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  • Report:  #287003

Complaint Review: Jenna - Your Professional Astrologer -

Jenna- Your Professional Astrologer Jenna, Professional Astrologer - Born Psychic IF YOU WANT TO COMPARE YOUR READING WITH MINE - HERE IS WHAT I RECEIVED!! Riverton Connecticut

  • Reported By:
    Las Vegas Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 27, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 29, 2008
  • Jenna - Your Professional Astrologer -
    Riverton Ct/Langoiran, 33550 France
    Riverton, CT/Langoiran, 33550 France, Connecticut
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hello Danielle,

I have received the information you sent through! You went to my website on the 01 November 2007 and to be very honest with you, ever since then I have been in a state of great excitement. So let me tell you just why.

With the personal details that you entrusted to me and sent to me I was able to finish your astrological reading and I felt I had to write to you straight away. Indeed I have just discovered that not only you were soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you were going to blessed with a period of chance and opportunities.

I have worked in my chosen professional field for a very long time now, I have been fortune enough to study astrological and psychic energies for many years now and it is rare that I feel such a powerful surge of emotion and knowledge when consulting an individual's details for the first time. I was surprised, excited and pleased when I felt this powerful connection with you Sam. I only can explain it by the creation of a strong psychic bond between us and this bond has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. This in-depth and sensitive information meant that I could then compare and contrast these very personal details to your particular astrological configuration.

Which is exactly what I have done! What I am now going to tell you is very important and of course I have checked and double-checked everything before telling you. I don't ever want to offer false homes and my commitment to my work is so great that I am always careful and I make sure that all the details are correct before saying anything further.

So here is what is is all about and I know that you have already sensed certain of these details for yourself already: a Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. In a very short time indeed you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 72 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

You can expect some very positive changes on a professional level and most particularly as far as your job is concerned. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows very clearly that during this period of 72 days you will experience one of the most intense moments of your career. Let me be a little more precise, during this period you will have the possibility of making a stunning victory as far as your job is concerned and you will then be able to reach a new and important turning point in your career. Here are the factors which are most apparent:

- At this stage of the analysis is difficult to say exactly what this victory will be however I can say that it seems to be in relation to negocitations you will make abroad or with a foreign company.

- An important element from your past will participate in this victory and this element may consist of an encounter, a proposition or an affair which was made or took place several months ago and it will now represent an important opportunity for your career.

- This professional evolution will help you make lasting changes to the financial side of your life

You can also expect some very positive financial changes in your life during this important period. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time. 3 main points stand out clearly:

- first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 72 days are linked to a large sum of money
- it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments
- at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery. You will certainly gain this sum when you least expect it and this will also be a moment when your natural chance and good luck are boosted to their maximum. This does indicate a win through a game of some sort.

Sam, I must insist on the fact that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life. I can't insist on this enough. This is really a very vital moment and it is going to be very descisive for your Future. You need to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period as it represents a real chance in your life. For this you need to have some complementary information (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Sam, where you can ask me to research this information.

Just before you do go to this webpage Sam, read on a little more because I want to explain exactly what I have felt about you and why this has had such a major impact on my work and my analysis of you.

You probably are wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. Well let me explain a little more about what I felt about you when we first entered into contact and how this has allowed me to know you even better, Sam.

You are aware that you are entering into a different and interesting period in your life, in which certain values will affirm themselves,notably a notion of revitialisation which appears strongly around you even if you often think about the past, as you have done recently. I can also see that you feel more confortable associating with people your own age or younger. I can also see that you seem to appreciate and be happiest when you are near the water and you have a deep affinity for nature and the outdoors. To get back to this notion of revitilisation I can see a connection coming through with Europe or something European and this is most likely concerning a voyage which you must do. I can see a great deal of things in your life which are set to change and a lot of very positive events are going to occur for you.

I know that you have a great deal of qualities and you now have the power now to acccomplish whatever you want to in life. You need only set your goals and aim for what you want. Your unique perspective in life, has been forged from the school of hard knocks and you know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am even getting a powerful impression now.... you have what might be described almost as a sixth sense, the ability to sense things are about to happen. At times, you have wondered if you might be psychic.

