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  • Report:  #1190916

Complaint Review: IMPACT TRAINING – TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Impact Training's goal is 100% client satisfaction. Impact Training provides experiential training; assists individuals learn control of & reaction to life circumstances. Participants report increased optimism energy clarity productivity personal power. Impact Training receives 5 of 5 stars (Yelp); 4.9 of 5 (Google); great graduate feedback.

Impact Training REVIEW: Impact Training focuses on personal empowerment, leadership, accomplishments. Impact Training’s curriculum provides hands-on discovery plus individual coaching. Desired outcome: clarity of goals, intentions to align with new daily actions. Impact’s client survey results reveal 95 -100% approval rating. Impact Training receives positive rating for commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. By joining our innovative program Impact Training made a serious commitment. Recognized by Ripoff Report Verified™ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    ED Magedson - Founder, Ripoff Report — Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 23, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 25, 2014
  • IMPACT TRAINING – TRUSTED BUSINESS | Ripoff Report Verified™ …businesses you can trust. Impact Training's goal is 100% client satisfaction. Impact Training provides experiential training; assists individuals learn control of & reaction to life circumstances. Participants report increased optimism, energy, clarity, productivity, personal power. Impact Training receives 5 of 5 stars (Yelp); 4.9 of 5 (Google); great graduate feedback.
    14823 S Heritage Crest Way
    Blufdale, Utah
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Impact Training joins Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program -- a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and business alike.

Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program -- a program that benefits the consumer, which helps to increase consumer satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business Verified By Ripoff Report.

When a company or individual joins the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program, they must make a commitment to us – in writing – to 'doing whatever it takes to make things right with their customers.' What does that mean? It means that Ripoff Report expects that members of our Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program will review and respond to ALL customer complaints promptly. It means that every complaint will be taken seriously and every customer will be treated fairly and with respect. It means if a customer did not receive what they expected, the company will work with that customer to fix the issue. It means that if a customer requests a refund and if there is any reasonable basis for that request, we expect the customer will be given a prompt refund (some refund requests may not be reasonable, so this does not mean a refund is guaranteed in every case). “Making things right” can mean lots of different things to different people, but our point is this - by working closely with the company or individual to resolve any disputes, Ripoff Report can track the footprints of customer service to ensure that Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program members are doing everything they can to treat customers fairly and to increase their customer satisfaction.


Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

By Ed Magedson - Founder, Ripoff Report

Impact Training approached Ripoff Report with the intent of wanting to resolve any customer issues and reports posted on Ripoff Report.

As a Part of the Corporate Advocacy Program the member business allows Ripoff Report to send an email to all of those who filed a complaint in the past, letting the customer know, the member business wanted to make things right with them, whatever it takes to do so. Ripoff Report always monitors these emails to insure the member business does what they agreed to. The people at Impact Training did just that.

Impact Training has gone to great lengths to make sure they try and resolve any and all customer issues. Impact joined the Corporate Advocacy Program because they want customers to know they will resolve any and all customer issues. They never want their customers to feel like they weren’t taken care of.


"Life...You have all the pieces, now put them all together.

Are you seeking to be happier, more loving, more at peace with yourself and others, more optimistic, more confident? If your answer is yes, we invite you to take part in the Impact Training Seminars. Impact is about change. It's for people who want more out of life and are willing to change in order to experience more peace, love and joy. During the course of your Impact Trainings you will have the opportunity to take a deep look at all the aspects of your life. You will take an honest look at your results and how you are creating them. In doing so, you will start to discover what is working and not working on a deeper level than ever before. Areas of your life that are creating results that are less than that what you are wanting will become clear. As you move through the training, you will discover that you naturally start to let go of the behaviors and thinking that are undermining your happiness and success in life. Many graduates report that after completing the Impact Trainings, they simply see the world and themselves differently. They just seem to be happier no matter what is happening. They feel valued and loved. They experience peace and forgiveness in their lives.

