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  • Report:  #293950

Complaint Review: James Wesley Busby James Busby Jim Busby Wesley Busby Wes-Roe Busby Jimmy Busby JW Busby

James Wesley Busby AKA Jim Busby AKA Bravo2Indigo DBA B&I Plumbing Wesley Busby, Wes-Roe Busby, Jimmy Busby, JW Busby ABANDONED 4 MINOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN - NOT PAYING CHILD SUPPORT @ 1800.00 PER MONTH SINCE 10/2006 Last Address St. Maries, IDAHO

  • Reported By:
    Spokane Washington
  • Submitted:
    Sun, December 23, 2007
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 23, 2013
  • James Wesley Busby, James Busby, Jim Busby, Wesley Busby, Wes-Roe Busby, Jimmy Busby, JW Busby
    Last Seen On Video Camera At Affordable Storage, Sullivan Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 12/2007
    Sapulpa, Oklahoma
  • Phone:
  • Category:


DESCRIPTION: White Male, age 48 yrs, 6'2", 240 lbs., Brown Hair, Hazel eyes, Beard, Moustache, Left Handed. Body-Builder type. Tattoos: L Upper Bicep - 8" round pic. of Tiger surrounded by 7 children's names. Scars: Appendectomy, Lower Back Surgery, Ankle Surgery, Knife Slash Stitches under L Arm Bicep, Stab Wound - upper L Bicep. Carries WA State Driver's License. Expiration Date: 03/07/2009. Wears Sunglasses habitually. Faint Southern Oklahoma accent.

VEHICLES: Rides Black 2005 Suzuki Motorcycle w/ WA State Plates. Drives Black 1997 Ford Explorer, or 1993 15 Passenger Blue/ Silver Ford 350 Van. May have 1947 Dodge 1/2 Ton PU Truck.

LOCATIONS: Sapulpa, Tulsa area, Wagoner, Coweta, Enid, OKLAHOMA
(many relatives living in Oklahoma)
Spokane, Spokane Valley, Arlington, Everett, WASHINGTON
(many friends in Arlington, WA)
St. Maries, IDAHO (Close friend living in Idaho)
Corpus Cristie, TEXAS
San Diego, El Cahon, CALIFORNIA

RIP-0FF ISSUE: Child Support for four remaining minor children is WA State Court Ordered, at $1,800.00 per month. James W. Busby does not visit or maintain contact with his children. He has not paid child support since 10/2006. Back support arrears: $23,000.00 +.

James Wesley Busby intentionally quit working at 47 years old, calls himself retired, and left WA State, abandoning his children to poverty. Family is in severe need. Children need basic living essentials. 11 year old daughter needs specialized dental care due to congenital birth defect.

If you have any information, please contact WA State Department of Child Support, Spokane, WA. Or, contact this Website.

Thank you. His Children.

Spokane, Washington

7 Updates & Rebuttals



THANK YOU....Feb. 2013 - James W. Busby making Amends

#8Author of original report

Sat, February 23, 2013

Thank you to the people who have been instrumental in facilitating and encouraging James W. Busby's contact with his family.

James W. Busby has relocated, and is reconciling with and making amends to his children for the past. He has shown regret and remorse for his actions and the impact they have had on his family.  He is working on relationship reparation, and his decision to return to his children and directly invest his time and effort as a father in their lives has begun a much needed healing process for all. 

With the support and encouragement of his family, James W. Busby is seeking gainful employment. Once he is employed, regular payment of child support, and child support arrears will begin.  

Again, thank you to all who have contributed comments.   Your contributions  all served to facilitate James W. Busby embracing and accepting his responsibilities to his family, and reuniting him with his children.  I sincerely thank you.

Signed, Mother of Children/ Former Wife

Spokane, WA



United States of America


#8General Comment

Mon, August 06, 2012

My story begins in October 1989. my husband is Wesley cousin. We moved to Everett Wesley gave my husband a job. June took me in as if I was her daughter. She protected us gave us shelter made sure we had dinner every night. This is sad. I was searching for Wesley this is what pops up. I must say the manI knew loved his wife worked his butt off 7days a week if need be. Work from dawn to dusk. At that time June & Wesley one had 2kids 2 little boys. You could see the love. He provided very well. I always wanted to say thank you to June & Wesley for everything they did for us.. so thank you June.. & Wesley. Your children don't deserve what's going on. Things happen. I completely understand where June is coming from. I've been through alot the last 4yrs myself. I wish Wesley well. U hope he can get on his feet.



The Reports I have filed are true, and verifiable through Everett and Spokane Superior Courts, WA, and WA DCS.

