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  • Report:  #1243378

Complaint Review: ignacio de vicente egido

ignacio de vicente, egido ignacio, ignacio vicente,   Arcis Engineering Arcis Holding Group Ltd, BVI., Arcis International Trust S.A. upfront fee scam Mallorca mallorca spain

  • Reported By:
    displayname — Netherlands
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 21, 2015
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 22, 2015

Ignacio De Vicente Egido Upfront Money Scams, Spain, Mallorca. He is affiliated with: Arcis Engineering, Arcis Holding Group Ltd, BVI., Arcis International Trust S.A. And many more other companies he uses to hide his name. These companies above and many other companies are companies where he will funnel your money/upfront fees he collects from clients. It gets funneled fast to survive and pay back older clients while paying his own bills. Before Investing your hard earned cash, call those who were put through the grinder

Warning on advanced fees:

Federal Trade Commission on front fee warning:

Advanced Fee Loan Scam:

Ignacio has managed to get $548K from 2 US clients at the beginning of the year 2015. They paid him $548K, he promised to get them each a syndicated loan for 20 Million USD for a grand total of 40 Million USD. Then offered another 30 million on top of 20 million for now a grand total of 50 million USD. 6 weeks elapsed and he failed to deliver according to his contract. After many more weeks, he still has not delivered. He lures them by promising them some crazy structure with Insurcance binder and SLS portfolio and magical stuff that only he can do so that they walk away after 10 years from repaying back the principal of the loan.

Who would say no to a loan where you never pay back the principal amount of the loan. He promises a low yearly interest payment and very low closing cost but he asks for hundreds of thousands of dollars upfront. He promises to use insurance to do some miracles. He pressures clients and pushes them to send money fast. As soon as he meets them on the phone, he starts pressuring the brokers in the middle about spending money. He tells them that he has already spent a lot of money on the clients when in reality it was just the first phone call. he pressures the clients, he does not give them time to think the deal through. He is very aggressive. He makes up stories that because of the discussions he had with them, he had already engaged employees to work on their deal, he tells them he is already incurring expenses because of the clients. Again, this is all a strategy to get money out of the clients pockets. The clients being pressured send the funds out fast and lose them all. He offers insurance binders and asks clients to pay upfront but in reality no insurance or financial institution in the world will ever charge anyone upfront money for a binder or for a loan until the loan is actually delivered. No bank will ever make you pay upfront to deliver a loan. If you ask Ignacio proof of funds, he will tell you he funded billions of dollars in loans. he says he owns half of europe and funded anything in europe. Ignacio has screwed lots of people out of millions of dollars and it is very difficult to get your money back in Mallorca. Mallorca laws are very different than those of the US and many other countries. What is considered a 20 year life sentence in the US, he's only a slap on the hands in Mallorca. Mallorca harbors many fugitives which are freely roaming the country without impudence and Ignacio will attest to that.


Here is an article about fugitive in Mallorca:


Majorca has always been a magnet for upmarket criminals such as former drug dealer, Howard Marks


If you lost money contact: The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) in conjunction with Crime Stoppers.



Ignacio will bring you witnesses and past clients to confirm that he has closed their deals. In reality, he pays them to get on the phone with you. For example he has a group in the USA that will tell you they have closed with him and as soon as you send your money, he will pay them 9K to 10K right away. Check the invoices, the proof is in tracing where the money goes. They all work for him. He gives incentives to innocent brokers to defraud people. So out of the 250K per example sent. He will pay 150K to the brokers involved and the rest he will live on and keep lying to the client. He will make side deals with the broker to trick them so we can bring him more deals. He promissed me a few million dollars on the trunkey autogroup deal. His prospectus are copy and paste, he uses a PPM template, for all his clients, that he bought for $35, you can find such templates at sites like and many other sites:

He will tell you that he is years advanced in finance. He will tell you he loves your deal and he sold billions of euro of bonds for deals similar and he raised billions of dollars. But the catch, you have to pay him money upfront. Now let's think about this. If Ignacio really raised billions, he must be a billionaire himself. Because 4% closing costs that he charges would equate 40 million USD per billion USD deal. So why would he charge upfront money if he already has all this money and loves your deal just give him equity. This is how you protect yourself. Set money into an escrow account that he cannot touch only to reimburse him his fees once he closes your deal. But no, Ignacio would want you to wire him the money and if you do that. Good luck ever getting your hard earned money back. He will invite you to Mallorca, he will show you an office and staff and put you in one of his homes. And you will think that he is doing well, but this is all acquired through front fee money charged to multiple clients. Keep in mind that with $25K a year you can live like a king in Mallorca. Sending Ignacio $250K is like sending him 4 million euro just because the lifestyle over there is way cheaper and the laws are way looser. $250K will support Ignacio's expenses for a few years while you struggle to get your money back which will cost you millions of dollars in legal fees and an eternity to get anything done. Keep in mind, Ignacio will never dare fly to the United States because he may get arrested. He will tell you to fly and meet him but he will never entertain the thought of coming here because the consequences of him showing in the US could put him in prison. If things heat up and clients start threatening, Ignacio will promisse to settle with them and he uses newly acquired funds from the new clients to pay back the old clients. But he works a settlement agreement where he makes small payments so that any new upfront fees he gets can keep him going while keeping lawsuits at bay. This is like a little ponzi scheme going on. If someone wants to come out and denounce him. He will send them death threats through his contacts. But don't be afraid, Ignacio is a scum of the earth that will always hide and will try to intimidate you through vairou means. He will tell you he can do anything and everything, he will tell you he is 50 years ahead of the financial game but in fact if it was not for the front fees he charges his clients, he would not even have a bucket to piss in. Ignacio will also offer you bond trading and match trades. One of his friend defrauded a group out of 4.5 million USD, read below:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: <>

Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 6:43 PM

Subject: Actions against Arcis International Trust

To: Swanson-Cerna Ronald <>, Marty <>

 Ronald Swanson Cerna, Esq -

 To:          The Family of Failed Arcis Relationships

 From:    Gary George, Managing Director, Novel VenCap Corp.

 RE:          Planned Action Against Ignacio de Vicente and Arcis International Trust

I contact you today on behalf of Novel VenCap Corp., an entity that entrusted more than 1.3 million Euros to Arcis International Trust between November 2010 and February 2011 for three different projects.

For a Project called EmVation, Arcis fraudulently converted 59,000 Euros which were specifically designated to pay the Fitch Rating Agency.  Ignacio de Vicente claimed that the money was sent to Fitch in late May / early June of last year, and has offered to show proof of the transfer receipt.  But to date he has not provided any evidence of such.  He then claimed that Fitch had agreed to return the funds to him.  We called Fitch in Spain (where he said the funds were sent), and no one there has ever heard of Arcis, Ignacio, or the EmVation Project.

With the threat of criminal and civil action against Ignacio and Arcis, he agreed to a bridge-loan to fund the creation of the necessary Special Purpose Vehicle in Austria (which he has failed to do originally on his own, and this, according to Ignacio, is the only hold-up on him selling the Project).  After repeatedly failing to miss his own deadlines to fund the SPV (including two separate executed bridge-loan agreements that were not honored by him, one of which we believe he fraudulently signed on behalf of an independent third-party), he advised of a payment to be made to a trust account more than 4 months ago; the document he sent as proof, in our view, was fraudulent.  Knowing Ignacio as you all do, you must know that promise after promise, the money still has not arrived.

