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  • Report:  #918215

Complaint Review: Jennifer A. Rackley Attorney At Law Guardian Ad Litem

Jennifer A. Rackley, Attorney At Law, Guardian Ad Litem Jen Rackley, Jennifer Rackley, J.A. Rackley DO NOT LET THIS GAL WORK YOUR CASE! Who wants to pay $1000 for a Liar? Manipulative, horrible investigation, extremely poor interrogitory skills, poor organization, prays on disabled parents with thre Exeter, New Hampshire

  • Reported By:
    Innocent Mother — Nationwide United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 27, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 05, 2013
  • Jennifer A. Rackley, Attorney At Law, Guardian Ad Litem
    PO Box 216
    Exeter, New Hampshire
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My experience with Guardian Ad Litem Jennifer A. Rackley began when she was appointed to the child custody portion of my divorce case. I went to my temporary hearing on January 31st 2012 and my ex seemed very adamant on having a GAL appointed to our case. The only reason I was opposed to it, and I was honest with the judge about, was because I have a non verbal learning disability which affects me socially.

Being disabled doesn't just mean being in a wheelchair. You can have a disability that's not physical. I told Judge David LaFrancois that due to my disability, my words and actions could possibly be misinterpreted by the GAL. LaFrancois didn't care about my disability whatsoever and assigned Rackley to my case.In my first conversations with Ms. Rackely, she seemed very nice and professional.

When I spoke with her over the phone this first time, it was to give her my correct address so she could send me paperwork. I felt no hostility from her, she seemed like she really cared about her job and doing the best for the child involved. The next time I spoke with Ms. Rackley was to set up a time for her to come to view my home. I had been busy with an audition (I was trying out for a television show) and needed to schedule the home visit either before or after the audition took place.

Ms. Rackley was kind, understanding and respected my scheduling needs. When she came to my home, it felt more like she was a friend than an authority. She was very nice and was kind to the roommates I had at the time and to my animals. We got along well and I felt comfortable being honest with her. I thought she was there to help me. The home visit went fine and Ms. Rackley and I had a good conversation about the case.

I was honest with Jennifer about my ex husband manipulating the courts and making all kinds of false statements against me.
My ex had told Jennifer Rackley I 'did drugs' and had 'mental problems'. Both accusations were not only false, but extremely hurtful. I had starting going to my primary care physician for monthly drug testing on my own free will starting in roughly July of 2011..... EVERY TEST CAME BACK CLEAN.

As far as the 'mental problems', my ex isn't qualified to be diagnosing ANYONE with mental problems nor have I EVER had any kind of history of mental problems. My learning disability is NOT a mental problem, it is a neurological problem. More recently,  and I have been suffering depression and anxiety since my ex husband cheated and left for a heroin addict prostitute he met in AA and I visited my doctor for help with the depression.

I received an antidepressant, a small dose, and took it reliably under my doctor's care. My ex turned a simple ailment such as situational depression and anxiety and let Rackley to believe I 'had mental problems'. When Ms. Rackley showed up here, I walked my talk. I showed her my papers from my doctor, stating I'm being treated for depression and anxiety, cannot work and am on an antidepressant on a temporary basis. She seemed satisfied with my home, the environment AND the care I took of myself, said home and my daughter. I felt Ms. Rackley saw my sincere honesty that day and I trusted her to make the right decision regarding my daughter...... I was gravely wrong.

To the tune of $1000, Ms. Rackley performed a horrifically primitive investigation and was easily persuaded by my ex's money and expensive lawyer..... I was extremely disappointed to see Ms. Rackley's integrity go from who could provide the best home environment for the child to who could financially afford her.

My ex offered Rackley nothing but false statements with no proof.... and Rackley bought every bit of it hook, line and sinker.
Instead of exercising proper judgment and holding my ex accountable for filing false statements, she decided it was easier to bleed me for an extra $120 I don't even have for a HAIR DRUG TEST, due to my ex's false accusations. She also wrote that 'both parents have criminal records'...Hogwash. My ex had been arrested multiple times since he was a juvenile, got a DUI and was charged with a felony.

