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  • Report:  #6984

Complaint Review: 21st Century- Royal Prestige

Hy Cite - Royal Prestige to resolve any and all issues, commitment commitment to provide excellent customer service - safeguards for their clients

Ripoff Report REVIEW: shows that Hy Cite / Royal Prestige is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. Ripoff Report gives Hy Cite / Royal Prestige a POSITIVE rating in customer support & quality assurance. They pledge to resolve complaints & address any issues - committed to 100% satisfaction - consumers to feel safe & secure.

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 06, 2001
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 12, 2007
  • 21st Century- Royal Prestige
    501 Route 208
    Monroe, New York
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Ripoff Report REVIEW: Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige approached RipOff Report several months ago with the express purpose of resolving consumer concerns posted on Ripoff Report. Soon thereafter it became apparent that Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige had a sincere commitment to take care of any and all customer concerns, that they strive for 100% total customer satisfaction, and have for years. If for any reason you are not satisfied, they will work to immediately resolve any issues.

Ripoff Report has learned that Hy Cite Corporation, which distributes Royal Prestige products through a nationwide network of distributors, has been in the business of selling high quality cookware for over 45 years and takes pride in its great products and customer service. Hy Cite Corporation is a member of the Better Business Bureau as well as the Direct Selling Association, which requires all its members, such as Hy Cite, to follow its code of ethics. That code of ethics can be viewed at

Now consumers can feel even more secure when doing business with Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige - Here's why. Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige made a commitment to and are a proud member of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Every honest business knows that legitimate customer issues arise from time to time. This is true for small companies as well as for Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige which has hundreds of thousands of customers. Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige wants to ensure that every customer issue is resolved. Hy Cite / Royal Prestige tries each and every day to satisfy customers and offer the highest quality products. Rip-off Report believes that Hy Cite Corporation / Royal Prestige is an honest and honorable company and is prepared to go the extra mile to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. Unlike most other companies, Rip-off Report can confirm, their products are superior, probably the best on the market.

For more information, regarding Hy Cite Corporation and / or Royal Prestige and their commitment to total customer satisfaction.

or visit their website .

or by contacting them directly at or calling 1-877-494-2289 ===================== NOW TO THE ORIGIONAL REPORT THAT WAS FILED =====================

21st Century- Royal Prestige BEWARE Very shady selling practices

Very shady selling practices. Dont be scammed! You wont die if you dont purchase their drastically OVER-PRICED pots and pans.

They lure you with free trips, get you to the showroom, show you articles about how other products cause alzheimers, SIDS etc...

But before you buy-- think about whether $1600 for a six-piece set of pots is REALLY worth it-- ALSO-- MOST IMPORTANT-- they DO have a return policy-- BUT you have to cancel the order within 3 business days!!

If youve ordered recently and are researching the company to see what their deal is--- CANCEL NOW!! I hear the pots are terrible anyway.

19 Updates & Rebuttals


Colorado Springs,

23 Years with Pots and Pans

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2004

I am unsure of their pactices. I know that I bought a set of pots and pans from them when I was 17 years old. They came to my work and said that they had a deal for working women. I did buy them for 700.00 and I received a set of pots and pans that I used still today 23 years later. I also received a 4- place setting of Danielle china that was guareented to be available for 30 years. Now that I want to add to it, I cannot find it anywhere.

I do not feel cheated because it is not available 23-years later even thought I was told I would be just sad I like the pattern and wanted to add it. I thought the pots and pans were a little pricey at the time but people I know have paid a lot more for pots and pans they no longer have after 23 years. So I would still buy from them.



Just Attended a sales demo last night - Read lots of comments

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, September 21, 2004

I've read several threads with people saying "scam!" or "scare tactics"... I just went to a demostration last night and to be honest, there wasn't any scare tactics. No diseases were mentioned, no "proof" of develping Alzheimers was even mentioned (actually Alzheimers wasn't even brought up). The sales person just explained how certain metals in pots reacted to heat. I'm an engineer and took material science and physics (which doesn't mean I'm an expert) but there wasn't anything which was a red flag. He also didn't pressure me into buying. Both couples left without buying any pots or pans. So, basically what I think is that SOME sales people do use different tactics. Some more scetchy then others. My sales person (chucky, Northeast and Southwest) was very informative about general pots and pan metals. And lastly ... the stuff about teflon emitting toxic fumes... well this is a FACT. When teflon is heated beyound a certain temp, I believe its around 500 degrees then it does emit fumes. how toxic are they? Well, I think we are still trying to find that out. And to anyone that says... well teflon is used in surgical implaints it must be safe!... well that makes no sence since implaints are never heated to 300 degrees while in your body!! When metal and chemicals (teflon is a chemical) is heated.. lots of things happen.

