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  • Report:  #410523

Complaint Review: Invent-Tech

Invent-Tech At first I thought God had finally answered my prayers but now I believe it was the Devil in disguise Coral Gables Florida

  • Reported By:
    Teaticket Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 10, 2009
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 08, 2009
  • Invent-Tech
    Coral Gables, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:

January 10, 2009

My disastrous and very expensive experience with Invent-Tech. I want my money back. The quality of services are not what your led to believe they are. It cost me $11,060.00 to learn how Invent-Tech really works.

If your an Invent-Tech client or thinking of becoming one then I urge you to PLEASE read what I have to say. I'd hate to see anyone else's money, hopes and dreams get taken advantage of.

Legal Advice
YES, on many occasions I have tried to seek Legal advice. But unfortunately I live down poverty lane and I am unable to find any kind of free Legal aid for this kind of case. And the cheapest I have found so far would cost me $150.00 - $300.00 per hour for a lawyer with no previous experience.

My most important issue with Invent-Tech is the carelessness and sloppiness in safe guarding a clients invention and maintaining confidentiality. So please pay special attention to the *** you will find them in the DVD section, the web site section and the patent section. It could just be your invention that I'm looking at.

Three times, through Invent-Techs carelessness, I have received major confidential information on three other Invent-Tech clients and their inventions.

So first of all before posting this RIPOFF report I wrote and sent a letter to Invent-Tech with the hope that we could resolve this issue peacefully and respectfully so that we can avoid any unnecessary law suits and also avoid causing any further grave distress. I gave Invent-Tech 30 day's to respond because I felt that if they didn't have a time frame there would be no response at all. And as it is they still didn't respond.

I wanted Invent-Tech to know ahead of time that I planned on filing this report in hopes that I wouldn't have to. I never threatened them, I never got nasty or rude with them, but I did let them know where I stood.

So I then sent Invent-Tech a second letter along with a copy of my first letter and a copy of this ripoff report. In which I gave Invent-Tech another 30 day's to respond, they did and here's what happened. They claimed that they never received my first letter (hmm how convenient). Now here's the thing, I know for a fact that they DID receive my first letter, I have a signed receipt for it.

So what does that tell me? That Invent-Techs employees are iether extremely incompetent or their lying to me. Iether way this is not good for Invent-Tech. Anyway they claimed that they were going to pass my letters on to their attorneys and that they would call me back in two to three weeks to let me know what they've decided. Well 3 weeks have come and gone and Invent-Tech failed to call me back .

So here we are.

How Invent-Tech really works. Step by step, I shall explain.

First let me say, I could tell you about all of the fancy and very slick talking phone calls I had (which happened to be every single phone call) and the Were the professionals, we know what were talking about, after all isn't that why you came to us in the first place, forked tongue bullshit. But Hell, that would take another 5 or 6 paragraphs at least so instead let me just say watch out they have the Devils tongue.

In the beginning...

I had a great innovative idea (yea for me) but, I live down poverty lane (you fill in the blank). And like so many people I needed help. I saw Invent-Tech on TV (at the time I didn't have a computer) so, by phones and mail I enquired. At last I thought I found a ray of hope.

Now to start with before Invent-Tech would do any business with me, Invent-Tech insisted that I contact the BBB to confirm their quality of services. So I did and the BBB gave me a good report! But now, at this point in time, I'm am absolutely amazed that they were able to give me a good report because, from what I've learned and experienced since I've been with Invent-Tech and what the BBB says are in grave conflict. I will never trust the BBB again. The BBB wont bite the hand that pays them. And if the BBB was on the up and up where would Invent-Tech be today?

Berfore I begin I'd like to say that everybody gets the same thing. The only thing that changes is the inventors name, product name and description and the fees.

Here's what I got for $11,060.00.

1) For only $895.00 plus $15.00 for S&H, equaling $910.00. Invent-Tech researched my invention and put together an Invention Research Portfolio for me. This research is done to find out whether or not you can proceed with this particular invention and, only through this research will they be able determine the cost of the next stage, which will cost anywhere from 2,000.00 to 10,000.00.

So, for only $895.00 plus $15.00 for S&H, equaling $910.00 I purchased their Invention Research Portfolio. It is a huge 3 ring binder full of the most irrelevant crap imaginable.

Now, Woohoo for me. I have an original innovative idea and for only $8,950.00 I get to proceed to the next stage.

