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  • Report:  #255595

Complaint Review: James Smith National Real Estate Investors

James Smith Scam | Complaints REVIEW: James Smith customers can feel safe confident & secure when doing business with James Smith Real-estate, James Smith Coaching Company and James Smith reinforces commitment to 100% customer satisfaction. James Smith stopped doing business with of 3rd party investor education companies, he had no ownership of or direct control over any customer service issues - That has all changed now. Read how James took the situation into his own hands. Draper Utah

*UPDATE: James Smith - James Smith Real Estate strongly demonstrate their commitment to total customer satisfaction through the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.

  • Reported By:
    Berkeley California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 20, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sun, January 22, 2012
  • James Smith National Real Estate Investors
    2230 University Parkway Bldg. #5
    Provo, Utah
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

SPECIAL UPDATE: January 21 2012: James Smith Real Estate remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. James Smith Real Estate is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, James Smith Real Estate has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, James Smith Real Estate has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever James Smith Real Estate remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at

Rip-off Report REVIEW:

Editor's UPDATE: Positive Rating and Recognition has been given to with James Smith, James Smith Real-estate, James Smith Coaching Company and for its Commitment to Excellence in customer service and their commitment to Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Program..

EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report INVESTIGATION: James Smith and his new James Smith Real-estate coaching company get a POSITIVE RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and we can report that the company is actively fulfilling their commitment to provide excellent customer service to buyers of their real estate training. James Smith also pledges to resolve past complaints and address previous customer service issues. For the past several years James Smith has been an independent speaker teaching real estate investing strategies on behalf of 3rd party investor education companies such as National Real Estate Institute (NRI), National Real Estate Academy (NREA), Millionaires in Training (MIT), Net Marketing Alliance, and other similar companies. James Smith realizes now that this was a big mistake, for himself and more importantly many of their students/customers.

For years students have bought into James Smith's irreverent but engaging presentation style and were attracted to his genuine caring for each student and his unique philosophy of giving back to others through success in real estate. Unfortunately, the companies he spoke for didn't share his commitment to the student nor to customer service and it started to show. Rip-off Report received complaints from students over the last 3 years. Rip-off Report has investigated each of these reports and found that the majority of these complaints were related to customer service issues which James did not directly control. In fact, Rip-Off Report discovered that James Smith had no ownership in any of these companies. Although James spoke for these companies as a contractor, he did not control staffing decisions, product quality, customer service policies, refund policies, nor any other control mechanism to ensure customer service for his students. It was a very frustrating situation for him.

In March of 2008, James took the situation into his own hands. He formed a new company under his ownership and hired CEO (Aaron Osmond) from the Technology Training industry with over 10 years of proven experience in improving customer service at WordPerfect, Novell, and Microsoft's training businesses. In addition, James hired COO (Kim Ferguson) with over 20 years of experience in seminar and event operations to ensure that highest possible quality training experience for his students. James now has direct control of all company staffing, customer service, sales policies, and procedures. In addition, James has formed a new volunteer Customer Advisory Council to represent his students and hold the company accountable for issues and concerns. The Council meets monthly to address customer service issues, needed service improvements, and to discuss ways to grow the company from a student perspective. See for more information. See for more information.

Based on Rip-off Report's investigation we have found that James Smith is actively committed to resolving current and past customer complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its current and past clients. We also believe that the past complaints against James Smith, whether through the Internet or other channels, is still very small when you consider that James has taught over 40,000 students during the last decade. We found that James has thousands of satisfied customers. Even more importantly, James now has full control over the customer service and training experience of his students. Most companies like this would never commit themselves to this level of effort nor would they seek to correct the past as James has done. As such Rip-Off Report Investigation gives James Smith and his new real estate coaching company a POSITIVE RATING in customer support and validate that they are actively fulfilling their commitment to provide excellent customer service to buyers of James Smith real estate training.

Read more about James Smith, James Smith Real-estate, James Smith Coaching Company and commitment to Excellence and Total Consumer Satisfaction and why consumers should feel safe, confident and secure when doing business with any member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..yes, a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,..A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.


===================== James Smith National Real Estate Investors James Smith is a Charlatan, a Con Artist, and the Worst Rip-Off Ever! Provo Utah

It seemed at first that James Smith's presentations and training sessions might be worth attending. However, in retrospect, his Greatest Real Estate Training Courses are nothing but knowledge-shallow shams. I wasted my time and money going to this guy's junk lectures on real estate.

