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  • Report:  #1144143

Complaint Review: Iron Sword Enterprises LLC

Iron Sword Enterprises LLC Greg Louks, Matt Baker, Ben Baker It's a cult, not a company Wallkill New York

  • Reported By:
    ARealPM — Wallkill New York
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 05, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 09, 2016
  • Iron Sword Enterprises LLC
    2359 Route 300
    Wallkill, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was brought on by this company because of my expertise. I am a construction project manager. Greg Louks, the owner of Iron Swords, is a disabled veteran, making his company an SDVOB under government classification. Before being awarded the project for which I was hired to run, Iron Sword served as partner to big, compentant firms chasing government set-aside projects for which those firms would be ineligable unless partnered with an SDVOB. That means that Iron Sword was earning money for doing nothing but being a non-functioning front man. But my project was private, and it required actual performance.

As any PM would do, I began by trying to collect company templates and familiarize myself with company-specific management programs. Iron Sword had nothing for me to work with, not even a decent computer. Like PM's do, I went from employee to employee trying to get my bearings. Like no other construction company I had ever seen, everybody at Iron Sword was very territorial regarding their work, and nobody there could explain to me in any understandable terms what it was they were doing for a living. As it turned out, everybody there was part of the same church, some crazy Born-Again church. Once I got to know everybody, I realized I was the only person in the company who had ever worked for any type of construction firm. And then, about one week into my new job, it dawned on me what I was dealing with. Iron Sword is a cult.

I woke up in a panick one night. I was afraid I had been made part of a CIA front, as Greg Louks is a fomer West Pointer and an infantry commander. I have worked for at least 15 different construction firms, and there is never any mystery as to what people are doing with their time. Construction projects are such massive collective efforts that they simply can't come off smoothly without the PM having a serious support system behind him. Construction firms ALWAYS work collectively. PM's are constantly assisting other PM's with paperwork, industry connections and project advice. At Iron Sword, I had no idea what anybody else was doing besides sitting in front of a computer all day. When I asked, nobody would tell, as if it was all some sort of secret.

They're not CIA, they're just completely and utterly inexperienced. The church members who hid their work did so because they didn't want me to see that they were the furthest thing from a part of the construction industry.

Iron Sword is simply a charity case. Matt Baker, the supposed director of operations, is 25 years old, his parents are members of the same church as Greg Louks and Matt held one job in the finance industry before becoming Greg's DOO. Matt's brother Ben is also a one-job man who comes from finance, where he served as some sort of intern. His title is something like Tecnical Project Executive. At Iron Sword, you can just make up your own title, which is what they have to do since they don't understand the industry standards.

Greg's assistant on his Salvation Army jobs (more charity) is a 26 year old woman also from finance. I have no idea what they did when they went to the Salvation Army together, but Greg came back smelling like alcohol every time. He also rushed straight to her office every day when he got to the office, and one day, before I had met her, he told me, "You're going to love Carla." I didn't love Carla. She pooped in the office every day and stunk the place up. Disgusting! Greg is in his 50's and has a wife and kids at home. Why is he going out drinking with Carla?

Anyway, Carla asked me about religion one day, and I divulged that I was half Jewish. The same day, Greg took a schedule I had worked on for two weeks and he changed it in twenty minutes and sent it to the client. The schedule fell apart the next day, a power struggle kicked off between stakeholders and Greg fired me. I have no idea if he fired me because I'm Jewish or because he totally scewed up our job by being such a pridefull moron. He refused to tell me.

All I can say is that any money that ever goes to Iron Sword is a ripoff. Why would you pay someone to do nothing but earn a contract for a massive multi-billion dollar firm? Iron Sword is a scam. Iron Sword takes taxpayer money to do nothing. They simply get jobs for large ineligable firms and then take a tiny percentage.

Greg Louks, Matt Baker and Ben Baker are all inexperienced idiots who believe themselves to be geniuses, which is what hapens inside cults. All day every day, the young inexperienced buffons Greg surrounded himself with sing his praise straight to his face. It's typical cult behavior, and I can't thank Greg enough for firing me. I have a real PM job now with an honest firm, and I'm almost free of the creepy feeling I got from being around the Iron Sword office.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Original Poster Revisits, Corrects

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 09, 2016

I, the OP, feel I must revisit this thread to clarify and update what is impossible to remove from view.

