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  • Report:  #893246

Complaint Review: Jenny Forst & Debroah Hudson of Dreamhimi Cattery

Jenny Forst & Debroah Hudson of Dreamhimi Cattery BEWARE OF JENNY FORST & DREAMHIMI CATTERY IVancouver BC & Port Moody BC, British Columbia

  • Reported By:
    Laurie — Vernon British Columbia Canada
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 05, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 25, 2013

Jenny Forst steals a kitten from Mission Hill Persians & Unhealthy Cats sold by Dreamhimi Cattery

I would like to Praise Munira Murrey of Mission Hill Persians.  

She had a very valuable kitten stolen from her house in Sept 2011.  The full account of the theft can be read on her website

2 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,

THE TRUTH: Munira Murrey is A LIAR - read about it below

#3General Comment

Sun, March 24, 2013

Munira Murrey is a liar and the following people who suffered at the hands of Munira Murrey help vindicate Jenny Forst and her sister:

This says it all:

Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted on SUBMITTED: Fri, October 25, 2011
I don't know ------, but I DO know Munira Murray and what I find 'interesting' is that Munira Murray in her own opinion, is never wrong. Everyone else is wrong. I am a breeder and I know many many other breeders who have approached me over the years who all say exactly the same thing: Munira Murray of Missionhill Persians cannot and will not ever accept responsibility for anything. If she sends a cat that is not well, or in bad shape, she will turn it around and accuse the other person of sending the disease to Munira in the first place. It seems to me very sad that Munira will not take any responsibility but what is worse - she causes so many people such UNNECESSARY anguish and stress by lying, blacklisting them, writing slanderous emails, refusing to replace or refund for her mistakes - etc. We are all breeders with ethics - we are human - sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes may be very sad and tragic - but we OWN them! and we accept them! and we do whatever it takes to correct them! And sometimes we correct mistakes that are not necessarily ones WE have made - but it seems to me it is better to do that, than to have one sad person with no one to turn to for help in dealing with the situation. Far better to reach out and attempt to take on part of the pain, then to spread even more pain and stress. Yes, Munira's son is a lawyer and yes Munira throwns his name around as a threat to everyone that she is correct and no one else dare speak up. If I did that to my own son, he would hide his head in shame! Who knows?? and shame on Munira for passing around such private information as ------ cell number!! when Munira herself hides behind blocking people's emails! 

Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at October 21, 2011
No, Munira, its not my experience with a kitten that I purchased; we are seing that its the experience of MANY people that purchases cats from you. You are wrong again; thats something that you use to do for soo many years: you think that people wishes to get A MISSIONHILL cat through any other breeder. Thats not truth. I didnt want a kitten FROM Monarch; I was buying a lovely Purrsatin kitten. But happens that your lines is everywhere, so, even if someone would want to avoid it, would be quite difficult to get a Silver without any MissionHill behind. Yes, you are right - the breeding doubled up a line of cats - YOURS. The pedigree is attached. When I asked to ---- about a baby, I even didnt know the lines that the kitten was coming from. Never mind, I wanted that baby, from a honest and nice breeder. Thats all. And the same I intended when I asked a baby from you - really, several, several years ago. MANY time ago. But, here, God determines which cat is coming to His breding program - my cattery is not mine, is His. When I try a new kitten and it doesnt work, not soo later I hear about problems - several and serious - and then I understand why He didnt allow me to have this or that kitten. And I am grateful for Him to take such a good care of me and my childrens, thats what my cats are for me. Not simply animals are you wanted people believes, they are not caged, are happy, free and sleep in my bed to the point to throw me away - or over me, and I cant move for dont wake up them. Right now, I do have both couches full of them, sleeping and waiting for the kisses of mommy. They are ALL used with it. When I travel, I have to call to home and speak on the phone with many, or they stops eating when I travel. They are bathed weekly with Eqyss, Jerob, EZ Groom and similar products; my combs are all Greyhound. My hair will NEVER see the texturizers that my cats use every week, no matter if its a show cat or a spaid one that will never attend a show. Attends me like dogs, obey me, comes when I call, my cats enchantes everyone that comes to visit us. They shines of love and care , and I am reference of quality, respected and loved (or hated, as I dont sell my cats for breeding here for NOTHING in this world) in the whole country. Only in your mouth I am horrible in all the meanings. I dont remember you saying anything about the interbreeding of Monarch, even why, I didnt breed this line, as Millie has died with hydrocephaly exactly 4 months old - 2 weeks after I arrive from Germany with her. And, NO, ---- didnt sold Monarch for anyone - MONARCH DIED around one year later than Millie did. Thats NOT truth what you are saying. ---- is being forard this message, in despite she doesnt speak english, she must to be aware of what you are accusing her publicly. But, now, is occuring me a question... if you have told about it (I really dont remember), you knew that this line was potential for problems; if you knew, why you sold these lines for breeding? 
Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at October 23, 2011
Yes, I agree that people need to be more aware of this woman. Many people I speak to - and not usually even about Munira! - bring up her name and ask if I know her and then usually will tell me a few things along this line - but I sense a lot of reluctance to share the whole scenario - because they fear what she can do to them!! She supposedly is of sterling reputation - but behind the scenes, we definitely know better. She always has an excuse - and is always 'away' when things go awry. If the cat ate tuna is was because Munira fed it tuna. If she goes away, she leaves sufficient food for the cats and strict orders about how, when and what to feed, etc. So we can presume this is another lie to avoid taking responsibility and yes, even so - why on earth would she ship a cat in that condition without alerting the buyer??? I was afraid to join this list and I know Munira will attack me yet again, but truth be told, I don't care much anymore as I see a definite pattern outside of my own experience - which somehow helps to vindicate me! thanks! 

Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at March 24, 2011
I must say that it doesn't surprise me that Munira chose to quit the group as this is very typical of her behaviour. She loves to strike and hurt and then quickly withdraw whereby she will wait for her chance to strike again. Similar behaviour can be found in true psychopaths, interestingly enough. (that was my study of interest when I was taking my ----- courses.) It is a bit reminiscent also of snake-like behaviour, to my mind's eye. She doesn't like to see that people disagree with her and again, she exhibits the same tendency via email. After starting the arguments and attacking people, she will say the most terrible things and before one can write again in their own defence, she blocks their email - and paradoxically, she will continue to send them emails of attack! My good friend ---- was a recent victim where Munira called the RCMP and told them that ---- was harassing her - the Constable just laughed - Munira had already blocked ---- - but after the RCMP report, she continued to write nasty emails to ---- - is this not harassment?? Too weird! Don't be surprised if she surfaces in the Group again - or in a similar one. 
Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at October 25, 2011
If you got an email from Munira about litter registrations from Monet not being approved with TICA and being approved with CFA. I don't keep all the emails from nasty correspondance I delete them and get that waster of time out of my life.
This was my only way to get my cat back from Munira. I was angry at what she did and my way of getting back was to stop the litter registrations. I called the police and they would not help me get my cat back without a court order. They said they could come to witness but could not physically make her give back the cat. To give her litter registrations was the only way to get my cat back. She used had him four months and charged me for board. I asked her 500.00 for stud. I sent my story to both CFA and to TICA. She is so cheap and she basicly got him free or better yet paid to use him. She works with her cats in pet homes did you know that? Who knows what other cats those people have that can expose all kinds of bacterias and viruses the show cats of hers in the pet homes? 

Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at October 25, 2011  
What has been placed there are facts and testimonies. You may can not like this, but thats what you have asked: facts, testimonies and e-mails from people that felt damaged. Was a dennounce, the affected/mentioned people joined the ---- as soon as you got, and started to share their experiences and feelings. Including me, I am also a member and a breeder for who you have spoke very bad.
You shouldnt be having fun on the sorrow of the others - thats very evil. You should be using your time and mind in a productive manner, not to make such a malign goal as a main priority in your days. If you dont respect the feelings of the others, provoke suffering and yet despize it 'having fun' to even spine more yet over people, you really disappoint me deeply. Thats not the idea that I had about you.
Munira, since you are sharing publicly personal e-mails you changed with others - often and for MANY years, and without their permissions, and worse, as a GUN against others, you dont deserve any kind of apologizes - you are doing worst than I ever did. You are acting with malice and with bad intention, and it just show that you are not a nice person, how can you not show any kind of solidarity with people that had suffered soo much with the cats you sold to them?
Plus, someone that use one e-mail with apologizes for 15 years shows how black your heart is. You are using this to blackmail me too? How can you use a apologize to black mail someone? Of course you are not going to overcharge me because of this, Munira. To share a e-mail its not a dead crime as you want to make it seems. In that e-mail didnt have anything SOOO bad like you want to seem. 
I can also find your message and share again (thats not what you have been ASKED for?), and we can let people judge ONE MORE thing you want to use to attack people - in despite of, actually, you dont need any reason to attack anyone, its enough someone have good cats for you start your target on the poor one, as you have spoken very badly about me for soo many, without even know me, without to have a cat from me or with NO info about my cattery. Instead - you are selling sick cats that dont last more than 5, 6 years - what its your point, just working to try to divert the attention from you? So, who are you to point fingers to anyone? Look at you - do you have any mirror in your home?
So, I will make it VERY CLEAR to you - I RETIRE MY APOLOGIZE, Munira. You dont deserve a apologize if you do the very same thing, but not just once and neither innocently, but for MANY MANY years, and with malice. Thats incredible that someone can use AN APOLOGIZE to blackmail someone. I feel like to say 'I am sorry" for the demon. Finally, what you are doing just speaks more and more about you. You are burning yourself to the ground, sending private e-mails that has been shared on the list and have been spraid around. People is doing exactly what you have done with many. 
Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at 5:45 pm, March 14, 2005 in    
Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at 5:45 pm, March 14, 2005 in    
Missionhill Persians Cattery
Posted at 5:45 pm, March 14, 2005 in   
CFA Cattery Reviews 2002-2012



False Allegations made against Jenny Forst by Munira Murrey

#3General Comment

Sun, March 24, 2013

Jenny Forst DID NOT steal a kitten from Munira Murrey.  The kitten was lost because it got trapped in one of  Munira Murrey's kennels the same day that Jenny dropped off $2200 for 2 other cats.  Munira Murrey blamed Jenny Forst and her sister even though it was not their fault.

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