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  • Report:  #1427891

Complaint Review: INTERNOC24

INTERNOC24 dragan slatjovic Refuses to refund after they cannot provide what was requested and paid for Wilmington Delaware

  • Reported By:
    SabaRepair — other other
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 08, 2018
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 08, 2018

Where to begin! I'll start with a small picture and then elaborate for those who need further warning. We paid for a dedicated server running on a certain version of linux necessary to host our proprietary software. They installed a different version and then state they CANNOT install what we need and refuse to refund payment. By EU and US Law this is illegal.

Now if your interested in the WHOLE TRUTH read on..

We filled in their request form for a dedicated server here:

(this link probably will not work much longer but if it does, at the time of writing this, 14.04 is selectable in the OS drop down list)

No where on this request form are any remarks that any selections are not possible. We have a very specialized need for version 14.04 of UBUNTU linux and in their drop down is exactly that to choose from.

We have a screenshot of this drop down... but unfortunately this report doesnt give us a way to post it.. but we got it if someone wants to see.

So we choose 14.04 and on our merry way, make a payment for 149 euro and wait. A day or two later we receive an email with the IP, a username of "customer" and a password. I log into the server and find that we cannot SUDO because the "customer" account is not in the sudoers files. Nor could we switch user to root with that password. We opened a ticket and the next day we receive a response with a link to another website, not even their own knowledgebase which only has I think 1 entry but never the less these instructions to set the root password begins with the first step of using SUDO in the command. Im glad they actually read the ticket.....

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (03:09) Client

Good Day. We successfully logged in as customer to our dedicated server but we cannot set a root password. The Customer account is not in the sudoers file? Please advise how we switch to root.

Thank You

For anyone who doesnt know what Im talking about with SUDO and root, it means they gave us a user account with the most minimal access and no way to elevate our rights on the server to adminstrate it.

So we respond that of course we cannot perform any of the steps in the post they provided because of the lack of SUDO or root priveledges.. Then the CEO chimes in to send him the info. We do so and get a reposnse that its being looked into. Were now 14 or so hours after opening the ticket that we cannot use the server we paid for a few days ago.

So 3 hours after that, hastily I sent off a response asking why something as small as adding "customer" to a sudoer file was taking so long when I tried it myself again and was this time able to access the server aby switching to root. SO they have done something in that 3 hours, what did they do? They actually set the root password to the one they provided for the customer account. BUT they dont say this later and you'll see why... So I wrote back immedately after seeing I could now elevate my access to root apologizing for my last hasty response (ONLY THE LAST RESPONSE, NOT THE ENTIRE ISSUE). *** There was most defenitely an issue with their initial config...

We begin checking up on the installation and find some source issues with the ubuntu update when we realize we see YAKKETY everywhere..?? YAKKETY is the version name for UBUNTU 16.10 which should NEVER be used on a production server as its END OF LIFE was officially JULY 2017. Now granted the 14.04 was also old BUT any version of 14.04 CAN be upgraded to 14.04.05 which has an END OF LIFE of APRIL 2019!!...we continue..

We then open a new ticket:

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (20:28)

Good Day,

We are having one issue after another. Just now checking the version we are on 16.10! not 14.04 as requested during signup. We needed to start using this server yesterday but the sudo issues stopped us. Now we see were on the wrong version.. Please guys, we need this fixed like now, not tomorrow. I've been in the hosting business since day one, Ive never seen such issues right off the bat. We dont want to give you guys a hard time but seriously, can this be straightened out in a few hours, not tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (20:51)
L1 - Technical Support

We can reinstall the Server with Ubuntu 15.04 16.04 and 16.10, other Ubuntu Version are not supported.

Best Regards,
[First Level Support]
Internoc24 LLC

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:16)

Our software developer told us we must use 14.04 or 14.05 which is still LTS. We will check with them again but if this is the case, why does the signup give you the option for 14.04. This is one of the main reasons we chose you. If they come back to us with a no, how do we go about a refund to our paypal account.

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:20)

Just spoke with one of our developers and they advised against it. Please go ahead and process a refund on this server or do we need to contact someone else?

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:30)
L1 - Technical Support


we prefer to check if you can use Ubuntu 15.04 or 15.10. For some Server Ubuntu 14.04 is not available as the result of the used Hardware.

