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  • Report:  #1113016

Complaint Review: Irene Torres Westchester Medical Center

Irene Torres Westchester Medical Center Bully. Aggressively intimidates. Lies. Twists facts. Manipulative. Valhalla New York

  • Reported By:
    Chris — White Plains New York
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 05, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 12, 2015
  • Irene Torres Westchester Medical Center
    100 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY
    Valhalla, New York
  • Phone:
  • Web:
  • Category:

Irene Torres LCSW uses intimidation, bullying, twisting of facts, and coercion with her staff.  

Example:  One meeting she threatened all the nurse case managers that their jobs would end based on their reimbursement rates with the insurance companies.  She said it was low and going lower.  She said it was unacceptable and head could roll based on the numbers she's seen.  The VERY NEXT DAY an internal email sent to all nurse case managers was sent out, congratulating everyone for the best month ever in terms of reimbursement!  (And if you want to know why health insurance is so expensive, one month of cash reimbursement for Westchester Medical Center was $72million.) 

Example:  No Social Worker has been hired as a permanent member of staff in over 5 years and this will not change.  Irene Torres may call herself a social worker, but she doesn't care for her fellow members of her profession nor does she act like one.  Instead, she works to make the work environment for her staff as poisonous as possible to make it so that the long-term union staff want to depart.  She hires only temporary staff so that she can fire at will and without just cause as she would like.  It gives her complete control and creates an environment where you know you must be at her beck and call without complaint.  One complaint (for example if you were hired for one job, but given another) will get you fired.

Example:  If you are a Union employee, she makes life as difficult as possible for you.  One nurse manager found that the way she was scheduling was against union policy.  She called the union, this was changed, but then she took it out on everyone.  Any concessions will cause great grievance.  She does this to instill fear in everyone.

This was by far the worst hospital environment in terms of the care-coordination department I have ever experienced.  Until she is let go, I doubt things will change.  Every case-coordination staff member is scared of her.  Not one member of staff is happy with her leadership.  

The only reason the nurse case managers and social work staff do as well as they do is no credit to this woman. Some of the members of staff are wonderful people, but wonderful people being unjustly treated.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,


#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 15, 2015


Please don’t talk to me about Slander, because that’s all Irene does is slander innocent people before she gets them fired so that she can give you there former job at a higher pay scale. Remember, don’t throw stones if YOU live in a glass house.




New York,

She's still a BULLY.........

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 15, 2015


It’s obvious that this is IRENE herself, or one of her friends that she has to get to come online and defend her. And there is nothing wrong with that. But I STAND by my statements that I made already. She uses other people to do her work because these people have gone and told everyone at the hospital after she made promises to them and did not come through. She does however love to give jobs to her friends and family members from the outside. These are the one that are probably coming to her defense online.

People from Woodhull hospital even claim that they shot fireworks after she left Woodhull. They were so happy to see her go.

She got to the top not by hard work but by under handed blackmail as all the leadership do at Bellevue hospital. In fact, she wrote the book on it. That’s the only way to get to the top. She’s no different than any other politician out there who bribes and blackmails to get votes. If u think she got the job at Westchester by herself, think again. She had to get her mommy, Lynda Curtis, to pull strings for her. Every job that she has every had she had to get Lynda Curtis to get it for her. You think that she has the ability to do it herself. Think again.

I for one have gotten every single job that I have ever applied for, by myself without the help of anyone.  I was able to let my resume speak for itself and have gotten work based on my experience and skills. Can you say the same.

But the purpose of these rebuttals is to point out her bullying and lying.  So what does hard work have to do with that. Let’s say she’s a hard worker. She’s still a liar. She still covers up and throws other people under the bus. She fires hardworking people so that she can give her friends, family and people that she owes favors too jobs.

She’s still a BULLY and cannot be trusted.


New York,

She's still a BULLY.........

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 14, 2015

 It’s obvious that this is IRENE herself, or 1 of her friends that she has to get to come online and defend her. And there is nothing wrong with that. But I STAND by my statements that I made already. She uses other people to do her work because these people have gone and told everyone at the hospital after she made promises to them and did not come through. She does however love to give jobs to her friends and family members from the outside. These are the one that are probably coming to her defense online.

People from Woodhull hospital even claim that they shot fireworks after she left Woodhull. They were so happy to see her go.

She got to the top not by hard work but by under handed blackmail as all the leadership do at Bellevue hospital. In fact, she wrote the book on it. That’s the only way to get to the top. She’s no different than any other politician out there who bribes and blackmails to get votes. If u think she got the job at Westchester by herself, think again. She had to get her mommy, Lynda Curtis, to pull strings for her. Every job that she has every had she had to get Lynda Curtis to get it for her. You think that she has the ability to do it herself. Think again.

I for one have gotten every single job that I have ever applied for, by myself without the help of anyone.  I was able to let my resume speak for itself and have gotten work based on my experience and skills. Can you say the same.

But the purpose of these rebuttals is to point out her bullying and lying.  So what does hard work have to do with that. Let’s say she’s a hard worker. She’s still a liar. She still covers up and throws other people under the bus. She fires hardworking people so that she can give her friends, family and people that she owes favors too jobs.