Everyone is experiencing different levels of happiness in their life. And depending on what is occurring on a moment to moment level, many experience temporary increases in their love, joy and peace. Most can remember what it felt like as a child at Christmas. All the anticipation and excitement that builds. The joy of opening a gift and discovering something wonderful to play with. But then, given a little time, the wonder wears off. The toy sits on the shelf and our level of happiness returns back to the level it was before, and the child's attention goes to the next toy that will for sure make them happy, at least for a little while. This is normal human behavior for most people. Many adults get to the point where things "just don't feel good." Some will attempt to fix this by changing jobs, getting divorced or buying bigger toys. But just like the child at Christmas, given a little time, things return to their "normal" levels. Some people even go out of their way to seek these temporary spikes in emotion. Just about everyone knows someone who is an "adrenalin junkie," always looking for the next extreme sport or activity so they can "Feel Alive." But then given time these spikes return back to their own unique normal levels and the individual is left anticipating the next spike in emotion. Again, this is normal.”

"But what if you could raise your unique "normal" level so that even when nothing is going on, you feel happy, loving and peaceful? This is one of the benefits of Impact Training. Impact Training empowers you to take significant leaps towards personal happiness. Impact is an amazing training in that no matter where you are starting at, you can move forward from there. So if you are already happy or if you are at rock bottom, you can move forward. Graduates often report that they can't seem to wipe the smile off their face. With this new level of happiness and self love, many grads report that they have new energy and commitment to take on the challenges of life. When you decide to take charge of your life, you choose for yourself the path you want to travel and incredible things will happen. In the Impact Trainings, you will learn that you have the power and the clarity within you. Come discover what life can be like when you let go of the things in life weighing you down.”


Impact Training offers a wide variety of courses focused on different aspects of life. Whether you are attending personal development training, business training or a team ropes course, you will find the same level of dedication and professionalism. Impact is committed to providing the best self improvement seminars in the world. Over the years we have averaged 95% to 100% approval in our surveys regarding Impact Training. Every year our courses continue to update and evolve. Since our inception in 1985, we have continued to improve effectiveness our trainings. Last year, we surveyed hundreds of grads; 99% gave us 5 out of 5 stars on overall experience. In addition to our own internal surveys, we received high ratings in public review sites. At the time of this posting, Yelp's reviews of Impact Training averages 5 out of 5 stars and Google averages 4.9 out of 5 stars for Impact Training. With thousands and thousands of graduates, we look at our feedback very seriously. The staff and trainers meet regularly to discuss our effectiveness and what can be done to improve our training results. We resolve to continue to evolve until we reach 100% satisfaction.


Internationally, there are only a few companies who do anything similar to Impact Training. The Great Life, Rising Star, Landmark Education, Psi Seminars, Imago Via, 3 Key Elements, Tony Robbins, Wings Seminars, Insight Seminars, Pathways Seminars, Rapport International and New Era are the most common, but none of them provide the level of training that Impact does. We are constantly hearing from our customers who attended these other workshops that, although the courses were good, the difference between Impact Training and others is night & day. In fact, some of the biggest compliments about Impact Training and trainers come from students who have attended other seminars and can therefore recognize the extra mile and quality Impact delivers.

"One example of what we have improved on in the last couple of years is preparing the trainees before their training begins. We receive very few complaints, but most of them are from individuals who are not informed about what Impact Trainings does prior to the start of their Quest Training. Impact is about changing the attitudes and behaviors keeping people stuck where they are, preventing them from moving to higher levels joy, happiness and love in their lives. Pryor to the training commencement, we attempt to have a one-on-one empowerment call with each trainee, so that they can be prepared for what they are about to step into. Although we are not able to complete this with every student due to the fact that some sign up last moment and others do not return our calls prior to the beginning of training, we have found that this has increased the overall training effectiveness. Our students are not limited to just one call, many of our students will spend hours on the phone and in person with our staff preparing before the training begins. This is a powerful training, but students will only get out what they put into it. The more they are prepared, the better the results for the trainees. In addition to all the phone calls and one-on-ones prior to the day of the training, we ask the trainees to arrive 45 to 90 minutes early so they will have plenty of time to meet their personal empowerment coach and go over what is going to happen in the training. Again most students take advantage of this opportunity, but some show up at the last moment before the training starts and miss out on this opportunity. In addition to just preparing them for their training, their empowerment coach is there for them throughout their Impact experience. The program is life changing and can be intense. Because of that we provide each student with someone to talk to outside of the training to listen and work with each student independently of what is happening in the training. Upon completing the training, each student is interviewed and we work with each one to continue to apply what they have learned in the training in their day to day life.”


