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  • Report:  #1083977

Complaint Review: James Cavalier

James Cavalier Jim Cavalier, Eric Driggers Credit Card Fraud, Theft, Illegal Billing, Lying About Business Opportunity Internet

  • Reported By:
    TonyT — Mantono Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 12, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 22, 2015

Jim Cavalier stole credit card numbersand illegally charged them.

His business partnerEric Driggerswho also called himself Eric R. Driggers and Eric C. Driggers lied about the business he was getting me into and then CHARGED MY CREDIT CARD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!

His employees Kelly Clevelandand Ty Lopezstole all my credit card numbers and ILLEGALLY charged them.

They are being investigated by the PHOENIX POLICE DEPARTMENT..

They are LIARS and THIEVES!!

 If you are called  by ANY of these guys, HANG UP THE PHONE IMMEDIATELY!!

They STOLE over $3500 from me!

5 Updates & Rebuttals



Quite the keyboard Rambo Robert

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 22, 2015

After realizing you were not worth the time or energy you like to think you are, and after you had abrubtly closed your office, I moved on knowing there were better things to pursue in life. But having just found your last rant, I now think it is worth it to see if I am still within the allowable time to pursue both criminal and civil cases as well as contact the labor board and IRS for the purposes of having you exposed and hopfully prosectuted there as well.

You're alligations are rediculous; and I still have every email and text to prove that! In regards to you not filing charges, it is because you had no pictures, no recorded footage, nothing - becasue it doesn't exist. And while I believe you attempted to file a police report and have action taken related to a vehicle you tried to use to manipulate me, I am sure the officers will testify as to the actual events; you are lucky you weren't charged with filing a faulse police report on the spot. And as for Derrek that you speak of, I too have a notorized statement from him regarding your falure to pay, cheating employees, waving a gun around in the office as well as other things.

Plainly stated, if you had even a fraction of what you tried to present on this site I would have been prosecuted and jailed for years upon years. But having nothing you attempted to harm someone that would not take your B.S. while hiding behind the safety of the internet. It is a cowards way Robert! And I am sure that anyone taking the time to actually read your rant would be able to see right through it.

I will be in touch once I have looked into whether or not I am still within a timeframe allowing me to move forward with this issue. But rest assured, it won't be on here. It will be in a venue where people will actually get to see who you really are and where you can be held accountable for every word you have said.



Is Eric Driggers A Felon And Liar? You Decide

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 09, 2014

Eric R. Driggers, AKA Eric C. Driggers... According to your friends and victims you have made a career of meth use, theft, repeat probation violations and defrauding people out of money after you steal leads from every telemarketing office you work at.

I have testimony from  both my customers (that you called after stealing their information from my office... and from reliable sources that your refrigerator is empty most of the time because you struggle to put food on your kitchen table between your meth use and other addictions.

You state in your rebuttal that I have cheated alleged employees out of their final checks. Great... prove it...  I would like to have them testify in deposition after taking  a polygraph exam just how they intend to prove that they didn't get paid by my company for money owed to them when I have every check on record.
Produce one person Eric.... Sadly, you can't because your lies are as convenient as your excuses about your drug use and poor choices you make in life.

Do crime do the time. That is the motto for criminals like you that will lie, cheat and steal to get the money that you so desperately need from month to month to cover your "habits"  You live paycheck to paycheck and according to your friend Derek who saw your empty refrigerator in the sunny slope trailer park apt. you live in.... most of your money goes to your meth use and prescription drugs... while your kids starve and suffer...
Tell your false witnesses that once they testify in deposition and take a polygraph that they are agreeing that if they are caught lying to the court they are going to have charges of perjury brought against them... and a $5000 fine for willfully lying to the court.

You see Eric I have a preponderance of evidence that I paid every so called " sales rep" friend of yours... exactly what they earned.  And it wasn't much some weeks with repeated absenteeism due to their volatile lives from their drug addictions. I felt so strongly about the people you hired and their addictions that I now require a drug test thru hair analysis to prevent any drug addict like you from ever working in my office again.
But by all means, have your drug addict friends like Derek testify in court with their repeat convictions and felonies from both theft and drug possession. We will see how credible your witnesses are.

This way they can perjure themselves if they would like to team up with you and run off at the mouth like you do online... With your late night rants brought on by your delusional drug induced confidence you have made a new habit of printing libel online about me and my company... You see I can prove you stole leads and then called my clients and defamed me... It's easy to prove Eric because my customers were so taken aback by your dishonesty and downright scumbag tactics that without my even asking... they recorded your phone calls and repeated attempts to sell them.

This proves you  stole leads along with hard drives ( caught on camera) and helped your soon to be jailed friend and business partner Jim Cavalier, to forge a check to start your little boiler room on Dunlap Avenue in Phoenix AZ. You sit up all night plotting the construction of your website and steal thousands of my leads according to my own clients. I have you recorded by my clients calling and attempting to raise $25,000.00 per sale by "switching" people over to your own " world web malls success team"  or should I say house of fraud on Dunlap avenue in Phoenix.

The fact that you are a repeat felon with dui, domestic violence related charges and probation violations simply proves that you make choices in life that are illegal and harm others. In fact it also has come to my attention that you have auto theft related charges from Kingman AZ from over 15 years ago as well...
That is likely where you got the balls to sabotage my brothers toyota after I went out of my way to help you. You are a real ungrateful piece of work... I don't have a victim mentality... you do.... You claim you were not paid along with other alleged sales reps... You claim I am a corrupt business owner when I have check receipts proving you earned over $6,000 before your resigned your last month...

You are correct in starting I have over 20 cameras in my business... and you were caught on several of them removing hard drives from computers and yelling at sales reps to get back to work... You are lucky I didn't prosecute you for theft of company hard drives. But I have better things to do with my life than waste my time on pathetic criminals that think they can start a success team with stolen leads and lying to my customers in an attempt to get their hard earned money.

You are the one hiding behind a mask of sincerity on the phone then you ripped  Susan Goggins off for over $60,000.00 You called and emailed dozens of my clients making false statements about me and my company in attempt to defraud them... I have it ALL on tape Eric. Add to that check forgery, defrauding the credit union your business partner and accomplice Jim Cavalier banked at... and you have some new felonies to add to your resume Eric... I am going to play the recordings to a jury of you lying to my clients in order to defraud them out of their hard earned money. I am going to have the Phoenix Police Dept. play the video of Mr. Cavalier your office partner ....cashing the forged check that you helped him create... when you were broke in July 2013... just like you likely are broke right now... that is cause a fool and his money are soon parted.
But that is your modus operandi  isn't it Eric? You run out of money cause of drugs and then do whatever it takes to get money... regardless of who you have to tear down in the process.

