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  • Report:  #1202632


IMPERIUM GLOBAL MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC REAL Internet MarketingNinja Traffic Innovation We were charged $500 for a service and it was not delivered. Manager became rude and unprofessional. MARICOPA Arizona

  • Reported By:
    RobertJ — Mesa Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 19, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, September 25, 2015


  1. Complaint Type:Customer Service Issues
  3. Description of Complaint: My wife and I met with Gary S. Charlson from IMPERIUM GLOBAL MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC on 11/11/14 regarding using his and his wife's company. Pamela Reaves is the CEO & Founder, Imperium Global LLC as per LinkedIn listing: . Gary indicated that they have "proprietary software" that he could setup a marketing listing for us as quoted; "in a couple of weeks." December 4th, 11th, & 18th respectively passed (5) weeks only to be shown an ineffective landing page. Their company was established 09/23/2014 and Gary S. Charlson promoted his company at United Wealth Creators event on: Tuesday, November 4, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. We paid Gary $500.00 USD cash when we met with him on the 11th as to (in Gary's words), get this started. Him and his wife/business partner Pamela were very elusive in their business dealings with us. Gary only took one phone call from me and Pamela 3 calls. They would only communicate via email and on 12/19/2014 Gary became very rude (via cell phone text), as he was asking for more money. In our original meeting on 11/11/2014 we told him we did NOT have the full $2,500 for their INTERNET MARKETING program and that we would need to spread this out into a few payments of perhaps 4 to 5 or 6 payments. He was fine with this agreement on 11/11/2014, however, stated on 12/19/2014 that he needs payment to move ahead. When he originally met with us on 11/11/2014 he stated the program would be setup "PRIOR" to us paying, so as to gauge how this was working and give us some sales. I have reached out on numerous occasions requesting we receive our $500 refund as they have been very unprofessional, rude, and not willing to show us what exactly their company is doing. I refuse to pay monies (which Gary keeps asking for), for a service that is untested and unproven. They offer no CASE STUDIES, nor examples of satisfied customers. Gary S. Charlson is marketing an unproven system thus far.
  5. Desired Settlement:Refund
  6. Desired Outcome Description:Because IMPERIUM GLOBAL MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC has acted in such an unprofessional and elusive manner without delivering on what they originally promised we would like to have our $500.00 refunded to us IMMEDIATELY.

Additional Complaint Details

  1. Product/Service Purchased:Internet/Marketing Services
  2. Model Number:REAL Internet Marketing
  5. Purchase Date:11/11/2014
  6. Date Problem First Occurred:12/4/2014
  7. Purchase Price:$2,500.00
  8. Disputed Amount:$500.00
  9. Payment Made:Partial payment made
  10. Payment Method:Cash
  11. Sales Person Name:Gary S. Charlson
  12. First Date you complained to the company:12/4/2014

3 Updates & Rebuttals


#4Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2015





Refer to:  


Interesting how the name has quickly been changed and more folks are falling prey to this con artist.  Mr. Gary S. Charlson has changed his business name, but he cannot change HIS name.  It appears his marketing scams continue: 


Hopefully nobody else will get scammed through the various channels and names he markets himself under.


I think the "real" LIAR and MANIPULATOR here needs to take a closer look in the mirror at himself.





#4Author of original report

Thu, January 22, 2015

Interesting….the owner of this company is now apparently Gary S. Charlson when apparently his wife, Pamela Reaves is the owner……!   This one apparently takes the cake, OK, so let’s go back to the beginning.  Apparently, we are NOT the only people that Gary S. Charlson has taken for a ride.  So let’s bullet point back to 11/11/14 and see if Mr. Charlson disputes what “HE” said from this initial meeting:


  • “We can have this up and running within a COUPLE of weeks”   - A couple is two weeks last check.
  • “You can make this over a number of payments, no problem.”  -  Not (3) payments as he started demanding on 12/18.
  • Couple of weeks from 11/13/14 is exactly 11/27/14.
  • Pamela Reaves sent out an email blast on 11/19/2014 requesting individuals BE PATIENT.  This was sent to myself and other:  

Marketing Rep - Imperium Global   



Wednesday, November 19, 2014 4:52 PM






*********Just A Quick Note!******

  • The page upon somewhat completion had broken links/URL’s and were not responding as promised.  With that, I had numerous questions to discuss and Gary responded via email with the following:  “You’re in good hands with Pamela.”    -  This was over 4 weeks of waiting for the product.  Again, this is clearly MORE than a couple of weeks as Gary had stated back on 11/11/14. 
  • Receceived the following message from Pamela on 12/11/2014:


Marketing Rep - Imperium Global   



Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:06 PM



'Robert ' < > 



RE: Hello



8 KB

Hi Robert,

I will check, waiting for some approvals.

Hang tight almost there.


  • Email and response from Pamela Reaves on 12/3/14:


Marketing Rep - Imperium Global   



Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:16 AM









53 KB

Working on it! No Worries.



From:  [mailto:] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:40 AM
To: Marketing Rep - Imperium Global


  Hi Pamela,


  I know you are extremely busy, just wondering how close to launching our landing page?




  • Again, the theme here seems to be that they are WORKING ON IT.   Funny how this is taking much longer than Gary stated when he was super eager to sell us this product that CLEARLY DOES NOT HAVE THE BUGS WORKED OUT.  There was obviously some concern from other individuals besides myself as per the email from Pamela on 11/19/2014 @ 4:52PM:



Marketing Rep - Imperium Global <>  



Wednesday, November 19, 2014 4:52 PM






*********Just A Quick Note!******



15 KB


This is Pamela.