I, on the other hand, have only been arrested TWO times my entire life!

The first time, I told a Portsmouth Police officer "No, I will NOT have an affair with you behind your wife's back!" and he falsely arrested me to 'teach me a lesson'..... I was arrested but the charges were mysteriously dropped because the cop didn't want me to tell the judge about his praying on and stalking me. I've been taken advantage of by authority before because my disability makes me an easy target..... The second time I got arrested??? I took the fall for my ex, who was facing a felony charge! If he got arrested, he would have gone to jail and my daughter would have had no father. I took the fall so he wouldn't have to miss time out of his daughter's life.....Pffft. What a stupid woman to compare my two dinky arrests to my ex's extensive criminal record.

She didn't do ANY investigating into what was being said, she merely placed her judgment on who could pay their way out of it. For the $1000 fee she was paid, I expected a 5 star investigation and no stones unturned. I was dead wrong.... Not only was I being forced to buy my child back, instead of taking my word and the proof of a drug free lifestyle from my primary care doctor, Rackley demanded I spend the money on a hair drug test to show "I cared for my daughter". APPALLING!!

I went to my doctor to show her father I was doing NOTHING wrong, now this GAL is telling me my doctor's tests are nothing because I didn't 'spend money on them to prove I care about my daughter'. She cared more about how much I SPENT on my daughter than how much I LOVED her. It didn't matter I loved my daughter more than anything else in this world to Ms. Rackley, what mattered to her was the fact I didn't have a trust fund to buy the authorities like my ex.

It didn't matter to Rackley my ex lied to the courts just a year ago when he filed a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a restraining order against me when I had done nothing wrong. He deliberately deprived a child of a wholesome and loving relationship with her mother for no reason other than he felt like hurting me. That was 'acceptable' to Ms. Rackley, she wasn't the slightest but disgusted by the young man whose built an empire of lies. The same man who lied to a judge last year was at it again....and this time he had the money to buy Ms. Rackley's judgment instead of rightfully earning it.

Ms. Rackley awarded an equal judgment in her first report but then turned her judgment around on July 3rd 2012. While at court with Rackley, my ex and his lawyer, his lawyer stuck her head in the room I was in and spat lightly on the floor. This is a woman who deliberately provoked me when she kept breathing into my face at a mediation session. The woman knew I had a disability and knew if she kept getting close to my face I would have a problem with it.

Well, the lawyer provoked a disabled person at court....and instead of sympathizing with me, Jennifer Rackley discriminated against my having a learning disability, stating she 'didn't like how I behaved' and because she didn't like, she decided she didn't want my daughter around me. I was around adults and there was an adult altercation that occurred, it didn't involve my child whatsoever and here Rackley was making it out to the courts like it had.

There was no proof of any wrongdoing on my part, it was my ex's lawyer who shouldn't have deliberately provoked a disabled person in court that day. The lawyer was not reprimanded by anyone for her behavior that day, but I was! Rackley's disposition completed changed. Instead of telling the courts what a wonderful, fine, talented and fit mother I was, Rackley put on her little acting face and told Judge David LaFrancois in a baby voice how "she was concerned if my daughter saw the courtroom incident."

My child wasn't there, only adults were. And one of the adults did something they shouldn't have and deliberately provoked a person with a disability who was clearly stressed in that situation. Rackley was 100% aware of my person and how I was as a mother. I had been honest with her about the stress of the divorce and look where it got me: childless, penniless and possibly homeless too!

Ms. Rackley turned on me the day my ex's money mattered more than my daughter's welfare. It's a shame Ms. Rackley cares more about how much money a parent has compared to how much they care. Ms. Rackley's 'investigation' included calling my then attorney several months ago and obtaining the names and phone numbers of relatives. She got the phone number for my mother and called demanding a complete background on me.

