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  • Report:  #866031

Complaint Review: James Harding

James Harding J.C. Steel BEWARE! J.C. Steel (aka James Harding) of Phoenix, AZ Apache Junction, Arizona

  • Reported By:
    ExposeJCSteelJamesHarding — Apache Junction Arizona United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 09, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, June 28, 2012
  • James Harding
    Main and Ironwood
    Apache Junction, Arizona
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

A Warning about J.C. Steel (aka James Harding) of Phoenix, AZ

What follows is my encounter with J.C. Steel, a man who for all intents and purposes is nothing more than a liar, thief, con-man, bully, rapist and perhaps even a murderer. A man who carries multiple personalities, is ill-tempered, lacks integrity, is devoid of respect for others, will inflict pain on men, women and animals just because he can. This is a HEADS-UP WARNING to everyone to steer clear of this man. He is dangerous. He will portray the genius; tell of his dream of changing the world and how he just needs a little support someone to believe in him and perhaps a little financial backing to make that dream come true.

I can tell you from five years of first-hand, personal experience that what you will find is certain ruin. For myself, those five years were the unveiling of a nightmare and in the end, I had little more to show for my efforts than $150,000 in debt I could not repay, bankruptcy, foreclosure, disgrace in the eyes of my family, friends and co-workers. It wasnt always that way. Once upon a time I was just the neighbor.

There was a time when I had wished in my heart of hearts for adventure and excitement to come crashing into this well ordered life of mine, in a way that I would never forget and that would forever change who I was. My request was sent out to the Universe, offered up with reckless abandon and with little regard for the consequences. Be that as it may, just know this

Be careful what you wish, for it will be delivered to your doorstep in full measure and not always in the way you might envision, like or think is fair. You see, there are always life lessons that will be tailored to each of us, brilliantly woven into our lives and presented post-haste on the heels of such a request. Mine were personally delivered in the form of a neighbor; a one J.C. Steel.

In the days following yet another Christmas spent with my cats and before the ensuing New Year of 2005, there came a new face to the neighborhood; a stranger cloaked in mystery and intrigue. A man 10 years my junior had just moved into the condo next to mine. He brought with him little more than the P-coat he was wearing and all his worldly possessions in a paper bag. Upon introductions late one night on the patio that connected our units, J.C. Steel let me know how wonderful it was to finally meet someone nice and oh by the way, the aroma of my ham and beans wafted right to his front door and made his stomach ache as he was starved and reminded him that hed not eaten in days. Oh, how could I refuse to feed someone in need especially someone, who I had further learned, was getting ready to take a long journey from Arizona to some cold and miserable state where hed be working with the FBI to testify against a Mob leader. It was all so very oh, I dont know worldly and brazen. He was on the lam, or in a self-designed protective relocation program of sorts where he needed to stay off the grid and under the radar after all, the Mob would be after him once he testified.

And so, it began a subtle progression a litany of him feeding me sensational tales and me in turn feeding this stranger what he apparently felt he stood in need of small gifts of foods that soon spawned suggestions from him of providing him with pocket change that then turned into requests for spotting him or for favors to borrow my car that became the standard of support in running his errands, cleaning his condo that morphed into demands of my time, energy and money resources because I had more than enough whereas others did not that begat entitlement of services that led to bullying that encompassed criminal and immoral behavior, including rape and violence by any one of his multiple personalities, lasting more than five years until one day when I was returning home from a visit to my bankruptcy attorney, I wondered how I had gone from being the single owner of a condo with investments and liquid assets and an unblemished credit score to bankruptcy, foreclosure and caring for a full-grown man who by then had full access to my car, a key to my home, full access to my computer and who was sleeping on the floor of my home at the foot of my bed because he was afraid aliens from outer space were going to find him.

