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  • Report:  #579224

Complaint Review: Integrity Financial Resources

Integrity Financial Resources Integrity Life Skills, Integrity Consulting Company, Dan Hollister, Kevin Halper NOT A BLESSING TO US. Getting involved with this company added more debt to our already heavy load instead of helping us find relief. Salt Lake City, Utah

  • Reported By:
    Lori — Tmberlake North Carolina United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 08, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 30, 2010
A few weeks after ordering the video from this company, we received a phone call from Integrity requesting a phone meeting. My husband thought it was a good idea to pursue, basically because we needed some financial advice with marketing some alpaca animals that we had invested in before the economy took a down turn.  

We kept asking about the price of the program, as the people from Integrity would contact us by phone, but the answer was always sidestepped.

The different people from Integrity that called us suggested that this was a 'special elite coaching program' and that not everyone could participate in it. We would have to be interviewed and then evaluated to see if we qualified to become a part of this special coaching program. 

When we were conjured into signing into the Coaching Program and maxing out our credit cards to pay for it, we did it, we feel, based on false hope and persuasion. We were being told -  "look at this as an investment".  We were sold on the idea it was the right and smart thing to do and they could help us.  False hope-  that we would be offered some solutions and help - a plan for debt reduction and wealth building. 

After 9 sessions, we were no further along in eliminating our debts than when we started the program. We were following the instructions that the Financial Coach assigned to us was asking us to do. Most of what was being suggested, we were already doing, i.e. budgeting and being very conservative in all our spending.  

After several months of being in this Coaching Program and nothing was changing in our financial picture, except the extra burden of having to pay the monthly credit card bills this had been charged to, we decided we would request at least a partial refund.  

When we signed on with Integrity, we had hoped to gain someone to help us in marketing our animals.  We asked for assistance in this area numerous times but our Financial Coach would say he did not know about alpacas but would check it out and get back to us with some information. Marketing the alpacas is where we needed the most support and help and received none.

After we signed on and were charged $10,884.00 to our already stressed-out credit cards, we thought someone from Integrity would surely follow up with us: to ask us how things were going on our end; to see how things were progressing; find out what we thought of the program; were we being helped in the areas we needed it; were we comfortable with our Coach and was he helping us.  There was absolutely no contact for follow up from anyone at Integrity at anytime. 

Nick Perez, the one who lead us to sign up that fateful night in June 2009, by phone, indicated to us that it would be possible to receive a refund if our circumstances changed that would prevent us from benefiting from the program. 

The only steps that resulted from my contacting Integrity on December 10, 2009, asking for a partial refund, was Kevin Halper, after several cancellations, finally spoke with us by phone in February.  He was insulting by some of the remarks he made to us and said he could not help us with a partial refund.  

On Feb 20, Dan Hollister called us to apologize for Kevin's behavior toward us. He said someone was supposed to have called us to follow up right after we started our coaching sessions with the Coach back in June 2009, but it must have slipped thru the cracks. Mr. Hollister stated that what we had needed was a marketing coach and not a middle class family coach, which is what we had been assigned in Paul Young. Mr. Hollister implied that we had not been matched up with the right coach and suggested maybe using another approach. He did make us an offer to continue the program, but by this time we had lost trust in the officers of Integrity and respectfully declined his offer.  We wanted to end the relationship and just wanted a partial refund to help us with our debt burden.  He flat said NO the money wasn't there. He explained they were starting up a new program and the one we had enrolled in was no longer in existence. 

We feel we were taken advantage of, mislead, and treated unfairly and would like a partial refund of our money.

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Mr. Hollister stated that what we had needed was a marketing coach and not a middle class family coach

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 30, 2010

We would like to begin by stating: The main reason we have posted on this site is to share our experience and hopefully help someone else avoid the same mistakes that we feel we made. We are just reporting the matter and now it is up to each individual to decide.   We are not malicious people who are out to bring a company down and we really are not angry with them.  

After  nine sessions, we could see our mistake and the lack of support from Integrity.  Our thinking was, why continue with something that was not beneficial and it would be better to stop the program now and request a partial refund from the company.  When we signed on we were lead to believe this was feasible. 

In our phone conversation Dan Hollister,  founder and President of the company,  said we needed someone in marketing and had been assigned the wrong person to help us in our financial situation.  He apologized to us for that particular mistake made by Integrity and also that the person assigned to follow up with new members failed to connect with us.