"Hans Berger, founder of Impact Training, has traveled a long road since his experience as a child in East Germany during World War II. During his youth, Hans experienced the brutalities of war first-hand. With his family, he survived both bombings and hunger. During the war Han's family often ate just one meal a day, consisting of wild nettle soup and sometimes potatoes. After the war, he experienced the take-over by the Russian communist government. The difficulties his family had experienced during the war only became worse under the rule of Russian troops and Hans witnessed firsthand the worst of humanity, including murder and rape. At age 13, Hans and his family escaped to West Germany. There, Hans discovered a whole new world, one that included kindness, openness, connection, happiness and freedom. Han's childhood became the foundation for his life and his commitment to peace, love and joy.

Prior to Impact, Hans was successful at various business ventures, but had a desire to do something more, something that would create a lasting impact on humanity. In 1985 Hans and his wife, Sally opened Impact Trainings and started a new chapter in their life.

Impact Training's vision is to empower the human spirit towards free, unconditional loving and harmonious living. Impact Training's purpose is to create a safe environment for people to discover and be who they truly are. Currently Impact Training is located in Bluffdale, UT and thousands have attended Impact's seminars from all over the world. Impact Training's seminars are very dynamic and continue to evolve and change to meet today's challenges and issues.”




Do you want to be happier, more loving, more at peace with yourself and others, more optimistic, and more confident? If your answer is yes, we invite you to take part in the Impact Trainings Seminars. The Quest Training, Summit Training, and Lift Off Training empowers you to take quantum leaps towards personal happiness. There is no place to go to be happy, no mountain to climb, no success to achieve, no material items to acquire. You can pursue all of your goals and not have to wait for external events to materialize for your happiness.

Tens of thousands of people of all ages, from all backgrounds and occupations, and from every corner of the globe, have taken the opportunity to experience a new life. Through the Impact Trainings they have learned how to create and actually sustain feelings of optimism, peace of mind, clarity, personal power, and joy – not as a fleeting experience – but anytime, anywhere they choose!

Impact Trainings participants most often report these benefits:

  • The ability to make peace with difficult past events and move on, discarding past regrets and worries about the future
  • Increased self-trust and self-confidence
  • An improved level of physical energy and vitality
  • A profound sense of personal power
  • An enhanced motivation and capacity to pursue goals with increased productivity and success
  • A newfound ability to “lighten-up,” to play more freely and to enjoy life more wholeheartedly

Impact Trainings are practical, experiential, challenging and often ‘playful’ experiences. These training sessions will assist you in designing a clear, specific vision of what you really want in relationships, career, health, and personal happiness. You design your own plan for achievement as you experience sustained happiness and increased productivity.

Begin your Quest now!

Who can benefit from Impact Trainings?

  • If you want to be happier and more effective in any area of your life… the Impact Trainings provides you with practical, specific skills that enable you to make positive improvements in yourself. You learn what you really want in relationships, careers, health, and personal happiness.
  • If you are at a turning point in your life… facing a career change, divorce, the death of a loved one, graduation from college, mid-life transitions, retirement, or if you want more peace of mind about life’s challenges, you gain an entirely new perspective in the Impact Trainings.
  • If you want more success and satisfaction in your career… you will learn how to apply loving and accepting attitudes toward yourself, your clients, and coworkers. You will discover new inspiration and a new source of energy while becoming less judgmental and more effective in getting the results you have always wanted.
  • If your family relationships are troubled by adversity... you will learn methods to create “miracles of love” in painful and seemingly hopeless situations. With an attitude of love, acceptance and respect, you can profoundly alter or change the experience in your family. You will overcome the areas of discomfort you now feel. Through the Impact Trainings, you will discover and create amazing possibilities for deeper growth and learning in your family.

