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  • Report:  #592103

Complaint Review: Hotmail

Hotmail Windows Live Horrible Service, NON- EXISTENT CUSTOMER CARE, PREJUDICED, one of many companies who only care about the money Internet

  • Reported By:
    Ohio USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 11, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 13, 2010

It is unfortunate that after being a faithful MSN and Hotmail user since 2004, I am cancelling ALL of my Accounts with MSN. I used to use Hotmail exclusively for my e-mail, chat, and Instant Messaging. Now that they have done me wrong, I will NEVER, EVER use their products again, EVER.

My church has had a Prayer Line in place for many years now; and recently they decided to begin offering an e-mail version of the Prayer Line, where people would receive an e-mail instead of a phone call when someone from within the church had a prayer request.

I was in charge of setting up the e-mail service, because of my experience with computers, so I decided to go with Hotmail. Not only is it free, it used to be the only e-mail provider that I trusted.

I didn't foresee any issues that could possibly span from this prayer chain. I've never had issues before with Hotmail, and didn't anticipate any future issues. Boy was I wrong.

I set up the account with no trouble, input all 35 of the e-mail addresses of participants who wished to receive e-mails, and figured I was good to go.

About a week went by before we received a prayer request. Notice I said a week. My definition of a week, in this context, would be between 5 and 8 days. NOT ANYTHING ABOVE 10 DAYS. This is important later in this report.

When it came time to send out the prayer request, I showed my mom how to do it, since she would be the one actually sending the e-mails out. I walked her through the process, and when she clicked "send", we received an error message that an e-mail message could only contain 10 recipients.

This was news to me. Like I said, I have used Hotmail since 2004, and have NEVER heard of this rule.

I figured rules are rules, though, so I divided up the list of prayer chain e-mail recipients into groups of 10, and began sending out e-mails to the lists of 10 people at a time. It let me send the e-mail out to 20 different people, but I had to pass one of those "capitcha" tests each time. I have poor eyesight, so I always mess up on those tests. I tried to have it give me an audio test, but it wouldn't do it for me.

Needless to say, I failed both capitcha tests, but it still let me send out the first 2 e-mails. When it came time to send out the e-mail to the third group of 10, though, I received an error message saying that our account had been blocked for a Terms of Use violation, and to contact Customer Support if we felt that this account was blocked in error.

You know what Hotmail's customer support consists of? There is no 1-800 number, not even an e-mail address to send an e-mail to. You have to go on this blog and hope that someone sees your plea for help among thousands of other jokers who claim to have issues too.

My first post got me absolutely nowhere. Seeing as Hotmail promised a "rapid response" and it had been between 2 and three hours and I hadn't received a response yet, I posted it again. I had a response to that one after 2 hours, but it didn't even come close to addressing the question.

Their response was obviously computer generated (nobody bothers to read customer's e-mails anymore), and addressed issues that I wasn't even having, and that there was no way were causing the issues.

For example, it suggested that the account was suspended due to inactivity, and explained that accounts that are inactive for 10 days are automatically suspended. Not only is this complete and utter BS, and would have become apparent when I tried to send out the first group of e-mails, it hadn't even been 10 days since the account was created. (I told you that the fact that it had only been inactive for 8 days tops would be important.)

The blogger/ So- Called Customer Service Agent went on to say that in order for them to address the issue, I would need to give them my e-mail address. I had given it on the form when I registered, I don't see why I need to put it on a blog for God and everyone to see. Wouldn't they have this information available to them anyway? I mean the DO work for Hotmail, after all.

Nonetheless, I went ahead and posted a THIRD blog entry, and I clearly stated the problem, a THIRD time, seeing as they can't seem to read plain English to address my problem, and gave my e-mail address out to the general public.

I also clearly stated that this issue had been going on for over 24 hours at that point, and that I wanted someone to handle this issue promptly, as was promised over 24 hours ago when I first started bringing this issue to their attention.

I told them on the blog that I was an avid Rip-off Report user and that if they did not handle my issue within 2 hours, that I would make a report of this on Rip-off Report, as well as cancel ALL of my Hotmail Accounts, and encourage my friends to do the same thing.

It has now been 18 hours since that post was posted, and I have not heard ANYTHING from Hotmail, so I think we all know where this story is going.

I created a different account with Yahoo, a company who actually appreciates my business and me as a customer, a company who actually has customer support that you can e-mail or IM, and a company who actually lets you use YOUR e-mail account however YOU want to use it.

It's unfortunate that Hotmail had to loose out on my business. I may not have had any paid accounts with them, but that shouldn't matter. If you run a business, you should treat everybody equally and fairly, even if they only are signed up for free services with you company.

I encourage anyone reading this post to drop Hotmail like a bad habit. If you currently use Hotmail, you don't want to end up like me. There are MANY good quality companies out there who can be trusted much more than Hotmail to handle your e-mail service.

If they did this to a CHURCH, then they will do it to anyone...

7 Updates & Rebuttals




#8Author of original report

Tue, April 13, 2010

I love how everyone just lashes out irrationally at my report. I try to put something out there to make sure nobody has to go through the same crap I put up with from Hotmail, and this is the thanks I get...

I guarantee if someone had a similar complaint on this site, only instead of a church, he was running a roofing company, for example, none of you would harass him and post things like you have posted on my report. Just an observation.

