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  • Report:  #130272

Complaint Review: Intelligent Network -Intelligent Netware - Momtrepreneurs - Angelina Musik -Daniel Comp - Clicklocal

Intelligent Network - Intelligent Netware Momtrepreneurs - Angelina Musik - Daniel Comp - Clicklocal ripoff, misrepresent, scam, con artists San Antonio Texas

  • Reported By:
    san antonio Texas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 05, 2005
  • Updated:
    Mon, July 03, 2006
  • Intelligent Network -Intelligent Netware - Momtrepreneurs - Angelina Musik -Daniel Comp - Clicklocal
    818 Sutters Rim
    San Antonio, Texas
  • Phone:
  • Category:

These people told me they were expert graphic artists and would design a unique web site for my business. They both said that Daniel Comp was an award winning architect and graphics designer (it turned out he'd spent a few months as an intern in an architect's office, had never been to architecture school). They promised that they would make sure my web site would be on the first page of all major search engines. They also said that they would guarantee their work and refund my money if I was not pleased with their work.

When it became obvious that what they were really selling was 2nd or 3rd rate web templates, something like you can get free from, only Daniel and Angelina's was not nearly as user-friendly, I told them they could bill me for the amount of work they had actually done (they spent a couple of hours talking to me about my business) but requested that they refund the rest of the approx. $2700 I had paid them.

They not only refused to return even a penny of my money; they also refused to transfer my domain name to me, even though it was registered in my name. I had to spend several hours of my time, make long distance calls and send long distance faxes with identification info to get my domain name back.

san antonio, Texas

9 Updates & Rebuttals


san antonio,

What I wanted to try to do in mediation was have a civil conversation

#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006


Thank you for being more civil in your most recent rebuttal.

ANGELINA: Our portfolio contains work done in various capacities with our clients. From consulting to web design to graphic branding and backend programming the public will never see.

BARBARA: Your portfolio page might be more useful to prospective clients if you were to categorize the sites according to the ones for which Intelligent Netware actually did the graphics design work and the ones designed by someone else. You might also want to show clickLOCAL sites separately from Intelligent Netware sites, since these are two different companies with different people involved.

ANGELINA: Just to clarify - We have not made millions; we have contributed through our talents to our clients making that level of money in their businesses.

BARBARA: I have a printout of your 2004 website that said (exact quote): "A performance guarantee has backed over $3 million dollars worth of projects." This does not say you helped your clients make $3 million dollars. Like so many of your statements on your web sites, it's ambiguous in a way that implies you made $3 million but doesn't exactly say that -- so if someone calls you on it, you can weasel out by saying you were referring to your *client's* $3 million worth of projects, not your own. But in the context in which you presented the statement, it did strongly imply that Intelligent Netware had made over $3 million, not Intelligent Netware's clients.

Your references to the SBA award (see below) illustrate the same sort of self-promiting ambiguity. When you say on the Intelligent Netware web site "The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Texas Governor Rick Perry have uniquely recognized our work with two distinctive SBA 'Champion of the Year' awards," you imply two things: first that you got awards for two years, when in fact it was only for one year; second that the award was for Intelligent Netware's work, when in fact, the award was for your promotion of women business owners through Momtrepreneurs.

ANGELINA: Daniel has various accolades in regards to his award winning architect creations. He had no reason to finish because he was swamped with projects; a waiting list for his talents.

BARBARA: Sorry, I just don't believe this. I did some research on Daniel in Washington State, and all the evidence I saw goes against what you're saying -- unless you're using an EXTREMELY broad definition of "award winning architect" to include such accolades as, "Dan Comp did a great job replacing that rotten railing on our deck." An adequate home remodeler, maybe (although based on my observations of Mr. Comp, I'd expect to find a number of disgruntled customers). An award winning architect ... I don't think so.

ANGELINA: The content transfer was done prior to requesting to halt the project otherwise it would not have been done; that I recall.

BARBARA: If you really believe this, I can show you a series of dated emails that should change your mind. Your treatment of me makes AOL's cancellation policies look downright user-friendly.

ANGELINA: To optimize a client's existing web site to show up in the search engines can be difficult as it often does not have the foundational coding, content and other elements to rank it well to be on the first or second page, which was the goal.

BARBARA: I understand this. I've been working with a good web designer, who has explained exactly what sort of content I need. You did not do this for me. You made it all sound very complicated and esoteric. Usually, when someone can't explain a concept except by using trade jargon (i.e. "foundational coding") it means the person doesn't really understand it himself or herself.

But the main issue, from my point of view, is that I was not happy with the design work or the template -- and come on, let's be honest, Angelina. It was a template. Every expert I've asked has agreed that it was a template. I was not happy with your template. You kept assuring me that there were all these wonderful features, such as an events calendar and a merchadise catalog. I didn't need an events calendar. I didn't need a merchandise catalog. I didn't need or want little pictures that blinked on and off. I just wanted a simple web site I could easily add content to -- and your template was apallingly difficult to use. It might have been easier if there'd been a coherent user's manual or help section. But there was not. The "user's manual" was an incomplete bunch of semi-literate gobbledygoop that was completely useless.

ANGELINA: The more one's industry is online the harder it is to be ranked, requiring more than just meta-tags. We have much success with our clients getting listed.

Here is the proof:
((links redacted by ROR)))

BARBARA: Sorry, this site does not allow links, so I can't look at your proof. But congratulations if you're doing well with some of your clients.

Again, though, that's not really the issue here. The issue is that *I* was not happy with your graphics work. *I* found your template impossible to use, for *my* purposes. *I* was misled by your promotional material and oral statements. So I said to you, "This isn't working. Let's figure out how much time you've spent on this project, you can charge me your standard rate of $75 per hour and refund the rest of my money."

I agree with you that sometimes business relationships don't work out. But you can make a good thing out of something that might have been a bad thing by working calmly with your client to determine a solution you can live with that leaves the client feeling as though he or she has been fairly dealt with.

Just last week I refunded a fee I'd collected from a client, because the client changed their mind about incorporating their business. I cut them a refund check and got it off in the mail that same day. Sure, I'd spent some time working on their project that I didn't get paid for -- but the goodwill I generated by giving a prompt refund is worth many, many times the amount of the fee. That client will come back to me in the future and will refer other clients to me.