For a Project called Southpoint, after Arcis accepted all the funds and spent some 180,000 Euros, we realized he was not accomplishing anything, and in our mind had not done any work on the Project for several months.  We reached an agreement to cancel the Project, have the remaining funds still held in trust returned to us, and Ignacio would pay back the 180,000 within 90 days.  Those 90 days ended in October of last year.  Once again, no money has been paid to us.  Ignacio subsequently agreed in November-December to make monthly payments to Southpoint of 30,000 to 40,000 Euros until he had sufficient capital to return the remainder.  Excuse after excuse and he has yet to fulfill a first month.

We have reason to believe a prior client has received a payment on a past due account, the new Arcis office has beautiful tailor-designed glass windows, there are workmen there every day, his phones are working again, select staff members have been paid (but not all), and he still travels internationally consistently.  All while he pleads poverty.

The purpose of this contact Memo to you today is to advise you of our planned actions.

For Novel EmVation LLC, we have retained legal counsel in Madrid and Mallorca, and plan both civil and criminal complaints.  For Novel Southpoint LLC, we are in the process of retaining legal counsel in the State of Nevada, USA, where we will file a civil lawsuit against him.  Additionally we will be contacting the Guardia Civil's special Financial Crimes Unit to report his actions as related to both Projects.

Additionally we are contacting Reuter's, who have been running a series of articles on the high incidence of fraud in the financial services industry, specifically focusing on an American fugitive named David Spargo (who is partially blamed for the collapse of the Icelandic economy; Google his name for all the details).  The articles note that Spargo, the "Missing Money Man", has been hiding in plain sight in Mallorca; it is our understanding that he was first introduced to Mallorca by Ignacio, and they were involved in one or more Projects together.  Given that Spargo is wanted in the United States, Italy, Iceland, and Colombia I believe, Reuter's will have great interest in his relationship with Arcis, and the world should know how Arcis conducts business.

One final point, we have secured the rights to a new web site:  This web site can be live with 6 hours notice.  It will allow all to post comments openly on their particular experiences with Arcis work ethics, as well as post e-mails and other correspondence from Arcis, including the multiple fraudulent and / or forged documentation received by them.  Within days after showing Ignacio an advance "courtesy copy" of this letter, I received personal threats from a Mr. "Gabriel Angel of Vengeance" (as translated from the original Spanish), claiming he would personally destroy me and Novel through the internet, with his new websites including (how original), if we did anything to hurt his "friend of whom I know he speaks of"; this to show you the level of maturity that I have been dealing with in trying to get Arcis and Ignacio to honor their word and legal obligations.

We have provided Arcis numerous repeated options out; Ignacio has refused each one.  Our last, which made the most sense for all, was for Ignacio to appoint a Trustee who would have signature authority over his accounts.  We all make our claims, and Arcis submits his reasonable operating expenses for review.  Then all are proportionally paid, allowing each of us to begin to recover, while allowing Arcis to continue to survive at least until we are paid back.  This would be akin to an internal bankruptcy reorganization.  Knowing Ignacio as you all must, you can easily see how him relinquishing any control, even if in his best interest, is a non-starter for him.

Through this letter I ask for your comments on a joint effort to force an internal bankruptcy reorganization along the lines of that suggested immediately above.  Unless by some miracle Arcis begins to honor their commitments and we receive our promised payments, it is our belief that Arcis will be out of business, and Ignacio's career over, within a week of our web-site going live.  Perhaps if we were to band together through our common interests, there may be a way for us all to recoup at least some of our respective Arcis losses, while still allowing Arcis to survive long enough to pay us all back.

Should you have any particular thoughts or comments you would like to share, or if you are interested in discussing possible joint action, please contact me at your convenience.



Gary D. George

Managing Director

Novel VenCap Corporation





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Posted: Friday, August 12, 2011 11:41 PM


Posted: 10/13/2004 5:09:13 PM

By: R. Schmidt

Cambridge Technologie, London

Company from Abbi Sabbas and Gary Botha

They works together with Mexican Mafia people like Jose Garci Crespo and Ignacio de Vicente in the field of MTN Dealing. Money laundering between Spain and Germany. Very dangerous people.


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