If a Service is activated, we can not proceed any refund as the result of our TOS/Terms which are accepted by placing the order.

Best Regards,
[First Level Support]
Internoc24 LLC


SO now to recap whats going on here.. They cannot provide us with a server running 14.04 which we chose from a list they provided to pick from. They never told us this was an issue before installing (activating) the server NOR did they tell us after.


SO We opened up a NEW ticket now with the billing department.


Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:26)

Good Day. After some trouble with the new server we just purchased, we were informed by Conrad that you cannot install ubuntu 14.04 OS. we choose this from your setup steps specifically because of software we run. No one informed us during the build or after the fact. We only found out when having issues with the server.

We are requesting a full refund to our paypal account in this matter.

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:46)
Dragan Slatjovic
Chief Executive Officer


as written from our Support Agent, Internoc24 LLC dont offer refunds. All payments are final. This was accepted by placed AND PAID Order. The customer has the choice, if he dont like to the criterias or TOS, to dont place any order. Please notice that any Paypalcomplaint dont help in this matter, because it dont meet the rules and criteria of paypal complaint system and in case of any wrong complaint our system automatically set a fraud flag and add your Details to the Hosting Business FraudRecord Database. You can cancel the Server to the end of the current billing cycle.

Best Regards,
Dragan Slatjovic [Chief Operating Officer]
Internoc24 LLC

READ CAREFULLY what ive put in bold above.. so not only is he committing fraud in the LEGAL sense but also now threatening to post our information with negative remarks on a fraud website to warn other hosting providers.. 

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:59)

Good Day Dragan,

Thats actually completely wrong but let me elaborate. We signed up for something you have yet to provide. It does not say anywhere on sign up that 14.04 does not work, in fact it states 14.04 is available in the drop down. So by your TOS you have not fulfilled the contract by US or EU standards. If your company cannot fulfill the TOS a refund is applicable.

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (22:11)
Dragan Slatjovic
Chief Executive Officer

Thats not longer any point to discuss, i am sorry because: You have written you are a "DayOne" Customer in this Business, but you have problems to setup the root rights on Ubuntu....hmm...  (SEE WHERE HE WENT WITH THIS.. TWIST OUR WORDS)

Second: The Companys makes the rules and TOS, not the Customer. The Customer can choose the Company, some of them meets the customers criteria, some of them not. It is the customer choice, to choose the right Company. (NO ACTUALLY THE LAW DOES.. and no where in their TOS does it state that 14.04 may not be available for that server chosen or any)

Also a customer can send a question/request BEFORE place and paid and Order, to be sure, that the offered service meets all personal needed criteria. If he dont to this before, he can not pass on this to the company. (BECAUSE I HAVE HAD TO CALL EVERY COMPANY I ORDERED SOMETHING ONLINE TO ASK THEM IF WHAT THEY SAY THEY OFFER IS FOR REAL)

The OS on any Hosting Services is a flexible part (update, upgrade and similar) and the software is not part of any agreement on this Services (except paid additional Software Licenses) (NO ITS NOT. HENCE THE REASON WE NEEDED 14.04...)

Best Regards,
Dragan Slatjovic [Chief Operating Officer]
Internoc24 LLC

NOW.. We opened a claim with Paypal because we are of course not getting anywhere with this guy..

You dont need to read the next three bulleted paragraphs unless you REALLY want to, its a short version of what was written above for PAYPAL and simply here for the WHOLE STORY...

  • 2/7/2018 13:08 PST - Buyer: And we now recieve this threatening response by their CEO.. You can see our initial message requesting the refund below it.

    Dragan Slatjovic
    Chief Executive Officer
    Hello,as written from our Support Agent, Internoc24 LLC dont offer refunds. All payments are final. This was accepted by placed AND PAID Order. The customer has the choice, if he dont like to the criterias or TOS, to dont place any order. Please notice that any Paypalcomplaint dont help in this matter, because it dont meet the rules and criteria of paypal complaint system and in case of any wrong complaint our system automatically set a fraud flag and add your Details to the Hosting Business FraudRecord Database. You can cancel the Server to the end of the current billing cycle.

