas Texas has probably bilked close to 100 Million in stock certificates from an estimated 100 companies so far.

His name is Jeff Stone, a cold blooded and calculating con artist who lost his Stock Brokers License about 15 years ago after scamming investors out of Millions in a common Pump and Dump Scam. After doing his time in Federal Prison, he got out and started the Wakabayashi Fund.

Soon he had the FEDS on his back so he packed up and relocated to Tokyo where he sits a top his Three Story Glass Managoray Penthouse with an underground garage full of Mercedes and Bentleys.  Jeff Stones reputation finally caught up to him while operating the Wakabayashi Fund so he simply started a new Fund called the HONG KONG ALLIANCE FUND, which, if you check out the website, you will see that its located on the 19th Floor of the World Trade Center in Hong Kong China.

Yeah right! Go there and youll only find a small mail box labeled Hong Kong Alliance Fund. Dont believe everything you read on the internet.Jeff Stone, and his side kick Curtiss Parker, both came from Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Both were escorted from their offices by FBI Agents and both did their time.

Three years ago I visited Curtiss, my old College buddy, at Lompoc Federal Penn, and he convinced me to join him in a business partnership to Fund Microcap companies. At the time, I was a struggling Insurance Adjuster. I knew Curtiss was very good at making a lot of money so I decided to take a chance and join him when he finished his sentence.

For the first year, we kicked a*s and set up nearly a dozen companies with Wakabayashi. Our cut of the $150, 000 that Stone made 30 percent, or about $45 grand per deal. Over the next 12 months I brought in a total of 18 deals. The only problem was that Jeff Stone was controlling the money. Every week he put me off and claimed he had delays in cashing the stock.

Occasionally hed send me a wire to cover the rent and bills but never more than a few grand. For two years I listened to his bull s**t lies about stocks not being cleared and brokers not able to cash the stocks, meanwhile, he was buying Bentleys and putting aside money for Curtiss.Curtiss and Jeff go back 30 years.

Since Curtiss was drunk 99 percent of his waking hours, he didnt know that I could hear his conversations with Jeff. Since our ocean view apartment and all the bills were under my name, Curtiss was forced to leave shortly after I left LaJolla. Curtiss, Im told, has since moved into one of Jeffs homes in New York where he continues to work with Jeff Stone and continues to rip off more unsuspecting desperate company owners.

No longer does Jeff send me wires to keep us going. Now the wires are sent to Curtiss. Curtiss and Jeff owe me over $250 grand and since Curtiss doesnt particularly like sharing money, he has stopped taking my phone calls.Curtiss Parker, with a felony conviction against him, owes $1.9 Million Dollars to the US Government for restitution.

He has absolutely no plans to ever pay back his debt. In fact, he has worked things out so that Jeff Stone puts aside money for him, lets call it the Curtiss Fund, so that Curtiss continues to cold call his desperate CEO mailing list and bring him in more and more money. At $150 grand a pop, Jeff is quite content with Curtiss bringing him 3 or 4 deals a month.

I never got paid. Yeah, Jeff owes me almost $300 grand but thats a drop in the bucket compared to the money hes made with this scam. Its likely that hes bilked companies out of well over $50 Million dollars and the number grows every week.When I finally decided to fight back, I contacted all of the companies that I set up for funding.

Every one of them gave Jeff Stone $150 grand in company stock, in exchange for setting up a funding deal that would give them the capital they needed to get to the next level.All of the Eighteen companies that I set up advised me that Jeff Stone ripped them off. None of the Eighteen ever received a dime in funding. Here is the list.

Feel free to call them and ask them yourself. Again, some are no longer in business but the rest will gladly admit that they were scammed by Jeff Stone and Curtiss Parker.If I had known this was just a big scam, I would never have joined the likes of these crooks.I truly hope the SEC and FBI catch up to these guys and put them back in jail where they belong.

[Jeff Stone (LinkedIn, Twitter), Curtiss Parker, Wakabayashi Fund and Hong Kong Alliance Fund: Arizona Gold, Epic Corp, Parafin Corp, Visitron 5,  Quantum Bit, Induction China, WyMax, Smart Kids, MK Automotive, Safety Web, Viopal, Biomagnetics, Healthy Coffee, High Plains Solar Park,  Inititives,  PGI Energy, Neurokine Pharmaceuticals, Great Spirits Inc., Net Savings Inc.



Wakabayashi Fund / Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited - Complete Ripoff

#7Author of original report

Sat, October 13, 2012

Complete Ripoff - Wakabayashi Fund, LLC ? Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited?

Question? Has Jeff Stone / Janette Dillerstone / Shruti Khurana Soni / Curtiss Parker ever provided any type of funding for a single client?

Has there ever been a single client walk away with a success story?

Provided below is what one of the latest clients reported concerning their venture with Wakabayashi Fund, LLC:


I can confirm that wakabayash funds has not provided any funding for our company , in fact we have lost USD100k and over 300k of our stock. 

Edward Akinlade

Annie Nonymous

United States of America

Legal department?

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 23, 2012

Most of the companies abused by these fraudsters are unlikely to have access to legal advice that understands things like international fraud and money laundering.  Make no mistake, this is what we are dealing with here.



"BEWARE" Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited / Wakabayashi Fund, LLC.

#7Author of original report

Sat, September 22, 2012

Garb Oil & Power Corp. Announces Cancellation of Consulting Contract with Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited Due To FAILURE TO DELIVER 


Garb Oil & Power Corp. Announces Cancellation of Consulting ContractGlobeNewswireSALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 21, 2012

Garb Oil & Power Corporation (USOTC: GARB) announces the cancellation, effective immediately, of the consulting contract for $36,000,000 signed July 1, 2012 with Hong Kong Alliance (HKA) Fund Ltd. The contract involved consulting on a variety of recycling areas from glass to ferrous and non-ferrous material, to MSW, wood, paper, electronic waste (Ewaste) and tires for the Asia Pacific Region, east of India. The cancellation is due to failures to deliver in certain obligations by Hong Kong Alliance Fund Ltd.

Please follow our website to see what is possible and what we offer (((REDACTED)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



"Beware" Hong Kong Alliance Fund Limited / Wakabayashi Fund / Jeff Stone / Janette Diller Stone / Curtiss Parker

#7Author of original report

Wed, September 19, 2012

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM, <> wrote:

Jeff Stone - Wakabayashi Fund certainly did NOT obtain any financing for LFLS. We have no further dealings with that group,


Annie Nonymous

United States of America

This report sounds pretty accurate.

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, September 19, 2012

Our company got no value from alleged promotional services from Wakabayashi.    Wakabayashi was also involved in the UK "LoanCheck" scam which defrauded thousands of consumers, offering loan audits and legal services which were not performed.   One George MacLeod was involved with LoanCheck and we believe he brought us to the attention of Wakabayashi in order to support a conspiracy to take over our company.    We continue to resist these attempts.

I am constantly amazed that people like this are allowed to keep stealing investors' money and putting companies out of business.   This is truly a gang to avoid.

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