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  • Report:  #314862



  • Reported By:
    verona Kentucky
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 05, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, June 21, 2009
    4750 Wesley Ave ,
    Norwood, Ohio
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hello potential college students. I am writing this letter to prevent someone from making a big mistake. The more people I can keep from making this mistake the better I will feel. I should have followed my gut from the start and took the information I had from this site as well as others and allowed that to influence my decision as far as attending this college.

Last sep I was looking to go back to college. I had went down this path before and it ended up I could not afford to follow thru. Wel 5 years later some things had changed and I was more so in a position that allowed me to attemtp to go back. I have a large family and I am the only person in my house that works so I appreciate my money and I am careful as to where and how I spend it. I am very frugal when it comes to money because I grew up poor and do not intend to end up back where I started so when I invest in something it needs to be worth it. I take my time investigating things and then make a decision.

Well I went to ITT as part of my investigational process that is part of my nature. They had a program I was very interested in. I could tell the rep that was showing me thru the school felt very strongly about what he was doing. He was a great guy and realy does not belong at this schol. But anyway thats besides the point. He showed me thru the school and explained the program to me and so far so good. I went ahead and sighned up and got the 1st sighn that I should quite when I found out the 2 year degree cost 45k. WOW.....Are you kidding? turns out no. I had to get a secondary lender to finish paying for the quarter cause it was more then on lender would assume responsibility for.

This place cost more then a prestigious college. Well That put me on the defense but I had time to make my deicsion. So I went with the flow. I went home that night and did research on the school for hours. I know I spent 7 hours that night alone researching ITT and came up with nothing but negative stuff. So I called and told them I wanted to cancel. I went to the school to cancel and 3 people from the school talked me int giving it a chance. One guy said " If you encounted any problems we will do what is necassary to make it right."Well , I was sold.

So I started 3 weeks later and my first class was such a huge let down. I ws basically giving ITT 3,000+$ for this class so the teacher could inform us of his wifes likes and silikes as well as give us 45 minute breaks on the hour. I was mad. I gave the guy a chance and waited a few more weeks then I was like " What did I pay ITT for?" So I started writing letters in reguards to this guys lack of teaching. Every single person in that class knew he was not teaching and they where all furious at the thought of paying money for nothing. So I went ahead sent up some emails to my rep who forwarded them to the director. The whole quarter nothing changed.

At the end of the quarter I filed for a refund of that class and the director up and quit 2 days after i filed. No notice. And the new director, who I might ad just dont give a crap, took over where he left off. The associate dean was bye far the most curteous person thru the whole process. After weeks of waiting for closer on my respons I finally got a letter in the mail from the new director saying a refund is not warranted.

Ok , how is it not warranted? I let them know the whole time I was in the class he was not teaching as well as others that I know for a fact submitted feedback for this teacher not teaching anything I drove 80 miles a day for this class and didnt get taught one day. Not one. Occasionally he would name a part. Not explaing anything about it. I deserve a refund and every single person on that class does too. I called the new director and he could not give me a stright answer other then " I didnt feel it was necassary"

If he would have refunded me I would have been satisfied and felt like maybe they make an effort to do the right thing. But in this case I had as much evidence as one could need. I had the smoking gun and support from some of thee staff that akcnowledged this was going on and still did not get a reund. What warrants a refund? The teacher not showing up 8-% of the quarter? There has to be some kind of defense for this type of thing. I left this school due to lack of support and quaity.

On the other hand there where 2 people at that school that where great to deal with and really cared. I am sorry if this affects their job in any way but this is being written for the greated good. People dont deserve this and ITT should not be able to get away with not teaching and still having to pay them. I dropped out at the start of the second quarter. 2 days after I dropped out a collection agency started calling me. 2 DAYS!. They want 2,000 cash plus the 14 k that it costs me to go for 5 1/2 months. Sound fair?

They wasted no time trying to get their money. In 2 days they are trying to collect but they had a whole uarter to resolve a teaching problem. See how that works? They care about the money not you. Now I get callled 2 times a day for money I dont owe. Ill fight it tooth and nail. If I can prevent one of you from making this mistake Ill feel much better about my time there.

Do yourself a favor. To avoid drama, stress,bankruptcy and a major waste of your precious time avoid this school. In this case you are better off not getting a degree at all. Take a look at your alternatives. You will get a much better education for a fraction of the price and I am sure a much better support group. The director knows they should refund me. He just knows he does not have too. Basically he knows there is nothing to stop him so he did what any money grubbing person in his position would do and opted not to refund me.