Depending on what package you get, he charges you $3000-$6000 on basic training. The training is usually a 3 day session on very basic real estate procedures that you can find in any real estate course or finance book that cost $45. The material taught is gruel-thin, and when you think about it, what can they really teach you on a weekend or in a few days? The trainer, depending on who you get, will also attempt to talk over your head on very technical matters that they know you won't understand (because you're not simultaneously a CPA, Real Estate Broker, AND a JD), which produces in the attendee a feeling of a knowledge gap that the James Smith's crew will exploit by selling you a more expensive product (the Platinum Package) so that it can alleviate your anxious feelings of knowledge inferiority.

At the 3 day training, they'll teach you how to maximize your credit card limit, seemingly for the purpose of financing future real estate purchases, but in reality, just a way for them to be able to charge you another (surprise!) exorbitant fee: the James Smith Premium/Platinum Package at $33,000. That's right, $33,000!

If $33,000 doesn't sound like much to you, you actually give up a lot more in terms of opportunity costs. If you invest in the stock market, one dollar ($1) compounded annually at 12% for 30 years becomes $29.96; $33,000 compounded with the same terms become $988,680 which is how much you have forgone if you buy the Platinum Package for $33,000.

At this point you may wonder why on earth some people would even pay this much. But people do, and I've seen people fall for this shenanigan. You see, these James Smith people understand human psychology and they know how to sell. They first make you pay $3000-$6000, which is the classic foot in the door technique. The people who buy this are inevitably lured by the prospect of wealth and riches and driven by greed. The James Smith Crew exploit this human feeling all too well. If you are one of people who paid and find yourself learning nothing or find the presenter talking fast and over your head, you might think that you would want to go all the way and finish the training so that you can actually learn something. When you are out $3000-$6000, you'd figure you might as well shell out another $22,000 in the hopes that you'll make it back. Hope springs eternal.

I personally think that James Smith does a fabulous gimmick when he brings in stories or real people that are the every-man type, people who are like you and me, people you can identify with, and people who, coincidentally, stuck it fabulously rich by buying James Smith's products. Two great examples feature a Mexican cherry picker and this garbage man who James Smith made rich. The reasoning goes: If these people can do it, so can I. After these examples, I observed that some of the crowd grew more restless, and seemingly more greedy, with beady eyes flicking in the light.

Another fabulous selling point for James Smith is the seemingly devout accolades that the James Smith Crew lavishes on his products. These lackeys work for James Smith, appear at the presentations, and have nothing but good to say. They give these very true, gut-wrenching testimonies that will move you and touch you. Their stories chronicle the difficulties that they've faced in life and how after James Smith, their lives have turned for the better. One guy had a terminally ill father and in a desperate act, maxed out his credit cards to buy James Smith. One woman had a sick husband and in a desperate act of hope, maxed out her credit cards to buy James Smith. Now both work for and tout James Smith. They represent the few lucky guinea pigs and make great come back stories. What probably happened is that these people, by buying James Smith and shelling out $33,000 went to the brink of financial ruin and economic disaster. As the conjecture goes, James Smith probably then felt sorry and a bit guilty for these people and decided to take them under his arm. Most of us are not so fortunate, or shall I say, unfortunate.

The selling doesn't stop. Apparently, James Smith acquired some sort of fabulous building material, which is aggressively pitched, and which you can buy. Moreover, at the 5 day (They call it the), James Smith's Crew/ Associates sell condos, houses, properties, which you can buy as well If you are willing to pay more than $33,000 then by all means give it to the best salesman: James Smith.

Perhaps the best practice of James Smith's self promotion is his selective (and I might add, misleading) use of testimonials from people who have gone through his seminars. Rather extraordinary is the almost 100% fabulous, positive, and successful feedback from customers that are posted everywhere you turn, which invites you think that you too may be infallible as a result of his seminars and material. No where is this self-promotion more prominent than in the book of testimonials from clients that is packaged when you buy his product. Few buyers, however, notice that pretty much all of the successful testimonials date back before December, 2005, when the housing market was at its peak and when pretty much every house you buy would rise in value, just like when almost every tech stock that you bought would rise during the heated stock markets of the late 1990s. The lack of concrete details and representative dates of random testimonials, and the lack of in-depth and comprehensive success rates of all students must be weighed against the spurts of positive testimonials that pop here and there.

Whether you are worked to a feverish buying frenzy or are lured by the prospect of retiring wealthy and peacefully, James Smith has it all. If you wish not to explore your options, the books on foreclosure and commercial properties at your local book store, or the Real Estate class offerings at your local community college, then look no further. And whether my opinion and review outlined on this page has any bearing really depends on just how bad you want to be rich and just how much you believe that a $33,000 debit for The Greatest Real Estate Training can do for you.

Copyright 2007 by and its affiliates.

John Berkeley, California
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