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  • Report:  #189929

Complaint Review: George S. May International Company

INVESTIGATION: George S. May excellent for any business wanting to grow - commitment to provide excellent customer service, positive rating for its customer support from Rip-off Report, feel confident & safe when using a members product or services.. No matter what their competitors try to post on the Internet about them..!

*UPDATE: Rip-off Report Investigation - George S. May International recognized by Rip-off Report as a safe business service - May International pledges to resolve complaints from the past & in the future, 100% commitment to customer service, feel confident & secure when doing business with member businesses

  • Reported By:
    Suwanee Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 04, 2006
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 04, 2006
  • George S. May International Company
    303 S. Northwest Highway
    Park Ridge, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Rip-off Report Investigation:

The George S. May International Company is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service and gets a positive rating for its customer support from Rip-off Report. The George S. May International Company pledges to resolve complaints and address inquiries from the past, present and in the future.

This company has been in business since 1925, and serves more than 6,000 clients every year and employs more than 800 people throughout North America. However, with these numbers of relationships, mistakes and misunderstandings do occur. We are all human and people are not perfect. The George S. May International Company has a small number of complaints against it when compared to the large number of transactions it makes every year.

There are many other companies that would disregard this comparatively small number of complaints. May International, however, believes in doing what is right for its clients. An important aspect to any kind of business relationship is how problems, when they arise, are resolved. Responsible companies, like the George S. May International Company not only want to know about problems, but also want the opportunity to correct the problem and make it right.

May International is committed to resolving these issues and providing satisfaction to the best of its ability for its clients and employees.

George S. May International Company's commitment to client and employee satisfaction is shown by its participation in the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program.

After interviewing the president of the company, it is clear that he and May International are dedicated to helping employees and clients achieve complete satisfaction and will not allow any legitimate complaint to go unresolved.

Consumers doing business with members of the Corporate Advocacy Program can feel confident and safe when using a members product or services.

Read more about George S. May and their commitment to total customer satisfaction.


George S. May International Company Beware -- very misleading hiring pratice and bulldog sales tactics Park Ridge Illinois

Re: George S. May Company ? Executive Analyst

Please read my experience and make sure you check them out and ask the right questions prior to moving forward with them which were two of the worse weeks of my life.

First off I've been in sales and/or sales management all of my career and like many prospects I found this position intriguing to say the least and sent my resume off to them. Less than a week later I got a call from the HR to arrange a telephone interview for that Friday afternoon which I found to be a logical first step.

That Friday at first the telephone interview was going very normal with questions and answer type questions but closer to the end I had quite a few questions which most were not answered and was told that would be discussed more by another person or at training. I didn't have a problem with another person but at training seem a bit late for me to have some critical questions answered.

I still have some of the questions in my notes which were the following:

During the first 90 days when there is a large learning curve and time spent training is there any training income to help cover you during those times?

Per Diem ? how is that broke down and for what?

What about mileage for personal auto?


Participation in Management Service Fee?

Of all these questions the only answer I received which was partial and untrue in the end is the telephone interviewer said there was some training allowance the early going which would be discussed in more details during training. On all the others he said it would be discussed during training.

We finished up the interview and he said he liked how I interviewed and like most sales people I was in a sales mode and trying to go for the close without having all the information. He said he would put me to a committee and try to rush me thorough which should have been a red flag for sure. He then called back and said good news and we can get you in the training class starting this Monday flying out Sunday night. Wait a minute, next week is Spring Break and I have plans to take a few days off to spend with my kids and I asked when the next one would be and he said more than a month away. Well, I called my wife and so be it left that Sunday night to Chicago, Now getting there that night was no picnic since they flew me to Huntsville, AL from Atlanta and said in that airport forever due to bad weather which was just bad luck. I got into the O'Hare at like 2:30 AM and by the time I got my luggage and a taxi got to the middle of the road type motel in not the best section of town at 3:30 in the morning.

The shuttle left at 7:30 on Monday morning which I made someway somehow. Now comes my real live experience of the May Company. The trainer which I will only call Mr. B. was one of the most egotistical type ?A? people I've ever met and I've been in sales my entire career and over 20 years in IT so I've met a few. I also spent 3 years in the military in the Army. He was more like a interrogation type personality and said they had someone from the military design some of their questionnaires with a smile.