I will spend the rest of my life advocating against ITT tech. They have no interest in helping people. They want to please the stock holders. There is a balance that must be maintained or over time they will fail. This place is not maintaing any balance and over time they will not exist. I hope I contribute to this letting people know of my exp.

This is tha maint contributing factor and there are others involved. But I think there is enough in this article to gie you a good idea as to why you should avoid this place. The other things that contribute are similar in nature to the main problem but I dont want to waste any more of your time with information that is not necassary. Read the other ITT articles on this site as well as other sites.

I did not write this letter as a revenge mechanism. I wrote this letter to help my fellow people in the same situation. If you have a family,job and relashionship you stand to lose everything as a bi product of what comes from attending ITT. Good luck to you in the future,

verona, Kentucky

11 Updates & Rebuttals



Not So Fast

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, June 20, 2009

Well, let me describe for you the process of a "real" educaiton at many of the esteemed Universities and Colleges around our country. You teach yourself...period. Professors are merely there to guide you. The time I was able to spend one-on-one with ITT professors, and the hands-on approach got me where I am now. I landed my first position as a Junior Software Developer before I even finished my Associate's. When I was a B.S. in Chemistry major at a University, I wasn't sure where the heck it was going. Also, you think ITT teachers miss alot? You think they don't care? A University professor will tell you to your face they don't care. Also, they will miss anytime they have something going on. I have had many heart to heart discussions with ITT teachers I would never dream of trying to have with a tenured professor at a major University. I speak with the Dean and Associate Dean almost every time I am on campus. At the major University, you simply DO NOT have access to these people without waiting for an eternity. I am now enrolled in the Bachelor's program of ISS at ITT, but I will likely be switching to Software Application Development. I don't know if some of these complaints I see on here are simply centered around certain locations, but one thing any prospective student should keep in mind is this: education is the responsibility of the individual, not the institution. When I attended a major University, the lectures were a snooze, and everything I needed to learn I had to read, digest, and investigate myself. Neither Universities nor ITT are for everyone, but most of the issues I see at both for students is their misunderstanding of what an education is and how to go about attaining it.


New Hampshire,

I've had the same experience at ITT

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

I laughed when reading your report on ITT Tech. My first quarter I had a teacher who knew "nothing" about my area of study as well. We literally sat in class talking about but not limited to: car insurance, who has more sex: men or women, the lottery (gambling, not the essay(the essay was covered in Comp 1)), probability in flipping coins and a company that was created in the 80's that related to our area of study. But the teacher has been unassociated with them for so long that he seemed to only remember the name of their website.

Here's what I expected from ITT Tech @ FOURTY GRAND in a computer-related program:

1. A "hands on" experience
2. Up-to-date technology to work with
3. The latest, full-version programs both in and out of school
4. Less "on your own time" self-learning and more teaching

Here's what I got:

1. A "hands-on" experience. Hands on books and papers rather than computers most of the time.
2. Up-to-date technology to work with (when we got the chance to)
3. Demo program CD's??? Links to Demo programs??? (this part really got my goat). Sure, the school had the full programs in the labs... but where was my copy?
4. More self-learning than anything. The teachers rather than tell you what's what (in most classes) instead gave a very general lecture about the topic, then passed out detailed labs which had little in common with the days lecture.

ITT's classes were like online classes I would assume. Most of the experience is online-research and self-study.

The success stories you hear about ITT Tech students are stories about people that probably would have done well ANYWHERE they would have gone simply because of their composition.


Ballston Spa,
New York,

Thanx you all

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, November 25, 2008

I have been in contact with ITT Tech just 3 days ago. I am interested in the Criminal Justice/Cyber Security Degree. I requesting more information due to the approx. 75,000.00 tuition fee for this program that I was quoted, so I started to investigate the school. I will not attend ITT Tech and will try one of my local Colleges that will probably be half the cost.

Thank you for posting and giving me more insight on ITT Tech.

Mike R

Jersey City,
New Jersey,


#12Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2008

Mike from Ohio. I hope you have fun with you non transferable credits, since only the math and comp classes are transferable. If you think that 40 Grand is worth 20 dollars per hour or less, you are out of your mind Mike.

