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  • Report:  #616540

Complaint Review: Hunter Warfield

Hunter Warfield Sarah Benjamin, Steven Dale BEWARE, they do not follow the FL 559.72 Tampa, Florida

  • Reported By:
    pinkpig47 — Tampa Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 23, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 11, 2016
  • Hunter Warfield
    Tampa, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Beware, Beware, Beware.  Hunter Warfield for over one month so far has been harrassing my family and friends.  I find out this morning that they have even called my friends parents homes.  I was also advised that if I did not give them my work number they are not going to help me or give me any information.  Before the man hung up, he wished me luck and advised me that my wages will be garnished.

*** Keep track of every number Hunter Warfield Calls and the date they called

*** Keep track of any and all names they provide

*** First thing to do, if in florida is file a complaint with the Florida Office if Financial Regulations,  If not in Floirda use google to find your states office of financial regulation.

*** Also contact Floridas Attorney General  Or search google for your states attorney general.

More and More companies these days do not care about the their tarnished BBB report, but it only takes about 5 minutes to file your report with them also.

Once you have all you documents above ready,  Find a local and respected collections attorney.  They will want the complaints log, as well as a log of all the numbers that Hunter Warfields called, and the dates.

Hope this helps, Dont let them ruin your reputation and harrass not only you, but your family and friends. 

13 Updates & Rebuttals


St. Paul,

In Response To Give ME a Break!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, April 11, 2016

I know this for sure about Minnesota, other states may be different.

1.When a CA sues and is awarded a judgement, it is up to the CA to enforce it, NOT the court.     
2.Wages CANNOT be garnished IF the debtor meets an exemption(i.e. food stamps).

3.Garnishment is done directly with the debtor's employer. That whole line about getting arrested for not showing up in court with financial papers is a bunch of BS.

4.Any outstanding balance owed to a place where one was evicted will only show up on their CREDIT REPORT, NOT THEIR RENTAL HISTORY. Rental properties usually only care about whether you've been evicted from anywhere, not how much money you owe and to whom.

5.Evictions disappear from one's rental history after 10 years, and it's possible to get the records expunged before that by petitioning the court.


Hope this information helps.

P.S. In regard to Ramjet's remarks, many people DO pay their bills. Maybe if collection agencies would stop hiring neanderthals with little to no regard for the FDCPA to work the phones complaints will decrease.



United States of America

Please offer some guidance

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2012

Hey Stacey I am in a similar situation just a regular young girl looking for guidance. Please Email me


Minor Hill,

Do not give work #

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2010

Do not give a collection agency your work # If they ask for it refuse to give it also refuse to give bank imformation. I told 1 flat out I would not give bank imformation until I see this in writing. I plan to pay but I will send money orders and make it to the original creditor.

I also told them not to call again but they wil get a stop contact letter certified

Give ME a Break!

United States of America

Really Momel105? Really? Are You Serious? Really?

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, August 14, 2010

In response to Momel:

As always the ignornance of America shines through brightly once again. It never ceases to amaze me how people will take poor advice from those who claim to have worked in an industry that is disliked more than a government bail out.

Let us break down Momel's statements and dispel the myths shall we?

First quote:

Go online find a cease and desist letter and sent it to them certified mail and this dip wad will disappear.   I have run a collection agency for 20 years and own a debt company

Obviously as a former owner of a collection agency you forget about the fact that there are certain types of debts that don't go away. As for your debt settlement gig, you know as well as I do those companies do not in most cases help the consumer at all. They take the money and leave the consumer holding the bag. Just look at the government websites and all the ones that have been shutdown due to scrupulous companies with their unethical practices. Your line of work is no saint either and is no different than any other CA out there.

I should know because I use to work at three DS companies. A cease and desist doesn't stop the creditor or collection agency from proceeding further against the consumer whether they are represented by a DS company or a lawyer.

2nd Quote:

 i deal with every collection agency, lawyer and third party.  If you live in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Pennsylvania then you live in non garnish states.  If your credit is shot already tell them to fly a kite.  These schmucks get judgments all day and cant enforce them because people are unemployed or self employed.  They use scare tactics like sending a sheriff to your door with a summons to appear. If you dont show the creditor gets default judment and then they have to try to enforce the judment.  Good luck with that. 