ANGELINA: A LOT of women have gone through a similar and much worse domestic violence experience. It's nothing new sadly.

BARBARA: This is true. I've gone through some of that myself when I was younger. I certainly don't hold it against you that you've suffered from domestic violence or car accidents. What I do object to is your using domestic violence, car accidents, or any other hardships (or religion, for that matter) as marketing tools and excuses to keep money you didn't earn.

ANGELINA: A lot of ex-wives file against ex-husbands who are paying child support to get more money, even when the children no longer reside at home, as in Daniel's case.

BARBARA: This is true, and mentioning the child support case was a cheap shot, for which I apologize. I have no knowledge of the case, other than what's shown in the Bexar County District Court records.

ANGELINA: I am sorry that I didn't attend the mediation. I did desire to go but didn't have the confidence that I could communicate to the level that I wanted to because of the distractions of continual headaches from the car wreck.

BARBARA: All you would have had to do is talk honestly. My hope was that we could work out something satisfactory to both parties. I think we could have, if the problem was due to a misunderstanding rather than greed and dishonesty. I had hoped that it was just a misunderstanding, but your subsequent behavior and refusal to even discuss a partial refund of my money leads me to believe that there was no misunderstanding.

ANGELINA: It's hard to focus and think properly when in a lot of pain.

BARBARA: I suffer from migraine headaches, so I can appreciate this.

ANGELINA: I understand that from the mediator's point that things were civil enough for both of you to continue being in the same room or you would have been separated.

BARBARA: We were in the same room long enough for the mediator to explain the rules and for maybe 3 or 4 minutes after that. Then Daniel started shouting. To the best of my knowledge, I didn't use inflammatory language or offer any personal insult. I simply showed him printouts of the various web sites from his portfolio and pointed out that they were all just alike, except they had different photos and text -- in other words, they were all made from the same template. A

The web site I'd purchased was exactly the same as the others. This was just the simple truth, and this was apparently what drove Daniel's emotions to a violent pitch. If he can't handle a customer complaint based on the truth, he should have a low-stress job like ... well ... like doing promotions by bicycling cross country. He should not try to be a businessman.

ANGELINA: Yes, Daniel did leave when his emotions became escalated; that is the responsible thing to do. I am sure that it was still stressful on some level anyhow.

BARBARA: Well, yeah. I'm surely glad he left instead of beating me senseless, which he clearly wanted to do. You're right. It was very stressful. I had been hoping for a calm, civil discussion in which each party could try to see the other's point of view. Instead I found myself facing a large adult man who was acting like a 3 year old child throwing a tantrum.

ANGELINA: This form of communicating has provided an online public place sort through a difficult business experience. Though not handled perfectly at times, because emotions do play a factor in responses, I do believe it does provide an opportunity for readers to learn through our mistakes.

BARBARA: What were our mistakes, then? I certainly made a mistake in paying you for the job up front. I've talked to some of your other clients who've had bad experiences, and they were luckier -- they were paying installments or bartering, so they didn't lose as much money as I did.

Clients pay me up front all the time, and if there's money left over after I complete the work, they get it back. If they change their minds and decice they don't want me to do the work, they get their money back. I made a mistake in assuming that you and Daniel would treat me with the same courtesy I give my own clients. After all, you had said, both on your web site and orally, that my satisfaction was guaranteed.

ANGELINA: I wish this experience would not have happened in the manner it has.

BARBARA: I do too. If I had it to do over again, I certainly wouldn't pay you up front, and I would have consulted some other web designers before deciding to hire you.

ANGELINA: A lot of what has been shared has nothing to do with the web site and I don't believe writing you a check would have resolved this.

BARBARA: I don't agree. I think what's been said has everything to do with the web site, except that part about Daniel's child support case. Again, I apologize for that.

But the rest of what we've discussed is quite relevant to the web site. You and Daniel misrepresented your credentials and experience; you misrepresented your policy on refunding money for unsatisfactory work; you continue to misrepresent yourselves on your websites, which indicates that your misrepresentation was never innocent or unintentional; you continue to blame other people for your woes (your ex-husband, the car wreck, me) instead of taking responsibility for your own life.

ANGELINA: I am choosing to move beyond this as I need to refocus on helping people who want to be helped thru what I do have to offer while I continuing to heal from the car wreck.

BARBARA: Yes, I'm sure you'd be very happy to "move beyond" this. Actually, I had been prepared to put it behind me. It's interesting the way the world works. I was cleaning out my file cabinet last week and had removed the Lamar v. Musik case file to put it into storage. That very evening, I got an email from someone who had seen my post on the Rip-Off site and asked for my help in handling problems they're having with you and Daniel. Then yesterday I got an email saying there's been a rebuttal posted by you. So now I'm thinking maybe I don't want to forget all about this after all. Maybe by pursuing it farther I can learn some further lesson or keep someone else from being damaged.


San Antonio,

You are a good debater. Good luck in all that you do!

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 02, 2006

Our portfolio contains work done in various capacities with our clients. From consulting to web design to graphic branding and backend programming the public will never see.

Just to clarify - We have not made millions; we have contributed through our talents to our clients making that level of money in their businesses.

Daniel has various accolades in regards to his award winning architect creations. He had no reason to finish because he was swamped with projects; a waiting list for his talents.

The content transfer was done prior to requesting to halt the project otherwise it would not have been done; that I recall.

To optimize a client's existing web site to show up in the search engines can be difficult as it often does not have the foundational coding, content and other elements to rank it well to be on the first or second page, which was the goal. The more one's industry is online the harder it is to be ranked, requiring more than just meta-tags. We have much success with our clients getting listed.

Here is the proof:
((links redacted by ROR)))

Our own companies come up as well in limited categories we have chosen for specific reasons.

A LOT of women have gone through a similar and much worse domestic violence experience. It's nothing new sadly.

6- Here's an excerpt from an article about Angelina: After the wreck, I had to die' to all the plans and contracts that I had put in place "I cried and consumed a lot of wine the first year after the wreck," Musik admits I was financially devastated through the car wreck..

