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  • Report:  #721720

Complaint Review: Jan Windglows/Micheal Jenkins

Jan Windglows/Micheal Jenkins Aliases include but not limited to: Janhett T. Windglows aka Janet D. Moss-Hayes aka Janet D. Dewire aka Janet Elmore James Morgan aka James Drew aka Micheal Jenkins Obsession. Betrayal,Deception Fraud, LIES, THREATS Driggs, Idaho

  • Reported By:
    PsychicINSeattle — Tacoma Washington United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 25, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 07, 2012
  • Jan Windglows/Micheal Jenkins
    PO Box 712
    Driggs, Idaho
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    208 714 4348 and 805 455
  • Category:
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Jan Windglows Posting Facts, Proof, And Mary Prantil's Criminal Records Exposing Her Again *Consumer Suggestion: Jan Windglows is Criminally INSANE Jan Windglows aka Quenn Lilith Turn yourself into the POLICE warrants issued for your arrests for DECEPTION FRAUD by many *Consumer Suggestion: Illiterate Jan Windglows post your attorney so I can serve you a Civil summons; Criminal Record means "Convictions" STUPID & CRAZY Jan Windglows again caught in another LIE *Author of original report: CRIME ALERT: JAN WINDGLOWS:Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny-BEWARE OF SCAMMERS *Consumer Comment: Psychic in Seattle AKA Mary Prantil quite an admission *Consumer Comment: Criminally INSANE Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. Heroin Addict. Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict & supports her drug habit with Witchcraft *Author of original report: July 19, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals, owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your money *Consumer Comment: Psychic In Seattle Exposes Herself *Consumer Comment: July 19, 2011 -Serial Criminal Jan Windglows not in Bonners Ferry, ID..I was victimized by EVIL Jan Windglows Blood Love and Lust Spells is a SPELL SCAM *Consumer Comment: Psychic In Seattle -Doing God's work? *Author of original report: July 28, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to STEAL your money *Consumer Comment: Jan Windglows And Jim Morgan NOT Affliated With Michael Jenkins or ANY other Magick Site - File HUGE Civil Lawsuit On Malicious Criminal Stalker Mary Prantil aka " @AmericasDreamer" *REBUTTAL Owner of company: Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan NOT Affliated With Michael Jenkins OR Any Other Casters Slap A HUGE Civil Lawsuit On Malicious Poster Mary Prantil For Harrassment, FRAUD, Slander, Liabel, MORE INFO HERE *Consumer Suggestion: Crime Alert Criminal & On-line SCAM Jan Windglows is a Thief that stole from me. Jan Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. *Consumer Suggestion: Crime Alert: Jan Windglows poses as a SCAM Spellcaster & Life Coach and steals money from all of her 0n-Line clients. Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows *REBUTTAL Owner of company: JAN WINDGLOWS WINS LAWSUIT AND JUDGEMENT OF BAFOON CRIMINAL MARY PRANTIL

Jan Windglows and Micheal Jenkins with over 10 aliases each and multiple address and phone numbers have spent the last 3 years obsessing, lying posting threats on a former client.  They ripped off Mary Prantil for over $ 3050.00 never showed her any "Spell Sheets" or anything else. Her boyfriend was/is hooked on herion and she was afraid he would overdose, in a panic she reached out to Jan Windglows.  The perfect patsy for her fraudulent spell business.  Give me
 $ 1500  and I will cure your boyfriend. NEVER HAPPENED NEVER WILL.  That was 2007 Mary gave Jan's associate Micheal Cahill $ 1000 NO RESULTS NO REPORTS NOTHING.  In desperation she also gave $ 500 to Matlida Sommerfeld.  Then Mary wised up and demanded to see her spell sheets guess what no spell sheets were sent but Jan wanted to "perform another spell"  and used Mary's credit card without her permission.  Mary stopped her and the results are the horrible lies she keeps posting daily.  Jan is pissed off the Mary see her deception and stopped her.

Jan Windglows has gone to extremes called Mary;s employers, friends in New York and posted pictures and personal address WITHOUT MARY"S PERMISSION.  WHY??? 

Why haven't you filed a report with your local police if you were ripped off Jan Windglows or Janehtt T. Windglows or Janet D. Moss=Hayes or Janet Dewire or Janet Elmore or whoever you are today?  Afraid of the backlash what are you going to show the police you sold to Mary Prantil?  Even the desk clerk at the police station will figure your scam out and you will never leave there. \

The cell phones Jan Windglows operates out of puts here anywhere on the planet she decides to hide.  Claims to be in Bonners Ferry Idaho, Driggs, Idaho, Records show she lives in Coure d'Alene, Idaho.  Can't tell the truth about anything or anyone. 

Mary Prantil needs to subpeona you and Micheal Jenkins or whoever he is operating  at today to trial in NEW YORK  Your treachery will be reaveled in that Courtroom  I want you to read the unbelieable horrible reports you have written over the years.  The lies you tell with such ease. Crazy people don't know truth from lies its all the same.  Crazy won't keep you from being prosecuted.  Just locked up with all the other criminal crazies in this world.

I want potential victims of Queen Lilith, Jan Windglows, Micheal Jenkins to read all your filth all your lies and understand your treachery, deciet, and insanity.


Ask forgiveness of your victim and repent . God cast his beloved angels into hell for their deceit.  Again beware the false prophets you will receive in measure exactly what you have given You should be frightened but from your reports you are both to arrogant and stupid and being paid too much money to be afraid.  Who is paying you to continue this persecution? We will find you and will will testify

The righteous will triumph, evil will be destroyed so saith the Lord

16 Updates & Rebuttals

High Enchantress Jan Windglows



#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, July 07, 2012

Mary Prantil has a life long criminal career and currently has nine criminal charges she is on trial for, and one in Nevada. Mary Prantil uses dozens of Spell Casters to help her attain her wishes, then commits haneous acts to mess up her spell results, then blames her messed up life on the Spell Casters that have helped her. Mary Prantil messes up her life and alienates everyone around her including her own family, while blaming everyone for everything that has gone wrong in her life because of her own evil deeds against innocent people.

Mary Prantil is broke, lost her inheritance after sponging and taking advantage of her family and mother for years on end while continuing her SCAMMING CRIME SPREE to hurt innocent people, Spell Casters and ANYONE that does not agree with her. Mary Prantil refuses to take responsibility for her OWN actions but instead blames her shortcomings on other innocent people who have tried to help her, then calls them SCAM.

Top Spell Caster Jan Windglows SUES Mary Prantil because Mary Prantil cannot and will not stop stalking and harrassing Jan Windglows and her husband. Mary Prantil had it coming for years. Mary Prantil sends Jan Windglows a letter of EXTORTION threatening Jan Windglows. Mary Prantil stalks Spell Casters, and other different types of celebrities, comedians, etc. in her weak sick efforts of her so called "claim to fame" while using her crimes and abuse to continue to harass spell casters, other high profile people, writing lie after lie in her hateful crime spree against innocent people.

READ THE LAWSUIT- this is how stalkers SHOULD be handled, because that is the only way to get through to them, by sending them to JAIL where they will not hurt themselves or others. WE HAVE SUED Mary Prantil due to her long term criminal history of stalking and abusing us. If she does not get that or understand that, it is ok because she is on her way to jail anyway, why? BECAUSE MARY PRANTIL IS A HARD CORE CRIMINAL and does not know any other way except for her sick life of crime against innocent people and business.

Now that Mary Prantil is getting her BUTT KICKED by us, she is angry and continues to post lies about us but we REFUSE to back down from trash like her. Mary Prantil is a low life criminal who is better off when she is locked up and out of society because she will never be capable of being any type of honest or decent person that is able to make any type of positive contribution to society.

This is Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan posting the lawsuit that we won on scum scammer CRIMINAL Mary Prantil just for the record. Stalker Mary Prantil belongs in prison. She is doing this to several other people as well, as she prides herself in harassing other people and businesses. Mary Prantil, the malicious poster here filed numerous frivilous lawsuits on New York, PLUS the New York Police Department that were thrown out of court. Currently we are telling everyone about the criminal she is, including Mayor Bloomberg.

Posting hateful untrue malicious comments is one of Mary Prantil's favorite hobbies. So, here is the summons we served on Prantil, and the lawsuit. She never even had the nerve to show up for the court hearing. See the attached files on the next page of us serving Mary Prantil a summons. You can view the full records, and actual lawsuit via this link, as it is too many pages to post here. Just click the link and then see the file here for the court summons and law suit first pages.

Mary Prantil's criminal records can also be seen at this link.


Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows


Mary Prantil has stated over the last four years that she absolutely loves the state of New York and Mayor Michael Bloomberg and or, NYC is the greatest city on earth yet, why do we show records of Ms. Prantil suing the city of New York for alleged offenses against her?, as the records below show below.

Prantil, has also refereed, and repeatedly urged the readers on the site of Rip Off Report and other similar whistle blower sites in contacting two specific police officers of NYC police department known as (Eric Rodriguez and Jose Rodriguez) in getting their money back from us, or to file a police report with these officers against us for whatever reason and further, to call them directly.

More foolery and FRAUD on prantil's part. As it turns out, this is even more of prantil's lunatic crap against innocent others on the Internet and toward the police department. WHY?, because she's asking the public to file reports against Jan and myself with what appears to be defendants against more of her ungrounded charges of negligence against the New York City police department there in Queens and Manhattan New York, Huh?

You see, these were the same police officers that were dispatched by the New York courts system to collect Mary Prantil on a bench warrant for breaking a previous restraining order filed on her for stalking by who other?, Hani Salama, the Ex-Boyfriend. In retaliation, Mary Prantil filed this frivolous lawsuit against her favorite city of New York, The Big Apple lol. It's interesting as the New York Manhattan court had ask Prantil to come in and address the charges against her concerning the Salama restraining order to which she not only, didn't show up for, but eluded the police for a couple of weeks by hiding out in her filthy new york apartment.

The police went to her apartment and waited for her to take out the trash and thus, when she showed up at the curb, the police took her out as garbage lol. Prantil, fell to the ground kicking and screaming, while shouting out that the police were attempting to rape, and beat her up however, this dull criminal forgot that the apartment complex in which she was living had active cameras that recorded the whole event. Let's not forget the fifty or sixty witnesses that observed the incident as it unfolded while in the end, watched in horror and humor as they hauled this freak off to jail.

The case was thrown out against the Officers, as Prantil's clams were slanderous at best, against the state of New York and these fine upstanding NYC Officers. Of course, we also see Prantil attempting to sue folks but loosing in these reports below and moreover, other Companies suing her for non-payment of her debts to them, along with one of her Attorneys dropping her case for the reason that she is a idiot, and more then likely, fought against his advice repeatedly, or was perpetually combative in his defense of her. We can find five other instances of prantil losing her Counsel as a result of her bad personal conduct as her criminal records reflect.

We also see that Prantil utilizes the public defenders office provided by the court in taking on her charges against other private people and the state. Wow, does this mean that Mary Prantil is using tax payers dollars to play the legal system? I think it does, as the records reflect below.

Why does Mary Prantil still have several criminal and civil cases going currently? that should have been resolved four years ago through the New York legal process? that usually handles these types of cases in a couple of months at the longest? especially, when the evidence is so overwhelming against a person such as Prantil in these instances.

Hani Salama, Prantil's EX- Boyfriend, is one such person that has criminal charges filed against Prantil along with four other New Yorkers.

Yet, Prantil stalked and showed up at Hani Salama's door one night, attacked this man, he shoved her in defense of himself, and she had him arrested for simple battery, simply because the state couldn't enforce the restraining order he had against her for stalking him. Prantil, went on to post his picture on one of her slamming sites geared to harm our reputations, and titled it Hani Salama Defends Mary Prantil Against Scam Jan Windglows, while attempting to deceive the public in believing that Hani Salama was actually writing all these negative statements against us when in all actuality, it is mary prantil posting this trash against us all along under his name, while using his picture without permission.

Is that Identity Theft? I think so, the very charge Prantil charges others with on a continual bases over the Internet, the same crime Dana Thornton has bee charged with currently being impersonation and identity theft. Prantil went on to create and post five gay websites on another man there in New York City, who had filed criminal charges against her out of retaliation. Of course she also proceeded in passing out his private information on the porn sites along with a request for people to call him for free gay sex, even though the man isn't gay.

Prantil, called this mans land lord and threatened to slam him on the Internet should he not kick out the man that had charges against her, called the D.E.A and A.T.F on the man that had charges against her, in a effort to harass and have him unfairly arrested or incarcerated. Of course these law enforcement agencies found no wrong doing in the mans activities. This wasn't enough for Prantil, as she went on to post repeatedly, and highly negative reports of Rip Off Reports against a renown New York Psychologist, who has also filed criminal charges on Mary Prantil in the New York Courts, to which is still pending. Prantil, has had a lawsuit filed and won against her by Jan Windglows and myself James Morgan, to which she didn't show up to in her own defense yet, she's went on to harass and stalk others like Ray Meseroll of Bmore Radio.

Why?, because he did a show or two exposing her as a scam, to which she was given the opportunity to show up to, but didn't at anytime. She's posted trash against Mike Cahill who performed spell services for her, to which she charged back on six times and further, trash against Michael Jenkins whom just spoke to her over the phone a few times and refused to do any spell work for her. We have hard copy records of these conversations and other records to prove these statements in which Prantil incriminates herself every other sentence.

This scam artist Mary ( PSYCHIC N SEATTLE ) Prantil, has numerous false identities on the Internet in which she launches her slamming and scamming trash from against others to which we can prove yet, she accuses other of this on a daily bases. Prantil seems to have a habit of accusing others of the same offenses she's guilty in carrying out, Huh? Ok, without rehashing the information that has since been made public knowledge in the past along with the new information posted on this criminal, let me move on as follows below.