After we signed on and were charged almost $11,000 to our already stressed-out credit cards, we kept anticipating that someone from Integrity would surely follow up with us: to ask us how things were going on our end; to see how things were progressing; find out what we thought of the program; were we being helped in the areas we needed it; were we comfortable with our Coach and was he helping us. There was absolutely no contact or follow up from anyone at anytime.  Nick Perez, the one who lead us to sign up that fateful night in June 2009, by phone, indicated to us that it would be possible to receive a refund if our circumstances changed that would prevent us from benefiting from the program.  When I tried to contact Nick Perez, by phone, to discuss this issue with him we found that he was no longer with the company.

The only result from our contacting Integrity on December 10, 2009,  requesting a partial refund, was Kevin Halper, after several cancellations, finally spoke with us by phone in February. He was insulting by some of the remarks he made to us on the phone and said he could not help us with a partial refund. 

On Feb 20, Dan Hollister called us to apologize for Kevin's behavior toward us. He said someone was supposed to have called us to follow up right after we started our coaching sessions with Paul, but it must have slipped thru the cracks. Mr. Hollister also stated that what we had needed was a marketing coach and not a middle class family coach, which is what we had been assigned in Paul Young. He said we had been mis- matched and was not given  the right coach and he suggested another approach. He did make us an offer to continue the program.  

By this time, we had lost trust in the officers of Integrity and declined. We wanted to end the relationship and just wanted a partial refund to help us with our debt burden. He flat said NO the money wasn't there. 

Mr. Hollister told us we needed someone in marketing and had been assigned the wrong person to help us in our financial situation.

Mr. Dan Hollister is the final person we spoke with at Integrity.  He phoned us. He is the President and Founder of the company  One of the main reasons Mr. Hollister called us on the phone, according to him, was to apologize for Keven Halper's attitude towards us and the way the phone meeting had gone. The excuse Mr. Hollister offered for Keven's rude behavior was - Keven had been sleep deprived because of some personal issues. 

Mr. Hollister seemed plenty informed to us regarding our situation when he called us on the phone . I feel sure he would not have dialed our number without some preparation and research regarding the issues.  He asked us some questions and we in turn asked him questions. He seemed to have all the information at hand and told us he had discussed our situation with Keven.

Mr. Hollister did not seem to think it '
'the follow up call'' was irrelevant as Keven has indicated elsewhere since Mr.  Hollister profoundly apologized to us that there had been no follow up and said this must have slipped thru the cracks and Mr. Richards should have called us to follow up.

We cannot find anywhere in our notes, that were taken during those first phone conversations,  any mention of a Ken Richards. The first time we heard his name mentioned, that we can recall, was when Mr. Hollister phoned us and he mentioned his name as being the appointed person that should have done the follow up call. Tanna Richards was just one of several people who contacted us during the push to have us enroll in the Integrity Coaching Program.

There is much distortion in what Keven is stating about our motives in reporting our experience with Integrity.  Our intent in this matter is to bring out the truth of what has happened to us and,  hopefully help others avoid the same mistake.  In requesting a partial refund of $5000. of our almost $11000. that we paid for a service not provided, we feel is very fair and just.

Mr. Hollister was on the phone to us to see if he could amend how Keven Halper had behaved toward us on the phone. A tactic that Dan Hollister and Keven Halper fall back on, it seems, is to use many words to persuade or confuse (depending on their goal). Mr. Hollister was attempting to use his many words to have us just let things drop or enroll in another form of coaching class. As stated before, at that point, we were not interested in continuing a relationship with Integrity. We had seen and heard enough to have our confidence and trust in them shaken.

When we made our request for a partial refud, Mr. Hollister flat told us the money wasn't there to refund to us and he was starting up another business. He did apologize that some things ''had slipped thru the cracks'' and that we had been assigned a Financial Coach that was not a fit for us. He said, we should have been assigned a Marketing Coach instead of Paul Young who was a coach for middle class families struggling with finances.

We have a plumbing business and always answer our phone and return calls. So the claim of not being able to reach us by phone is not a valid excuse for lack of follow up. We have a business phone, cell phones and email addresses that Integrity has on file. We were very accessible. After all, Mr. Hollister had no problem reaching us. He got us the first time he tried.

I am just reporting what Mr. Hollister said to us on the phone when he called to apologize for Keven's behavior toward us during our phone meeting and stated we had been matched up with the wrong Financial Coach. Keven needs to take this issue up with Mr. Hollister when he states ''Mr. Hollister's comment about the Rosins' not being matched up with the right coach was unquestionably taken out of context".

As I stated before, we brought the ideas to the phone meetings regarding the alpacas. Paul was the first one to admit he knew nothing about alpacas but would do some research on them, which never manifested.