I went to Itt as well, and I can assure you that you will not find a great job. You might have been accepted to some University, but with no transferable credits you're starting over. The way I think about is, the reps at Itt are Salespeople, I can guarantee they get paid by student. And as always, if there is a Salesman, you don't need it. Do you know that the going rate per class at Itt is 1753 dollars? That is way more than community college, and you cannot use the credits at any other school.

When I first came here, the rep told me that the credits were transferable. That was a lie. I regret my decision to come here every day. I'm in debt up to my neck, and being offered a job at 19 an hour. This is a joke, 19 an hour for 40 grand. Honestly Mike from Ohio, I think you are not a student, but an enrollment rep for some ITT campus. The teachers really don't know much here, and most don't care.

At the end of every quarter we students have to fill out a form on a computer, as far as the performance of the teacher. Because of this the teacher will pass you even if you don't know anything. That is a shame. ITT is about money, not Education. I hope one day there is some Class Action lawsuit so I can try to recover some of my money.



You have to be joking.

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 27, 2008

To the person who has responded to this post you are full of crap.

I went to ITT for one quarter 4 years ago and that was all he time I needed to decide it was a joke.

I graduated NKU 2 years after I left ITT and it was the best choice I ever made. I wasted a small fortune to attend 3 poor classes and I did not have ONE teacher that I thought was capable. So savetheconsumer was lucky to at least have one decent teacher.

To claim that ITT is cheaper then NKU is not an ignorant statement its a stupid one. Either you cannot add or you are a lier. My degree at NKU cost less then eleven thousand and some change. Anyone here can prove that you are a lier bye simply going to itt and get information and find that any degree cost more then 35k You must be employed with them or have some sort of interst in the company or you would not be goin so far as to make all these stupid claims.


ITT cost more then 35K for a degree. As much as 40+ and it goes upi every year. They are capitalizing on a need for education. Shame on you people.

ITT has a TERRIBLE teaching staff

NKU cost half the price of verify this go to each school and ask about the prices. Unless you are not a resident of Ky.

Take the advice of the orginal poster and stick to a University. Cincinnati state or NKU.



Just What I thought ---Lazy

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Easy Degree? I think not! I worked very hard to get my degree! And I'm continuing on with my education at Miami of Ohio! I'm over 40 years old and clearly not a child. I have been working all of my adult life and even owned a business for several years. It doesn't surprise me that some knee jerk slacker will and would take easy shots at people. I'm sure the good people at ITT couldn't be happier that your NKU's problem now. And no I don't work there, so rest easy I'm a real student. And the last time I checked, With 3 months short of graduating I have less than 30,000 dollars in this investment. This included class time, lab fees and books and tutoring.
Now guess what I found, that this was cheaper than NKU when you factor in all the extra costs. I looked into it and I suggest everyone who reads this to do the same. See the real problem is that this person didn't do any real research before jumping into a college. Spend a little time looking around, ask questions, do a little research and then and only then enroll in an institution of higher education. I will give you this, ITT Tech is not for everyone, and it clearly wasn't for this person in the original post. NKU is not for everyone nor is UC, Ohio State, Kentucky or U of L or any of the rest.

Every year ITT Tech graduates thousands of students across the nation. Do the research for yourself don't take my word for it and don't take Lazy in Kentucky's word for it, go there and see for yourself! I think if you put in a little hard work and a little effort, you could get a great education from ITT Tech.



Just What I thought ---Lazy

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Easy Degree? I think not! I worked very hard to get my degree! And I'm continuing on with my education at Miami of Ohio! I'm over 40 years old and clearly not a child. I have been working all of my adult life and even owned a business for several years. It doesn't surprise me that some knee jerk slacker will and would take easy shots at people. I'm sure the good people at ITT couldn't be happier that your NKU's problem now. And no I don't work there, so rest easy I'm a real student. And the last time I checked, With 3 months short of graduating I have less than 30,000 dollars in this investment. This included class time, lab fees and books and tutoring.
Now guess what I found, that this was cheaper than NKU when you factor in all the extra costs. I looked into it and I suggest everyone who reads this to do the same. See the real problem is that this person didn't do any real research before jumping into a college. Spend a little time looking around, ask questions, do a little research and then and only then enroll in an institution of higher education. I will give you this, ITT Tech is not for everyone, and it clearly wasn't for this person in the original post. NKU is not for everyone nor is UC, Ohio State, Kentucky or U of L or any of the rest.

