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  • Report:  #276105

Complaint Review: International Academy Of Design And Technology:IADT

International Academy Of Design And Technology: Fairmont, WV/Pittsburgh, PA LocationsInternational Academy Of Design And Technology: Fairmont, WV/Pittsburgh, PA Locations SpecificallyInternational Aca BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY IN MY LIFE!!! WHOLE CORPORATION IS A FRAUD!!! Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Morgantown West Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Wed, September 26, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 05, 2007
  • International Academy Of Design And Technology:IADT
    555 Grant St
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Phone:
  • Category:

First of all, I can't even begin to find the words to express my outrage. I, though I'm ashamed to admit, was one of the many sucked into their scam thinking I was going to better myself by using my God-given artistic talents to pursue a career in graphic design with this school. I attended the Fairmont, WV location from 2004 to 2005 for Visual Communications and didn't even get to complete my degree because of the "bovine fecal matter" that went on there. Every complaint I've read from this site has expressed my thoughts and opinions and described the school exactly. I'm now nearly 30k in debt with private student loans, which BTW I didn't know when signing for them were indeed private loans and couldn't easily be consolidated, have no degree to show for, and as most everyone that has attended this school, no job in the career I expected to get into. I've been led around by lies ever since the first phone call I had with these people. Beginning with admissions, financial aid, etc.

I moved an hour and a half away from home with no form of transportation of my own, and no financial means except loans for living expenses. I should have know right then (among a million other small incidents) something was up when they promised I could "take the bus" to class and had no clue that the bus didn't even go past the apartment they found for me. Once I began attending classes, I realized (Again, I should have taken the clue and ran...) that the materials and computer programs provided were a long shot from what they'd promised me upon enrollment. The books they included in your tuition were never even used in the classes, the art supplies were less then desirable, and the classrooms themselves were a joke. I have to say the teachers were indeed some of my favorites, all had a desire to bring out the best in the students who were truly interested in learning and pursuing a higher education. But every single class was "dumbed down" for the lazy, undisciplined, immature individuals who couldn't care less whether they were there or not. Any work I completed was done at home on my own personal computer because the school couldn't seem to manage to keep their networks up and running. Therefore, you couldn't ever make use of your lab time; printers were always down, files were unavailable, etc, etc. It was all a big joke, and the joke was on the poor naive people like me thinking they could actually accomplish something and become a successful graphic designer.

So basically, this story sounds like every other version on this site, but it goes further still. After I finally said I was done with the place and vowed never to make contact with the school again, I get a letter in the mail months later from a collection agency informing me that IADT has turned me into collections in the amount of over four grand! Like it's not enough that I'm stuck with the 30k and an interest rate of 13% and rising because no one wants to touch the private loans to consolidate. They actually LOST some very important paperwork I had already completed and returned to financial aid months before, and because of this major err on THEIR part, sent money back to Sallie Mae, and turned ME into collections!! So now, in addition to the exorbitant cost of the loans, I have a permanent negative mark on my credit, not to mention the blood thirsty, relentless debt collectors calling me every single, miserable day!

The Fairmont location was closed (big surprise) several months after my attendance. Now, I'm working in a completely different field, pursuing a degree in veterinary technology and recently when I contacted IADT for my transcripts to have them sent to this new school for evaluation, I get another run around. I can't locate my transcripts. When I called IADT in Pittsburgh, PA (who, by the way, was the office that turned me into collections) they refer me to Nashville, TN, who then sends me back to Pittsburgh, PA. The woman there WILL NOT return my calls now (was rude the one time I actually spoke to her and not her voicemail) and I sent (being SO STUPID) a $5.00 fee for transcripts over a month ago. I don't even have a clue WHERE my transcripts are, and apparently neither do they!! It's holding up my classwork now and making me even angrier. So really, the question is why am I even paying back these loans? I've received nothing but trouble and bad credit to my good name all because of their worthless, scamming, no-good, thieving, crap-hole of a school!! If only I could go back and undo it all...So, if anyone wants to take this to court and try to make some legal action against them, I'm all in! In fact, I'm going to find a lawyer and see if there is, indeed anything I can do. All I can say now is: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ATTEND THIS SCHOOL!!

