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  • Report:  #1153030

Complaint Review: Jessica Horton & Associates

Jessica Horton & Associates REVIEW: Customer Satisfaction Commitment: Jessica Horton & Associates dedicated to customer satisfaction. Jessica Horton & Associates implemented strategic changes ensuring client success, focusing on finding ways to assist client's search for new opportunities effectively, even in challenging business climate we face today.

*UPDATE: Recognized by Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program as a safe business service. Jessica Horton & Associates pledges to always resolve any issues: feel safe, confident & secure when doing business with Jessica Horton & Associates, recognized by Ripoff Report Verifiedâ„¢ as a safe business service.

  • Reported By:
    susan — Griffin Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 08, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 28, 2015
  • Jessica Horton & Associates
    410 East Taylor Street
    Griffin, Georgia
  • Phone:
    678 871 9660
  • Category:


Ripoff Report would like to let readers know that Ripoff Report emailed this customer so the member business could make things right with them. When a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report emails everyone from the past so the member business can make things right with them. Of course, everything within reason. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer. Ripoff Report has always had a uniform policy to not remove Reports. Ripoff Report is a permanent record. The record is now set straight. The person who wrote the Report below never bothered to contact Ripoff Report back.


This woman terminated her contract with me. She's upset because I had her a full price offer on her home. She got emotional rejected it (because the buyers came back and asked for a carpet allowance). She got angry. Cancelled her contract. Listed with another company. Her home didn't sell. She listed with another company and it sold. But. She got $20,000.00 less for her home (than the offer that I had for her) and she probably paid twice as much in commission. Plus, she ended up replacing the carpet any way! This woman has a documented history of terrorizing people. That's why she sold her home to begin with... everyone couldn’t stand being around here. I tried to help her, but you know what they say: "No good deed goes unpunished." She is spiteful. Angry. And vindictive.



Claimant's opinion: Jessica Horton is a local realtor who sends out attractive post cards to residents in my over-55 community. She touts herself and the #1 salesperson for our Del Webb establishment. I am a senior citizen who lives alone and became a victim of Jessica Horton's hype.


She promised to sell my home quickly. She told me my asking price was too low and that I should raise it. I responded that I desired a quick sale.


During the 3 months she has had my listing, Ms. Horton has come up with a myriad of excuses for her failure to sell my home. She said my carpet was not fresh and must be replaced; so it was removed and I paid for new carpet throughout the house. Then she said that a flooring allowance would have been more attractive to prospective buyers.


The excuses have been many; results have been nonexistent. Her latest excuse was that there was a dent in the stainless steel refrigerator door. Of course. that is not true. She told me that the dent was a dealbreaker and that everyone who had seen my house commented on that dent. I have pictures showing the refrigerator (as well as every single room, wall, and appliance in the entire home). There is no dent; the home has been professionally cleaned, pressure-washed, patched and painted. All these things I did and paid for at her urging.

As I was a first-time seller and lived alone, I also did not know that signing an exclusive listing agreement with a realtor who did not belong to the MLS was unwise. When I checked with other local realtors, I was told that Mrs. Horton is the only real estate agent in the state of Georgia who requires an exclusive agreement with clients.


I checked with other residents in Sun City Peachtree who had, at one time, Jessica Horton Real Estate signs in their front yards. I was told horror stories! Several had been harassed by Mrs. Horton and her husband after they indicated dissatisfaction with her unprofessional behavior AND failure to sell their homes.


One former resident had to call the local sheriff, who went to the Horton home and filed a "cease and desist" report against them.


It then came to light that Jason Horton, who had answered my phone calls as his wife's representative and given me advice as to selling my home, is a convicted felon and was not supposed to have been inside our homes. Mr. Horton spent two years in the state penitentiary form breaking and entering with a firearm. He is by law banned from entering a private residence unless invited in. I asked Mrs. Horton about this and she agreed that it was true.


Prior to all this, Mr. Horton called me one day and cursed at me for asking about something with the house. He screamed at me that he "didn't need my "sh*t" and wouldn't take any sh*t from anyone. He said that i should take my ball and go home, which I will gladly do as soon as my attorney has gotten me out of this "exclusive agreement"


Jessica Horton has emailed and texted me derogatory messages, all of which I have kept. I have filed formal complaints with the Georgia Real Estate Commission, the head of Marketing and Membership of the Georgia Multiple Listing Services, and the Head of Marketing with Pulte Homes.


It is my desire to prevent this woman and her husband from victimizing anyone else.


3 Updates & Rebuttals

susan kierbow


whole lot of crazy

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 10, 2014

Please read rambling and inappropriate...... and MUCH too personal...... post from Ms. Horton.

If you DON'T want to be subjected to this kind of insanity from someone you hire to sell your home, stay as far away as possible from Jessica Horton and her husband.

Susan Kierbow


susan kierbow


response to Horton's rebuttal

#4Author of original report

Tue, June 10, 2014

Ms. Horton,

It is evident to all who read your rambling and inappropriate response to my original complaint that I am not the one who needs help.

I HIRED youj.  We are not friends. We are not family.  We are not in a personal relationship of any kind.  My dealings with you and your husband have been, for the past 3 months, enough to make me feel sick.

 I hate to see someone post such embarassing things; makes me feel like I'm watching a train wreck.  But, according to others who have fired you, my experience with you is the norm.  

Thank goodness my dealings with you are over.  You can pick up your sign and your lock box from my attorney.