Let's just say my first impression was not positive and I was wondering what the heck had I got my self into but at this point pride and I might as well give it the week and see if it gets any better and was thinking maybe this was a weeding out process. We had 8 guys in our class for Executive Analyst all men.

Let me say this made my experience in Boot Camp seem like Summer Vacation with the girl scouts this training was intense and fast pace. We covered a lot of material all day with about a 5 minute break every hour or so and lunch break each day which we had to pay for our own. We also had homework each night no less than several hours worth and the only places to eat near the motel were a McDonalds, Italian place and a place kind of like Denny's and no workout place at the motel since I like to workout 3 times a week and needed bad with the stress level. Oh, another point they didn't cover during the phone interview they were giving us $20 per day per diem and they paid for the flight and motel. I was paying $10 a day just for long term parking at the Atlanta airport. So, I had to eat on $10 per day but the motel did have a free breakfast thank God.

By that Friday, we were down to 6 guys from the start. It had become somewhat of a game of survivor and it would be a great warm up for anyone who might want to go in that direction since it's all playing with your mind and my internal competitive spirit was on full throttle since I played high school football and am very competitive. The bad news is the ones that threw in the towel early were not the losers but the smart ones. On that Friday afternoon now seeing the organization and knowing this was not right for me and I was told one week training and then was lead to believe I would be returning home since I only packed for one week. I approached Mr. B. and said I must return home since they were congratulating us and said on Saturday we would get our first assignments (not my language but theirs). He jumped on me and said you now are springing this on me and you are not going to take your assignment and are throwing away a lot of money. He got very heated face to face with lots of yelling and I'm normally laid back and non confrontational type person. I went on to say I was never told it would be strait on the road for two weeks which he said there was something in an email regarding that information. I also said I was out of some medication and he didn't even blink an eye not that this medication would cause me that kind of threat but he had no clue nor did he care. He left to go speak with the Chief and then returned and we went into an office and continued to yell at each other. He was really trying to break me at this point. He kept playing the money game on me and I said if I made all the money in the world I would never use this type of approach on the client since it seemed this was the tactic they wanted to play with employees and or clients. As a matter of fact I would not be an employee of the company until Sunday and was just still in training.

We went on and he changed his approach since he saw the money was not getting him anywhere with me and changed it to a sense of duty and he had hit a weak nerve since I was raised in that was from the old school. He said we paid all this money to train you and you won't take your assignment and kept asking me over and over will I take it or will I not and for quite a while I was silent and he knew he had me on the fence and must admit in his world he was good since I'm very strong willed. I finally caved in and took the assignment which was strike 3 since going to training without all the information and answers was strike 1 and putting up with this Anit-Terriosty type training approach was strike 2.

On that Friday later afternoon they finally explained the great per diem policy which was $90 per day to cover everything other than your flight. Now try to cover, motel, rent a car, food, gas, tolls, parking and etc. for $90 a day. I was fairly much quite at this point but a few spoke up and said no way but he said it works out in the long run which was pure BS. Also the training allowance was bonus for what they call ?Go Ahead? on your first few deals and only paid when they got revenues from the client.

On that Saturday I took my first assignment to Virginia Beach, VA to a small company of around $750K Carpet Company. I had a little time and that night I used Expedia and found a cheap motel and rent a car which still was running me close to most of my per diem just for those two without eating or anything else. I also stayed a ways from the clients business since he was closer to the beach and higher rent so I had a good commute from the motel. My first day was not too bad and I went with the training game plan fairly much since these guys were suppose to be the experts and took his financials and starting putting the information on my notebook in the proprietary software which is nothing more than a spreadsheet that generates some reports. I must say this business was hurting and the owner was paying himself around $36K and his son who were the chief carpet installer and manager around $30K and hourly for most other employees with high turn over and most didn't even drive to do DUI's. They had not money left but he had a Home Equity tied to his personal home that we uncovered and George S, May now knew he could find a way to pay them and turn his business around. The main weak point we uncovered is the son didn't know much of the operational side of the business and if something happed to the Father then the business would be in trouble. They played on that emotional at the Sr. level and wanted me to play hard on it. I went along with it since it was a fact but at some point on day 2 in the afternoon he became tired of it on day 3 in the morning he said he couldn't afford our services and paid the $200 fee and asked for me to leave which I did.

