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  • Report:  #34614

Complaint Review: Imperial consumer services

Imperial consumer services rip-off Scamming Pigs *EDitor's Opinion

  • Reported By:
    los osos ca
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 08, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 11, 2003

These pigs ripped me off. Some dumb w***e named Jada called me. But Being that im a american that loves there fellow americans i accepted the fact that this w***e could barely speak english. She scammed me into giving them a check for 259 bucks so that i may gat a 2500$$ account. I havent recieved a thing in the mail.

Its a shame that these people are milking our system and are milking other hard-working Americans. I lay in bed at night hoping that my 250 dollars did not support terrorism.

Dont fall for this scam. Everyone of those lazy pigs that works for Imperial consumer services should be used as target practice for my buddies still in the USMC. We should deport these pigs and the camels they rode in on.

los osos, California

28 Updates & Rebuttals



Mon, January 06, 2003

I dont want or need your pity. I think that everyones thoughts here are ok to have. But it doesnt change the fact that they're lame. Kind of like the lame a*s thought about pressing charges on me for telling someone to kill themselves. To make you feel better I will let you know that all my harsh remarks are lined with sarcasm. Dont Cry and dont get your little feelings hurt.

Shouldnt I be bitter towards the people that ripped me off? Yeah I think I should. My hatred will die with Jada, ICS and all who simpathise with them.

As for people like me who give America a bad rep. Ill have you know that its people like me ,that give up and have given up thier own freedoms so others may have it. So i could care less what some third word repressed civilazation thinks of me. Because as soon as we liberat them they quit complaining real fast (believe me,ive been there, i know). You have no idea what I've done and what ive been through. To help tons of people that supposedly "hate us" turn around and shake my hand because they can now have the little freedoms that most people like YOU probably take for granted.
The point is that there are organizations taking advantage of our freedoms. And using it to rip US off. There are Millions of men and women out there that work there asses off for hardly anything to make sure we have those freedoms.
So befor you start ripping me on how trashy i am. Remember that its trash like me that have made it possible for unappreciative schmucks like yourself to come on this little website and say whatever they want.
I dont want your pitty and i dont need your thanks. Just keep working hard and simpathising towards the people that rip us off retard.

If your a hardworking, law biting taxpayer. You can say whatever the hell you want. But dont cry like a 3 year old girl when someone talks sh-t back. So suck it up pussyboy.
Understand dumbass that when you break the law you wave your rights to talk s**t (jada and the rest of the ICS pigs).

have a great day Chuck


N Palm Beach,


#29Consumer Comment

Sat, January 04, 2003

You know I thought I was done here but...
I'm am soooooooo glad that I could see the smile on your face when you wrote your killing babies comment. Man oh man...How in the hell could WE the people who wouldn't know you if we fell over you on the street know that you were showing "harshness is expressed with a sh-t talkin smile on my face."?

You dumb piece of trash- telling someone to kill themself is a death threat. You COULD go to jail if Jane wanted to press charges on you. Weather or not she is/was on welfare is not the point.The point is that you came across with a dumb gun weilding holyer than thou tipical attitude that the rest of the world hates.It is because of people like you that America has such a poor rep. in the rest of the world.

Grow up. Admit that you screwed up and forget about this. No matter what you write to repond to this remember I will more than likely come back and rip you up even more.Do you want this? I started this because I wanted you to look at the problem from another point of view.You however took it as a personal insult that someone would dare to disagree with you. I really don't care if you got ripped off for $249 or $2490000. It won't affect how I sleep at night.You however need to grow up.You got ripped off.We all do at some point in our lives.You seem to want yell and scream etc. You should instead be contacting the people who need to be contacted to help get your money back. So again let your hatered go.You will be a better person for it

This was written with a blank face.I feel nothing for you, because if I did I would feel pity for you.Why? Because you are a small person who won't admit that other thoughts are ok..even if they are different from yours.

Have a bitter life. I say this because I know you are bitter.

killin babies


Mon, December 30, 2002

I was just kidding about the killing your welfare babies thing a*s. I was exaggerating (??). Get a grip and dont be so uptight. Most of the harshness is expressed with a sh-t talkin smile on my face.

And as for the schmuck that admitted to working there well, well. If the editor is right, looks like your gonna be locked with the rest of the "SMART" people in your little terrorist supporting organization. Hope it was worth it. LOSER!!


