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  • Report:  #282248

Complaint Review: Janice Aka Robin Bluedragon Aka Kasamba Utopia Aka FRAUD! VICTIMS? Kasamba.

Janice Aka Robin Bluedragon Aka Kasamba Utopia Aka FRAUD! VICTIMS? Kasamba. The Infamous "Janice" is none other than Robin Bluedragon who runs an msn group full of readers, HE got your transcripts to share with his group and gave other experts the boot! You FOLLOWED a fraud!!!! Beaverton Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Lightfoot Virginia
  • Submitted:
    Thu, November 01, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 23, 2009
  • Janice Aka Robin Bluedragon Aka Kasamba Utopia Aka FRAUD! VICTIMS? Kasamba.
    Beaverton Or
    Beaverton, Oregon
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The infamous Janice is none other than the evil Robin Bluedragon.

Robin (as most of you have figured out) runs a group of scammers known as Kasamba Utopia as some of you have seen in previous posts. This group to further get "damage control" over their own priorities (the cash COW of Kasamba) reached out to all these "victims" as "Janice" asking for transcripts, information etc.. these transcripts were later used to give you BACK your readings(and amaze you by thinking the experts were ethical..because they knew so much.. little did you know you had provided the transcripts for them to share in their little msn group.. also to incriminate others who they wanted to knock off the totem pole. You know what you fools ended up doing? You got good experts kicked off, people who didn't extort you for money, and you were left with the "ethical" madness of the Utopia group who has all your information because you chose to follow Robin Bluedragon right down to hell where he belongs. Janice while spouting how she would "take" Kasamba down, failed to realize that at some point, the fraud would come to light. In the face of this, she (Robin Bluedragon) disappears because she (he) is afraid it is going to come to the surface. I bet the ethical experts you were referred to were Melodie, Psychic Emily Rose, David James, and others, right? I'm sure. They also have a group they control on msn called KlientUtopia where they fail to let posted any bad experiences with any of those in the group of fraudulent readers and rather use it to highlight any information these snakes can get on people who are actually psychic so that they can reign supreme and keep cashing in on the money. YOU ALL FELL FOR A SCAM! AND A FRAUD!

Janice IS Robin Bluedragon, there was a message on Kasamba by a client saying this although Kasamba removed it immediately so as not to draw attention to the fact they are supporting this group of frauds, cheats, scammers and EVIL people simply because these people do provide them with their cash cow.

Doesn't it make sense now? Janice is Robin Bluedragon. Felons never change.

Janice, Robin Bluedragon and Kasamba Utopia is all one and the same. And the whole charade is UP. Anyone for some popcorn?

Lightfoot, Virginia

13 Updates & Rebuttals



I feel sorry for most of you pitiful people trying to hurt Bluedragon

#14UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 23, 2009

So far not one of you has ever submitted any proof for your lies and slander...not one session number,nothing that shows you have even been to him,proving to me anyway that most if not all of you are either kicked off readers I turned in for their various scams,or jealous readers who envy my reputation with real clients as an honest and accurate person. I truly think some of you are just deranged stalkers intent on harming someone because thanks to the internet you can do it like proof,no evidence,and hiding the whole time...cowards all of you.

This holiday season I will pray for you and hope you might find something more fruitful and benificail to yourselves and others,and something that doesnt involve lying slander and libel.  Or maybe try getting a real reading instead of making up the nonsense so many of you drool out repetitively.

And remember,if you have a session number or anything at all (nothing more then slander and false accusations have ever been made), I would love to see it...buts its hard to produce when nothing exists,isnt it?

have a blessed Yule,and may you deluded folks get a life for the new year instead of obsessing more then usual over the imagined crimes you seem determined to lie about. Blessed be!

Mary Anne


Janice Duffy - Psychic Stalker! Psychics Beware Of Australian Psychic Stalker!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, December 31, 2007