*** did an article on me. Being hit twice from behind at over 50 mph while almost sitting in traffic being catapulted off the road is quite significant. I suffered from a severe concussion and whiplash that contributed to my halting a number of opportunities and project contracts that were put in place. None of these were related to clients but to the expansion of MOMtrepreneurs. Even almost two years later I still struggle with pushing a grocery cart at times. It's a drag - but such it is. Some people get illnesses or cancer or whatever - I got the car wreck.

As for vacationing; I left town for a week to film content required for TV show, which I dropped out of after the car wreck. Daniel went to see his kids, lived in the Eurovan - he's into camping; and on $20 a day - that is not a traditional form of vacationing. Your payment was months earlier. It did not fund a vacation.

I always desire for our clients to experience a success. I have also learned that in business there will be times when things don't just work out. It's still a bummer though.

"MOMtrepreneurs is abandoned because it sounds too close to the registered 'Mompreneurs' that would add confusion for the public. Awards: Two SBA awards; regional and district; one state of recognition by Governor Rick Perry. That's it!

Car wreck yes; drinking problem no (1 glass of wine every other day to 2/3 small glasses each evening instead of taking medicine for chest pains that would otherwise leave me in a hung over state the next day - wine was suggested as a better alternative).

A lot of ex-wives file against ex-husbands who are paying child support to get more money, even when the children no longer reside at home, as in Daniel's case.

I am sorry that I didn't attend the mediation. I did desire to go but didn't have the confidence that I could communicate to the level that I wanted to because of the distractions of continual headaches from the car wreck. It's hard to focus and think properly when in a lot of pain. I understand that from the mediator's point that things were civil enough for both of you to continue being in the same room or you would have been separated. Yes, Daniel did leave when his emotions became escalated; that is the responsible thing to do. I am sure that it was still stressful on some level anyhow.

This form of communicating has provided an online public place sort through a difficult business experience. Though not handled perfectly at times, because emotions do play a factor in responses, I do believe it does provide an opportunity for readers to learn through our mistakes.

I wish this experience would not have happened in the manner it has. A lot of what has been shared has nothing to do with the web site and I don't believe writing you a check would have resolved this.

I am choosing to move beyond this as I need to refocus on helping people who want to be helped thru what I do have to offer while I continuing to heal from the car wreck.

You have a lot to offer as a tax attorney and you are a good debater. Good luck in all that you do.


san antonio,

Responding to More of Angelina's Flagrant Evansions

#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006

UPS was one of our clients. Online Yellow Pages which was actually call by another name has changed ownership as well.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: You displayed the UPS site on your portfolio under Web Design implying that you designed the site Did you and/or Daniel design the UPS web site? I suspect that what actually happened was that one of the members of clickLocal LLC did some coding for them. It could have been Daniel. It could have been one of the other members, or even an employee. One thing seems pretty clear I don't believe that UPS was ever Intelligent Netware's client.

2. Take a look at On that web site, he discloses an education and work history that are very different.

It is an expanded biography web site.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: Either you lied about Daniel being an award winning architect or you did not. Was Daniel an architect? Was he even 6 months short of becoming a licensed architect in WA as you stated above? I doubt it, because to be licensed as a architect in WA, one has to either graduate from an accredited architecture school plus three years of approved work experience, eight years of practical work experience, four of which must be under the direct supervision of a U.S. or Canadian registered architect.

I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case.

Contacting existing clients find out what their experience going through our 'graphical process' with us was encouraged. Graphics created by Daniel have received many high reviews from print, to web to architectural design.

UPDATE BY VICITM: So you're saying it was up to me to do due diligence and find out you were misrepresenting yourself? It's therefore my fault that I didn't realize you were lying about your credentials and experience? By the way, where were the high reviews for architectural design and graphics published? Who wrote them? Where are the wonderful award-winning houses Daniel designed? What subdivision? What city? When and where did Daniel own his multimillion dollar contracting business? (One has to wonder whether he reported all those millions of dollars on his tax returns.)

My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded my information from their server. At this point content was take from a web site I had designed myself -- without my permission.

It's normal to take already established content from a client's existing web site that they have typed to transfer into a new web site.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Is it normal practice to copy a former client's content after the former client has told you she no longer wants to work with you? Is it normal practice to take her content, after she has expressly asked you not to, and to display it on your server? Is it normal practice to refuse to remove your former client's content from your server until she finally threatens to go to court and seek an injunction?

REBUTTAL: Why would any profession submit a web site that has almost no content in it?

UPDATE BY VICTIM: In fact, one of the alternatives I suggested when I was trying to work out some way I could get some value for the money I'd given you was for you to optimize my own self-designed website for search engine placement. You refused to do this. In retrospect, I don't think you knew how to do it. Your own web sites don't show up on Google, unless one types in your name certainly you're not showing up under web site design or small business marketing or work at home moms or any of the other terms one would have expected you to optimize for.

REBUTTAL: It's difficult to refine a project for a client when the client is unable to make time to work on the project.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: While it's actually true that I was very busy during tax season, I tried repeatedly to reach you after April 15. I believe it was in July when I finally heard from you. You told me you'd gone on vacation to Washington State and then come back and had a car wreck. Your attitude was How dare you expect me to work on your stupid website when I've been in a terrible car wreck. If you were unable to work on my web site, the professional thing to do would have been to say so and return my money. I even suggested that you keep enough to compensate you for time you'd actually spent meeting with me and so forth. But no, you seemed desperate to keep that money. Which was a mystery to me, since you claimed on your website to have done millions of dollars worth of website design (between the millions from web design and all those millions from Daniel's contracting business, I'd have thought you could refund my measly couple of thousand bucks).

Here's an excerpt from an article about Angelina:
After the wreck, I had to die' to all the plans and contracts that I had put in place
"I cried and consumed a lot of wine the first year after the wreck," Musik admits I was financially devastated through the car wreck. (( link redacted by ror)))

Um, what about all those successes you mentioned? That you hoped my website would be one of? What about those millions of dollars you claimed to have made?