North Palm Beach,

enough already

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, December 24, 2002

So.....You think that I misunderstood your response. Well I didn't. I was pointing out a few things. Maybe you're right. Maybe there is a difference between a missing ingredient and 249 dollars but....249 dollars won't kill you peanuts could.

My response to you came from this line


The above is a quote from your post.I think that my reponse to this was the right one.You keep defending your right to call people w***e and b***h.Well they simply follow their companies policies to dealing with you people.They read their script.They answer your questions and then set up a draft date with you.

Once they hang up the phone they forget about you. Why? Because they have moved onto the next client.So I still stand by the statement that you owe Jane and Jada a big sorry and I also stand by my remark that you are a bigot.

One of you seem to think that killing is a honest living.And in defense of your country or fellow human I will agree but killing is not the first answer.This seems to be your thought when you told Jane to kill herself and her welfare babies.Hmmmmmmmm

Baby killing...thats always the way isn't it?...or is that what they taught in in the corp.?You still seem to think that you can call them down to the lowest and still feel good about yourself.This is the season of caring so....I'll wish you all a happy holidays and hope that the new year finds you a little smarter and less prone to fast talking.Or do I have to come and sell you a bridge?



Tue, December 24, 2002

You were probably in the Nav or Chair Force right? I would have you know that i was Honorably Discarged boy. As in "it was an honor to have you in the USMC" as in "It would be an honor to have you back". So shut your lame a*s up. This is about getting ripped off not your little "i work for the gov bullshit" I learned alot. I learned that people dont appreciate what we sacrifice for them. I learned how to kill. I learned how to earn a honest living. so shut your hole.



You know how to recover funds?

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, December 23, 2002

If you know how to recover funds from these people why dont you just say so rather than going through all this bullshit. They ripped me off too. As for the one who once worked for them, if you know how get my money back please do tell. I apologize if my grammar or spelling sucks, but I just want my money back.

What the????


Mon, December 23, 2002

Dear Chuck

What are you talking about? I dont recall ever telling anyone to be ashamed of anything besides ripping people off??? A communication breakdown in ingrediants is a big differance compared to a corperate scam. A missing ingrediant doesnt benifit anyone. But scamming people out of $249 is. Read my rebuttle to your "no nuts" parable a few more times over and maybe you'll understand. And your right my ancestors may have come here on a boat, but they came here to work hard not RIP PEOPLE OFF!! I dont care where your from as long as your a hard honest worker.

Happy Holiday sto all you ignorant idiots, Scam Artists and lazy pigs that cant find a legitimate and decent job. I hope your holidays are filled with dissapiontment and guilt.



a couple questions

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, December 23, 2002

Hi everyone. I came upon this thread to see why someone who states he was in the Marines could shell out so much hatred and disrespect for so many people. I don't understand. I come from a military family and I work for the government. So military life is something I am used to. It appalls me that you obviously have learned nothing while you were in the military and I am no under the assumption that you probably got dishonorably discharged. Anyway, what I wanted to know from "Mario" is why do you think that you can call people names like "w***e" etc. without knowing them? And to "Jane" I was wondering... what made you leave the company?

Thanks for all your input!



W. Palm Beach,

response to question

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 21, 2002

Dear some - somecity, California

U.S.A. :

Before you post again and make yourself look even more foolish, read all of the posts, try to follow the conversation logically and think before you speak.

Here is a hint:

What does $6.75/hr for 296 hours equal?

If you still can't figure out what that statment means, then don't bother opening your mouth again.

I have this mental image in my mind of you sitting at your computer typing away and smirking. It makes me laugh at you for your ignorance.

Your "THANK YOU!" at the end makes me pity you for your ignorance.

If you post again, be a man (or woman) and use your name, take credit for your inability to follow the dialogue that has been posted here.




#29Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2002

In regards to Jane's post on 12/19/2002 5:05:17 AM

"Although I appreciate the offer of a job which includes a room, I have already clearly stated that I make plenty of money (unless you want to pay me for 296 hours every week - then, I'm game)."

There aren't even 296 hours in a week! THANK YOU!


N Palm Beach,

Huh? I'd like to know who I should be ashamed of for being an American

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2002

Whats up with you?

