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  • Report:  #1418988

Complaint Review: Jeffrey Samuel Briones

Jeffrey Samuel Briones, Jeff Briones, Jeffery Briones, Jeff Briones in 2014 made 108+ calls threatening to harm me, my pets and my business leaving voicemails with guns being shot off in the background Thousand Oaks California

  • Reported By:
    A. Fisher — Woodland Hills other United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, December 24, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 22, 2019

Here is my victim's impact statement made at Jeff Briones sentencing.  Jeff Briones was the golfing buddy and friend of a man I was living with for almost 2 years, John Tamborelli, a lawyer in the Woodland Hills, CA area.  I told him I was going to leave him and move out and in 6 hours his ex wife Jennifer Frazee Tamborelli showed up to try and kick me out and physically assault me.  Later that same night Jennifer Tamborelli returned with John Tamborelli (ex husband and wife) and John Tamborelli went in the house and I re-called the police. Jennifer Frazee Tamborelli continued to harass me, so drunk she puked in the bushes and had to be handcuffed and placed in the squad car. Her dog was running around without a leash and had been left in the car.  It went on into the night, well into 1 a.m. and after and she had left her two small children at home alone and had their dinner in the car.  The police arrested her in front of me and took her away.  Later that night John Tamborelli was also arrested on domestic violence charges.  The police gave him a 5 day restraining order.  Me being his live in girlfriend - he became irate and crazy that I had possession of his house.  About a week later Jeff Briones got involved in the revenge and began trying to terrorize me out of the house.  He left anonymous threats of sexual requests, shot of guns in these calls and made threats to get my dog and called them by name. He implied he was stalking me and was going to come and get me and that I would never have one night's peace in that house.  John Tamborelli, my ex, repeated and continues to declare that he had nothing to do with his ex wife or his friend attempting to "get me back".  However, I did not even know these two people and the comments made by all 3 were the same - "get out of my house".

Jeff Briones eventually butt dialed me allowing me to get the phone number, google it and realize it was my live in boyfriend's friend who was making the calls.  Up until this butt dial, I was being accused by John Tamborelli of threatening myself or having myself threatened to bolster a pay out claim.

I successfully had Jeff Briones prosecuted and charged with 2 felonies, which he pled down to a misdemeanor and given about 3k in restitution to me for these offenses.  John Tamborelli was never charged and maintains that he had no idea his associates were terrorizing me and that they did it on their own??  Some may not believe him and some may, however, it is odd that he continued to associate with this man, failed to go to the police with me to report the crimes and did not go to the sentencing or hearing or even so much as ask his own friend Jeff Briones why he had done such a horrible thing to his girlfriend during the break up.

I wish everyone to know that this man is a criminal - he broke his plea deal and was charged with other things after this incident.  



4 Updates & Rebuttals


Woodland Hills,
United States

Retraction Of Involvement

#5Author of original report

Wed, May 22, 2019

I am sincerely apologetic to the Tamborelli family and extended families and friends of.  In 2014 Mr. Briones, acting alone, terrorized me over the phone, was charged and pled.  These 108 death threats were so viscious that it placed me in a sense of fear, leaving me with PTST, post traumatic stress disorder; complex.  My condition and living through the fear and terror - I believe and stated that Mr. Tamborelli and his ex wife Janet Tamborelli were involved.  This was not true.  This was false.  The local police and Federal police and other various agencies investigated fully and found NO evidence of any wrong doing by John nor Janet Tamborelli.  The only one charged and prosecuted was Jeffrey Briones.  Motive unknown.

I apologize to the Tamborelli family and extended family.

Mr. John Tamborelli has been an asset to his community and profession for almost 30 years.  Mrs. Janet Tamborelli has raised two children and been involved in numerous causes in the Woodland Hills and surrounding areas.  They have two lovely accomplished daughters living in the area who excel at everything they do.  Mr. John and Ms. Janet Tamborelli are an asset to their city, county and  State.

I humbly apologize and wish to offer a retraction of anything I have said or implied to their involvement with Jeff Briones and his crimes towards me. 


Woodland Hills,
United States

Jeff Briones in jail

#5Author of original report

Fri, January 18, 2019

 After admissions from John Tamborelli that he was indeed with and part of the harassment towards his live in partner. Jeff Briones was sentenced to 486 days. Janet Tamborelli went in to continue work in the gay porn industry and filed bankruptcy 2018, and John Tamborelli is still practicing law and residing in the Woodland Hills California area.

John Tamborelli has denied being involved despite his own family and friends admissions. John Tamborelli has also denied any mob connections despite a string of close ties to Rhode Island mafia families that he states are just common Italian names. Jeff briones is now paying restitution and John Tamborelli offered settlement for his part.