Happiness is not accidental! It is not a mysterious; good fortune that falls by chance on a lucky few. Instead, it is a delightful, empowering, and satisfying state of mind and being.


Your Summit Training: Claim Your Talents, Wisdom, and Purpose

Once you’ve opened the door in Impact Trainings Quest, Summit provides you the opportunity to create a clear picture of your own unique talents and gifts; thus allowing these gifts to manifest themselves in your everyday life without wondering or worrying.

What is your purpose in life? What gifts do you bring?

In Summit, you will experience a level of your magnificence you’ve yet to experience. The Summit training is the place for you to take a stand as to what you are committed to creating in your world and the world around you. By being willing to take such a stand, you consciously begin to create it. The Summit training can also enable you to experience the value of commitment, trust, and service. Consequently, your relationships will be more trusting and committed.

You have something unique to offer this world – in Summit you will get a clearer picture as to what that is. Possessing this clarity can assist you in eliminating self-doubt and gaining more confidence when pondering which decision to make or what direction to take. Being clear can determine the difference between being understood rather than misunderstood by those around you.

You can be accepted for who and how you are, versus the people around you wanting to change you to the way they think you ought to be. In return, you will begin to understand others around you and the way they are, without getting annoyed by them and feeling the need to change them.”


Create Miracles and Live in Joy, Peace and Abundance

Impact Trainings Lift-Off training is a unique leadership training in which you are given the opportunity to be a leader by healing and improving your relationships. Leaders are those who inspire trust. You will discover during Lift Off what it takes to inspire trust in your relationships with family, friends, love relationships, and coworkers in your professional life. This six-week training takes place almost entirely in your world, with training sessions held periodically at the center on scheduled weekends and some weeknights.

Lift-Off is a practical "hands-on" training where you live and practice your Impact Trainings tools – in your daily life. In Lift-Off you develop an unshakeable sense of personal power and become amazingly energized and effective in pursuing your goals in life. Designed to dynamically Impact all areas of your life – relationships, family, career, and health. Lift-Off challenges and encourages each participant to:

  • Trust inner knowing
  • Be caring and sensitive towards other
  • Live in abundance in all areas of your life
  • Have fun-fun-fun while going for what you want
  • Create and sustain self confidence, clarity, self-trust, and vitality


The Teen Quest and Summit training develops teen leaders who are committed to creating different or enhanced results in areas of their lives that matter most to them. The Teen Quest focuses in three areas:

  1. Responsibility and integrity as an opportunity to live as a leader.
  2. Choices – What are my choices? Where do I choose from? Do my choices match up with my heartfelt goals?
  3. Accountability – How do I create my own results at home, school, and with friends?

The Teen Quest training uses experiential games: Role-play, large group and partner discussions, and our outdoor ropes course. The Teen Quest training is designed to provide insights and tools for teenagers to embrace self-esteem and improve their ability to communicate clearly. By learning accountability and integrity, teens increase self-awareness, listening skills, and empathy – truly becoming caring, healthy members of their communities.


The ropes course events are spectacular! Teens have the opportunity to meet challenges and enjoy an incredibly thrilling adventure. With each event comes the opportunity to develop trust. At the ropes course, we cultivate trust as a key to strong personal development. The ropes course includes both low and high events and the ultimate goal is to awaken peer leadership, improved self-esteem and self-confidence, and teamwork.


Respect, Responsibility, and Relationships

In this training, teens "fine tune" and "re-energize” personal leadership skills.

