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Insurance Selling Systems, LLC conducts a multi-layered scam that costs approximately $5,000, Woodstown, New Jersey
Dean Cipriano, Insurance Selliing Systems, LLC promotes and solicits clients via the internet. I was duped into thinking that appropriate clients would be marketed to further develop my professional practice.
After signing up and doing all the busy work, I did not receive one single prospect that met the criteria Cipriano stated during his webinar. Also, another organization required by Cipriano named P-2 Marketing took phone calls from "prospective" clients and forwarded the information to me. After reviewing the prosects, it was easily determined that the demographics were inappropriate. Also, six (6) questions were asked in order for the prospect to be qualified as a lead. None provided all the required information.
This charade cost my company approximately $5,000. My attempts to secure a refund have been ignored.