#8Author of original report

Sat, September 10, 2011

The original report was filed 12/2007 in an attempt to inform and update the public about my ex-husband, James Wesley Busby.  Several updates were made 12/2007, and 1/2008 to expand on his description.  WA State has added James W. Busby to their "Most Wanted" Child Support Evaders, which can be accessed through Wa State Dept. of Child Support.

05/15/2010 - I filed an update on Rip Off Report regarding James W. Busby.  As of that date, no child support had been paid toward his account. 

06/16/2010 - Mother of Six (June) acknowleged receipt of $145.00 DOC - Rip Off Report #611044.

All updates, rebuttals since are public and available. 

Joyce -

There's no use in your going back to old reports filed years ago and rebutting them.  This is what you're doing and it's weak and ineffective.   You're allegations  that I'm lying are are unsubstantiated, unverifiable, rambling,and counterproductive.  

You state repeatedly that my Reports are destroying James Busby opportunities to get a job, but you are busily typing away here on "Rip Off Report", and there are nearly as many Reports posted by Joyce "J" Ryan of Lake Charles, LA as there are by the "mother of six"...June.  You have given explicit sexual information, photographs, and details which were so personal, it never occurred to me to broach them.  It was never my intention that this be a venting spot.  
I believe  the purpose for which this Forum Report was set up in 2007 has been achieved.  That purpose was to make it known publicly that James Wesley Busby has 6 children,  he owes child support and back child support, and has been "Dead Beat Dad".   

It was at least marginally successful because we reached you Joyce,  and also Kathy Flandreau of South Dakota, and Jennifer of Sapulpa, OK.  

As always, anyone who reads this in the future....PLEASE contact WA State Department of Child Support, Case Worker Stacy Rainer, Spokane, WA.


Lake Charles,
United States of America

Not quite the whole truth.....

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, August 29, 2011

John, he is in contact with his children, he calls them and talks with them online.  He is trying to find a job but with all the crap that is posted on the internet about him, he can't find a job.  I am his girlfriend, not his Sugga Mama as June would have you believe.  I am loving, caring and supportive toward him, he is the man in my life and has been for the last two years.  As long as I see him trying I will be by his side.  I will do what I can to give to the kids when they need it.  When he was working he was sending money, about 90% of his checks.  She wanted more and wanted the state to take it. When they did, he suddenly got laid off and has been unable to obtain employment since then.  Imagine what an employer thinks when he reads all of the stuff June is placing out there.  He may never be able to find a job.  Some people fail to think or see the big picture.  If he can't work he can't send money, its that simple.  So if efforts are continued to sabbotage his employment opportunities then he can't make money to send.

Also, the child support order was not fair, and I am a woman.  What is fair about paying $1800 for 6 kids and continuing that payment until the last kid is 18.  I have spoken with an attorney friend of mine and he agrees that is unfair.  Child support orders decrease as each kid turns 18.  Maybe Jim needs to see an attorney and get all of this straight and the amount dramatically decreased.  I have a few attorneys and a couple of judges that I am personal friends with.  Jim does not want me to call in a favor, he wants to handle this on his own but he may to suck up his pride and let me help him.  I do not mind using a favor to not only help the man I love but to help the children that he helped create.

I have tried to befriend all.  I care about those kids, they are part of Jim and I would do anything to help them.  I do not understand why June thinks so poorly of me when I was the one that got all of this started in the first place.  She did not know where he was until I told her.  But obviously, I am a bad person, a doormat who enables Jim.  This was hurtful, but hey guess my efforts toward her were unappreciated and unwelcomed.  I will continue to do any and everything I can for the kids.  When they tell me they need, I will do what I can to help them.  Always will.  I won't back away from the kids because their mom thinks so poorly of me.

I am sure that Jim would love to hear from you.  I will tell him about the words that you placed one here and maybe we can do something to find you.  Just know that Jim is trying and yes he would do anything for them.  He is doing all he can to make a few pennies because no one will hire him after reading all that June is placing on the internet.  He does call the kids, they call him and at the moment there are 3 that are under 18 at home, not 6.  And in December it will be 2.  Yes he and I know the birthdates and ages of all of the kids.

Again, thanks for you words and support.




JUNE 2011 - Spokane, WA

#8Author of original report

Wed, June 22, 2011

John Hoobler:

Your opinion and comments have been noted.  I realize there is no love lost between you and I, and that despite the many years you and Jim have been out of contact, you will ever remain loyal to him.
It is unfortunate that you are defending a person who is long gone.

Jim is well aware of where his children are, their ages, their needs, and the fact that it takes more than an income of $1300.00 a month to (my earnings), to raise 6 kids. 

His child support was fair.  The fact that he is no longer licensed and in business is because his licenses have been revoked for failure to pay child support.   He has had many opportunities, and was forgiven of over $60,000.00  in back support for the years 2001 to 2005, so he could start over and form an LLC.  He threw it all away.  No one took it all away from him.  Least of all me.