You attempted to destroy my reputation online, to my company and to my clients. For that I am filing a defamation suit and I have all the evidence I need including a police report recommending your business partner, James A.  Cavalier for prosecution. Now the Maricopa County Attorney is bringing a Class 4 Felony charge against your business partner and fellow check forger Mr. Jim Cavalier... Congrats on your latest mastermind together Eric.

You will never get  the last word on this. That's because I am going to make sure my clients whom you and your world web malls business partner Mr. James A. Cavalier have to answer for your crimes. You have defrauded my clients to the tune of over $150,000 and they are going to have their last word in court... So this isn;t about my ego... it's about getting justice for the people you defrauded. A real man doesn't forge checks, steal client files and then lie about it and defame another human being in order to find success... or in your own words " get rich". Shame on you Eric for your hateful attempts to paint me as a car thief trying to sell you a stolen car when I was your Boss and I lent you my deceased brothers car. I only let you drive it until you could get a down payment together... That is the truth and you admit that to the police in the report.
The police report and photos prove you sabotaged the vehicle and sent me numerous threats via text, email and phone voicemail claiming it was stolen. This is not the actions of a person with maturity and a small ego. This is the actions of a criminal liar that will say anything to get revenge on someone that wronged them.
I have news for you Eric, revenge is never sweet. And the fact that you lied about the car you refused to return stating it was stolen proves that you neither appreciated the car or the over $6000.00 you were paid in the last approx. 45 days you worked at my office as a manager.

If you had no ego and appreciated the money you made and the car you were provided in good faith, you would have let it go... But instead you attempted to get revenge by threatening to go to the labor board and refusing to return my brothers car. I have the title to the vehicle  Eric and the police made you return my family property now didn't they? You Sir are a Liar. You knew the car was never stolen and it takes a thief to accuse someone else of beig one in your case. Yes I found yet another potential felony case for auto theft in Kingman AZ with your name written up in the newspaper Eric Driggers.

You state I am a criminal yet I have no prior misdemeanor, or any kind of felonies ever. You claim you didn't steal leads from my office. Please explain how Mrs. Susan Goggins who was sold by drug addict Derek Gardner ended up being sold by you and your partner James A cavalier . I have proof from phone recordings, and from Facebook that you and Derek contacted Ms. Goggins shortly after hundreds of my clients names and contact files were stolen from my office. Let's really talk about your involvement with my client Ms. Goggins Eric.... Ms Goggins is in a wheel chair and disabled. You and your business partner  Mr. James A. Cavalier called Ms. Goggins and offered her over $60,000.00 worth of "niche blog websites"...

Ms. Goggins had only spent $198 with my company and had yet to be called for help when she encountered your pathetic scheme to generate revenue from my customers using defamation, deceptive marketing practices and outright fraud or omission of material fact. Your methods of deceit and willful fraud are about as intelligent as your pathetic third grade grammar. Did you really think you could call my customers who are intelligent and not be recorded using defamation against me? You obtained over $60,000.00 from a disabled and injured lady who was vulnerable. That's it Eric, that is your mode of operation... kick people when they are down. You have cost my clients and my business over 150K and you are not getting the last word... they are...
But this isn't about me or my alleged ego... it's about a crime that was committed by you and your partner James A. Cavalier. A series of serious crimes in fact, all with the aim of destroying my business so yours could start. What a real winner you are Eric.

And what about the "Final check" you were withholding my dead brothers vehicle for? It appears that you concocted a master plan once again, to get money when you so desperately needed it... So you copied the words "final check"  from the final check I mailed via certified mail... and you forged a check for $1407 to start your own telemarketing room... you started your business  with stolen leads and ex sales reps like disgruntled sales person James A. Cavalier , who worked for my office for less than a month. Here are the results of your master plan:

Mr. Cavalier is being charged with a class 4 felony for check forgery, I just got the confirmation from the Maricopa County Attorney's office.

For the public reading this... Mr. Eric Driggers is MORE than just some guy that is a victim of a DUI and "domestic problem" with his ex-wife....

Eric R. Driggers has repeat probation violations and routinely has missed his required UA (Urinary Analysis Drug tests that are required by the court as part of his probation according to his friends that I've spoken with... I have also discovered Mr. Eric Driggers has been involved with auto-theft in Kingman AZ according to a local newspaper.

This ties in perfect with the fact that I filed a police report for the theft (withholding) and attempted extortion Mr. Eric Driggers employed to try and blackmail into paying him just about any amount of money he wanted.
I refused to allow a convicted felon like Eric R. Driggers to manipulate me and simply brought the title with the police for a civil standby to get my family property back. And that is exactly what would have happened only we discovered that Eric R. Driggers had sabotaged to engine in the Toyota Celica so that it could not be driven. This proves pre-meditation to extort and manipulate. Nice try Eric. Most people would call you a d****ebag after being paid over 6K in 45 days, resigning your position over your own ego and lack of willingness to admit to any kind of wrong ever... and the subsequent attempts to use my deceased brothers vehicle to get what you wanted.

I also talked to your  probation officer Eric R. Driggers , and I confirmed the fact that you currently owe the court money, and are suspected of drug dealing and drug use. You also rarely hold a job or checking account for very long...

For the record: Eric R. Driggers worked at my office for two months until he resigned his position in my office in July of 2013 after denying that he was a hothead that could not control his temper in the office. At least 8 people complained personally about Mr. Eric R. Driggers , yet according to his emails and threats ... I was the one with the ego...

For Eric:    I sent you an email about moving forward Eric, and you took no responsibility for your anger and short-sighted actions and instead you threatened and accused me. Always the accuser you are Eric...
First I am the corrupt business owner, next I am a car thief that attempted to sell you a stolen vehicle, next you state I was withholding your paycheck...

No, you are the convicted felon with auto-theft, potential check fraud, forgery, DUI and criminal trespassing charges on your record, not me Eric... And you expect the public or a jury to believe you? Good luck with that... especially when you show no remorse for your crimes and are a repeat probation violator according to your recent charges and imprisonment on Sept. 11, 2013.