As I drove, I thought back over the years how little by little I was ingrained into his world, his life, his dream. It all began with the unveiling of his secret projects the concepts, the sketches, the prototypes of vehicles he was designing that would change the world and make him billions, but alas was unable to continue for simple lack of this or that. If only he had just a little cash, something to get him started, hed be fine $100 would be more than enough hed be forever grateful, would love me forever and as a thank you would make sure I was compensated once the project was successful. How had I let this simple $100 gift turn into my $150,000 personal debt? How was it I had nothing more than his word as a guarantee? How was it that I never saw a single reimbursement? How did I let this happen? I wasnt his girl friend or his wife or a love interest or his mom or his sister, an aunt or even the Den Mother. I was just the neighbor. No one had put a gun to my head. No one had twisted my arm or forced me into backing any of these projects or paying for his condo rent, phone bill, car insurance, AAA, shop rent, storage fees or meals or, had he?

I got to thinking. He had set himself up as the ultimate authority figure in order that no one would ever push him around again. He believed himself to be the man who was smarter, faster in word and deed than anyone on the planet that no one would ever out-think him, outsmart him that no one was capable of duplicating his works of genius and by virtue of his gifts and talents, all others on the planet (myself included) were little more than stupid animals put here for his personal and private use. And if he werent convincing enough, he would pull one of his many personalities to the fore to handle any situation for him. Sometimes that would be the little 4-year old boy who was sweet and innocent that no one could resist that demanded a kiss on his forehead. Sometimes that would be the eager young 10-year old but then, there were times, he called on the sarcastic smart-a*s teenager who loved nothing more than to outwit and outrun the police, the Mob, the FBI, the CIA, all manner of enemies, thugs, old girlfriends posture, challenge and pit wits go to the bars, get (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) in the back alleys or brag about how he used to have a successful brothel. Then again, sometimes circumstances called for the drill sergeant J.C. -- that J.C. would brook no questioning his authority and demanded utter and complete obedience the one that felt it was his duty to dress me down in public to teach manners and humility in the presence of greatness, to educate me in life and subject matter, to teach what hard work really was by enlisting me to clean his welding shop or pick up screws and nails in the shop yard. And just for fun, every once in awhile, hed let loose the monster you know, the crazy J.C. that was psychotic, that had no memory of shoving, throwing steel gates at me or pinning me up against the wall by my throat threatening to sever my windpipe and watch me suffocate as I crumpled to the floor if I woke him again or didnt wipe that look off my face the one that would brag about dragging women across the room by their hair. I have to wonder which J.C. was present when he made me drive through the mountains one night in pitch black, with the headlights off and the dash lights covered and threats of violence if I put my foot on the brake one more time. And who was the J.C. that joked one minute and flew into a king size raging tantrum the next who felt entitled to neck rubs, back rubs and full body rubs that either went the way of happy endings or on two specific occasions (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) me without consent, protection, lubrication or participation until I bled and was so battered I could hardly walk let alone sit just to let me know he didnt appreciate attitude (and by the way dear reader, consider yourself forewarned and hence, lucky if it isnt up your a*s or if youre not his type because you will not be exempt). So, which J.C. was that? Perhaps it was the same one that would become so enraged that his fists would shake uncontrollably inches from my face or the one that made grown men cry or do his work for free. Then again, which of the J.C.s made the off-color comment about making a mans heart stop beating with the power of his mind? That particular man did in fact die within days of J.C. bragging about his mental abilities to end lives. J.C. also hinted at doing something very bad to another man in his younger days but wouldnt comment on the details. He also said he hurt animals when he was little. Truly disturbing.

And for those who are skeptical, Ill couch the following metaphysically and symbolically: dont be surprised if you find yourself bruised head to toe, with black and blue rings around your wrists and ankles and have no recollection of how they got there. Might be evidence of psychic battering (look it up) or you could just blame it on the dog, like I did. After all, you know how rambunctious German Shepherds can be.

One of his signature trademarks is Scorpions. If you find them in your bed, like I did, youll know hes left you his calling card.

If you find your tires slashed or 2 screws in the sidewall, youll know he was angry with you.