Now at first, I didn't have the money to proceed (remember I live down poverty lane). I had no choice but to say No thank you But, Invent-Tech is very persistent and they weren't taking I don't have the money for an answer. They kept calling me to see if maybe I would change my mind and if there's any possible way for me to come up with the money because, as Invent-Tech put it, you have something worth pursuing, and you really shouldn't let this wonderful opportunity slip away from you because there's always the possibility that someone else could come up with the same idea and do it before you, then where would you be? you would be watching someone else reaping the rewards that should have been yours. Mmm, gee, thanks Invent-Tech, as if putting fear into me is going to change my financial situation.

Hmm, lucky for Invent-Tech, it turned out that I was able to come up with the money after all, due to a financial gift, literally from heaven Thank you Dad, I miss you and I Love you. Anyway. it was just enough to cover the $8,950.00 fee. I was able to except the offer and dream ahead.

2) Now, lets see what I got for $8,950.00.

Well, I was registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Disclosure Document Registration program. This document can be relied upon as evidence of conception of an invention.

There was some talk about patenting but that was quickly drooped because right off the bat I knew that you can't and/or shouldn't patent something that's incomplete and not market ready.

I received great exposure at Trade Shows all over the world. Trade Shows are huge conventions where Invent-Tech takes your invention/idea and gives it exposure by promoting it to future prospects. Funny but, I never really could get a clear understanding of exactly how Invent-Tech promotes/represents an invention/idea at these trade shows.

Because, this is what I can make of it. They tell me that they promote your invention/idea by giving exposure it at these conventions but at the same time I'm told that they don't actually bring any information that concerns your product with them to these conventions. Why? because it's to busy and chaotic at these shows for such introductions to be made and they don't want to run the risk of putting any ideas into someone else's head. So just exactly what it is that they do for me and how it really works at these Trade Shows is beyond me. Honestly, all I seem to get out of Invent-Tech was conflicting answers and reasoning.

I've received another 3 ring binder called The Inventor's Companion Handbook and, although this 3 ring binder isn't as big as the first 3 ring binder that cost me $910.00, and it's not nearly as filled up with as much crap as the first one is. This second 3 ring binder is convenient for filing all the paper work that Invent-Tech sends you.

I've received a very poorly drawn C.A.D. (paper copy). This is a graphical representation, a drawing of the invention done by Invent-Techs graphic artists. There were many difficulties with this part. It got to the point where I asked to speak to the artist directly. Why? Well, it's simple really and here's an Example: If something looks round and the literature describes it as being round, then why the hell would Invent-Tech make it square? To keep things simple I will be using this particular Example as needed to relate my point.

I've received a very poorly written Press Release that is supposed to entice the medea into doing an article about me and my product. I rewrote mine. It was not an easy transition for Invent-Tech. You send them the changes you want made then they make the changes and send it back to you for your approval. After a few times of them getting it wrong, I just said that's fine although it wasn't. All they had to do was copy it, don't change the words and don't leave out sentences, they couldn't get it right. So when I needed I just printed up my own and throw theirs away.

I've received, periodically, what they call the Medea Pack Worksheets package. This Media Pack consists of 10 Press Release sheets, 10 envelopes and 10 medea names and addresses. You stuff, stamp (you supply your own stamps) and mail it out the envelopes yourself. That's Invent-Techs way of getting you involved with the project.

I've received a New Product Brochure. At first this pamphlet had a cheap brochure like quality to it, but then even that cheapened into nothing more than an actual piece of paper. So here again I made my own quality brochure and through their paper copy away. Anyway this brochure is supposed to entice manufacturers into enquiring about your product. The manufacturers rip of a section of this brochure, fill it out and send it back to Invent-Tech. Now, supposedly before the manufacturer they can see your invention, they first have to sign a non-disclosure/confidentiality agreement. This is the manufacturers promise not to screw you over.

I've received, even less periodically (so it seemed), a Manufactures Introduction Worksheet & Correspondents package. This package consists of 10 Press Release, 10 New Product Brochures and 10 envelopes and 10 names and addresses of potential manufacturers. Here again, you stuff, stamp (you supply your own stamps) and mail it out the envelopes yourself. Again, Invent-Techs way of getting you involved with the project.

I've complained to Invent-Tech many times about this. It really disturbed me that, Invent-Tech seem to be putting more focus into the Medea Packs than the Manufacturer kits. Why? Lets put the focus towards the people and places where the product is going to be made.

I've received 10 DVDs from Invent-Tech.