The facts speak for themselves. You are a thief and you were an accomplice to the $1407 check that was forged against my business in order to start your own business in July 2013. That makes you a felony check forger and I intend to prove to the judge and the court that you had motive, means and revenge in mind when you assisted Mr. James A. Cavalier your admitted business partner in cashing a check that you in fact helped to forge.

For the public:   Eric R. Driggers AKA Eric C. Driggers AKA Eric S. Driggers then claimed he was wrongfully fired. I have his resignation recorded on voicemail, text and email. What more do I need to provide in court?
Get your facts straight Mr. Eric Driggers ... because when you talk  in court and you exhibit your tendencies to be a pathological liar, you are going to be found guilty of perjury on top of check forgery, theft and fraud towards my unsuspecting clients.

Eric Driggers claims I owe money to just about every person that ever worked for me... Really Eric? Prove it... The only thing I am guilty of is hiring a meth head angry person that 8 people in my office complained about...

It appears you recently lost another management job working for Victoria... and just like at my office... after your departure... it was discovered that you stole data and leads... Strangely,  computer hard drives were missing out of computers at her office,  after you allegedly "helped her with... and worked on" her computers... Then Victoria's leads turned up on Dunlap Ave at your business partner Jim Cavalier's office.. sound familiar Eric?

You called Victoria's clients just like you did mine... and the lies, deception started all over again just to get you your drug money... that's WHO you are according to your own friends...

I am aware of the thousands of leads you have called that were my clients. You have been modestly successful at your theft and defamation campaign and managed to rip off my customers for over $150,000
Ill gotten gains... where is the money now Eric?

Did you and Jim Cavalier really think you could take my banking information off the "final check" I sent to you by certified mail and use it to forge a check to start your business without getting caught?
I have check and banking records which prove you were paid over $6,000 in the last 45 days  you worked as a manager at my office. Your negative rebuttal fails to mention that fact. Produce one person that will prove in court that their last check bounced from my company or that they were not paid the commissions they earned. Never happened and never will.

You sir lie when it is convenient and you are going to get caught this time cause the county attorney is pressing state charges against James A. (Jim Cavalier) ... It is just a matter of time before they get to the criminal behind it all... YOU...  someone who is well versed in check forgery, lying to people on the phone, extortion tactics, theft of company leads, threats etc...

 I'm talking about none other than Jim Cavalier's business partner that was equally financially challenged in July 2013... namely one Eric R. Driggers convicted felon.

You state every person that worked for me was cheated... yet you can't produce one witness that will pass a polygraph and testify to that in court...  That's because I have never bounced a check in my life or cheated any sales rep out of their commissions including you... You smug SOB you got paid over 6K in 45 days and are an ungrateful piece of work...

As far as your financial state of affairs in July 2013.... you were recorded by Chris P. and you stated to him on tape that you couldn't afford to pay your electric bill in July 2013.... just two weeks after resigning your position at my office....

Derek Gardner also confirmed that he lent you $60 and that your refrigerator was empty despite having earned over $6,000.00 in the 45 days prior working as a manager at my office... I guess your alleged meth operations are expensive according to your former friends...

You also lied about not receiving your final check via certified mail in Aug 2013. This was after you attempted to extort money from me by demanding I hand deliver your check to get my vehicle back.

It turns out that you simply lied once again in a pathetic attempt to get a "2nd check mailed" so you could cash them both. I of course refused to ever send another check until the first check sent via certified mail was found. Once again your manipulation and lies resulted in nothing going your way Eric. Just like your threat of a labor board lawsuit, they likely aren't going to believe a convicted felon with a drug problem in court.
I on the other hand can prove exactly what you were paid the last 45 days you worked at my office and you were never cheated out of a single penny and in fact earned over $6000.00

I have heard from witnesses that your drug use is so expensive that your kids don't eat from time to time and often eat donuts and fast food for breakfast and dinner... I think you and your girlfriend need to receive a visit from Child Protective Services because everyone I've talked to says you have drug problems.
I was unaware of your "problem" cause you drink coffee all day to mask the fact that you stay up all night using meth and likely crack cocaine... and your angry outbursts were not well received at my office by my staff. The fact is you were flat broke when you started at my office... In your own words your "roommate left you stuck paying the rent" and you needed an advance of "just $200" just to get your rent paid along with your commissions. You needed an advance loan the 2nd week after you started at my office and you missed work your first two weeks at my office...

You know it and the check stubs and advances you requested prove it. You also needed a car to get to work. You were such a good liar that you even had me believing you were an honest person and drug free. I didn'y know the hate and revenge you were capable of... this is the same anger that resulted in you doing everything in your power to defame me and my business to Empower, my clients and my friends.
I decided to consider selling my own late brothers Toyota to you... to try and help you get on your feet after paying you extremely well (6K) over 6 weeks and even promoting you to manager.

After you resigned... you committed a crime and sabotaged my brothers vehicle and attempted to use leverage to get your final check in the amount you wanted. Didn't work. Mainly because I brought the title of the vehicle with the police to your trailer park ... where you live in a tiny apartment in sunny slope az ... a known meth and crack neighborhood. Great place to raise your kids Eric.

The police made you put the distributor cap and spark plug wires back on the motor and I regained my family property. It's in the police report so you can lie all you want Eric... only in court that is going to add perjury to your list of convictions...

That's the difference between you and I... I tell the truth and prove it with well documented evidence... You have no evidence and lie thru your teeth to get what you want. You are one bald faced liar and an ungrateful d****e bag. I pay you over 6 grand in 6 weeks.... your drugged out girlfriend thanks me for your life improving.... you drive my brothers car for a week and then attempt to extort money from me on your final check while holding my car... And then you lie on rip-off report about it being stolen? You know my brother died and how much that car meant to me...

You a real pathological liar Eric and the court and your victims are going to see that from the preponderance of evidence I have in police reports and from your own contact when you called the clients you stole from my office.

I went out of my way to help you and your girlfriend... and you attempt to extort me, steal hard drives from computers , call my clients and defame me and defraud my clients. Real smart Eric. Lucky for my clients it's all on tape.... and camera... And you didn't think this would lead to a civil and criminal investigation and lawsuit?