In the end, I had to ask myself, Where are those projects now? It was then I realized I was to blame for allowing my life to deteriorate to the degree I had found myself in. I could have called the Police on several occasions but didnt. I could have told my doctor about the rape, but instead covered it up with a tale of rough sex. Didnt matter that it was out of fear and mental/emotional conditioning that I let so many wrongs slide. So, the responsibility fell to me to clean up the mess to put my life back together, to find a new place to live, to make amends with my family and friends, to pay off debts and restore my standing in the community. I endured the public humility and he walked away. Anger and seething do not begin to hint at what I was feeling inside. I had let all this happen

And now? Now, I simply seek to expose him for what he is, in an attempt to prevent others from being hurt or duped like I was.

What I learned was that J.C. was and is a con and the game is a joke to him. He is ruthless, uses people for their resources, hurts them physically, emotionally, mentally, has no respect or regard for women or men or any flesh for that matter, whether that be human or animal. Just an fyi, one woman he stayed with had a dog that kept waking him with its yipping. J.C. got up, picked up the dog, opened the sliding glass doors and threw the dog off the 2nd floor balcony then went back to sleep. Not my words. His.

Just some thoughts to ponder about J.C. Steel:

His real name is James Harding
His e-mail address is
He has a Facebook account
His phone number is 480-234-7100 and will answer the phone with, this is Dutch if he does not recognize the callers ID
His last known place of residence is somewhere around Ironwood and Main in Apache Junction, Arizona
His welding shop is located on the northeast corner of Ray and Val Vista in Gilbert, Arizona in an old dirt plot that was once used as a rodeo
He was abused as a child, is bi-polar and has multiple personalities
He is afraid to be alone, to live by himself, to sleep for fear of being awakened by an intruder (Mob, law enforcement, thugs, aliens, ghosts, old girlfriends, husbands and boyfriends)
He has been arrested for his violent temper and ensuing altercations
He has a cursory knowledge of hypnosis and employs the Svengali method of control on his victims it may be elementary, but it works. Steer clear.
He has a son, Couper, and a daughter
J.C.s parents divorced and each remarried one set lives in Nebraska and the other in California
His sister lives with her husband here in Phoenix
When what he is presenting feels too good to be true, just know that it is walk away. I did not and lost my life savings, investments, home, reputation, self-respect and nearly all of my friends.
Listen to your gut, your instincts. We all have an internal warning system we were born with; listen to it it will never lead you astray. Not only did I not listen to my higher self the first time, but repeatedly made this same mistake. I kicked him out of my Mesa, Arizona condo in the spring of 2010 he came knocking on the door of my new Apache Junction, Arizona residence 6 weeks later because hed since been kicked out of his girlfriends home and had no place to go. I took him in with the idea that he would be gone in a day or so 7 months later, he was still there, sleeping on the floor of the computer room and I had to kick him out again. I packed his belongings and dropped them off at his welding shop. Even his own sister will not take him in one because of his ill temper and another because he just wont leave.
You already know the difference between right and wrong. If hes suggesting or hinting at fraudulent activity (such as collecting insurance on vehicle damage or loss), dont be a part of it. Wrong is wrong and in this case, criminal.
If you are looking for an adventure, then create your own from your own bucket list. If you live vicariously through him, you are already in over your head.
Do not lend this man money especially to back his dream. If you want to invest, invest in yourself. If you lend this man money, it will lead you to certain ruin his philosophy is that money is not real and therefore does not need to be respected or repaid. Do not listen to him. He is not the authority on all things past, present and future. He is a master at the Confidence game -- you are not and neither was I.
When you find yourself in an intimate situation that feels wrong with this man, it is. Say no and walk away especially if you are not the girlfriend or a lover or his wife or simply a w***e. You do not have to endure a hug, a touch or any familiarity from this man it only serves to break down natural boundaries. A 3-feet greet is perfectly acceptable; if he has a problem with this, it is his problem, not yours. Otherwise, youre going to find yourself being man-handled sexually with demands for hand-jobs or find yourself flipped on your back, (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

