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  • Report:  #1382784

Complaint Review: iSatanist

iSatanist John H Shaw Dishonest & Unethical. Bad Quality Horrible Representation of Satanism. Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Wylie — fort madison Iowa USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, July 03, 2017
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 25, 2017

First, understand, that I am a Satanist and the practice of legitimate Satanism is both legal and ethical. The reason that I state this is that I know there will be non-Satanist readers who will take a what would you expect attitude. Understand that this review isn't for you, it is for Satanists who would order from this company and expect a good service. Both this business and the individual owner are authorized by the Church of Satan to sell these products. 

That said, if you are a Satanist looking for jewelry, do not order from this company.

I put in an order from them for an antiqued sterling silver Sigil of Baphomet medallion for $179.99 plus shipping and handelling. This was in February. The website advertised that if the item was in stock that it would ship out but if it wasn't that these were hand made pieces that could take anywhere from 4-6 weeks for the order to be completed. 

That is understandable. However, as the time was narrowing down, I began to send messages asking about when that I could expect my order. I was given multiple dates that came and went. It then got into three month territory. To be polite, I gave Mr. Shaw an out, by asking him if there was a problem with his jeweler/supplier. He was more than happy to throw them under the bus saying that he had told them it wasn't cool. However, he then gave me a speculated date. 

At this point, I was a bit fed up, but still willing to work with him and give him a chance. I asked him what if any sterling silver medallions that he did have in stock. He told me that he had a 2 1/2 inch sterling silver Anton LaVey pendent that he would let me have (as that item is priced $20 higher in price). Skeptical, I asked him if I could see a picture and the only one that he could come up with was of him was one of himself wearing one that had been in FB situation for quite sometime. 

I was still skeptical, but he assured me that since he had this one that he would ship it the following day. 

The following day came and went, no tracking number. 

I again contacted him. 

He then sent me a message back asking me for my information to make sure he had it right. I thought that this was a bit strange, but at least he seemed to be attempting to ship it. 

When I contacted him again, he said that he had been busy planning for a big party, that he was sorry, but that he would have it out the following Tuesday. It should be noted that he had been planning the party for some time, so he knew that when he promised me the date. I finally told him that I would need to receive the tracking number by Tuesday. 

I did not expect him to ship the item out as I doubt that he had it in stock to begin with. No less, I waited until I knew every post office in every time zone would be closed down before I filed a claim with paypal. 

The following is the exact transcript of my paypal claim and Mr. Shaw's response:

Me: This was for an Antiqued sterling silver Sigil of Baphomet medallion that is advertised on the seller’s site as, “These are made on a order by order basis and can take anywhere from three to six weeks to deliver unless stock is on hand.” The six week maximum was satisfied on April 6 and I had not received my order. I contacted the seller via facebook and was now told that there was a delay and it would be eight weeks, meaning by April 20th. I still did not receive the order. I then contacted the seller and was told that it would likely not be to him from his manufacturer until May 15th. At this point, I asked him if he had any sterling silver items in stock and was advised that he had a 2 ½ inch Anton Lavey pendent. I agreed to this compromise. This was on Tuesday April 26. I was promised that it would ship out on Wednesday April 27th and reverified my shipping info for the seller. By Friday, April 29th, I still had not received any tracking information. I contacted the seller and was advised that he had been planning a big party and promised that it would be shipped out on Tuesday, May 2nd (today) and that I would receive a tracking number. No post office in the country would be opened by this time and I have yet to receive a tracking number or any indication that my item has been shipped. All communication with the seller has been initiated by me. I have been satisfied with past orders from this seller, however, this order needs to be resolved or refunded. As we are now into the 12th week of something that was supposed to be delivered in six.

His response: The order was set to go out tomorrow, since I was extremely busy with our holiday event.Reverse the claim and receive the item, or be banned from ever ordering again.You have 12 hours to decide, or we will decide for you.

At that point, without deliberation I escalated the claim.

The following morning, I was contacted by Shaw on Facebook:

Making a claim via PAYPAL causes trouble for us. If you would be kind enough to remove it I can get your item out today to you and you wouldn't have to be banned from ordering in the future. 

With the new products we have coming, it would be a shame for you to not be able to partake of them

My response was as follows:

Here is the deal. I have until May 13th to cancel the claim. This gives you plenty of time to get my order in my hands. In fact, there should be no reason if it goes out today that I won't have it by Monday, right? 

In the claim, I even mentioned that I had agreed to a different item and what the item was to assure you that I am a man of my word and will accept The Anton LaVey sigil in place of the Antiqued SS Baphomet medallion. 

All my life if I have nothing else, I have my word and my word is my bond.

This problem would not exist had you mailed the order out last Wednesday when you said that you wold. This was after I had compromised to get the ball rolling. I was willing to accept that you were having trouble with the manufacturer and so then I decided to deal directly with you and ask what you had in stock. 

Then, when I file the claim and you tell me that you will ban me unless I rescind it, did you honestly think that kind of a tactic was going to make me do so? No. It didn't and in fact I escalated it as you know.