Every year ITT Tech graduates thousands of students across the nation. Do the research for yourself don't take my word for it and don't take Lazy in Kentucky's word for it, go there and see for yourself! I think if you put in a little hard work and a little effort, you could get a great education from ITT Tech.



Just What I thought ---Lazy

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Easy Degree? I think not! I worked very hard to get my degree! And I'm continuing on with my education at Miami of Ohio! I'm over 40 years old and clearly not a child. I have been working all of my adult life and even owned a business for several years. It doesn't surprise me that some knee jerk slacker will and would take easy shots at people. I'm sure the good people at ITT couldn't be happier that your NKU's problem now. And no I don't work there, so rest easy I'm a real student. And the last time I checked, With 3 months short of graduating I have less than 30,000 dollars in this investment. This included class time, lab fees and books and tutoring.
Now guess what I found, that this was cheaper than NKU when you factor in all the extra costs. I looked into it and I suggest everyone who reads this to do the same. See the real problem is that this person didn't do any real research before jumping into a college. Spend a little time looking around, ask questions, do a little research and then and only then enroll in an institution of higher education. I will give you this, ITT Tech is not for everyone, and it clearly wasn't for this person in the original post. NKU is not for everyone nor is UC, Ohio State, Kentucky or U of L or any of the rest.

Every year ITT Tech graduates thousands of students across the nation. Do the research for yourself don't take my word for it and don't take Lazy in Kentucky's word for it, go there and see for yourself! I think if you put in a little hard work and a little effort, you could get a great education from ITT Tech.



Just What I thought ---Lazy

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

Easy Degree? I think not! I worked very hard to get my degree! And I'm continuing on with my education at Miami of Ohio! I'm over 40 years old and clearly not a child. I have been working all of my adult life and even owned a business for several years. It doesn't surprise me that some knee jerk slacker will and would take easy shots at people. I'm sure the good people at ITT couldn't be happier that your NKU's problem now. And no I don't work there, so rest easy I'm a real student. And the last time I checked, With 3 months short of graduating I have less than 30,000 dollars in this investment. This included class time, lab fees and books and tutoring.
Now guess what I found, that this was cheaper than NKU when you factor in all the extra costs. I looked into it and I suggest everyone who reads this to do the same. See the real problem is that this person didn't do any real research before jumping into a college. Spend a little time looking around, ask questions, do a little research and then and only then enroll in an institution of higher education. I will give you this, ITT Tech is not for everyone, and it clearly wasn't for this person in the original post. NKU is not for everyone nor is UC, Ohio State, Kentucky or U of L or any of the rest.

Every year ITT Tech graduates thousands of students across the nation. Do the research for yourself don't take my word for it and don't take Lazy in Kentucky's word for it, go there and see for yourself! I think if you put in a little hard work and a little effort, you could get a great education from ITT Tech.



LOL... WHatever makes you feel better about your Easy degree.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 27, 2008

You dont need a good work ethic to make it ar ITT you just have t be stupid enough to give away 50k dollars. You must be employed there to make such gracious remarks.

As for my work ethic you have no right to question it. You dont know me and you probably have no clue what work really is child.

I am currently enrolled@ NKU. I could not be happier. It is a great place and the price of the education is priceless. I am currently a 4.0 GPA student.

Once again folks AVOID ITT AT ALL COSTS...PLEASE CHECK OUT NKU OR ANOTHER COLLEGE....I URGE YOU. I hope I have saved at least one person from making this mistake. Thanks for reading.



Wake up !

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2008

After reading you diatribe I had to sit down and give everybody notice of the truth. I am one quarter from receiving my degree at ITT Tech in Norwood and I have received an outstanding education. I am a 3.9 student and I have had several job offers in my field of study and have been accepted at a local four year university to continue my education (and this can happen contrary to popular belief).

But I do remember people just like you my first few months at school. You didn't put anything into your studies and expected you instructors to hold your hand throughout the entire process and when that didn't happen you went right into moaning and groaning. I will never understand the something for nothing attitudes the some people have in this life. This like everything else in life it will take effort on your part and if you don't apply yourself you will not get anything out of it. The only problem I see here is that ITT let someone with a poor work ethic slip into one of the programs. Good luck with your future endeavors I think you will need it!

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