The history involved here is that I misread Greg Louks and he misread me. Because of that I suffered a disappointment at his hands and was given no indication as to why. I was left to imagine the cause for myself, and for a period of time I believed the cause to be deception, malice or religious differences. These are opinions I formed in anger, and they left me confused and conflicted in regards to my personal opinion of Greg. It is still my opinion that Greg made a mistake, but I can no longer bring myself to believe that he acted any way other than honorably or that he intended, or even wanted, to disappoint me.

I lashed out and recorded an opinion born of an unfortunate state of mind. I had cause to be upset, but when I recorded those feelings and put them on display, I not only acted in a manner contrary to my usual personal standards, but I made the terrible mistake of immortalizing opinions with short lifespans. I simply do not feel as I did when I wrote the original post. It seems the right thing to do is to set the record straight by presenting my current, and now longstanding, opinions of both Greg Louks and Iron Sword.

I would be justified in hating Greg, yet I admire him, just as I did when I first met him. He has done nothing for me and there exists no reason in this world for me to look up to him other than who he is. He is a man who grew up so poor that he slept on a sheet of plywood throughout his childhood and enlisted in the army as a means of survival. A few years later he was named the First Captain of his graduating class at West Point. First Captain is what all cadets compete for over their four years at the academy, it is the top spot. The list of former First Captains is a list of generals and CEO’s. To go from being enlisted to being the First Captain of your class at West Point is simply unheard of. Had Greg not been injured in service they would be pinning a star on him right about now, possibly a second. His life is an honest-to-God inspiration story. And he is a good man as well. He is a prominent member of his church, and if you visit Iron Sword headquarters you will see a fellow church member answering the phones and another cleaning the building. Greg is not simply impressive and accomplished, but he serves the people around him.

There is no other way to put it, Greg Louks is a good man. Many people would categorize him as a great man, but I am not here to praise him. I am making this statement because a man who proves to be decent over a lifetime shouldn’t have to endure a permanent judgment from a moment when he may have made a simple mistake, and the mistake to which I refer was a perfectly legitimate act, not a dishonorable one.  Furthermore, it is my opinion that it was a mistake. His act gained no condemnation, nor deserved any, from anybody but me.

Regarding Iron Sword, the company offers two things that separate it from its competition and make it my opinion that it is a strong organization built on sound objectives. First, Iron Sword is run by Greg and his VP, another West Point grad and infantry leader. The philosophies, strategies and tactics Iron Sword employs in their practice of process controls are modelled after those of the U.S Army Infantry, which is the most dynamic, complex and coordinated enterprise in the history of mankind. Secondly, Iron Sword is in the business of representing people and working toward the success of specific endeavors. Greg and his team are incomparable to other alternatives to representation because of their specific experience. But it is not the resumes that make successful representation, it’s the fact that Iron Sword presents itself in accordance with its experience, meaning coordination is military grade, communication is clear and concise and leadership is so sound it will never be questioned, doubted or challenged. That is the ideal approach to obtaining predefined success, and that is what attracted me to the firm in the first place.

These are the opinions I held of Iron Sword before Greg disappointed me. These are the opinions I held since very soon after writing my original post. I regret that it has taken me so long to correct the record, and I resent the existence of any ‘record’ at all. I gain nothing by doing this and for a long time it was easier to forget my words were still out there than to face regret. But Greg Louks is a decent man with an honest company, so I am glad I decided to eat my words and admit that I was wrong, because, like I stated already, it feels like the right thing to do. 

I apologize to Greg, and I wish Iron Sword success and the best of luck, but I doubt they will need luck.  With a principal like Greg, the company is destined for success and longevity.




New York,

This "Report" is false, libelous, and shameful

#7General Comment

Thu, September 18, 2014

I also have known Greg for decades, and when I saw this so-called report, was alarmed.  I feel obligated to respond with facts:

1. The author of this report is BRANDON T. SMITH, formerly of Marlboro, NY.

2.  Smith was hired by Greg after several phone interviews and at least two personal interviews.  Smith was a veteran looking for work, which caused Greg to hire him over more qualified individuals.

3.  Smith worked for Greg for a grand total of 3 weeks before he was released.  Although Greg would not share why he released Smith, I can only imagine, especially given the tenor and tone of Smith's messages.  (He sounds mentally unbalanced to me.)

