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  • Report:  #1489782

Complaint Review: Internet Movie Database


  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 31, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 01, 2020

I have been a member of IMDB, the Internet Movie Database, for some twenty years now, and as of the last two years (2017 and later) they have failed to post my goof submissions, basically ripping me off of my time and reasearch. They come back with "unable to verify" when I have verfied every single one of them.

It is important that my goofs get posted, because it helps the actors, directors and producers to see their mistakes and future ones of those professions to avoid them. I consider it very important, and IMDB is robbing me of that.

They are inconsistent at best as to what they post to the database, and what they will not, which is wrong. Why would I waste their time and mine? Therefore, I have to post my ripoffs to here so that they will be seen by the right people if IMDB will not do it. If only they would have just done their job, then...

More verified goofs for movies that IMDB failed in their job to post. IMDB database people are either lazy or getting fired. Here is the next batch that ImDB failed to post:

Movie: Sleeping with the Enemy

Type: Factual Mistake

After Laura fakes here drowning and moves to a new small town, there is no way she could rent the house on a verbal agreement; the landlord would have asked for references, first, last and damage deposit, of which Laura had none.

Movie: Hunt for Red October

Type: Plot Holes

After the Red October makes its run through the bottom end of Red Route 1, and Ryan had contacted Ramius and set up the rendezvous south some 22 hours later, "someplace deep" Ryan said, there is no way that Capt. Tupalov could have known where the Red October was, given that the search area is over two million square miles and the Red October, along with the Dallas were stopped and thus not giving off any way for the Konolav to be alerted to their presence some 2,000 miles away.

Movie: Dirty Harry

Type: Plot Holes

When the judge and the District Attorney are discussing Scorpio's case, the judge said the search was illegal and "his rights were violated," both of which are false. Harry had probable cause that Scorpio committed the murders, so he did not need a search warrant to seize any evidence he needed.


Movie: The Deer Hunter

Type: Continuity

When Axel is running down the lane in the bowling alley, he dives forward and there are two bowling pins in the way. In the next shot the two pins are gone.


Movie: Sleeping with the Enemy

Type: Plot Holes

Laura enters a new town with very little money and no job. There is no way should be able to rent the house she looked at just by saying yes; the landlord would have asked for references, first, last and damage deposit. There is no way she would have gotten the house without a job or a steady income.


Movie: Clear and Present Danger

Type: Plot Holes

When Jack "broke in" to Ritter's computer to view the document files detailing the "illegal war," it shows in the corner of Ritter's computer, "User 422 logged on". Then Petey warns Jack to wait until Ritter logs off so that this message will disappear and Ritter won't know that Jack is reconnoitering his files. Jack then replies, "Jesus, Petey, it's too late!" and then proceeds to waste time by reading the contents of the files instead of copying them to his computer or better yet, immediately shutting off his computer, since by then Ritter still had not seen the log on message. Later, Jack could have logged back in to Ritter's computer after he left, was the original intent.


Movie: Dirty Harry

Type: Plot Holes/Factual Mistake

Time index 114:05. When the judge and the District Attorney are discussing the Killer's case, the judge said the search of his living space was illegal and "his rights were violated," both of which are not true. Not having established legal residence and also Harry having "probable cause" that a crime had been committed, he did not need a warrant, and having the actual weapon that killed the girl, the priest and the swimmer, the District Attorney had all the evidence that he needed; not one bit of it was illegally obtained.

Presumably, the fiasco was done comically to make Harry look like the bad guy and reinforce the trend at the time the movie was made of guilty persons going free based on "Fourth Amendment" rights, which, in reality, are waived whenever there is probable cause of a crime being committed, or has been committed.


Movie: The Breakfast Club

Type: Factual Mistake/Miscellaneous

Vernon locks Bender in the janitor's closet, which is false imprisonment, and even Vernon would have known better, being a felony, risking his job and even time in prison.


Movie: Apollo 13

Type: Miscellaneous

When the Apollo 13 is powering up its engines, Marilyn and Margaret are looking high up as if the rocket had already taken off, but it was just then leaving the launch pad.


Movie: The Deer Hunter

Type: Plot Hole/Miscellaneous

As an Army veteran, Michael should have already known to go to the Veteran's Administration building, or the the VA hospital, closest to him to find his friend, Nick, and would not have had to ask Angela eleven times where Nick was.


Movie: Unforgiven

Type: Miscellaneous

Will says of his attacker, Wild Bill, "Yeah, some big fella kicked the hell out of me," yet it is evident when it happens that Will is over four inches taller and six inches wider than Bill.