So, what we have here is a two bit scammer that was ran out of the state of California whom has been in trouble with the courts for at least twenty years of her miserable life, in short. Whom further, comes from a corrupt family of Attorneys whom has went on in making her living in scamming on-line businesses by charging back on them, Liable them on the Web for not giving into her demands, or launching frivolous lawsuits to obtain settlements etc.

We can show that her father Frank G. Prantil was sent to a California prison for a couple of years for stealing a great deal of money from a client awaiting trial for murder whom he was representing, and then lying about it to a grand jury that also resulted in disbarment. We can show, that her uncle Richard G. Prantil filed false court documents in scamming the courts and a once client out of ten-thousand dollars four years latter and after the fact of him handling their case, in which he was forced to pay back. Both guys were disbarred for a certain amount of time, Richard acquired his license back for some reason and Frank was just ran out of town there in San Diego California.

Now, we see Mary Prantil using public defenders and or, the Court Appointed Attorneys office concerning her nine criminal charges being aggravated harassment, criminal contempt, felony E stalking, resisting arrest, communicating alarm, disobey a court, jumping parole from Rikers Island prison, just to mention a few, while playing the state of New York for over four years and wasting a lot of tax payer dollars, where does it STOP?

Ok, this really gripes my a*s in that this prantil, or menace to society, is actually using the state to defend herself from the states own charges against her. Please see all the continuances and other legal motions filed by Prantil's public defender in the records below, it will make you sick and possibly, a little embarrassed if your the state prosecuting her.

It will make you very angry or even outraged you if your a New York Tax Payer. This ought to give you a pretty good idea of all the wasted New York tax dollars inured by Prantil's frivolous legal play in the New York courts. Basically, this criminal is running up the bill for the New York Tax Payers as the state charges and or, raises taxes as a resort of idiots like Prantil making a mockery out of the legal system. Huge deficit for a state whom has been on the verge of bankruptcy over the last four years. Whom moreover, allows this creepy criminal to spend most of her time harassing and posting trash on numerous innocent businesses on Internet while she hides behind 60 or so anonymous names.

That is, when she's between her court hearings for committing some of the same crimes there in NYC, how PATHETIC is that. What I'd like to know Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Cuomo, is why do you permit this piece of New York Trash to harass innocent people for over years plus, when it's evident that this criminal Mary Prantil of Astoria Queens New York should have been put under a jail some place?.

Did you know that we've had people call into us stating that Prantil was doing this sort of thing 28 ? Yes, doing these same things to other on-line and land based business owners. You know, We the people of the United States that are tired of scum balls like Mary Prantil using the legal system while harassing others through this same system in, and out of the courts.

Yep, were tired of a entire such as New York in allowing criminals like Prantil to file one frivolous lawsuit after another, and others having to file legitimate lawsuits against her simply because, the state of New York can't seem to get this idiot out of society, Why is this? A State whom further seems to be more interested in the rights of a criminal personality such as Prantil, over the rights of those that follow the laws of the State and federal government. A Sate that allows a person like this to attack the very D.A that is prosecuting her case, and does nothing. When this same criminal has managed to remove the primary D.A that was prosecuting her case, just because she called him and incriminated herself in one of numerous harassing calls to him.

I want to know why New York can't clean up its own trash pertaining to Mary Prantil, and why must the rest of Society and or, the Tax Payers endure this kind of crap coming from a low life criminal especially, when your paid to keep this element of society under control. In closing, Mary Prantil has total and flagrant disregard for the law, and the rules of society on the whole, She's a slap in the face to justice, and a parasite that feeds off of the hard work and peace of all honest and peace loving people everywhere just trying to make a living in this sick economy.

Mary Prantil is the very thing that erodes society at its very foundation and can be considered, the very sickness that society allows to continue simply because, it doesn't want to violate her civil rights even though, criminals like prantil don't deserve any civil rights. Why should criminals like prantil have any kind of rights when she doesn't observe the rights of others over a prolong period of years. She's a CRIMINAL guys and you are elected officials, so put her in jail and Keep her There!!!! Mary Prantil has a life long criminal career and currently has nine criminal charges she is on trial for, and one in Nevada. Mary Prantil uses dozens of Spell Casters to help her attain her wishes, then commits haneous acts to mess up her spell results, then blames her messed up life on the Spell Casters that have helped her.

Mary Prantil messes up her life and alienates everyone around her including her own family, while blaming everyone for everything that has gone wrong in her life because of her own evil deeds against innocent people. Mary Prantil is broke, lost her inheritance after sponging and taking advantage of her family and mother for years on end while continuing her SCAMMING CRIME SPREE to hurt innocent people, Spell Casters and ANYONE that does not agree with her. Mary Prantil refuses to take responsibility for her OWN actions but instead blames her shortcomings on other innocent people who have tried to help her, then calls them SCAM.

Top Spell Caster Jan Windglows SUES Mary Prantil because Mary Prantil cannot and will not stop stalking and harrassing Jan Windglows and her husband. Mary Prantil had it coming for years. Mary Prantil sends Jan Windglows a letter of EXTORTION threatening Jan Windglows. Mary Prantil stalks Spell Casters, and other different types of celebrities, comedians, etc. in her weak sick efforts of her so called "claim to fame" while using her crimes and abuse to continue to harass spell casters, other high profile people, writing lie after lie in her hateful crime spree against innocent people.

READ THE LAWSUIT- this is how stalkers SHOULD be handled, because that is the only way to get through to them, by sending them to JAIL where they will not hurt themselves or others. WE HAVE SUED Mary Prantil due to her long term criminal history of stalking and abusing us. If she does not get that or understand that, it is ok because she is on her way to jail anyway, why? BECAUSE MARY PRANTIL IS A HARD CORE CRIMINAL and does not know any other way except for her sick life of crime against innocent people and business.

Now that Mary Prantil is getting her BUTT KICKED by us, she is angry and continues to post lies about us but we REFUSE to back down from trash like her.

Mary Prantil is a low life criminal who is better off when she is locked up and out of society because she will never be capable of being any type of honest or decent person that is able to make any type of positive contribution to society.

This is Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan posting the lawsuit that we won on scum scammer CRIMINAL Mary Prantil just for the record. Stalker Mary Prantil belongs in prison.

She is doing this to several other people as well, as she prides herself in harassing other people and businesses. Mary Prantil, the malicious poster here filed numerous frivilous lawsuits on New York, PLUS the New York Police Department that were thrown out of court. Currently we are telling everyone about the criminal she is, including Mayor Bloomberg. Posting hateful untrue malicious comments is one of Mary Prantil's favorite hobbies.

So, here is the summons we served on Prantil, and the lawsuit. She never even had the nerve to show up for the court hearing. See the attached files on the next page of us serving Mary Prantil a summons. You can view the full records, and actual lawsuit via this link, as it is too many pages to post here. Just click the link and then see the file here for the court summons and law suit first pages. Mary Prantil's criminal records can also be seen at this link.



Contact my Lawyer Scott Chapman if Mary Prantil or any malicious stalker is harassing you or to verify this information is true and correct, disregard any and all postings that slander the good names of Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan of Blood Love And Lust Spells the most ethical and best spell casting web site on the Internet.

Scott Chapman's contact information found via this link or simply contact Jan Windglows for Mr. Chapman's contact information.


Bonners Ferry,
United States of America

Crime Alert: Jan Windglows poses as a SCAM Spellcaster & Life Coach and steals money from all of her 0n-Line clients. Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows

#17Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 28, 2012

Crime Alert Criminal
& On-line SCAM Jan Windglows is a Thief that stole from me. Jan Windglows
commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her clients. DO NOT
USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells. Several Ripoff Complaints for Theft,
Grand Larceny, Aggravated Harassment and On-line FRAUD. Jan Windglows poses as
a Spellcaster and Life Coach.


Crime Alert: Jan Windglows poses as a SCAM Spellcaster & Life Coach
and steals money from all of her 0n-Line clients. Jan Windglows aka Janhett T.


Address: Scam Spellcaster Jan Windglows
New phone: 208-714-4348 NEW Scam Address:70512 Philips Rd. Tetonia, ID 83452
Call Jan Windglows lawyer Scott Chapman, Esq 702-949-1100 get your money
back.Jan Windglows aka Janhett R, Windglows is a complete scam and ripoff.

Ripoff SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from
me; Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line Thief.

and Ripoff-- SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me; Jan Windglows Spells
do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line Thief.


CRIME ALERT: SCAM Jan Windglows stole form
me; Jan Windglows Spellcasting does not work. Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins.
Jan Windglows is a SCAM Rip-off. On-line Troll: On-Line Thief.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me. Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple Fake names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me.


Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report Directory | Complaints Reviews ...

6 days ago  Jan Windglows Directory. These Ripoff
Reports include scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows
you a central place to ...

Ripoff Report | SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mystical Jan 208 aka ...

Aug 2, 2010  SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mystical Jan 208 aka
Enchantress Verified Convicted Criminal for Deception Fraud:Grand Larceny- ...


3.       Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams ...

Jan Windglows have Ripoff Reports
including scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows you a
central place to enter complaints about companies or ... - Cached

Jan Windglows Reviews - Jan Windglows, Cyber
SCAM, Janhett T ...

Jan Windglows Reviews: Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett
T. Windglows SCAMJan Windglows, Criminal Cyber,
Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake Names, Fake Photos, Queen ...



City, StateTitle




6:12 AM

Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T.
Windglows SCAM Jan Windglows, Criminal Cyber, Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake
Names, Fake Photos, Queen Lilith, Enchantress Jan 208, Dragon, Mrs. Jan,
James Morgan, Mike Cahill, Stanley Cahill Cyber SCAMS, Coven of Criminals;
Mulitple Fake website; Breaches Confidentiality; Comiits Grand Larceny; NO
SUCH THING AS SPELLS! Blood love and Lust Spells commits, , Internet*Consumer
Suggestion...SCAM Jan Windglows is not dealing with reality. Do Not Use:
Blood, Love and Lust Spells. SCAM Jan Windglows is the Internets most hated
SCAM Spellcaster. Spells dont work! Witchcraft is EVIL.Author: Tampa FloridaPsychic Fortune Tellers: Jan
Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T. Windglows



SCAM Jan Windglows stole from me. March 5,2012 -Witchcraft is a SCAM.  SCAMMER Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a

Jan Windglows runs a
cult operation to steal your money thru Witchcraft. Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her clients.


Jan Windglows coven of Michael Jenkins aka
Jim Morgan you arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane Jan Windglows coven
of Criminals, Scammer, Stalker, Cyber Predators that stole from me, Worst
ServiceFalse claims on websites.


Ripoff Report | SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim
Morgan Convicted ...

SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted Criminals aka Enchantress, Enchantress 208, Dragon, Scams Criminals ...


SCAMMER Michael Jenkins u arent fooling
anybody...Criminally Insane since a young woman...Scammer, Stalker, Criminal
that stole from me.

Michael Jenkins is Jim Morgan..Michael Jenkins is the SCAMMER that works with
SCAM Queen Jan Windglows of Blood Love and Lust Spells. All a Rip-off Scam. Michael Jenkins is a Cyber
SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber Stalker -owner of several scam
"spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic reading &
direct you to a fake SPELLS Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records. Blood Love and Lust
Spells, and
- Multiple Fake websites operated by Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith and Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan.


Michael Jenkins is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber

Stalker -owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you

with a free psychic reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS

SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me. Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a
SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins
aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane
with long criminal records.  SCAM
Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me.


Witchcraft is a SCAM.
SCAMS Jan Windglows/James

Morgan aka Michael Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names,

Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal

records for Deception Fraud. EVIL Michael Jenkins



READ the multiple reports filed on Ripoff on Michael Jenkins:



Windglows Coven of Criminals Jim Morgan is Micheal Jenkins of Michael Jenkins Doubles as Jim Morgan and collect double the money in scamming
for spellsJan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins all work together in
crime to Rip-off innocent clientsmany of my current clients have been ripped
off by Micheal Jenkins.



Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love
Spells ... Cached

Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love Spellsextreme black magic ABSOLUTE CRAP AND A FRAUD,


Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love
Spells ... Cached

Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love Spells This Man Is A
Liar And A ...


3. Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins | Complaint Review: 439754 - Cached

Michael Jenkins Talentless bully and
parasite, feeding off the misery and money of others. Henederson Nevada.

4.Ripoff Report | SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted ...

SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted Criminals aka Enchantress, Enchantress 208, Dragon,
Scams Criminals ...


5.       Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams ...

Jan Windglows have Ripoff Reports
including scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows you a
central place to enter complaints about companies or ... - Cached

6.       Jan Windglows Reviews - Jan Windglows, Cyber
SCAM, Janhett T ...

Jan Windglows Reviews: Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett
T. Windglows SCAMJan Windglows, Criminal Cyber,
Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake Names, Fake Photos, Queen ...



is a SCAM.

Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM.

Windglows runs a cult operation to steal your money thru Witchcraft.



DECEPTION FRAUD. God is your source.
Witchcraft is of SATAN. Evil begets EVIL. Jan Windglows & Michael Jenkins


Michael Jenkins is a SCAM.



SCAM Jan Windglows stole from me. March 5,2012 -Witchcraft is a SCAM.  SCAMMER Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a

Jan Windglows runs a cult operation to
steal your money thru Witchcraft.



Windglows stole form me; Jan Windglows Spellcasting does not work. Jim Morgan
is Michael Jenkins. Jan Windglows is a SCAM Rip-off. On-line Troll: On-Line
Thief.  SCAM Spellcaster
Jan Windglows stole from me. Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me.