I have news for you Eric Driggers... I am pressing charges for your theft and defamation. I'm flying witnesses out to Phoenix to testify in court about what you told them to steal their money. Yes Eric these are the very same customers that you stole contact information for from my  office.... and many of them were kind enough to record you over the phone... cause they knew when you insulted me and defamed me that you were a liar and full of bs.

Since your Ripoff report I have placed in the TOP 10 and TOP 5 in my company and my business no longer has d****ebags like you to worry about in my office.

Your pathological lies and repeat probation violations and felonies prove that you are more than just some dude that got a dui for driving drunk....  You're a check forger, auto thief, extortionist and I've talked with your probation officer and he informed me that you have missed required drug tests at in-opportune times... I am aware  that you hold no checking account and that your credit score is below 500. You are a convicted felon with repeat violations as recent as September 11th 2013.

According to your probation officer you are being investigated for suspected drug related crimes. Add to this the crime of mail fraud, theft, deceptive phone solicitation to stolen customers of my company , defamation, libel and check forgery and you could end up in prison for a long time. Isn't it strange that after you refused to return my family vehicle that you demanded your final check be delivered to your door... I refused and told you to come get your check on Friday and you didn't want to take the bus...

So you left me a voicemail when I was traveling for a company event and stated you would "camp" outside my office until you got your check.

Your check was ready over a week prior and you refused to come pick it up. I have you on tape and email demanding I bring your check to get my vehicle back from your trailer park apartment. So if you expect the public to believe that I was trying to sell you a stolen vehicle then I'll gladly add that to my defamation suit and I will post pictures of where you live in a crack neighborhood.

For the record, by your own admission you were broke by the end of July 2013 despite earning over $6,000...  you stated that to Chris P. Derek and others on tape. Strangely after I mailed your final check via certified mail you claimed for an additional 7 days that you didn't receive it and demanded I send you another check.
I have the return postal receipt card from certified mail with your signature when you picked up the check. This was after I promised you that I would never send you another check until the first check was "found"

This folks was an obvious desperate drug addict Eric R. Driggers just trying to cash two checks to get money.  Eric you were paid your final check but it wasn't enough for you to be paid on straight commission on your own production was it? You were lucky you even got overrides for the week you quit. In any event I wrote the words :"final check" on your check and sent it certified. And what happened next was you realized you probably were not going to make that kind of money again... ever.

So you stole the information off the final check and gave it to your new business partner James A. Cavalier and used it to forge a check in the amount of $1407

And the joke was on me because you masterminded the idea to put the words "final check" on the "forged" check made out to your business partner James A. Cavalier... Smart move Eric. I am going testify in court that you were working with Mr. Cavalier after resigning your position. You were both disgruntled despite how fairly and generously you were paid. and you had motive to steal leads and forge a check when you were broke.
You and Mr. Cavalier opened an approx. 450 square foot office on 111 Dunlap avenue in Phoenix AZ in July 2013 using the money you received when Mr. Cavalier walked into the AZ Federal Credit Union on 3 cameras and presented the check at the teller window...

Mr. Cavalier used the information from the check you received to forge a check and start your business together.  What a great way to start a business Eric.... As a Felon committing a class 4 felony for check forgery. You are an accessory to a crime... once again in your life. your decision not mine Eric. And I as well as others will testify in court that you had the motive, anger and means to help Mr. Cavalier forge the check. After all you and Jim were new business partners that had a new plan to sell Empower Network to my customers...

Never mind the fact that you signed 3 non-compete and confidentiality agreements. You had to show your true character and not only steal my customers, business plan and model  but also hold ,my property hostage (vehicle) and concoct a plan to forge a check to get your own copycat telemarketing room going.

The records prove that your business partner is about as bright as you are.  Mr. Cavalier like yourself attempted to extort money from me in July 2013. Jim Cavalier sent me two threatening letters via certified mail demanding that I pay him minimum wage for alleged " hours " he was owed for. Being the brilliant mastermind that Mr. James A. Cavalier is, he signed his threat letters with his own signature... He wanted $469 for alleged minimum wage owed. I have proof on camera and signed receipts from Mr. Cavalier that he received $140 in advances on future commissions prior to his resignation at my office.

It turned out Mr. Cavalier was paying restitution to former clients he defrauded...  as he stated was unjust and unfortunately he was " left holding the bag" after he lost a lawsuit where he owed thousands to a customer he ripped off... Mr. Cavalier stated this in my office and also stated this restitution he owed was the reason he was flat broke in July 2013.

Again this proves motive and desperation on Mr. Cavalier's part. I'll add envy and jealousy to the record from both of you criminal masterminds. So you forge a check with Jim Cavalier, he cashes it on camera at the AZ Credit Union and the signature from Mr. Cavalier at the teller window , is a spot on match to the signature on the threat letters he sent to my home and office.

 In fact the signature on the forged check with the words " final check" on it, was also identical... Eric, only you had access to my checking account info on that final check. I I sent you what you were owed Eric. And God knows and a jury will know that you are liar when we have our day in court.

You see, unlike you I keep records. I can prove what you were paid Eric. I can also prove the threats that both you and Mr. Cavalier made towards me and my family prior to your crime of check forgery. I guess it wasn't enough to steal my customers lists, defame and attempt to destroy my business... all over money.... when you were already overpaid... You had to add felony check forgery to the list of phone fraud to my customers, mail fraud, extortion with my property vehicle, theft, vandalism of my company computers and vehicle,  libel by printing defamation online with all of your lies.

You even got creative and posted responses using my name on rip-off report  as " the owner" of my company. That's pretty callous and dumb Eric don't you think?

I am just going to use the fact that you claimed you were me... which is identity theft Eric... Along with the fact that you added my face to a snake picture... You added my fact to a snake didn't you Eric? They recorded your IP address on both sites were you added my face to a snake. You are a real winner. A real thief, liar and cheat. And you think you are going to thrive in life by acting this way to people that tried to help you?
Good luck. You say I have an ego and money. No I have ethics and the means to mitigate crimes made against my company and myself personally.

It is going to take another year or so... don't worry I'm in no hurry... but you are going to jail and I am filing a civil lawsuit against you and Mr. Cavalier for defamation, libel, unjust enrichment, criminal enterprises, mail fraud, wire fraud, check forgery and check kiting.

