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  • Report:  #1172817

Complaint Review: JDate

JDate Stole my fee -- removed VALID decently Romantic profile nationwide Internet

  • Reported By:
    Deceived by JDate — Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 28, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 22, 2015

I am an attractive young conservative Jewish female, I posted a profile designed to appeal only to certain men (intelligent enough to read between the lines, good-humoured and romantic). Specifically, I posted my real recent pic abd instead of listing my actual age I selected the greatest number in the age drop-down menu, at approx. 100 years old.

In my view this may attract contacts only from men I would care to reply to, such as:

1. smart: whoever does not trust that ultimate "age" should NOT contact me

2. mannered: in my country of origin a man never asks any woman (over 25yo) her age, it's impolite

3. intellectually curious: my profile text showed me as highly-educated, independent, mature, and decent as I actually am

4. romantically good-humoured: not the worn-out male types who have already exhausted themselves in disappointing dates and go by lists of desired features

5. few: my "age" would eliminate most profiles who don't fit my life views/style

6. modern conservative: aware of Jewish folk/ wisdom tales

7. potential soul-mate: who would risk wasting time to contact an "old-age" woman?

The JDate site discontinued my profile without warning me, I learned 2 weeks later when i found time to get back to it. They refuse to post it claiming I am being deceitful. I told them I would be deceitful if I posted falsely attractive info -- not repellants.

They refuse to refund my 120 fee, ask for ID which in principle I refuse to provide -- I can provide legal proofs though that the pics are recent and mine.

In principle I will sue them in a small claims court, will post blogs about the topic and will write articles to alert of the dullness and incorrect approach of this site that posts countless invalid profiles but refuses to let me advertise myself as I find fit according to values of integrity and character-testing that I learned from my Jewish family.

I will continue to debate this issue until this preposterous market of inflated data - JDate site -refunds the sum they stole from me.

5 Updates & Rebuttals




#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 30, 2014

Let me remind you that from your report JDate removed your profile because in your words they said you were "Deceitful".  You also admitted to putting a FALSE age on your profile.  That is by most normal people's definition..DECEIT.  I am not talking about anything else in your profile, nor nor whacky defintion of "biological age" or justification(s) you may think makes you right.

Again when you went on JDate's site you agreed to THEIR terms.  Not to some of the terms..but ALL of them.  If your posting or profile violated their terms..they have every legal right to remove your profile.   If you want a site that you can be "mysterious" and post basically what ever you want then start your own.  Who knows if there are really other JEWISH(that was your capitalization) women who in your mind have been harmed by JDate I bet you could make this quite a nice side business.

Clearly you are a JDate insider trying to mitigate their position on this site in hateful terms that make me worry for my personal safety since that site has my private information and you appear to be their aggressive rep. insulting me under a false name using the same arguments they gave me over the phone and using extensive capitals and bold the way you'd use a knife to psychopatically butcher a
vulnerable woman,...Sir.

- I will say this ONE more time.  I am not now nor have I ever worked for this or any other Dating Company.  I for one don't even care who you are, nor have any clue of where you are.  Also, you will notice the ONLY thing I am bolding is YOUR words.  Oh and yes I do use capital letters....just like you did when you wrote "JEWISH" women and "FOR VARIOUS REASONS".  

I am actually a bit curious as to what you think that JDate would do?  Do you think they have "enforcers" to come to your house to get you to stop?  But you know what if you are truly worried about your safety then go down to your local police station.  Print out this entire report, and tell them to issue you a restraining order.  Of course if they remind you that you posted on public web site and as such the public is allowed to respond and may not always agree with you...don't be shocked.

C. You wrote before that most members run searches by age -- now you write that my age would have drawn attention to my profile -- how that, if I'm outside their selection range (usually 20-40yo women)? 

- Actually I am sorry about this if it caused you confusion, so let me clarify.  When I refered to your age that you entered being drawn attention to I was refering to JDate.  You can be sure that they probably have checks and reports showing how many people are in each age.  If you were truly the only one(or one of a few) that probably raises some red flags in their system making your profile one they are going to review.  However, when another client looks for people they will primarily search by age and if you put an age like you did it is very unlikely that a client will locate you.

F. You, Sir, are accusing me of "LYING" all along ignoring that such harsh uneducated words may cause emotional distress or a heart attack a lady who feels already vulnerable as a result of this JDate fiasco.

- In reading your report and responses.  You appear about as far from vulnerable as you can be, in fact seem quite opinionated and strong willed.   Where you are the type that will as they say "Sticks to their guns".  But that also puts you in the "Closed Minded" area where you are also one who refuses to even consider that their position is not exactly right.