City, StateTitle




6:12 AM

Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T.
Windglows SCAM Jan Windglows, Criminal Cyber, Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake
Names, Fake Photos, Queen Lilith, Enchantress Jan 208, Dragon, Mrs. Jan,
James Morgan, Mike Cahill, Stanley Cahill Cyber SCAMS, Coven of Criminals;
Mulitple Fake website; Breaches Confidentiality; Comiits Grand Larceny; NO
SUCH THING AS SPELLS! Blood love and Lust Spells commits, , Internet*Consumer
Suggestion...SCAM Jan Windglows is not dealing with reality. Do Not Use:
Blood, Love and Lust Spells. SCAM Jan Windglows is the Internets most hated
SCAM Spellcaster. Spells dont work! Witchcraft is EVIL.Author: Tampa FloridaPsychic Fortune Tellers: Jan
Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T. Windglows


Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her
clients. DO NOT USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells.

Ripoff Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me; Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows
is an On-line Thief. Do Not USE: Jan Windglows. Micheal Jebnkins aka Jim Morgan
of Blood, Love and Lust Spells and Dragon Spells

Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her
clients. DO NOT USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells. Spells. Jan Windglows is a
well established scam and total ripoff of On-line Spellcasting. Jan Windglows
will steal from you.

and Ripoff-- SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole $1000s from me in 2011 and
2012 thru ripoff spellcasting website Blood, Love and Lust, Spells; Career
Criminal Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line
Thief and Criminal for Theft and Fraud.


Bonners Ferry,
United States of America

Crime Alert Criminal & On-line SCAM Jan Windglows is a Thief that stole from me. Jan Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD.

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 15, 2012

Crime Alert Criminal & On-line SCAM Jan Windglows is a Thief that stole from me. Jan Windglows
commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her clients. DO NOT
USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells. Several Ripoff Complaints for Theft,
Grand Larceny, Aggravated Harassment and On-line FRAUD.


Ripoff SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from
me; Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line Thief.

and Ripoff-- SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me; Jan Windglows Spells
do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line Thief.


CRIME ALERT: SCAM Jan Windglows stole form
me; Jan Windglows Spellcasting does not work. Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins.
Jan Windglows is a SCAM Rip-off. On-line Troll: On-Line Thief.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me. Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple Fake names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me.


Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report Directory | Complaints Reviews ...

6 days ago  Jan Windglows Directory. These Ripoff
Reports include scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows
you a central place to ...

Ripoff Report | SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mystical Jan 208 aka ...

Aug 2, 2010  SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mystical Jan 208 aka
Enchantress Verified Convicted Criminal for Deception Fraud:Grand Larceny- ...


3.       Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams ...

Jan Windglows have Ripoff Reports
including scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows you a
central place to enter complaints about companies or ... - Cached

Jan Windglows Reviews - Jan Windglows, Cyber
SCAM, Janhett T ...

Jan Windglows Reviews: Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett
T. Windglows SCAMJan Windglows, Criminal Cyber,
Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake Names, Fake Photos, Queen ...



City, StateTitle




6:12 AM

Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T.
Windglows SCAM Jan Windglows, Criminal Cyber, Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake
Names, Fake Photos, Queen Lilith, Enchantress Jan 208, Dragon, Mrs. Jan,
James Morgan, Mike Cahill, Stanley Cahill Cyber SCAMS, Coven of Criminals;
Mulitple Fake website; Breaches Confidentiality; Comiits Grand Larceny; NO
SUCH THING AS SPELLS! Blood love and Lust Spells commits, , Internet*Consumer
Suggestion...SCAM Jan Windglows is not dealing with reality. Do Not Use:
Blood, Love and Lust Spells. SCAM Jan Windglows is the Internets most hated
SCAM Spellcaster. Spells dont work! Witchcraft is EVIL.Author: Tampa FloridaPsychic Fortune Tellers: Jan
Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T. Windglows



SCAM Jan Windglows stole from me. March 5,2012 -Witchcraft is a SCAM.  SCAMMER Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a

Jan Windglows runs a
cult operation to steal your money thru Witchcraft. Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her clients.


Jan Windglows coven of Michael Jenkins aka
Jim Morgan you arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane Jan Windglows coven
of Criminals, Scammer, Stalker, Cyber Predators that stole from me, Worst
ServiceFalse claims on websites.


Ripoff Report | SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim
Morgan Convicted ...

SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted Criminals aka Enchantress, Enchantress 208, Dragon, Scams Criminals ...


SCAMMER Michael Jenkins u arent fooling
anybody...Criminally Insane since a young woman...Scammer, Stalker, Criminal
that stole from me.

Michael Jenkins is Jim Morgan..Michael Jenkins is the SCAMMER that works with
SCAM Queen Jan Windglows of Blood Love and Lust Spells. All a Rip-off Scam. Michael Jenkins is a Cyber
SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber Stalker -owner of several scam
"spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic reading &
direct you to a fake SPELLS Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records. Blood Love and Lust
Spells, and
- Multiple Fake websites operated by Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith and Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan.


Michael Jenkins is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber

Stalker -owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you

with a free psychic reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS

SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me. Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a
SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins
aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane
with long criminal records.  SCAM
Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole from me.


Witchcraft is a SCAM.
SCAMS Jan Windglows/James

Morgan aka Michael Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names,

Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal

records for Deception Fraud. EVIL Michael Jenkins



READ the multiple reports filed on Ripoff on Michael Jenkins:



Windglows Coven of Criminals Jim Morgan is Micheal Jenkins of Michael Jenkins Doubles as Jim Morgan and collect double the money in scamming
for spellsJan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins all work together in
crime to Rip-off innocent clientsmany of my current clients have been ripped
off by Micheal Jenkins.



Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love
Spells ... Cached

Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love Spellsextreme black magic ABSOLUTE CRAP AND A FRAUD,


Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love
Spells ... Cached

Michael Jenkins - Extreme Black Magic Love Spells This Man Is A
Liar And A ...


3. Rip-off Report | Michael Jenkins | Complaint Review: 439754 - Cached

Michael Jenkins Talentless bully and
parasite, feeding off the misery and money of others. Henederson Nevada.

4.Ripoff Report | SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted ...

SCAMS Jan Windglows - Jim Morgan Convicted Criminals aka Enchantress, Enchantress 208, Dragon,
Scams Criminals ...


5.       Jan Windglows | Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams ...

Jan Windglows have Ripoff Reports
including scams, frauds, complaints or reviews. The Ripoff Report allows you a
central place to enter complaints about companies or ... - Cached

6.       Jan Windglows Reviews - Jan Windglows, Cyber
SCAM, Janhett T ...

Jan Windglows Reviews: Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett
T. Windglows SCAMJan Windglows, Criminal Cyber,
Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake Names, Fake Photos, Queen ...



is a SCAM.

Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM.

Windglows runs a cult operation to steal your money thru Witchcraft.



DECEPTION FRAUD. God is your source.
Witchcraft is of SATAN. Evil begets EVIL. Jan Windglows & Michael Jenkins


Michael Jenkins is a SCAM.



SCAM Jan Windglows stole from me. March 5,2012 -Witchcraft is a SCAM.  SCAMMER Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a

Jan Windglows runs a cult operation to
steal your money thru Witchcraft.



Windglows stole form me; Jan Windglows Spellcasting does not work. Jim Morgan
is Michael Jenkins. Jan Windglows is a SCAM Rip-off. On-line Troll: On-Line
Thief.  SCAM Spellcaster
Jan Windglows stole from me. Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records.  SCAM Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me.


City, StateTitle




6:12 AM

Jan Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T.
Windglows SCAM Jan Windglows, Criminal Cyber, Stalker Wanna-be-Witch; Fake
Names, Fake Photos, Queen Lilith, Enchantress Jan 208, Dragon, Mrs. Jan,
James Morgan, Mike Cahill, Stanley Cahill Cyber SCAMS, Coven of Criminals;
Mulitple Fake website; Breaches Confidentiality; Comiits Grand Larceny; NO
SUCH THING AS SPELLS! Blood love and Lust Spells commits, , Internet*Consumer
Suggestion...SCAM Jan Windglows is not dealing with reality. Do Not Use:
Blood, Love and Lust Spells. SCAM Jan Windglows is the Internets most hated
SCAM Spellcaster. Spells dont work! Witchcraft is EVIL.Author: Tampa FloridaPsychic Fortune Tellers: Jan
Windglows, Cyber SCAM, Janhett T. Windglows


Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her
clients. DO NOT USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells.

Ripoff Spellcaster Jan
Windglows stole from me; Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows
is an On-line Thief. Do Not USE: Jan Windglows. Micheal Jebnkins aka Jim Morgan
of Blood, Love and Lust Spells and Dragon Spells

Crime Alert SCAM Jan
Windglows commits Grand Larceny and FRAUD. Jan Windglows steals from her
clients. DO NOT USE: Blood, Love and Lust Spells. Spells. Jan Windglows is a
well established scam and total ripoff of On-line Spellcasting. Jan Windglows
will steal from you.

Criminal and Ripoff-- SCAM Spellcaster Jan Windglows stole $1000s from me in 2011 and
2012 thru ripoff spellcasting website Blood, Love and Lust, Spells; Career
Criminal Jan Windglows Spells do not work. SCAM Jan Windglows is an On-line
Thief and Criminal for Theft and Fraud.

High Enchantress Jan Windglows


Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan NOT Affliated With Michael Jenkins OR Any Other Casters Slap A HUGE Civil Lawsuit On Malicious Poster Mary Prantil For Harrassment, FRAUD, Slander, Liabel, MORE INFO HERE

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 23, 2012

This is Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows And Master Wizard James R. Morgan ll 208-714-4348 Announcing our HUGE Civil lawsuit on Stalker Criminal Mary Prantil, who is the malicious poster here having a reality check problem.

We are NOT affliated with Michael Jenkins or any other casters web sites ) Stalker Mary Prantil belongs in prison. She is doing this to several other people as well, as she prides herself in harassing other people and businesses.

Mary Prantil, the malicious poster here filed numerous frivilous lawsuits on New York, PLUS the New York Police Department thawere thrown out of court. Currently we are telling everyone about the criminal she is, including Mayor Bloomberg. Posting hateful untrue malicious comments is one of Mary Prantil's favorite hobbies. So, here is the summons we served on Prantil, and the lawsuit.

She never even had the nerve to show up for the court hearing. See the attached files on the next page of us serving Mary Prantil a summons. You can view the full records, and actual lawsuit via this link, as it is too many pages to post here. Just click the link and then see the file here for the court summons and law suit first pages. Mary Prantil's criminal records can also be seen at this link.


High Enchantress Jan Windglows


Jan Windglows And Jim Morgan NOT Affliated With Michael Jenkins or ANY other Magick Site - File HUGE Civil Lawsuit On Malicious Criminal Stalker Mary Prantil aka " @AmericasDreamer"

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, January 25, 2012

This is Enchantress Janhett T. Windglows And Master Wizard James R. Morgan ll

Announcing our HUGE Civil lawsuit on Stalker Criminal Mary Prantil, who is the malicious poster here having a reality check problem.

We are  NOT affliated with  Michael Jenkins or any other casters web sites )

Stalker Mary Prantil belongs in prison.
She is doing this to several other people as well, as she prides herself in harassing other people and businesses.

Mary Prantil, the malicious poster here filed numerous frivilous lawsuits on New York, PLUS the New York Police Department
thawere thrown out of court. Currently we are telling everyone about the criminal she is, including Mayor Bloomberg.
Posting hateful untrue malicious comments is one of Mary Prantil's favorite hobbies. So, here is the summons we served on Prantil, and the lawsuit.

She never even had the nerve to show up for the court hearing. See the attached files on the next page of us serving Mary Prantil a summons. You can view the full records, and actual lawsuit via this link, as it is too many pages to post here.

Just click the link and then see the file here for the court summons and law suit first pages. Mary Prantil's
criminal records can also be seen at this link.

(((ROR redacted)))

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


United States of America

July 28, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to STEAL your money

#17Author of original report

Thu, July 28, 2011

Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of
several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic
reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS..that will never be cast!

 FAKE NAMESJan Windglows aka Queen Lilith , Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and AND Mike aka Stanley Cahill Witchcraft SCAMS. Fake website to steal your money. 

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,
owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your money

Please google my name @PsychicNSeattle

to see is a small example of Jan Windglows 

evil.  Jan Windglows has posted lies about me
@PsychicNSeattle...I don't know Jan Windglows, I nver did business with Blood
Love and Lust Spells...I have alot of Jan Windglows X clients that got
scammed...I am against Witchcraft and Theft. Jan Windglows your arent a
real caster or

Psychic..Jan Windglows you are a scammer that has
scammed many of my clients. I

am against Witchcraft but I believe in God and
Psychic Readings.


& STALKERS Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith,
Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins
THE SLANDER AND LIES about me @PsychicNSeattle on the Internet; STOP Stealing
MONEY; Stop stalking me ..I am Psychic N Seattle and no one else; My Twitter is
@PsychicNSeattle Turn to God. God is against Witchcraft.

  Criminal Jan Windlgows believes that if she tells her lies enough someone will believe them. God is against Witchcraft. The Bible is against Witchcraft. The LAW is against THEIF Jan Windglows and her crimes of Grand Larceny, Aggravated Harassment & DECEPTION FRAUD Cyber SCAMS like Blood Love and Lust Spellsscamming $1000s for spells that are never castJan Windglows makes false claims on websitesFake names, Fake websites, all designed to steal money..your moneySTOP SCAM Jan Windglows. July 28, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud. EVIL JAN WINDGLOWS RUNS A CULT OPERATION TO BRAIN WASH YOU INTO BELIEVING YOU NEED SPELLS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS- THAT IS DECEPTION FRAUD. My life is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment. Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM

Michael Jenkins is a SCAM Rip-off. Michael Jenkins aka Jim
Morgan you arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane Jan Windglows coven of
Criminals, Scammer, Stalker, Cyber Predators that stole from me, Worst
ServiceFalse claims on websites


Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan 208 and
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morganyou arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane
since a young woman...Scammer, Stalker, Criminal that stole from me.