Movie: The Firm

Type: Continuity

Mitch gets the offer from Bendini, Lambert and Locke near Christmas. Then he and Abby appear at a company gathering in summer. Then Mitch and Abby are just then arriving from Boston in the fall. During the rest of the movie, it appears to be Spring.


Movie: Sleeping with the enemy

When Laura is on the bus, a stranger offers her a Grannysmith apple, which are green. These apples are not eating apples, being considerably sour. Miscellaneous

Laura enters a new town with very little money and no job. There is no way should be able to rent the house she looked at just by saying yes; the landlord would have asked for references, first, last and damage deposit. There is no way she would have gotten the house without a job or a steady income. Factual Mistake.


Movie: The Deer Hunter

As an Army veteran, Michael should have already known to go to the Veteran's Administration building, or the the VA hospital, closest to him to find his friend, Nick, and would not have had to ask Angela eleven times where Nick was. Character error.


Movie: Unforgiven

Will says of his attacker, Wild Bill, "Yeah, some big fella kicked the hell out of me," yet it is evident when it happens that Will is over four inches taller and six inches wider than Bill. Miscellaneous.


Movie: Kill Bill Vol. 1

Right after Beatrix asks O-ren, "So, O-ren. Do you have any more subordinates for me to kill?" The only one left is Dogo on O-ren's right, who is just standing there. Why didn't Beatrix rush O-ren instead of waiting for the entire motorcycle gang to show up moments later? How could she have the strength to kill over eighty people and then O-ren herself? Plot holes.


Movie: Liar Liar

After Fletcher runs into Miranda by the elevator and runs away to the stairwell door, the walls behind the door move noticeably, indicating a facade part of the set. Revealing mistake.

SPOILER: When Fletcher is chasing the plane to stop it so he can see Max, after the plane stops, Fletcher on his moving boarding stairs crashes into barriers only a few seconds later, as would have the plane. In reality, the plane would have turned off the taxiway and onto the runway long before reaching that point, having used up the tarmac. Factual Mistake.

When the judge is reacting to Fletcher's antics in the courtroom, the judge is looking at the prosecution's table to the judge's left, instead of the defense's table (Fletcher's), which is to the judge's right. Character error.

SPOILER: No visible age progression from the beginning until Max's birthday party a year later. Continuity.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: some viewers have indicated that all Fletcher had to do during his "curse" of not being able to lie was to not say anything. However, if he knew the truthful answer to a question he was asked and he did not answer it, it would be a lie by concealment; thus, Fletcher would be "forced" to blurt out the answer, hence his occasional fighting the answers. Plot holes.


Movie: The Firm

Mitch gets the offer from Bendini, Lambert and Locke near Christmas. Then he and Abby appear at a company gathering in summer. Then Mitch and Abby are just then arriving from Boston in the fall. During the rest of the movie, it appears to be Spring. Continuity.

Greta quits her job simply because Fletcher did not give her a raise "out of his own pocket," according to the question she posed of him during his inability to lie. In reality, at her age, she would not quit without notice as she did, which would have ruined her chances at future employment by walking out without a good reason, and she was already making a more than satisfactory salary already. Miscellaneous.


Movie: Shawshank Redemption

No visible age progression after the twenty years Andy spent at Shawshank. Continuity.

There were no witnesses to the shooting of Andy's wife and her lover; thus, it is never established exactly how Andy was caught, having more than enough chances at night and with a vehicle to flee the crime scene. Plot holes.


9-7-2019 Movie: Pulp Fiction

Goof: Revealing Mistake

When Jules shoots "Flock of Seagulls" who is lying on the couch, Jules' gun has no flash or muzzle report.Revealing mistake

  Goof: Miscellaneous

When Vincent goes back to Butch's apartment and leaves his gun on the counter instead of taking it with him to the bathroom.

  Goof: Plot Holes

Butch goes at great length, even jeopardizing the two-hour window he had to get to the train, to explain the importance of his watch to Fabienne, as well as risking his life to go back to his apartment to get it. If the watch was that important to Butch, then he should have taken it with him before.


9-1-2019  Movie: Mad Max

Goof: Continuity

At the beach scene, when the Toecutter is reprimanding Johnny the Boy, the sun position changes drastically between shots.


8-31-2019  Movie: Pacific Heights

Goof: Miscellaneous

Assuming Drake would actually do it, Drake assaults Carter while it is taking place, making Carter look suspicious for calling it in before it happened.