1. this will go to AAA and/or BBB

- And when that doesn't work will you go to the CCC or DDD?  Sorry I guess that was to low brow for you.

2. if no refund, it will go to Court (small claims or otherwise depending on additional damage JDate is causing me)

- I actually really hope you do, and post the court information here when you get to that point.   If you actually get a judge to see it your don't need to be a writer, you need to be a lawyer or perhaps a lobbiest on Capital Hill.


Deceived by JDate


Robert is an employee/owner of JDate

#6Author of original report

Fri, August 29, 2014


Let me clarify my words once and for all:

A. The ferocity with which you are attacking someone you know nothing about -- me -- is astonishing, "Robert"! How do you know specifically what I posted on "the (JDate) site"? -- you write here "ANYTHING" as if you knew.... ("3. Yes, I am a published Romantic poet too- What does that have to do with ANYTHING about what you posted on the site?")

Clearly you are a JDate insider trying to mitigate their position on this site in hateful terms that make me worry for my personal safety since that site has my private information and you appear to be their aggressive rep. insulting me under a false name using the same arguments they gave me over the phone and using extensive capitals and bold the way you'd use a knife to psychopatically butcher a vulnerable woman,...Sir.

 B. I posted the out-of-range age (maximum from JDate dropdown menu) specifically to

     i. protect myself from harassment from JDate males with a mentality like yours; how dare you harass me here?!

     ii. eliminate approaches from individuals like you whose English grammar is sub-standard, ideas are mediocre to obtuse, and whose educational level excludes phd studies that would enable them to grasp symbolic/poetic subtleties

      iii. I needed to create bounderies after wasting time to read emails from by lower-education members though I had selected master's/phd only. ("Robert", tell JDate they should include an income category too, because income is often a mark of individual achievement and a fit matching criterion for highly-educated women.)

C. You wrote before that most members run searches by age -- now you write that my age would have drawn attention to my profile -- how that, if I'm outside their selection range (usually 20-40yo women)? 

D. The terms of JDate agreement are largely defined, and leave significant grey areas that a judge will determine based on my valid proofs (including re. "biological age" truths that I keep private vs. strangers, similar complaints, etc) and on my sworn explanation as a respectable citizen.

E. JDate stole my money. I paid for a service i.e. post my profile as deemed correct by me where I am the only one who knows my personal truth and serious intention. JDate states in its disclaimer that it is not resposible for any harm members may incur -- as such it is for the members themselves to guard their safety as they deem fit (by excluding certain types, being discrete with private info, etc). JDate promised to deliver the service - post my profile - and it failed to deliver it while confiscating my fee. JDATE has hurt my feelings and wasted my valuable time.

F. You, Sir, are accusing me of "LYING" all along ignoring that such harsh uneducated words may cause emotional distress or a heart attack a lady who feels already vulnerable as a result of this JDate fiasco. It is outside your mental grasp that there exist e.g. 30yo people who -- FOR VARIOUS REASONS -- have lived like the elderly and who therefore are right to indicate their condition in a way that would exclude any unfit approaches by insensitive males.

G. A woman/man's human value does LIE indeed in her/his emotional, intellectual, and spiritual qualities. Health and calendar age are very relative. My profile was conscientiously written to reflect this truth about me and to attract the right one man (or none). Whoever called JDate to rat on my profile (very unlikely, I'm positive that is your/JDate lie) should have been pointed towards the site's own disclaimer re. members' posted truths.


1. this will go to AAA and/or BBB

2. if no refund, it will go to Court (small claims or otherwise depending on additional damage JDate is causing me)

3. nothwithstanding the refund, I will start a campaign to expand on this topic through blogs, articles, and I will use this example of very bad business and customer service in my publising materials for years to come.... hopefully it will help other JEWISH women who feel / were hurt by JDate like me and it'll instruct other business-minded people.

 If you have any further comments to address me, Sir, contact JDate / meet me in court as their rep.






More RationalLIES

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2014

Okay first off I do not work for JDate or ANY On-line dating site, also contrary to what you think I am not even a will see that I posted under "CONSUMER" Comment.

Next a LIE is a LIE, as stated you can try and rationalize or justify your lie all you want.  But it is still a LIE.  Where if this violates the Terms of Use of the web site, your profile was not valid, and them banning you was a legitimate action. 

1. Internet dating aims at creating Romantic Relationship. It's language attempts to be poetic and romantic.

- Funny..I don't see the word lies anywhere in that statement.

2. Romanticism at its best implies: unselfishness, mystery, fate, risk, and generosity

- Again where is the word LIES?

3. Yes, I am a published Romantic poet too

- What does that have to do with ANYTHING about what you posted on the site?