Put yourself in my place, you strike me as a reasonable fellow. If someone would have responded to you with that garbage you would have likely said good, if that is how it is going to be I no longer want to do business with that company.

You know as well as I do that is not a way to resolve or settle an issue. It is a way for you to lose business. 

I understand about the Holiday however, I am sure you left the house at some point as you were getting ready. How hard could it be to take five minutes drop off a package and go on with your day? 

If you want to ban me from ordering again, that is obviously your decision and not mine. 

However, as we stand right now, you have a couple of options. Ship the item out to me. When I get it in my hands, I will gladly cancel the paypal claim (there is time to do this). That way I get what I actually want and you get the money. Or you can continue down this path, not send my item and after all of this communication I will win the paypal claim, you won't have sold the item, you will have to refund the money, and you can rest assured that if you took this route that you wouldn't have to ban me there would be no reason that I would ever want to do business with you again. I would like to see option a happen, you get your money, I get my item, I cancel the claim and walk away a happy customer. 

The choice is really yours.

I didn't want to do it this way. But when someone breaks their word on several occasions it becomes a matter of principal. I doubt that you would not have done the same things were you in my shoes.

He then responded:

Our WalpurgiShaw Event had many Satanists from across the country here at my place. All of our inventory had been put away during this. I was not able to take any time away from preparing or doing anything even remotely related to iSatanist until today. 

Now as it stands we have not been paid by you as PAYPAL removed the money from our account while the claim is going on and we NEVER mail anything without being paid first. That's just how business works. 

So I will wait to see what you do by tomorrow morning. 

I didn't use any "tactic" on you. So I have no idea of what you speak of on that. 

The choice is really yours. Had the choice been mine, you would have been banned already but in trying to give you a chance to learn about life events/happenings and patience. That and the fact that I'm giving you something more expensive in exchange. 

To answer your last paragraph, I do NOT do things this way with people. I'm not a bridge-burner. 

Might I suggest looking into something called Lesser Magic? It truly does wonders when dealing with people. 

In all honesty, the fact that I have to take time to go back and forth about a non-issue is quite taxing. 

I will no longer be replying. I will await your decision either by your action or when time lapses at 8am my time tomorrow morning. 

I can easily ship it today, but that is solely upon you. 

Take care!

My final reply was thus:

You knew of the event last week when you stated, "Been super busy gearing up for WalpurgiShaw. 40 people flying in. Sorry. 

I promise it will go out by Tuesday after the events." 

This was AFTER you said it would go out the WEDNESDAY before. 

Paypal did not take your money. That is bullshit. They put it on hold and if the problem is resolved, you get it. On the other hand if I close it and you never send it then I can't re open the case. You know that also.

So, let me get this straight? 

I place an order with you. 

The original order goes beyond any sane waiting time. Yet I still communicate with you and agree on a compromise. 

You first promise one ship date that doesn't happen. You then promise another ship date that doesn't happen.

The fact that you were having a Holiday party is on you not on me. Did you not know that you were having this party when you promised the two previous dates? 

Then faced with a paypal claim, your response is to threaten me to ban me from doing orders with you ever again.

It took me all of two seconds to escalate the claim from that point.

Next, you reach out to me on here. At this point I am still willing to do business on fair terms. Expressing to you that I did not want to do it this way (through paypal) but that nothing else was getting done. 

You then respond first that if you had your way you would ban me from ordering from your site by now. I wasn't aware anyone else made the decision.

However, you then go on to make it seem as though you are doing me a favor by not banning me. You are correct in saying that you offered me something for a higher value, which was nice, but means nothing when your word isn't followed through on. 

You then go on to complain about how taxing that it is for you to handle a basic customer service issue.

And you are trying to teach me a lesson in Lesser Magic? 

One who is competent with that skill would likely not have a claim escalated to paypal because of a rude response. 

It also does not show good ethics. 

It seems as though you have your mind made up. Ban me if you wish, at that point there should be no reason that I cannot expect a refund from you today, unless you choose to do this deal right and get the item to me with a tracking number so you can prove you shipped it to me and I received it. I would then cancel the paypal claim (It would be stupid of me not to because then I would lose the said claim) or you can take this approach that you seem to be set on, ban me, not ship my item, and issue a refund. 

That, my friend is based solely on you, just as it has been from the beginning of this up to and including how you have handled it.

He issued a refund later on that day with a note added to it that read: 

By your request, you have been banned from iSatanist for life.

What really struck me was that he seemed to believe that I would actually continue to want to do business with him and that he was somehow hurting me by banning me. 

Since that time I have spoken with other CoS members who have had to go well beyond their waiting time, promised discounts and free items for their patience but didn't get anything but a late and in one case damaged order. I have also been told that the antiquing wears off in ugly splotches, one person even told me that he had to re-antique it himself using Liver of Sulfur and it has not worn off since he did the job himself. 

There are other companies out there that sell Satanic jewelry that are better quality, ship faster, and offer excellent customer service.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Issue Resolved.

