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  • Report:  #1105457

Complaint Review: Jacky Jasper

Jacky Jasper Sean Merrick, H-Bomb, Hollywood Street King REAL CON MAN CREATES LIES & MADE UP SCANDALOUS STORIES FOR TRAFFIC & PROFIT WHILE HIDING BEHIND FAKE NAMES & 'SOURCES' Formerly L.A, now Hiding in middle of Texas Internet

  • Reported By:
    Music Label — Cleveland Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Mon, December 09, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 16, 2013

Sean Merrick, originally from Canada (reportedly as an illegal immigrant), is a CON MAN that creates LIES, SCANDALOUS MADE-UP STORIES & PROPAGANDA about celebrities & high profile people in the Entertainment World involving bogus or imaginary 'sources' as a ruse to create traffic & rumors for the sole purpose of personal financial gain & frustrayion over a failed music career of his own.

He operates under the fictious names of Jacky Jasper, the 'Hollywood Street King' & H Bomb; and hides behind fake addresses, no phone numbers & a 'snake pit' of unscrupulous 'associates' to find the company, address, or ability to serve legal papers, or challenge the vast output of slander, character defamations & lies for ONLY commercial benefit to Sean Merrick, no matter the financial loss & public humilation of their constant internet attacks.

Due to the sheer level of false stories & dillusion of created scandals from non-factual information, Merrick has left 'Hollywood' & now reportedly resides in a hidden rural location in the middle of the broad expanse of the state of Texas. Reportedly wearing disguises, operating under associates names - leaving no traceable 'paper trail', & does not appear in public. There are hundreds of reported death threats over the volumious lies & slander.

Does this sound like a stand-up business person creating factual news stories, with credible sources, & giving his people he's attacked the abilities to respond to the false stories, rebuff the lies & put the real facts out there to the public to see what the truth is? More like a CON MAN that hides behind a 'spider web' of fake names, addresses & companies to make a living, & attempt to damage all legitimate celebrities & executives in the industry, to 'make up' for his failed music career.

Sources report his attempt to make it as a legitimate entertainer failed horribly, with a 1999 album 'Keep My s**t Clean' that failed to sell. No success with that or subsequent album, that even failed to ne released where he repackaged verses with the late Rick James & notorious wife beater & drug addict Ike Turner, appearing as if they performed with him. Spectacular failures, a reported heroin addiction, & complete lack of interest in a 'sensationalized film about celebrities' led Merrick to adapt his fake name of Jacky Jasper & start attacking legitimate entertainers & companies with fake & made up scandals, cowardly hiding behind 'sources' that were made up or he fabricated to create sensationalized headlines to shock lower level readers hungry for scandals, whether truthful or not. A true CON MAN hiding from & blocking the truth to his voracious lies & deceit.

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