WOW! What great advice you give. And you run a debt settlement company? I would hate to be represented by you. The ONLY thing you are correct about is the four non garnish able States sir, but last I checked there are 46 others who DO garnish wages and make you pay. Florida CAN be garnished as long as the debtor is not head of household and the debt is high enough to sue for. Did you not know there were more States in the USA?

Before I forget, places such as Michigan, VA, Maryland and Washington DC, a creditor/CA can sue a debtor for as little as $500 debt.

Oh and as for those judgements? Yeah go ahead and ignore them because once you are summoned to court and fail to comply with orders to show up and fill out the forms necessary for wages to be garnished now a warrant is issued for your arrest. That's right, ignoring a judges order to be in court can get you jail time.

Don't believe me? Click below.


Let me address some other issues you FAIL to mention. People in non garnish able States many times own property which allows the opportunity for the creditor or CA to sue the debtor in court and request a lien put on the home which means when the debtor finally sells their home the creditor/CA will get paid FIRST. Did you forget about that MOMEL? I am sure you are instructing your clients about the consequences of ignoring their debt.

Also just because you're unemployed doesn't mean you are off the hook. Why? Try finding a job with bad credit. Most often than not it puts the prospective employee behind the 8 ball. Employers don't like seeing derogatory credit because it shows an individual who doesn't make wise decisions and thus could be harmful to a company especially if the person is applying for a high executive position.

Look it up on the net Momel it's a FACT!

Let me not forget about those who are students, government employees or in the military. That's right, having bad debt can affect your ability to secure future student loans (the private kind which most students need NOT the government one). It can also affect the security clearance or moving up in rank for a government employee or a military person.

Don't believe me? Click below.

3rd quote:

They also have a statute of limitations to collect the debt once judment is rendered.  If they dont collect then it falls off your credit. 

Yes that is true but once AGAIN Momel you fail to tell the whole truth. What we are talking about here in these forums is property debt NOT credit cards. The difference? Yes they both fall of your credit after 7 years but if you owe a property debt it is part of your rental history which is a separate list.

Just because it falls off your credit doesn't mean that the apartment complexes don't know you owe someone else. Most often than not the debtor ends up paying more in the end to the creditor/CA due to interest on the debt and so forth (IE: court costs and attorney fees in judgement cases).

Final quote:

Also these court hearings are for civil matters not criminal matters.  Its not against the law to owe money if it was the US would be on death row.   Think about that.

Correct except when you are told to show up to with your financial papers if you are ordered to be garnished and fail to do so which puts you on the radar to be arrested for ignoring a court order.

So Mr. Momel remember there are always two sides to every story. Unfortunately, you seem like most Americans who ignore their debt, fail to acknowledge the consequences of the advice you give to your clients.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.




#14Consumer Comment

Wed, August 11, 2010

My god people, don't you get it?

Just pay your d**n bills and none of this will be an issue.  You deadbeats are the bottom feeder scum here.

It's simple.  Ridiculous!


royal palm beach,

Cease and Desist

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, August 11, 2010

Go online find a cease and desist letter and sent it to them certified mail and this dip wad will disappear.   I have run a collection agency for 20 years and own a debt settlement company.  i deal with every collection agency, lawyer and third party.  If you live in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Pennsylvania then you live in non garnish states.  If your credit is shot already tell them to fly a kite.  These schmucks get judgments all day and cant enforce them because people are unemployed or self employed.  They use scare tactics like sending a sheriff to your door with a summons to appear.  If you dont show the creditor gets default judment and then they have to try to enforce the judment.  Good luck with that.  They also have a statute of limitations to collect the debt once judment is rendered.  If they dont collect then it falls off your credit.  Remember cease and desist certified mail to show proof they received it.  If they still harass then sue through the FTC wed site.  File a comlaint and get a complaint number.  Also these court hearings are for civil matters not criminal matters.  Its not against the law to owe money if it was the US would be on death row.   Think about that.

Give ME a Break!

United States of America

You're So Sarcastic.

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2010

I did address it. I clearly stated just because you won a lawsuit doesn't mean every CA out there is guilty of the same thing.

If you haven't been able to collect on what you won in court then maybe MS. STACEY you're not as SMART as you thought. You should have hired an attorney and if you did then you should have hired a better one.