She’s still a BULLY and she’s still a MONSTER.




#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 10, 2015

It is a bit disheartening and frustrating that former employees would come online and slander their previous boss. Far from being unprofessional, it is also unfair for a hardworking woman to have her reputation tarnished because of a few disgruntled employees. 

Yes, Irene Torres has high standards; she wants the best from her employees as would any employer.  Yes, she is extremely successful,  and she has worked hard for her career.   anyone who thinks she pawns off her work to others, has never worked a hard day in their life and has no idea how to get to the top of their career. higher management recognize your work and your efforts. Claiming she uses others is just a  way to make yourself feel better about your own failures.

if you expect to come to work and be tardy and insubordinate, then do not blame her for implementimg the rules. this is what makes her a boss, not a bully. 

OP is a minority woman

#9Author of original report

Thu, March 12, 2015

The original poster is an very politically liberal minority woman who loves when deserving women of minority backgrounds get ahead.  

This is actually one of Irene Torre's usual tactics.  She accuses anyone who disagrees with her of racism.   When she gets fired she will use this defense, whoever fires her is just being racist.   She can't/won't take responsibility for her faults, she just blames others. 

It's a testimony to her skills in manipulation that's she gotten so far.  But enough is enough, please someone take this woman out of her job so the many good people under her don't have to suffer so much anymore.




Irene Torres is nothing BUT a BULLY

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 12, 2015


I sorry to say that the individual in the January 2014 report is positively, absolutely right. She did the same B/S at Bellevue hospital. The only reason why she was allowed to get away with all the horrendous things that she did to people, was because of Lynda Curtis, (who was the VP of Bellevue at the time) was her mommy dearest. The only reason why she left Bellevue was because her mother was going to retire and she knew she would not have any protection at all.

She was nothing but a monster, a MONSTER at the hospital. Not only does she lie but she intimates staff to get them to lie too. She even told several staff members to lie about a fire that occurred on the inpatient psychiatric unit in March of 2007 to lie to OMH and DOH when they came to investigated why a patient was left behind on a smoke filled unit. How do you like them apples.

This is a woman that you want to represent your hospital a women that encourages staff to put patients at risk.

I will tell you one thing, the only reason why she got that job at Westchester, was probably because someone owed her a favor. She certainly did not get it for merit. Because if anyone ever called Bellevue to follow up on her, they would have heard an earful.

Don’t listen to those other people, who gave a rebuttal, who wanna play the race card. The person that Irene replaced at Bellevue was a minority woman. But that didn’t change how Irene conducted herself. Those 2 other people are probably her LAP DOGS. And are doing everything for her to get a promotion. I got news for you, whoever you are. You are doing this for nothing. She is only using you. When it comes down to getting your raise or promotion, you’re NOT going to get it. And if something happens, (like the fire at Bellevue) she is going to throw you under the bus, because that’s what she’s good for.

You have probably been doing all her work for her and for what, you have nothing to show for it  in the end because she’s nothing but a user.  

I disagree

white plains,
New York,

Strongly Disagree

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 17, 2014

When men are driven in their careers, and want only the best performance from their employees, he's called a "go getter" When a woman is driven in her career and does the same, she's a b***h.

When Ms. Torres came to Westchester Medical Center, her department was in the dark ages, looked down upon, and dysfunctional. Ms. Torres came with her knowledge and expertise and changed the department in so many ways. The department is now looked at with respect, and the staff produces.

It has not been an easy road though. There was push back, mean spirited people making judgements, people not willing to change and do their jobs, and those who just didn't understand the regulations that dictate what the department had to live up to.

But, over time, and perserverance, this changed. Ms. Torres has molded her department into a functional, respected department. She has increased staff lines.....yes, she hasn't hired permanent social workers.....she's not able to . That is a decision from the CEO of the hospital....not Ms. Torres. She is working within the rules she has been given.

Intimidation????? Maybe some people just don't want to hear that their work is sub-par. They don't want to work harder, because they never had to. They want to stay in the dark ages, and in their little rut. To them, I say LEAVE.  Go find another job where not much is expected of you. But if you want to be a professional, and to do a good job, you must follow the rules and regulations that govern the health care industry.

I have heard Ms. Torres tell it like it is......I have also heard her commend people who do a good job.

Sometimes, we all need to sit back and LISTEN.  Maybe the way things have been done are not the best, most productive ways. Maybe they weren't being done right. But they are now.

Thanks Ms. Torres, for a job well done.





New York,

False report

#9UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 13, 2014

 This entire report is inaccurate and false. Whoever the author of this report is, hides behind the anonymity of the site and is most likely someone who is racist and cannot stand to see a minority woman in this senior management position. Ms. Torres has an outstanding reputation of fairness and equality in the Care Management community. Her achievements include being an administrator at many esteemed institutions in the Metropolitan area for more than 20 years and as such she has high standards and expects the same high level of performance from her staff.  As a current employee I vouch for Ms. Torres to be a fair and respectable boss.

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