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  • Report:  #487186

Complaint Review: IncFortune

IncFortune PushTraffic, IncFortune, Ted Molina, John Paul Raygoza They ripped me off just like they rip off their clients , Los Angeles California

  • Reported By:
    FmrEmployee — Los Angeles USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 30, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 19, 2009
  • IncFortune
    Flower Street
    Los Angeles, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Let me start off by saying that im a former employee who quit. Heres the deal with INCFORTUNE/PUSHTRAFFIC: When i started with the company a few months ago the name was PushTraffic. they changed the name becasue if you google pushtraffic you get all these scam reports. But the only differnce between push traffic and IncFortune is the name. Its the same office with all the same people and practices. They are a "Internet Services" company. What they do is get a list of leads from a 3rd party sometimes "secret affiliatecode" or "cashsecrets" But these 3rd parties sign ppl up for a product and then pass those ppls information on to INCFORTUNE/PUSHTRAFFIC. What happens next is, someone from INCFORTUNE/PUSHTRAFFIC will call that person and try to sign them up. I know this because i actually worked there and did all this. after we got in touch with that client thats when the fraud started. the goal was to get the persons credit card number and a signed contract back. the way they had us do this was by any means necesary.

Pretty much every word out of the salesmans mouth was a lie execpt for the name of the company. they lie about who they are. I personally witnessed the Managers get on the phone with a prespective client and tell them they are whoever they wanted to be. BTW the sales manager's real name is "TED MOLINA" and the owner's real name is "JOHN RAYGOZA" once they gain enough trust from the client is when the sales pitch started. This is where it really got shady. they would tell the client all about the earnigns they will make when they sign up. (they dont actually have clients that make their fee's back) they tell them that the company has all these trade secrets and working relationships with google which of course they dont work with goolge or any other search engine. And that when you sign up the company will get your website onto google's search page. they would tell the client that they will fly them out to Malibu and put them up in John R.'s mansion. This would only rarely happen with clients that spend at least 10,000 dollars. I remember once Ted Molina got on the phone with a woman named Deborah Cormmode and told her that he was someone else and that he would make her all this money but all he needed was here credit card number. When she did finally give him the cc number he charged her card several times while she was on hold.

The charge added up to 10,000 dollars. they did this pretty much every sale. When they take the client off hold they would say "contragualtions youve been approved for $X" but what they really did was charge the card until it was maxed out before telling the client what they were doing. I always thought this was very sneaky. Any way after that they would email a contract (sometimes fax) get it back signed and pretty much ignore the client after that. The contract also has many confidentially clauses so the client cant tell anyone about what has happned. I found that the contract gennerylly protects the compnay form lawuits and doenst protect the client much at all. Another wierd thing about it all is that the price wasnt fixed. THe company would charge you based on the credit limit on your card for the exact same service. so a client worth $1000 would get the same service as a $20,000 client. The only real service a client would get is coaching and tips on how to physically build a website. After that your on your own. But what they tell you is that they will advertise your site and make sure your ear X amount. THis is another flat out lie. All that is how they screw their clients. They also screw their employees. If a client cancels at anytime the compnay takes that money out of your check and keeps their portion.

I should have mentioned that when a client cancels they dont get all their money back but only 15% as stated in the contract. Also Ted Molina is just all around a shady/bad manager. He not only lies to his clients but to his employees. Once he told me that one of my client had canceld and was taking that money back. when i invesitgated on my own i found that that was a flat lie and my client never even asked to cancel. what i supect he was trying to do was to keep the money for himself. but i cant prove that. When i told him about he told me that he would "look into it" Ha. right. ANyway my last paycheck before i quit which they still owe to me i suspect was stolen. O and more on Ted his official job was a sales manager. but all i say him do was walk around the office, play pingpong, go to the bar (alot) and make a few sales calls a day. then he would go home. honestly i think his "job" wasnt necessary. Ok this is all i can think of about my expirence with this so called "company" I hope that you read this and hang up on any call from IncFortune. and incase they change theyre name again read over their procedure and reconize any similarites. also DONT EVER GIVE OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER OVER THE PHONE. you wont believe how many people would do this.

17 Updates & Rebuttals



PushTraffic (John Raygoza)'s on-staff Attorney (Weitz) told my Attorney to F*** OFF

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 19, 2009

The reports on this thread are not in the correct order. I suggest that readers look at the dates of each report and try to read them in their correct sequence.