Mr. Cavalier is facing a class 4 felony conviction for check forgery and I'm sure the detectives are going to get him to talk about his accomplice when the pressure is on...  I am going to have Lionel, Susan, Michael, and many of my clients that recorded you and Mr. Cavalier testify that they lost over 150,000.00 to your fraudulent scheme when you contacted my clients and told them I was a crook and corrupt business owner.

Really Eric. You and James Cavalier don't even have a checking account to pay your employees and according to customers that you defrauded... you had them pay you with money orders, prepaid "green dot credit cards" and even cash... So your clients have to send you cash, prepaid cards and money orders... Wow, that is real credit worthy Eric.

My goodness you really are astute and well accomplished business men with an office with no air conditioning, Google voice over internet phone lines... and paying your employees with cash, money order and the very green dot pre-paid cards my customers sent to you when they were defrauded out of their money...
I have you on tape selling my customers and raising money to start your new life as a business owner copying my business. And where are you now Eric? I heard last week that you are still broke. So much for you getting a BMW...

You don't even own a working car or have a checking account. You have a criminal record and have just caused yourself a world of hurt with more felonies  for the check forgery that you have committed with your business partner James A. Cavalier.

I see your $25,000.00 "web malls " package on your world web malls website... This is the same scam that you presented to Lionel one of my clients. Lionel was kind enough to send me every email you sent him defaming me with libel and slander. He also sent the emails James A. Cavalier sent to him asking for $25,000.00 and offering to pay for the courier fee with federal express... Real smart Eric... Its all on  tape thanks to people like Lionel that have brain...

Wasn't that hard to sense what you were saying to my clients was  a lie. Any business that steals a competitors customers files and then defames the company they worked for is committing both theft and fraud. I will see you in court soon Eric. Mark my words . I promise you. It's coming.

And what was your purpose for all of this defamation Eric? Revenge? Revenge for what? For paying too well?
Well according to the recordings and emails from yourself, Mr. Cavalier, Mr. Douglas AKA Michael James, Derek Gardner and just about everyone at your office that jumped on the phone and called my customers Lionel P.... you ALL wanted him to send a cashier's check for $25,000.00 to James Cavaliers PO Box... because I am the ego based person that sold them.

Interesting Eric R. Driggers.... Where did you get Lionel's number? Where exactly did you get Mr. Lionel's phone number from? You stole it along with thousands of other customers from MY office. You know it and it doesn't matter what libel and slander you write because the truth is inescapable... this is the pattern of your poor choices in life.

It is a piece of cake to prove you are the one that is a thief, liar, extortionist, embezzler, forger, drug addict, felon and wanna be entrepreneur... and sadly you're not very good at it are you?

The Maricopa County Attorney's office is pressing charges against your business partner Mr. James A. Cavalier and I intend to bring ALL of the evidence I can to ensure that you are going to jail with him for your crimes.

I'm sorry for your kids... but at least this way you can get sober and be held accountable for the path of destruction you have attempted to unleash on me and my family. I will see you in court where a judge and jury will decide if you are just a victim of a DUI and unfortunate domestic issue with your ex-wife....

When WHO you really are.... is a jealous, disturbed and bitter person... You are an  angry, cold and calculating narcissistic criminal that thinks nothing about the destructive behavior and pre-meditated rage that you exhibit when you go off on a mission to destroy others lives and businesses all in the name of one thing... Greed.

I don't have to worry about your lies online. Please write more because it IS admissible in court and every word you write that can be proven in a court of law to be untrue is going to add punitive damages to the award brought against you in the form of restitution to the clients and others you have defrauded including me.
The word around town is that you have stolen leads to start your business with Jim Cavalier over and over again... and I know about your new business venture in Huntington Beach CA and I will be contacting the police there as well to inform them when a warrant is issued for your arrest stemming from the check forgery you have been a accomplice and mastermind to...

I don't need to be a mud slinger here Eric. Your actions and record speaks volumes about who you are in life and you deserve to be in prison. You stole from me, lied to my clients, laughed it up with gall and audacity as you benefited from my losses and hardships to my business and family.

And you call that success? Your money is always short because your lack of ethics cause you to lose in life. That is why you fail. Not because of people like myself that somehow are to blame for your lack of success.
I give you my solemn promise and word Eric Driggers I will not stop until every customer of mine that you defrauded with the help of your friend and business partner Jim Cavalier has justice and their day in court.
We will see who the liar and thief is. You accuse me of not paying people when I've never bounced a check in my life and have no criminal record. I have good credit and a family that care about me. I have kids and your actions have cost me over $150,000.00 in lost income. You have also damaged my reputation online to a tiny extent but I am having the defamation removed one site at a time and I will be seeking damages for what you have attempted to do to my reputation with Empower and my clients.

I don't have to worry I have you on tape from over a dozen different clients. You are a smug, callous, arrogant sob and your day of accountability is coming... trust that.

It appears one of my disabled clients has been sent bogus fraudulent commissions as a ruse to appease her after she lost over $60,000.00 to you and your accomplice Mr. Cavalier's deceptive marketing practices... I am going to make sure she gets her day in court Eric. you are going to answer for your actions and destructive behavior towards other human beings.

What did I ever do to you? I paid you over $6000.00 in 6 weeks...... over 5K in a month... and bought lunch.... even gave you my deceased brothers car to drive until you could " get a down payment" together and practically the shirt of my back... and I'm the corrupt business owner?

No you are the accuser and soon to be defendant in a case from the state of AZ. I am contacting your probation officer tomorrow to bring him up to speed on Jim Cavalier and the forger y charges that are pending.

We have Mr. Cavalier on camera cashing the check you helped him create Eric. Thanks for proving motive and means by adding the words "final check" to the forged document after I can prove you withheld my vehicle for over a week in attempt to extort money from me in order to get your very own " final check"

In the words of Solomon:  A fool and his money are soon parted. and Pride comes before a fall.
I sat back for months and watched and recorded as you continued to call thousands of my customers and leads out of your pathetic boiler room... Many of my clients were in utter disbelief at that tactics you would resort to saying anything you could to defame me and somehow earn their business.
It only worked on prospects that were as financially challenged and as desperate as you are Eric. Thanks also for damaging the engine in my brothers car and allowing me to photograph you putting parts back on the wiring and distributor which proves in front of police escort that you pre-meditated withholding my property in order to extort a check from me....

 And then you forge a check.... brilliant...