My mother had nothing to hide. I was a good kid, never got into trouble but I DID have a non verbal learning disability. It doesn't interfere with my ability to be a parent but it does affect me in social situations such as a court case. However, Ms. Rackley NEVER called my ex's only living parent, his father. If Ms. Rackley called my lawyer and got my mother's name and number, chances are she called my ex's lawyer requesting the same information.... and she was NOT provided with me ex's father's name or number.... and he's very much alive, well and willing to give an honest account of his son's very trouble background....

Rackley never spoke with my ex's father and as of this writing, she hasn't returned his calls. My ex's lawyer did NOT want Rackley speaking with her client's father because she knew the father would paint a drastically different picture of him than the one she was painting.

Why did Ms. Rackley not call my ex's father? Was she told he was no longer alive? Estranged? Refused to talk? None of that's true. My ex's dad was, is and always was willing to speak with Rackley, whom he met on July 3rd for the first time. She gave him her business card and urged him to call as soon as possible.... July 3rd was the first, last and only time my ex's dad spoke to Rackley. He has called her numerous times since July 3rd to report the seriousness of his son's mental state, Rackley won't return his calls.

Since I lost custody of my daughter AND my decision making rights to my child on July 3rd, it's been downhill from there. My ex has been taking minimal care of our daughter, sending her to daycare filthy dirty and greasy hair. There was a complaint with the daycare regarding my ex's bathing of the child and allowing the child to starve at school. The daycare workers assured me they would be calling Rackley about this and they claim they did. However, Rackley on the other hand, did absolutely nothing about it.

My mother, the child's maternal grandmother, relayed to Rackley that her investigation has been extremely poor. Rackley will no longer return her calls either. We're asking questions and Rackley is running and hiding . There's no way this situation is in any way right or fair. A special needs child is being deliberately isolated from the mother and grandparents who love her so much. The mother and grandparents who have done NOTHING wrong, we've fallen victim to a narcissistic young man with a wad of money in his pocket.

There are no complaints against any of us which would have warranted the temporary termination of my time with my daughter, my decision making as far as she goes, my ability to be a parent has never been questioned. My daughter has always been healthy and happy with me.

Since my daughter has been separated from me, I have been issued 'supervised visits' because of the opinion of the end result of my learning disability. If I want to see my daughter, I have to go to her daycare center at certain times OR, GET THIS- I have to PAY a 'parenting support center' to have a 2 hour visit with my own child! This is where sex offenders go when they have children of their own who were not their victim. Here I am, paying to see my own kid alongside all the sex offenders.

This is 'perfectly fine' with Ms. Rackley, as she has done NOTHING to help in any way. A special needs child ISN'T going to understand why they have to go to a center to see mommy. If I did something wrong, I would accept this as a consequence, BUUUUUUT! I have done NOTHING wrong, having a disability isn't wrong and under the Americans With Disabilities Act, I have the same rights as any other person. My rights as a mother and as a human, have been violated.

My integrity in authority has been violated. The first complaints the daycare had with the care of my daughter when she was turned over to her dad full time went pretty much ignored. However, this past Monday July 23rd 2012 I paid my daughter a visit at the daycare center. I was horrified to find my child petrified in a corner, filthy dirty, greasy hair, blotchy face. I immediately took out my Android cell phone and took pictures of the horror in front of my eyes. I was shocked the daycare workers let my child come into the center looking like that.

I have included one picture below, I have placed a white band across my child's eyes to protect her identity. This was taken when I walked in, as I found her.... She was playing by herself, forlorn and disgusting. I had to leave the daycare that day because my ex showed up to pick our daughter up. Wednesday, I went to the daycare again. My daughter was gone for the day at her therapy, they told me. She wasn't at the center.

