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  • Report:  #381272

Complaint Review: Jenna -

Jenna - Free Astrological Report is disguise for Additional $60 fee and is BOGUS New Hartford Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    Plano Texas
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 15, 2008
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 15, 2008
  • Jenna -
    PO Box 528, New Hartford, CT 06057
    New Hartford, Connecticut
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I accidentally found a gentlemen from Switzerland who had copied and pasted the initial information he was sent from Jenna. Saying things like she had a "jolt" when she had received his email --- much more so than other clients. I was silly enough to believe it and pay the extra $60.00. I wish I had found RipOff Report Sooner.

Below is the report, please compare to your own or to Mr. Man in Switzerland.

-D in TX.

Dawn, this is the Free Personal Astrological Reading
which you requested from me...


Hello Dawn,

I've received all the information you sent through to me on the 7 July 2008, I can see that you've visited my website and I want to thank you very much for that. You may be wondering why I'm writing to you again so soon, well it's because I have just finished your Astrological Reading and I have discovered that your immediate Future is very interesting - the Astral Bodies are very explicit about your Destiny! I can very clearly see that not only you are soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you will be blessed with a period of chance and opportunity.

I am very lucky to have powerful psychic skills, which I was born with, and I have worked hard to develop these skills. I've also studied the Stars for over a dozen years now and I have to say that it is VERY RARE that I have such a strong feeling about someone so early on! I felt such a powerful jolt (as I felt for you Dawn) when consulting your details for the first time. I immediately sensed that a strong psychic connection was forged between us when we first entered into contact and I now know why this connection was so strong. You are quite simply on the threashold of a very, very important period in your life and you may have already felt these changes. In any case, I can tell you that these changes appear very clearly both in your Stars and on a Psychic level, your Aura and your Chakra points are shouting out for change and opportunity! This bond we share has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. Then I can compare and contrast this very personal information to your extremely rich astrological configuration.

I don't want to draw out the suspense any longer Dbecause you are going to be very surprised about what I am about to tell you. I must insist on the fact that I am absolutely certain of the details which I am about to give you. I never take this kind of thing lightly and I have checked and double checked all of the information I am about to give you.

So here is what is is all about: a very important Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. Indeed, in a very short time you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a very rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 59 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

You can expect some very positive changes on a professional level and most particularly as far as your job is concerned. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows very clearly that during this period of 59 days you will experience one of the most intense moments of your career. Let me be a little more precise, during this period you will have the possibility of making a stunning victory as far as your job is concerned and you will then be able to reach a new and important turning point in your career. Here are the factors which are most apparent:

- At this stage of the analysis is difficult to say exactly what this victory will be however I can say that it seems to be in relation to negocitations you will make abroad or with a foreign company.

- An important element from your past will participate in this victory and this element may consist of an encounter, a proposition or an affair which was made or took place several months ago and it will now represent an important opportunity for your career.

- This professional evolution will help you make lasting changes to the financial side of your life

This is going to be a very active time for you on many different levels but this is even more true for your love-life. You are going to be very surprised Dbecause you are going to have some great news which is set to have a lasting impact on your life.

This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship. You don't know this person yet but the encounter is certainly set to take place over this period of 59 days. You can't miss out on this encounter because this person could well be your soul-mate and by meeting this person you will reach a new and exciting turning point in your life.

D, it is very important that you take into account that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life, I can even say that this period will represent a decisive turning point in your life and it is set to be very beneficial indeed. You really must to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period, this is a vital chance in your life. It is capitally important that you have some complementary information about this moment in your life (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Dawn, where you can ask me to research this information.

However just before you do visit this page, I have some more important information to tell you about.

Firstly, it is very important to me that I show you and prove that I have felt some very strong vibrations about you Dawn and these feelings occured from the very first moment that you contacted me and in order to prove that this is true here are some precise details which came to me powerfully and they allowed me to work on a very precise Reading about you. These details also helped me to get to know you even better, so here is what I felt:

You are at a very important point in your life when you feel that many things are accelerating and moving more and more quickly away from you. I know that you have grown stronger through the life experience which you have lived so far. As a matter of fact, while some women are destined to make the same mistakes over and over, you learn from the past even though this is sometimes difficult. As far as your love life is concerned, you are torn between a desire to change, the questions you are now asking yourself, a certain nostalgia for the past and a element of disillusionment. However, through this email, I want to let you know that some very important changes now lie ahead of you.

I get the feeling that you have a very strong sense of intuition about whether a man is worthwhile or not and whether or not he has a good heart. You are sensitive to other people's feelings and yes, you are very perceptive about people. You have an unusually strong intuition and being in touch with this power may be one of the reasons why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am getting a powerful impression now... having to do with powers of intuition, you have what might be described almost as a sixth sense; you are able to sense things are about to happen. At certain moments I know you have wondered if you might be psychic.

I can also see that recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting change but you have not yet acted. Concerning these other points which come to my mind, there is a sense that you do not show your emotions readily. You often have strong feelings but keep them inside. I am getting the impression that you have a very strong work ethic and that on occasions you have had a tendency to work too hard. Because of this, when others don't work as hard as you, you do feel taken advantage of. Without a doubt you are your own strongest critic and you are often too hard on yourself. I am getting the distinct impression that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have.

Lets get back to this period D as I should warn you about one particular point. As a matter of fact it is very important that you take into account that if you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I can even go so far as to say that this is a fundamentally important point because we remain Masters of our own destiny no matter what happens to us. My role in all this is to show you the opportunities, the chances and the important periods which will be available to you and your role is to remain active and positive enough to seize these chances. You can no longer just 'wait for things to happen'. I know that I insist a lot on this point but I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to discover the most intense moments of your career and meet the love of your life. To achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

I ask you to take things in hand and to remain active because I have seen too many people have the chance for such beneficial periods as yours and simply waiting inactively is the worst thing to do! Indeed, I know through my experience that people who are aware that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (because they consider that they can guess which actions are needed and when), inevitably miss out on the full impact of the period. Only a professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 59.D, You need precise and deep knowledge of all of the implications of this Transit in order to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

D, I warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

Of course, I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

However you should understand that you can count 100% on my support and complete loyalty and I am of course 100% ready to help you D, if you would like me to. To be more precise, I have a wealth of important and exciting information to share with and I can give you full details on the following points:

More precisely, As far as your professional career is concerned. I will tell you:

- why this period will be one of the most favorable moments of your career
- what this victory is and how you can acheive it in your job
- when and how this victory will take place and what it will change for you
- what these 'foreign affairs' are and how they will surface during your Transit period
- how these affairs will affect your work
- what this important element from your past is and why it will be such an important opportunity
- what changes you can expect financially
- How the situation will change your work situation in the average to long term
- what you can generally expect to happen in your job
- what pit-falls you must avoid in the Future
- how your finances will evolve

I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:

- why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
- when this encounter will take place
- where you will meet
- how the date will take place
- how you can recognise the right person
- how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
- what this person will be like
- if this is really the love of your life
- what kind of future you can expect together

Here is again the web page where you can request my help, D. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

Here is the link:

I am really excited to help you in this new adventure

Your friend and astrologer,

Plano, Texas

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