See you in court Mr. Eric R. Felon Driggers. You will have your day in court. Let me ask you Eric,
isn't it about time you start telling the truth? I suggest you do, otherwise I am going to tear you apart in court and catch you in perjury. Mark those words cause with liars like you...It's inevitable you're going to get caught in one of your many lies to your probation officer, the court, my clients, the police etc...

Thanks also for admitting in your prior libelous remarks that you personally switched people over. I'll tell that to the owners of the company next time I'm hanging out with them at an event...
Do yourself a favor Eric learn to spell and get some good books ready for jail ok? You are a felon for a reason you extort, manipulate, lie cheat and steal to get your way... only it only works on your drug addicted girlfriends and drug addict friends.

I suggest you take a Polygraph examination about the theft from my office, attempting to sell my customers for $25,000.00 and all of the defamation you have done against me and my family. Surely if what you claim is true and you are the victim here you should agree to a polygraph being admissible in court right? One of the first questions will be: Have you ever  used methamphetamine or crack cocaine?
But now you know the answer to that question don't you Eric? You just go on lying to yourself about your felonies that you likely commit daily and see where that leads you to in life...

I'll see you in court but you'll probably be in prison by then anyway... at the rate you're going down the tubes...

Theft, Embezzlement, Vandalism, Extortion, Check Fraud, Check Forgery, Mail Fraud, Deceptive Marketing, Guaranteeing customers returns of investment, Sabotage, Defamation, Libel, Ruse and Artifice, Third Party Affiliation, Wire Fraud, Alleged Drug Dealing/Use, Probation Violations, Owing the courts money, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy.... the list goes on and on.... good luck with those actions...

I got to hand it to you... You bragged and bragged on rip-off report how Jim Cavalier was suing me and how you were getting the labor board involved.... well guess what Eric. Jim Cavalier is being charged with check forgery and you were involved directly...

Mr. cavalier isn't very bright is he? His small claims case against me was  thrown out of court when I furnished the police report and camera evidence that he presented a forged check at his credit union....
yes the very same check that you helped him write the words final check on as a joke to me...

Great idea Eric... The forged check that bore his own signature and  matched his threat letters.... that you desperately needed cause you were as always.... out of money in July 2013...

And you and Jim also defrauded his credit union since neither of you actually hold bank accounts.... It seems I spoke with a bank examiner that told me Mr. Cavalier's bank account was left in the negative after he withdrew the "final check" you helped him forge... and that you premeditated and were involved with from the start to open your tiny office.

You sir an accessory to felony crimes of forgery, theft and fraud and I'll be seeing you in court to answer to your victims who are testifying against you.

Have a great day Eric Driggers. Anyone that wants the police report or has any information on the whereabouts of Eric R.Driggers who is wanted for questioning or Mr. James A. Cavalier who is being prosecuted for check forgery should contact the phoenix police departments document crimes division. If you are a victim of fraud perpetrated by Eric R. Driggers or James A. Cavalier contact the Maricopa County Attorney's Office at six 0 two - five oh six - three four 11

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No! Really Robert, you have already provided enough!

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 05, 2013

A bit long winded, even for you Robert. But interesting nonetheless.


Robert, you have made a carreer, as of late, out of cheating employees out of the money you owe them, offering little to nothing to team members until it serves your need to present yourself as the leader you are not. allowing your own insecurities to blind you to loyalty. allowing what can only be described as a denial based victem mentality drive you in your narsasistic belief that presenting grossly inaccurate information about someone somehow proves that you are the superior person you believe yourself to be, and prostituting any bit of honesty that may lie in you becasue you beleive, as you have openly stated, that your money will insure you will be believed while us vicisous felons like me are not. Yes Robert, I have said it before and will say it again, I am a felon. In 2001 I was convicted of felony DUI. In 2011, in the midst of an attempted reconsicliation, I was found to be in violation of a legal seperation my now exwife and I failed to disolve which presented a trespass charge; a felony in the state of AZ when a private residence is involved. I feel it is worth mentoning, however, that she faught by my side because the charge was not saught or warrented. But in AZ, such a charge does not require an involved victem for the stare. They will claim a victem where no victem exists. I hope that clears things up for you. 

Now, for the sake of offering, as Paul Harvey liked to say, the reeeessst of the story, let us look to the ethics you claim which lead to filing a faulse police report. You remember, the day you showed up at my house with police claiming auto theft......of a vehicle you attempted to sell me which didn't even belong to you. Or how about your written admission of going to another felon, who you claimed only weeks before extorted money from you, asking for his assistance to dig up dirt on me with the expressed intention of using it to, yet again, take the spot light off of you and your list of unlawfull actions by attempting to send a terrible felon to prison of a crime that has long since seen it's price paid. Or maybe the effort you have put into claiming clients were stolen from and having one placed back under you, against her will, when you have build a significant portion or your group by doing nothing less than the very same thing. Perhaps we can talk of the 2 "All In" members I personally brought over under your direction or the untold number of other members at verious levels that presented no issue for you when it was your team they were coming to. I think you will soon find that what is fair for you will also be found to be fair for the teams a few of your ranks may soon be going back to.

Do your self a favor. Stick your head out into the real world long enough to check a few facts before you make any more of an a*s out of yourself. Yes, law enforcemnt is involved...along with other interested parties. But it looks nothing like the BS you are piping out from behind your 20 something inch monitors and 30 some od cameras that, while looking expensive, record little to nothing and appear to serve no other purpose then to make you feel you can intimidate and manipulate at will. Well my friend, you picked the wrong guy.

Do yourself and favor Robert and quit assuming your money and self proclaimed significance somehow trumps peoples common sense and ability to see through BS and false statements. You are exactly who you have proven yourself to be. And no matter how much you may wish it would, my felony DUI will never change that.

Robert Probst


Robert Probst is NOT the Author of The Reports Above

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 18, 2013

To whom it nmay concern:

 I Robert Probst did NOT write the original Rip Off Report on Jim Cavalier, Eric R. Driggers, Michael James, Derek Gardner or anyone else working with World Web Malls, a new telemarketing office that recently opended in Phoenix AZ.

In addition, the report recently field here " on my behalf" was NOT authorized by me.

For the record Mr. Cavalier worked for less than 3 weeks (approx 16 days) at my company as an independent contractor along with Eric Driggers and the whole criminal bunch with World Web Malls. They have called my clients that strangely seemed to all of a sudden become accessible to Mr. Cavalier after leads were stolen from my office.