For the record, their "customer service" blog, and yes, it IS A BLOG, has yet to address my issue, THREE DAYS LATER. Most other companies, weather they are free or not, care about their customers equally, and would give equal opportunity to paid and non paid customers. They wouldn't take THREE DAYS to respond to a customer's URGENT issue. For that matter, they would have an e-mail address, or some similar real- time contact method to resolve issues quickly.

I've been using Yahoo ever since Sunday, and so far they have given me NO TROUBLE WHAT SO EVER. Just a little side note, though.

But, whatever. I don't care anymore. Apparently nobody appreciates my warning.

You would all rather harass me based on the fact that I'm a Christian.

Don't worry, I'm used to it by now...

I've given up on keeping up with this post and keeping my side of the story straight. There's too many people who just automatically assume I'm misrepresenting Hotmail, or would rather put words in my mouth. I can't keep up with it anymore.

So don't come crying to me when you realize you should have listened to this posting.




#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

Look,  According to Wikipedia, Hotmail has well over 300 million accounts.  Do you really think someone is sitting there just waiting for a message and then respond in a couple hours.  I think having a blog is a great idea, you may get a response anywhere from right away to never. And remember, this is a free service.

Its intent is for a single user to use it for his/her EMail account.  It's free and it's a heck of a deal.

Groups such as companies, Schools and - yes - churches who want to do more with EMail should expect to pay for a more full function EMail product.

If you can't afford it for your silly prayer project,  don't fo it.  We all have to live within our means.




#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

Well this does have to be a first.  Not only are you complaining about a FREE service, which is not a first.  But they even have a thought that someone who responds to them is being paid, again by itself not a first, but together it has to be.   I guess everyone who has ever been accused of being a "paid" poster has another company we can add hotmail to our paychecks now...Yippee.

In all seriousness, I can guarantee you that Robert(NY) is not on some companies payroll to respond to people who write here.

You are COMPLAINING about a Free Service that:

a) Limits you to 35 people per e-mail

b) Requires you to enter a verification string

c) You can't use THEIR e-mail the way YOU want to.

Rules are put into place to keep people from SPAMMING.  Remember this is a FREE service, and spammers don't want to pay for anything.  If you don't like it DON'T use it, but it is probably the farthest thing from a RipOff.

While other people who post here have posted RoR terms to try and justify their point(s).  It is actually appropriate in this case.  You threated them with a posting on RoR, basically blackmail.  Being an avid user, you of anyone should know that the site owner specifically says that you should NOT do that.  Is that a very (insert your religion here) thing to do?

So yes you are upset because IMO you were expecting special treatment.

Now, I am figuring you don't have a web site or e-mail for your Church right now.  As if you did I really have no idea why you are trying to use some free site when you probably already have this ability.   If you do need a service, there are many out there for much less than $20-$40 a month.   That is depending on how many e-mail addresses you actually need.  In addition going with a paid service, will give you a lot more features that could help ALL areas of your church.  Perhaps even if you put the word out saying you are looking for someone in your church to help support it.  I would bet that you have at least a few people who deal with IT and Websites that attend your church that may host it for no cost.


United States of America

How did you get ripped off?

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

Isn't hotmail a free service?  If you don't like it, don't use it.  Period.  I have heard some people use the "never shop in your store again" or "not use your service" threat over some pretty ridiculous things before, but this is the first time I have seen someone say that over a free service.  You need to calm down.  It's not like you're out any money.

If hotmail doesn't meet your needs, don't use it.  Seriously, its that simple.  I hated all the spam I used to get when I was using yahoo mail, so I stopped using it.  I don't remember creating a lot of drama or throwing a fit about it.  This is one of the most unnecessary ripoff reports I have ever read.



Who said anything about special treatment?

#8Author of original report

Mon, April 12, 2010

Excuse me?

I most certainly did not demand special tratment, just the treatment they promised me.

They had over 24 hours to answer my question, and never did

They had my e-mail address, and refused to help, claiming they didn't

They DID NOT block my e-mail address from the blog, I looked.


My church is not cheap! Its just that when we are doing something which we are not being paid to do, we kind of can't afford to pay out $20- $40 per month for an account that can do the same thing as a free one.

How in the world do you see a TOS Violation? I read through the entire terms of use, and I most certainly did not violate Hotmail's TOS...

Nice try.

By the way, I don't know if you are some paid poster from Hotmail or not, but I'm guessing you don't practice any religion. It shows.

Religious people wouldn't assume that going to church constitutes requesting special treatment...


New York,

P.S. Mr. Church of the special ones.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

Why should any business, especially one with a free service, crumble under to the high and mighty demands of your church?

You want to send multiple emails-pay for the service like any other business or non-profit does!

Instead of "church of the special ones" I should call you "church of the cheapskates."


New York,

Aren't you special!

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 12, 2010

Aren't you special?  NOT!

I've used hotmail since the month it started.  I've used the "blog" assistance once and it took them about a day and a half to answer me-issue resolved.

YOU violated the terms of service, but aren't you special?

YOU demand help in 2 hours or else, but aren't you special?

You threaten them with a ROR if you don't get special treatment above all the other FREE hotmail users, but aren't you special?

Regarding pay vs. free - yup, the PAYING USERS get better customer support, but aren't you special?

Also, Mr. Special, when you post on the assistance blog, the support system DOES NOT POST your email address!  I know, I've used it, but aren't you special?  They ask for your emial so that your hotmail account can be researched.

Get off your high horse! 

Summary:  You sign up for a FREE SERVICE, violate the TOS, demand immediate assistance or else, and threaten them with a ROR!

Aren't you special?  NO!

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