I find it difficult to feel sympathetic about how badly you were injured in the car wreck, because I'm really not sure whether to believe anything you and Daniel say. The life story you tell is so full of domestic violence and bottles of wine and finding God and losing God and being done wrong, you'd think you were a one-woman country band.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. When a person consistently exaggerates and even tells outright lies, you get to the point where you can't believe anything they say. There are just so many inconsistencies. Take Mtrepreneurs and Mentrepreneurs, a couple of yours and Daniel's more recent alter egos on the web sites, both of these terms are followed by the TM that means the terms are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But one will search for them in vain in the USPTO database. Momtrepreneurs shows up as registered by Angelina Musik but later abandoned.

Speaking of alter egos, it's amazing how many of the websites displayed in your portfolio turn out to be for businesses you claim to be operating. Wow! Imagine running all those business, PLUS simultaneously pedaling a bicycle across the U.S. in search of Christ and money, not necessarily in that order! Or was it for Christ and women? No wait, that was women entrepreneurs Well, anyway, Daniel Comp must be quite a guy.
How about the references on the many alter ego websites to the SBA awards. Just how many awards were there, Angelina? And to whom were they given? Judging by the various websites, you and Daniel must have won at least 8 or 10 SBA awards between the two of you, not to mention the numerous unique recognitions by Governor Rick Perry.

And then there's clickLocal LLC, which you represented as jointly owned by you and Daniel. Imagine my surprise when I found that clickLocal was organized in the State of Washington and had not obtained a Certificate of Authority to do business in Texas. And that Angelina Musik had never been listed as a member. Weird that payments to clickLocal were run through your Paypal and bank accounts, Angelina. And why was it that all the Texas assumed names and entities were registered in your name? Why was Daniel's name nowhere to be seen?

But OK, if you really were seriously injured in a car wreck, you could have been honest about it: Gee, Barbara, I'm sorry, we spent all your money on our vacation, then I had a car wreck, and I've become dyslexic, and on top of that I'm broke and have a drinking problem, so I can't pay you back right now. But just as soon as I get back on my feet, I'll start paying you back. As a matter of fact, I offered to take installment payments. But no, you were determined not to refund a penny, and to add insult to injury, you decided to insist that it was all MY fault that you misrepresented yourselves and were not capable of doing what you promised.

REBUTTAL: We were hoping for another success story.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Uh huh. This is especially difficult to believe, given that you failed to attend the mediation I scheduled for December 9, 2004 with Bexar County Dispute Resolution, to try to work out our differences. The mediation was supposed to be between me and you, because you were the person I had dealt with, and you were the person to whom I had paid my money. You were given plenty of notice and an opportunity to reschedule if the date was not convenient for you. Instead of showing up, you sent Daniel. Are you aware that Daniel refused to participate in the mediation? Are you aware that he shouted at me, made threatening gestures and stormed out of the building, leaving me afraid to walk out alone, afraid that Daniel was waiting on the street to beat me up? This is about as consistent with his really, really nice guy image as the lawsuit his ex-wife filed against him in Bexar County for failure to pay child support. (( name redacted by ROR)))


san antonio,

Responding to More of Angelina's Flagrant Evansions

#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006

UPS was one of our clients. Online Yellow Pages which was actually call by another name has changed ownership as well.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: You displayed the UPS site on your portfolio under Web Design implying that you designed the site Did you and/or Daniel design the UPS web site? I suspect that what actually happened was that one of the members of clickLocal LLC did some coding for them. It could have been Daniel. It could have been one of the other members, or even an employee. One thing seems pretty clear I don't believe that UPS was ever Intelligent Netware's client.

2. Take a look at On that web site, he discloses an education and work history that are very different.

It is an expanded biography web site.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: Either you lied about Daniel being an award winning architect or you did not. Was Daniel an architect? Was he even 6 months short of becoming a licensed architect in WA as you stated above? I doubt it, because to be licensed as a architect in WA, one has to either graduate from an accredited architecture school plus three years of approved work experience, eight years of practical work experience, four of which must be under the direct supervision of a U.S. or Canadian registered architect.

I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case.

Contacting existing clients find out what their experience going through our 'graphical process' with us was encouraged. Graphics created by Daniel have received many high reviews from print, to web to architectural design.

UPDATE BY VICITM: So you're saying it was up to me to do due diligence and find out you were misrepresenting yourself? It's therefore my fault that I didn't realize you were lying about your credentials and experience? By the way, where were the high reviews for architectural design and graphics published? Who wrote them? Where are the wonderful award-winning houses Daniel designed? What subdivision? What city? When and where did Daniel own his multimillion dollar contracting business? (One has to wonder whether he reported all those millions of dollars on his tax returns.)

My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded my information from their server. At this point content was take from a web site I had designed myself -- without my permission.

It's normal to take already established content from a client's existing web site that they have typed to transfer into a new web site.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Is it normal practice to copy a former client's content after the former client has told you she no longer wants to work with you? Is it normal practice to take her content, after she has expressly asked you not to, and to display it on your server? Is it normal practice to refuse to remove your former client's content from your server until she finally threatens to go to court and seek an injunction?

REBUTTAL: Why would any profession submit a web site that has almost no content in it?

UPDATE BY VICTIM: In fact, one of the alternatives I suggested when I was trying to work out some way I could get some value for the money I'd given you was for you to optimize my own self-designed website for search engine placement. You refused to do this. In retrospect, I don't think you knew how to do it. Your own web sites don't show up on Google, unless one types in your name certainly you're not showing up under web site design or small business marketing or work at home moms or any of the other terms one would have expected you to optimize for.

REBUTTAL: It's difficult to refine a project for a client when the client is unable to make time to work on the project.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: While it's actually true that I was very busy during tax season, I tried repeatedly to reach you after April 15. I believe it was in July when I finally heard from you. You told me you'd gone on vacation to Washington State and then come back and had a car wreck. Your attitude was How dare you expect me to work on your stupid website when I've been in a terrible car wreck. If you were unable to work on my web site, the professional thing to do would have been to say so and return my money. I even suggested that you keep enough to compensate you for time you'd actually spent meeting with me and so forth. But no, you seemed desperate to keep that money. Which was a mystery to me, since you claimed on your website to have done millions of dollars worth of website design (between the millions from web design and all those millions from Daniel's contracting business, I'd have thought you could refund my measly couple of thousand bucks).