7 of these DVDs are call I.V.R.P., translation - Interactive Virtual Reality Presentation.
And there are 4 different categories on this DVD. 1) Is a 3D animated version of your product. 2) Is of your C.A.D. (paper copy). 3) Is of your Press Release. and 4) Is a Product Description of your invention.

Now, the 1st DVD is of a demo only. It is a sample for me, the client. So that I can have an understanding of what my I.V.R.P. will be like. Remember this is only a demo, It is not another clients confidential information so, me telling you what is on it is legal. After all it's mine. I own it, I paid an ungodly amount of money for it and now I'm going to share my rather large and grotesque purchase the the world. Now, this demo demonstrates 3 different products in 3D animation. 1) The Jungle Jon, 2) the EZ Drag, and 3) an Ant Proof Pet Food Bowl.

Okay so, lets start with the first 3D demonstration the Jungle Jon.

Jungle Jon is a poop stool. And remember this is in 3D animation. So, there's a man camping out in the woods and he is sitting on this stool that has a hole in the middle of it, with a clear plastic bag attached to the inside of the hole. Now, ask me if the bag is empty. NOOOO, it is not empty.

The second 3D demonstration is the EZ Drag. This is a tool to help hunters drag/carry their kill out of the woods and/or to hang their kill up in a tree.

And the third 3D demonstration is the Ant Proof Pet Food Bowl. It is a bowl full of water with a smaller bowl in the center that is slightly raised above the water. The ants crawl in the water and drown before they can get to the food. So, for part of my $8,950.00 I get my very own video of a 3D animated demonstration of some man sitting on a poop stool taking a s**t in the middle of the woods while on a camping trip (oh yea, he's also reading a map). A dog sitting there watching ants drown while trying to get to the food in it's bowl. And a dead dear. Hmm, no, I'm not at a loss for words, I just can't wright them down.

Now the other 6 I.V.R.P.'s represent my invention. And the question is, why do I have 6 of these I.V.R.P.'s to represent my invention? Example: If something looks round and the literature describes it as being round, then why the hell would Invent-Tech make it square?

And the remaining 3 of the DVDs, are called Product Overview DVD. It is suppose to be an introduction of my invention. The narrator talks an awful lot about Invent-Tech, gives a small blurb of my product and a view of my C.A.D. (paper copy) quickly flashes by so the narrator can get back to advertising Invent-Tech.

Now, lets see why I have 3 of these Product Overview DVDs.

1) On my first Product Overview DVD the narrator changed some of the description of my product. And that was absolutely frustrating to me.

2) ***This Product Overview DVD It is suppose to be an introduction of my invention but, it turned out to be an introduction of someone else's invention. The disk has my name, product name and file # on it but when I play it, it has a someone else's invention on it.*** (Big oops on Invent-Techs behalf). I know the inventors name and I know about their product. Good going Invent-Tech.
If your an Invent-Tech client, you should be doing something holy in your pants right about now because after all it could be your invention that I'm looking at. To any fretful minds out there, don't worry your secret is safe with me, obviously though, it is not safe with Invent-Tech.

3) And my third Product Overview DVD they finally got this one somewhat right or I guess I should say close enough for now at least.

I've received a web site of my very own. This web site is where potential manufacturers can view more details about the invention and the inventor. (***This web site is built, put together, maintained and monitored by Invent-Tech.***) And this web site contains 4 pages. 1) your Press Release page, 2) a digital rendition page - it is the exact same thing as the C.A.D. (paper copy), 3) a Meat the Creator page and 4) a product Description page.

***Now, lets discuss the web site***
I have always accest my web site through my favorites list. I mean, why keep typing in all that www. stuff, all the time, when the computers favorite list will take you right where you want to go? right? and anyway, isn't that what the favorites list is for?

Also, user name and pass word. Here again, I used the remember me on my computer for signing in on my Invent-Tech web site. Keeping it simple, right?

Now, I have to say that I didn't regularly check my web site. I mean, why should I? It's not going anywhere. Is it? And it's being maintained and monitored by professionals. Isn't it?

So, here's what happens now. When I go to my favorites list and head for Invent-Tech, and click to log in, now to my amazement, I am now getting crossed with another Invent-Tech clients web site. I know this other clients entire profile. I know their project file number. I know everything there is to know about their invention. I know how old this client is and what they look like. I called Invent-Tech asap and ask them what the hell happened to my web site? And why has it has been replaced with someone else's profile?