Morgantown, West Virginia

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Cec Truth Advocate


CEC/IADT representatives use to rebute students complaints. CEC is so scandalou!

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2007

Get lives CEC representatives! You all are losers that work for ChopShop for-profit institutions.Quit clogging ripoffreport with your rebutals. Your cut/paste rebutals are standard scandalous bamboolzing CEC behavior. Leave these students alone, they have credible ripoff reports to file. Any education from CEC schools would be considered a ripoff and their story should be heard. CEC schools sub-par education doesn't equip anybody for the real world.

CEC is being investigated, so representatives, you better watch your backs.

CEC was investigated by CBS 60 Minutes and it exsposes everything.


Visit my myspace and facebook advocacy groups.




West Virginia,

I'm not a moron and have only excelled in any college program I've pursued...and I'm certainly NOT "Illiterate!"

#4Author of original report

Sun, October 21, 2007

I encourage everyone who has made a complaint to read the rebuttal to my post.

This rebuttal makes me furious! Insinuating that because we have had "negative experiences" we must not be college material?...And is it just me, or does the post need many corrections of its own after stating that we have used bad grammar, spelling, etc. Well let's look at it this way, I know when I'm as hot as I am over something like this, where a business or company claiming to be an institution of higher learning, has ripped me off and drug my name through the mud as it has, and I have nothing to show for it but debt and a tainted credit rating, I might tend to be so "PISSED OFF" (pardon my language) that my grammar and typing skills may suffer a bit in the event that I type something to express my outrage. I'd also like to point out that this person wants to remain anonymous...Hmm, is it because they are afraid to put a name (if even a false one) to the comments they know are going to fuel more anger?

Also, why is it that there are 28 posts complaining about various school locations, and only 8 rebuttals to these complaints? These complaints are scattered across the U.S. from various school locations, not just mine. How does one explain that these complaints are so similar to my own (and each other) when these people have, in all actuality, probably never even met? I know of many more students from my area that had similar bad experiences and I'm certain if they hear news of this site and my intended action against this college, they will be more than willing to share their own experiences.

Now, to address the coward who has made a rebuttal, you are entitled to your individual opinions, feelings, and points of view, but in not knowing the situations or academic history of the people who have filed these complaints, I suggest you do a little "research" of your own. Your "facts" or whatever you wish to call your information supplied in your rebuttal is worthless to the relevancy of our complaints against the academy. One cannot educate themselves about an institution when provided with lies and half truths from said institution. As a final note, I have not provided any "false information" in this "public forum", only provided the cold, hard (unpleasant) truth of my own experience with IADT. I am resentful of such comments that suggest that I am in any way incompetent or unable to perform successfully at a level of higher academic learning.


St. Pete,

The negative experiences of a few must be tempered with the positive experiences of hundreds of thousands of students.

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 20, 2007

When I came across the posts here, I was horrified. Horrified by the complete falsities and inaccuracies given by former students of the Academy. My first reaction was that of anger. As an educator and educated person, I realized that the negative experiences of a few must be tempered with the positive experiences of hundreds of thousands of students.

As a result, my anger has turned to compassion. Yes, it is unfortunate that a few students have had bad experiences with a college. Then, I remembered my college experiences. While earning my Bachelors and Masters Degrees from not-for-profit regionally accredited universities, I had some negative experiences myself. Rather than reacting in a public forum and giving false information, I chose to do my research and find the answers to my concerns. Doing research is a responsibility of any student. As an educator, it is my responsibility to provide accurate information in this forum. This post is not an attempt to disregard the feelings of those that have posted here previously, rather, a response regarding my compassion for them and attempt to educate them (and others) with truth.

As you have read, there ARE differences between for-profit and not-for-profit colleges in the United States. There are also two types of accreditation for degree granting institutions in the United States: institutional and programmatic. I will refer to institutional as this was the topic of several posts. Institutional accreditation can be divided into two types: regional accreditation and national accreditation. Also keep in mind that in the United States, accreditation is voluntary. Depending upon your experience and personal view, you may find negatives and positives for each.

