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  • Report:  #1142407

Complaint Review: Indiana Department of Child Services


  • Reported By:
    Spencena — Lafayette Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 28, 2014
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 28, 2014


Today is April 28, 2014. I wish to make public knowledge the trauma that CPS and others have caused my family. Of course there are bad parents. Nobody said that there was not. Yet, CPS hides under a name that has it appear that they only want to protect children. While that was the original reason for the company, it has moved far from what it was designed for. Do a google search on “CPS corruption” for further details.  I was forced by angry, armed, Officer Pierce of Lafayette police department to sign a document. Later, CPS tricked me to sign a document as if they were setting my older son, Shaun up for some type of service like Big Brother/Big Sister or counseling or something to help him manage his behavior and feelings. Little did I know, I was in for a nightmare of my life.  The following is just a portion of what has happened since Shaun and Jamel Longstreet were captured (December/2012), tortured, and drugged to make them not miss me:

On, 8/29/13, my appointed time to meet for court was during the 11 O’clock hour. Judge Faith (magistrate) Graham of Superior Court 3 in Lafayette, IN, lead the court to believe (lied) that a doctor from Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center would be hooked up via telephone to give progress, updates, and suggestions about my son, Jamel Longstreet. Of course, Evansville Children’s Hospital is holding my son and treating him despite me informing them months in advance of him entering the hospital that I do NOT consent to treatment. Anyway, I cross-examined the person who was supposedly representing Evansville Children’s Hospital, the woman said that she “only works in medical records”. Yet, at the same time, she was NOT QUALIFIED to give medical advice about my son. Neither I nor anyone else has heard of a person in medical records taking on the role of a qualified therapist or doctor to make medical suggestions. This was the trick: She was not qualified and never swore under oath. I was the one to swear under oath. Not even CPS swore under oath. Hmmmm. Very tricky. I tried to file charges for holding my son Jamel and Shaun hostage. I faxed charges for kidnap and torture all across Indiana into police stations. As for me, I was no convicted, charged, or had parental right termination during the above mentioned court date. So, my children should be home. CPS and the judge are holding my Shaun and Jamel Longstreet hostage after my house has been scraped down by police using a falsified search warrant. They even illegally took things that were not on the warrant. After all of that scraping-NOTHING but embarrassment for them. They did not find enough to charge me nor did they find the so called evidence that Casey Langston lied and said that I told her existed. To get an unqualified medical record person to make a recommendation about my son is an abuse of power.


Falsified Documents:

In court, this supposed person representing Evansville Children’s’ Psychiatric Center knew nothing of my Jamel’s medical history nor times of any significant events. Not only that she in “medical records” NOT a doctor or therapist. She went on to relate that my son said a lot of horrible things about me that never came out until after I made a couple of police reports. This was an act of retaliation since I have tons of evidence filed (illegally hidden by Judge Faith Graham from public) in court that clearly shows that medical documents have been changed to fit and cover up every exposure I make. My son did not all of a sudden change his mind about me and start making all types of weird allegation. Also, during my cross examination, this medical records representative said that my son was away for some time and felt safe. But, I still cornered her by telling her that my son has been away from me before the CPS and why did he not tell someone of my awful behavior. She acted as if she had no clue what I was talking about. Why did my son Jamel say this all of a SUDDEN? Now even an idiot knows that the courts are lying to cover themselves.  That is equivalent to falsifying medical documents. I have not lied once .Yet, CPS and Faith Graham has lied and I exposed them. Why are they not in jail? _____________________________________________________________________

Recent Findings:

Evansville children’s Psychiatric Center and CPS of Indiana have been caught stealing money from the government by using children under the pretense of helping children.

See Link:

This link says in part:


The Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (the State agency) claimed $10.5 million in Federal reimbursement for Medicaid inpatient psychiatric service and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments made to Evansville Psychiatric Children's Center (Evansville) for claims with dates of service during the audit period, January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2010. Of that amount, $7.6 million was not claimed in accordance with Federal requirements for inpatient psychiatric hospital services.


My attempted Relief:

I have written all of my legislators pointing out the change in CPS stories. They just turn a blind eye even when I showed them documentation that CPS lied about what they claim that my son said. I showed documentation that showed them to be lying on several medical/professional documents. My son had not said such things that CPS claimed.  I filed all of the correct court documents in court on time. The more I expose this corruption and torture, the more I am harassed by Lafayette Police Department. My last harassment encounter was on 4/27/14. I have been victimized by Fairfield Township in Lafayette, IN. Fairfield Township lied regarding my bill and is leading to an eviction and extra pain in my life. Little did I realize, after questioning this office, I realized that Judge Faith Graham and Fairfield Township would speak about my CPS corruption case. They did not have my best interest at heart and used it against me when I went in for financial assistance.   I have tried Ombudsman of Indiana. They said that CPS has not broken any policies even after I pointed out that they did by not giving me my initial court hearing. I filed a Habeas Corpus in Court. Everyone ignored this legal document (our legislators and police across Indiana have a copy of this document) I have been incarcerated more than once by CPS and Judge Faith Graham in attempt to get me to sign papers. (Including contracts with Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center). I refused and was left in jail until they felt like releasing me.

Relief Received:


Important Note: I do not and have never had a problem with drugs or violence. So, I wonder what Lafayette Police Department is harassing and stalking me to come up with.


1 Updates & Rebuttals



These are serious FELONIES under federal law...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2014

"Shaun and Jamel Longstreet were captured (December/2012), tortured, and drugged to make them not miss me:

So, they were essentially kidnapped, tortured and drugged...right?

If convicted, these perpetrators will be incarcerated for MANY years.  You have called the FBI, right?

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