    Best Regards,
    Dragan Slatjovic
    [Chief Operating Officer]
    Internoc24 LLC

    Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 (21:26)
    Good Day. After some trouble with the new server we just purchased, we were informed by Conrad that you cannot install ubuntu 14.04 OS. we choose this from your setup steps specifically because of software we run. No one informed us during the build or after the fact. We only found out when having issues with the server.We are requesting a full refund to our paypal account in this matter.Best Regards

  • 2/7/2018 12:55 PST - Buyer: After issues from the start, today we finally were able to log into the server to begin working with it. We had issues with updates when we noticed the version of the Operating System was UBUNTU 16.10. When chose this company because they had version 14.04 available when signing up. No one informed us before setting it up that 14.04 would not work nor did they tell us after putting 16.10 on it that 14.04 was not available. From the ticket transcript we provide you see their IT support Conrad states they cannot put 14.04 on this server. So we have requested a refund. We purchased something that they cannot fulfill however Conrad states that because they activated the server already, NO REFUND per their TOS which is not valid since they never provided what we requested in the first place. Also we have screenshots of their signup form showing 14.04 is available as well as the server in our account area showing 14.04 was requested.
  • 2/7/2018 13:21 PST - Buyer: Further now Dragan states we should have called them before picking an Operating System for the server when its his service that offers the OS to chose from. We are cutting off communication with this man as his horrible business ethics will not lead us to any reconciliation.

DRAGAN is very quick because only a few moments later a response to paypal with twisted words again.. 

  • 2/7/2018 13:44 PST - PayPal: Seller escalated this dispute to a Claim.

  • 2/7/2018 13:44 PST - Seller: The Customer has ordered a Hosting Service, a Dedicated Server for his Project. The Server was build and setup for the Server within the generic setup time. The Server was setup for the customer with the lastest version of the Linux Distribution which has the customer choose. (Ubuntu 16.10).The customer opens several skills about some small issues which looks like a "human error" because some of them are basic linux skills.The customer opened than a ticket about issue with the OS, because he needs Ubuntu 14.04. This OS is on the customers ordered Server not available, as the result of the Hardwarecompatibility. We offered to the customer to reinstall the Server with Ubuntu 16.04 or one earlier version: 15.04.The customer declined this, because he needs for his scripts 14.04. Between the different version (14.04 15.04 and 16.04) are not so much technical differences, so we think with some small adjustemens, his scripts works also on more secure and newer version of the OS. But we think, (as the result of the first initional issue which has been a personal human error on customers side) thats impossible for the customer as the result if missing skill.We had answered the customers request that all orders are final, non refundable, because the Hosting Services are custom build. Also the OS is is not part of the payment, because theres no license needed, the situation can be different if the customer orders a server with installed windows where an additional licenses must be paid.We have informed the customer that he can cancel the Service to the end of the billing period. The customer was unable to find a solution with us, he dont like to try the newer and more secure OS Version , he dont like to accept that it can be a human error from his side and he dont accept that he can cancel the service to the end of the billing period which is only ONE month!The Customer has been added as the result of the wrong Paypal Complaint to Database

Now I learned why he is SO interested in thinking his TOS is bulletproof and all sales are final is because what I happen to notice before cancelling our server is that the HOSTNAME of the server be default is from another company entirely (wholesaleinternet[dot]net) meaning he either cant or doesnt want to request a refund himself after paying them 69.00 or so euro for our 149.90 server..

Now its not uncommon for a hosting provider to resell other servers, its actually very common but what's NOT common is that a hosting provider blatently lists features they cannot provide, does not live up to what they sell you and then refuse a refund! atleast not repuatable companies. Pretty much on CROOKS and SCAMMERS have these business ethics in common. Had they simply looked at the request and thought to contact the customer with; can we install 16.10 on your server because 14.04 is not available, we would have right then and there explained that is not possible BEFORE they "activated" (there terms) the server.

They state that just because we paid the bill, that there TOS (Terms of Service) kick in that all sales are final. They SCAMMISHLY forget that the LAW states if you cannot provide the end result of something someone paid for then they themselves are in default of their own TOS..

Their company, in the US, is simply done by another company who just incorporates anyone who pays them to do so.. The persons responsible for this I'm pretty sure are in the Czech Republic which I must admit is a beautiful Country if you ever get to visit it, but this explains their contact address posted on their website as well as the hossible version of...... I think its english.... Now even if they want to play againt US LAW they are in default and the EU law is even more strict on this. 

We WAIT on PAYPAL to decide.

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