Here's an excerpt from an article about Angelina:
After the wreck, I had to die' to all the plans and contracts that I had put in place
"I cried and consumed a lot of wine the first year after the wreck," Musik admits I was financially devastated through the car wreck. (( link redacted by ror)))

Um, what about all those successes you mentioned? That you hoped my website would be one of? What about those millions of dollars you claimed to have made?

I find it difficult to feel sympathetic about how badly you were injured in the car wreck, because I'm really not sure whether to believe anything you and Daniel say. The life story you tell is so full of domestic violence and bottles of wine and finding God and losing God and being done wrong, you'd think you were a one-woman country band.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. When a person consistently exaggerates and even tells outright lies, you get to the point where you can't believe anything they say. There are just so many inconsistencies. Take Mtrepreneurs and Mentrepreneurs, a couple of yours and Daniel's more recent alter egos on the web sites, both of these terms are followed by the TM that means the terms are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But one will search for them in vain in the USPTO database. Momtrepreneurs shows up as registered by Angelina Musik but later abandoned.

Speaking of alter egos, it's amazing how many of the websites displayed in your portfolio turn out to be for businesses you claim to be operating. Wow! Imagine running all those business, PLUS simultaneously pedaling a bicycle across the U.S. in search of Christ and money, not necessarily in that order! Or was it for Christ and women? No wait, that was women entrepreneurs Well, anyway, Daniel Comp must be quite a guy.
How about the references on the many alter ego websites to the SBA awards. Just how many awards were there, Angelina? And to whom were they given? Judging by the various websites, you and Daniel must have won at least 8 or 10 SBA awards between the two of you, not to mention the numerous unique recognitions by Governor Rick Perry.

And then there's clickLocal LLC, which you represented as jointly owned by you and Daniel. Imagine my surprise when I found that clickLocal was organized in the State of Washington and had not obtained a Certificate of Authority to do business in Texas. And that Angelina Musik had never been listed as a member. Weird that payments to clickLocal were run through your Paypal and bank accounts, Angelina. And why was it that all the Texas assumed names and entities were registered in your name? Why was Daniel's name nowhere to be seen?

But OK, if you really were seriously injured in a car wreck, you could have been honest about it: Gee, Barbara, I'm sorry, we spent all your money on our vacation, then I had a car wreck, and I've become dyslexic, and on top of that I'm broke and have a drinking problem, so I can't pay you back right now. But just as soon as I get back on my feet, I'll start paying you back. As a matter of fact, I offered to take installment payments. But no, you were determined not to refund a penny, and to add insult to injury, you decided to insist that it was all MY fault that you misrepresented yourselves and were not capable of doing what you promised.

REBUTTAL: We were hoping for another success story.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Uh huh. This is especially difficult to believe, given that you failed to attend the mediation I scheduled for December 9, 2004 with Bexar County Dispute Resolution, to try to work out our differences. The mediation was supposed to be between me and you, because you were the person I had dealt with, and you were the person to whom I had paid my money. You were given plenty of notice and an opportunity to reschedule if the date was not convenient for you. Instead of showing up, you sent Daniel. Are you aware that Daniel refused to participate in the mediation? Are you aware that he shouted at me, made threatening gestures and stormed out of the building, leaving me afraid to walk out alone, afraid that Daniel was waiting on the street to beat me up? This is about as consistent with his really, really nice guy image as the lawsuit his ex-wife filed against him in Bexar County for failure to pay child support. (( name redacted by ROR)))


san antonio,

Responding to More of Angelina's Flagrant Evansions

#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006

UPS was one of our clients. Online Yellow Pages which was actually call by another name has changed ownership as well.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: You displayed the UPS site on your portfolio under Web Design implying that you designed the site Did you and/or Daniel design the UPS web site? I suspect that what actually happened was that one of the members of clickLocal LLC did some coding for them. It could have been Daniel. It could have been one of the other members, or even an employee. One thing seems pretty clear I don't believe that UPS was ever Intelligent Netware's client.

2. Take a look at On that web site, he discloses an education and work history that are very different.

It is an expanded biography web site.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: Either you lied about Daniel being an award winning architect or you did not. Was Daniel an architect? Was he even 6 months short of becoming a licensed architect in WA as you stated above? I doubt it, because to be licensed as a architect in WA, one has to either graduate from an accredited architecture school plus three years of approved work experience, eight years of practical work experience, four of which must be under the direct supervision of a U.S. or Canadian registered architect.

I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case.

Contacting existing clients find out what their experience going through our 'graphical process' with us was encouraged. Graphics created by Daniel have received many high reviews from print, to web to architectural design.

UPDATE BY VICITM: So you're saying it was up to me to do due diligence and find out you were misrepresenting yourself? It's therefore my fault that I didn't realize you were lying about your credentials and experience? By the way, where were the high reviews for architectural design and graphics published? Who wrote them? Where are the wonderful award-winning houses Daniel designed? What subdivision? What city? When and where did Daniel own his multimillion dollar contracting business? (One has to wonder whether he reported all those millions of dollars on his tax returns.)

My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded my information from their server. At this point content was take from a web site I had designed myself -- without my permission.

It's normal to take already established content from a client's existing web site that they have typed to transfer into a new web site.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Is it normal practice to copy a former client's content after the former client has told you she no longer wants to work with you? Is it normal practice to take her content, after she has expressly asked you not to, and to display it on your server? Is it normal practice to refuse to remove your former client's content from your server until she finally threatens to go to court and seek an injunction?

REBUTTAL: Why would any profession submit a web site that has almost no content in it?

UPDATE BY VICTIM: In fact, one of the alternatives I suggested when I was trying to work out some way I could get some value for the money I'd given you was for you to optimize my own self-designed website for search engine placement. You refused to do this. In retrospect, I don't think you knew how to do it. Your own web sites don't show up on Google, unless one types in your name certainly you're not showing up under web site design or small business marketing or work at home moms or any of the other terms one would have expected you to optimize for.

