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  • Report:  #1515484

Complaint Review: Imperial Freight Lines

Imperial Freight Lines, LLC Goods were picked up in PA and never delivered to FL Lauderhill Florida

  • Reported By:
    Sharon — Saint Petersburg FL United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 24, 2022
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 14, 2022
  • On November 4, 2021 at 6:23 PM, Max, provided me a Binding Moving Estimate with Imperial Freight Lines leaving from Mechanicsburg, PA and moving to St. Petersburg, FL.  The Job No:  B5657430     The binding estimate was $2,772.19.
  • On November 4, 2021 at 6:38 PM, Max followed up with a Welcome Letter.
  • On November 4, 2021 at 6:46 PM, Benson e-mailed me indicating that a Quality Assurance Rep would be calling me on November 10, 2021 at 3:30 PM.
  • On November 10, 2021, Kyle called to verify any changes that needed to be made for relocation.
  • On November 11, 2021, I e-mailed Max & Benson regarding requirements of the community I was moving to (that I had verbally given Max) and wanted to make sure was in writing.  The requirements were that the community only allows unloading Mon. thru Fri. from 8 to 4 and they could not pull into the circle area to unload.
  • On November 11, 2021, I was e-mailed a new binding moving estimate by Max showing moving expenses of $4,153.69.
  • On November 22, 2021, I spoke with John regarding a number of complaints I had, one of which was that at pick up the driver told me I had to pay in cash only and I had been told previously that a cashier's check or money order could be used and the driver said "No, cash only", in addition to the fact that the charges were now $5,937.00 (almost double of original quote).  John asked that I send him a copy for the Bill of Lading which I did on November 22, 2021 at 12:10 PM.  As a note, the Bill of lading had the e-mail for the company blacked out and you could only text information to them - no calls.
  • On November 29 at 4:05 PM, I called 1-855-433-9719 and talked with Daniel for 6 minutes regarding my complaints who said he would call me back.  He never did.
  • On November 30, 2021, I called 1-855-433-9719 at 16:47 and talked with Ben 36 minutes regarding my complaints.
  • On November 30, 2021, I sent a text to Max and John and asked that they forward the text to Daniel and Ben as well since I received no responses regarding my complaints from anyone.  The text message was as follows:

            Complaints:  (just to b sure that you understand them)

1.  Driver called the evening of November 14, 2021 to indicate pickup would be between 12 & 3 on November 15, 2021.  The driver showed up at approximately 1 AM on November 16, 2021.

2.  I told those loading the van to only take the marble tops of the tables and they insisted on taking the bases as well.

3.  The bill of lading was double the original quote and higher than the 2nd quote after reviewing inventory with Kyle.

4.  Driver said at pick up and in e-mail below they will only accept cash!  Both Daniel and Ben said cashiers check or money order could be accepted.

5.  Tried your emergency line tonight and it was not accepting voicemail so couldn't leave a message. 

I would like a response to this in writing. I also called 1-855-433-9719 at 7:38 PM and another at 7:51 PM.  Both calls lasted 30 seconds.

  • On December 1, 2021 (I believe), I received an incoming text from the number(s) listed as 201-923-2645 and 201-830-7330.  The text from the  carrier said:

Hi Sharon, I am writing to you from the moving company to see if you are ready to pick up your moving things tomorrow.

Me - What time would you be coming and when will it reach St. Petersburg?

Carrier - The driver will contact you to tell you the time.

Me - Tonight or tomorrow

Carrier - Are you ready?  Depending on that, the driver organizes the route and will contact you to tell you if it is in the morning or afternoon tomorrow.

Me - OK see him tomorrow.

  • On December 2, 2021, at 12:47 PM, I again called 1-855-433-9719 and talked with Benson indicating that I wanted to speak to a supervisor.  He told me a supervisor could do no more than he could and would not provide me a name of one.  Our conversation lasted 46 minutes.
  • On December 2, 2021 at 3:48, I received an incoming call from Britney.  I tried to explain my complaints.  This call lasted 47 minutes.
  • On December 2, 2021 at 4:06 PM I sent an e-mail to Britney and asked her to forward to Max, Kyle, Daniel and John.