I called my Sr. and he said go back you were not released yet and I found this to be quite silly but now being a good solider I did as ordered. I went back and ran into the owner leaving in the parking lot and we both rolled down our windows. He said I thought we were through here and I have an appointment and I said my management wants to make sure we left on a positive note and we do all that was promised. He said we're done and I will give you a bad write up if you don't leave me alone since this bull dog tactics does not work on everyone and by no means am I personally comfortable with this approach.

I then called my Sr. once again and told him what took place and he said for me to go back and wait until he returns and then call him. I said ?What?? and said no way and I refused the order and said we're done here. He then eased up and was as nice as a pussycat since he knew he had pushed me has hard as he could and said drive to the airport and call me for your next assignment. Once arriving he said you're heading to Orlando to visit a company in the decorative concrete business. Now let me tell you what a night mare it is being blind to your next job now this is mid day on Wednesday and they made me hang our for quite a while at the airport and I had to scramble to find a motel and rent a car and at the last moment which won't give you the best rates and Spring Break is going on in the Land of Disney. I can't even find a motel for much less than my per diem and this is crazy. I get to my motle which is on the North side of town like at 2:00 AM and have a 9:00 appointment the next morning. I'm worn out from two solid weeks on the road with no down time or no work out which is important for me to release stress and I feel like a pressure cooker getting to blow my lid.

I meet with the owner the next morning and we pull together the financial after a bit since the sales person before is supposed to tell them to have that waiting but in this case it didn't happen. He has a nice growing business close of $750K sales and growing with about 12 employees. I'm just worn down and know this is not going to work out for me at all. I still doing my duty did the job for this company which was very strong and could tell he would not be the kind to make any quick decisions and I said I agreed with that approach and would do the same and don't let anyone try to change your mind. The GSM Company can always find some areas for improvements and was licking their chops since they had a live one. I provided the final ?flub? since that's most of what it is and he said thanks and said he was going to do something in a few months after it got a 2nd review and thought it over. I called my Sr. and once again he hit the roof and said we don't do business that way and we can't afford to do it that way and we won't since we don't let the client dictate how we do business -- fine then we won't be there choice and the company says if I can't come away with the ?Go Ahead? then I don't get paid even if they come back and do business with us -- yes that right some policy. Well, I packed up my stuff and got to the Orlando airport and called my Sr. who was pissed once again and he told me to go back again and I said once again no way and I've already turned in my rent a car. I said I need a plan ticket back home and he said he had a business call and hung up. I called back several times during a course of several hours at the airport and am about ready to buy my own ticket. I also called the travel department they said I couldn't work direct with them and only my Sr. could approve the ticket. I tried to call a few more times to my Sr. but no luck but every time when I'm with the clients it was fairly simple. I called travel again and they said you are not suppose to?.but she finally said there is a ticket waiting for you but he has to approve it for it to be paid. I then after a while got through to my Sr. and he said you were suppose to call back and yes there is a ticket, fun and games, mind tactics. I finally got on a flight and got home on Good Friday to my home a little past 6:00 which felt so good.

Now they called me on Saturday morning and said they wanted me to fly out on Easter night for KY and I said no way since we are spending that evening at my sister house. They got ticked at me for not taking the assignment and it was a different Sr. but it was funny since he tried to attack my sense of duty right off the go since they are working you off a profile they have on you just like the client. I said in a nice tone this was not right for me and am leaving the company and he told me that was not professional of me not to provide notice. I said you can't have it both ways since I took the training which was unpaid and not an employee on good will and at that point was on vacation with another company. Mr. B during our discussion said I better resign effective that Friday and I sent it on Friday nigh to my manager and said I was so sorry for no notice but the current company would not allow me any notice time. So, I said no you can't have it both ways and we parted our ways. I then the on Tuesday sent all my GSM stuff back which really had very little worth maybe $10 to 15 , binder, CD software, HASP (protection for their software) to them UPS along with my expense report for 6 days Sunday though Friday travel. The put a crazy value of $420 on those items which I returned and didn't credit me any of it even with the signed proof it was returned. I was asking for $90 times 6 or $540 and had spent over $700 to conduct their business and they didn't approve one penny worth. They took off the $420, 75 for they can't say what reason and only did $45 for the last day with me getting home after 6:00. I'm fighting on this and will file a complaint with the Department of Labor but?

I was going to cut my losses if they got me back my expense timely but that was the last straw and if I can keep one person from making this mistake my purpose was served.

Suwanee, Georgia

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