REBUTTAL: It's difficult to refine a project for a client when the client is unable to make time to work on the project.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: While it's actually true that I was very busy during tax season, I tried repeatedly to reach you after April 15. I believe it was in July when I finally heard from you. You told me you'd gone on vacation to Washington State and then come back and had a car wreck. Your attitude was How dare you expect me to work on your stupid website when I've been in a terrible car wreck. If you were unable to work on my web site, the professional thing to do would have been to say so and return my money. I even suggested that you keep enough to compensate you for time you'd actually spent meeting with me and so forth. But no, you seemed desperate to keep that money. Which was a mystery to me, since you claimed on your website to have done millions of dollars worth of website design (between the millions from web design and all those millions from Daniel's contracting business, I'd have thought you could refund my measly couple of thousand bucks).

Here's an excerpt from an article about Angelina:
After the wreck, I had to die' to all the plans and contracts that I had put in place
"I cried and consumed a lot of wine the first year after the wreck," Musik admits I was financially devastated through the car wreck. (( link redacted by ror)))

Um, what about all those successes you mentioned? That you hoped my website would be one of? What about those millions of dollars you claimed to have made?

I find it difficult to feel sympathetic about how badly you were injured in the car wreck, because I'm really not sure whether to believe anything you and Daniel say. The life story you tell is so full of domestic violence and bottles of wine and finding God and losing God and being done wrong, you'd think you were a one-woman country band.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. When a person consistently exaggerates and even tells outright lies, you get to the point where you can't believe anything they say. There are just so many inconsistencies. Take Mtrepreneurs and Mentrepreneurs, a couple of yours and Daniel's more recent alter egos on the web sites, both of these terms are followed by the TM that means the terms are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But one will search for them in vain in the USPTO database. Momtrepreneurs shows up as registered by Angelina Musik but later abandoned.

Speaking of alter egos, it's amazing how many of the websites displayed in your portfolio turn out to be for businesses you claim to be operating. Wow! Imagine running all those business, PLUS simultaneously pedaling a bicycle across the U.S. in search of Christ and money, not necessarily in that order! Or was it for Christ and women? No wait, that was women entrepreneurs Well, anyway, Daniel Comp must be quite a guy.
How about the references on the many alter ego websites to the SBA awards. Just how many awards were there, Angelina? And to whom were they given? Judging by the various websites, you and Daniel must have won at least 8 or 10 SBA awards between the two of you, not to mention the numerous unique recognitions by Governor Rick Perry.

And then there's clickLocal LLC, which you represented as jointly owned by you and Daniel. Imagine my surprise when I found that clickLocal was organized in the State of Washington and had not obtained a Certificate of Authority to do business in Texas. And that Angelina Musik had never been listed as a member. Weird that payments to clickLocal were run through your Paypal and bank accounts, Angelina. And why was it that all the Texas assumed names and entities were registered in your name? Why was Daniel's name nowhere to be seen?

But OK, if you really were seriously injured in a car wreck, you could have been honest about it: Gee, Barbara, I'm sorry, we spent all your money on our vacation, then I had a car wreck, and I've become dyslexic, and on top of that I'm broke and have a drinking problem, so I can't pay you back right now. But just as soon as I get back on my feet, I'll start paying you back. As a matter of fact, I offered to take installment payments. But no, you were determined not to refund a penny, and to add insult to injury, you decided to insist that it was all MY fault that you misrepresented yourselves and were not capable of doing what you promised.

REBUTTAL: We were hoping for another success story.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Uh huh. This is especially difficult to believe, given that you failed to attend the mediation I scheduled for December 9, 2004 with Bexar County Dispute Resolution, to try to work out our differences. The mediation was supposed to be between me and you, because you were the person I had dealt with, and you were the person to whom I had paid my money. You were given plenty of notice and an opportunity to reschedule if the date was not convenient for you. Instead of showing up, you sent Daniel. Are you aware that Daniel refused to participate in the mediation? Are you aware that he shouted at me, made threatening gestures and stormed out of the building, leaving me afraid to walk out alone, afraid that Daniel was waiting on the street to beat me up? This is about as consistent with his really, really nice guy image as the lawsuit his ex-wife filed against him in Bexar County for failure to pay child support. (( name redacted by ROR)))


san antonio,

Responding to More of Angelina's Flagrant Evansions

#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006

UPS was one of our clients. Online Yellow Pages which was actually call by another name has changed ownership as well.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: You displayed the UPS site on your portfolio under Web Design implying that you designed the site Did you and/or Daniel design the UPS web site? I suspect that what actually happened was that one of the members of clickLocal LLC did some coding for them. It could have been Daniel. It could have been one of the other members, or even an employee. One thing seems pretty clear I don't believe that UPS was ever Intelligent Netware's client.

2. Take a look at On that web site, he discloses an education and work history that are very different.

It is an expanded biography web site.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: Either you lied about Daniel being an award winning architect or you did not. Was Daniel an architect? Was he even 6 months short of becoming a licensed architect in WA as you stated above? I doubt it, because to be licensed as a architect in WA, one has to either graduate from an accredited architecture school plus three years of approved work experience, eight years of practical work experience, four of which must be under the direct supervision of a U.S. or Canadian registered architect.

I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case.

Contacting existing clients find out what their experience going through our 'graphical process' with us was encouraged. Graphics created by Daniel have received many high reviews from print, to web to architectural design.

UPDATE BY VICITM: So you're saying it was up to me to do due diligence and find out you were misrepresenting yourself? It's therefore my fault that I didn't realize you were lying about your credentials and experience? By the way, where were the high reviews for architectural design and graphics published? Who wrote them? Where are the wonderful award-winning houses Daniel designed? What subdivision? What city? When and where did Daniel own his multimillion dollar contracting business? (One has to wonder whether he reported all those millions of dollars on his tax returns.)

My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded my information from their server. At this point content was take from a web site I had designed myself -- without my permission.

It's normal to take already established content from a client's existing web site that they have typed to transfer into a new web site.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Is it normal practice to copy a former client's content after the former client has told you she no longer wants to work with you? Is it normal practice to take her content, after she has expressly asked you not to, and to display it on your server? Is it normal practice to refuse to remove your former client's content from your server until she finally threatens to go to court and seek an injunction?