The post at the bottom - the retraction by the ex-employee who initiated this thread - has been answered by several others, but they appear above the retraction, which makes it rather confusing.

However, today is 19th October. The retraction was entered on 13th October.

I am the real URLYBIRD. There was an entry made on 22nd September by "someone" claiming to be me, but logged in as URLBIRD. That "someone" was aiming to get information from the former employee under false pretenses. This is scandalous. However it was discovered imminently by RipoffReport and the email address was removed.

Whatever transpired, Raygoza appears to have traced the former employee and dealt with it in his own way. It is blatantly obvious how he dealt with it. Raygoza is in the habit of bullying people and threatening to sue. I know this, because he tried it on me.

I refused to back down and consequently have engaged a high profile Attorney who is an expert in International Law. RipoffReport has a policy that prevents me from naming names, but suffice it to say that my Attorney is currently working on a class action about alleged WWII crimes involving the Vatican Bank. He is also engaged in a case against the US Federal Government. He has successfully contested the CIA and the US Military.

I mention these cases in the hope that Raygoza and Weitz read this.

I will continue to assist other victims (around 50 have contacted me, so far). It appears that PushTraffic, IncFortune, SuccessRate and DotIntel, all owned by John Raygoza, could be involved in racketeering, so my advice is to do your own research if you are considering engaging their dubious "services".



Pushtraffic swindle

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, October 17, 2009

so why do you change your tune now, buster? why retract such an article? Was it bribery or threats?Does this mean you will not cooperate with the authorities, now?
Someone who publishes such statements out of "emotion", and then retracts,  is a dangerously untrustworthy person. Suitable only to be one of John Raygoza's friends, and that is a condemnation.

Making peace with the devil is teh start of a path to moral doom, even if you get your pieces of silver. Instead, you would earn some honor by helping Pushtraffic victims get their money back. Even if the chief thug buys your silence it does not help Pushtraffic victims.

If you plan to aid the scammed clients, then tell the whole truth now;  that is, if your erratic emotional brain permits you to write something you don't quickly retract.
Just don't try to defend Pushtraffic. No scammed client will believe you if you want to pretend Pushtraffic is an honest company.
Their customers can't be fooled.
Anyone associated or affiliated with Pushtraffic is discredited, from its CEO down.
Raygoza is an idiot who thinks he has designed the perfect scam: just tell clients you owe them nothing and refuse all refunds. This is a scandal.
How do you defend an outfit that repudiates its obligations to clients and dishonors promises?

Pushtraffic does not recognize any obligations to customers, once they pay. It is all pretence and deceit. As one client put it: "once they have your money they don't want to know you."

There are a multitude of swindled customers out there who want and hope to see Pushtraffic and raygoza destroyed.And some customers are heading to court now.

This VIP customer sincerely wishes  a pernicious dose of swine flu hits the Raygoza household.



retract Report #487186

#18Author of original report

Fri, October 16, 2009

I hereby fully retract Report #487186 and all follow-ups to that report.   The statements in those postings were not based on any facts.  My exit from Push Traffic as an employee was somewhat difficult and frustrating.  The comments I posted were based far more on emotion and were not based on any truth.  I have apologized to Push Traffic for these postings and reached a peace with my former employer.    I wish I had never made the posting.  If did not have the policy expressed on their website of not permitting me to delete this report and take it completely off the site,  I would take it down if I could.   


Lake Forest,

Retraction of Report #487186

#18General Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

I find it interesting that fmr employee retracted his report by stating everything he said was not true. If there was a payoff involved, what's keeping Raygoza from paying the scammed victims to keep quiet? I'm not convinced the retraction was posted by fmr employee. It's probably JPR posing once again.

If there was a payoff, I'm sure it wasn't cheap. It's also an admission that fmr employee's post is an accurate account of what takes place at Push Traffic/IncFortune.

D-rob, you claim you've made a 6 figure income promoting John's products. Do you mean to say you scammed people to create that 6 figure income? If that's the case, you're nothing but a scam artist in training. I'd like to see your website.

I've noticed Raygoza has a few sites under different names, using the same sales pitch to lure victims into giving up their credit card numbers. How sad.