I DO however, do not understand why they try to sell to newlyweds who don't have all that much money. Why not try to sell to 30-35 year olds who have more money. This technique is questionable to me. But anyhow, I'm glad I didn't purchase those pots and pans. But it was informative. And yes it was about 2 hours... they told us 1 hour on the phone.



Royal Scam

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 16, 2004

After leaving the presentation 3 hours after it started, yes I know I could have left at anytime, I too like many others about how every other pan will make you die sooner and help lead to your baby dieing early from SIDs. I do not want to get Alzeihmer's from eating from the wrong kind of pots and pans.

I believed that the non-stick pots and pans would lead to my baby getting a respiratory sickness that has killed thousands of birds. Now that I am fully aware of what happened I am getting HASSLED in cancelling my order.

It has not even be a full business day since I placed my order and I am running into trouble in getting in contact with people. Everyone be aware!!! They used illegal business practises when they talked to me in Pennyslvania, and I am making sure everyone knows about it!


Staten Island,
New York,

Update: Cookware doing well...

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, July 13, 2004

I posted a comment here when we bought our cookware (Edward, Staten Island.) It is over a year later and our pots and pans are doing fine. We accidentally broke one of the whistles and we were promptly sent two new ones in replacement.

I also burned food severely onto one of the pans, and a little gentle scrubbing took it right off. It also seems that this cookware requires less gas to cook food. I guess it conducts heat much better. All in all I think we made a good desicion.

My only complaint is that we were originally told that our on time payments would be reported to credit bureaus, helping improve our credit rating. This is not the case, so we paid off our remaining balance after the wedding.

Like I said in my last comment, don't be a sucker, don't be afraid to stand up for youself, and do your research before buying something.



Not a Rip Off

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, July 12, 2004




Take it with Skepticism!!!

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2003

I attended a 90 minute presentation tonight given by a royal prestige rep. and I would like to comment on a few points that came to attention during and at the end of the presentation. I've read many opinions and reports on the scamm and rip off deals the company offers and I walked into the presentation knowing that I were not going to purchase anything. Although the representative was a nicely mannered gentleman and was being nice and trying to do his job (that's what he's getting paid for), I noticed a complete 180 degree change in his attitude towards the end when my fiance and I told him we weren't ready to spend cash on pots and pans tonight. He handed us the brochures for the free trip and kodak film offer without making any eye contact and continued doing his paperwork for another couple who had just put down a down payment for a set of pots. When asked if he carried catalogues with him in case we decide to purchase merchandise at a later time, he commented as to the catalogues are heavy and he rarely carries them around with him as he travells which makes sense but what doesn't make logical sense is the burden of carrying his show material (sets of china and heavy cooking pots and pans) which are heavy. It just doesn't make too much sense and I'd caution couples to start their married life without royal prestige pots and pans and instead purchase a cheaper set they can afford to toss as they get old and dirty when they're starting their new married life. When money is plently and they can afford to spend thousands of dollars on cookware, there are many European brands that surpass the quality and price royal prestige offers. Best of luck to all the couples and to the couple who purchased their set of cookware tonight at the presentation.



Its great !!!! no one is ripping you off

#20UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 16, 2003

I worked for the company recently is Addison TX, and i have to say no one is ripping you off. You people knew before you came to the show that you would have to sit through a presitation and we would try to sell you somehing. Now i can understand if the couple does not have alot of money but people who want quality cookwear and even the people who cant afford it we make it very affordable by letting you make payments its a good investment and i only wish i would have bought some while i was still working there. Give them a break their only trying to do their job!!!!!


Staten Island,
New York,

Arm yourself with common sense and a little knowledge!

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, February 11, 2003

My fiancee and I went to a Royal Prestige seminar last night in Manhattan. We sat through the seminar and ended up buying one of their pakages. We know the vacation will be shoddy. We know the free camera is is not a Hassleblad. We opted not to get the extra china or cutlery. The china is ugly. The cutlery is very well made, however, but we already have good cutlery. Neither of us are morons and we bought the cookware because based on what we already know about the subject it seems like a good deal. When we get our merchandise we will see how it stands the test of time.