Psychics must beware of a psychic stalker named Janice Duffy. She is a woman that comes from Australia and writes phony rip off reports on psychics worldwide. She sends out threatening emails to people in hopes to get free psychic readings and free information from psychics. She actually holds a PHD and works for a hospital in Australia. I am sending this warning out to psychics worldwide in case you have also been stalked by this woman. She threatens psychics to abide by her rules or else she will blackmail them by writing rip off reports about them. She uses this website to simply trash psychics. She has been known to create multiple accounts on psychic websites like Kasamba and harrasses psychics over and over again. She will not stop and has a stalker like mentality. She spreads malicious lies and gossip about people in hopes to gain sympathy for her life. She cannot even work right now and has been laid off by the hospital in which she works because she cannot even function on a day to day life. She is a stalker because she hunts psychics down and sends threatening emails that if you don't do what she says, then she will make other people believe in the lies in which she is putting out. Janice Duffy is from Adelaide Australia and is a senior researcher. Please make sure to watch out for this woman and to avoid her at all costs for doing psychic readings for. She is a woman who does not understand the term, 'Entertainment purposes only.' She is also someone who spreads lies and says that she is another person from Australia and uses Australia in many of her rip off reports. I know who she is because she befriends people on the internet in her internet chat groups that bashes Kasamba psychics. She is someone that psychics need to be aware of. The interesting thing is that she continues to get psychic readings on an ongoing basis and she has gotten them from several psychic websites and has harrassed psychics on an ongoing basis. Psychics try to stop her by blocking her accounts. However, Janice Duffy keeps on creating new accounts on any psychic website that she gets her hands on. This is something that Janice is known for. She also makes up lies about people dying and committing suicide. This is very sad since that is a serious issue and should be dealt with accordingly. Janice Duffy works in a medical hospital and gets health insurance, but instead of seeking help with professional psychiatrists, she instead harrasses psychics. Granted she may not like psychics and if this is the case, then do not get a psychic reading by them. Janice Duffy is someone that sends multiple emails out to psychics daily complaining about a guy that she has never met before on the internet and a man that she has fell in love with and she never even met him in person. He is of African American descent and she is caucasian. She is overly obsessed with him and stalks psychics for more information and if she doesn't get any, she writes fake and phoney information about them online. Being she is from Australia, she is very careful about leaving her name behind. However, many psychics have encountered this woman Janice Duffy and its time that psychics fight back. Nobody likes to be stalked and Janice Duffy will not stop until the psychic community becomes aware of who Janice Duffy is and the fact that she has a serious stalking problem. Janice also has dyslexia and has been known to create multiple accounts. Janice wrote a phony rip off report about psychics such as Master Z and she used the name Janice from Australia. She used blackmail to let psychics know that they must answer her emails or else she will create rip off reports about them. This woman should be best avoided and never dealt with.
Please look for Australia in her rip off report because she doesn't hide the fact that she is coming from Australia. However, she does hide her real name and makes up extremely bizzare stories to gain sympathy for her delusions. She needs a lot of help and this is something that psychics should not have to handle. She is a PHD and should not be using her power to try to harrass and stalk psychics. She works for a hospital and its a shame that she knows the rules of the psychic websites and yet stalks psychics continuously on them. Psychics, please beware of this woman. You have been warned. If you wish to file a harrassment lawsuit against her for stalking, please write to me and I will give you her real mailing address so that you can call her local police station and have her stopped for stalking. She harrasses continuously. In most countries, stalking is against the law and has serious consequences. For those interested, I can send you detailed information as to the anti psychic groups that she has started and starts right now as well as the hate mail that she sends to psychics.



Got Me is Janice!

#14UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 12, 2007

Got Me - You've been silent for weeks and now rear your stupid, ugly head with these continued ridiculous statements. It was already established that Janice is Janice. She is NOT Robin. She is NOT Iris.

You clearly have your head up your a** as Iris is very active and present on Kasamba as a 5 star reader. She's already been here to address your accusations in the past, and we all know you're just a disgruntled ex-client who didn't like that she blocked you after you started harassing and stalking her.

The proof was already posted that Iris is/was/will never be Janice. The proof has also been posted that you are not playing with a full deck. It's more likely, Got Me, that YOU are Janice. See how ridiculous that sounds?

Here's the bottom line "Got Me." We don't "get" you, and we don't want to "get" you. So go back to your land of Oz in Denmark and get back on your meds.

Got Me


Speaking of Fraud Janice is Outed and Iris the Messenger Disappears?

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 10, 2007

Funny that as soon as Janice was outed and went into hiding that Iris the Messenger also disappeared and has not been online to do readings? Imagine that.........want to talk about fraud and scammers????????? How many transcripts do you this she has??


New York,

Erik - Re-read the post about Janice/Robin

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

The post where someone rambles on about Robin "being Janice" was NOT written by someone who is/was in the group or was working on the famous "report" was written by someone on the other team. If you re-read it, you will clearly see that. I keep asking "Frey" to thoroughly read the posts because she keeps responding to things she either didn't read or didn't read thoroughly. If you are going to write an accusatory response or provide new information - make sure it makes sense. Because now there will be a volume of responses to your post - and then their will be more complaints about how no one will "move on" and/or "let it go". Thanks!!