My personal experience with Push Traffic has made me very skeptical about the so-called coaching/mentoring programs on the net.

Scammed Elder

Bridgeman Downs,

Does John Raygoza from PushTraffic,IncFortune Pay Hush Money?

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Former Employee exactly detailed the deceitful processes and practices that are described by victms of John Raygoza. Scam Reporting Sites have heaps of stories that mirror these practices.  The patern is consistent.  So why did this person retract?


Scammed Elder

Bridgeman Downs,

Does John Raygoza from PushTraffic,IncFortune Pay Hush Money?

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

Former Employee exactly detailed the deceitful processes and practices that are described by victms of John Raygoza. Scam Reporting Sites have heaps of stories that mirror these practices.  The patern is consistent.  So why did this person retract?


Scammed Elder

Bridgeman Downs,

Former Employer

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 15, 2009

How much were you paid to retract your statements?



Full Retraction of Report #487186

#18Author of original report

Tue, October 13, 2009

I hereby fully retract Report #487186 and all follow-ups to that report this website.   The statements in those postings were not based on any facts.  My exit from Push Traffic as an employee was somewhat difficult and frustrating.  The comments I posted were based far more on emotion and not based on any truth.  I have apologized to Push Traffic for these postings and reached a peace with my former employer.    I wish I had never made the posting.  If did not have a policy expressed on their webiste of not permitting me to delete and completely take it down this posting, I would take it down if I could.   



More info

#18Author of original report

Mon, September 28, 2009

i forgot to mention this in my last post. soon (within 2 days) i plan to post a complete copy of Incfortune's/Pushtraffic's contract. what they do is have you sign this contract and then email it back to them. once that happens your money is pretty much gone. but anyway look forward to my post i just have to erase any specifc client information but ill put up as much information as i can legally. o and btw JOHN nice try on the whole bit about getting me to email you pretending to be someone else.




#18Author of original report

Mon, September 28, 2009

Thanx, "gail" if you really were gail then why is the title to the right "OWner". besides ive already found gail real email adress and were in the process of speaking privatly, JOHN.



The REAL Urlybird's response

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, September 23, 2009

If you look at the previous post, you will note that it was submitted under the user name "Urlbird". If you follow across to the right, you will see in big red letters that it was submitted by the "OWNER". That's John Paul Raygoza.

My user name is Urlybird and I do not hide behind that name, as you have commented in the past. If you read the rules here, it says "Do not sign your name or use any email addresses in the report".

Mr Raygoza has again been caught writing posts under false user names, like the several he posted on Apsense about me. Apsense promptly removed them when they noticed that several comments from different users originated from the same IP address.

This time, he is actually pretending to be me. Unfortunately for Mr Raygoza, these posts remain on this site..... FOREVER. I'm so pleased. It's good evidence for my case. I am not going to give up.

Anyhow, you didn't manage to trick your ex-employee with your contact details because the administrators removed them.

So that leaves me with the task of giving my real contact details. All I can say is that I made a 2 minute video that is easy to find. Just search for "PushTraffic scam". You'll know the one when you see it, because it says PushTraffic - The Real Truth. I look forward to hearing from the ex-employee. We have much to discuss.

Footnote: Mr Raygoza, you are only making things worse for yourself by your childish behavior. If you were a good businessman, you would listen to your unhappy customers and resolve their issues in a dignified and professional manner rather than accuse them all of lying. Dozens of people who do not know one another and come from all parts of the globe are telling the same story. How can that be lying?

 PR: wait... I: wait... L: wait... LD: wait... I: wait...wait... Rank: wait... Traffic: wait... Price: wait... C: wait...



frmemployee - get in contact with me

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 23, 2009

hi frmemployee,
sorry you had to work for such a scam company! i understand what you must have gone through...we are working with a number of clients who feel they got scammed by John Raygoza and his fraud sales guys.

Send me a description of what took place and any insider details would be great!
my contact info is: (((ROR redacted)))

I have to spell it out the way it sounds or else ripoff report will delete the email.

Let's destroy John Raygoza and his scam company!!!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Re: gail


Mon, September 21, 2009

Dear Gail: I know exactly where you are coming from. Im actually a former employee and i have a few pieces of evidence that can back up your claims. In case you havent read my post im "fmremployee". We have a lot to talk about. how can i get in touch?