The two examples of research that Keven has used as argument for research would hardly be considered thorough research. I remember the truffles story. This was something Paul came across while researching something else (not for us) and just shared that with us because they lived in our area. This information was not helpful to us financially in any form. Also, as far as our records, this is the first mention to us of a Utah farmer with the goats that Keven refers to. I can't imagine how leasing goats to Bureau of Land Management would in anyway apply to us in marketing alpacas and their end products.

The kind of financial coaching relationship that Keven is referring to would need to be based on respect and trust in a company and its officers. Since we have neither for Integrity Financial Resources, a working relationship is out of the question and is not part of the solution. Why would we want to work with a company that we feel has mistreated, misguided, insulted, and pounded us with their many words, as this company has done? We paid big bucks for a service we never received.

It seems a bit unfair when Keven accuses me of not following thru in finding or developing a home based business.  I have been  looking for a way to bring in additional income for sometime now. The problem is, I already have a very full plate and a very demanding schedule and how I could juggle another job into my schedule - has always been the issue. We discussed this with Paul and we all agreed that any extra time I could find, would best be served in finding ways to market the alpacas.

Dave and I have run our home based plumbing business for almost 20 years; I home schooled my daughter all the way thru high school. She is now in college and will finish in 3 years instead of 4. I raise a very large garden each summer to provide a large percentage of our food supply.  In addition, in December 2009 we had a tragedy happen that ended in the death of a family member and I have taken on the added responsibility of caregiver for my 90 year old mother who is now living in our home.   

We are not malicious people who are out to bring a company down and we really are not angry with them.   We could certainly use the refund to pay towards the charge to our credit card  - but that is just part of the issue.   The main reason we have posted on this site is just to share our experience and hopefully help someone else avoid the same mistakes we made. We feel we have done a service in reporting this matter and now it is up to each individual to decide.   End of story....

Dan hollister

Salt Lake City,

Financial coaching mistaken for alpaca management?

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 28, 2010

As a business owner, I've seen some pretty interesting stories... people can tend to get rather creative when they believe there is money to be had.

No matter how hard you work to provide more value, more integrity, and better service than anyone else... no matter if everyone in your organization is completely clear and united that we are here to do whatever it takes to make good on our motto: to be a blessing to everyone we come in contact with... no matter if you jump through hoops and do back-flips to make sure you always over deliver to your clients... no matter if you freely provide above and beyond what was purchased, forgive past due balances, and provide refunds to people that are cool to you but have run into difficulties... no matter if you routinely break the rules of business simply because your primary focus is on helping people rather than just getting their money... none of these things ultimately seem to matter in terms of preventing the occasional creative drama.

It is particularly frustrating when the attacks come through anything goes types of forums that do not notify the business in question that they are being attacked, or that they have an unhappy customer. Fortunately, the Rosins made their intentions clear, so we are able to do some occasional searches in an attempt to discover and respond to such posts with a bit of a reality check.

In this case, David and Deloris (Lori) Rosin invested into an advanced, long-term coaching program, that promised to provide a financial education that would help them eliminate debt, build a firm financial foundation, and move into areas of wealth building in order to move towards creating the long-term financial future they desire. It's kind of like college, for adults to learn about money and finance... things that were never taught in school.

Our sinour giant Ripoff? Well, apparently the Rosins feel they signed on hoping to gain someone to help us in marketing our animals. Animals? Yes... alpacas, actually. Some sort of South African miniature camel species, I believe.

Unfortunately, we are more of a financial education company than an exotic farm animal marketing organization. Even so, six months after their enrollment, when the Rosins finally decided to contact us and let us know their biggest priority was selling their alpacas... we let them know that we did, in fact, have some marketing expertise and would be happy to pair them up with such a coach to help them sell their animals. The Rosins have flat-out refused this help... repeatedly. (And no, there was not to be any additional charge for this assistance.)

The truth of the matter is that in their first 6 months with us, the Rosins had completed just 9 weekly coaching sessions, and were somehow not seeing progress as quickly as they had hoped. If a person purchases a gym membership, and they don't go to the gym and use it... it's not going to work. This does not make the gym a ripoff or a scam. The Rosins were simply not following through with their commitments to themselves and the program, and they needed a scapegoat... or in this case, a scape-alpaca.

Additionally, as should be plain to see by this post the Rosins are so kindly sabotaging our company with... they were not exactly cool about the situation.

Their demands were simple: give us five thousand dollars or we'll do everything we can to hurt your company and your reputation. Interestingly enough, this matches up surprisingly accurately with Webster's definitions of the terms extortion and blackmail.