 The e-mail said, "The e-mail chain below is what I received tonight after having both Daniel and Ben tell me that a cashier's check or money order was acceptable!

Carrier - Good afternoon Sharon, am I writing to you from Modest Moving to confirm if you are ready to receive your moving things this week?

Me - Yes, it must be between 8 and 4 and the community needs 24 business hours notice.

Carrier - I can inform you 24 hours before, but the exact time is confirmed by the driver depending on the route, sometimes there are deliveries that are at night.

Me - I am in a gated community.  They will not let you in after 4.  If they do not have 24 hours notice from me (one full day and no less), they will not let you in. This was explained when services were booked.  They do not make exceptions!!!

Carrier - Your balance due is $1,942, the payment is only Cash.

Me - I was told cashier's check or money order accepted as well?  I will not hand you cash. 

I asked her to forward to any supervisor and manager in the company as this is absolutely ridiculous and the worst communication and customer service that I have ever received . . DO WHAT U COMMIT TO!

  • On December 2, 2021, Alex the driver sent me a text saying:

Hi Sharon this is alex from the moving company  I have a delivery for you today between 5 pm and 7 pm  thanks

  • I received the following from Modest Moving:

            I'd like to address the complaints you have.

            1) I apologize for the lateness of arrival, it has been extremely busy with everyone moving, but you                 did however accept them to arrive at that time.

            2) We apologize if they took the entire table rather than just the marble top.

            3) If the price went up, it was only if the cubic footage you used increased.  As per contract we do                    charge for space.

            4) At pick up we do accept several forms of payment.  But at DELIVERY we do not accept cashier's                    check. If you do wish to pay in Postal Money Order rather than cash, it does need to come with                    the receipt stub attached.

                I hope all of this helped with your concerns, as this is the first time hearing about the                                    complaints.  And we do understand that your delivery restrictions and we will most                                        definitely obey them.

Me - Obviously, this has not been communicated to those delivering.  I have repeatedly communicated to everyone I spoke with that a full days notice is needed and that delivery can only b between 8 & 5 (5 is a typo and should be 4 - not in e-mail).   See fact December 2, 2021 at 4:06 PM above.

  • On December 2, 2021 at 3:48 PM for 47 minutes, I talked to Britney and she indicated that the driver was coming between 5 PM and 7 PM and that if he was not let in, I would be charged $1000 for the driver(s) to spend the night.  She also said that I had to pay them before they would even open the doors of the moving vehicle.  She then said that the driver reduced the cost to $650.
  • On December 3, 2021, I called 1-855-433-9719 at approximately 1:02 PM.  Frank  said (after being on hold) that they were on their way and going to call, and when I clarified that the driver would be calling when I hung up he changed his statement to "I will be hearing from the driver when he is on his way."
  • On December 3, 2021, at 2:28 PM I called 1-855-433-9719 and spoke to person who would not give me his name until I gave him the job number for 15 minutes.  The person who answered (John).  John then put me on hold.  Apparently, he transferred me and the phone indicated that it wouldn't accept messages.
  • On December 3, 2021, at 2:43, I again called 1-855-433-9719 and talked with John for 38 seconds.  He transferred me again and there was no answer. He came back at 2:44 and indicated someone would call me back.
  • On December 3, 2021, at 2:47, I received a call from Britney and indicated that no one showed up this morning and Britney said that the story was the driver had left since it took me so long to agree to the cost and since he chose to leave there would be no $650 fee.  I was then told that the driver would call me on Monday, December 6, 2021 and if I was recording the call, she did not give her consent.
  • Obviously, what Frank relayed was incorrect if Britney statement was correct.
  • On Friday, December 10, 2021, at 12:33 PM, I e-mailed Max, John, Britney and Ben 