  • Increases sense of personal power and self-esteem
  • Encourages mutual support within peer group
  • Teaches how to set personal goals and work towards them
  • Increases ability to develop relationships built on trust and cooperation
  • Develops fun ways to be a contribution to the community

Teen Summit challenges teens to work together in new and creative ways to achieve personal goals in school, at home, and in their community. Teens are recognized, valued, and respected by their peer group. They learn to develop positive working relationships with their peers, their family, and their teachers. They learn and practice speaking the "Language of Accountability.


In Teen Lift Off teens practice the tools of Teen Quest and Summit under the guidance of Lift Off Coach. Teens learn to apply these new skills while evaluating and comparing their results.


In this powerful training, children learn integrity and living accountably moment to moment in an interactive environment with their peers. With other children in their age group, each child will be introduced to concepts that improve communication and listening skills along with relationship skills and social interaction at home, school and in the community. This training is customized to the age and sensibilities of the youth to empower them to live a joyful life.

Designed to address:

  • The value of accountability and personal responsibility
  • How to communicate without fear or tension
  • How to create teamwork and leadership
  • How to listen beyond simply hearing
  • Love of self by being oneself
  • How to eliminate power struggles in relationships
  • How to be accountable at home, school and with friends


Unlocking the power of partnership between men and women.

This powerful retreat training teaches men and women to create a happy, healthy, fulfilling, alive and easy marriage. Whether you are looking for a way to make love last or working at getting your relationship off the ground, you will put into practice the exact tools that will enable your marriage to blossom. This training is for married couples building a LONG-TERM, LOVING, CRISIS-FREE relationship regardless of how long they have been married.

This enlightening training empowers you to learn:

  • to sustain REAL CHEMISTRY in your relationship.
  • skills to RESOLVE CONFLICT and negotiate.
  • to BUILD INTIMACY that's easy for both of you.


Celebrate the woman in you!

In these sessions you will acknowledge the uniqueness that you are as you discover the many facets of being a woman. You will celebrate your sensitive, loving, and intuitive self – along with the passionate and sensual self. As a divine woman, you are blessed with a birthright of love, compassion, power, and dignity as you stand in the bonds of womanhood, lifting and raising all to our highest potential. This powerful training empowers the female heart to step up and into the journey of claiming your wisdom and speaking your individual truth. In a world where woman stand together, united as sisters, there is no mountain too high or ocean too wide that cannot be overcome with the power of divine, feminine love.

This is an empowering weekend to:

  • claim your Wisdom and peak your truth.
  • Never feel weak or victimized again
  • love the parts of yourself that you judge most.
  • become a model of Love and Power.
  • Give yourself permission to truly get in touch and know the woman you are.

This is a joyful, powerful, and insightful experience.


A woman's retreat to celebrate your feminine goddess energy!

All graduates of Lift Off are invited to come together to share, experience, and celebrate the magic of truly knowing yourself as a woman and goddess.

Inner Woman Level 2 Retreat

  • You will become centered, energized, and balanced
  • You will tune into and claim your natural gifts
  • You will learn what talents and intuitive gifts come easily to you
  • You will connect to nature, energy, and your soul
  • You will be the gift you are to the world.

Women graduates have requested this course. Now is the time to move to the next level of mastery together. Pass on the news and bring your mothers, sisters, daughters, and buddies!


Come Awaken the Power Within…

This bold and exciting session is designed for men to strengthen their power by integrating success in all aspects of their lives. This two day experience allows men an opportunity to evaluate where they are experiencing peace and joy and how to shift the areas they are not happy with. They will learn the secrets to building success and balance in relationships, at work and in the world while expanding upon the foundation built in Quest, Summit and Lift Off.


There is a unique and spirit filled gift awaiting you…

Regardless of where you find yourself in your personal journey, you will discover new and joyful ways to put your dreams into action and awaken the trainer, teacher, and leader in you. Learn to create inner balance, trust your natural knowing and promptings and connect to Mother Earth and elements of nature – color, sound, and light.

This training will provide powerful experiences, practical insights, and loving support designed to empower you to "live your vision" on a deeper, stronger, and more spirit-filled level. Life Mastery Training is an inspiring, deep, and joyful experience.