Anyone with any information of other bizarre stories on this group of individuals please do report. I, the Victim, am writing a crime story and looking for background research.


Woodland Hills,
United States

John Tamborelli the lawyer caught !

#5Author of original report

Fri, June 29, 2018

 John Tamborelli admitted in 8-1-17 that he was involved in stalking and directing the attacks on me and his partner in crime recorded him and gave to police in his defense. I listened to the tapes and lawyer John Tamborelli an his ex wife porn marketing agent Janet Tamborelli Jennifer Tamborelli were involved. The proof took a long time but expect another lawsuit. John Tamborelli paid me 35k to go away all while threatening to kill me kill my pet and harm my family. He’s part of the Italian mob and song a very bad job due to his alcoholism and drug habits he would sue me but the truth prevents him be very careful and know who he is I’m writing a crime story so if you have JohnTamborelli stories please write


Woodland Hills,
United States

xx Azucena Road Home Of John Tamborelli

#5Author of original report

Wed, January 10, 2018

To clarify, the home I lived in was xx Azucena Road, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.  Home of John Tamborelli and 2nd wife Janet Tamborelli at one time and 3rd wife Jennifer Tamborelli at one time and 4th live in partner Anne Fisher 2013-2015.


I want to make it very clear, that I was John Tamborelli's live in partner and his ex wife Jennifer returned to her old house with John 2  years after I had moved in to harass me.  Some have told me that they had continued a relationship with each other off site and that as she stated to the police, "I came to "put" her out on the authority of John Tamborelli".  This was the statement Jennifer Tamborelli made repeatedly to the LAPD while she had been attempting to assault Anne, the live in partner - at her house.  TOO MANY WOMEN HAVE LIVED AT THIS HOUSE AS A PARTNER - ANYONE MOVING INTO THIS HOUSE COULD BE IN HARM OF PAST WIVES, LIKE i WAS.

John Tamborelli's excuse of Jennifer Tamborelli attempted after their divorce of 2 years, coming to the house 6 hours after Anne, his new partner had just told him she was leaving him, she said John directed her.  John Tamborelli told Anne that Jennifer had a no information and he had spent less than hour at dinner with Jennifer, his 3rd ex wife, drinking and buying her and her children dinner.  John Tamborelli told the police that he told Jennifer not to come to the house to assault me.  Jennifer Tamborelli told the police John had indeed directed her.

John Tamborelli told Anne and the LAPD that he had not instructed or invited Jennifer Tamborelli to the house where Anne and he lived.  He said she must have just known, after 2  years, that Anne had told him she was leaving and she acted this way because of her "race", implying that she was a crazy Mexican.

This is ridiculous!  Since John and Jennifer Tamborelli were together drinking and dining together - I hardly can believe, and nobody does, that John did not incite or direct her to "go after the woman who was now leaving him".  It is further, on tape, that John Tamborelli upon his own arrest that night, following his 3rd ex wife's arrest, that he made a statement to the police that he would "Get Anne Back" for calling the police on him and Jennifer and for having him arrested for spousal battery, a promise he did indeed keep when Jeff Briones, his friend and golfing buddy, so happened to make 108 calls to "get out of my house " and "i'm a laywer" and fired weapons off.

When John Tamborelli was arrested and given by the LAPD a restraining order, he immediately broke the order and began calling Anne - from the jail cell - and nothing was done.  Jeff Briones used a 2nd phone - the only person who changed their phone number was his 2nd ex wife, whom he went and stayed with in between hotels - Janet Tamborelli did indeed change her phone number citing to her ex husband John TAmborelli that Anne was possibly threatening her, however, she made no report, didn't call the police, or save the messages.

John Tamborelli insists that he had no knowledge that his friend and ex wife had been terrorizing a woman who was leaving him - he says that they are both Mexicans and that is why they acted for him, to assist him with getting Anne out of the house, however, the agreement with Anne he had said that if the relationship failed, Anne was to have 90 days to find new housing, not 6 hours as he allowed her before his ex wife and friend started their attacks of revenge whom, ?? the only benefit of this revenge was John.

Now, John Tamborelli is a lawyer who acts as a  free judge at times - are you not scared to have a judge who can't control their emotions and there is even a hint of aggressive violence against women? Are you not scared to have a judge that is a racist and states the reason his friends did this against his live in girlfriend, criminal act - was because of their race?

I sure would not want John Tamborelli acting as a judge in Los Angeles where it is highly hispanic and latino.

I have lived almost 5 years under this man's dominance and control and I believe in my entire friends and support and therapists and anyone I tell the story to, we all believe John Tamborelli is lying and that he indeed did incite the direction of threats, assaults and rageful terrorist threats upon his girlfriend because he simply could not handle his emotions at the time that wife #4 was walking out the door.

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