The International Academy of Design and Technology (IADT) is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) to award associate, bachelors, and master's degrees. The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools is listed as a nationally recognized accrediting agency by the United States Department of Education and is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Additional information regarding the accreditation of the International Academy of Design and Technology may be obtained from the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. On poster here claims that Career Education Corporation (CEC), IADT's parent company, owns ACICS. This is another statement of pure inaccuracy! Do your research by going to the links for both ACICS and CEC.

So what's my opinion of the difference?
A nationally accredited institution, such as the Academy, requires the faculty have an equivalent degree plus certifications, an equivalent degree plus life experience or a higher degree plus life experience. A regionally accredited institution requires the faculty have a higher degree. What does this mean if you want to study graphic design (for example)? An instructor at a nationally accredited college, such as the Academy has an earned degree and experience! Experience from the real world that can be taught in the classroom. An instructor at a regionally accredited college is required to have a higher degree. They can teach what they learned from their professors or from books but do not necessarily have ANY real world experience.

So when it comes to getting a job after college would I rather be taught by someone who has been there, done that or someone who speaks of the theory behind how to be there, do that? I'll take someone who has the education AND the experience! As I mentioned, I attended regionally accredited universities where, the faculty had no idea what really happens on the job, but could theorize about it all day long. The instructor with ACTUAL experience may be few and far between in a regionally accredited college. Why does this matter? Well, we all go to college to get good jobs right?

Yes, we all want a good paying job. This is one area where the Academy excels! They are a for-profit college that is required to provide placement rates in all degree programs to their shareholders. Remember, the Academy is a for-profit publicly traded company. The placement rates are based on actual placement in the field in which the student studied. The Career Services department will assist any graduate in obtaining employment anywhere. A regionally accredited college however, is not held to the same standards and usually has no such department dedicated to helping students obtain employment in the field of which they studied.

Regionally accredited colleges consider SAT, ACT, scholastic achievement, school activities, personal character, application deadlines and legacy (a family member attended previously). The Academy is an open enrollment college. To enroll in the Associate or Bachelor degrees, a student is required to have a high school diploma or the equivalent. This type of college provides opportunities that students may otherwise not be afforded due to test taking ability, or parents attending the same higher education institution. As far as transfer of credit is concerned, acceptance of credit by ANY college or university is based in its ENTIRETY on the ACCEPTING institution. For the posters that claim their college credits will not transfer: again, it is the responsibility of a student to do research.

The Academy provides college degrees in relevant areas of study. Relevant to the profession and industry. When a degree program begins, it is continually reviewed by industry professionals (Advisory Boards) to determine if:
1) There is a continued industry need in that area. If it is determined that there are not opportunities in the future for gainful employment (that good job), the program is taught out. Meaning: the students enrolled continue through the program but no new students are enrolled. WHY? The Academy does not want a student to spend money on an education that may not provide good employment opportunity due to the changes in the industry.
2) There are reasons to change or update the curriculum. The curriculum is continually under review by the program chairs and Advisory Boards in order to keep the information in the classroom industry current (hardware and software). The equipment is update and replaced on a regular basis. A regionally not-for-profit institution cannon do this primarily due to funding issues.

Are there negative and positive things that occur at every college? You bet! I've never met anyone that loved every class, every administrator, every instructor, every loan debt and every first job right out of college. However, a college such as the Academy provides great opportunities for students. When I read the posts by former students, I question several things. There are students claiming poor education and poor instruction. As I read there posts, most of them are filled with misinformation, poor grammar, abuse of the English language and misspelled words. I then wonder if their experience and failure at college is due not to the institution, but to their academic aptitude. If a student is incapable of doing appropriate research or (as you can see by a post below) cannot even correctly spell the word illiterate (for example); would they have had a different experience at any other college?

While yes, I do have compassion for the posters here, remember that the negative experiences of a few must be tempered with the positive experiences of hundreds of thousands of students. As an educator, truth and accuracy must supercede compassion.

If you are considering attending ANY college or university in the United States, it is your responsibility to do the research. This research will help prepare you for your college experience and provide you with accurate information. And finally, even my post must be tempered with your research!

Best wishes to all in finding the college for you. I do hope you enjoy your college experience!

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