The divorce  was because he would not be responsible with his business,  refused to be married,
and refused to be a father to his children.  You know what you were told.  You never knew what was really going on......just spoon fed a victim story. 

Six kids are growing up/ have grown up without their father involved in any way in their lives.   We have done ok when you look at what we were up against. 

Every one of these kids works in some capacity and contributes to basic living expenses so we have a life.  None of them respect what Jim did to our family...because we all had a second chance and he threw it away.

He knows where they live.  He has phone access.  He can call them any time.  He can send them cards and gifts.    He had a very liberal visitation plan that was customized to his work schedule and to be as accomodating as possible.   He chose to just disappear and never looked back. 

He is content to live off a "sugar mama" and most likely works under the table.  

It is Jim who needs to have compassion and take an equal and equitable responsibility for his own offspring.  For their education, medical and dental care, food, housing, clothing,  training, teaching, companionship, affording them opportunities for success and happiness in life....and all the myriad things a real father does; the dreams we once had for the children we produced.  I never expected them to grow up in destitution and poverty.  

It is for the loss of a father, the calculated and forced hardship that he selfishly subjects his own children to that is an on-going, immeasurable, and tragic outcome.  And it is the fruit of his own behavior which continues to this day.  

Our doors are open, but the kids hearts are burdened. 

As always, June


United States of America

James Wesley Busby

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 13, 2011

I have known Jim since 1979. Jim has worked more than any one I know to provide for his family. Jim has been misunderstood and dismissed by most of those whome he had to deal with. Yea his bussiness went bad and he was rejected by frends and family. He was ordered by the court to pay more than he could possible earn. I'm sure he did not respond well. I think June and the children could have help him by showing more compassion. He acted like a wounded animial cornered. Jim may or may not be a lot of things good or bad. I will say this when people have a chance to do the right thing with kindness and a little help from those that are closest to these, it may be done. Jim I'm sure would give his all for his friends and family. But cross his and try to take it from him and you will have a fight on your hands. I have not seen Jim for some time now but I do trust him as family. I hope his wounds will heal and I wish the best for his family. JEH


Spokane Valley,

WA STATE DEAD BEAT DAD - James W. Busby, James Wesley Busby, Jim Busby, AKA, Buzz, "Lambie", Passive Little Feller, Twinkie, Hermy

#8Author of original report

Thu, January 03, 2008

JAMES WESLEY BUSBY: White Male, age 48 yrs, DOB 03/07/1959, 6'2", 240 LBS., Brown/ Grey Hair, Hazel eyes, wears contact lenses, Scruffy Grey/ Brown Beard & Moustache. Habitually wears sun-glasses to avoid being identified. Small head, thick neck, overdeveloped and overweight for body frame. Size 11 Shoe, flat feet from weight. Oklahoma accent; accentuates when talking to women. Identifiable Scars: Reconstructed thumb, right hand, thumb-nail growing from side of thumb, not nailbed. Missing right hand ring finger, Appendectomy, Lower Back Surgery, Ankle Surgery, Knife Slash stitches under L Arm Bicep, Stab Wound - upper L Bicep. Tattoos: L-Bicep Tiger surrounded by 7 children's names. Chest -Poorly done Prison Tattoo of fat "Puff the Magic Dragon", Right Bi-cep, Home-made tattoo. Hometown: Coweta, Oklahoma. Graduated: Coweta High School, Coweta, OK. Family: mother Patricia James Struble last know to reside in Enid, OK. Other Family: Tulsa, Coweta, Sand Springs, Wagoner, Sapulpa, and areas around Tulsa, OK. Religion:
Holiness and Pentecostal. Profession: Previously Licensed Journeyman Plumber, and Licensed Specialty Contractor operating under "B&I Plumbing, LLC, WA State.

WANTED BY WA State Department of Child Support, Arrears in excess of $23,000.00. Abandoned/ Deserted 4 minor children in October, 2006. Is not paying child support, or making contribution of any kind toward support of sons and daughters. Current arrears compounding at
$1,800.00 per month. Children need basic living essentials. Children currently dependent on WA State, and Charity for food, medical, dental, and clothing vouchers. Eleven year old daughter born with congenital tooth/ mouth defect (permanent teeth mising). She needs restorative dental work not covered by DSHS. Former 21 years Stay-at-Home mother of 6 is working full time, and unable to earn enough to fully support and care for children. Untrained for work, due to homeschooling and raising children, and working for family business. Help locate and bring this Dead-Beat-Dad to Justice. If you know of James W. Busby's whereabouts, please, contact the WA State Department of Child Support, Spokane Division, Attention: Caseworker S. Rainer.


Last spotted 12/17/2007, Spokane Valley, Affordable Storage, Sullivan Road....attempting to remove valuables from his storage unit.

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