I mean come on here guys...Are you so close minded that you won't(or can't) look at this from another point of view? are so stuck in this rut of hatered that you refuse to admit that maybe....just maybe I made a good point...Don't blame Jane or Jada for your stupid actions that day...YOU could have said no...but you didn't...

YOU could have blamed the right people(The company they work/worked for) for your being ripped off but instead you grabed a soapbox and leaped up on it to show your true feelings about people from other contries.....

listen you bigot...if you go back into YOUR family tree you'll find that your grand fathers/grandmother....(maybe add a few more grands onto that)came from gasp are you ready for this?..They came from another contry.....And they I promise you didn't have a green card or a passport...this means you are also a illeagl imergrant whos ansectors stole from the people who were here beforethem(So I guess that they are no better than Jane or Jada...

Oh wait that was they're right to do...wasn't it?) Now I now that you are probley going to come back and try to cut me up and down for telling you how it really is...but I don't care.....I wasn't trying to defend Jane or Jada for they're actions....I was simply trying to give you another point of view...Although I have not worked for ICS..

I have worked in other call centers so I know where they are comming from..and yes when I could prove to myself that the feelings I had were justified then I quit the company that I was working for because I am just a guy who is trying to suport his family and call centers pay well...I have moved on from there...I now wash\bus dishes to make ends meet.....Oh and remember can't really cut me apart because according to you it's my right to call you any thing I want.

have a nice day

PS plaese sign your posts I'd like to know who I should be ashamed of for being an American

i dont think so


Thu, December 19, 2002

Come on, dont kid yourself buddie. The people that work at those kind of places know that something is "not quite right" about the company they work for. Ask yourself, who do you work for? im sure you know that the company your employed by is lagitimate and if you dont know they are maybe you should find out. It all comes down to morals because its so easy to rip people off nowadays. All you need is a pretty website and a 800 #. And as for james and i having "no right to call jane and jada what i did" well guess what sweetheart. YOU IN FACT HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL US(or anyone else) THAT WE/THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ANYONE ANYTHING.


N.Palm Brach,

food for thought

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, December 19, 2002


Let me ask you a question.You all seem to take great pleasure in cutting Jada and Jane up for whatever reasons.However look at it from this point for a minute....If you went to a resturant and the waiter told you that the meal had no nuts in it,you would belive him right?....And if the waiter was given wrong information from the cook and the meal really had nuts in it would you blame the waiter?...The cook...or the resturant that you were in?....My guess would be either the cook or the resturant itself...but NOT the waiter who gave you the wrong information about your meal.

These people have families to suport and from what I can tell most of them quit when they find out that they are not selling credit cards or what ever....This means Mario and James that the people on the phones who talk to you are also being scammed by these companies.So I think that you owe them a big sorry and then....let your hatered towards them go....because they are victims of these companies...just like you


w. palm beach,

Thank you, it is all clear now!

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 18, 2002

Mario (I'm assuming that you are the author of the last post):

Although I appreciate the offer of a job which includes a room, I have already clearly stated that I make plenty of money (unless you want to pay me for 296 hours every week - then, I'm game).

I have also clearly stated that I am no longer affiliated with ICS, so I really don't need to "start a decent living". Thanks again though.

Your "terrorist" comments in the last post made perfect sense, although anyone looking at these posts objectively would have known that neither you nor I were initially referring to terrorism in a literal, dictionary defined sense.

I really don't need to post here to "make myself feel better", I posted because I felt that your first post was rude in an unnecessary way, and that you were blaming Jada for the wrong things (her poor English).

I am more than willing to help you get your money back now that you have changed the tone of your posts. You can convey your anger towards any situation without harshly insulting people, and I appreciate the fact that you have done that.

The suggestions on the new thread posted today are the best methods to take, and if you have tried them with no success, then let me know, and I'll see if I can think of any other options for you.

Good Luck.



Wed, December 18, 2002

Let me explain so that hopefully you can understand.

When people are terrified of being ripped off its because of people like you who rip people off. You in fact contributed to terrorizing people. A terrorist is in fact someone that terrorizes people. You worked for a company that ripped people off. You contributed to the operation of a company that rips people off. How could you be making all that money and not know where it was coming from? Dont fool yourself sweetheart. Have you noticed that about 70% off the ripoff reports on this site are from companies based in Florida? Did you know that florida has the most illegal citizens that come from terrorist contries? Probably not. You guys (Floridians)cant even vote correctly. If my bad grammer and language bothers you i could really care less but i can tell that correcting me makes you feel better doesnt it. I mean, i would need somthing to feel good about too if i thought i had to rip people off to make a living.I dont care if you can help me or not. And although it would be nice to get my money back its really not that important to me. What is important to me is that companys that rip people off.and the people that work for them should be exposed for what they really are (and used for target practice).