My advice is as follows:

If you are engaged and go to shows and expos, you WILL be called by many slick salespeople who tell you you have "won a prize" and "qualify for a special offer." They are SALESPEOPLE and are not to be trusted until proven otherwise. This is how they make their living. They take classes on selling tactics and consumer psychology. They desperately want your business. They are not your friends, no matter how friendly they are.

As far as the health claims Royal Prestige makes- Yes, long term ingestion and absorption of aluminum IS toxic to the human body. It is scientific fact. Yes, Teflon IS highly toxic when heated to a certain temperature. It has a million wonderful uses, including surgical implants., but most of these uses don't involve heating the material to high temperatures such as those encountered in a frying pan or machinery parts. Yes, stainless steel is made with nickel and chromium which are toxic in certain amounts and yes, metal alloys are affected by temperature and may change chemically when exposed to high heat. This particular information is well documented and is common knowledge to many people.

If you do your research, you will see that high quality cookware of any material costs a lot of money. Royal Prestige's sale prices are competitive.

If you feel you are "lured" or "pressured" into buying things then you probably should stay home. It is too dangerous out there for you. If you are not sure about buying the product then walk out. If you call them later with some excuse like "I didn't feel well" or there was an emergency at home" or something silly like that, I'm sure you would be able to attend another seminar. Even if you called them and said, "Look, we walked out the other night but changed our minds and would like to purchase your cookware at the sale price," do you think they will say no? You would be handing them $1600!

Do you really think you will be turned away? As for people's claims they were verbally abused or assaulted by salespeople, I find that a little hard to believe. However, if I was in a situation like that I would do the following things: Defend myself if need be, get out of the situation, and call the police. I must say though, our salesman cursed a lot, but he backed up everything he said with published material from reputable sources as well as actual product packaging. He did not, however, hold a Royal Prestige knife to our throats.

Who signs documents without reading them first? If the Royal Presitge contract states in tiny letters on the back that you must wash the salesman's car once a week, and you sign that piece of paper, well then guess what? Go buy some Turtle Wax!

Lastly, If you are saving money for a wedding and cannot afford to spend money on pots and pans, then DON"T BUY THEM.

Remember these things- Salespeople are not your friends. They probably don't even like you. There is a ton of material on the internet about the nature of "free vacations" and how they work. If it is not your thing, then simply don't take the vacation. You rarely get something for nothing. When You sign a contract, it is legally binding unless the terms violate the law. Make sure you know the law or consult someone who does. Their 3 day return policy is perfectly legal in most states and is printed on the contract you thoroghly read and signed. If you are going to a seminar where you know someone is going to be trying to sell you something, do your research beforehand.

My fiance and I knew we were attending a sales pitch. We are not gullible. We did our research beforehand and decidied it was a good deal. If we had doubts, we would have walked out just like we have walked out of these types of things before.



I believe both ways...

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, February 03, 2003

I purchased my pots and pans when I was very young and not quite up to par with the ethics of many companies. They came in to sell to our class in college because we would be soon graduating from nursing school. Yes, I jumped in with both feet. From one standpoint, I've enjoyed my cookware for the most part! From another standpoint, they need to feed off of people already making quite a bit of money...not those of us just about to make our way into the "world". To me, that's just taking advantage of youngsters!!



It IS a Rip-off! ..totally oblivious to the deceptive behavior

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, January 27, 2003

Well, first of all, the 13 year employee must be totally oblivious to the deceptive behavior Royal Prestige exhibits.

I too went to the "seminar" and was sucked in by the presenter's scare tactics. They claimed that aluminum causes alzheimers....wrong! I found numerous articles from doctors stating that there is no proof of this. And he told us that teflon emits toxic fumes...wrong again! Everything he told us was a lie. No wonder why they have countless lawsuits filed against them for misrepresentation, defaming other companies, scare tactics, and high pressure sales.

And about the 3 day cancellation fee...many customers have tried to cancel their contract within the 3 days and the company refuses to refund their money. I'm trying to get my money back now within the 3 days...hopefully, i have luck or I will take further action. They try to say the only thing you can receive is store credit. This practice alone is illegal. I'm warning everyone I come in contact with to stay away from this scam!

I would not want anyone to know I was associated with this so called company, let alone work for them.