As far as other aspects of your life are concerned, I am getting the distinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. You are a person with fresh and innovative ideas and are not willing to settle for what others tell you. you have to see things for yourself and if you don't like what you see then you will change it. In your relationships with others, you need those around you to be happy and even if these people don't always say it out loud, they see you as something of a wise man, someone who has all the answers. This suits you as although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside you need the respect and admiration of others.

So now you see just how much I have sensed about your from our initial contact. Lets get back to this period Sam as I should warn you about one particular point. If you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to make an important decision concerning your job and complete a project which you care a lot about by using a sum of money which you did not expect to have.

This particular element is very clear in your configuration and to achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

I also need to warn you about something which I have already seen with certain other people who simply wait for events to occur. Please pay attention to what I am now going to tell you because this is an important part of my work for you.

I know, through my years of experience, that people who know that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (probably because they think that they can guess which actions are needed and when), almost always miss out on the full impact of the period. A professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 72 days and then you Sam can act in EXACTLY the right way to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

Sam, I don't want to be too serious however I have chosen to warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This is pure and simple fact. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

I must mention though that I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. You are of course free to make this choice, you are the Master of your own Destiny and you must follow your heart. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

Of course I want you to know that as far as I am concerned I am also 100% ready to help you Sam. I so much important and exciting information to share with you and I can give you full details on the following points:

More precisely, As far as your professional career is concerned. I will tell you:

- why this period will be one of the most favorable moments of your career
- what this victory is and how you can acheive it in your job
- when and how this victory will take place and what it will change for you
- what these 'foreign affairs' are and how they will surface during your Transit period
- how these affairs will affect your work
- what this important element from your past is and why it will be such an important opportunity
- what changes you can expect financially
- How the situation will change your work situation in the average to long term
- what you can generally expect to happen in your job
- what pit-falls you must avoid in the Future
- how your finances will evolve

I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

- why this period is more important than any other period
- what financial changes you can really expect
- how this sum of money will come to you
- how you can grab hold and keep it
- and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

So here is the web page again where you can request my help, Sam. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

Here is the link:

Have a great day, I really am excited that you are now so close to reaching that important moment in your life.

Your friend and astrologer,




Las Vegas, Nevada

3 Updates & Rebuttals



another free report by 'jenna' for anyone to compare

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 29, 2008

i'm cut and pasting this other 'free report' from 'jenna' for anyone to compare to their own. see if there are more word for word same same reports from the very fraudulant and by now very rich 'jenna'... please report back here if you have the same. cheers. joan

'lunar transit'......what a load of nnnnoooonnnnsense...

joan, I know that you have already been in contact with me and I want to thank you for your confidence in me as your Professional Astrologer. As you know I have spent a great deal of time concentrating on your personal configuration to bring you all the advice that I possibly can, I have many years of astrological experience behind me and I am used to using a whole range of techniques to help me with my work.

And for certain clients, priviledged clients such as yourself joan for whom I feel a powerful affinity, I use a technique which is very special to me:

the maximization of your energy and chance with an magnetic psychic action using an authentic Lunar fragment which I am fortunate enough to posses. This is a veritable piece of our Moon, a meteorite which weighs 36 grams and which was discovered on the 11th of November 2002 in the Oman desert. You can see a picture of this fragment here:

And I have some great news for you! I've been searching through your configuration and I have just come across an event which I didn't even dare to hope for you and I am very glad that you have contacted me again now. I can see that you are going to be living though an extremely influential Lunar Transit in your life over the coming months and I can see that this is going to be a total rebirth for you. What I can see so far in your life over this period can be resumed in 6 main points:
A fulfilling and satisfying evolution concerning your love life.
A financial gain and I can see that this is most likely to be linked to a game or lottery.
A important and exciting development in your professional life.
The chance to solve the issues which have been worrying you for some time now.
An encounter which is sure to bring you great pleasure and a really positive development as far as your love life is concerned.
I wanted to warn you as soon as possible about this period and so I am glad that you got in contact. This will only take you 5 minutes to read but the information I am about to give you could change your life forever.