Please, start living a decent life.

Buy a liquor store, open a donut shop, do pedicures, mow some lawns, s**t, ill pay you 6.75 an hour and let you sleep im my shed for free if you clean my house and promise to change you ways. Ill give you another chance. Do somthing before people that would do somthing about it find out who you really are.

You can make money the right way.




#29Consumer Comment

Wed, December 18, 2002

First of all, why would you be "glad" that someone got ripped off? I do appreciate that you left the company for your own reasons and/or have enough common sense to have bailed before they get shut down (and will eventually!). Mario had no right to call you what he did, but you also were way out of line to attack his intelligence, character, grammar, etc. Did anything constructive come out of it? No.

Secondly, since you seem to know the workings of the scam the company pulls off and you know that what they are doing is wrong, you could help other people not get ripped off. What do you have to lose? And doing the "right thing" feels really good, let me tell you from experience.


w. palm beach,

I do feel better

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 17, 2002

Mario, I felt better when I made my first post here. In case you have forgotten, it is the one where I apologized to all of the people that I had sold a card to. If you have forgotten, you were not speaking with me, you were speaking with "Some dumb w***e named Jada". As previously stated, there are many ways to get your money back, and due to your disregard for the general population, I still stand by my statement that I would feel no remorse had I been the one that sold you the visa/mc.

As for the people that I "scammed", I have spoken to many of them, and they DID receive cards, they are happy and working to fix their credit. I have no clue why my former clients told me one thing, and the people that post here have had such a different experience.

As for you Mario, the best GUESS that I can make as to why you personally have had problems are as follows...

1)You probably didn't try to contact anyone about where your package was.

2)Due to communication issues between you and Jada, your address might have been messed up.

3)You weren't talking to the real ICS - (the only reason I suggest this is because the price of $259 that you and others have stated is not the price that my office charged).

4)If you DID in fact try to contact someone, you were probably were so rude and condescending that they wouldn't have wanted to try and help you anyway.


If I was working in a customer service department anywhere and you spoke to me like this....

1)"plan on killing more people like your welfare babies"

-I am not on welfare, I have a very good income (as previously stated).


-No, I did not rip you off (also previously stated)


-Can you prove this?

4)"Keep bringing in all your illegal aliens and creating your rip off buisnesses"

-What is this even based on (other than bad spelling)?

5)"People like you that decieve, lie, cheat, scam and do whatever they can to make a buck."

-We have already discussed the FACT I did not knowingly rip anyone off, and that I have spoken to many SATISFIED clients, so what is the point of this statement?

6)And people like you....need to be wiped off this planet"

-Yeah, this makes me want to help you!

7)"If people like you were not on this earth it would be a much better place. Hows that for a fact you dumb w***e!"

-What is the point of these sentences? All it does is make me laugh, and again I ask, "You expect people to help you get your money back speaking to them like this???" GOOD LUCK

8)"There ARE people out there that are terrified of being scamed thanks to terrorist like you. Fact #2"

-Right, so now I have moved up to full fledged terrorist status in your books. What exactly do you base your claim that this is a "fact" on?

There you go Mario, 8 reasons that I would not EVER help you if I was working in customer service.

I will say one thing about your rebuttals: they are getting better, they are based slightly more on fact than fiction, and the spelling/grammar are getting better. With more practice, and less hostile venting of your anger towards Jada/ICS (ie calling me ludicrous names that have no factual basis, less cursing), one day I might actually help you. You still have a long way to go though.

Have a nice day, and if you want help be careful what you post. If you just need to vent some more, keep shooting your mouth off and we'll see where it gets you.

one more thing


Tue, December 17, 2002

Keep replying with your hippocritical comments. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel better. You obviously need it.

Forget about terrorist


Tue, December 17, 2002

Yeah, lets forget about the terrorist that killed all those people and continue to kill there own people and plan on killing more people like your welfare babies. Sure you make $2000 dollars a week. I fix my car up because cars are my hobbie. I do performance modifications a*s.