I rate this as a good buy!

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, January 20, 2003

My fiance and I also received a phone called telling us we won a trip. We went to the demonstration and spent almost $1900.00 and they gave us a second trip. My concern is with this trips is that you have to use their travel agency and air is not included. So once I pay for air fare I am concerned if I will have paid for the entire trip. I do however think the products are good and I went to two department stores after buying from Royal Prestige to compare the price and for what you are getting, it just about equals out and no one can even touch the warranty. So overall I rate this as a good buy!



Great pans, shotty trips

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, January 13, 2003

Royal Prestige pans and cookware are great. I have a set and will never use anything else. They are WELL worth the price. But If offered a vacation with them be VERY careful. VIP Vacations is the sponsering company and they canceled our resort that we had planned our Honeymoon around. Pots are great, but forget the trips.


New York,

Who knows?

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, December 12, 2002

We wound up buying 2 pieces from them. I will say they cook the food the way and as well as the demonstration. The only thing is they don't clean up as well as claimed. There is a certain type pad that's supposed to do the job but we've yet to get one, so the the fryingpan doesn't see much action. They do heat up quickly, faster than our Faberware Millenium. And they do seem solidly built, you can feel it in the construction. But this company needs to wake up on the cancellation policy. I think a lot of people get buyers remorse after spending so much, try to cancel, get a tough time, and call foul play. Are the porducts worth the price? I don't know, time will tell.



A Very happy costomer

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 21, 2002

I have owned my pots and pans for five years now and am very happy with them. I have had no problems with them what so ever, and not to mention how many great meals for my family has been made with them. We were told the same thing as many of the people. All I have to say about the Alzheimers is nicotine may help prevent the onset, but that does not mean I am going to go out and start smoking. Oh, and we bought the flatware too and love it!


New Springfield,

13 Yr, Employee

#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 04, 2002

I have worked for Royal Prestige for years now

I can tell you that the company in which I work

for goes well beyond the line of duty to please

customers and to bring them a line of products

that are not only healthy for them but top


It sickens me to see what you have written about these people. Yes the New York office may get alittle over zealous about selling however if you knew what we know you would too.

We make claims that are found in books from the

library and prevenative medicine books. If you

ever used the product or ate the food that came

out of it you'd probably understand why we get

excited about what we sell.

And the price comes from warranty. Men buy tools equal to our prices because of the warranty the same holds true here. But you probably never thought about that.

You've never used it you have no idea what you're

even talking about. Our pans are made of silver,

copper, cast iron and titanium.

Tell me where in the store you can find pans made of this material, let alone hold the warranty like ours.

You probably went out and bought a 500.00

titanium golf club and thought that was money

well spent. I hope the Royal Prestige Company sues


I know I am going to be looking into it. I feel you are fraudulent because you made statements you really can't back up.

My advise before you try to ruin someone elses business make sure you do you're home work. As for me I'll never watch you're show again.

And just for the record, it is legal to give a 3 day cancellation time, and we don't have to exchange anything legally we do that as fair practice.

Once again you have no idea what you're talking

about. It's just sad it see someone with the

ablity to reach so many people is so ignorant

to legal contracts and quality products. Hope

we see you in court. I know I'll do my best.

Deborah O'Connell


North Carolina,

Royal Prestige has good stuff....

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 04, 2002

I love my Royal Prestige pans. I have had them for about 7 or 8 years and everytime something wore out or broke, the company always replaced it. They cook things very well and evenly too. It was a good investment and I am happy to say I would buy from them again.


North Carolina,

Royal Prestige has good stuff....

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 04, 2002

I love my Royal Prestige pans. I have had them for about 7 or 8 years and everytime something wore out or broke, the company always replaced it. They cook things very well and evenly too. It was a good investment and I am happy to say I would buy from them again.


North Carolina,

Royal Prestige has good stuff....

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 04, 2002

I love my Royal Prestige pans. I have had them for about 7 or 8 years and everytime something wore out or broke, the company always replaced it. They cook things very well and evenly too. It was a good investment and I am happy to say I would buy from them again.


North Carolina,

Royal Prestige has good stuff....

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 04, 2002

I love my Royal Prestige pans. I have had them for about 7 or 8 years and everytime something wore out or broke, the company always replaced it. They cook things very well and evenly too. It was a good investment and I am happy to say I would buy from them again.

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