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  • Report:  #77043

Complaint Review: JBC & ASTS

JBC & ASTS ripoff! Called and tried to scam money out of me. Bloomfield New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Anoka Minnesota
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 14, 2004
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 27, 2004
  • JBC & ASTS
    2 Broad Street
  • Phone:
  • Category:

A woman called me at nearly 9 last night telling me I bounced a $15.00 check to a Pizza Hut in 1999. She told me it when I was banking at Bank of America, which I've never banked from, and she, I never did get her name unfortunately, told me that I had been sent several letters and was left many messages on my machine.

I told her that was funny because I am a stay at home mom and so no one should ever have any reason to leave a message. I requested something in writing, which she said no since they'd already written me letters. She said we could rectify my NSF check over the phone. I told her no way would I give her my account number... I asked if she'd heard of scams before. She told me that she had my account number and so I asked her why she was calling me asking for it then?

I called my local police, was told to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau - which I think is a joke really, and I sent an email to a reporter in my town and a reporter in New Jersey, where this company is located.

Anoka, Minnesota

18 Updates & Rebuttals



Now Darren, don't get your "PINKO" panties in a wad!

#19Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 26, 2004

*I don't get to surf the web much, but when I do I always check this site. I used to work for Amerihuts in Knoxville and am aware of their management practices.

*I appreciate people like Aaron who have the nerve to speak-out against companies like Amerihuts. I don't appreciate people like you Darren, who have nothing else better to do with their time. Every company that I have ever checked on with the Ripoff report, there you are offering up some useless information. Not only that, your attacks against Aaron are ridiculous. When Aaron finally saw fit to research YOUR background, it seems that YOU were the one telling lies. If you are tired of looking at porn, please find another site other than the ripoff report to attack people.

*Aaron, if you'll just tone it down a little bit and stick to facts, then people like Darren won't feel compelled to come on here and waste everybody's time. You have been a little overboard in the past. I agree with you that we should call these communists out for what they are, but we need to be more tactful. Keep on "FIGHTIN' THE GOOD FIGHT!"

*As for you Darren, you need find something else better to do than posting rebuttals on this 24-7. Get off of your computer and go outdoors. There's a whole beautiful world out there where you can lie to and attack people.



This guy is good, he should run for office...

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Thanks, Aaron, for making me realize that there are a few people left in the South that have some sense. I appreciate everything that you have written and totally agree. It doesn't really matter what the rest of these kooks have to say about you. You're great and I like your wisdom. Preach ON!!!!



This guy is good, he should run for office...

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Thanks, Aaron, for making me realize that there are a few people left in the South that have some sense. I appreciate everything that you have written and totally agree. It doesn't really matter what the rest of these kooks have to say about you. You're great and I like your wisdom. Preach ON!!!!



This guy is good, he should run for office...

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Thanks, Aaron, for making me realize that there are a few people left in the South that have some sense. I appreciate everything that you have written and totally agree. It doesn't really matter what the rest of these kooks have to say about you. You're great and I like your wisdom. Preach ON!!!!



This guy is good, he should run for office...

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 24, 2004

Thanks, Aaron, for making me realize that there are a few people left in the South that have some sense. I appreciate everything that you have written and totally agree. It doesn't really matter what the rest of these kooks have to say about you. You're great and I like your wisdom. Preach ON!!!!



Just more nonsense from Darren...

#19UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 12, 2004

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...............Don't you ever get tired of ramblin'. You said that you were a substitue teacher who received your degree at vocational school. Vocational school is two years for your information. I researched this so-called school you spoke of and at this point I will now have to call you the liar. Does it even exist? I think not.

Once again you said that I was a dropout. The first sentence I wrote went some something like this: I am a COLLEGE GRADUATE who due to NAFTA lost my JOB in my FIELD OF STUDY. What part of that do you not understand? I had to go back to work delivering pizza until I could find employment in my field. You're a moron.

I'm glad that you saw fit to tell people about the rest of my posts concerning pizza hut and partisan politics. Thanks for the advertisement. I hope people can find some enlightenment.