I could barely make it through the first few sentances of your dumb a*s rebuttle without wanting to puke. Do you really think i give a crap about your analyzation of my comments? Well guess what NO ONE CARES. All i care about is that you RIPPED ME OFF and tons of other people. Keep capitolizing on peoples mistakes pig. Keep bringing in all your illegal aliens and creating your rip off buisnesses. Its people like YOU that give all the others a bad rep. People like you that decieve, lie, cheat, scam and do whatever they can to make a buck. I live on the beautiful california coast, have my own home and a good job thanks to our awsome government. And people like you that keep people from having those things by ripping them off need to be wiped off this planet. (and im glad i was able to contribute to some of that in the Corp.)If people like you were not on this earth it would be a much better place. Hows that for a fact you dumb w***e!

I fought, killed and gave up my own sweat, blood and tears to give others (here and in forgien countries) there right to live free and hopefully without having to worry about being scamed. There ARE people out there that are terrified of being scamed thanks to terrorist like you. Fact #2


los angeles,


#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 17, 2002


No one give a flying (you know what) about your analysis of my comments. The fact of the matter is that YOU RIPPED PEOPLE OFF AND YOU NEED TO PAY DEARLY! So stop trying to be the passive aggressive type. No one cares! You are a LOSER! Get a job and please stop contributing to scamming people. Everything you own is bought with fraud. Fixing up a car? He probably has a car hobbie retard. People have been doing perfomance modifications since the begining of automotive manufaturing. Don't try to cop out on the terrorism issue. Some people are in fact terrified by being ripped off thanks to dumb asses like you. Im glad your little personal feelings got hurt, you derserve it. I hope you and jada get deported to some country thats a target for annihilation. LOSER!



Do Y'ALL feel better now?

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 15, 2002

My dear God!

James, here is a word for you personally:

1)"Why dont you turn in your companys..."

You are missing the apostrophe symbol in 2 places in this sentence alone. (as well as in many other places)

2)"I would not be suprised if ICS was a terrorist simpathising organazation. "

I would not be SURPRISED if ICS was a terrorist SYMPATHIZING ORGANIZATION.

For the record, I was not in any shape or form insinuating that I myself have a higher level of intelligence than anyone does (nor am I attacking you for your spelling issues James). I was merely pointing out that Mario was unjustified in insulting Jada for her English language difficulties. Mario said, "this w***e could barely speak English". I do not think that Mario has any logical rights to insult someone for something that he himself can barely grasp.

MARIO, this is for you!

Why do you have to fix up a "new car"?

Don't bother trying to justify why you needed the card, nor anything else to me. I simply do not care.


I can almost respect what you had to say as that you had valid points most of the way through your rant. You almost held it together in a professional manner by attacking my views without attacking me as a person. The last sentence (asking me to kill myself) is where you lost all sense of professionalism, and sank down to Mario's level. With a little more practice, you might be able to make something more of yourself (not a personal attack, this IS a compliment with some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism). The world is your oyster my friend.

Mario and James:

You both made some interesting accusations (Mario) and assumptions (James) about what type of person I am.

(Quotes from both of you)

"I know the type of people that work at those kind of places and most of them are drug addicts single mothers or lazy pigs.(I would imagine your all of the above)."

"I bet you have about 5 kids and no daddy at home and working for the terrorist is the only job your dumb a*s is qualified for. "

Some of them are true, while others are not. I will tell you that it is best to only use FACT in your arguments, you will end up being a bigger person than those with whom you are arguing.

The only untruth that you have or ever will hear from me is my proper contact information. Everything else is truth, and you are free to insult me with it. I am certainly happy with my life, and view every negative experience as a learning experience.

As I have previously stated, I am sorry that I have contributed in ICS's work, and it is not a mistake I plan on repeating. As for hurting the people with harsh words and fantasies (towards me) like Mario, maybe my $2000 weekly salary will help me to move on from the sleep that I am losing.

Mario and James, rest assured: I certainly am in no need of your tax contributions via welfare.

Oh by the way, you can't contact ICS because they're gone. The entire outfit dissapeared from my city - as far as I know.

Have a nice evening boys.


