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  • Report:  #1135867

Complaint Review: J.R.Smith and Paladin Bulldogges

J.R.Smith and Paladin Bulldogges JR Smith, Paladin Bulldogs, Paladin Olde English Bulldogges paladin Bulldogges owes me, won't fulfill his agreement and breeds unhealthy dogs with no regards to their future. littlerock California

  • Reported By:
    OneofaKindBulldogs — California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 17, 2014

 My public call out to JR at Paladin Bulldogges. For those who do not want to read it all he is the summary first. Avoid dealing with this guy, he is a liar who will burn anyone. He breeds dogs with known mange, entropion, severe conformation flaws and horrible breathing. Dogs I personally saw on his yard that were not near breeding quality, like Hellrazzor’s Bullet, BlackLine’s beast, 1bulldog nations Sampson, paladin’s reeses. He will make deals and never fulfill his part of the agreement. I have spoken to numerous breeders with similar experiences. Feel free to read the entire post if you like. In October of 2012 I purchased a dog by the name of Paladin’s Reeses from a breeder going out of business in New York. Reeses was a little over a year old and looked great in pictures. When Reeses arrived I come to realize she was a horrible breeding prospect. Reeses had entropion, wry jaw and she had HORRIBLE breathing! Reeses was produced by paladin Bulldogges. Before she even arrived I had began talking to JR Smith at paladin Bulldogs. My first question to JR was whether or not his lines had any eye issues, skin issues or breathing issues. JR had boasted up his dogs, made it clear that in his time he has truly mastered the gargoyle blood. Well, I was quite surprised when Reeses arrived to see her horrible breathing and crusty eyes every morning. JR was wanting to trade me for Reeses, but I was unsure what I was going to do with her, I really felt fixing her and finding her a pet home was ideal and the right choice.

In the process I purchased a male puppy from JR a month or two after I bought reeses, his name was Paladin’s Rocky Road. I was not willing to pay more than 1500, but he wanted 2500. I had interest in breeding gargoyle lines so I worked out a deal to pay 2000, $500 of which would be pre-payed for a future stud service to any female of my choice. About a month after receiving Rocky I decided I was going to place Reeses in a pet home after I spay her. JR really wanted her back and after we discussed it we decided I would send Reeses to her original breeder and he would give me 2 pups in return. The 2 pups could be from ANY litter and no exclusions. I specifically wanted 2 chocolate tri females that were full gargoyle blood, and of course he re-assured me that is all he breeds. I also expressed my concern of her well being. I specifically told him that I do not want my dogs passed around. I NEVER sell adults dogs intact. He re-assured me that Reeses would only have a litter or two from him and will be placed as a pet. I named a handful of local breeders that I know are scum bags and specifically wanted to make sure they would not end up on their yards. By March JR had picked up Reeses. On the way home Reeses nearly died in the car from overheating, this is to show you how bad her breathing really was. It was NOT a hot day either. Only a 2 hour drive to his house from mine and he had to pull over and drop the dog off at Blackline Bulldogs (one of the breeders I mentioned.)

After a few failed breedings JR sold or traded the dog to Blackline Bulldogs. He also acted like he didn’t and try to call and ask my permission to sell her. He specifically stated that he did NOT want to let blackline have more of his lines, and that Reeses would probably fail to produce since she failed twice. So he was hoping to come up by screwing him over. I saw his ads having her for sell before he even called me, but he thinks everyone is a fool. After he got reeses he had numerous litters. I can specifically remember 5 litters in less than one year. It was always an excuse. First he tried to do breedings that were not FULL gargoyle to avoid giving me pups. When he had a full gargoyle litter supposedly ALL the tri pups died. Next litter was his house pet kira, but I couldn’t have any of those pups because it was her last litter, so much for no exclusions huh? Then came a few outcross litters, but I finally said enough is enough, I decided I would take any pup to clear our debt. But, of course, they are all spoken for now. Numerous litters, numerous excuses, and all JR has done is try to lie to cover his lies.