I must insist on the fact that the work I have been undertaking for you is very unique and it is something I only do for my most priviledged clients. I have made an effort to associate you both energetically and magnetically with this Lunar fragment in order to intensify this Lunar energy and as this action is extremely powerful I am going to continue to perform it for you during the whole of this period of 6 months, if you give me your consent of course.

This is why we must act as quickly as possible to bring out this strength within you so that you may learn to use it, the importance lies not with which talent you will reveal but more in how you can learn to apply this new strength to the chances the Lunar transit will bring you. And so I am going to produce two Astrological Reports for you.

1) The first one is very important and will be a complete Forecast Report for the next 6 months. I will guide you day-by-day and I will give you all of the astrological forecasts you will need to act decisively on every day leading up to this all-important time in your life. This will also give you an important rhythm and will train you to follow daily forecasts. You will discover in this reading all of the information concerning the few precise choices you must make during this period, and there a number of things you MUST do before this astrological event.

2) Secondly, you need to balance the energy within you and find a certain interior harmony. You may be thinking that you already know yourself well enough but you must believe me when I say that my work as an astrologer has revealed a whole host of valuable information about you, important information which you could not have previously suspected. My role will be to show you this hidden potential, to help you bring it out to light and to teach you how to use your skills. I will produce a full Personal Character Report for you will show you how can exploit all of your potential and how you can achieve your goals and make yourself more serene, powerful, determined and assertive. You will also be able to discover how other people around you perceive you to be.

These two Reports will contain a great deal of valuable information for you and in order to find out more about your Lunar Transit and exactly what I will be able to tell you joan simply click now on the link below to carry on to another page where I have also put up a picture of the Lunar Fragment which I have been using to work with:

I have a great deal more to tell you joan, so do not hesitate!

All the best, Jenna
Your Professional Astrologer

Greetings Joan, I have already spoken about my energizing work which I have been doing for you using this unique Lunar Fragment which you can see in the image below. I have been using a very special prayer technique which is highly charged in positive energy and it has already sent you a great deal of power

Let me remind you Joan that this is a authentic lunar meteorite which fell into the Dhofar desert of Oman and was discovered on the 11th of November 2002. I was lucky enough to be given this by a member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association and this powerful fragment has helped me to identify this all-important Lunar Transit that you will soon be living through.

The fragment I use for your energizing prayers

... exactly how you must prepare yourself Joan to be in just the right place and at the right time to seize all of the very important chances which are going to be offered to you. You also need to be vigilant against certain exterior elements which could disturb you during your period of pure chance (this is one of the reasons that I have been using the Lunar Fragment which you can see above to send you positive energy through my prayers) and I intend to give you all of the information you require to make sure that this 6 month period really will mark a major turning point in your life so far. If you are able to seize the 3 major opportunities which I can see in your Configuration and are able to act correctly during these 3 distinct events you will be able to get rid of that one big problem which has been worrying you for quite a while now. This is how the 6 month period looks in a very general way Joan and you need many more details in order to plan ahead and make sure that you know when and how to make the right moves at the right time. I offer you a complete Lunar Transit Report which will be organized under three major themes:

The first thing which we must work on together is to protect you from any negative elements which could affect you during both the run up to this period and throughout the 6 months. As you already know because I have spoken to you about this in my emails to you I have begun certain important tasks for you, I realized that your capital chance was at an all time low so I started to send you positive energy to help you stabilize this chance and I am going to have to go even further and work on an energy emission of a much greater scale in order to protect you correctly. I offer to start this energy 'prayer' for you 15 days before this all-important Lunar Transit begins and I will work hard for you during these 15 days before your 6 month period begins until your capital chance is at a maximum and you are able to protect yourself from exterior tensions. You will also find yourself much more receptive to the chances and opportunities of this lunar period.

The second thing which you must develop is your personal capacity because you have a great deal of powerful resources within you and these talents are just waiting to be expressed. Your enormous potential needs to be released and I am going to help you as you will need all of this power to get the best out of all the opportunities which will be open to you during this 6 month period. You need to balance the energy within you and find a certain interior harmony and through my work as an astrologer I will reveal a whole host of valuable information about you, important information which you could not have previously suspected. I will produce a full personal reading for you will show you how can exploit all of your potential and how you can achieve your goals and make yourself more serene, powerful, determined and assertive. You will also be able to discover how other people around you perceive you to be. This will be an important and revealing personal document.