REBUTTAL: Why would any profession submit a web site that has almost no content in it?

UPDATE BY VICTIM: In fact, one of the alternatives I suggested when I was trying to work out some way I could get some value for the money I'd given you was for you to optimize my own self-designed website for search engine placement. You refused to do this. In retrospect, I don't think you knew how to do it. Your own web sites don't show up on Google, unless one types in your name certainly you're not showing up under web site design or small business marketing or work at home moms or any of the other terms one would have expected you to optimize for.

REBUTTAL: It's difficult to refine a project for a client when the client is unable to make time to work on the project.

UPDATE BY VICTIM: While it's actually true that I was very busy during tax season, I tried repeatedly to reach you after April 15. I believe it was in July when I finally heard from you. You told me you'd gone on vacation to Washington State and then come back and had a car wreck. Your attitude was How dare you expect me to work on your stupid website when I've been in a terrible car wreck. If you were unable to work on my web site, the professional thing to do would have been to say so and return my money. I even suggested that you keep enough to compensate you for time you'd actually spent meeting with me and so forth. But no, you seemed desperate to keep that money. Which was a mystery to me, since you claimed on your website to have done millions of dollars worth of website design (between the millions from web design and all those millions from Daniel's contracting business, I'd have thought you could refund my measly couple of thousand bucks).

Here's an excerpt from an article about Angelina:
After the wreck, I had to die' to all the plans and contracts that I had put in place
"I cried and consumed a lot of wine the first year after the wreck," Musik admits I was financially devastated through the car wreck. (( link redacted by ror)))

Um, what about all those successes you mentioned? That you hoped my website would be one of? What about those millions of dollars you claimed to have made?

I find it difficult to feel sympathetic about how badly you were injured in the car wreck, because I'm really not sure whether to believe anything you and Daniel say. The life story you tell is so full of domestic violence and bottles of wine and finding God and losing God and being done wrong, you'd think you were a one-woman country band.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. When a person consistently exaggerates and even tells outright lies, you get to the point where you can't believe anything they say. There are just so many inconsistencies. Take Mtrepreneurs and Mentrepreneurs, a couple of yours and Daniel's more recent alter egos on the web sites, both of these terms are followed by the TM that means the terms are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But one will search for them in vain in the USPTO database. Momtrepreneurs shows up as registered by Angelina Musik but later abandoned.

Speaking of alter egos, it's amazing how many of the websites displayed in your portfolio turn out to be for businesses you claim to be operating. Wow! Imagine running all those business, PLUS simultaneously pedaling a bicycle across the U.S. in search of Christ and money, not necessarily in that order! Or was it for Christ and women? No wait, that was women entrepreneurs Well, anyway, Daniel Comp must be quite a guy.
How about the references on the many alter ego websites to the SBA awards. Just how many awards were there, Angelina? And to whom were they given? Judging by the various websites, you and Daniel must have won at least 8 or 10 SBA awards between the two of you, not to mention the numerous unique recognitions by Governor Rick Perry.

And then there's clickLocal LLC, which you represented as jointly owned by you and Daniel. Imagine my surprise when I found that clickLocal was organized in the State of Washington and had not obtained a Certificate of Authority to do business in Texas. And that Angelina Musik had never been listed as a member. Weird that payments to clickLocal were run through your Paypal and bank accounts, Angelina. And why was it that all the Texas assumed names and entities were registered in your name? Why was Daniel's name nowhere to be seen?

But OK, if you really were seriously injured in a car wreck, you could have been honest about it: Gee, Barbara, I'm sorry, we spent all your money on our vacation, then I had a car wreck, and I've become dyslexic, and on top of that I'm broke and have a drinking problem, so I can't pay you back right now. But just as soon as I get back on my feet, I'll start paying you back. As a matter of fact, I offered to take installment payments. But no, you were determined not to refund a penny, and to add insult to injury, you decided to insist that it was all MY fault that you misrepresented yourselves and were not capable of doing what you promised.

REBUTTAL: We were hoping for another success story.
UPDATE BY VICTIM: Uh huh. This is especially difficult to believe, given that you failed to attend the mediation I scheduled for December 9, 2004 with Bexar County Dispute Resolution, to try to work out our differences. The mediation was supposed to be between me and you, because you were the person I had dealt with, and you were the person to whom I had paid my money. You were given plenty of notice and an opportunity to reschedule if the date was not convenient for you. Instead of showing up, you sent Daniel. Are you aware that Daniel refused to participate in the mediation? Are you aware that he shouted at me, made threatening gestures and stormed out of the building, leaving me afraid to walk out alone, afraid that Daniel was waiting on the street to beat me up? This is about as consistent with his really, really nice guy image as the lawsuit his ex-wife filed against him in Bexar County for failure to pay child support. (( name redacted by ROR)))


San Antonio,

Shedding light and hopefully closure.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 01, 2006

1. I see some of the sites they previously displayed in their portfolio, such as the UPS web site. Notice how similar many of their sites are. Online Yellow Pages looks different, but it actually appears to have been designed by a company called Dirxion rather than by them.
No web sites have been removed. UPS was one of our clients. Online Yellow Pages which was actually call by another name has changed ownership as well.

2. Take a look at On that web site, he discloses an education and work history that are very different.
It is an expanded biography web site.

I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case.
Contacting existing clients find out what their experience going through our 'graphical process' with us was encouraged. Graphics created by Daniel have received many high reviews from print, to web to architectural design.

My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded my information from their server. At this point content was take from a web site I had designed myself -- without my permission.
It's normal to take already established content from a client's existing web site that they have typed to transfer into a new web site. It's better to do that then have a web site with dummy Latin text in it. It's also not in the best interest of the client to have their web site submitted into the search engines if it does not meet the proper content standards to be properly ranked. Why would any profession submit a web site that has almost no content in it? You don't submit a web site if there is little content in it. It will receive no or poor placement and may hurt future web site SEO resubmits for better listings. That's why we used a code like this . so the search engines would not list her web site because it would hurt our efforts when she was finally done with the content enough for us to submit properly.