By October of 2013, My boy Rocky was about 10 months old. For the prior 4 months I had been giving him eye drops every morning to deal with entropion. JR swore he will grown out of it. He also was severly wrecked conformationally. His swayed back was 2-3 inches higher then his front end that was completely bowed out with horrible feet set and splayed feet. I got him examined by my vet to confirm it was double entropion and was both on top and bottom of eyes. It was obvious. Now came the deal with Rocky. I wanted my replacement as he promised. I told him I would fix Rocky, spend over $500 to get his eyes fixed and find him a pet home. JR insisted he wanted him back and said he will find him a home, he had a lot of friends who supposedly want dogs. I was not happy with the idea. I told him how he burned me on reeses agreement to not re-sell. He swore he wouldn’t sell Rocky to a breeder. He said he wants to make everything right. Told me to come over and I can take any MALE on his yard to replace Rocky. My options were beast and Bullet. I was told I could also have Sampson (owned by onebulldog nation) because JR had traded him for two pups also. BUT he told me Sampson had double entropion to as did another male there. I took my friend who is also a breeder with me. First thing I noticed is he had a lot of different dogs. Before when I went there he had only 5-6 dogs, now he had probably double that and most all were a wreck. He admitted he had reeses sister coming back with a pup, but Reeses sister also had entropion.

In the end I took Beast. No, beast was NOT a quality dog, he was the best of the worst I was able to pick. Beast is now neutered, was never bred once I purchased him and will soon be adopted to his new family. ALL of his dogs were a conformational wreck. JR’s exact quote when seeing Rocky, “Man, I love that swayed back and those splayed feet!” After I picked up beast I spoke to him a few times and was always given excuses. He was getting reeses sister back along with a female pup, he always mentioned it as if it was an option for me. When I brought up that pup he said I couldn’t have it. Now he has a litter of pups. He claimed they were a friends, he is in jail and his girlfriend asked JR to help place them. JR admitted he had first pick of litter. He also said the father was unknown and not papered. Then I see them on his personal FB for sale as registered and the male was one he produced. The pics also show that the dogs are in his kitchen, the same house I visited. He blocked me from his personal “JR Smith” page to hide them. When I asked if I can have his first pick at least for now, he never responded. Reeses and Rocky both went to Blackline Bulldogs, and just like a piece of meat they were sold months later to 909 bullies. Rocky managed to have a good life here for almost a year, and in less than 3 months he has been on 4 different scumbags yards. Nobody wants to cut their losses and place the poor dogs as pets, they all wanna pass the buck to someone else. I spoke to two other breeders who have been burned by JR, similar issues and similar health problems. I also have two friends he owes pups to but has never come through after a year. When my one friend came for his pup he was told he cannot have that pup because it’s a female and he will only give a male since that is what he purchased. Kinda surprised when my friend buys a 2500 male dog, it is riddled with mange for a year, JR says he will swap it, but then decided he wont let my friend take a 1500 female to honor his agreement.

In fact he made my friend pay for that pup and also flaked out on meeting him when he drove from Arizona. My friend had to pay another 300 to ship a dog and head back to Arizona without his pup. All in all, don’t deal with this guy. He is shady, lies like crazy and has absolutely no understanding of. Also, 2 days after I dropped off Rocky, Sampson went crazy trying to get to him. In the process he broke into a kennel, and killed a female dog. He told Jermiah at 1bulldog nation to pick up Sampson or he was going to shoot him. So he did not honor his agreement with him. Furthermore Sampson is for sale at $2000 as a healthy breeding stud courtesy of 1bulldog nation. Guess that entropion magically fixed itself? I come to realize JR Smith and EVERY breeder directly affiliated with him, friends with him or would vouch for him is just a backyard breeder with no ethics and morals. Him and his entire crew breed for money and have no problem stacking up health issues. A year after he claimed he has no health problems in his lines he admits mange, entropion and cleft are problems he has not been able to get rid of. So much for all the lies he told me to get me to give him money. I currently filed a suit against JR and will keep people updated on the status. FYI, I have never filed a claim and lost. I know I will win, but collecting will probably never happen. BUT, if my judgement can be seen publicly it may sway some people to spend their money elsewhere. My name is Ary from One of a Kind Bulldogs. I am a reputable breeder of olde english bulldogges and I also run the ONLY olde english bulldogge rescue in the United States. Feel free to research me and you will see this isn't some fake report.

1 Updates & Rebuttals



Paladin Bulldogges lost in court. judgement in my favor for over $8,000

#2Author of original report

Wed, September 17, 2014

Court case is done and over with. he failed to show up and failed to appeal, obviously because he is wrong and had nothing to say in court. Judgement was in favor of us, the total was a little over $8,200. Although we may never see it, we are happy we have a legal judgement as proof of his ways.

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