I don't know about you, but if one of my children were to start screaming and throwing a tantrum in a grocery store because he wanted a piece of candy... he would have just absolutely ensured that it wasn't going to happen. I would never train my child to behave in such a manner as he grew up and entered the real world.

I also can't help but wonder why, if we were so deceptive and useless to them... the Rosins demanded less than half their money back. Why not all of it? Is it possible they were in fact receiving value? Or that they recognized their own responsibility in the situation?

David and Lori Rosin claim that we were NOT A BLESSING. I beg to differ. Sometimes blessings come in disguise. There is a lot more still available for the Rosins, which we are happy to provide as agreed; but even if they continue to refuse to take advantage of it, they are in fact learning about ineffective methods of getting what they want, as well as lessons regarding responsibility, commitments, and follow-through. While sometimes life's lessons might be difficult, I would maintain that they are definitely blessings.

I might also point out that we are holding our position on what is right, in spite of the fact that the Rosins made clear their intentions... with regard to damaging our reputation, postings such as this one, complaints to the BBB, etc. As you might guess, these situations create a good number of man hours and expense to deal with; and I can promise you this... the financial and reputation damage to our company will absolutely dwarf the five thousand dollar figure the Rosins attempted to extract from us to stop them from doing this.

Such is the value of principle. I know full well that most people researching our organization when considering doing business with us will never see these words. They will run a search on Google or something, see our name in conjunction with the words Ripoff Report, and won't even click through to read the information. Just seeing that we are on Ripoff Report will be enough to kill the potential relationship. 

The Rosins may never have any real idea of how much money they are costing us and the level of damage they are inflicting on a GOOD company... with incredible people and practically unheard of ethics and values in doing business. Then again, they may read this post and enjoy a nice big grin when they see those words. Unfortunately, it won't change the fact that their actions are certain to hold people back, whose lives could have been completely changed, had they worked with us. I would submit that these are the people who the Rosins are really hurting the most.

I could have stopped all of this damage by simply agreeing to the Rosin's blatant extortion, and paying out the measly $5 grand. Some tell me it's a mistake... that principles are not worth it. I disagree, and in addition, I simply don't do real well with tantrums and threats.


When, as the founder of our company, I personally contacted the Rosins to try and see about making them happy... the demand was clearly laid out for me. I tried reasoning with them for some time, and ultimately the conversation ended when David told me, roughly, Well, Dan... you make a lot of good points. It's clear you are very intelligent, and you're really a good man. I think if we had met in another life, you and I would be fast friends. But I guess that's not to be. My interpretation of this statement, given the context... was simply, I'm sorry man, but my wife is 'on one'; and I'm not about to get in the way.

I would expect the information I've shared so far would satisfy most people's curiosities, but I will continue with a little further information taken from our response to the complaint the Rosins filed with the Better Business Bureau, for those that may want a little more detail. I think it's only fair that the information is available here for people genuinely researching us because they are interested in improving their lives with our services.

BBB Response:


David and Deloris (Lori) Rosin
428 Holeman Ashley Rd.

Timberlake, NC 27583

(336) 364-4617

Lori and David Rosin ordered an audio CD program from us on June 3rd, 2009. Shortly thereafter, Lori was contacted by our consulting division to get her scheduled for the consultation that was part of their purchase.

During the Rosins consultation, they expressed an interest in getting some additional help from our company. Their consultant suggested that she could perhaps get an interview to see if they qualified to get into our coaching and mentoring program. Make no mistake, Deloris and David convinced us that they would be good candidates for the program. Very few of our customers are even made aware of our advanced coaching program. There was no conjuring or any other kind of hocus-pocus that forced the Rosins to sign up for our services.

Their consultant did get them an opportunity to have an interview with one of our Directors to see if they had what we look for to be invited into the program; and of course, whether they thought we were the right fit for them. They successfully qualified, decided they wanted to work with us, and were enrolled into their coaching program on June 26th, 2009.

As Lori mentions in her complaint, they signed up for some solutions and help a plan for debt reduction and wealth building. Yet a few sentences later, she claims when we signed on with Integrity, we had hoped to gain someone to help us in marketing our animals... Marketing the alpacas is where we needed the most support and help and received NONE.

Please understand that we are a financial education company, and not a farm animal marketing company.