Why must so many Americans scream terrorism over every "hangnail" they get? Get over it, and grow up! By blaming everything on terrorists, you are giving them authority over your lives. You are giving too much recognition to what they have done, and almost glorifying the way that they tore the country apart. Take away their power, accept the responsibility for the mistakes that we make, and forget about the terrorists. If we don't wake up, we will be leaving the country open for more REAL acts of terrorism in the future.

oh my


Wed, December 11, 2002

Look at this w***e! Cant even talk crap about my grammer without messing her own up. just goes to show you what kind of people work at these scamming institutions. Listen up pig, you dont even deserve to use the words relating to the USMC. Why dont you post the info we need to get your company to pay for all the ripping off they did. Do us all a favor and hang yourself after you dispose of all b*****d the children you have infected the world with. I pray to god that my taxes dont go to your welfare check.


los osos, California


los angeles,

Shut up X Employee

#29REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 11, 2002

WTF?? how dare you call the person you contributed to scamming and decieving ignorant! I hope that you have found a job since ICS.

I know the type of people that work at those kind of places and most of them are drug addicts single mothers or lazy pigs.(I would imagine your all of the above).

Why dont you turn in your companys info if you really care about all the people you ripped off?

I would not be suprised if ICS was a terrorist simpathising organazation.

I pray that my taxes arent going to your jobless life via the welfare system.

How could you not know that the organization you were working for wasnt a scam? YOU ARE INFACT THE REAL IDIOT!

How dare you call a hard working american (Marine as a matter of fact) ignorant. And as for grammer, didnt you check your first sentance?

Get a job, get a life or kill yourself. Do us hard working people a favor.


los osos,

Another Dumb w***e

#29UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 11, 2002

You dumb little w***e. Why dont you get a real job? I bet you have about 5 kids and no daddy at home and working for the terrorist is the only job your dumb a*s is qualified for. Now what are you doing without a job? I know, milking my check so you can get wefare. As for my "bad" credit. The only reason i went for your scam was so that i could use the card to fix up the new car i just bought. So please, stay in the rip off capitol of the world (florida) and find a real job, maybe recounting votes or somthing.


los osos,

Another Dumb w***e

#29UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 11, 2002

You dumb little w***e. Why dont you get a real job? I bet you have about 5 kids and no daddy at home and working for the terrorist is the only job your dumb a*s is qualified for. Now what are you doing without a job? I know, milking my check so you can get wefare. As for my "bad" credit. The only reason i went for your scam was so that i could use the card to fix up the new car i just bought. So please, stay in the rip off capitol of the world (florida) and find a real job, maybe recounting votes or somthing.


los osos,

Another Dumb w***e

#29UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 11, 2002

You dumb little w***e. Why dont you get a real job? I bet you have about 5 kids and no daddy at home and working for the terrorist is the only job your dumb a*s is qualified for. Now what are you doing without a job? I know, milking my check so you can get wefare. As for my "bad" credit. The only reason i went for your scam was so that i could use the card to fix up the new car i just bought. So please, stay in the rip off capitol of the world (florida) and find a real job, maybe recounting votes or somthing.


los osos,

Another Dumb w***e

#29UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 11, 2002

You dumb little w***e. Why dont you get a real job? I bet you have about 5 kids and no daddy at home and working for the terrorist is the only job your dumb a*s is qualified for. Now what are you doing without a job? I know, milking my check so you can get wefare. As for my "bad" credit. The only reason i went for your scam was so that i could use the card to fix up the new car i just bought. So please, stay in the rip off capitol of the world (florida) and find a real job, maybe recounting votes or somthing.


w. palm beach,


#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 05, 2002

First of all Mario, your spelling and grammar prove that you of low intelligence and if it had been me that had sold you the credit card, I certainly would not feel bad right now.

Although I didn't sign you up, I wish I had.

After reading these reports on my former company I did quit (as did my entire office), but that doesn't change the fact that we DID NOT realize that credit challenged fools such as yourself were beyond help and we were in fact ripping you off.

My deepest apologies to all of ICS's clients (with the exception of you Mario), and my best suggestion would be to go to the attorney general.

I do not know "Jada", but I can tell you one thing Mario - she may not have the best grasp of the English language (neither do you), but obviously she has a higher IQ because she got your money, didn't she.

Maybe your buddies in the USMC should use YOU as target practice in order to rid the country of a closed minded and ignorant lower life form such as yourself.

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