I was to have received delivery of my goods from the moving company last Thursday but they were outside the time limit allotted by the association.  I was then under the impression they were going to deliver on Friday morning (Dec. 3, 2021).  I was later told, that they would call me on December 6, 2021.  No call December 6, 7, 8, 9, and none today.  When are my things going to be delivered, keeping in     mind that they are only allowed in the community between 8 and 4 (must be out at 4) and must provide 24 hours notice.  My things were picked up at approximately 1 am on November 16, 2021 in Mechanicsburg, PA to be delivered to St. Petersburg, FL.  I would appreciate a written response to this e-mail as to where    my things currently are and when specifically they can be expected.  To date, I have not received a written response.


  • 12/13/21 1-855-433-9719   9:02 AM  6 minutes  On hold until 9:05 AM


I read the Fri. Dec 10, 2021 (12:33 pm) fact above to Frank which was also sent to Max, John, Ben, and Britney. Frank said he could not reach the carrier but sent a message to the carrier and he (Frank) would text me when he gets the information back.  I asked him if it would be today and he said, "he does not know if it will be today."

  • 12/14/21

Benson  10:33 AM  10 minutes   On hold until 10:42 AM

Was not able to reach the carrier and is going to refer this to a supervisor.  I asked if he/they would get back to me and he said once they hear something they would let me know.  They do not know how long that it will take.

  • On December 15, 2021 I called 1-855-433-9719 at 3:36 pm.  Ben answered the phone and when I told him who I was he said, just a minute and clicked off the phone and put me in their cue again. 

At approx. 3:44 PM, Daniel came on the phone.  He indicated that my issues were referred to upper management today and it will take a while to receive a reply.  I said that I thought this had been done yesterday by Ben.  Daniel said no, today and it will take time for a supervisor to reach one of their upper management. When they do, I will hear back. I explained that this had been going on since November 15, 2021.  He just said, oh and I replied great answer. He said to have a great day and hung up.  (Total 13 minutes)

  • On December 16, 2021 at 1:50 PM, I called 1-855-433-9719 and spoke to Daniel for 3 minutes.  He said that my file was flagged and Upper Management will reach out to the carrier.  They would get back to me in the order that they received the files and I asked how many flagged files do they have?  He stumbled and said he did not know how many files they had so he could not say.  He then said that he would personally tell them when he sees them as they are on another floor (when they come down to leave).  He will stress the urgency of my file.
  • On December 16, 2021, I called 1-201-830-7330 (number on Bill of Lading).  The answering machine answered in another language.  I looked up on the internet the address given on the Bill of Lading.  It belonged to FAMA Shipping.
  • On December 16, 2021, I called 1-201-880-8144, the number for FAMA shipping listed on their website.  The phone was answered by a woman speaking Spanish who did not respond to my English questions and then hung up.
  • On December 16, 2021 at 3:30 PM, I called 1-877-386-2299 (Modest Moving - Jenson Beach, FL and the answering machine indicated that this was the Personal Assistant for Northstar and they would try to connect me.  The answering machine came back and said Northstar was not available and to leave a voice mail.  I left a voice mail with my name and number and asked that they call back.  To date, they never have.
  • On December 16, 2021 at 3:32 PM, I called 1-888-985-1442 (Modest Moving - Parsippany, NJ) and was told that this toll free number was no longer in service.   
  • On December 17, 2021, I again called 1-877-386-2299 (Modest Moving - Jenson Beach, FL) and the answer machine indicated that this was the Personal Assistant for Northstar and they would try and connect me.  The answering machine came back and said Northstar was not available and to leave a voice mail.  I left a voice mail with my name and number and asked that they call back.  They never have called back.
  • On December 17, 2021, I printed off my November Bank Statement showing an ACH withdrawal on November 5, 2021 of $1,352.22 to Imperial Freight and an ACH withdrawal on November 12, 2021 for $700 to Imperial Freight
  • On December 17, 2021, I printed off a copy of check number 0052 made out to Modest Moving in the amount of $1,942.00 and cashed by United Development of America on November 30, 2021.
  • On December 17, 2021, I looked up United Development of America which is located at 160 Johnson Ave.   Hackensack, NJ  07601

