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  • Report:  #999266

Complaint Review: Insolvency Guardian Pty Ltd Jarrod Siercocki

Insolvency Guardian Pty Ltd Jarrod Siercocki How Jarrod Sierocki Ruined My Life Beware of Jarrod Sierocki He is a Toxic Conman. Varsity Lakes, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Brent — Gold Coast Internet Australia
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 18, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 05, 2018

Editor’s Comment:04/05/2018-.  Ripoff Report believes in transparency and the more information the better.  In this instance, there has been court action regarding this subject Report.  We believe it important to note that not all Court Orders are alike.  Many court orders are absolutely legitimate and we make no representations about this court order situation However, we want our users to be aware that sometimes courts enter orders based upon default which typically means that the defendant didn’t show up.  Sometimes a defendant won’t show up because they didn’t even get notice of the case proceedings in the first place and other times defendants may not show up because they don’t necessarily have the knowledge and/or the financial resources to fight.  Still, in other instances, a defendant may simply appear only to stipulate (settle) the case by agreeing to stipulate to a court order because they are being bullied by the plaintiff and whether what they said was true or not, they just want the matter to go away so they can move on with life and make the plaintiff go away.  Again, we make no representations about this particular court order situation.  We are simply providing you with additional information so that you may be more informed and, coupled with any additional research you feel is necessary, may make your own informed decision regarding the validity of this Report.  As always, we encourage our readers to do their homework and not just rely on one single source for information.  Google, through the Lumen Database, has provided the following document relating to this subject Report:


Jarrod Sierocki v. Paul Grant Klerck - Abstract of Judgment by Ripoff Report on Scribd





My name is Brent Thompson I need to tell my story so others dont get burned and ripped off by Jarrod Sierocki like I have. I now realise that I am not the only personthat has been scammed by this smooth talking rip off con artist.

There are countless numbers of people that have fallen victim to his conman ways and have all suffered at the hand of Jarrod Sirockis heartless conduct.

Before this traumatic experience I did not really understand much about sociopaths and their toxic behaviour and the destruction that their selfishness lack of morals could cause.  After doing some reading on the subject I can see that every experience I encounter in my future years I will have the most prime example of this type of person to gauge all others off of.

I met Jarrod at a Birthday Party of a mutual friend, I stood at the edge of the gathering and causally chatted to people that came and talked to me, Not far from where I stood Jarrod Sirocki sat at a table and as I remember at the time thinking to myself that he either sounded like a really smart or arrogant person  that seemed to be very sure of himself or was he just really smart as he had a comment and answer for everything.

As a group of other guests that I knew really well started to talk with me about some of the struggles that I was going through I noticed Jarrods attention turn to my conversation very quickly and suddenly became the centre stage of my conversation. He seemed very interested in my life and was very attentive to my struggles and financial struggles. As he took total control of the conversation he very publicly said to me, listen to me Brent, do you want to own your own house one day? I shyly (mainly due to the audience of guests he had drawn in) said yes, I would like to own my own house one day.

With that he loudly pronounced to Paul Klerck to bring me into his office and he will fix everything for me and give me a chance at life as if he had some type of almighty god like power. He looked at Paul and said to him, do you want to tell him or should I? Paul said tell him what, Sierocki said I am very connected at the highest levels. I am a Freemason of the highest level I have contacts everywhere, at the time I really did not know much about Freemasons but I thought it was meant to remain a secret between themselves, and was not meant to be discussed or announced like that.

I discussed him with Paul Klerck and Paul said look mate he is okay he really is a great guy when you get to know him. I said to Paul are you sure that he has not conned you or brain washed you?. Paul replied, I build the websites and do the SEO and Jarrod does the rest, I am still getting to know him better, sure he comes over fairly aggressive but that's just his personality.

The following week we had a meeting that was arranged at Jarrod Sirocki's small Insolvency Guardian office suite in Varsity Lakes. On arrival I thought to myself that the grand speech and all the bravado seemed a little over the top considering the s****.>

4 Updates & Rebuttals



How the past catches up Jarrod Sierocki, Does the name Will Jamieson ring a bell?

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 29, 2013

From the desk off Brent Thompson, I had a phone call from an interesting person yesterday from a Will Jamieson he said he was fully aware of Sierocki and his misconduct as he has already gone through all his bullshit and even had ITSA attend a creditors meeting that he knew Sierocki and the Trustee were in bed together on.

This was another person that Sierocki told he was a barrister and during the meeting Will knew he was not a barrister due to the way Sierocki conducted himself. Will Jamieson told me that he raised the question in front of all present at the meeting held at Vincents Brisbane where the Trustee Peter Dinoris failed to attend. So your a barrister? Sierocki said what are you talking about? Wil repeated the question and then said you told me outside this meeting room less than 5 minutes ago that you are a barrister. Siercocki replied no I never, apparently Will went off his head and called Sierocki a F####### Liar in front off all present including ITSA.

