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  • Report:  #882779

Complaint Review: Impact Trainings

Impact Training TRUSTED BUSINESS REVIEW: Impact Training provides highly effective, transformative trainings. Impact Training reviews each training, consults all trainees seeking feedback to maximize quality of results experienced by graduates of Impact Training.

*UPDATE: Impact Training pledges sincere intention to improve operations by joining Ripoff Report’s Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer by increasing confidence when doing business with a member business. Impact Training recognized by Ripoff Report Verified™ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    IMPACT TRAINING IS A CULT — Walnut Creek California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 15, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 30, 2014
  • Impact Trainings
    bluffdale, Utah
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was recruited to the Impact Trainings through someone who works with my best friend.  We went to the first training (500$ each), and were led to believe that we were attending a professional career/communication conference  (I know now that the cult members are forced to "recruit" a quota of members, or they are kicked out).  I'm a teacher in California, so I thought this sounded great and worthwhile.

I knew right away that it wasn't what we were led to believe.  The "leaders" right away yelled at everyone and made seemingly emotionally weak people break-down and cry.  We were not allowed to eat, and on day 1, we were forced to turn in all prescribed medications (which I did not).  We were told that we were not allowed to talk to outside people about anything that happened within the cult. They yelled and ridiculed many...  We were forced to kneel in front of a chair and beat it, pretending it was one of our family members.   When I refused, two leaders approached me and yelled at me.  They threatened me and said that I wasn't "going the distance". I still refused to beat the chair. On another occasion, we were all forced to lay down and imagine being burried in a casket during our funeral.  They told us that this was how our life would end, with our family members knowing that we weren't worthy of living. I saw even after one day, how very weak people instantly became dependent on the power hans had over them.

On the third day, my friend had to leave for a funeral.  After the following day, I was so offended and disturbed by the activities that I told my "angel" (what they call the person in the cult who recruited you) that while respecting her own opionions and involvement within the organization, it was not for me and that I was leaving the next morning.  I was verbally attacked by two cult members in a car.  I was told that if I really decided to leave the cult, my life would amount to nothing and that "I would die."   One of the members in the car was turned all the way around from the front seat, screaming at me and pointing her finger in my face.  I was hoping these two individuals were taking me to a hotel, but didn't really know WHERE they were taking me/what would happen.  I was scared for my life, but am grateful now that I made it out safe and sound.

I'm sharing this because I want people to be informed and stay away from this organization.  My friend and I got out, and are so grateful we were strong enough to see through everything.  FYI this cult member is a 50 year old VOLUNTEER coach at CAL BERKELEY. Coaching staff is aware of everything and this person will be removed from staff at the end of the year, however, this is serious.  I have family members who work on the utah sate legislature, and it is only a matter of time before the government disasembles this cult. STAY AWAY

3 Updates & Rebuttals



I can't believe what I have read here. It doesn't give you any real idea of what happens at Impact. As long as you blame someone else for your problems you never have to face up to them and they conti

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

I can't believe what I have read here. It doesn't give you any real idea of what happens at Impact. As long as you blame someone else for your problems you never have to face up to them and they continue to haunt you or get worse. All Impact teaches is Accountability, Love, Forgiveness, Intention and Committed Action. Here is an example of a meditation that Impact uses so you can see that they are about change, but change for the better (not blame, not victimness, not hate).
"YOUR PERFECT NEXT STEP - I ask that you close your eyes and take deep breath in and anchor yourself in this room with the most majestic love feeling that you can feel in your heart, bringing the white light down through the top of your head, bringing the light into your heart and let the heart space grow and expand and become warm. See the blue white light or perhaps the radiant green light of love.  And with each breath expand the heart space, expand the love.  And as you expand that love in your own heart, it literally is radiating, overlapping into the energy field of everyone in this room, starting with the person on the right and the person on the left as you entrain and give love and compassion.  To the right, to the left, in front, and in back, breathing out love. And as love is the great healer, as love is the energy that creates resolution in your life, I ask that each one of you in this very moment bring into your awareness something in your life, in your experience that there is some dissatisfaction around right now, just some dissatisfaction, and you know there is an answer to alleviate and dissolve this dissatisfaction or discord.  Just bring that event, that person, that situation, that question into your awareness.  Put the situation literally in a bubble in front of you.  And as you do this, you see the people, the circumstances, the feelings.  You see it all, the place and the event. And as you have already activated the light through the very crown of your head and your heart is literally filled with that most powerful force in the Universe, create that laser beam of light as you link with this situation, event, or person.  Take a deep breath in and on the out breath the light out.  Let it go.  Blow it out and feel that light and love.  Another deep breath in and more love and light goes into that situation from your very soul.  And one more.  Deep breath in and let it go, infusing this dissatisfaction, discord, or confusion with nothing but love.  And let it be absorbed, watch it happen, make it real. And as this situation, event, or person absorbs this love, it is your time to just sit for a second in silence and feel insight, answers, promptings, hunches, intuition and let those answers just click.  Let the click happen.  And as you stand in silence for a moment, just breathe naturally and let your hunches and your promptings manifest.  And as those promptings, that intuition, that insight comes into your awareness, breathe it in, anchor it in, anchor it into yourself, into your heart, into your consciousness, such that you take it out of this room with you tonight.  And we ask the first thing you do when you leave tonight is to take a pen and paper and write down your insight, your inspiration, your promptings, your answer, your next step.  And write it down and then put it by your bed stand as you sleep tonight so that this situation that has now been infused with love continues to outflow to you the perfect resolution, the perfect answer, and your perfect next step."



Salt Lake City,


#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 28, 2013

I too, went through this. To the person who commented about it not being for everyone, I say only this....some people are more easily brainwashed than others. These "trainings" are dangerous and the people conducting them have no licenses in psychology or the likes! I know many who were brought to the brink of suicide because of them! People go in confident and then are ripped apart. When they want to quit, they are talked out of it by their "angels" who are only pushing them to go through because they are being told that if they can't get people to sign up and stick it out, they are uninspiring. Brainwashing at its finest. People stay because they trust their loved ones and they don't want to let them clever a model is that?


West Valley,
United States of America

Impact isn't for Everyone

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2012

Clearly Impact ins't for this person... and had expectations of what it should look like going in. I would like to say first hand the reason they don't ask you to talk about it with people who have not attended the training is because the people you were telling, would have expectations of what the training is about. Every class is so different because everyone works there own issues in this class. If i told you my issues and how i handled them, you would think it would have to "look" the way I took on my training.

Second off... this is the correct definition of a cult:
A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure, object or goal.

So yeah in a way Impact is totally a cult. We are all in there devoted individuals working towards a similar goal. 

Third off, Impact isn't for everyone. It clearly states in everything they do BEFORE you go in that Impact Training is for Healthy, Successful individuals who know that there is more in life then what their currently experiencing. You have to have an open mind and open to every possibility in the world before you step one foot in that door. This individual clearly did not have an open mind.

Anyone can say anything on the internet. Its the bathroom wall of the universe, if you are seriously considering taking this course to get more out of life then what you are currently experencing then go check out this link of TONS of Testimonials of individuals who have COMPLETED this course from start to finnish. You can't bash on something if you don't experence it from start to end. This gentalman only experenced the begaining... they didn't even finish. So if your considering impact might be for you, then go get the real story. at:

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