Just want to straighten one thing out for you: nobody out there is for the working man any more. Not the democrats or republicans. People like you are the small minds that believe in partisan politics. I didn't say anything about democrats. I had plenty to say about liberals, however. You just labeled all democrats: liberals. Good philosophy. Can't you think for yourself or did they teach you to buy into the two party system at vocational school? All politicians are rich elitists. Plain and simple.

Once again you haven't been able to comprehend what you are reading.

Yes.........Liberals are Socialists, Socialists are Communists. What's the matter, did you flunk out of world history? Couldn't finish up and receive your teaching certificate?

Why don't you quit make YOURSELF look foolish. We've got you PEGGED now.




Most people can disagree without being disagreeable, but not you Aaron. If you can't attack the facts you attack the person

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, September 11, 2004

Hi Aaron,
I love how you attack my becoming a teacher. I don't know if Tennesse allows teachers with a 2 year degree... but I do know that every other state requires a 4 year degree, plus additional classes that are the equivelant of a masters degree for the license/certificate. So, as a minimum, you are looking at 6 years to become a teacher.

Even when you agree with me you can't see that. When you try to attack me you still end up making yourself look foolish. In this one you are making a snide remark about my ability to "remember" what it was the poster had said... yet you didn't! (Hint... it was about the CASH)

Being a drop out from Auburn can make you jealous of anyone with a degree. No, maybe you didn't drop out for academic reasons but rather financial. That I can understand... but I used the VA Voch Rehab since I am a disabled vet. I also worked full time. That helped while I got my BA from CSUSB... so mommy and daddy didn't pay for it. Since you were asking (in other posts you asked) I have to assume that means your's did?

Here are two postings from you that are mutually exclusive. Do you know what that means? It means that if one is true the other can't be.

In one you are a business owner who builds his own house... In the other you are a 32 y.o. college drop out who is back delivering pizza pies. (We are still waiting for the update with the court case.)

This one is a classic too, anyone without an anglo name is considered questionable. In posts he wonders why people can't just be Americans... without the hyphenation... but he continually attacks people based on his perceived idea of their ethnicity or geographical location.

This one is pretty good if you want to hear his opinions about "Yankees". He also expounds on Newton's Laws.

I love this one... where somehow a person was able to get past all your garbage and actually came to agree with you. Though, I have to ask... you profess such a chest thumping belief in God though I don't see anywhere where you understand His message of love, compassion and especially turning the other cheek. I guess people in St. Louis can have their jaw broken by you (proud of that huh?)

The neat thing about you Aaron is you don't attack the facts of a report... you attack the person.

The truth or logic has nothing to do with your arguments... you will say, blame or attack anyone/anything to try to get your point across.

You attack liberals as being communists (why, I am not sure) and then you attack American business' for abusing the rights of the workers. By definition, liberals are concerned with worker's rights and are responsible for many of the protections that we do have. Conservatives couldn't care less and are actively looking to curtail worker's rights.

Again, we can go back to Christ and His message. It was to give to those that have none. For each to share so all may live. Communal living. Oooops... that is communist.

Most people can disagree without being disagreeable, but not you Aaron. If you can't attack the facts you attack the person (and every group you believe they may be a member of).

That is what makes it so interesting to read your posts.




Where in the heck did that come from?

#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 10, 2004

The sentence which was attached to my last title wasn't part of my original post. Where in the hell did that come from? Is "eroticy" even a word? Obviously this site has some software problems. You can always get Darren the substitute teacher to fix it. He knows about everything with his two year vocational degree.



IGNORE DARREN.... The individual who did write this, is one of the reasons eroticy is having such problems

#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 09, 2004

You probably should ignore Darren. He has a hard time comprehending what he has read. He believes that people aren't capable of building their own homes, that people can't receive a college degree in three years and that substitute teachers who received their papers from a vocational school are the most all-knowing people on the face of this earth. He's a complete and total idiot. I think The individual who did write this, is one of the reasons eroticy is having such problems.