Michael Jenkins is Jim Morgan..Michael Jenkins is the SCAMMER that works with
SCAM Queen Jan Windglows of Blood Love and Lust Spells. All a Rip-off Scam. Michael Jenkins
is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber Stalker -owner of several scam
"spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic reading &
direct you to a fake SPELLS Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records. Blood Love and Lust
- Multiple Fake websites operated by Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith and Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan.


Michael Jenkins is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber

Stalker -owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you

with a free psychic reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS SERIAL STALKER Jan Windglows has targeted me @PsychicNSeattle. THEIF  Jan Windlglows spends hours every day writing false reports about me @PsychicNSeattle.  Jan Windglows Have you been to the police yet about me @PsychicNSeattle? NO you wouldn't dare or you will be arrested.  Who is paying you to slander and lie about me @PsychicNSeattle?  Will you go down for them?  A Shrine to Queen Lilith is a stupidiest sham, a fraud the most evil thing I have every heard of or seen.  Who would pay someone you have never met $ 1200 for a spell...........a total fool.  After your victims realize they have been ripped odd they then realize there is no Jan Windglows or Queen Lilith.  Criminal Jan Windglows, for now you have a almost perfect crime going.  You are getting away with ripping people off now but that is over.  

 10 Most Wanted is interested in investigating your scam.  Finally you will all be exposed. You are a living case of Aids and there is no cure for what you do to peoples lives.  Please google my name @PsychicNSeattle to see is a small example of Jan Windglows  evil.  Jan Windflows has posted lies abou tme @PsychicNSeattle..I am against Witchcraft and Theft. SCAM Jan Windglows Many of your clients complain to me about youand you just write another false report about me @PsychicNSeattleJan Windglow is a DERIAL STALKER & SCAMMER just like all your been scammed clients  they all  tell methen they want my message of Gods light, prayer to manifest your dreams and desire. Turn to God not SCAM Jan Windglows. I am @PsychicNSeattle and no one else.

I promise that I will not stop until you have been arrested and convicted for Grand Larceny and Deception Fraud. Any court will convict you as you are called to account for all the harm you have inflicted on your victims that are now my clients.  I want you to open your ugly mouth and read the thousands of pages of lies you have written and printed on the internet to promote your evil business.  Justice would be to give you one year of jail time for every lie you have written.  We would blessedly never hear from you again.  Your associates will not go  free either.  Again association is all part of the same crime.  If you haven't got the time don't do the crime.  


Has the IRS found James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins now in Florida?  Are you all in Florida?  Where are you Jan Windglows?  Where are you hiding?  Do you think the planet is large enough to never be found?  Have you any idea how many people want to see you put in jail?  How many clients are you going to scam before someone pays to have you found.  You just run your ugly mouth off.   Just think about defending your lies in a Civil court.  I figure that you fleece at least one person a day for $ 1200 to $ 1500 and get that person a 2nd time for another $ 1000 you could be sued for millions.  And once a jury reads the filth you have wriiten over the years about an innocent person that stupidly gave you  $ 3000 totally and you are attacking your victim WHY?   

No jury on the planet is going to let you walk  or  get away with four years of lies and slander to sue you in Civil Court for the millions you have ripped off and your associates should also be named in the suit.   

Welcome to the real world, no spells are going to save you, your words are going to destroy you which is the perfect karma.  So James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and Mike Cahill.  

I keep printing every filthy lie these monsters print everyday.  They will be buried in their lies in a court of law.  Your day of justice is coming and they will PAY.  Money is your God Jan Windglows you are now worth millions from ripping people off promising "spells" you can't perform.  And of yeah The Divinity is not happy with you either.    Ad's will be put on the internet and in newspapers inviting any/all victims to come forward and hopefully recover your ill gotten moneis.  You pray in the weak, the paranoid.  This is a dream case for a good civil lawyer.   

Jan Windglows you make me sick. You are disgusting,  You have commited so many crimes its all about to catch up to you.  

STAY AWAY FROM THESE MONSTERS.. DO NOT GO TO ANY WEBSITE CONNECTED WITH JAN WINDGLOWS.      Psychic in Seattle is not wanted by any police department are you?

You sound like a very young person with no education who has been in trouble with the police for quite a while.  No real address, no way to contact you!!!!!!! WHY NOT. HIDING? 

I have a feeling that Jan Windglows is wanted by the police and is on the run? You sound like a convict in prison with access to a computer.  Who else has the time an energy to generate the thousands of pages on multiple sites that you have and WHY?   Fake radio stations, You have never contacted me and as I screen all my calls you never will.  Many clients have been ripped off and humilated by Jan Windglows.  Jan Windglows is a living cyber stalker and needs to be stopped.This will all end in a court of law.........................

Keep the faith and don't listen or believe anything that generates from Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith, Michael Jenkins aka James Morgan or Mike aka Stanley Cahill or don't get sucked by any of their criminal cites. Love Psychic N Seattle Please Follow me on Twitter: 

JanWindglows-IS-EVIL (PsychicNSeattle)
on Twitter - Cached

(PsychicNSeattle) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow
JanWindglows-IS-EVIL (PsychicNSeattle) and get their latest updates.

Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/Jan
Windglows Stalker - Cached

today and follow @PsychicNSeattle. Get updates via SMS by texting ...


Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/Jan
Windglows Cyber SCAM - Cached

is without a doubt the best way to share and discover what is ...

Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/SPELLSJan
WindglowsEVIL - Cached

today and follow @PsychicNSeattle. Get updates via SMS by texting ...


Love is all you need. Turn to God not Witchcraft. SCAM Jan Windglows is
Love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires. Turn to God not
Witchcraft. SCAM Jan Windglows is EVIL
I pray for this lost woman Jan Windglows & all Jan's victims that have
been scammed $1000's for Witchcraft Spells that were never cast
7/16/11 CRIME ALERT:Criminal Jan Windglows Scams
$1000's for Witchcraft & Deception Fraud.
Healing energy to you.  I am a Psychic working with Gods Light.
I am a Psychic. I work with the light of God
to manifest more of God's light & message in the world where there is
deception and darkness.
believe in God. I am a Psychic of God's Light. I am doing God's work.
SCAM: Jan Windglows will scam as much money off U in a short while then
Jan Windglows will RUN with your moneyTOTAL SPELL SCAM
love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires in this lifetime.
Practitioners of God's light and path, Cyber
SCAM Jan Windglows is scamming people $1000's and has continued to commit
Deception Fraud.
Windglows aka Queen Lilirh & Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan & Mike
aka Stanley Cahill are EVIL THEIVES.
is against Witchcraft.
Bible is against Witchcraft.
is against Witchcraft but not a good Psychic Reading.


of my clients have been scammed $1000's by Witchcraft SCAM Jan Windglows-BEWARE
Don't be Jan Windglows next victim


love is all you need. Witchcraft is a SCAM. Turn to God not Witchcraft. SCAM
Jan Windglows is an EVIL THEIF.


love is all you need. Witchcraft is a SCAM. Turn to God not Witchcraft.
EVIL Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM.
Question:Jan Windglows offers DEATH SPELLS...How can you get a LOVE Spell
from Jan Windglows who practices Death & Destruction spells?

Witchcraft is a SCAM. Keep turning to God . Jan Windglows is
EXPOSED in her Witchcraft SCAM.

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins Federal Warrants for your arrest
for cyber crimes. Fake names, Fake claims, Working for SATAN.
Witchcraft SCAMS Jan Windglows/Jim Morgan give
all good psychics bad names they just want your money and another soul for
SATAN. Turn to God.
@PsychicNSeattle Please
follow my List Jan Windglows Cyber SCAM
is your source. Witchcraft is of SATAN...Evil begets EVIL. Witchcraft is a
Scam. Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM
is our only source. Witchcraft is of SATAN...Evil begets EVIL. Witchcraft
is a Scam. Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM

Criminals and SERIAL SCAMS
& STALKERS Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith,
Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins
SLANDER AND LIES about Mary Prantil on the Internet; STOP Stealing MONEY; Stop
stalking me ..I am Psychic N Seattle and no one else; My Twitter is
@PsychicNSeattle Turn to God. God is against Witchcraft.

   Criminal Jan Windlgows believes that if she tells her lies enough someone will believe them. God is against Witchcraft. The LAW is against Jan Windglows crimes of Aggravated Harassment and Cyber SCAMS like Blood Love and Lust Spells. 

ALERT-God says EXPOSE Criminally Insane Ripoff SCAM Jan Windglows-who is A
is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is
a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM

PEACE @PsychicNSeattle
I pray for this lost woman Jan Windglows & all Jan's victims that have
been scammed $1000's for Witchcraft Spells that were never cast
7/16/11 CRIME ALERT:Criminal Jan Windglows Scams
$1000's for Witchcraft & Deception Fraud.
Healing energy to you.  I am a Psychic working with Gods Light.
I am a Psychic. I work with the light of God
to manifest more of God's light & message in the world where there is
deception and darkness.
believe in God. I am a Psychic of God's Light. I am doing God's work.
SCAM: Jan Windglows will scam as much money off U in a short while then
Jan Windglows will RUN with your moneyTOTAL SPELL SCAM
love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires in this lifetime.


July 28, 2011 - Criminals SERIAL SCAMS & STALKERS
Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of
several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic
reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS

 Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith , Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and AND Mike aka Stanley Cahill Witchcraft SCAMS. July 28, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud.  EVIL JAN WINDGLOWS RUNS A CULT OPERATION TO BRAIN WASH YOU INTO BELIEVING YOU NEED SPELLS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS- THAT IS DECEPTION FRAUD.  My life @PsychicNSeattle is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment.  Love is FREE..Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM July 28, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS for Grand Larceny, Deception Fraud. Criminals Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals, owner of several scam "spellcasting" Jan Windglows is a SERIAL SCAMMER to take your money not cast spells then stalk and harass you.  

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,
owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your



  July 28, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud.


My life is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment. Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows aka Queen lilith is a SPELL SCAM 


Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of
several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your money.


Las Vegas,
United States of America

Psychic In Seattle -Doing God's work?

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 19, 2011

On post 7, Psychic In Seattle wrote: " I am a psychic working with God's light .. I am a psychic. I work with the light of God to
manifest more of God's light & message in the world where there is deception and darkness.  I believe in God. I am a Psychic of
God's Light.  I am doing God's work."

Are you doing God's work when you posted these comments about Jan Windglows in your post "You are a living case of Aids and there is no cure for what you do to people's lives."

"Jan Windglows, you make me sick. You are disgusting."

"I want you to open your ugly mouth..." 


Bonners Ferry,
United States of America

July 19, 2011 -Serial Criminal Jan Windglows not in Bonners Ferry, ID..I was victimized by EVIL Jan Windglows Blood Love and Lust Spells is a SPELL SCAM

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

NO Jan Windglows in Bonners Ferry, ID..I was victimized by EVIL Jan Windglows Blood Love and Lust Spells is a SPELL SCAM.

Jan Windglows does not live in Bonners Ferry, ID.  I live in Bonners Ferry, Id.  I tried to meet Jan Windglows on a number of occasions...Jan Windglows does not exist...this is a fake name like her fake website.

Jan Windglows I have reported you to the Bonners Ferry, ID police department for stealing money and for Deception Fraud.

I found Jan Windglows in the Internet. I felt safe bcs I live in Bonners Ferry, Id.  Jan Windglows said she would meet me in I gave her money...Jan Windglows never met me because Jan Windglows is a SERIAL CRIMINAL, STALKER and SCAM.

July 19, 2011 -Serial Criminal Jan Windglows not in Bonners Ferry, ID..I was victimized by EVIL Jan Windglows Blood Love and Lust Spells is a SPELL SCAM


Las Vegas,
United States of America

Psychic In Seattle Exposes Herself

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, July 19, 2011

Post  7 Pyschic In Seattle wrote: " I don't know Jan Windglows,

I never did business with Blood Love and Lust Spells "

But later in the same post she wrote: "Criminally insane Jan

Windglows coven of Criminals , Scammer, Stalker; Cyber

Predators that stole from me , WORST service .. FALSE

claims on websites.."  and then "criminally insane since

a young woman, Scammer, Stalker, and Criminal

that stole from me"

So first you say you never had any dealings with Windglows

and then say you did, and that she stole from you.

You made another slip of the tongue.

Also wrote: "Who would pay someone you never met

$ 1,200 for a spell .. a total fool."  From what you

wrote in that post, that would include you, wouldn't



United States of America

July 19, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals, owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your money

#17Author of original report

Tue, July 19, 2011

Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of
several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic
reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS..that will never be cast!

FAKE NAMESJan Windglows aka Queen Lilith , Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and AND Mike aka Stanley Cahill Witchcraft SCAMS. Fake website to steal your money. 

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,
owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your money

Please google my name @PsychicNSeattle
to see is a small example of Jan Windglows 
evil.  Jan Windglows has posted lies about me @PsychicNSeattle...I don't know Jan Windglows, I nver did business with Blood Love and Lust Spells...I have alot of Jan Windglows X clients that got scammed...I am against Witchcraft and Theft. Jan Windglows your arent a real caster or
Psychic..Jan Windglows you are a scammer that has scammed many of my clients. I
am against Witchcraft but I believe in God and Psychic Readings.