It's difficult to refine a project for a client when the client is unable to make time to work on the project. It's a team effort. Web site content completion and graphical refinements were requested to be postponed until after tax season when Barbara would have time to focus. Once that time finally arrived her opinion had changed on working on it all together, to our disappointment. We were hoping for another success story. Having worked with many clients over the several years in business, that have been thrilled with the work completed and ROI results in business, anyone is apt to have a difficult client situation every once in awhile. It's still a bummer when any relationships that started fantastic end on irreconcilable differences.


san antonio,

More of the Same

#10Author of original report

Tue, March 01, 2005

My response to Intelligent Netware's Rebuttals

1. I see Intelligent Netware has removed some of the sites they previously displayed in their portfolio, such as the UPS web site. Notice how similar many of their sites are. Online Yellow Pages looks different, but it actually appears to have been designed by a company called Dirxion rather than by Intelligent Netware.

2. Take a look at On that web site, Mr. Comp discloses an education and work history that are very different from the one Ms. Musik claims for him.

Ms. Musik wants to know what difference it made if Mr. Comp misrepresented himself. Well, first of all, I was expecting to work with professional graphic artists, and I was very disappointed when this turned out not to be the case. Second, it meant that Musik and Comp were not being honest about Mr. Comp's background, and this naturally made me wonder how many other things they were not being honest about.

3. My web site was never submitted to any search engines at all, until after I had demanded that Musik and Comp remove my information from their server. At this point Ms. Musik *took content from a web site I had designed myself* -- without my permission -- and put it on her own server!

4. I feel strongly that I would have been justified in asking for a complete refund. but I wanted to be absolutely fair to Musik and Comp. So I didn't ask for all my money back. I offered to pay for any time Musik and Comp had actually spent on work that could reasonably have been expected to benefit me. But they refused to return even a penny, and instead hurled outrageous insults at me (for a mild example, see Ms. Musik's NOTE).

5 & 6 For six months I attempted to be polite to Musik and Comp; for example, I tried always to mention positive aspects of their work before bringing up the problems I was having and the things I was dissatisfied with. When it finally became clear that there was no point in continuing to try to get anything accomplished, I asked for a partial refund. At that point, Ms. Musik became vicious and insulting.

7. Ms. Musik's definition of numerous is rather curious, since the email she displays on her web site is pretty much it. This happened after I looked up the domain name on "Who Is" to find out who it was registered through. The "instructions" Ms. Musick provided were completely useless, and as of February, 2005 when the domain name was set to expire, she still refused to approve the transfer. This is why I had to make several long distance phone calls and send several forms of identification to Dotster in order to get control of the domain name.

One of the few true statements Ms. Musik made here is that I have never asked for a copy of the web site. There's a good reason for this. I have no use for it, which is why I wanted a partial refund of my money.

I did not like the design, and their template was extremely difficult to work with. The photograph on the right side of the screen (which Ms. Musik is displaying on her server without the artist's permission) was done by a professional photographer who asked that I link to her web site if I used her work. One of my complaints about the web site was that Musik and Comp did not insert the link I had requested, and they put an inappropriate frame around the artwork and told me if I didn't want it there I would have to take care of it myself.

Musik and Comp are presently violating copyright laws by displaying my information on their server without my permission.


San Antonio,

Just the Facts Please

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 28, 2005

First of all I want thank Barbara Lamar, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas, for providing a public platform for to address each one of her stated issues that were already addressed in private last tear, 2004.

1- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

These people told me they were expert graphic artists and would design a unique web site for my business.


***Please take a look a portfolio of Intelligent Netware clients and make your own judgment

2- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

They both said that Daniel Comp was an award winning architect and graphics designer (it turned out he'd spent a few months as an intern in an architect's office, had never been to architecture school).


****Daniel was 6 months short of becoming a licensed architect in WA. Instead of keep working for a firm he decided to start his own, Comp Design Firm, that he owned for 8 years in WA. He designed awarding winning, one of a kind home re-model projects and home additions for his high end clients, doctors and attorneys who are generally Type A personality and demand refinement. What does this have to do with the web site he designed?

3- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

They promised that they would make sure my web site would be on the first page of all major search engines.


***No on should ever guarantee results on search engines. Previous results with current clients exhibited the high probability that good listing could be achieved providing the proper amount of content was put into the web site (which is wasn't) in addition to the web site and server being coded (which had been done).

View email response that address this issue -

4- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

They also said that they would guarantee their work and refund my money if I was not pleased with their work.


****No where on the company's web site is a blank guarantee stated. Intelligent Netware has a client process that provides an extremely high success rate with our clients. If clients choose not to follow that process it will affect their results succeeding online.

5- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

When it became obvious that what they were really selling was 2nd or 3rd rate web templates, something like you can get free from, only Daniel and Angelina's was not nearly as user-friendly, I told them they could bill me for the amount of work they had actually done (they spent a couple of hours talking to me about my business) but requested that they refund the rest of the approx. $2700 I had paid them.


***For almost 6 months Barbara Lamar shared through email communication and video documentation that she was happy with her web site and was looking forward to working on its content after her busy tax season ended in May 2004 -

***Please check out links to 4 versions of the work that was created and is online for legal purpose due to her complaints/actions against Intelligent Netware. - video on this version - took her content from a web site she decided to build after the complaint to complete the process for her in the search engine - she then requested again to no longer help her and pull the web site.

6- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

They not only refused to return even a penny of my money.


***Once meal is made and is digested for 6 months and then thrown up, expecting a refund is a silly.

View a positive email from Barbara

7- BARBARA LAMAR, a Tax Attorney in San Antonio, Texas states:

They also refused to transfer my domain name to me, even though it was registered in my name.


***On numerous occasions Barbara Lamar was instructed on how to transfer the domain name.

View email response that address this issue -

NOTE: Barbara Lamar has never asked for a copy of her web site that she owns since she did pay for it that she is entitled to.

A complaint in the process of being filed with the San Antonio Bar Association because of the unethical legal practices of how Barbara Lamar is handling this unfortunate situation. We now require additional reference information of future clients so that we do not run into this positive to poison mental and emotional flip flopping again. (similar to bi-polar behavior).

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