4.  Smith's posts are replete with falsehoods and innuendo intended to do as much harm to Greg as possible.  Clearly, if it were in Smith's powers, his aim is to destroy Greg, his reputation, and his company.  IT IS A SHAME that the internet has provided Smith with a free and unchecked forum.  I have asked Greg why he will not sue Smith for a clear case.  Incredibly, he does nto want to harm Smith, even though Smith's posts represent legal interference with business and are clearly libelous.  Greg probably would have to spend at least $20,000 in legal fees to put a halt to the nonsense and filth spewed by Brandon T. SMith. (And shame on Ripoff Report for exercising NO diligence in checking the truthfulness of Smith's posts.  These falsehoods are easy to check.)

5.  Greg receives NO assistance from the federal government.  (This can be confirmed legally.)  NONE.  He refuses to accept any payment from the government and does not receive ANY payment--not a nickel--for medical assistance.   (Or anything, for that matter. ) Yet Smith suggests he is receiving government support.  Shame on Smith.  He

6.  Smith seems to be suggesting a lifetime of service to our nation in the Armed Forces is tantamount to receiving public assistance.  Does anyone take this claim seriously?  What kind of person makes a claim like this or likens the sacrifices of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines to being on public assistance?????  (Was not Brandon T. Smith enlisted in the Army for a period of time?  Does that make him a sluggard and welfare recipient by his own definition?)  Unbelievable.

7.  Greg's business provides support to various federal agencies under the Veterans First program.  His company is certified by the Center for Veteran Enterprises, an agency of the Veterans Administration.  Most of his business is in the PRIVATE sector.  And, in fact, he SUBSIDIZES his work for federal agencies in order to provide work for veterans of our nation's military.  In other words, he has LOST money working for the federal government.  Just so he can provide work for veterans.   Yet Smith's message is full of innuendo that Greg is sucking off the federal government.  Incredulous.   And utterly disgusting.

8.  Smith suggests he knows everything and Greg knows nothing (about construction).  I guess that's why Smith was terminated and why Greg has been engaged by private and federal industry to manage projects that are valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

9.  Finally, regarding Greg's work at West Point, Smith's innuendos are criminal.  Greg manages a process (he created) that has been thoroughly vetted by Congress and every legal agency imagineable.  It is a process by which PRIVATE funds are used to assist the U.S. Government to provide capital projects on federal property AT NO COST to the federal government or the American taxpayer.  There is not a penny of government money involved.  Free citizens of our great country have donated these funds.  Minimum wage for these projects???  Utter nonsense.  Because there is no government money, the projects are not obligated to the Davis-Bacon Act (prevailing wage).  But they still have to compete in the real marketplace.  That means they often pay union scale for the projects they provide freely to our country.

I suppose I could write page after page to refute the original post of Brandon T. Smith.  Read his follow-on posts.  You will get the sense, as I have, that his posts are motivated by rage and a desire to harm the reputation of one of the few men of honor I have ever known.  Just because he got fired.  So the double-edged sword of the internet is that we have freedom of speech, but that people like Smith can abuse it shamelessly for their own ends.  I have no words to express my disgust for this.  

If you have ever known Greg, you know that what I am writing is true and that Brandon Smith's posts are absolutely false.  Feel free to post your own opinion or to ask me questions in a rebuttal to Smith's post.  I will respond with great joy.



Warrior or Big Cry Baby?

#7Author of original report

Sat, August 02, 2014

It saddens me to see someone treated so well by his fellow countrymen actually thinking they owe him something. This person most likely went to West Point and then served as an officer for 20 - 30 years, meaning American citizens completely supported this fool throughout his entire life. He took a job, he got paid and now he's confused about what's owed him. He's owed nothing, especially by me, a fellow veteran. Nobody defends me, nobody fights for me, and that's the way I like it, because I never asked anybody to do anything whatsoever for me. If I were going to ask, I'd ask that the military figure out some way to finance itself other than by taxes, because taxes are killing me. But I'm not asking for anything other than that the people this nation props up as military officers be grateful to their nation and not feel as if it owes them.

If you read this poster's original comment, you will see how he feels that Greg Louks saved his nation tens of millions of dollars while working for the AOG. That's the kind of confusion you get when people drift from reality and start thinking everybody else owes them something. Greg Louks didn't save his nation money, he saved the OAG money. His 'revolutionary' ideas about West Point construction are nothing than scheming his way around Davis-Bacon, the federal law that says people working on government construction projects must be paid prevailing wage. Instaed of obeying the law, Greg Louks and the rest of the scum at the AOG claim that AOG projects are private enterprises, which are somehoiw occuring on federal land. Instead of involving the army, which is involved anyways since we're talking about an army base, Greg used the AOG as the financer of projects, and when completed the AOG would gift the projects to the federal government. Local labor unions get cut from these projects and contractors from out of state come in and take the work, and then they pay their people minimum wage.