4. I do not lie --- I am wearing a virtual veil that a man may or may not choose to lift. So did Tamar when she searched for a family; so did other the characters of the stories I read and wrote in Europe )I did mention the cultural difference here).

- One word...RationalLIES.

5. you argue like an accountant/lawyer/engineer. I see a romantic soulmate. That wold NOT be you/your type....

- That's good as I am very happily married and am not a customer of any On-Line dating site.  Oh and I didn't have to lie about my age.

6. the site posts a disclaimer regarding their lack of responsibility over people's profiles; most profiles - I have had the occasion to see
TO EFFECTIVELY REPEL MISFITS. Can't you grasp that difference?-

- That's right because they probably do not have the resources to look at every single profile.  BUT when you put yourself out there as the only 100 Year Old...Well you might as well have put a sign over your head saying "look at me". 

7. It appears if I had posted age 40-50 or 29 it would have been ok with the site & Robert? That would have been a lie. 

- Well for one I could care I am not even on there.  But in addition to that, no it probably still would not have been may have just taken them longer to find you and probably only after another member reported you.

You never answered any of my "honesty" questions as to what would be a lie in your mind and what would not be a lie.

So let me ask you this.  When you go to Small Claims court and Swear to tell the truth...are you going to use the same justifications for your lies to the judge the you used here?

JDate/Robert, allow freedom of mind and spirit to your members.

- Again I could care less what you post.  But if you are posting against the terms of JDate...they have EVERY right to ban you.

Deceived by JDate


Robert is wrong

#6Author of original report

Thu, August 28, 2014

Robert, your response is wrong.(By the way, are you truthfully a "Customer"? -- so prompt a reply from you makes me think it's from JDate whom I informed last night of my ripoff posting)

You are wrong due to:

1. Internet dating aims at creating Romantic Relationship. It's language attempts to be poetic and romantic.

2. Romanticism at its best implies: unselfishness, mystery, fate, risk, and generosity

3. Yes, I am a published Romantic poet too

4. I do not lie --- I am wearing a virtual veil that a man may or may not choose to lift. So did Tamar when she searched for a family; so did other the characters of the stories I read and wrote in Europe )I did mention the cultural difference here).

5. you argue like an accountant/lawyer/engineer. I see a romantic soulmate. That wold NOT be you/your type....

6. the site posts a disclaimer regarding their lack of responsibility over people's profiles; most profiles - I have had the occasion to see -- LIE ABOUT THEMSELVES TO DECEITFULLY ATTRACT MISFITS.. I HIDE MYSELF TO EFFECTIVELY REPEL MISFITS. Can't you grasp that difference?

7. It appears if I had posted age 40-50 or 29 it would have been ok with the site & Robert? That would have been a lie. I posted an abstract age because -- I checked -- I was the only one in that impossible age range. True love is abstract... poetic, romantic as in 19th c Romanticism definitions (not vulgar grocery stores novels). Read some classical poetry, JDate/Robert, allow freedom of mind and spirit to your members.



You lied....

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2014

 They refuse to post it claiming I am being deceitful. I told them I would be deceitful if I posted falsely attractive info -- not repellants.

- Interesting way to justify you lying.  As when you try to "rationalize" your deceit...they become "rationalLIES".

When you signed up for their site you agreed to their terms.  Can you point out in their terms where it states it is okay to lie about your age if you tell the truth about everything else?  Let me help you out..I can guarantee you there is no such section.

But here are some questions.  Just how far does your rationalLIES go? 

Let's start with a simple one. 

What if you posted a "Glamor Shots" photo where you were "made up" in a way you don't look like in everyday life.  Is that a lie?

Say you don't wear glasses and have black hair, but you want to make sure that people see you for who you are on the "inside".  So in your picture you post a picture of you with glasses on and a bald cap so people think you have no hair.  Is that a lie?

Say you wanted to make sure you didn't want a "gold digger".  So you post that you work as an overnight custodian when in reality you are a CPA at one of the top accounting firms in the Country.  Is that a lie?

Say you wanted to make sure wanted to get someone who doesn't care about past so you say you just got out of a 6 month jail sentence for petty theft, when in fact the only time you have ever seen a jail is when you drive by it.  Is that a lie?

5. few: my "age" would eliminate most profiles who don't fit my life views/style

7. potential soul-mate: who would risk wasting time to contact an "old-age" woman?

- So what you are saying is that you are 100% sure that there is NO other "mate" who is in your age range and has your same interests.  Seems like you are underestimating the same "intelligent" potential mates you are looking for.

FYI the way these sites work a primary way they have people search is by age range.  If telling your age isn't something you want to do then Internet Dating is not for you.  Do you really think these "intelligent" people you are looking for are going to think..ummm perhaps someone isn't posting their age so let me look at the 100 year olds.

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