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Jack Bruscianelli Jack Bruscianelli Chicago, Illinois
Navisis Financial is a bunch of scam artists. If you are considering either working for the company or doing business with them don't they are out to rip you off!! As a former employee I saw it all first hand what they do to as an employee is really bad. When I started they said nothing about an employment contract until it's time to get paid upon receipt of your first check which will be below minimum wage they make you sign a contract stating that unless you work there for at least 2 years when/if you quit you will have to pay them back all of your wages while you working as well as % of the money you would of made up until the 2 yr mark.
On top of that they make you do very deceptive things to get "leads" from the business you call. Another thing about this contract is that at any time they have the right to alter your pay up to and including not paying you at all which did happen. From the customer side they use technical analysis to churn the clients
investments, immediately sell them out of all their positions (stocks, bonds, mf, annuities) and put them into what the system says they should be in and constantly move them in and out of products all the while
earning 2-4% in and out of each trade. If you have come across this it is probably b/c you were scouted by them for employment or to manage you acct. But stay away at all costs you will loose!!!!!!