#7Author of original report

Sat, August 19, 2017

John Shaw, the owner of iSatanist contacted me and he and I had a wonderful discussion in which we were able to resolve our differences. 

I also now see that I had some misgivings  about him as there were some things in my situation that were beyond his control. 

Mr. Shaw deserves a lot of credit for contacting me in the forthright manor that he did and engaging me in a no holds bar conversation with candor. We both were able to see exactly where the other one was coming from and gain a level of mutual respect. 

I have requested my original post to be taken down but unfortunately I have not heard back from the admins on this site. I think that when both sides are able to resolve their differences, as Mr. Shaw and myself have done,  that whoever initated the claim should be able to take it down. 

I apologize to Mr. Shaw for any misgivings or misunderstandings that I may have had. I am also glad that he was willing to hear me out and see why. 

Mr. Shaw and iSatanist do deserve credit for bringing a very good product to the market for Satanists everywhere and it is not Wal Mart. It is a small mom and pop operation. Plus they are officially liscensed by the Church of Satan to deliver the products that they do.

Hail Satan!

No It Is Called Study

#7Author of original report

Sat, July 08, 2017


Walmart sells tissues, I didn't know that. 

Thank you for the info. 

However, there is a difference between study and obsession that you should know friend. 

When someone crosses me, gives me a bad deal, doesn't follow through, or lies (you cannot deny what I said about you was true on all levels) then I study that person. 

With you, it wasn't very hard, you have a nice little trail of tid bids that you left with your name and your words all over Satanic areas of cyberspace. 

So, I felt that this little report here, in regards to my situation would be a nice little way to get it out of my system. I also figure that while I am at it, may as well debunk your whole "I'm the first one to" claims and in process help someone else out that you had badmouthed. So, I figured, why be hypocritical? Either you stand by your past words or you don't. However it is kind of ironic that someone who once went out of his way to badmouth both the Gilmore's and the CoS that you would now be liscensed to sell their merchandise. But that is neither here nor there. 

I confess, that what I did was a bit Zaharoff like. No less, look at the stings that I pulled. Lol. 

That said, as a result of my actions, you and your competing company have made good now. Both of your businesses will likely soar as people would much rather see unity than the constant bickering. You should be thanking me. 

As far as owing me an explanation of your past Anti-CoS rhetoric, you don't. I have already seen past the bulls*** and the lies. But, did you ever think it might be nice for those who see things but don't dare to, much less make public, even privately question you about them because they don't want to "step out of line"? Of course you haven't. Why not be Christian about it and fleece the faithful, right? So much for ethics. 

No less, again, your response was nothing less than expected. Anyone reading this will see a legitimate report filed by me and a business owner who has offered nothing to detract it and furthermore made an a*s of himself in the process. Congratulations. 

In closing, in my first report I said that there were other places to get Satanic goods. I stand by that. I have had some good service with and some wonderful service from Both have shipped orders out fast, provided tracking numbers, and ample contact info in their emails. 

My experience with you sucked. Your customer service skills are s***. You are slow shipping even the simplest orders (you'd be surprised how many people have told me that one) furthermore, both with the paypal claim that you couldn't defend and your responses posted here, you have only helped me prove my case.

As I told you in all of our previous communications, don't for a second think you pulled off something special by banning me. Why on earth would someone who got the service from you that I did ever want to do business with you again?!

Or does that one go right over your head?




#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, July 07, 2017

Walmart sells tissues.

Expected Response

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 05, 2017

I let his above statement speak for itself. 

The sad thing is that he thinks that he really did something by banning me. 

I told him, ban me if you want, I don't care. Go up and read my words. 

Why on earth would I ever want to do business with him after an ordeal like that? 

Unprofessional business. 

Unprofessional response. 

Expect nothing less from iSatanist. 

Expected Response

#7Author of original report

Tue, July 04, 2017

You will notice, that the owner of this business did not for a second deny the claim that I made. He can't for the simple fact that these are quotes from the case itself. 

Me, being hurt because I can't order from him? Really? 

Why would I or anyone with good sense want to do business with him? 

No less, thank you for your unprofessional response iSatanist. Much like with your paypal claim, that you knew you couldn't win, let others see what a truly unprofessional outfit that you have.

The fact that the CoS endorses you isn't really something for them to brag about either. 



Disgruntled S*** Disturber

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 04, 2017

This person named above is a known troublemaker and is only doing this because his conduct has gotten him banned from ordering from our company.  Since he isn't allowed to order, his only mode of attack is petty things like this.  We recomended he get a dog or a girlfriend, so that he may move on in life, and possibly get a life while he is at it!

iSatanist is endorsed by the Church of Satan and we have NEVER not delivered on any product(s).  NEVER.

The proof is in the pudding and our reputation is on par with EXCELLENCE.  We have the HIGHEST-QUALITY merchandise and no other can even come remotely close to being labeled as competition.

We fail to see how someone who isn't allowed to order products from a company can call the company a ripoff.  Funny how that hapens, eh?

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