I was still extremely horrified at the sight of my emotionally distraught filthy child on Monday and wanted to show the pictures to her. I asked a teacher named Chandra outside the facility if I could speak with a person of authority while I was there. My daughter was gone for the day, I had a legit complaint and desired to make my concern known in as polite a way as I could.The director of the daycare was of no help.

She not only denied what I'd seen on Monday, she also denied the first complaints from 2 and half weeks ago even though the woman who relayed them to ME and my MOTHER at the same time was standing right there. She said nothing at all.
They refused to help me, so I left.I got a call from a "Wendy", claiming she was a supervisor. I relayed my concerns to her and the new concerns that her workers were not doing their job and being a mandated reporter. She denied her workers were failing to report anything and she hung up on me.

Thursday July 26th, I came to the daycare to see my daughter. When I walked in I asked the teacher Chandra for the name and phone number of a supervisor above Wendy. I wasn't going to quit on my complaint. My child's well being was at stake. Chandra said she would get me my requested information, instead she lured me into the director's office, promising me the information I sought was in there.

I have filed a separate report for the daycare involved so if you're interested in reading look up Great Bay Kids Company.
The director lied to my face, claimed there was never any abuse, denied the previous complaints and the final kicker was when I wasn't satisfied with her lying about the condition of my kid, she called the Exeter Police Department telling them I 'wandered into the facility yelling and screaming'.

That was a lie of Holly Davis, Director of the Great Bay Kids Company, I came in quietly, walked into the classroom my daughter was in and asked the teacher politely for the name and number of a person in charge. NO YELLING, NO SCREAMING. I was a concerned parent and crying for my chld's safety at this point.

When the police showed, Holly Davis continued to lie to them, she was inconsistent in her story though. One minute, there was 'never any complaints' the next minute she changed her story and said there "was one complaint filed 'awhile ago' ". It was not even 3 weeks ago this happened, my mother saw it and here is director Holly Davis lying her a*s off. She even tried telling the cops that my photo's were taken 'last week, outside, while the child was playing.'

I have an Android, when you take a photo, it saves the details including the date and time you took the picture. I showed the police the photos AND the info: The photo was taken inside the facility, not outdoors like Holly said, AND the details corresponded with MONDAY the 23rd, not LAST WEEK! The cops caught Holly in a lie, but it was easier to throw me out instead.

The cops treated me horribly and Holly Davis told a false statement to the police right in front of me. The police said this incident was going on file and I could pick up a report in a few days at the station. I will obtain a copy of the report, scan it and place it online for public review. I thought my drama was over..... I was dead wrong.

It was 6:21 pm on Thursday, July 26th 2012, I was home alone with my two dogs just trying to relax from my ordeal at the daycare earlier. My phone rang and I recognized Rackley's phone number on the caller ID. Ms. Rackley has talked to Holly Davis, the director who lied to me and the police and denied any complaints had ever been filed about my daughter. I explained to Ms. Rackley I had done nothing wrong and was there relaying a legit complaint to someone in charge. Ms. Rackley explained to me that she had just spoken to Holly and gave the impression the version Holly told her was portraying me as something less than the concerned, fearful parent I was.

I fell apart emotionally. I couldn't take it anymore. I began to cry, I was coherent and comprehensive but emotionally from everything from losing my daughter to being discriminated against for being disabled. I told Ms. Rackley I was horrified she allowed this to happen to my poor child, as I was nothing but a fit mother to begin with. I poured my heart out to her that I was being victimized and manipulated by my ex, his lawyer and the courts. I told Rackley I could handle being a mother, I couldn't handle being in a court mess like this the best due to my disability. There was NO PROOF I had no ANYTHING wrong as far as my child went. There were NO COMPLAINTS AGAINST ME. THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT RACKLEY'S SUDDEN DECISION TO TAKE MY CHILD FROM ME AND PLACE HER WITH HER ALCOHOLIC, NARCISSISTIC FATHER.  SO WHY WAS MY CHILD TAKEN FROM ME? For my being disabled, it seems.