This is how they were listed:

            United Development of America, LLC

            Entity:  Limited Liability Company (LLC)

            Industry:  Residential Remodelers

            Location:  Hackensack, NJ

  • On December 27th, Britney called me at approximately 11:00 am and said that she just received my e-mail indicating that no more ACH debits would be allowed from Imperial Freight Lines.  She said that I would need to change that or they would not deliver my items.  (Not sure why, since they already withdrew two payments that they initially requested and which were indicated on the quote given me).  I told her I would do this when she called me back with a date and time when they were delivering my things.  She also said that according to DOT regulations, they had thirty business days to deliver and that was not up yet. 
  • On December 27th, Britney called me back and said that they would be delivering my things by Thursday, January 6, 2022.  The driver would alert me 24 hours in advance and would deliver between 8 am and 4 pm.  She asked if I had removed the hold at the bank where they could not withdraw what they were owed.  I told her yes, even though I had not as all money due them was already withdrawn from my account.
  • On January 10, 2022, I called 1-855-433-9719 and spoke to John.  He indicated that Britney was not in until the afternoon.  He pulled up my file and indicated that Benson and Britney were working on it and he would ask that she return my call.  I asked him for the number and e-mail address of the driver/company who was supposedly going to deliver my items and he indicated that they cannot release personal dispatch e-mails or phone numbers, however, he gave me a number for their customer service.  I called 201-673-5227 (the address for this number indicates Cliffside Park, NJ) and got voicemail and it indicated that the mailbox was full and could not accept messages. 
  • On January 10, 2022, I received a call from 1-954-xxx-xxxx (Hollywood, FL) at approximately 6:07 PM.  The individual identified himself as Ben from Imperial Freight Lines.  He wanted to review the facts and said my pickup was Nov. 16, 2021.  Britney, who was their customer service supervisor was working on this and had referred it to her supervisor.  He would not give me that person's name.  I told him that Britney said they had 30 business days to deliver and that had come and gone.  He started counting the days and mumbled it was just 31 days.  He referred me to their contract and said the contract between Imperial Freight Lines and me ended when my things were picked up as they are only the broker.  He asked that I send him a copy of the Bill of Lading and sent me an e-mail to respond to.  He would not put anything in writing in the e-mail and would just say Hi, so I could respond.  The subject of the e-mail was B5657430 - Requesting a BOL.  I then attached a copy of the Bill of Lading and also copied everyone that I have talked to at Imperial Freight (Max, Britney, John, Frank) since this was the third time this was sent.   He did not commit to anything and would just say they are working on it.
  • On January 11, 2022 at 10:06 AM from 1-954-xxx-xxxx (Coral Springs, FL).  The person said their name was Ben from Imperial Freight Lines and he wanted to let me know that he had contacted the company and got a copy of the bill of lading and he would forward that to me.  On that bill of lading would be the correct phone number for me to be able to contact them as the number he gave me yesterday was incorrect.  He said he was trying to do everything he could to secure a date for delivery.  When the e-mail arrived, attached was the Bill of Lading I sent to the company, not one from the movers.  (My handwriting is at the top indicating that I had tried to contact the company, that the address listed was for a different company, and when I tried to call the text only number they only spoke in a foreign language).  I e-mailed Ben back indicating that this was the bill of lading I sent, not one he received from the company. 
  • On January 14, 2022 at 7:51 AM, I sent a text to (1-201-830-7330 - text number on bill of lading), asking "Where are my belongings?  You have never delivered them and you never signed in at our gate so you have never even been here.  I want to know where they are and when I will get them.  To date, I have received no response.
  • To date (1/24/22), I have received no communications from the text number and no further communications from Imperial Freight Lines.
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