Our ropes course in located on one of the most beautiful and breathtaking location in Utah. It is nestled high in the Rocky Mountains, next to a beautiful river with huge cottonwoods groves scattered across the course. Each of our events has been built and maintained with the highest levels of safety and effectiveness in mind. The course is used for our Lift Off Training and other Business and team building trainings. On the course, trainees learn to take a deeper look at themselves and overcome the barriers that keep them from creating success in their lives.


Whether the intention is to improve team cohesiveness or increase results, we can customize a program to fit each need. We have close to 30 different business modules that can be combined into a unique and custom training fitted for specific business or team events.


At Impact, our Trainers are handpicked and come from all walks of life. Sometimes, people will ask if trainers are psychiatrists. No, they are not trained psychiatrists. Nor is what we are doing psychiatric therapy or treatment. Our programs are set up differently than therapy. Currently each of our Quest trainers has 25 or more years of experience with Impact Training. Pryor to leading Quest Training, each Quest Trainer is mentored with the originator of Impact for several years and then co-trains with our most experienced trainers for several more years. During their mentoring, they will solo various training opportunities under the watch of their mentor. They are constantly being reviewed and evaluated so they can continually improve their skills. By time they solo as a Quest Trainer, they have had many years of training experience and are more than prepared to handle anything that comes up in our trainings.


As stated above, Impact Training is committed to 100% customer satisfaction and has made every possible effort to ensure that all customers have a positive experience with them.

After speaking with the management at Impact Training and emailing anyone who filed a complaint in the past, Ripoff Report is proud to give Impact Training a positive Rating. Impact Training made efforts to ensure that all customers were satisfied and further assured Ripoff Report that the Impact Training offers an improved business model that features customer satisfaction as the top priority.

Hans Berger, the owner of Impact Training, stated, "We are constantly taking a look at our trainings and improving them. Since 1985, the trainings have changed and grown. We are happy to take a look at the feedback we have received over the years and create the ultimate experience to result in the most effective outcome for our students. If a customer has an issue, we would love to talk to them and see what can be done to resolve it in an equitable manner. Please contact us at 801-572-9700.”


Impact Training promises to always contact customers to gather valuable feedback to continue to adapt and deliver the utmost in customer service. Impact Training is willing to go beyond the call of good customer service and do what it takes to make things right with their customers.

"At Impact, we are about people living their lives in love and peace. If for any reason there is anyone out there who has attended our trainings and is not happy with their results, please give us a call at 801-572-9700.”

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program should email us at

This kind of dedication to customer service means that Impact Training will do whatever it takes to make sure their customers are properly taken care of.

In the future, if anyone has any complaints or concerns with Impact Training, you are invited to contact them directly via email: (again, please be sure to cc: so we can keep track of the company’s response and to insure customer satisfaction). You can call Impact Training directly at 801-572-9700, and ask for David Berger.

As always, Ripoff Report cannot guarantee that every customer or employee will always be 100% satisfied in every case, but we promise that if you have any concerns with Impact Training or any of our Corporate Advocacy Program members, we will do everything we can to see that the issue is addressed quickly and that you are treated fairly and with respect. Any issues you think you cannot resolve with any member of Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy Program, please contact us at

Remember, just because a company or individual is reported on Ripoff Report does not mean you should not do business with them. Use Ripoff Report information as a tool to your advantage. Be knowledgeable about any company or person you hire. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and get additional information until you feel comfortable in allowing them to work for you.

Be sure to contact us with your questions and comments about any business that is part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome and will be considered even if we don't agree with them. Please realize Ripoff Report is charting new territory, working to make a change for both consumers and businesses alike.

Consumers can feel safe confident and secure when doing business with Impact Training.

Here's why:

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, and about Impact Training’s Commitment to Excellence and Consumer Satisfaction.

Consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with a member of Ripoff Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Written by,

..Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program team.. consumers, for consumers

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ED Magedson: Founder, Ripoff Report
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