Whats the matter, Robin, aka Erik?

#14Author of original report

Thu, November 01, 2007

Whats the matter, Robin? Can't take the crap that you dish out? When someone bullies you and tells the truth about your fraud and dishonest practices, you just can't stomach it can you? You MUST defend you and your scammer groups honor! I am currently working on getting the entire list of Kasamba Utopia members, and am in direct contact with someone on YOUR inside ground who is selling the show on the road. I think you better be paranoid more of the people in your group, as opposed to all the "experts" you get paranoid of for passing you in the ratings. Everyone knows that you either ARE Janice or that you and Janice are planning this entire thing, so that you could help yourself to many more transcripts so that you could wow so many people with your "fake powers". Let me tell you, you have created your own hell for yourself. Karma is coming back to bite you and soon everyone will know everything about your scammer group and your dishonest practices, noone will step within 100 feet of you, for fear of being sold one of your fake spells, or being knocked off Kasamba if they don't bow down to you with all your egoism and madness.
It IS fact that you are either Janice or that you are tied in with Janice as its just too funny that you were never called out by her or the group for YOUR unethical practices (Which everyone knows of, noone is stupid). Face it. You are all a bunch of frauds. Janice, Robin, the whole like of you. If you AREN'T Robin Bluedragon Janice, you must be one of those unethical Kasamba Utopia members that bows down to him like hes a god. He is not. Robin Bluedragon is nothing and noone special, hes a criminal who found a way to take advantage of people, whilst putting himself on a pedestal to support his ego and feel that he is so "ethical" and right and honest and... form a group of most of Kasamba's top Experts in which they have client lists and transcripts. Criminals don't change.
So which expert is passing you up these days, Robin? Must be lonely down there on page 3. but I guess that is justified since Melodie, Nicola, Wizard Star and David James are on page one. Serenity Garden, Psychic Emily Rose, and others are on Page two. Taking one for the team? Someone is selling you out Robin, you need to look closer.
Guess what? Your world is ending, better get the money while you can, soon noone will come to you because its been called out to the world what a fraud and a con artist you are. How do you sleep at night? You constantly pat yourself on the back as being so ethical, but when clients come to you, you extort transcripts out of them, form victim groups and tell them not to go to other people that aren't in your group. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck........ or in this case, if it smells like a fraud, acts like a fraud, and thinks its name is "Robin Bluedragon".
You haven't helped anyone, all you do is sell false hopes like most of the people on Kasamba do. You have never helped one person. Except yourself, Melodie, Nicola, and others to all that money. You feel the need to defend only because the show is over, the gig is up, its over for you Robin, soon enough. No..Kasamba won't kick you off, you have them tied around your finger because of the money you are able to suck up, but clients do have the choice, and soon you won't have anyone else to squeeze money/blood out of. Go ahead, talk about how ethical you are. Everyone knows the truth. Make sure you post this in a thread on your forum. The Prayer Seeds maybe? Wonder what kind of seeds you really plant out there Robin? Whatever they are, they're coming back to bite you and your frauding buddies right in the a$$.




#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I KNEW that would bring you out of the woodwork, Robin!! By the way, everyone, "Erik" is Robin! It's one of the aliases he uses on here!

It's been a long time since you have posted on ROR, Robin, but somehow I just had a strong hunch that this particular thread would cause you to no longer sit on your hands! Of course, it would be too damning for you to use your own name, thus the alias, I guess. Not rocket science here!

Robin, you would be quite wise NOT to try and slam these people that are complaining here -- regardless of the caliber of their complaints! Especially, when your REAL reputation and YOUR true "colours" are known so far and wide! Were it not for your little army of followers in KU, I doubt if you would have much to say, actually! But I guess they give you a false sense of power, somehow.

Sad, really..


United Kingdom

Re the comments about Janice

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I have no opinion one way or the other in regard to most of the comments posted here, but I did want to say for all people who may be reading these notes and totally confused in regard to the validity of what has been said, I can 100% vouch for the authenticity of the lady called Janice. I posted a comment a week or so back and she contacted me in regard to joining the group, before I considered such a thing, to validate WHO she was, she sent an email from her work account, which for privacy and confidentiality reasons I would not disclose, but she is who she says she is, as I checked it out, and prior to my one off posting I had no idea who this lady was. I did join the group for about 2 days but left it as I decided I had to many commitments in my life to be able to dedicate so much time, to what basically is a good cause.