Paul Young is the Rosins coach. Paul has tried to look for other outlets for their Alpaca investment. The following notes were taken from the Rosins coaching sessions:


They realize the Alpaca investment was bad. We have tried to look for outlets for that investment such as a machine that turns fleece into a material to be used for clothing. Dave also came up with an idea of possibly selling the manure from the Alpacas. Theres also the goal of growing the herd and selling the animals individually. We also discussed brainstorming about other ideas that were outside the box with regards as to how to capitalize on the Alpaca investment. We talked about a Utah framer was leasing his goats to the BLM to eat sagebrush and other plants in order to create a fire break along the roads. This is a non traditional way that goats were used, perhaps they could find something non traditional for the Alpacas to do. 

One main theme that has been discussed is to find ways of capitalizing on the huge acreage that they have. Recently I saw an article about a gentleman who grows and cultivates truffles. This individual lives approx 10-12 miles away from the Rosins and so I recommended that they look into the same type of business. The article even mentions that this individual sells inoculated trees for $22 per tree. Truffles sell from $800 per pound to $4000 per pound. The drawback is that it takes 7-10 years for the inoculated trees to mature.

We have also discussed leasing the land to someone who might want to farm it, although it is heavily wooded. We have also discussed them brainstorming to create other business opportunities with the local area and resources they already have. Lori, in a former life, had a business doing Welcome to the Neighborhood kits that advertised local businesses to new residences. This idea could be expanded upon and done again.

As you can see, Paul Young bent over backwards to help the Rosins out of a bad situation they got themselves into. No one in our organization suggested investing into an alpaca farm. We are not responsible for the difficult situation the Rosin's find themselves in. We will certainly do everything we can to help them improve it; as well as develop a solid financial foundation on which they can build a stronger future.

Ms. Rosin claims that after 9 sessions, they were no further along in eliminating their debt than when they started. Our program is financial education. Nine sessions does not completely change one's life even when a student is stellar in absorbing and implementing the information. This would be like expecting a med-school student to be performing delicate operations in the first quarter of their education. At this point, the student is likely still reviewing information they should have had a solid grasp on prior to enrolling in med-school.

Despite allegations to the contrary, we do not have a magic wand that will force anyone to give us money, or that will eliminate a lifetime of cause and effect, and cause someone to be debt free and wealthy in 9 coaching sessions.

Typically, when one enrolls with an educational institution... there is no recourse. There is no promise you'll get a job in your chosen field, no guarantees or warranties, and even if you never show up for a single class... you won't be seeing a refund. The likelihood that you'll receive a phone call from the administrative staff to make sure you are happy with your professor and what he or she is teaching you is slim to nil.

Fortunately, due to the nature of what we do, and the ways we can often help people... our students will typically reap very strong returns even in the very first year. So much so, that we offer a warranty of service stating that students will make or save every dollar of their investment in the first year of working with us... or we continue working with them at our own expense, until they do. We also have a Student Care department that actually does routinely reach out to our students to touch base and make sure they are happy with how things are going. The Rosins say Student Care was unable to catch up with them... I haven't researched that at this point, as it's not really pertinent to the situation, and certainly not cause for a refund.

During their initial coaching sessions, the Rosins worked on reducing expenses in groceries and their Alpaca management fees. They also researched less expensive plumbing supplies for Davids business. They were making progress. 

Their situation was tight enough that they and their coach jointly decided that Lori should pursue some type of home-based business or find a job. Lori expressed an interest in developing an Internet Business. To date: I dont believe that Lori has acted on that advice, despite having our expert assistance available to help her do so.

When I spoke with the Rosins in February, I suggested that we get them over to our E-Commerce coach to help them sell their Alpacas. The Rosins firmly said they were not willing to do that.

Once again, our warranty of service states that our students will make or save every dollar of their tuition in the first year, or we will continue to work with them until they do. Now, keep in mind, along with this warranty come some key commitments on their part. One of those being take action on the principles they learn The Rosins are not as far along as they'd like to be, because they havent followed through with their end of the bargain. There is a lot left to learn and do, and it takes time and persistence to reap the rewards of our programsomething that was made abundantly clear during the Rosin's interview.

Although the Rosins have long since stopped working with us, and have chosen this course of action, we stand 100% behind our commitment to work with the Rosins and provide exactly what we agreed to provide, which should lead to the outcomes the Rosins desire if they are diligent students. However we cant simply do it for them. They are the ones who will have to put forth the effort in the program in order for it to work.

We invite the Rosins to get back in touch with us and let us know it is okay to regroup and get them moving forward once again.  They invested into a life-changing program with us.  We paid the money to cover the various costs, tools, and training they are entitled to, exactly as we agreed to do, and so naturally, their program remains available to them.

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