without your consent, protection, lubrication or participation until youve bled and were so battered you could hardly walk let alone sit like I did. Its not just rough sex or amorous, its called rape. Report it before he does this to someone else or hurts them in a worse way.
Do not leave work in the middle of your workday in order to run his errands; do not use company resources to conduct research for him or to type his proposals and such. You will get caught and you will lose your job.
J.C. does not have the right to control you even though he will do his best to make you believe that. He believed I was his possession and so also believed he had a right to do as he pleased. This started subtly and imperceptibly with him making suggestions, asking for favors, hinting. He will not hesitate to do the same thing to you. He will turn you into his slave, his go-for, his personal assistant and errand person. He is a money-pit. Be adamant about maintaining your perspective and your power or else youll find yourself (like I did) funding his trips and projects, his living expenses, paying off hit men that felt he owed them a debt or money, being at his beck-n-call 24/7, listening to his non-stop prattle about his vast knowledge of the ways of the world with NO regard for your well-being. This being the case, you will also find yourself unable to think for yourself or give yourself permission to walk away.
J.C. does not have the right to intimidate you that is called bullying and he is very good at it. I was bullied to the point I was unable to make a move without his permission or approval for fear of retribution. Be aware that if you already have a propensity for being obedient, you are setting yourself up as the perfect mark.
When you are being coerced by J.C. to do his bidding (whether that involves cash, your time, your services) go talk with someone about it. Go talk it over with the local authorities and see what they have to say about this. If youre afraid to do this for fear of getting him into trouble, for fear of the consequences should he find out, it is a blatant warning that you are already in deep trouble. Trust me. Its okay to tattle. I wish I would have tattled.
Mentor with someone that loves you enough to be honest with you. Be open and forthright with them in the telling of the activities of your days -- if you have to hide what youre involved with, then something is wrong with the situation. Again, I repeat, if youre afraid to do this, it is a blatant warning that you are already in deep trouble. Trust me. It is okay to tattle.
Listen to the counsel of your family and friends they will have a view and opinion. Take heed of their advice when it comes to their input about this man.
J.C. Steel is a dangerous man. He is ill-tempered, a liar, a thief and participates in fraudulent activity. He is also delusional, a coward, a bully, a rapist and quite possibly a murderer. He has a skill in persuasion techniques, misinformation, disinformation and an innate ability to spin any situation or circumstance. Be very aware. Do not get caught up in a false sense of his endearment its just another technique for manipulation. When you no longer have whatever resources he needs (your time, energy, money), he will leave your carcass by the wayside and not even bother to glance back. He will leave you holding the bag whatever that bag may contain. In my case, I was left with $150,000 of debt, no savings, no way to repay the creditors, contracts and leases that I could not honor and as a result, fear, self-loathing and a dose of paranoia.
Just know, its ok to say no to him. He will not like it, but its still okay, nonetheless, to say NO to him.

Do yourself a favor. Keep a journal of dates, events, places, names, dollars spent, where spent and for what this will come in handy. This blog is my journal. I have receipts and dates stored for safekeeping but I sure wish I would have kept up a diary of everyday happenings. Those five years were filled with such bizarre behavior, circumstances and experiences that it would be nearly impossible to piece it all back together and trust me, you dont want to miss a thing.
Should you choose to pursue your own path of justice, this link for the Statute of Limitations might prove helpful:
When things go awry with him, do not hesitate to change your locks, install a home alarm system as well as a nanny cam. By the way, you do not have to answer the door just because hes knocking on it, nor do you have to answer the phone just because it is him calling. Change your phone number and get it unlisted, let your property management company keep an eye on your home, let your employer know, put a restraining order on this man, learn self-defense techniques, carry mace (and learn how to use it). Change your computer passwords and your e-mail address; block him on social sites, get a sweep from a Spy Store to detect bugs, change vehicles and alter your driving patterns.
Read through web-sites, such as:


to see if there are any other blogs on this man. Please do all of us a favor and post any further details on James Harding, aka J.C. Steel or your experiences with him, complete with dates, dollars, and locations. Together, we stand a better chance of stopping this man from hurting or destroying anymore lives.
o    Arizona Statutes of Limitations
Summary of the statutes of limitations for the state of Arizona

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