My of my clients have been sold for thousands of dollars by Mr. Cavalier and his team after being told I was " out of business" or they the Wold Web Malls team were "handling my accounts" for my Empower Network clients.

Mr. Eric Driggers was a disgruntled sales manager that is a convicted felon with 2 repeat probation violations, miost recently on Sept 11 2013... I will include his latest MUG shot.... Mr. Driggers you KNOW you had accress to my leads and I have recorded testimony that you called my clients and told them you were handling my accounts.

I know for a fact that Eric Driggers, Jim Cavalier, Michael James and Derek Gardner have violated at least 3 confidentiality agreements when you called my customers and told them you were Empower network and that you were authorized to handle my accounts.

You have sold many ofmy clients worthless "niche blog websites" for thousands of dollars and have not provided the Empower products that clients have paid you for.

One of my clients named Susan Goggins has lost over $75,000... Yes I'm aware of the $150,000 check you sent her to sign and return to James Cavalier... So after lying to my customer, and getting her to send you $75,000 approx. you next get her to help you cash a check from someone for $150,000?.... And I'm the snake?

Mr. Cavalier has a history of ripping people off to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and I have many from years ago that are willing to testify in court how much money they have lost after signing up for one your "performance satisfaction money back guarantee packages" that are so proudly displayed on your website.

You are correct in stating that World Web Malls doesn't accept credit cards... This is likely due to the fact that no bank will give you a merchant account after all of the fraud you have committed over the phone.

You were broke in July 2013 and sent me threatening letters Mr. Cavalier which i will USE in court to prove your motive to defraud me and my clients... Now you have raised over 150,000 by calling my customers and telling them I'm out of business with Empower.

Really Jim? I know the owners and attend all of the events.  I have NO complaints with the BBB in 8 years of doing business. Your companies on the other hand (Modern marketing Systems, Success Solar Group, Success Lending Group ) have an "F" rating with the BBB and your former office on Central Ave in Phoenix was reported to the Phoenix police by many of your customers that I have spoken with.

You were so broke in July 2013 that you sent me a letter demanding that I pay you minimum wage, alleging that you worked over 150 hours in less than 16 days. You are a liar and a thief and I will see you in court.

For those reading this, Jim Cavalier AKA Jim Ford, James Cavalier along with Eric Driggers, Derek Gardner and Michael James have NO affiliation with Empower Network, nor is it legal for them to claim they ARE Empower Network over teh phone as I have them on recordings doing.

In adddition, James Cavalier and Eric Driggers did NOT become affiliates or distributors of Empower Network products UNTIL they worked at my office as sales people.Both of these indicviduals and Derek Gardner worked at my office briefly for less than a few weeks in Jim Cavalier's case and decided to sell the Empower Network program as some sort of invesement scheme.

Literally ALL of my customers that have been tricked into purchasing websites from World Web Malls have reported that they have not even received their websites in over a month after paying thousands of dollars. In addition, Mr. Cavalier and his group of convicted felons (Eric Driggers, Derek Gardner) have sold Empower Network products included with the sales of websites and then failed to setup my customers with any Empower Network products.

This means Kim Cavalier and his crew are selling "niche blog websites" using the Empower Network NAME when they don't even sell Empower products... The reason is simple"

World Web Malls and Jim Cavalier just needed to find a front end prgoram" to sell over the phone that sounds credible in order to sell "niche blog" websites for $5,000 to $25,000 for up to 40 blogs... With little to no intention of actually selling Empower  Networks educational products, according to the victims I've spoken with...

One such victim is Susan Goggins who has mailed approx. $75,000 to Mr. Cavalier at his PO Box in Phoenix AZ.

I have ALL of the evidence from the customers of mine that were contacted in the last two months after Eric R. Driggers resigned his position at my office and became business partners with Mr. James Cavalier of World Web Malls. The domain registration info for World-Web-Malls shows the website was just built in July 2013 and strangely that is the precise time that thousands of my customers and leads were stolen from my office...

Coincidence? We'll let a judge and jury decide after I show them a preponderance of evidence of the way that Mr. Cavalier does business. I dont sell $25,000 worthless niche blog websites to my customers. I sell Educational products and custom sites that cost less than $2000 and I have ZERO complaints from my customers in 8 years.

Mr. Cavalier and Eric Driggers with World Web Malls have attempted here on Rip Off Report to damage my reputation by stating I am a scam. I am not the one with a criminal record, hundreds of complaints listed online under virtually every business theyve run...

I have no criminal record and not even a misdemeanor ever. I have no complaints online except one that is inaccurate and I can prove the customer quit before they should have after I helped him make sales.

The bottom line is MR. Cavalier has contacted my clients along with a TEAM of his employees and sales peopel and ALL of his team have repeatedly made derogatory and untrue statements about me, my sales team and my company...

Why would you do that Jim? Because you were angry that you are not a very good salesperson and couldn't make Empower sales at my office>? Or was it because your quite used to calling leads that are not yours and making sales by defaming other companies?

You claim you were a employee and demand minimum wage for hours that you didnt work and now you've sold several of my clients for up to $100,000 without selling Empower products and you consider yourself a legitimate affiliate of Empower Network?

Let's talk about your 18 month "performance satisfaction guarantee" that you wrote an email about to one of my clients who recorded you several times on the phone as you bad mouthed my company...

You stated I was out of business and that you were going to guarantee that my client would make money within 18 months or he would get a full refund... if my client would just "invest $25,000 for 40 "blog websites" with your company World Web Malls...

So you basically lie to your customers and guarantee they are going to make money by telling them you work directly with Empower Network. I have your sales rep Michael James calling my clients telling them he works for Empower Network on tape. I have you on tape telling my clients to spend 25,000 with a guarantee that your "performance satisfaction packages" are genuine.

Are they really genuine Jim? When was the last time you refunded a client the $25,000 they spent after 12-18 months with your former company Modern marketing systems. I've read all over the place online that according to dozens of your former clients, you do NOT honor the illegal guarantees and income scenarios that you incorporate on the phone to extract tens of thousands of dollars out of your clients.

Don't worry ALL of the above information is NOT my opinion, it is going to be provided in written sworn affidavit along with recorded conversations from the clients of mine that claim you ripped them off.