Well, it's weird but it turns out that, now, when I access Invent-Tech through my favorites list and log in the simple way, I get someone else's web site and their complete profile but, if I manually www. blah blah blah in the address bar and manually type in my user name and pass word I get my web site. Invent-Techs reason for this malfunction is because, they updated their system, and it's not their fault that I can access another clients web site if I don't update my system to keep up with theirs. Invent-Techs solution, was to delete it from my favorites list and the remember me and just do it manually every time. Yea, right, delete it. I don't think so. Not until I get my money back.***

If your an Invent-Tech client, you should be doing something more than just holy in your pants right about now because after all It could be your invention that I'm looking at. And again to any fretful minds out there, don't worry your secret and your identity are safe with me, obviously though, it is not safe with Invent-Tech.

It makes me crazy, wondering whose hands my invention might be in.

I also received 1 free year with Invent-Tech. Because their clients are important to them.

Well, that sums up the $8,950.00 part.

Moving on first let me mention that I was always calling Invent-Tech, I wanted to know if any manufactures have enquired about my product. But, I have a hard time getting a live person on the phone at Invent-Tech and I've given up leaving messages, they don't seem to get returned, unless your message carries somewhat of a harsh tone.

And the mail. I was constantly calling Invent-Tech and asking where's my mail? It's been a month already and I'm still waiting. Now, at first the mail flowed just fine then suddenly, but of course only after contracts were signed, sealed, delivered and paid heavily for, all mail seemed to come to a crawl, then to a halt. I wonder, could this halt have been due to the fact that Invent-Techs system showed that my contract was expired and, that I no longer had any services with Invent-Tech? When in fact my contract was not expired and I did still have services with Invent-Tech. (See below, My renewed contract).

3) And for $1,2000.00 I got to renew my contract for 1 more year.

Please keep in mind that some of the above mentioned stuff did not occur until after I renewed my contract and some of it just went from bad to worse after I renewed my contract.

So, regardless of all of Invent-Techs fun and games, I decided to renew.

Now I'm sure your all wondering, why on Gods green earth would I ever renew my contract with Invent-Tech? Because. I had to keep trying, to the bitter end. I couldn't see any other choice, I'm already knee deep in with Invent-Tech and I don't have the money to go a different route.
And anyway, here again, regardless of Invent-Tech and their screw ups, this was 1 more year of hope for me that maybe a manufacturer just might say YES to my invention.

My renewed contract:
Well in Nov. 2007, I paid an additional $1,200.00 to renew my contract with Invent-Tech for another year. And unfortunately I can't remember the time frame but it was long enough to make me angry. When I learned that Invent-Techs system showed that my contract was expired and, that I no longer had any services with Invent-Tech. And do you know what they said to make me feel better? Don't worry your right on track and there's also a trade show coming up next month. Oh yes, that made me feel so much better. Anyway this error was corrected, but who knows if I missed out on any potential manufacturer enquiries during that period and/or any services that I should have been receiving from Invent-Tech.

I received an Optional Patent Attorney Referral Service Notice and this contract is for, if you decide to go ahead with a patent and request a referral for a patent attorney through Invent-Tech.

***After I sent Invent-Tech my letter requesting my money back and in the process of waiting for a response back from Invent-Tech is when I received an Optional Patent Attorney Referral Service Notice for another Invent-Tech client.***

The short version
For $910.00 I got:
Invention Research Portfolio (the big 3 ring binder # 1, that's filled with the most irrelevant crap imaginable)

For $8,950.00 I got:
Registered with someone important, right?
Exposure at Trade Shows?
The Inventor's Companion Handbook (3 ring binder # 2)
C.A.D (paper copy)
Press Release
New Product Brochure
Medea Pack Worksheets package.
Manufactures Introduction Worksheet & Correspondents package.
A web site of my very own
10 DVDs
1 free year with Invent-Tech

For $1,200.00 I got:
So for $1,200.00 I got 1 more useless and careless year out of Invent-Tech. This was the point of time when I realized that my mail seemed to come to a halt and that, Invent-Techs system showed that my contract was expired and that I no longer had any services with Invent-Tech, and here is also where I discovered the huge web site error. This is when I wrote my letter to Invent-Tech requesting my money back and to cancel the rest of my services with them. And here after I sent my letter to Invent-Tech is where I received the patent referral contract for someone else.