Yes, there are many many frauds on the site, but there are also one or two genuinely caring gifted people, unfortunately finding them is not a job for the faint-hearted or those with a precarious bank balance!



That is pretty amusing.....

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 01, 2007 Bluedragon has been stalking himself and attacking himself and his friends as Janice.....NOT.

That makes no sense whatsoever,and is just further showing how deluded some of you fanatical stalkers are. And why would anyone want transcripts from you folks who are crying scammer and ripped off and so forth,well,that doesnt make sense either. You can tell most of the ones being attacked and called scammers arent...their feedback is impecable and it isnt from the same person over and over,these people dont change their names and try to hide from your accusations,they keep the same pictures...none of these peope would do that if they were crooked.
All the scammer s changed names and pictures all the time.

I really think some of you have taken a case of sour grapes too far and just made yourselves look foolish....and rather insane. If you felt you were ripped off by some of these people,why didnt you contact them about it,or Kasamba? Instead you all seem hell bent on drawing attention to yourselves,to play the martyr,the helpless victim. No one made you go to the site,no one made you hire an expert,and only you chose the directions after getting a reading from those experts....I would be willing to bet most of you failed to follow their advice,as it took some effort,and because it wasnt what you wanted to hear,didnt feed into your delusion. Personally I feel you have shown your true colours,and made any good which might have been done has been set back years....

The way it looks to me is some of you got pissed off after getting some 'information' about some of these readers from other experts,who either gave you something for it,or they were smart enough to play into your illusions...some of those listed are the most reputable readers on the site. This looks like a smear campaign and thats about it.Some fo you need to get a life and quit being so focused on imagined sins.




#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

Robin and Janice being one in the same person? Nope, I don't buy it, at all! Granted, IMO, they are both on the same contemptible level, in regards to what SHE has done, and what HE has a long history of doing, but two entirely different entities, altogether. Who knows? They may even be in 'cahoots' somehow, as I don't remember that Janice ever vilifying him, even though she had some pretty raw things to say about so many other Readers there.

Go back and look at the older back many months, or a year or more ago, where Robin continuously jumped in to defend himself. There is a certain indisputable writing style he has -- regardless of any alias he may have decided to use when posting.

Same underhanded tactics and deceitful "conning" abilities? Indeed! No doubt! But not the same. I would bank on it.


New York,


#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

Since I have been relentlessly accused of "not having an proof" of what I post, let's hear YOUR "proof".

first of all "Janice" may have been sharing/giving the documentation to "RobinBlueDragon". BUT, HERE IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH THAT. ANYONE WHO SUBMITTED TRANSCRIPTS DID SO AFTER THEY STOPPED GETTING "READINGS", you silly Goose. Perhaps if this double-hitter on "RobinBlueDragon" and "Janice" is an attempt to strike back since the vendetta against certain "Experts" has been very clear for very long on this post.

The only person I know for sure that was still getting "readings" was Janice. Perhaps there were more. BUT, be sure that the compiling of documentation started AFTER people were fed-up and had stopped pursuing readings. If you are gonna tell me this "was all a scam and this is how the information sharing took place". WORK ON A DIFFERENT THEORY - this one is "full of holes like Swiss Cheese" (sound familiar?) Also, you offer no PROOF - only speculation and bizarre explanation.

Next problem you have with this theory is that "Janice" may not have been advocating for us as she stated.

FAIR is FAIR - the demand for proof from all of us has now been put on you. Just like we've been told for months. "you can say anything. where's your proof".
This changes/effects nothing and it's pretty lame. maybe "Janice" is posting as "Lightfoot" now. Who knows - I just hope someone posts something FACTUAL with supporting proof soon. It would be refreshing!!




#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

What an absolutely DELICIOUS theory.
It truely is 'hitting the fan' so to speak now.



What a bunch of hogwash!

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 01, 2007

Whoever you are, don't even start such a ridiculous rumor! Janice is/was/will never be Robin. She is/was a bona fide mentally/emotionally imbalanced client utilizing Kasamba's psychics. She got (and still gets) readings. Her identity has been proven to be a female who lives "down under." While I may not agree with what she did, and in my opinion, she is in need of serious help, she is in NO WAY Robin (or any other psychic for that matter).

There is enough evidence by way of her feedback left for various experts over a few years that she is not Robin! No one is going to buy your little game here, so run back into your hole now.

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