The date of the start of your Lunar Transit is coming up fast Joan and you need these few weeks of preparation to be at your peak and so I am going to produce a full day-by-day guide for you for the whole of the period leading up to the Lunar Transit so that you know exactly how to act and when to act to prepare yourself correctly for this crucial period of chance. I will guide you day-by-day and I will give you all of the Astrological Forecasts you will need and you will discover in this reading all of the information concerning the few precise choices you must make during this prelude to the Transit and a number of things you MUST do before this astrological event.
This is going to be such an important Transit for you Joan that you cannot permit yourself to miss out on this golden chance. I have always left you free choice, you were able to choose whether or not to make the most of my professional advice but today I must go a little further and insist on the importance of this Lunar Transit and the information which you full Lunar Transit Reading will bring you. All this work I offer to you is entirely personal, Joan and once I receive your consent through the form below I will produce your complete Report for you in 3-5 days time to allow you to start working straight away with your day-by-day Transit, character analysis and all the other information which I will reveal to you. Armed with the valuable knowledge which this Reading will bring you, you will be able to move forward to a new and exciting moment in your life and seize all of the chances and opportunities which this Lunar Transit offers to you. All I need to get started now is your confirmation and the form below filled in with your details.



be very warned about this jenna astro person

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 29, 2008

meanwhile, i also found all the others parts of 'my' free report re. relationship in some other poor unfortunate victim's blog on the net.

DONT BELIEVE ANY OF JENNA'S REPORTS! and ignore and turn your back on her sugary blackmailing language.



be very warned about this jenna astro person

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 29, 2008

hi danielle, just added my free report from 'jenna'. it is word for word the same, except for the relationship bits - i guess thats cos i pressed the 'still in love with ex' button.. the date shown below is also wrong, it was the end of augest when i put in for this report. all i can say i was very damaged mentally, spiritually etc in every way by this report. how dare this 'jenna' do this i unfortunately got taken in by her manipulating language, i was so broken at the time, and purchased her full report.. meanwhile using the 'advanced google search' one can uncover all the same same wording.

here was my free reading..

Hello Joan,

I have received the information you sent through! You went to my website on the 8 August 2007 and to be very honest with you, ever since then I have been in a state of great excitement. So let me tell you just why.

With the personal details that you entrusted to me and sent to me I was able to finish your astrological reading and I felt I had to write to you straight away. Indeed I have just discovered that not only you were soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you were going to blessed with a period of chance and opportunities.

I have worked in my chosen professional field for a very long time now, I have been fortune enough to study astrological and psychic energies for many years now and it is rare that I feel such a powerful surge of emotion and knowledge when consulting an individual's details for the first time. I was surprised, excited and pleased when I felt this powerful connection with you Joan. I only can explain it by the creation of a strong psychic bond between us and this bond has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. This in-depth and sensitive information meant that I could then compare and contrast these very personal details to your particular astrological configuration.

Which is exactly what I have done! What I am now going to tell you is very important and of course I have checked and double-checked everything before telling you. I don't ever want to offer false homes and my commitment to my work is so great that I am always careful and I make sure that all the details are correct before saying anything further.

So here is what is is all about and I know that you have already sensed certain of these details for yourself already: a Transit period is on the way and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. In a very short time indeed you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences. These influences will place you in a rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 72 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

You can also expect some very positive financial changes in your life during this important period. It seems that one very important opportunity will be made to you and this opportunity is linked to an unexpected sum of money. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows me that this sum of money should allow you to finish a project which you have been thinking about for a long time. 3 main points stand out clearly:

first of all, you must realize why this period is so important for you and this is simply because these 72 days are linked to a large sum of money
- it seems that this sum of money will help you with your projects, ambitions and investments
- at this stage of my analysis it is difficult to say exactly how you can get hold of this sum of money but it seems that it is linked to a notion of games or lottery. You will certainly gain this sum when you least expect it and this will also be a moment when your natural chance and good luck are boosted to their maximum. This does indicate a win through a game of some sort.