Movie: Apollo 13

Goof: Plot Holes

Marilyn, Jim Lovell's wife, tells her son, "Something went wrong on your daddy's spaceship, and they going to have to turn around before they ever reach the moon." This is incorrect, as evidenced by the free return trajectory that Apollo 13 took around the moon on their way back to earth.


8-20-2019 Movie: Nightcrawler

Goof: Plot Holes

As Los Angeles is known as the "car chase capital of the world," there is no way that only two police cars would be chasing the Granada Hills suspects in their SUV after first seeing them at the Chinese restaurant. The call would have gone out as an "all units," and at least twenty or more squad cars would have been on the pursuit in under four minutes, and Lou and his video-taper would not have had the "quiet time" to tape the suspects after their SUV crashed; the place would have been swarming with squad cars and police officers throughout, so the story could not have played out like it did.


Movie: The Big Lebowski

Goof: Miscellaneous

Why did Larry's neighbor park his corvette next door, in front of Larry's house, and not his own?


7-31-2019  Movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn

Goof: Factual Mistake

SPOILER: When the Genesis device explodes aboard the Reliant, since it is "four thousand kilometers" from the Enterprise, the flash of the explosion would precede the "sound" by some four hours and would not occur instantaneously. The sound was added for dramatic and theatrical effect, but there are no sounds in space.

  Goof: Continuity

SPOILER: Checkov tells Capt. Kirk that they are 4,000 kilometers from Reliant with only three minutes left before the Genesis device explodes on board, having been set by Kahn. At that distance, both the Enterprise and the Reliant could not appear together and would not even be visible to each other. In the subsequent shot, the Reliant is plainly visible only a few miles away.

I have been a member of IMDB for over fifteen years, and it is a very informative site about movies, actors, producers and directors, among other things, and I have over one thousand submissions of movie goofs and trivia. Lately, however, to avoid work, the data engineers have been rejecting my valid goof submissions on the basis of "unable to verify" when I have verified the data already. So, from now on, whenever IMDB rejects one of my submissions, I will put it here so that everyone knows. I only submit goofs I know to be valid, so if they will not post it, I will make sure that it is posted here.


9-5-2019 Movie: Fatal Attraction

Goof: Plot Hole

SPOILER ALERT: Beth had a full two minutes in the bathroom to call out to Dan when Alex confronted her with the knife. Why did she remain silent during that time before the teapot went off?

SPOILER: Given that Alex killed her rabbit and her overall being distraught over her dad's leaving, it is not believable that Ellen would take a ride home from school with her.


9-5-2019 Movie: Truman Show

Goof: Plot Hole

Given that Cristof (Ed Harris) is only twelve years older than Truman (Jim Carey), it seems highly unlikely that Christof could have been watching Truman "his whole life" and when he "took his first step," etc.


9-4-2019 Movie: Resevoir Dogs

Goof: Miscellaneous

Mr. Orange lost too much blood to survive.


9-4-2019 Movie: Kill Bill Vol. 1

Goof: Factual Mistake

Japan Air Lines, and all airlines, prohibit the carrying of swords on planes, even the facsimile of a sword, especially in the cabin.

9-1-2019 Movie: The Blues Brothers (1980)

Goof: Factual Mistake

There are no taxes assessed on church property, especially an orphanage

Goof: Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When the n**i's in the Pinto are falling from a ridiculous height thousands of feet up, yet having driven off a bridge only a few feet from the ground below. This was to show the hatred towards the Illinois n**i's through a hyperbolic and comical death.

Goof: Plot Holes

Jake and Elwood are about to leave Bob's Country Bunker when the Good Ol' boys RV pulls up late. Why did Jake engage them when he could have just gotten in the car with Elwood and been long gone before Bob came out, which would have spared the chase?

Goof: Plot Holes

Why would Bob waste his time over $100? ($300 worth of beer drank by the band minus the $200 payment). And why did Bob go all the way to the show at the Palace Hotel Ballroom for the same $100 with the Good Ol' Boys, some hundreds of miles from Bob's Country Bunker?

Goof: Continuity

The show at the Palace Hotel Ballroom started at 11:00 p.m.; given that the Blues Brothers showed up late and only performed two songs, they would have left around midnight with "106 miles" to get to Chicago; yet it is daylight less than two hours later when they get to the city border.

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United States

What are you babbling about?

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 01, 2020

What are you babbling about? Does the IMDB pay you to submit goofs? Did they quit paying you?  Is there any rip off here or are just mad because IMDB quit publishing your goof submissions?  This site is for people who have been ripped off, not people who are p***ded off...........

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