As for your other comments, it's not uncommon for a debtor like you to be so sarcastic and condesending to me. The point I was trying to make was that YOU stated collectors even former collectors were "scumbags". So I was simply pointing out your ignorance to the fact that although we may not like it we need to have collection agencies in order for companies to keep their bottom line from going under.

I am glad you pay your bills but just because you do doesn't mean you're responsible with everything in your life. Just the fact that you call people "scumbags" shows the type of immature person that you are.

Stop being so "prideful" and accept the facts. I don't have to give my name or tell you where I am from. All you need to know is that I have been on both sides of the fence (as a debtor and a collector) and at least I could say that I AM someone who speaks with FACTS not ignorance or out of anger.

LEARN how to be a human being first then speak.




#14Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2010

That has yet to be seen - you did not address what I stated - I WON a judgement against a third party debt collector in District Court yet I have not been paid - had nothing to do with the IRS, Car payments, mortgage or anthing you listed

It was for violating my rights that are protected by the Fair Credit Act

SOO smarty - I pay my bills ie: Gas, Electric, Water etc etc - I have no mortgage, car payments, IRS debts

The OP did not state what the debt was for therefore stop with you "pay the debt"

I am not going to waste my time anymore with your nonsense especially since you cannot use your real name and have to hide behind a Pseudonym

Good luck

Give ME a Break!

United States of America

More name calling MS. STACEY?

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, July 11, 2010

This is the main reason why collectors don't want to hear what debtors have to say because all they want to do is become defensive and give sob stories that are irrelevant to the issue which is the debt they LEGALLY owe. CA's are an unfortunate, necessary evil in this world otherwise we would all pay more in the end.

To begin with STACEY, I AM SMART. I am intelligent enough to stick to the facts and not resort to name calling like yourself. Obviously you didn't read my last post correctly so let me help you with that.

I CLEARLY stated that, "Although I agree that there are some scrupulous collection agencies out there that should be shut down, the truth is the majority of collectors out there are good people trying to make an honest living".

Just because you won a lawsuit over a CA doesn't mean all of them are doing the wrong thing. Most often than not, the CA's and their client are the ones suing the debtors for not being responsible enough to take care of their financial obligations.

Unlike you STACEY I don't combine every human being that is or was a collector such as myself into a "scumbag" category. Your prejudices seem to show your lack of knowledge about the business not to mention your immaturity.

So let's take STACEY'S theory that everyone who collects is a "scumbag" shall we?

IRS - If a US Citizen legally owes back taxes then the IRS agent who calls you is a "scumbag", correct? Don't worry STACEY we don't need our roads fixed because they fix themselves. Oh and before I forget, schools don't need tax money either because all the kids today teach themselves MS. STACEY.

Child Support - If a dead beat parent doesn't pay than the child support enforcement collector that calls is a "scumbag" to? I guess little children around the country won't get to eat. Way to go STACEY!

Credit Card Companies - If a consumer fails to pay their cc bill they LEGALLY promised to pay back than the compnay rep who calls you is a, you guessed it STACEY, "scumbag". Because in STACEY'S world it's ok to rack up debt so we ALL pay more in the end.

Apartment Complexes - If a tenant skips out on their lease and leaves the landlord holding the bag than the collector who calls them (which the complex themselves hired the CA to begin with) is a "scumbag". Why? Because STACEY doesn't care that debtors don't honor their contracts that they signed and leave the business owners (who keep the economy going by the way) high and dry.

Utility Company - If a consumer fails to pay their monthly bill and a collector calls to get their company's money back, in STACEY'S eyes they are, that's right, a "scumbag". STACEY doesn't mind that the rest of us will have to pay more in electricity or phone taxes to make up for the dead beats who won't pay.

Banks - If a consumer fails to pay their car payment/mortgage than the rep that calls you is a "scumbag" to because GOD forbid a collector calls to make sure a debtor is maintaining their financial obligations.

I can go on and on but I am sure STACEY doesn't agree with teh FACTS because in her world debtors are ALWAYS right and CA's and the companies that LEGALLY hire them are wrong. Playing the victim game is a constant tool debtors use to avoid being responsible.

For a woman who NEVER worked a day in her life at a colletion agency before STACEY has ALL the answers folks.