Like the new lacrosse center being built now. This $15 million dollar building will become part of the West Point campus, which is an army base. How can this not be considrered a federal project?  How can construction workers go to West Point to build this thing and then be paid as if they're working on Wal-Mart land? The answer is Greg Louks. Like his fellow West Point moocher here, he thinks the nation owes him something, and this turns into a sort of hatred for the entire private sector. Greg doesn't want to see Americans thrive, he wants to see them make minimum wage for doing the hardest work known to man.

Most West Pointers join the private sector at some point. A few of them hang around their college campus for 50 years, mooching off the citizenry indefinitely. They can't accept the fact that they're just another type of welfare recipient, so they invent stories of heroism and reasons they're owed something by the very people who support them. I owe nothing, especially to some West Point dirtbag who came to the Hudson Valley just to do harm to the local economy by farming out what used to be a reliable source of work for the region.

Anthony D

Clifton Park,
New York,

Who is Todd Brown?

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

I wrote the rebuttal to this original report, and I am not Todd Brown.  I do not know Todd Brown, and I have never worked for AOG.

Shame on this gentleman for saying our warriors do nothing for our country other than cash checks.  I suggest he visit a VA hospital to reassess his opinion.  Personally, I have spent 6 1/2 months as a patient in a VA and I know the hardships our veterans endure first hand.  I am disappointed that  one of the citizens that I proudly served for, so vehemently disrespects our military veterans.  

I remain, a proud veteran.



High Standards? More like 'High Demand on Taxpayers'.

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 01, 2014

Todd Browne is the author defending Iron Sword. He is Greg Louks' successor. Todd just retired from the army, which means he lived off tax money for the past 30 years. Now that he took Gregs' old job as the president of the Association of Graduates at West Point, he immediately hired Greg to be his owner's representative, despite Iron Sword being wholly unqualified.

Note how Todd thinks it's normal practice in industry to hire your friends. Todd's never had a job in any industry. Government is not industry. Todd's understanding of how the private sector works is completely underdeveloped. That's what happens when America pits a man like Todd through college and then gives him a career. He comes to assume that life is the same for everybody. Todd thinks we're all out here getting things for free, from our friends and relatives. It's not the case, Todd. That only happens amongst you West Point pukes. And that's why this country can't win a damned war anymore, because our officers are as soft as pillows. 

Greg Louks and Todd Browne should be cast out into the real world and told to make a living for themselves. The American working class has too many of these high-class welfare recipients already. What has either of these men ever done for their nation besides cashing its checks every week? 


New York,

High Standards Can be Difficult for Some Employees

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, June 26, 2014

This Ripoff Report should be questioned before an opinion is formed of this man or his company.  Iron Sword is a rare gem that should not be overlooked, and it is managed by a very competent man of tremendous character. 

I have known Greg Louks for exactly thirty years, I believe the gentleman that authored this 'Ripoff Report' knew Greg for less than one month. If one were to measure integrity on a continuum I believe Greg represents the upper threshold. His values are rare and refreshing, they stand out as impeccable. Greg conveys a command presence, a sense of complete confidence and control.  He manages his company with a culture representative of his personal values and leadership experience.  I encourage the reader to meet Greg and his company; evaluate for yourself how Iron Sword will manage your construction project - their work is pristine, you will be thankful that you invested the time to vet this company.

While an executive at the West Point Association of Graduates Greg saved the Academy (our country) tens of millions of dollars, possibly more in project costs. His policies and procedures literally revolutionized the way construction can be done on federal properties. I would encourage any interested parties to question Greg on his ideas and what he has done to streamline the cumbersome bureaucratic process of federal contracting.

This forum is based on freedom of speech,  and opinion. The U.S. constitution also affords us a freedom of religion. I do not see how faith enters into this discussion. It is common practice in industry to hire friends, college roommates, military buddies, and even members of our church.  I am not sure why religion is found as criticism by the author of the Ripoff Report.  I have personally dealt with Iron Sword many times and religion has never been mentioned.  I believe the intention with any SDVOB is to hire high quality employees and grow the business accordingly.

For so many reasons the character assassination regarding Greg are wrong. However, I believe this to be unworthy of further comment except this: In thirty years, I do not ever recall seeing Greg take a single drink. I cannot imagine what this gentleman mistakably witnessed.

Finally, thank you for taking your time to consider my opinion on this matter.

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