Hoards of Victims of IncFortune & PushTraffic


Mon, September 07, 2009

Regardless of anyone who stands up to defend these companies and Raygoza, Sipes, Molina or any other staff members and no matter how many "satisfied" customers there appear to be, I know it to be a fact that there are many, many people who have been ripped off by these unsavoury criminals (there can be no other word for it). One only has to Google 'PushTraffic scam' or 'Raygoza scam' to find a litany of complaints. The main beef is that the sales people make ridiculous claims of what the company can do for potential clients in order to get their money. Another common complaint is that they take payments under false pretenses without  permission from the potential client. How? They pretend that they need to do a credit check on the credit card, to find out what the client will qualify for if they decide to sign up. Instead they sneakily and illegally charge the credit card in a series of small amounts until the card is maxed out. That way, no red flags are raised by the bank's computer systems (they are sure to be flagged if the transactions are $5,000 or above). The many people who have been scammed are either completely ignored when they complain or are met with either empty promises of refunds or verbal abuse. The shameful thing about these braggart millionaires is that when the online complaints reach boiling point, they start a new company name and begin the process all over again. SHAME, Raygoza! - SHAME ON YOU and your gang of deceivers! You can't get away with this forever. There are a lot of angry people out there and all because of you. You are surrounded by bad karma and one day it will bite you. I quote one of my emails to him: "There IS a universal justice, and the eyes of TRUTH are always watching YOU." (I was scammed by PushTraffic for $15,000. Raygoza is tired of hearing my name at his board meetings and has tried to defame me for helping other victims. If you are a victim of IncFortune or PushTraffic please contact Gail at (((Redacted))) for assistance.    PR: wait...  I: wait...  L: wait...  LD: wait...  I: wait... wait...  Rank: wait...  Traffic: wait...  Price: wait...  C: wait...

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Danny Robbins


John Raygoza - Great Leader!!


Thu, September 03, 2009

First off -I'm a former employee - not scare to hide anything here so let me share with you some insight.

John Raygoza hired me when I was 19 - after several job rejections and nowhere to turn - I found him somehow. He taught me everything I know about internet marketing and I promoted his products very proudly. At 19 I made six figures working for him.

Now, the same can't be said for the previous poster - because unlike me he hasn't found a job. He's a dead broker loser, but he's one of those people that have to find someone to blame.

Just so you guys are aware - I still work with John Raygoza - I'm an affiliate of his and if not for him I wouldn't be where I am at today.

As far as clients are concerned - did somebody say that John Raygoza doesn't provide any service? And you don't call that a lie?
What's this then...

Looks like dozen of video testimonials from real people, real clients, of John Raygoza.

Again, only a lowlife would post bad things about his former employer...only somebody who can't get hired anywhere else would do such a thing....maybe you can't get hired because you can't SELL the interview.

Must have been a chump salesman.

Get the lesson and move on!


P.S. Peace to my players at PT and Inc! Ya'll made me who I am today!





Wed, September 02, 2009

Yes it is true that i havent said who i am. (except for the name "fmremployee") but i remain anonymous because i dont wanna have to deal with all of johns lawyers. And i also read how he says hes gonna sue me. Let me say that first off in order to sue me for defamation then what i said has to have been a known lie. Nothing in my original post was a lie. nothing. and if you dont believe an anonymous whistle blower like me then check for your self. type in "incfortune" on the search page of this website and 2 posts come up. the oldest post is mine but another former client put up a post that has written evidence that can back up my posts. so John go ahead and sue me all you want. Im not even alittle scared. Btw its your business that has the most to lose when the court papers go public.

John raygoza


Disgruntled Employee - Bitter


Mon, August 31, 2009

It's very hard to defend a comment that sites no reference, therefore, although this person didn't write his name who know exactly who this is.

He received his last paycheck from us and cashed it moments after.

Employee is correct PushTraffic and IncFortune are two companies that I - John Raygoza own.

Employee is extremely disgruntled - and because he wrote a slanderous statement online we will be filing charges with our attorney.

As you can see, even though we know who it is, we are not releasing his name - because of course it's not legal to do so.

Therefore, we apologize to anyone who is misled by this post. If you have any questions call my office line: 213-405-5322

Again - any reference in this post is not only defamation of character, but their outrageous lies.

John Raygoza

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