You sir are brazen and vindictive. You work for my office as a straight commission sales person for less than a month and just because I don't want to make you a manager you call all of my clients and rip them off for tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you even an ALL IN member of Empower Network. Many of my clients stated that you told them they were not eligible to earn commissions over $500 because you keep the Masters sales for yourself by preventing the members that you have "switched over" to your team from purchasing the masters course with Empower.

Instead, you sell them up to 100 blog websites and tell they are guaranteed to make money without selling any Empower products... is that correct? Thats what Susan said after you had her send you approx $75,000 in pre-paid credit cards (green dot cards)

I also understand that Derek Gardner, your loyal front end sales rep, initially called Susan and told her you were opening a NEW Empower office and that she would need to pay you via paypal to get started with your team...

The only problem is Susan Goggins is listed in my database and is MY client. She NO longer wants to work with your company after she sent you $75,000+ and has not received a penny in return despite your sales reps telling her she would make money up to $150,000 in the next 12 months. Don't worry I have the recording of your sales rep Micahel james telling her that.

BTW Derek Gardner signed an additional confidentiality agreement while he was still working at my office and agreed to damages of $10,000 if I can prove in court that he contacted my clients or shared any of my confidential company property with ANY 3rd party.

Considering the fact that Mr. Gardner has approx. 3 prior convictions for shoplifting and drug related offenses according to himself... I am sure the judge will be interested to see how he "obtained" my customer Susan Goggins information in order to call her, swith her over to James Cavalier as her sponsor and collect paypal payments from her. This is in direct violation of 3 agreements Mr Derek Gardner of World Web Malls and your salesperson signed.

Your office has been open less than approx 2 months and yet you have already defamed me via internet and phone to my clients and extracted up to $150,000 from clients.

I have a copy of the recent 150,000 check you had my client Susan Goggins sign. I will post the check image here for the public to see what kind of operation you are running...

Let me get this straight... Derek joins your team and as he is loyal to Eric Driggers his fellow FELON and sells Susan for up to $1000 via paypal payments... next you sell Susan over the next 60 days repeatedly more and more useless blog websites to the tune of over $75,000 that she mailed to Jim Cavalier's po box... is that correct?

So what is the $150,000 check for? You sent it to Susan and told her that you would help her obtain a drivers license so she could CASH the check.... hmmmm exactly how does this SCAM work?

Susan signed the 150K check and returned it to Phoenix where Michael James states on recording that Jim Cavalier with "the cash" after he deposited the check into some account he set up in Susan's name using her identity.... Is that how it works?

Wow, brilliant... you really are a mastermind Jim...

Fortunately for Susan I have sent the check image to the Phoenix police and am contacting the FBI... I am also personally going to fly Mrs Goggins out to speak in court and testify how much money she has spent with you... And I am contacting the Attorney General of AL and AZ to assist Mrs. Goggins with getting her money back... which is probably long gone....

So congratulations Mr. Cavalier, Mr. Driggers and Mr. Gardner. We will  see WHO the scammer IS.

We will let the public decide along with the courts. I will also post a copy of the check that was proven to be FORGED and deposited into the AZ Federal Credit Union by a Mr. James Cavalier at the end of August 2013... when money was likely tight for Mr .Cavalier...

It appears, that Mr .Cavalier felt he was owed $1407 for minimum wages despite the fact that he was an independent contractor and independent business owner as an affiliate of Empower Network... Sorry Jim but business owners are NOT employees... and you KNOW that you worked as an independent contractor just like Eric R. Driggers and Derek Gardner at my office.

I will be providing the judge in justice court with a copy of the police report that states you admit in your letters that you deposited a fraudulent check with my signature forged on it into your own credit union account...

Your threat letters that you sent certified mail also corroborate in your own words that you would be suing me for $1407 that you felt you were owed" and the signatures on the back of the forged check, your lettersALL are a pefect match... How brilliant you are!

As far as collecing credit card information... I didnt make the post that started this dialogue on Rip Off Report... maybe it was one of your former employees... but I promise to keep the public up to date with ever client of mine that you have called, lied to and either ripped off or attempted to defraud. I will also keep the public up to date if and when you are arrested for check forgery.

Intersting that you typed the words "Final Check" on the fraudulent check... as those are the exact words that were written on the final check sent certified mail to one Eric R.Driggers who attempted to extort me by failing to return a vehicle he neither paid for or deserved when I tried to help him while worked as a contractor at my office.

I have the details of that police report too which proves along with photos that Eric R.Driggers refused to return my property and in fact sabotaged the engine in the vehicle to prevent me from acquiring my property. All in the interest of getting a "final check" in the amount Mr Eric Driggers thought he earned...

As far the above report about credit card numbers... I am aware that you collect payments other ways like pre-paid cards and getting people to send you cash or money order...

I have the customers that you sold here in Phoenix in the less than two months in operation after joining Empower network and using their name to guarantee incomes to my members...

All of my members that purchased from World Web Malls have received ZERO return for their investments with World Web Malls despite your glorious "18 month money back guarantee" that is listed on your website. We'll see what the Attorney General thinks of your guarantees that you make and liekly never honor...

The public can look at the FORGED check that I have attached that is in the exact amount that you claimed you would be suing me for... and your signature on the back of the check matches the certified letters you sent threatening me if I didnt pay you MINIMUM WAGE... You are a member of Empower and as an affiliate ae a business owner not an employee. I will provide over 100 contracts including yours in court proving that all of my sales team that help upgrade Empower or sell Empower products are straight commission independent contractors...

Robert Probst


Robert Probst



#6General Comment

Thu, October 10, 2013

This report is being written on the behalf of Robert Probst. He recently posted two defamatory RORs claiming Jim Cavalier of was stealing credit card numbers and illegally charging them. Worldwidemalls does not collect credit card information. Nowhere in these complaints stated anything about Empower Network being a scam, nor did they mention and blame being put on Empower Network. Don't you think it's a little strange the attack was only geared toward two specific people? People who invest with Jim are real investors, not anyone who would waste their time filing petty RORs with false accusations. Robert Probst knows who Erick is, but he couldn't find a real picture of Jim, so he used a fake pic. There was never any investor who called Jim's office to complain about thier credit card info being stolen or used. The Phoenix PD doesnt even investigate credit card fraud typically. The person who filed these RORs is an evil snake!

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