So, here I am

$910.00 (this help came from my wonderful sister)
$8,950.00 (this was a financial gift, literally from heaven Thank you Dad)
$1,200.00 (this help came from my wonderful mother, who lives on SS only)
Grand Total: $11,060.00

I have a great family that has always been there for me.

Now, take and stack two 3 ring binders and 10 DVDs. And this, is my entire inventory from Invent-Tech. It sickens me to no end that this pile of crap cost me $11,060.00.

I want my money back and, I want to feel that my invention is safe, but I fear it is not.

At first I thought God had finally answered my prayers but now I believe it was the Devil in disguise.

The End
Once I get money back that is.

By now my contract has expired with Invent-Tech and once your contract does expire with Invent-Tech any manufacturer who decides to enquire about your invention, well, lets just say, to bad so sad, your both out of luck. There is no grace period. Well, if that's the case why did Invent-Tech send me a Manufactures Introduction Worksheet & Correspondents package with a list of 10 manufacturers to add to my contact list?

Also I never did receive anything from Invent-Tech regarding the ending of my contract with them. Good thing I already knew.

And why can I still access the Invent-Tech web sites?

Teaticket, Massachusetts

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Boiler Room


They gave you everything they promised


Tue, September 08, 2009

So here's the deal, I used to work for the company 4 years, in sales.  Yes I am one of the people that you might have talked to on the phone.  As I read alot of these reports there are so many false statements that I have seen.  I am not saying this is a pristine company whatsoever.  It's pretty obvious it's a sales-driven company.  The process that the above person listed is pretty close to how it works from the customers prospective, let me enlighten you on the things you don't know that happen at the company.  Interesting how people come up with things about the company.

First off, the company's address is Coral Gables, and yes there is an executve office there for show and occasional meetings with clients.  They have a 3 floor building in another part of miami, with more than half the employees being telephone sales people.

Now let's get this straight.  If you have an idea, you do not need this company.  Everything they do, you can do yourself.  Lucky for them there are alot of people who are either too lazy or just too ignorant to develop an idea and take it to market.  Now if you don't want to do it yourself, Invent-tech (IT) can help, but the chances are slim.  Well why are they slim, you need to have a truly unique idea, you need an idea that is marketable.  There is a misconception that they just take your money and do not try at all to get your product out there, this is far from the truth.  Keep in mind if they do get you a licensing deal, they also get a piece.  The salespeople that represent the products to different industry are the elite of the salespeople IT has.  Juan Blanco was an account manager and after huge success moved up.  Here is IT's licensing philosophy, they need licensing deals to keep the whole machine going, how can you help others if you can't show any successs at all.  They know the products they have had success with are not great, a stupid outdoor toilet and a pet bowl that a kindergartner could have come up.  They want a huge product, a Sham-wow, a Quick Chop, a blanket with arms whatever that thing is called (hang on calling my grandma).  So they really are pushing the products, if they can discover the next big infomercial product, think of how much credibility they would get.  IMO the people with the great unique ideas build the product themselves, generate some sales, then look for investers or licensors.  In that situation they are  in a much better position to negotiate a large deal and cash in.

Now the licensing deal.  They are not starting companies with your product, they just license it to a company who manufactures it, sells it, etc. and you receive royalties on it.  Now you would need to sell ALOT of products with a licensing deal to get RICH.  The %'s are usually pretty small, 3-9% of wholesale sales something like that.  So my question to all you inventors with the idea that is going to change the world, why don't you just start your own company, manufacture it, etc. and make a ton of money.  IMO people look for the easy way out, and it's probably cause the product is already out there in some form or fashion, or it just wouldn't really sell.  So why would you risk your whole life your savings, etc. for an "ok" idea.

Invention Submission.  So the first thing you do is ask for more info.  This to IT is a sale lead.  Leads are given to employees on a 2 week basis and circulated, they have fresh and old leads.  If you do give your telephone number, prepare to get ALOT of calls and persuasion until you finally send in your idea for consideration and can be for months on end.  A typical sales person can make up to 200 calls a day and log in 5 hours of talk-time.