Finally, for every link story you come up with about bad collection agencies I can come up with ten of them about irresponsible debtors.

Good job kid!










#14Consumer Comment

Sun, July 11, 2010

You are sooo smart!! Tell me this genius - I sued a third party collection agency for violating the Fair Credit Act and WON

So am I now the debt collector because they will not pay me for a judgement I obtained though LEGAL channels??

You are still a debt collector and most are SCUM - I could care less about if I knew you - Your kind care about nothing but your commission check and if you want to talk about articles here ya go

By the way my name is STACEY

Give ME a Break!

United States of America


#14Consumer Comment

Sat, July 10, 2010

Stacy's quote:

"An answer from a scum bag third party collection agent - YOU OWE THE DEBT regardless if it is in the statute of limitations or 100 years old"

So I'm a "scumbag" huh? You don't know me lady to say that! I don't break laws, hurt people or kill anyone. All I did was my job when I WAS a collector.

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about when debtors like Stacy become abusive through name calling and then run like cowards to the BBB, FTC or an attorney to whine about their problems.

Although I agree there are some scrupulous collection agencies out there that should be shut down the truth is the majority of collectors out there are good people trying to make an honest living.

Stacy's comments is a PERFECT example of how debtors ALWAYS start out a call when a collector is trying to explain the situation. Debtors DON'T listen and all they give is excuses not to pay which has nothing to do with the debt then as soon as you mention the consequences of not paying (lawsuit etc), WALLAH! the money magically appears.

The last part of the quote "YOU OWE THE DEBT regardless if it is in the statute of limitations or 100 years old".

So it's ok to rack up debt and not pay so people like me end up with higher prices at the stores? It goes even farther than that lady. People who don't pay are not helping themselves not to mention the economy.

Just go to the stories below:

Bottom line is STOP making excuses and take responsibility for your actions. It's pathetic to see how many people refuse to be held liable for their own stupid actions.








#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 10, 2010

An answer from a scum bag third party collection agent - YOU OWE THE DEBT regardless if it is in the statute of limitations or 100 years old

OP go to and learn your rights!

Give ME a Break!

United States of America

Stop Acting Like a Victim Will You!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, July 08, 2010

The ONLY reason debtors contact the BBB, Attorney General or FTC is because debtors refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions and debts THEY accumulated.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant Americans are about contracts and debts.

I can tell you debtors will ALWAYS lie about not having any money when a bill collector calls but as soon as the CA calls them back weeks later, all of the sudden we discover they're on vacation or somewhere out shopping spending money.


Harrassment is calling without a purpose. When a collection agency calls it's to collect the debt YOU LEGALLY owe. If a debtor makes it clear they don't want their family and friends called then they must state that.

The reason a CA rep will asks for specific information is bc should your situation change (account status etc) they need to make sure they could reach you. I can't tell you as a former collector how many times a debtor would (purposely or not) disconnect their cell/home # and there is no way of contacting them. Then they go running to the FTC, BBB or an attorney complaining that their credit was ruined by the CA when it was due to their own lack of taking RESPONSIBILITY in the first place.

Oh and how dumb can debtors be when alot of the personal information (contact #'s etc) are given to the collection agency from the very client they represent which the debtor did business to begin with. Another words they gave that information freely and signed the contract stating if they default it could be transferred to an agency to collect.


The debtors constantly give a sad story about their problems and how they're barely getting by but as soon as you look at their credit report incredibly the collectors see an Amex, Visa or Chase credit cards with an expensive car payment or mortgage to go with it and plenty of available credit to take care of the debt.

Oh and that BBB report you talk about, ANYONE can file a stupid, worthless complaint about not being able to pay. The BBB can't do anything and as far as the FTC or Attorney General is concern YOU better have rock SOLID proof otherwise like most debtors you'll end up looking foolish and wasting tax payers money.

In a court of law a judge could care less because as long as your name is on the dotted line you are 100% legally responsible for the mess you caused.

I should know because I went through it twice and believe me from experience a court doesn't care what you're going through in your life at the moment. They will place a judgement against you and even order garnishment of wages or a lien on any property if needed.

So continue living under a rock and staying ignorant to the facts. The bottom line here people is simple, READ WHAT YOU SIGN!

Here is proof of what I am talking about. I found this on youtube this week which is perfect timing for this debate.

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