& STALKERS Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith,
Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins
AND Mike aka Stanley Cahill

THE SLANDER AND LIES about me @PsychicNSeattle on the Internet; STOP Stealing
MONEY; Stop stalking me ..I am Psychic N Seattle and no one else; My Twitter is
@PsychicNSeattle Turn to God. God is against Witchcraft.

Criminal Jan Windlgows believes that if she tells her lies enough someone will believe them. God is against Witchcraft. The Bible is against Witchcraft. The LAW is against THEIF Jan Windglows and her crimes of Grand Larceny, Aggravated Harassment & DECEPTION FRAUD Cyber SCAMS like Blood Love and Lust Spellsscamming $1000s for spells that are never castJan Windglows makes false claims on websitesFake names, Fake websites, all designed to steal money..your moneySTOP SCAM Jan Windglows. July 19, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud. EVIL JAN WINDGLOWS RUNS A CULT OPERATION TO BRAIN WASH YOU INTO BELIEVING YOU NEED SPELLS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS- THAT IS DECEPTION FRAUD. My life is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment. Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM

Michael Jenkins is a SCAM Rip-off. Michael Jenkins aka Jim
Morgan you arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane Jan Windglows coven of
Criminals, Scammer, Stalker, Cyber Predators that stole from me, Worst
ServiceFalse claims on websites


Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan 208 and
Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morganyou arent fooling anybody...Criminally Insane
since a young woman...Scammer, Stalker, Criminal that stole from me.

Michael Jenkins is Jim Morgan..Michael Jenkins is the SCAMMER that works with
SCAM Queen Jan Windglows of Blood Love and Lust Spells. All a Rip-off Scam. Michael Jenkins
is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber Stalker -owner of several scam
"spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic reading &
direct you to a fake SPELLS Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Michael
Jenkins aka Michael Jenkins aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life
Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records. Blood Love and Lust
- Multiple Fake websites operated by Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith and Michael
Jenkins aka Jim Morgan.


Michael Jenkins is a Cyber SCAM, Verified criminal, and Cyber

Stalker -owner of several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you

with a free psychic reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS SERIAL STALKER Jan Windglows has targeted me @PsychicNSeattle. THEIF  Jan Windlglows spends hours every day writing false reports about me @PsychicNSeattle.  Jan Windglows Have you been to the police yet about me @PsychicNSeattle? NO you wouldn't dare or you will be arrested.  Who is paying you to slander and lie about me @PsychicNSeattle?  Will you go down for them?  A Shrine to Queen Lilith is a stupidiest sham, a fraud the most evil thing I have every heard of or seen.  Who would pay someone you have never met $ 1200 for a spell...........a total fool.  After your victims realize they have been ripped odd they then realize there is no Jan Windglows or Queen Lilith.  Criminal Jan Windglows, for now you have a almost perfect crime going.  You are getting away with ripping people off now but that is over.  

 10 Most Wanted is interested in investigating your scam.  Finally you will all be exposed. You are a living case of Aids and there is no cure for what you do to peoples lives.  Please google my name @PsychicNSeattle to see is a small example of Jan Windglows  evil.  Jan Windflows has posted lies abou tme @PsychicNSeattle..I am against Witchcraft and Theft. SCAM Jan Windglows Many of your clients complain to me about youand you just write another false report about me @PsychicNSeattleJan Windglow is a DERIAL STALKER & SCAMMER just like all your been scammed clients  they all  tell methen they want my message of Gods light, prayer to manifest your dreams and desire. Turn to God not SCAM Jan Windglows. I am @PsychicNSeattle and no one else.

I promise that I will not stop until you have been arrested and convicted for Grand Larceny and Deception Fraud. Any court will convict you as you are called to account for all the harm you have inflicted on your victims that are now my clients.  I want you to open your ugly mouth and read the thousands of pages of lies you have written and printed on the internet to promote your evil business.  Justice would be to give you one year of jail time for every lie you have written.  We would blessedly never hear from you again.  Your associates will not go  free either.  Again association is all part of the same crime.  If you haven't got the time don't do the crime.  


Has the IRS found James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins now in Florida?  Are you all in Florida?  Where are you Jan Windglows?  Where are you hiding?  Do you think the planet is large enough to never be found?  Have you any idea how many people want to see you put in jail?  How many clients are you going to scam before someone pays to have you found.  You just run your ugly mouth off.   Just think about defending your lies in a Civil court.  I figure that you fleece at least one person a day for $ 1200 to $ 1500 and get that person a 2nd time for another $ 1000 you could be sued for millions.  And once a jury reads the filth you have wriiten over the years about an innocent person that stupidly gave you  $ 3000 totally and you are attacking your victim WHY?   

No jury on the planet is going to let you walk  or  get away with four years of lies and slander to sue you in Civil Court for the millions you have ripped off and your associates should also be named in the suit.   

Welcome to the real world, no spells are going to save you, your words are going to destroy you which is the perfect karma.  So James Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and Mike Cahill.  

I keep printing every filthy lie these monsters print everyday.  They will be buried in their lies in a court of law.  Your day of justice is coming and they will PAY.  Money is your God Jan Windglows you are now worth millions from ripping people off promising "spells" you can't perform.  And of yeah The Divinity is not happy with you either.    Ad's will be put on the internet and in newspapers inviting any/all victims to come forward and hopefully recover your ill gotten moneis.  You pray in the weak, the paranoid.  This is a dream case for a good civil lawyer.   

Jan Windglows you make me sick. You are disgusting,  You have commited so many crimes its all about to catch up to you.  

STAY AWAY FROM THESE MONSTERS.. DO NOT GO TO ANY WEBSITE CONNECTED WITH JAN WINDGLOWS.      Psychic in Seattle is not wanted by any police department are you?

You sound like a very young person with no education who has been in trouble with the police for quite a while.  No real address, no way to contact you!!!!!!! WHY NOT. HIDING? 

I have a feeling that Jan Windglows is wanted by the police and is on the run? You sound like a convict in prison with access to a computer.  Who else has the time an energy to generate the thousands of pages on multiple sites that you have and WHY?   Fake radio stations, You have never contacted me and as I screen all my calls you never will.  Many clients have been ripped off and humilated by Jan Windglows.  Jan Windglows is a living cyber stalker and needs to be stopped.This will all end in a court of law.........................

Keep the faith and don't listen or believe anything that generates from Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith, Michael Jenkins aka James Morgan or Mike aka Stanley Cahill or don't get sucked by any of their criminal cites. Love Psychic N Seattle Please Follow me on Twitter: 

JanWindglows-IS-EVIL (PsychicNSeattle)
on Twitter - Cached

(PsychicNSeattle) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow
JanWindglows-IS-EVIL (PsychicNSeattle) and get their latest updates.

Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/Jan
Windglows Stalker - Cached

today and follow @PsychicNSeattle. Get updates via SMS by texting ...


Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/Jan
Windglows Cyber SCAM - Cached

is without a doubt the best way to share and discover what is ...

Twitter / @PsychicNSeattle/SPELLSJan
WindglowsEVIL - Cached

today and follow @PsychicNSeattle. Get updates via SMS by texting ...


Love is all you need. Turn to God not Witchcraft. SCAM Jan Windglows is
Love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires. Turn to God not
Witchcraft. SCAM Jan Windglows is EVIL
I pray for this lost woman Jan Windglows & all Jan's victims that have
been scammed $1000's for Witchcraft Spells that were never cast
7/16/11 CRIME ALERT:Criminal Jan Windglows Scams
$1000's for Witchcraft & Deception Fraud.
Healing energy to you.  I am a Psychic working with Gods Light.
I am a Psychic. I work with the light of God
to manifest more of God's light & message in the world where there is
deception and darkness.
believe in God. I am a Psychic of God's Light. I am doing God's work.
SCAM: Jan Windglows will scam as much money off U in a short while then
Jan Windglows will RUN with your moneyTOTAL SPELL SCAM
love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires in this lifetime.
Practitioners of God's light and path, Cyber
SCAM Jan Windglows is scamming people $1000's and has continued to commit
Deception Fraud.
Windglows aka Queen Lilirh & Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan & Mike
aka Stanley Cahill are EVIL THEIVES.
is against Witchcraft.
Bible is against Witchcraft.
is against Witchcraft but not a good Psychic Reading.


of my clients have been scammed $1000's by Witchcraft SCAM Jan
Windglows-BEWARE Don't be Jan Windglows next victim


love is all you need. Witchcraft is a SCAM. Turn to God not Witchcraft.
SCAM Jan Windglows is an EVIL THEIF.


love is all you need. Witchcraft is a SCAM. Turn to God not Witchcraft.
EVIL Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM.
Question:Jan Windglows offers DEATH SPELLS...How can you get a LOVE Spell
from Jan Windglows who practices Death & Destruction spells?

Witchcraft is a SCAM. Keep turning to God . Jan Windglows is
EXPOSED in her Witchcraft SCAM.

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins Federal Warrants for your arrest
for cyber crimes. Fake names, Fake claims, Working for SATAN.
Witchcraft SCAMS Jan Windglows/Jim Morgan give
all good psychics bad names they just want your money and another soul for
SATAN. Turn to God.
@PsychicNSeattle Please
follow my List Jan Windglows Cyber SCAM
is your source. Witchcraft is of SATAN...Evil begets EVIL. Witchcraft is a
Scam. Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM
is our only source. Witchcraft is of SATAN...Evil begets EVIL. Witchcraft
is a Scam. Jan Windglows is a Witchcraft SCAM

Criminals and SERIAL SCAMS
& STALKERS Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith,
Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins
AND LIES about Mary Prantil on the Internet; STOP Stealing MONEY; Stop stalking
me ..I am Psychic N Seattle and no one else; My Twitter is @PsychicNSeattle
Turn to God. God is against Witchcraft.

   Criminal Jan Windlgows believes that if she tells her lies enough someone will believe them. God is against Witchcraft. The LAW is against Jan Windglows crimes of Aggravated Harassment and Cyber SCAMS like Blood Love and Lust Spells. 

ALERT-God says EXPOSE Criminally Insane Ripoff SCAM Jan Windglows-who is A
is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is
a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM

PEACE @PsychicNSeattle
I pray for this lost woman Jan Windglows & all Jan's victims that have
been scammed $1000's for Witchcraft Spells that were never cast
7/16/11 CRIME ALERT:Criminal Jan Windglows Scams
$1000's for Witchcraft & Deception Fraud.
Healing energy to you.  I am a Psychic working with Gods Light.
I am a Psychic. I work with the light of God
to manifest more of God's light & message in the world where there is
deception and darkness.
believe in God. I am a Psychic of God's Light. I am doing God's work.
SCAM: Jan Windglows will scam as much money off U in a short while then
Jan Windglows will RUN with your moneyTOTAL SPELL SCAM
love is all you need to manifest your dreams and desires in this lifetime.


July 19, 2011 - Criminals SERIAL SCAMS & STALKERS
Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,owner of
several scam "spellcasting" websites to lure you with a free psychic
reading & direct you to a fake SPELLS

 Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith , Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins and AND Mike aka Stanley Cahill Witchcraft SCAMS. 

July 19, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud.  

EVIL JAN WINDGLOWS RUNS A CULT OPERATION TO BRAIN WASH YOU INTO BELIEVING YOU NEED SPELLS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS- THAT IS DECEPTION FRAUD.  My life @PsychicNSeattle is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment.

 Love is FREE..Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows is a SPELL SCAM 

July 19, 2011 - SERIAL CRIMINALS SCAMS & STALKERS for Grand Larceny, Deception Fraud. Criminals Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals, owner of several scam "spellcasting" Ja
n Windglows is a SERIAL SCAMMER to take your money not cast spells then stalk and harass you.  

Windglows, Jim Morgan aka Michael Jenkins, Cyber SCAMS, Verified criminals,
owners of several scam "spellcasting" websites to steal your


  July 19, 2011 Witchcraft is a SCAM. SCAMS Jan Windglows/James Morgan aka Multiple names, Personalities, "Life Stories" Criminally Insane with long criminal records for Deception Fraud. EVIL JAN WINDGLOWS RUNS A CULT OPERATION TO BRAIN WASH YOU INTO BELIEVING YOU NEED SPELLS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS- THAT IS DECEPTION FRAUD. My life is devoted to exploring, studying,practicing & spreading Eternal Truth for the purpose of attaining Global Spiritual Enlightenment. Prayer is FREE...God is FREEEMBRACE GOD'S MAGIC within your Soul...Witchcraft is a SCAM...Jan Windglows aka Queen lilith is a SPELL SCAM 



Criminally INSANE Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. Heroin Addict. Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict & supports her drug habit with Witchcraft

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2011

Criminally INSANE Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. Heroin Addict Jan Windglows Jan Windglows is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. - NOT in Bonners Ferry, ID - FAKE Address - Fake Spellcaster- NO SUCH THING AS SPELLS! Criminal Jan Windglows  - NOT in Bonners Ferry, ID - FAKE Address Fake Spellcaster- NO SUCH THING AS SPELLS! 

No such thing as SPELLS!!  Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan is a Cyber SCAM! Queen
Lilith aka Jan Windglows is an EVIL Beast like Satan! Witchcraft is a SCAM! 
Jan Windglows who are you? Where
are you? Jan Windglows is a 200 lbs fat woman with a computer connection - NO

May 18, 2011 -Mrs. Jan aka Jan Windglows hurt me; worst service; stole
money; breaches confidHeroin Addict Jan Windglows.Witchcraft is how Jan Windglows supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. - NOT in Bonners Ferry, ID - FAKE Address - Fake Spellcaster- NO SUCH THING AS SPELLS!entiality DO NOT USE SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan
aka Queen Lilith! 