Keeping it legal.  So while on the telephone, every conversation is recorded, this was not in effect when I first started in 2003.  Now it's much more legit, there is a script and certain things you can or can't say, calls are listened to by a legal team, and employees who make mistakes misguiding or misleading are repremanded and in some cases fired, ask Edward.  To make it here, you need to be a shark, many people try but can't cut it, but if you do it's extremely lucrative, 5k-25k a month, commision only.  It's not uncommon to see people work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, but they are driving a porsche or land rover.  It's type A peronalities everywhere, work hard, play hard.  Work all day and night then go out for drinks or whatever.  The biggest thing you cannot do is tell people what you think of their idea.  This is important, you aren't blowing smoke up someone's !@# about the idea, just about what you can do for them.  But think about it, it's hard to judge an idea anyways, go to wahlgreens look at some of the dumb products that made it on to shelves, so really it wouldn't be right anyways to judge products when you are just a salesperson.

Employee Names.  I saw a few posts where people were posting the names of company employees.  What you need to know is that we do not usually use our real names.    Alot of the salespeople are like myself are hispanic or black and because alot of the clients are midwesterners.  So people choose nice simple "american" names.  The Florida law says you need to register your alias when doing phone sales.I think using alias' has diminished at the company recently.  I also want to dispel the idea that these employees jump from one invention company to another.  This is not true, I worked with 80 other sales people and not one of them had worked for any of the competitors, Invent Help, Davidson, etc.

You've submitted your idea.  Now the "Project Manager" (who has never taken a product to market) who is just a very well paid telemarketer, calls you up, and says you meet the guidelines and can proceed forward.  Now there really are a few limitations but 99% are acceptable.  Even if your product resembles something that is already out in the market it can still be accepted, most the time the inventor doesn't even know the Home Depot down the street has the tool they "invented."  So you are pressured to get a portfolio, "the first step in making your dream a reality."  Isn't it great you have someone who is finally pushing you to do something with your life, to finally go after something, so now you don't have to be so focused on winning the lottery, you just might have your golden ticket to millions. 

The portfolio.  So for $695 you get a portfolio for your product, it's like a business plan for your product, shows the markets etc. and is highlighted with the patent search.  This portfolio is very very general, think about it, you don't even have a product yet.  They do however give you a listing of potential companies that your idea would fit with, this I do find useful, but then again an hour of online research gives you this.

Patent Searches and Patents.  They really do hire a patent attorney to do a patent search, this costs them about $350. It's like any other patent search, it catches some things, but not all. Oh yeah, did you know some libraries let you access patent databases yourself. Everyone gets so hung up on having a patent to something especially before it's even been produced or sold.  The patent search just lets you know what similar products to yours have been patented.  Why not just look at catalogs, websites, stores, see if it's out, that is what is important.  And if you really do have a unique product you aren't going to infringe on a patent, cause your idea was never thought up.  If the product is going to be that huge, why would a person be sitting on patent if they had the idea, they should be selling it.

Next step.  After receiving your portfolio, your salesperson catches you as soon as you get it, while the excitement is in the air.  He asks are you if you are serious about getting this out and sends out a proposal that is somewhere around 8k.  Because you never even developed your product they do an autocad rendering and 3D dvd model.  This along with the press release is what they will use to try to get your product licensed.  And yes this comes to a great suprise, but they do try.  What I don't get is, why do the clients just sit back at home and let Invent-Tech try to get it out, they should also try to contact companies, etc. setup meetings.

Invent-Tech stole my idea!!!!!!!  Here's the deal, there is no legal way they could sell your idea without you knowing, if you think they do this, you are crazy.  They don't want to license things on the down low, they want EVERYONE and ANYONE to know they actually did get get a licensing deal, it creates hope and hype.  Again if they were the one's who together with a client were responsible for getting that stupid Big City Slider Station to the market that would be a huge feather in their cap and explode the business.  There are so many people out there that have been holding onto ideas forever, and sure enough some day it's finally going to get to market and not by them.  When that day comes, they are sure that no other person in this world could have come up with that simple idea and that someone had to have stole it from them, it could have been that greeter at Wal-mart that you told your idea to, or the person in line with you at the post office, maybe the guy you sat next to at the bar, oh no it must have been that submission company you sent your idea to, they had to have stolen it and now they are rich and not you.

Like I said earlier this is a company that is not necessary and I don't want to say preys on, but is attractive to people who are lazy or not very knowledgeable.  You probably haven't done any research on your idea or try to do anything about it, but after it fails all of a sudden you are researching the company you blame for your lack of success, of course it had nothing to do with you, and nothing to do with your idea that will someday change the world.  It's seems like a quick fix, like a diet pill that works in hours instead of months, years, or decades.  Keep in mind if someone ever does market this 1 hour diet product, it's mine, and it must have been stolen from me posting it online, it wasn't just some chemist who stumbled into it, he read it here first.

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