Rackley then said to me "Are you alone in your house right now?" I told her yes. She then says to me "I'm worried about you being in your house alone while you're crying, I think you need someone there with you." I snapped at Rackley. Who was she to be telling me I 'shouldn't be alone in my house while upset'? Did you think taking my child and my decision making away WOULDN'T make me upset???

What self respecting mother wouldn't be DEVASTATED at the loss of her child? Jennifer Rackley expected me to be made of stone?? I told her I was at home with me and my daughter's two therapy dogs. I was never alone in my home, thank you very much. Rackley and I were on the phone for exactly 8 minutes and 57 seconds (thanks Android!) in addition to the above, the conversation ended with Rackley telling me she was 'going to call my mother' and she hung up the phone on me.

She said before she hung up that she was going to call my mother, I was still upset so I called another friend for support. at 6:44pm I called the friend, at 6:47pm another call came in from a private number as I was on the other line with my friend. I clicked over the answer it and I was told I was speaking with a Sargent from the Exeter Police Department. I at first thought he was calling me about the daycare incident earlier that day. I told the man I had been home minding my own business for the past couple hours, how could I help him?

"Ah, you weren't on the phone with a Jennifer Rackley?" The Sargent asked. I told him yes, that Ms. Rackley was the GAL in my divorce case and she had called me to discuss what happened at the Great Bay Kids Company. The officer knocked the bottom out of me when he said to me next: "So you didn't threaten to KILL her??" I was shocked and STUNNED. I said to him, Of course I hadn't said anything like that to Rackley, I was almost 30 and knew better than to criminally threaten ANYONE, let alone the GAL in my case.

"You didn't threaten to 'get her'?" The Sargent asked me next. No, I hadn't said anything to Ms. Rackley that was anything like that, the word 'kill' wasn't even used during the entire almost 9 minutes I was on the phone with Rackley, crying and pouring my heart out to her about the courts using the fact I am disabled as some sort reason why I 'couldn't be a mother'.
Ms. Rackley and I had a conversation about her poor effort and unfairness of the judge involved and my learning disability. Now here she was doing the SAME THING.

I told the Officer I hadn't said anything of the sort and I was appalled Ms. Rackley would deliberately call up a law enforcement agency with a false statement against a disabled person for the purpose of harm.  She was was angry at my accurate observations of her horrible job as a GAL and decided to use her authority and the police to frighten me and upset me further. Why would a professional such as Ms. Rackley do this? I am deeply concerned something may not be right if she thinks it's acceptable to do that.

Ms. Rackley told me she was 'calling my mother' before she abruptly hung up on me. She never called my mother.... I found this out after I hung up on the Sargent who called me. My mother was never contacted by Jennifer Rackley on Thursday July 26th 2012, Rackley called the police on me instead. I am putting this complaint out in the open as Ms. Rackley is a public employee and should be subjected to a public jury if she's made any violations in her professional or personal life.

I am an adult living with Asperger's and I am the proud mother of a beautiful (also autistic) child. I have coped with the stresses of life better than most people without a learning disability and I do no deserve to have my child taken from me because of a neurological disorder I have no control over.

Jennifer Rackley deliberately failed in her responsibility to protect my daughter and respect my civil rights as a mother, human and disabled person. The above account is 100% true and correct.  I, the author, have no problems proving my serious allegations against Ms. Rackley and will be glad to speak to the media regarding this truly horrific experience.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,

Jennifer Rackley Attorney, Guardian ad litum

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 05, 2013

I wish to retract my report on Jennifer Rackley dated July 27, 2012.  I regret that there is no way to remove it from the site.


New Hampshire,

Jennifer Rackley Attorney, Guardian ad litum

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 02, 2013

I wish to retract a report filed by me about Jennifer Rackley on July 27, 2012.  I regret there is no way to remove it.

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