Will Jamieson said his biggest issue regarding Sierocki is that he was a secured creditor and he knew dam well what Sierocki was doing. Sierocki created false accounts and records to control the vote and he strongly suspects that Vincents Peter Dinoris the trustee was fully aware of this as well and this is why he did not attend the creditors meeting that day. Regardless that ITSA was present the lies kept flowing from Sierocki's mouth.

Will told me that he has a complete file on Jarrod Sierocki and continues to work providing ITSA and the authorities information about other cases Insolvency Guardian are working on or have worked on. Everyone in the industry is aware of Sierocki it just took someone like me to come out and voice the truth about my concerns and dealings with Sierocki for the domino effect to happen. Will firmly believes that if Sierocki does not leave Australia he will be charged and jailed before much longer. I for one would have to agree with that, this guy has made his bed he needs to sleep in it now. The only problem is if the sheets are shitty and stained where will he sleep, with the dogs?

I have several signed affidavits and statements in my possession of people that have had their lives affected one way or another by Jarrod Sierocki. So here is a message to you Sierocki, you can serve me with court documents all you like but it will not stop me from telling the world about your lies, charades and scamming. You use innocent people, suck them dry financially then kick them when they are down at the lowest point in their life. You see I don' care anymore, I will defend your bullshit Supreme Court Action against me, and I will defend it myself because I have no money or credit thanks to you "I am a bankrupt" and I know the other defendants will be filing for a security of cost order against you so I am not sure how you will be coming up with the money. Their lawyers won't take Bartercard unlike yours. But remember this mate. I promise you and your trustee mate that I am coming after the both of you with all my evidence and when we meet in the courtroom your defamation case will have no substance or credibility because all your other victims will be there standing by my side giving evidence of your scamming and destruction. Defamation can only be proven when lies are told, I am telling the truth about you.

Oh Sierocki do me a favour and tell your trustee mate Peter Dinoris from Vincents not to send anymore threats in letters to me about me traveling overseas. Remember it was both you and him that gave me permission to travel overseas. I shouldn't even be bankrupt I came to you so you could clean up my credit file and you screwed me over and made me a bankrupt. Just like you lodge false Veda defaults against people like Praveen Raghubar and Fiona Klerck.

Sierocki you need to get off the Valium and the Panadeine Forte and clean up your act, nobody believes that you have cancer of the throat and a heart condition either. Amazing what lengths somebody will go to so they can park in disabled parking spots. Remember this Jarrod there are real disabled people that need those parking spots. This is just another perfect display of your selfish behavior.

Oh and by the way, your ex partner has nothing to do with any of this, he said he was done with you and would not spend anymore money or energy on you but now you are trying to sue him and his companies as well. You are a seriously deranged individual. I hope you lawers are getting their money from you upfront I heard a rumour you still owe other people money from court cases you have already lost. Oh and how many lawyers and law firms have you gone through in the past two years? Let me list a few that I know of;

Brett Saal Lawyer
MVM Lawyers Brisbane
David Taylor Lawyers
Minter Ellison Lawyers
NYST Lawyers
and now the latest Gilfoyle Solicitors

I am a little concerned Jarrod that you would use Gilfoyle Solicitors because these are lady lawyers and with your arrogant degrading disrespectful opinion towards ladies in professional occupations this has me a little concerned that you maybe letting your guard down. Just my opinion, what is that you say about women in professional occupations? oh that's right they are all nuff, nuffs or carpet munching bitches including our Prime Minister, "thank god she is running Australia because businesses will keep collapsing and people will keep going broke and filing for bankruptcy and whilst this keeps happening I  will keep making more money" Now I know what you meant by all this.

I was reading the Smart Start up website and made some notes in bold that represent more of your lies.

Insolvency and the possibility of bankruptcy can be among the hardest things a person can face. Aside from the heavy financial burden, it can also take its toll on personal and family relationships.
Salvaging personal and business finances from insolvency is tough work, but for 30-year-old Jarrod Sierocki it has its rewards. Yes keep screwing people over for their last cent, that's rewarding.
We are able to give someone their life back, which includes financial freedom and the ability to obtain credit again which gives them leverage to start again, Sierocki tells StartupSmart. Bullshit what a liar
His company Insolvency Guardian started in 2011 as a one-man band and quickly grew into an enterprise offering a range of services in the insolvency and forensic accounting industry. More lies it was Sierocki and Paul Klerck they were both equal partners Paul and his IT company were responsible for creating the success for Insolvency Guardian. Paul and his team created the logo, the identity, the branding the main website and hundreds of promotional related websites. Smart Start up should do their research better before they publish stories about so called success stories. Paul got out when 2+2 no longer added up to 4.