May 18, 2011 Many people agree with me that Witchcraft is a SCAM,
that there is no such thing as SPELLS! I do not believe in SPELLS or
Witchcraft!!!  Jan Windglows took advantage of me when I was in a
spiritual crisis, and said that SPELLS would be my answer if I only paid Jan
Windglows more and more money.  The SPELLS did not work. Jan Windglows
ripped me off, and Jan Windglows kept asking for more and more money, like a
bottomless pit in hell, where Jan Windglows lives. 

May 18, 2011 -Mrs. Jan aka Jan Windglows hurt me; worst service; stole
money; breaches confidentiality-DO NOT USE SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan
Many people like me have been victimized by SCAM Jan Windglows aka Queen
Lilith aka Enchantress Jan 208, Jim Morgan, Mike, Cahill and Matilda
Somerfield. No such thing as SPELLS!!  Jan Windglows is a SCAM. There
are NO friggin' Spellcaster or Spells! Hey I do believe that psychics can be
good, and also believe there are bad psychics aka criminals like Jan
Windglows - who stole money from me. No such thing as SPELLS!!  Jan
Windglows is a SCAM END OF STORY of the Jan Windglows SAGA the JURY IS OUT
_ SCAM Jan Windglows is GUILTY of Deception Fraud, Grand Larceny and Cyber ID

DO NOT USE:,, and !!! 

DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith aka Enchantress Jan 208
aka Janhett T.Windglows of PO Box 118, Bonners
Ferry, ID, 83805 Ph: 208-714-4348.


I agree - NO SPELLS WORK! If you think SPELLS work like Jan Windglows
tells all her victims -then they only exist in both your
deluded minds. SCAM Jan Windglows brain only money on the brain -
HOW TO GET AS MUCH MONEY OFF YOU. Hey Jan Windglows You need an enema up
there. Stick the pipe in your third eye too not your ear hole like the guy
that doesn't believe in psychics. Jan Windglows is Endless drivel!!
.."Blame it on Divinity" ...that is what SCAM Jan Windglows said
when I wanted my $1500 returned - that the spells I paid $1500 didn't work
bcs divinity didn't want me to have it...Jan Windglows is a SCAM crooked bad
egg. Do not use: Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith aka Enchantress. No such thing
as SPELLS - but there are good psychics, like there are good people. Psychic
in Seattle is a good person and good psychic. Jan Windglows is bad Psychic
and horrible human being that needs to step into to the light. No such thing
as SPELLS!!  Jan Windglows is a Cyber SCAM!! No such thing as
SPELLS!!  Jan Windglows is a Cyber SCAM!! No such thing as
SPELLS!!  Jan Windglows is a Cyber SCAM!! 

DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith aka Enchantress Jan 208 aka
Janhett T.Windglows aka Mrs. Jan of PO Box
118, Bonners Ferry, ID, 83805 Ph: 208-714-4348 Feb 8, 2011 -Mrs. Jan aka Jan
Windglows hurt me; worst service; stole money; breaches confidentiality-DO
NOT USE Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan 

DO NOT USE: Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith aka Enchantress Jan 208 aka
Janhett T.Windglows aka Mrs. Jan of PO Box
118, Bonners Ferry, ID, 83805 Ph: 208-714-4348   Feb 8, 2011 -Mrs. Jan
aka Jan Windglows hurt me; worst service; stole money; breaches confidentiality-
ADDRESS- Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan aka  Janhett T
Windglows, PO Box 118 is a SCAM Address- Jan Windglows does NOT Live in
Bonners Ferry, ID - the phone is not a real home number but rather a
voice line.  DO NOT USE: SCAM Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows aka
Mrs. Jan aka Queen Lilith.

Criminally INSANE Jan Windglow is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. Heroin Addict Jan Windglows Jan Windglow is a Heroin Addict that supports her drug habit by scamming for Spells. - NOT in Bonners Ferry, ID - FAKE Address - Fake Spellcaster- NO SUCH THING AS SPELLS!




Las Vegas,
United States of America

Psychic in Seattle AKA Mary Prantil quite an admission

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, May 18, 2011

Psychic in Seattle AKA Mary Prantil Your lead post

"They ripped off Mary Prantil for over $ 3050.00 and never showed her "Spell Sheets" or anything else.  Her boyfriend was/is hooked on heroin and she was afraid he would overdose.."

That is quite revealing , and not saying much about him. "Her boyfriend was/is  HOOKED ON HEROIN..."

Mary Prantil, that use of heroin is illegal.

Romans 13:1-5

God ordained governing authorities. To resist them is to resist God's ordinance. Those who disobey may be punished by authorities, but they also have harmed their conscience toward God.

1 Peter 2:13,14

Submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake.


United States of America

CRIME ALERT: JAN WINDGLOWS:Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny-BEWARE OF SCAMMERS

#17Author of original report

Wed, May 11, 2011

CRIME ALERT: Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny-BEWARE OF SCAMMERS

Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan aka and Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan aka Ray Meserol of Fake Bmore Dr.Fila- so desperate for Advertizing now made up FAKE Radio On-line station. Crber Stalker continue to commit crime of Deception
Fraud and continue to scam $1000s for Witchcraft.

Michael Jenkins who are you?  Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny - if you have been ripped off by Michael Jenkins or Jan Windglows - call the local police!

I am Psychic in Seattle no one else! I have personally filed many complaints on Ripoff to warn the Public of the Cyber Crimes of Michael Jenkins and Jan Windglows after meeting and giving Free Psychic Readings and Healings for
many X-victims of Jan Windglow's Coven of Criminals.  Jan Windglows and Michael Jenkins are EVIL Cyber Criminals that use the name of God to exploit MONEY for spells, and once they scam you for $1000's you will then be stalked with slander on the Internet. Jan Windglows and Michael Jenkins will never comeout of the dark shadows they sit behind computer horading money and their lives our devoted to Satan.  Turn to God not Witchcraft.  

PLEASE follow me on my NEW Twitter - @PsychicNSeattle  - I offer FREE Psychic Readings and Healings.

  Jan Windglows does her own rebutall  as Sondra. Never heard of her. I see clients by referral in my home and I am very selective about who I want to see.

Jan Windglows "married" to Jim/James Morgan.  Daughters: Kim Thrasher daughter of Jim/James Morgan. Matlida Somerfield daughter of Jan Windglows aka Janhett Windglows.  All in the same business working together to rip you off.  Once Jan Windglows proposes a "spell" at $ 2500 or more and the client declines enter Kim Thraser or Matlida Somerfield who also
give a "reading" and propose a "spell" at $ 500 (but don't tell Jan)   Jan Windglows refers every client that she can't get a
fee out of to another member of her cult.

Ask Celeste Morgan about Jan Windglows she will set you straight.  Have you paid your federal taxes yet Jim/James Morgan the IRS won't wait forever.  

The Divinity isn't happy with any of you and you are about to get full karmic pay back Have a terrible day much like what you have done to your clients.  "Vengenance is mine saith the Lord" 

MULTIPLE COMPLAINTS FILED Michael Jenkins and Jan Windglows - if you gave been ripped off call the POLICE!!!

Over 28 REAL Rip-off Report on Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows and Michael Jenkins

Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan aka Sondra. How manypeople are you? Listen and Learn Michael Jenkins who are you?  Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud,
Murder, Extortion, Frand Larcney - if you have been ripped off by Michael Jenkins or Jan Windglows - call the local police!

I am Psychic in Seattle no one else! I have personally filed many complaints on Ripoff to warn the Public of the Cyber Crimes of Michael Jenkins and Jan Windglows after meeting and giving Free Psychic Readings and Healings for
many X-vitims of Jan Windglow's Coven of Criminals.

Turn to God not Witchcraft.  

PLEASE follow me on my NEW Twitter - @PsychicNSeattle  - I offer FREE Psychic Readings and Healings.
JAN WINDGLOWS -The Divinity isn't happy with any of you and you are about to get full karmic pay back Have a terrible day much like what you have done to your clients.  "Vengenance is mine saith the Lord" 

MULTIPLE COMPLAINTS FILED Michael Jenkins and Jan Windglows - if you gave been ripped off call the POLICE!!!

Over 28 REAL Ripoff Report on Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows  And Michael Jenkins

Jan Windglows aka Enchantress Jan aka Sondra. How many people are you? Listen and Learn. Michael Jenkins aka Jim Morgan double the rippff by SCAM Jan Windglows.

Michael Jenkins who are you?  Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Frand Larcney - if you have been ripped off by Michael Jenkins or Jan Windglows - call the local police!

- Tacoma (United States of America)

CRIME ALERT: Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny-BEWARE OF SCAMMERS


Jan Windglows has spent most her life in hospitals for the criminally insane.  As a young girl her family had her committed, as she was convicted of molesting children in the neighborhood,  and taking drugs.  She was released at 21 from the first institution but was not rehabilitated.  Within 5 years she was committed again, this time for 12 years where she met James Morgan also a
patient in the same psychiatrist ward for the criminally insane. This is where they cooked up the scheme to start a "business" to
"sell spells" to suckers.  Not use their real names, get a cell phone and move around the country so no one could find them or arrest them.  Crazy is doing the same thing over and over with the same result.  Read the scary 30 page reports these two nuts have written.  They brag about killing homeless people to get the blood for their spells.  Crazy and arrogant.  They tell lies and make up stories about everyone including themselves.   The phone 208 714 4348 is registered in Couer d'Alene, Idaho so they may live there but not under any name they give publically.  These are dangerous criminals, murderers and convicted child molesters. They sell drugs to sustain their life style when they aren't ripping people off with phony "spells" 

CRIME ALERT: JAN WINDGLOWS- Jim Morgan is Michael Jenkins and they work for Criminal Jan Windglows, all verified scammer. Wanted for Deception Fraud, Murder, Extortion, Grand Larceny-BEWARE OF SCAMMERS




Illiterate Jan Windglows post your attorney so I can serve you a Civil summons; Criminal Record means "Convictions" STUPID & CRAZY Jan Windglows again caught in another LIE

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 25, 2011

PLEASE Jan Windglows POST your attorney, I dare you too. Because you ripped me off too.  I would like to send your Lawyer a Civil summons because Jan windlgows aka Queen Lilith you only post a PO Box, and when I filed my police report, the police could not find you.

 Crazy mentally ill  Jan Windglows post your attorney, so I the POLICE can arrest you, and I can finally serve you a Civil Summons for defrauding  and scamming me of $1000's

Clearly Jan Windglows is not educated, probably a High School drop out turned scammer.

Crazy Jan Windglows- Criminal Record means "Convictions" STUPID & CRAZY Jan Windglows making herself look Illiterate because Jan Windglows aka Janhett T. Windglows aka Janet Moss-Hayes aka Janet Dewire claims to live in Bonners Ferry ID and Driggs, ID, Coure dAlene.

Crazy Jan Windglows has been out mastered by her own SCAM.  The Internet is now turning on Jan Windglows.



Hey, Jan Windglows ask your attorney what constitutes a Criminal Record. You Jan Windglows Windglows are the only STALKER.  just take a look at the falsehood you post today.  Question: Where are you Jan Windglows - I want my MONEY back.




Jan Windglows is Criminally INSANE Jan Windglows aka Quenn Lilith Turn yourself into the POLICE warrants issued for your arrests for DECEPTION FRAUD by many

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 25, 2011

April 25, 2011 Coven, Cult Criminal Cyber SCAM
Jan Windglows- Multiple FAKE names, FAKE photos, FAKE Facebook photo, and
FAKE Rip-off websites- Jan Windglows who are you? Where are you?

April 25, 2011

Coven, Cult, Criminals! Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows post
multiple FAKE photos, Multiple FAKE Rip-off websites and multiple Fake phone
numbers.  NO such thing as SPELLS! Magic is just a pretty name for
Witchcraft! READ multiple complaints on Rip-off

Jan Windglows who are you? Where are you? Jan
Windglows is a 200 lbs fat brunette woman with a computer connection - NO
SUCH THING AS SPELLS!!! NO such thing as SPELLS! Magic is just a pretty name for
Witchcraft! READ multiple complaints about Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows on

Look below at the end of the rebuttal - I found over 3 different photos that
SCAM Jan Windglows post on the Internet. SEE BELOW including a DAKE photo on

Multiple Fake phone numbers that SCAM Jan Windglows has uses: 208-714-4348.
805-455-6548 and 208-639-2999  all disconnected as the Deception Fraud,
Grand Larceny police reports file up and the police look for their Verified
Con-Artist Jan Windglows and her concern cult of Con-Artist

Multiple temporary fake PO Box's - 1) PO Box 712, Driggs, Idaho, 2.) PO
Box 118, Bonners Ferry, ID and HERE IS MS. WINDGLOWS REAL
ADDRESS- Cyber SCAM Jan Windglows aka Mrs. Jan aka  Janhett T

Multiple FAKE Rip-off Spellcasting website -,,, to name a few. All claims
to drain their own bodies and veins of their own BLOOD to sacrifice, all
claim to take weeks to write out in ancient satanical language a long spell
sheet that you will get a copy of a photos of the spell ritual, all ask for
your photo and birthday, all want to use Western Union and or PayPal. ALL are
a COMPLETE RIPOFF SCAM!!!  No such thing as Spells! Witchcraft does not
work and is a complete scam.

Magic is a pretty name for Witchcraft and both are a SCAM.

Buy a $1 dollar candle - put your name on it- pray into the flame. 
Psychic in Seattle taught me to pray for myself.  There is a real
Psychic in Seattle. She goes by referral only and does not charge for her
services.  Many x-clients that lost money and dignity from the Coven
Cult Criminal Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan mike Cahill, Matilda Somerfield, Kim
Thrasher, Mike Jenkins, and Jim Morgan X-wife Celeste Morgan all works
together to scam $1000's of dollars off of innocent people - and they share
all the profit.