I am putting together your Landing Page and Auto-responder emails.

I would like to ask you for some patience please.

I have quite a few accounts that I am working on and I have to keep things on a schedule.

It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks for all of this to come together – once I have received ALL of the

requested items. Then the technology has a testing period.

If any changes are made then I have to start at square one with the technology aspect.

We need to make sure all links and things are working.

Then we need approvals and a few other technology steps. So it’s a process.

– it can take some time -  I have quite a lot of different accounts I am working on.


Please note I have not forgotten you and that I am working for you very diligently.



  • This is quite interesting because Gary NEVER stated on 11/11/2014 this would take about a month to complete.  
  • Was provided a link which the landing page had logo and when clicking on LOGO you get routed to a link:  where you can CREATE your own landing page -  REALLY?   Is this “proprietary software” that this company is touting????   Seriously, the work they do is something that a fourth grade child could do in computer class. 
  • Another EMAIL to Pamela on 12/17 inquiring about what had been done on our behalf thus far after over 5 weeks of waiting for their services.  Here is the message:


From: Robert 34$%$#] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 2:20 PM
To: Marketing Rep – Imperium Global
Subject: RE: Hello
Importance: High




Per our conversation, I sent Gary a message and left him a voicemail.  I would like to see the link you’re referring to regarding our site.  I would like to be able to see what it is that has been done this far on our behalf. 




  • 1/21/2015   -Gary S. Charlson CONTINUES texting PREVIOUS messages (20 TOTAL), to be exact from over the last month.   This after we have asked him and his WIFE Pamela Reaves to no longer communicate with us.  When you plan to rebuttal a specific circumstance be sure you come with FACTS and the FACTS only!   
  • Their agreement form does NOT state payment in 30 days.  Work was not provided as satisfactory as BROKEN links in which we were told- would need to be fixed. 
  • Fees are based on views and/or leads and work performed.-  This is from their invoice – again, we received no leads because this page was not a working and or FINISHED product.  Who in their right mind would pay for a product that is incomplete, not working, nor unsatisfactory at that point??    As a client of IMPERIUM GLOBAL LLC one would think they would do whatever to see their client satisfied.  This owner slammed us verbally via text and wants to be paid for something clearly not working.   We HIGHLY encourage the courts to review everything involved in this case because there are NUMEROUS inconsistencies within their work.  Gary said on 11/11/2014 the following:   “The time is now to act, what are you going to wait for?”   He was super –motivated to get the CASH sale and get this started, however, after he got the money this whole event has turned south.   There is absolutely no reason why a deal MUST be done today.  If you can’t take the information home and review it and get back to them at a later date, then it’s probably not the company you want to be involved with in the first place.  Gary told us on numerous occasions that day that this would be in full effect and going “WHILE WE WERE PAYING THEM/IE:  IMPERIUM GLOBAL LLC.   We had numerous questions regarding the program/links/routing/leads/etc and he would not take our calls.  He was very quick to send a text immediately though and this is clearly NOT how a professional marketing company works.   We are being harassed and have involved the authorities about this company and these individuals.   The plan is to enforce our legal rights and ensure we don’t become victims of this company, their affiliates and or other personal connections.  We feel that because we’re not folding under Gary S. Charlson’s demands, nor are we intimidated by him, or his legal threats that he’s reaching low to claw his way out of this.   Please be sure you do your due diligence when selecting a marketing company for your next campaign.  We’ve certainly learned through this HORRIBLE experience with this company that the TIME SHARE EXPERIENCE AND THE PRESSURE TACTICTS along with it need to be taken elsewhere.   As for law enforcement and the legal system getting involved, we WANT them to and are excited to showcase what these individuals and this company is all about!   



Liars and Manipulators

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 22, 2015


In my 30 years in business Ive come across some very interesting people. This one takes the cake. I have heard it said that liars abound and have thier own motives of thinking by making up something or embellishing it they are going to look good to others.  On the contrary I like to believe there are some smart people left among us.

My comments on this complaint are as follows.  Look carefully at how he writes the content. If you notice a couple things.  He admitts to orderinng the online platform from my company, he admitts to discussing a payment plan with me, he indicates we were difficult to reach, Hmmm interstings when to complete this order communication ongoing is required (Tech and graphic and video discussions)  Then to top it all he says we did not deliver the product. Question?  If you sign a final acceptance proof of the platform would that not be acceptasnce and delivery of the product in good order.  We have a signed proof and final acceptance document. 

So, It became clear to me when he refused to make his payment in the first 30 days and telling me he might be able to make payment end of January ( 11 weeks between his order date and first payment ,i dont think so)  The signed agreement we have clearly says payment in 30 days and paid in full in 60 or sooner.  Now after we have done all to work with this guy he obviously wants us to stop contacting him because he owes us $2000.00 for completed work. Now that he has the completd content in hand he just doesnt want to pay us.    This guys eratic behavior is scary, his threats have become real.  Now we are letting the courts review this.  I tried to be flexable offer a revised payment plan to help them out, offered mediation through thier attorney, never received a call from thier attorney.  Now his plan is to  contact my friends, customers and social media for what to show what a great person he is. (He is a crook)  What is this all about.   Liars and manipulators, watch out for them.   Some people just want to try and get over on you. 

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