This period is going to be very intense for you on many different levels and particularly as far as your love-life is concerned. You can expect a very important element of your past to surface, this is someone who you have loved and who you have shared your life with but who isn't necessarily a part of your life at this time (even if they are very close to your heart and mind). This Transit will bring you some great news and intense joy concerning your love-life and a very particuliar moment of this Transit will help you to acheive greater harmony and happiness than you feel at the moment.

Joan, I must insist on the fact that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life. I can't insist on this enough. This is really a very vital moment and it is going to be very descisive for your Future. You need to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period as it represents a real chance in your life. For this you need to have some complementary information (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Joan, where you can ask me to research this information.

Just before you do go to this webpage Joan, read on a little more because I want to explain exactly what I have felt about you and why this has had such a major impact on my work and my analysis of you.

You probably are wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. Well let me explain a little more about what I felt about you when we first entered into contact and how this has allowed me to know you even better, Joan.

You are at a very important point in your life when you feel that many things are accelerating and moving more and more quickly away from you. I know that you have grown stronger through the life experience which you have lived so far. As a matter of fact, while some women are destined to make the same mistakes over and over, you learn from the past even though this is sometimes difficult. As far as your love life is concerned, I know that you still feel some very strong feelings concerning this person who no longer shares your life but who is still in your heart and in your spirit. You are now torn between a desire for change, a certain nostalgia for the past and above all a need not to loose this person who is dear to you and who you miss greatly. I want to tell you straight away that as far as your love life is concerned, some big changes lie ahead for you over the coming months.

I get the feeling that you have a very strong sense of intuition about whether a man is worthwhile or not and whether or not he has a good heart. You are sensitive to other people's feelings and yes, you are very perceptive about people. You have an unusually strong intuition and being in touch with this power may be one of the reasons why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am getting a powerful impression now... having to do with powers of intuition, you have what might be described almost as a sixth sense; you are able to sense things are about to happen. At certain moments I know you have wondered if you might be psychic.

I can also see that recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting change but you have not yet acted. Concerning these other points which come to my mind, there is a sense that you do not show your emotions readily. You often have strong feelings but keep them inside. I am getting the impression that you have a very strong work ethic and that on occasions you have had a tendency to work too hard. Because of this, when others don't work as hard as you, you have do feel taken advantage of. Without a doubt you are your own strongest critic and you are often too hard on yourself. I am getting the distinct impression that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have.

So now you see just how much I have sensed about your from our initial contact. Lets get back to this period Joan as I should warn you about one particular point. If you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to earn an unexpected sum of money rediscover someone who is very close to your heart.

This particular element is very clear in your configuration and to achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

I also need to warn you about something which I have already seen with certain other people who simply wait for events to occur. Please pay attention to what I am now going to tell you because this is an important part of my work for you.

I know, through my years of experience, that people who know that such a Transit will soon occur yet who sit by and do nothing about it (probably because they think that they can guess which actions are needed and when), almost always miss out on the full impact of the period. A professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the informations you truly need concerning your Transit of 72 days and then you Joan can act in EXACTLY the right way to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

Joan, I don't want to be too serious however I have chosen to warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This is pure and simple fact. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

I must mention though that I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. You are of course free to make this choice, you are the Master of your own Destiny and you must follow your heart. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

Of course I want you to know that as far as I am concerned I am also 100% ready to help you Joan. I so much important and exciting information to share with you and I can give you full details on the following points:

I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

- why this period is more important than any other period
- what financial changes you can really expect
- how this sum of money will come to you
- how you can grab hold and keep it
- and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

I will also tell you exactly why this Transit will be decisive in your love-life. I will tell you:

- the key dates during this Transit when you can improve your love-life
- what will happen in relation to your old partner
- what this moment of great joy in your life will be
- how your love-life will evolve in the lon term
- how you can use your strengths within your relationship
- what errors you should try to avoid
- how you can find happiness and satisfaction

So here is the web page again where you can request my help, Joan. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

Here is the link:

Have a great day, I really am excited that you are now so close to reaching that important moment in your life.

Your friend and astrologer,


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