Multiple FAKE names - Jan Windglows aka Queen Lilith aka Mrs. Jan aka
Enchantress Jan 208 aka Mrs. Jan aka the wife of SATAN!

NO such thing as SPELLS!
Jan Windglows who are you? Where are you? Jan
Windglows is a 200 lbs fat brunette woman with a computer connection - NO

Magic is just a pretty name for Witchcraft!

DO NOT USE: Coven Cult Criminals - Jan Windglows, Jim Morgan, Mike Cahill,
Kim Thrasher, Matilda Somerfeild, Mike Jenkins and X-wife of Jim Morgan
Celeste Morgan. FYI - Celeste Morgan had to file a domestic violence assault
report on Jim Morgan and got a Restraining Order on crazy out of control Jim
Morgan. Hey Jan Windglows if you and Jim Morgan are such powerful casters -
than how come you can't stop me from posting the truth about you...or how
come you could stop Celeste Morgan from getting 

DO NOT USE - Coven Cult Criminal Jan Windglows uses multiple FAKE photos,
multiple FAKE names, and multiple website. BEWARE - Jan Windglows could stalk
and harass you next - READ multiple complaints about Jan Windglows right here
on Rip-off! 
Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor!

Over 30 Complaints filed on Ripoff Report on
Jan Windglows


Windglows #1  

Windglows #2

Windglows #3


 Jan Windglows #4


Windglows #5


Windglows #6


Jan T.
Windglows #7


Janhett T.
Windglows #8

Windglows #9

10. Jan T. Windglows #10

WARNING: Cyber Stalker Jan
Windglows is a verified SCAM?
Multiple fake websites and Fake
Photos for SCAMMER Jan Windglows. Jan Windglows who are you? Where are you?
SEE REAL photo of Jan Windglows of a 200 lbs fat brunette woman with a
computer connection only intending her target HARM - NO SUCH THING AS SPELLS.
SCAMMER Jan Windglows Divinity
and God do not condone Witchcraft. Witchcraft is EVIL. 
EVIL begets EVIL.
If someone tells you they are
into Witchcraft RUN as fast as you away for this Satan worshiper.
Witchcraft is of SATAN.
April 25, 2011 Jan Windglows which Photo is
you? Only a Con-artist puts multiple photos. 
Crazy Jan Windglows is a verified SCAMMER.   

I filed a police report for Deception Fraud and Frand Larceny on Crazy SCAM Jan Windglows. April 25, 2011 Jan Windglows which Photo is
you? Only a Con-artist puts multiple photos. 
Crazy Jan Windglows is a verified SCAMMER.   

James Morgan

United States of America

Jan Windglows Posting Facts, Proof, And Mary Prantil's Criminal Records Exposing Her Again

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 25, 2011

This is Enchantress Jan Windglows. I am posting on my behalf and my husband James behalf concerning convicted felony stalker Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle or PSYCHO IN SEATTLE as she is better termed. Unfortunately Mary Prantil who IS the poster here cannot shut her mouth and continues to keep posting. She is getting herself ready to have the HELL sued out of her as a result.

Poster Mary Prantil asks WHY we exposed her? Because she will not leave us the hell alone, and because we want to prevent other innocent people from having the same thing happen to them by Mary Prantil. We have been putting up with her CRAZY AS_ for over four years and it is over for her now. Yes, the names are mine BUT are NOT aliases but maiden name and married names from previous marriages as if it is any of Prantil's business. Her stalking days are numbered, and she is pushing the envelope.

My husband and I do NOT live in Coer d Alene, dumb AS_ the phone number which is my business number is my SKYPE number which I got so I could BLOCK you from CALLING and harassing me and stop you from hacking my business cell phone. My Bonners Ferry address is CORRECT. ( again none of YOUR business anyway )

My husband James and I are speaking to our attorneys at this time preparing for several things concerning felony stalker Mary Prantil who pretends to be several people on this site and other sites. Well, your SH_T is no longer working and since you could not leave us alone, we are coming after you, Prantil. We ( and everyone else on the web ) have had quite enough of you, criminal.

First off-Nobody twisted Mary Prantil's AKA PsychicNSeattle's arm to buy a spell from me. I did not go searching throughout the Internet for her......she approaced and contacted ME and ASKED me to do work for her. She had successful services rendered to her and became angry because I refused to give her a refund, I do NOT GIVE REFUNDS FOR SPELLS FOR THE MILLIONITH TIME, as I have stated this many times before already. Read this again, Prantil and THINK- USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONCE, you remember you agreed and I have your original email stating YOU AGREED to my NO REFUND POLICY, GOT IT? So GET OVER IT.

I did not FORCE you to buy any type of spell work from me at any time. You CHOSE to, on your own free will and choice. No one stole your money, as_hole. You did this on your own free will. You even got what you wanted concerning your spell wishes. Mary Prantil aka PSYCHO IN SEATTLE is the ONLY scam up here. Mary INSISTED on not only one but several spells. Sociopaths HATE rejection and in addition Mary Prantil did not like having her case terminated because of her EXTREME ABUSIVE behavior toward myself and my husband James.

Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle aka Witchcraft Stopper ( lol ) ran her lover off all the way to Egypt with her harassing and stalking him, then having him arrested with false charges. Is is any wonder that everyone that comes into contact with Prantil runs in the other direction? In comes Mary Prantil and all you see is elbows and heels, lol because people cannot wait to get the Hell away from her.

The only reason Mary Prantil is pissed off is because after we did all the successful work for her and spent more time with her than any of my other clients is because after she got everything she wanted then messed her spells up, could not get a refund from me. PRANTIL KNEW AND AGREED TO MY SITE POLICIES BEFORE ANY MONEY CHANGED HANDS- AFTER I CAST A SPELL I DO NOT GIVE REFUNDS- I HAVE A NO REFUND POLICY- PERIOD.

SHE KNEW THIS AND AGREED TO THE FACT THAT BECAUSE SPELLS ARE SPIRITUAL IN NATURE AND CANNOT BE GUARANTEED, she was willing and insistent on having me cast for her anyway. Prantil is a typical criminal, used to scamming people and getting refunds. She is the type of person that buys a new dress and leaves the tags on it so she can use the dress then take it back to the dress shop and get her money back, LOL. NOW THAT IS CHEAP.  

This is the type of person Mary Prantil is. Mary Prantil is also currently involved in the Manhattan Criminal court system up on several criminal charges including felony stalking. She has been a repeat offender for 28 years- if I had known this I would never have taken her case to start with- we found out later that Mary Prantil had been a prisoner at Rikers Island Women's Prison and was arrested/picked up on a warrant for violating her parole and lot of other stuff about Mary Prantil-she is just a very VERY nasty mean spirited woman PLUS a CONVICTED FELON, actually with several convictions including Felony E Stalking. Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle can never play this down as her little character of "PsychicNSeattle" or anyone else she tries to portray herself as.

Every time one of her posts go up anywhere on the web she has the same style of writing so it is a no brainer and everyone knows it is Mary Prantil posting. My clients all laugh at the trash she posts, and in fact, every time Prantil posts, it just brings me more business and I post successful testimonals very often from happy clients. Some that have been with me for many years.

I feel if Mary Prantil is as good and kind of a person as she keeps telling everyone she is, she would offer a public apology and face the facts that she did not attain her goals which her objectives are for my husband and I to fail and our business to fail but that will never happen. We have always told the truth about Prantil while backing our statements with TRUE PROOF and as time went on, posted her criminal records in order to expose her for the crazy and I mean CRAZY psychotic sociopathic serial stalker that she is. Divinity and Their Righteous Judgements prevail over evil, and over Evil, hateful people such as Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle.

Go to this link and hear Mary profess in her own voice how she attained her spell results and MARRIED her target. Whether she married him or not, the bottom line is that Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle could not scam me out of the money she paid me so for the last four years has been trying to ruin my business but Divinity's Grace has only made her life miserable and caused my business to be even more successful, while Divinity continues to bless our lives in every way with Their Grace and Abundance.

Note: ( Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle AKA Witchcraft Stopper etc, etc, is a real crazy FREAK LOL unbelievable that someone would be as stupid to actually leave voice messages like that on a telephone answering machine- again, Mary Prantil is a PSYCHOTIC SOCIOPATH, so before you listen IF you do, just know she is extremely psychotic and that is an understatement....)

Felon Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle: CALL Criminal Court/NYC 646 386-4500 Call/Give Info: Her Prison/Jail Number: NYSID: 03088617J

JUST LOOK AT THIS WOMAN'S CRIMINAL RECORDS : MARY PRANTIL AKA "PSYCHIC IN SEATTLE" AKA MARY T. PRANTIL OF QUEENS NEW YORK: NYSID: 03088617J Age: 46 Sex: Female Race: White Height: 5 ft 3 inches Weight: 95 lbs Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Nativity: New York Booking Information

Incarceration: 2010-06-14 Book & Case Number: 3471001054 Facility: Rose M. Singer Center Arrest Date: 2010-06-14 Arrest Number: COURT DIRECT Next Court Date: 2010-06-30 Projected Release Date: Actual Release Date: Discharge Reason: Bail & Bond: Remanded Charge Information Docket: 2010NY022485 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 120.50 FE (STALKING 3RD DEGREE E Felony) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) Docket: 2009NY002655 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 205.30 MA (RESISTING ARREST A Misdemeanor) Docket: 2009NY046033 Indictment: 00000 0000 Charges: 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 240.30 MA (AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT A Misdemeanor) 215.50 MA (CRIMINAL CONTEMP- 2ND A Misdemeanor)

The Rose M. Singer Center is where Mary Prantil has been many times over incarcerated, which is one of TEN jails on Rikers Island. Ten Jails on Rikers Island List Part 2 Rose M. Singer Center Address: 19-19 Hazen St., East Elmhurst, N.Y. 11370 Rose M. Singer Center was opened in June 1988 as an 800-bed facility for female detainees and sentenced inmates.

**Important Note** The information here below was posted the night before Mary Prantil was arrested and taken into custody: 06/14/2010 B PENDING (Prantil's Criminal Court Date 06/14/2010 ) 05/18/2010 B Mennin, F PENDING No Type Morrison, S Case Continued (adjourned), Returned On Warrant Released on Recognizance 05/07/2010 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Riccio, C Parole Revoked,warrant Ordered - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued 03/24/2010 APAR3A Coin, E PENDING Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given Tejada, I Psychiatric Exam Ordered - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance Web Crims

Search Results 1 through 3 of 3: 010NY022485 Prantil, Mary 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court 009NY002655 Prantil, Mary T 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court 009NY046033 Prantil, Mary T 6/14/2010 New York Criminal Court Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 120.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description : Stalking - 3rd count. ( NOTE* Stalking is what Mary has been accusing us and others of doing to HER, lol ) L 240.30 01 **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Agg Harass-2nd count, communicate/alarm. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 240.30 02 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge,

Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harrassment-2nd count,telephone. L 215.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Criminal Contempt-2nd count, disobeying the Court. L 240.30 1A **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harassment-2nd Degree. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence: L 205.30 00 **TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge,

Arraignment charge Description: Resisting Arrest L 240.30 01 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: Aggravated Harassment-2nd count,communicate/alarm. More Evidence On Scammer Mary Prantil Posted On May 11th, 2010 Mary Prantil's Current Criminal Records 2010 Posted Here Ethnicity: Unknown Arrest/Incident Date/Time Arrest Date: June 9, 2009 Arrest Time: 11:00 Incident Date: May 6, 2009 Incident Time: 04:42 Case Related Numbers Criminal Justice Tracking Number: 63615729R NYSID Number: 3088617J Arrest Number: M09652561 Summons/Ticket Number: BAC and Vehicle Info Blood Alcohol Content: Vehicle Info: N/A Arresting Officer Info Name:

SHEEKO Shield Number: 6560 Tax Registry Number: Agency: NYPD Officer Command: 20 Confidentially Search for Records You are searching for records on First Name: mary Last Name: prantil State: NY DOB: 19640127 MARY THERESA PRANTIL AKA: MARY T PRANTIL AKA: PRANTIL, MARY Year Of Birth: 1964 (46) Address City State Zip 32-85 C2 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106 3285 33RD ST C2 ASTORIA NY 11106 32-85 33 ST ASTORIA NY 11106 251 E 32ND ST 2C NEW YORK NY 10016 251 E 32ND ST 17F NEW YORK NY 10016 3285 33 WUSD 69 ASTORIA NY 11106 1352 PO BOX NEW YORK NY 10150 PO BOX 1352 NEW YORK NY 10150 Voter Information Name : MARY T PRANTIL Residential Address : 32-85 33 STREET C2, ASTORIA, NY 11106 Mailing Address (if any) :

Political Party : Democratic

Voter Status : Active

Voter District Information Election District : 59 County Legislative District :

Senate District : 12 Assembly District : 30 Congressional District : 14 Town : QUEENS

Ward : Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3

Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Incident Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and

Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Defendant Name:Prantil, Mary T Birth Year:1964 NYSID: 3088617J Status: Incident and Arrest Date:June 22, 2008 Summons/Ticket #: CJTN: 63355383N Arrest Date & Time:January 9, 2009 20:45 Arrest #: M09602686 Officer Agency:NYPD Command:20 Attorney Information Defense Attorney Name:Unk, Type:Private (Retained) Court Date:January 10, 2009 Court Part:APAR3 Assistant District Attorney Name: Assigned:February 20, 2009 Next Appearance Date:June 14, 2010 Court:New York Criminal Court Part:B Docket Sentence No Sentence Information on File Case Details - Appearances Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T

Date/ Part Judge Calendar Section Arraignment/ Hearing Type Court Reporter Outcome/ Release Status 06/14/2010 B PENDING No Type 03/24/2010 B Unknown, PENDING No Type Test, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 03/09/2010 B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Johnson, S Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 03/03/2010 B PENDING No Type Unk, Case Continued (adjourned) -

Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 02/17/2010 B PENDING No Type Oviedo, Y Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 12/10/2009 B Mcgrath, K PENDING No Type Barna, C Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 10/28/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Morrison, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance 08/10/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Barna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Cash $1 (Cash) 07/28/2009 B Whiten, M PENDING No Type Burrofato, Court Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $1 (Not Posted) 06/09/2009 B Ross, N PENDING No Type Barna, Case Continued (adjourned) -

Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 04/02/2009 B Kamins, B PENDING No Type Rodriguez, I Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 02/20/2009 B Burke, J PENDING No Type Bent, A Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 01/10/2009 APAR3 Allen, B PENDING Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given Harris, V Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance Case Details - Charges Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence PL 205.30 00 **TOP CHARGE** A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Resisting Arrest PL 240.30 01

A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Agg Harass-2:communicate/alarm Case Details - Motions Case Information Court New York Criminal Court Case # 2009NY002655 Defendant Prantil, Mary T There are no motions on record for this case. Charge Detail Disposition/Sentence L 240.30 02 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description Agg Har-2nd:telephoneL 215.50 03 Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionCrim Contempt-2nd:disobey CrtL 240.30 1A

**TOP CHARGE** Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge DescriptionAggravated Harassment-2nd Deg Queens Civil Supreme Court Index Number:

022186/2009 Case Name:


Other Real Property Track:

Expedited Motion Information: Motion Number Date Filed Filed By Relief Sought Submit Date Answer Demanded Status Decision Order Signed Date 001 02/04/2010 PLAINT Change Or Remove Attorney 03/04/2010 No Decided: 04-MAR-10 MOTION GRANTED Before Justice: PINEDA-KIRWAN Short Form Order 03/04/2010 Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 022186/2009 Case Name: 3285 REALTY COMPANY LLC vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Other Real Property Track:

Expedited RJI Filed: 01/26/2010 Date NOI Due: NOI Filed: Disposition Deadline: Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Status: Justice Name: DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: MARK S. FRIELANDER Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active 150 BROADWAY NEW YROK, N.Y. 10038 212 962-2877 Attorney/Firm For Defendant: ATTORNEY RELIEVED

Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record

Atty. Status: Active 32-30 87th Street East Elmhurst 11369 718-426-7424 Date Part Judge Calendar Section Arraignment/

Hearing Type Court Reporter Outcome/ Release Status 6/14/2010 B ENDING o Type 3/24/2010 B unknown, ENDING o Type est, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 3/09/2010 B hiten, M ENDING o Type ohnson, S Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued RoR Continued 3/03/2010 B

ENDING o Type nk, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Released on Recognizance 2/17/2010 B ENDING o Type viedo, Y Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 2/10/2009 B cgrath, K ENDING o Type arna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 0/28/2009 B urke, J ENDING o Type orrison, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 8/10/2009 B urke, J ENDING o Type arna, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 7/28/2009 B hiten, M 

ENDING o Type urrofato, Court Adjourned - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bail Continued 6/15/2009 C andelbaum, R ENDING o Type ames, C Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash) 6/10/2009 APAR2 hiten, M ENDING re-Arraignment Deposition Given ilion, Case Continued (adjourned) - Temporary Order Of Protection Issued Bond $500 Cash $500 (Not Posted) NEW YORK New York Criminal Court Docket 2009NY046033 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Law Code and Code Section/Subsection PL 240.30 02 Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: AGG HAR-2ND:TELEPHONE Disposition/Sentence Law Code

and Code Section/Subsection PL 215.50 03 Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: CRIM CONTEMPT-2ND:DISOBEY CRT Disposition/Sentence Law Code and Code Section/Subsection PL 240.30 1A *** TOP CHARGE *** Charge Detail A Misdemeanor, 1 count count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge Description: AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT-2ND DEG Disposition/Sentence Court: Queens County Civil Court Index Number: CV-071786-09/QU Case Name: GE MONEY BANK vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Civil Classification: Consumer Credit Filing Date: 06/18/2009

Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Demand: No Judge Name: Attorney/Firm(s) For Plaintiff - GE MONEY BANK: Rubin & Rothman LLC Attorney Type: Firm 1787 Veterans Highway Suite 32 P.O.Box 9003 Islandia, New York 11749- (631) 234-1500 ext: Attorney/Firm(s) For Defendant - MARY PRANTIL: Please note that this record report has been generated by an independent searcher, using the Department of State's, State Tax Warrant Notice On-Line Database. The information contained in this report is NOT an official record of the Department of State. Taxpayer Name(s) Selected: City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched: County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched: MARY PRANTIL

Not Applicable QUEENS Your name selection(s) has returned 1 State Tax Lien Notice histories. Warrant ID# : E-029211902-W001-3 MARY PRANTIL 32-85 33 ST C2 ASTORIA, NY 11106 June 10, 2008 QUEENS $106.21 June 20, 2008 Warrant ID# : E-029159448-W001-7 MARY PRANTIL 32-85 33 ST C2 ASTORIA, NY 11106 February 14, 2008 QUEENS $4,072.14 February 14, 2008 Taxpayer Name(s) Selected: City specified in warrant address record of Taxpayer Searched: County in which warrant is filed of Taxpayer Searched: MARY PRANTIL Not Applicable QUEENS NEW YORK New York Criminal Court Docket 2009NY046033 Defendant Prantil, Mary T Appearance Information: Appearance Part & Date Judge Calendar Section

Court Reporter Release Status Arraignment Type Hearing Type Docket Detail Restraining Orders Applied Against Mary T. Prantil B, June 14, 2010


No Type B, March 24, 2010 UNKNOWN, Pending TEST, RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, March 9, 2010 WHITEN,M Pending JOHNSON,S RoR Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, March 3, 2010

Pending UNK, Released on Recognizance No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, February 17, 2010

Pending OVIEDO,Y Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of

Protection Issued B, December 10, 2009 MCGRATH,K Pending BARNA,C Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, October 28, 2009 BURKE,J Pending MORRISON, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, August 10, 2009 BURKE,J Pending BARNA, Bail Continued No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued B, July 28, 2009 WHITEN,M Pending BURROFATO, Bail Continued No Type COURT ADJOURNED - Temporary Order of Protection Issued C, June 15, 2009 MANDELBAUM,R Pending JAMES,C Bond $500 Cash $500 (Cash)

No Type CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of

Protection Issued APAR2, June 10, 2009 WHITEN,M Pending FILION, Bond $500 Cash $500 (Not Posted) Pre-Arraignment Deposition Given

CASE CONTINUED (ADJOURNED) - Temporary Order of Protection Issued Docket Information: Standards and Goals Age Defendant Status Docket Sentence Information: Docket Sentence No Data Available Defense Attorney Information: Name Type Court Date Court Part Firm Name Phone Number Address UNK, 18B (Assigned) June 10, 2009 APAR2 Assistant District Attorney Information: Name Assignment Date June 15, 2009 Defendant Docket Number Summons Number Appearance Date County / Court / Part Judge Prantil, Mary T- 2009NY002655 -06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York

Criminal Court / B Prantil, Mary T 2009NY046033 06/14/2010 NEW YORK / New York Criminal Court / B State of California & Queens NY Criminal & Civil Records On Mary T. Prantil : Supreme Court Civil ; Lawsuit Case Detail : Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 031093/2002 Case Name: PRANTIL, MARY vs. LAMPROPOULOS, CHRISTOPHER ANO Case Type: Motor Vehicle Track: Complex RJI Filed: 11/28/2003 Date NOI Due: NOI Filed: Disposition Deadline: Disposition Date: Calendar Number: Jury Status: Justice Name: COMPLIANCE CONF JUDGE Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff: GEOGHAN & COHEN Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record Atty. Status: Active 7 PENN PLAZA SUITE 505 NEW YORK NY 10001 212-465-0600 Attorney/Firm For Defendant: JERROLD N. COHEN

Attorney Type: Attorney Of


Atty. Status: Active 163 MINEOLA BLVD - POB #229 MINEOLA, NY 11501 1 - 718 - 895 - 3215 ISSERLIS AND SULLIVAN, ESQ.,

Attorney Type: Attorney Of Record

Atty. Status: Active 999 STEWART AVENUE BETHPAGE, NEW YORK 11714 516-349 0111 Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 022186/2009 Case Name: 3285 REALTY COMPANY LLC vs. PRANTIL, MARY Case Type: Other Real Property Track: Expedited Appearance Information: Appearance Date Time On For Appearance Outcome Justice / Part Comments Motion Seq 05/24/2010

Supreme Trial DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF 05/19/2010

Supreme Trial Remove Stay DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 GEN CAL 03/04/2010

Motion Fully Submitted


Supreme Trial Stayed-Attorney Relieved DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF 45 DAYS PER SFO 3/4/10 02/08/2010

Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned DICCIA T. PINEDA-KIRWAN PT 36 PRELIM CONF Previous address Locations & Civil Records Of Mary T. Prantil 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:12/01/2002 251 32nd St, New York, NY 10016 Reported:07/18/2001 3285 33 Wusd # 69, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:06/01/2001 3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 Reported:11/13/2000 1352 PO Box, New York, NY 10150 Reported:06/18/1997 3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA 92104 Reported:10/01/1995 1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA 92102 Reported:12/01/1993 319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA 92037 Reported:08/01/1992 Criminal Court Records Criminal Profile Subject Name: PRANTIL, MARY

THERESA Date: 12/8/2007 3:45:39 PM Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: M695524 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T105836 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT

SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T108343 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T110326 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T120948 Criminal Court Records Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Case Number: M598531 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 03/23/1990 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case

Number: M695524 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/01/1995 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T105836 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 11/13/1992 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T108343 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 01/04/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T110326 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/02/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T120948 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 08/09/1993 Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for: Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: PO BOX 1352, NEW YORK NY 10150 Action: STATE TAX LIEN Court: SACRAMENTO COUNTY COURT (RD) Plaintiff: STATE OF

CALIFORNIA Case: 9706100302 (06/10/1997) Liability/Assests: $1, 310.00/NA Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Plaintiff: PRO SE Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Judgement Against Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Address: 3038 DICKENS ST, SAN DIEGO CA 92106 Action: SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT Court: KEARNEY MESA MUNI - SAN DIEGO CO Plaintiff: LIBS CHIROPRACTOR CENTER Case: 570215 (12/19/1991) Liability/Assests: $2,

198.00/NA Supreme Court - Motion Detail Court: Queens Civil Supreme Index Number: 031093/2002 Case Name: PRANTIL, MARY vs. LAMPROPOULOS, CHRISTOPHER ANO Case Type: Motor Vehicle Track: Complex  Appearance Information: Appearance Date Time On For Appearance Outcome Justice / Part Comments Motion Seq 10/26/2004


Supreme Trial Preliminary Conference Held ALLAN B. WEISS PT 2 PRELIM CONF 12/22/2003

Supreme Initial (first time on) Adjourned ALLAN B. WEISS PT 2 PRELIM CONF Oh, ah GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Mary Prantil WHO ARE YOU? Where are you? What are you? DDDDUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH???????

YOU ARE A MONSTER AND A CYBER BULLY AND FREAK who has never told the truth about anything up here and never provided ANY actual PROOF of all you have said. Prantil has failed THREE TIMES and had THREE HOURS on THREE DIFFERENT occasions to call in and speak to us and the public on LIVE radio but she FAILED then made dumb excuses about the phone number being wrong, and the radio station being fake, LOL yeah RIGHT, so the third time is a charm, and that makes Mary Prantil A THREE TIME LOSER who STILL, after FOUR YEARS cannot provide PROOF of any of her trash posts here or anywhere on the net, but that

is nothing new, LOL. Sociopaths like Prantil HATE REJECTION and I did have to terminate her case after a time because she became worse and worse and could not adhere to spell criteria, or stay out of trouble, and since then Mary Prantil aka PsychicNSeattle has been stalking us for 4 years. But she will soon be in prison and we will not have to get up here and subject all the nice people to Mary Prantil and will no longer have to respond to her trash posts. As usual the stalker is playing "VICTIM" here, but for psychopathic sociopaths like Mary Prantil that is TYPICAL behavior. Ask any psychologist. Manhattan CriminalCourt, 100 Centre Street, New York - (646) 386-4500 Give the clerk this information-they know who Mary Prantil AKA PsychicNSeattle is.

NYSID: 03088617J which is Mary Prantil's JAIL/Prison number. Ficticious names of Mary T. Prantil Of Astoria New York/ AKAs Of Mary Prantil: AKA "American Citizen Speaking Out" AKA WitchcraftSTOPPER - Seattle ( USA ) " AKA Honest Person AKA Honestperson AKA Park City USA, AKA Uta, AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania, AKA Washington D.C.AKA Washington, AKA Astoria, New York, AKA Pittsburg, AKA Pennsylvania 

AKA Park City, AKA Utah AKA Astoria New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA SadisticPsychicJanWindglowsHURTME2 - Houston (USA AKA Unhappy Client - Xxx (U.S.A AKA CONArtist-JimMorganNOTaWizardorMagicalPowers AKA Houston (USA AKA SCAMJanWindglowsSpellCastingSchemeOperation AKA Settle USA AKA Astoria USA AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A.

AKA Cc - Essex United Kingdom AKA Enforcer Of Justice AKA Washington D.C., Washington AKA New York, New York AKA Phoenix Arizona AKA Honestperson Pittsburg U.S.A AKA Enforced Justice AKA Phoenix USA AKA UK Other AKA PsychicHater (Seattle Washington)United States of America, AKA do not tread on me (Astoria New York AKA OpinionatedAmerican (Tampa Florida)United States of America AKA PsychicHater AKA Toronto Ontario AKA Jesus Hates Satan

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