Keep up your fight against Pizza Hut, though. They consistently rip people off with their unhealthy overpriced product. This situation doesn't surprise me a bit. Pizza Hut has a lot in common with the collection company that you speak of. Sooner or later, these underhanded business practices will come back to haunt them. You should sue Pizza Hut along with the collection agency.



Playing the odds Joel?

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, September 05, 2004

Hey Joel,
Are you playing the odds? I am sure that I too wrote a check to Pizza Hut sometime in my life. Does that mean that I bounced one and you are now going to call me and demand payment?

I moved here to Wis. a couple of years ago. I have had calls from a bill collector and from a county sherrif's department.

The person they were looking for had the exact same name! First, middle and last. I told the country sherrif's office that I didn't even have any idea where their county was located and I was living in CA at the time of the ticket.

While getting my substitute teaching license I found out that this person person has the exact same teaching license I am working towards.. the same grades to teach and field of study. Freaky but it is a "small world after all."

The bill collector refused to tell me who they were. They left a message asking me to call an #800 number and extension. I called and they asked my name. I told them I was responding to a message on my machine to call this number, and I would tell them who I was when they told me who they were. Fair is fair, they wanted to talk to me, I didn't want to talk to them. He wouldn't tell me who he worked for so I hung up.

I did call the number again but this time not the extension... when I talked to the woman she explained who they were (after guessing that she worked for a bill collector). We discussed that I wasn't the person and she would make a note in the database.

Again I got the message on my machine a few days later. I called and asked for the same woman and the manager. I explained it to them again and also what steps I would take if they didn't clear this up. I haven't heard from them in years now.

The point? You think you got someone and that is all you think about. Stuff happens. I happen to know that there are at least 6 people in CA with my exact name. I had to replave my license at the DMV and I glanced down and saw how many they had in there and showed them which one was me.

Yes, I wrote a check to Pizza Hut sometime in my life, but that does not mean I owe you money.



New Hampshire,

Pizza Hut....the company that keeps on TAKING

#19Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 19, 2004

Hi Hilary.
I am sorry about you past experiences with Pizza Hut.

It was not enough they took your money and made you s**t (and/or vomit) all those years ago, but now they want you to pay for it again.

Pizza Hut keeps on taking, both your money and your health- KEEP UP THE FIGHT.




I'm sure I have written many checks to Pizza Hut

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, April 17, 2004

But not the check JBC is claiming. The account number that I supposedly wrote the check off of doesn't even exist, and yet I'm still the one called a liar and I'm still the one recieving mail from these jerks.


New Jersey,

response to JBC & ASTS

#19UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 05, 2004

To begin, many times smaller banks are acquired by larger ones; thus the possible confusion re "Bank of America".

JBC utilizes very sophisticated telephone systems, that maintain accuratre records of all messages/contacts with consumers.

I must note that nowhere in your complaint to you deny writing a check(s) to Pizza Hut.

I will not dignify to other responses to this complaint with a response, they are that outrageous.


New York,

I Used to Work at JBC...The Company is a Fraud

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 24, 2004

I was employed by JBC for about three months last year. I wish you people could see this place from the inside. JBC hires any lowlife it can find, pays them near-minimum wage, and lets them do whatever they please so long as they collect money. There is no internal mechanism to resolve legitimate disputes. This was why I left. I knew that many of the people I was ordered to harass did not even owe any money. My "manager" couldn't care less. I was repeatedly told to "just collect more" and that "all of these people are guilty of something."

The best part is that JBC is not even a law firm. The owner, Jack Boyajian, cannot get a law license in NJ because he is a major crook. He is licensed in some state and that somehow allows him to call this sweatshop a "law firm." Many of the staff is on drugs and use drugs right at work. I think this is allowed because when the people are high they yell louder at the alleged debtors.

This is a scam business and I recommend that no one pay them unless they are absolutely certain they actually owe the amount being requested. That brings me to another issue...JBC artificially inflates the balance of the accounts. People who might have written a $50 bad check are forced to pay hundreds of dollars. It is a total scam. The best day of my life was the day I left that office. If someone calls you from JBC, ask what drugs they are high on.