Escalating rates of insolvency for small businesses across the country has meant that Sierocki and his team are rarely short of work. Lots of silly people out there just like me.
He says getting the message across to people that they have options when facing solvency issues has been part of the mission. Yes come in and let me bankrupt your arse and then pay me a fortune to get you back out.
People were ill informed as to the rights and how, using our facilities, they could enter bankruptcy and within six months be out of bankruptcy with a clean credit file and new start to life. Oh really, what happened with me, with Kurt Frazer, Mick James etc?
He says the companys quick growth has led to a simple plan: It involves creating a brand that equals a result, from which the company can reap financial gain and success. Does honesty and integrity have anything to do with this success? Jarrod if you were honest and did the right thing all the dirty laundry would not be coming out now. In regards to your branding created by Paul and his team wasn't this the real success behind Insolvency Guardian?
We have done that by building relationships in Brisbane, Sydney, Gold Coast and Melbourne. You have not built relationships you have created destruction in peoples lives.
We have an online advertising campaign that comprises over 324 websites which all lead to brand recognition and we also sponsor many sporting events, as well as worthy causes including the Heart Foundation. Not sure you will be sponsoring many more sporting events, the Bartercard account must be getting low by now especially with all your legal fees as well. In regards to the Heart Foundation what is all that about Jarrod, is that like the dodgy car dealer that cons people everyday of the week into cars with wound back clocks and high rate interest rate car loans? The same low life that goes to church on Sunday and confesses his sins? Hang on a minute you were once in the car business as well, what was it Brisbane Car and Finance Pty Ltd? You helped people get into cars when they had bad credit or refused finance everywhere else, What a saint! what interest rate did you charge them, the going rate, or twice, three or four times the rate and then what happened if they missed a payment by a few days? Just wondering how that business went for you?

Jarrod I can't wait till we have our day in court, the truth will come out and hopefully on that day the police will be there to lock you up and throw away the key, but only time and the truth will tell.

Stay Happy, Keep Smiling, Gods Judging You!
Brent Thompson



Insolvency Guardian should have helped us but they just screwed us.

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, January 28, 2013

Hi Brent, I read your story, and like you I am also a victim. I spent well over $100,000 with this company. I can assure you I have heard all the lies as well. I have spoken to no less than 8 other Sierocki victims this weekend alone.

I understand that he is or has filled a supreme court action against you and others. He may have a chance of winning if all that you wrote and posted was lies, but remember it's not defamation if its true.

I have posted my story online, I also have some interesting emails from Sierocki as well. I just thought I would raise the following points regarding defamation.

The Difficulties With Proving Defamatory Comments

Much of the difficulty that surrounds successfully winning an online defamation case is brought about because the plaintiff must first prove who the publisher or writer of the statement is and, secondly, that the statement is false and written with the intention of causing damage.

Well I know and you know the statement is not false, so how can he prove his case?

Tracing an individual that has posted a defamatory comment can prove very difficult.
It is certainly possible to find out the details of a computer that was used to publish a statement or post content. However, if this is a public computer then it is almost impossible to narrow down the search in order to find the culprit. With Internet access being afforded to computers in Internet cafes, libraries, businesses, and other public areas, this makes it very difficult to find the source of the content.

The Ramifications Of Legal Action

Legal action should be considered a last resort because it can prove very costly and results can vary. However, if this does appear to be your final option then legal action can start with cease and desist letters and a number of other steps, eventually culminating in a lawsuit that involves damages and punitive costs. If all else fails then this may prove to be your only option at setting the record straight.

Were you or the other defendants served with a cease and desist letter? If not running up for a long time, let him spend some real dollars trying to defend his name and reputation "what reputation"

Here is your defense Brent.

1. Ask them to please provide proof that any of the posts or articles posted were in fact posted by who they claim, they need proof.

2. What computer were they posted from including Mac addresses, what Internet account including IP addresses, how do we not know that Sierocki didn't post these articles up or someone else that hates him. Knowing him he probably has some type of insurance against this type of stuff and is now claiming for this.

Anyway mate rest up don't worry or be concerned to much about being served, it will be hard for Sierocki to prove, and even if he can there is enough people including myself who will hand over signed affidavits about the whole Sierocki dealings and what has gone on. Stay strong good will win out in the end. He will be brought to justice.



Served by Jarrod Sierocki Insolvency Guardian Legal Action Advice for Defmation

#5Author of original report

Fri, January 25, 2013

On the 24th of January 2013 I was served with a Supreme Court Action. Jarrod Sierocki and Insolvency Guardian went into full damage control to try and silence me. The reality is Sierocki you and your lawyers can get stuffed.