New York,

I Used to Work at JBC...The Company is a Fraud

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 24, 2004

I was employed by JBC for about three months last year. I wish you people could see this place from the inside. JBC hires any lowlife it can find, pays them near-minimum wage, and lets them do whatever they please so long as they collect money. There is no internal mechanism to resolve legitimate disputes. This was why I left. I knew that many of the people I was ordered to harass did not even owe any money. My "manager" couldn't care less. I was repeatedly told to "just collect more" and that "all of these people are guilty of something."

The best part is that JBC is not even a law firm. The owner, Jack Boyajian, cannot get a law license in NJ because he is a major crook. He is licensed in some state and that somehow allows him to call this sweatshop a "law firm." Many of the staff is on drugs and use drugs right at work. I think this is allowed because when the people are high they yell louder at the alleged debtors.

This is a scam business and I recommend that no one pay them unless they are absolutely certain they actually owe the amount being requested. That brings me to another issue...JBC artificially inflates the balance of the accounts. People who might have written a $50 bad check are forced to pay hundreds of dollars. It is a total scam. The best day of my life was the day I left that office. If someone calls you from JBC, ask what drugs they are high on.


New York,

I Used to Work at JBC...The Company is a Fraud

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 24, 2004

I was employed by JBC for about three months last year. I wish you people could see this place from the inside. JBC hires any lowlife it can find, pays them near-minimum wage, and lets them do whatever they please so long as they collect money. There is no internal mechanism to resolve legitimate disputes. This was why I left. I knew that many of the people I was ordered to harass did not even owe any money. My "manager" couldn't care less. I was repeatedly told to "just collect more" and that "all of these people are guilty of something."

The best part is that JBC is not even a law firm. The owner, Jack Boyajian, cannot get a law license in NJ because he is a major crook. He is licensed in some state and that somehow allows him to call this sweatshop a "law firm." Many of the staff is on drugs and use drugs right at work. I think this is allowed because when the people are high they yell louder at the alleged debtors.

This is a scam business and I recommend that no one pay them unless they are absolutely certain they actually owe the amount being requested. That brings me to another issue...JBC artificially inflates the balance of the accounts. People who might have written a $50 bad check are forced to pay hundreds of dollars. It is a total scam. The best day of my life was the day I left that office. If someone calls you from JBC, ask what drugs they are high on.


New York,

I Used to Work at JBC...The Company is a Fraud

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 24, 2004

I was employed by JBC for about three months last year. I wish you people could see this place from the inside. JBC hires any lowlife it can find, pays them near-minimum wage, and lets them do whatever they please so long as they collect money. There is no internal mechanism to resolve legitimate disputes. This was why I left. I knew that many of the people I was ordered to harass did not even owe any money. My "manager" couldn't care less. I was repeatedly told to "just collect more" and that "all of these people are guilty of something."

The best part is that JBC is not even a law firm. The owner, Jack Boyajian, cannot get a law license in NJ because he is a major crook. He is licensed in some state and that somehow allows him to call this sweatshop a "law firm." Many of the staff is on drugs and use drugs right at work. I think this is allowed because when the people are high they yell louder at the alleged debtors.

This is a scam business and I recommend that no one pay them unless they are absolutely certain they actually owe the amount being requested. That brings me to another issue...JBC artificially inflates the balance of the accounts. People who might have written a $50 bad check are forced to pay hundreds of dollars. It is a total scam. The best day of my life was the day I left that office. If someone calls you from JBC, ask what drugs they are high on.



Please contact the Attorney General if you hear from this company.

#19Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 23, 2004

I have contacted the media as well as the Attorney General. After JBC... now JBC Legal Group...would not give me proof of my bounced check, the Attorney General's office wrote them a letter,and JBC sent me 'proof' which was bogus. I called the bank of my supposed bounced check was written off of, and they have no record of my name or my social. So please, please call your attorney general's office. JBC would not return the call of our news station.. interesting. They are the biggest scam company and continue to call me. I refuse to answer when they call, nor will I answer their letter.

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