I came to you in good faith to have a couple of minor defaults erased form my credit file and you ended up bankrupting me you greedy dishonest b*****d. The same as you have done to so many others. I am also aware of you moving assets for selected clients before their bankruptcy in aid of you gaining financially but all this will come out in the wash, after all you have a lot of dirty laundry don't you Jarrod?

I cant believe how the list keeps growing of people that are stepping forward to give sworn affidavits about their dealings with you. The only problem I see is finding a court room big enough to hold all the witnesses.

All of this could have been avoided if you just did the right ethical and honest thing by me and your clients. You could have and should have had a great business but greed can often be the downfall of many. Look what you have had tried to do you ex partner that worked day and night building the brand and reputation of Insolvency Guardian up. You got greedy and screwed him then posted defamatory comments about him online the same as you did with Rick Halstead or Clipstar and ASAP Plastering on your Australian Online Media News website CLIPSTAR PLASTERERS have UNPAID ACCOUNTS - Australian The same as you screwed your old boss Danny McGee with untrue letters to one of his major clients'.

Here is a reality check for you Sierocki. Rick Halstead is now going to commence legal action as is Danny McGee for defamation. You see when you start picking on innocent people to justify your own criminal acts people will fight back arsehole.

Take a good look at your ex partner a family man that has 3 children with another one on the baby on the way he works day and night to support them and is admired by so many people including myself, his clients, family and friends. I can assure you pal we will be standing by him 100% of the way now. Like Rick and Danny said why does Jarrod keep digging at Paul, why can't he just leave him alone. Like I told them because you are a p***k. Well enjoy defending their defamation claims that you will be served with in the near future. I believe Paul is also drawing a defamation claim against you for the rubbish you posted online about him as well.

I would also like to bring everyone's attention to one of the clauses in the Insolvency Guardian 

J. Security for Costs and Interest

You hereby charge all of your property, both equitable and legal, in respect of any monies
that may hereinafter be owing by you to INSOLVENCY GUARDIAN pursuant to this service
agreement and you hereby authorise INSOLVENCY GUARDIAN or its solicitors to execute any consent form as your attorney for the purposes of registering a caveat over any real property owned by you at any time and/or to register this charge over your assets with the Australian Securities and Investments


We reserve the right to apply interest, at the rate of 12% per annum, compounded monthly, on
any of our unpaid accounts to you, and overdue by Seven (7) or more days from the due date, unless prior
arrangements with you have been made.



More On Sir Jarrod Sierocki Can you Believe This Sociopath

#5Author of original report

Sat, January 19, 2013

SIR JARROD SIEROCKI, is he serious?

I did some more research on this Sierocki conman and he claims he is a SIR he even has a steak knife at Moo Moo's Brisbane with his name engraved on it as SIR Jarrod Sierocki.

He is now starting to operate under Insolvency Solutions Pty Ltd and NIIPA he claims he is the National Institute of Insolvency Practitioners as well.

I did some research under the search term Sir Jarrod Sierocki and this is what came up:

Domain Name.........:
Creation Date.......: 2012-08-08 00:00:00
Expiration Date.....: 2014-08-08 00:00:00

Registrant Details..:
First Name..........: SIR Jarrod
Last Name...........: Sierocki
Address Line 1......: Level 27
Address Line 2......: 32 Turbot Street
City................: Brisbane
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4000
Phone...............: (+61) 731213261
Fax.................: (+) 
Email Address.......: 

Admin Contact Details:
First Name..........: SIR Jarrod
Last Name...........: Sierocki
Address Line 1......: Level 27
Address Line 2......: 32 Turbot Street
City................: Brisbane
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4000
Phone...............: (+61) 731213261
Fax.................: (+) 
Email Address.......: 

Technical Contact Details:
First Name..........: SIR Jarrod
Last Name...........: Sierocki
Address Line 1......: Level 27
Address Line 2......: 32 Turbot Street
City................: Brisbane
State...............: QLD
Country.............: AU
Post Code...........: 4000
Phone...............: (+61) 731213261
Fax.................: (+) 
Email Address.......: 

DNS Delegation details:
Nameserver 1:
Nameserver IP 1:
Nameserver 2:
Nameserver IP 2:
Nameserver 3:
Nameserver IP 3:
Nameserver 4:
Nameserver IP 4:

Seriously, how and when did the Queen give Jarrod the conman Sierocki a Knighthood. Oh that's right he is a Knights Templar. Sierocki needs to be locked up and placed behind bars before he ruins any more lives. This would probably the best and safest place for him from what I been informed.

My name is Brent Thompson and again I urge any other victims of Jarrod Siercocki, Insolvency Guardian, Insolvency Solutions Pty Ltd or NIIPA or any other bloody name that he has registered and sets up to come forth and tell their side of story. 

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