Jessica Horton & Associates


Susan, you're a very sad and tormented person. You really are. You need help.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 09, 2014

Jessica Horton responds to the Complaint filed by the Sun City Peachtree Resident

Dear Home Seller in Sun City Peachtree(r):

Firstly, I would like to thank you. I would like to thank you for clearly demonstrating: you are not a respecter of contracts. And what is a contract? A contract is: a person’s word–put down on paper. Of course, if the person giving their word (with their signature on the document) doesn’t have any integrity… the paper—and the words written down on it—are: meaningless. Completely meaningless. And our contract—on page 5 (section 18)–clearly defines how disputes are to be handled. And what does our contract say?

18. Arbitration. All claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement and the alleged acts or omissions of any or all the parties hereunder shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act 9 U.S.C. § 1 et. seq. and the rules and procedures of the arbitration company selected to administer the arbitration…

But you’ve elected (again) to NOT keep your word. To not honor your contract. Instead, you’ve elected to come online and handle your dispute in the “court of public opinion”. You’ve elected to come online—and hide behind the cloak of being anonymous—and spew your vituperation, cruelty and hate. You’ve elected to “try your case” in a ‘courtroom’ where there aren’t ANY rules of evidence–none! Where ANY sort of ‘testimony’ can be given (even if it’s hearsay…. not relevant…. beyond the scope… inflammatory… etc…) Where there isn’t any jurisprudence or recognized procedure. Where you can state the name of my company… Where you can state my name… the name of my husband… (thank you for showing some restraint and not dragging my two kids into this! Even though they spent about 10 – 12 hours helping you too…) But. Not have to attach your name to it.

Online is: the wild, wild west (anything–and everything!–goes)! And you’ve decided to go the vigilante route and take ‘justice’ in your own hands. To try and scalp me. To take your pound of flesh for your wounded—and so very deeply offended—ego.

And you know what? That’s a reflection of who—and what—you are. Normal and rational people don’t operate in this manner. Normal and rational people are able to sit down—like adults—and work out their differences. To have reasonable discourse…

So, let me speak very clearly: I don’t agree with your decision to do this (nor does my response—to your ‘claim’–constitute that I am waiving my right to pursue any–and all–legal remedies available to me.). I don’t agree with your tactics—at all. None. I find them to be: vicious and malicious. I view them as nothing more than: poison secreted from a twisted and severely tormented soul.

Nothing more than: an act of desperation. A bully who hasn’t gotten her way. A tyrant who KNOWS she doesn’t have a leg to stand on in arbitration (as our contract clearly lays out).

A desperate act committed by: someone too arrogant to back down from previously made bad decisions. Too proud to own up—and take responsibility—for their mistakes. Too haughty to accept the hands of friendship that have been graciously extended to her (repeatedly!)…

Well, I’m really not one to play in the mud. I’m really not. Only swine like to roll around in the mud (and only other pigs like to come and wallow in it with them!). However, I do understand why YOU would elect to go this route… and it doesn’t have a thing to do with: ‘justice’. Far from it. You aren’t seeking to mediate a grievance. You aren’t seeking to uphold the honor of your word. You aren’t seeking to do a right thing in a right way.

No. You are only seeking to hurt—and inflict pain—upon others. It’s your modus operandi whenever you don’t get your way… You have a long—and well documented–history of trying to torment others in the community.

And you know what? You may very well accomplish what you—and your conniving cohorts—desire. You may cripple my business and run me—completely!–out of the community. You may. I don’t know. It’s not for me to decide. That’s a matter of people and their volition. It’s a matter of what people choose to accept as ‘truth’… it’s a matter of their character and integrity (or lack thereof!). It’s a matter of how easily they are deceived, manipulated, and controlled by others (as I believe that you have been).

People (like you) come along and project their faults and misdeeds out on others. And they do it LOUDLYand very PUBLICLY. Why? Because their (your) ploy is: to take all eyes off self (you) and make others focus on someone else (me)–completely. In other words: this is all red herrings… smoke and mirrors… slight of hand… misdirection… A performance. Putting on a real show….

So, you come out shouting: “I’ve been victimized!” when in reality: you are the one who has done all the exploiting. All the threatening. All the blackmailing. All the extorting. But you can’t let people suspect that you’ve done any wrong. Best to distract them from the real issues…

Your tactics are: Sling enough mud… something HAS to stick! And when it does… people won’t see your faults and culpability in the matter. Classic.

And you know what? You’re very smart to do this. Why? Because many people WILL—in fact—believe you. I don’t have any illusions or delusions about it. None. See: other liars believe lies. Easily. Quickly. Why? Because it fits their purposes. It fits their preconceptions. Their ideology. Their objectives. They don’t have any true norms and standards… and they quickly embrace the idea of dishonesty and wrong doing in others. Why? Because that’s how they operate. That’s the way they are. So: others MUST be this way also. They need others to be just like them [dishonest]. Otherwise: they may have to look in the mirror and realize: “I don’t like what I see staring back at me.” But if others are like them… bad behavior can easily be rationalized and justified.

Normal, rational, and sane people… People with a modicum of common sense…. people with at least a drop of integrity…. a smidgen of decency… we prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt (as I gave you when I agreed to work with you…) and not make snap judgments without: getting additional facts.

However, I do recognize: this sort of attitude [cutting people some slack... giving them the benefit of the doubt....gladly allowing people a second chance...] is quickly becoming antiquated. A thing of the past. We —as a people—were once a lot more civilized and well mannered. A lot more compassionate. We had some poise and self-control. We showed a little restraint…. Now? People can’t wait to go online and exploit others. Torment others. Harass others. Blackmail others.

And other people can’t wait to read it… watch it… spread it… pile right on!

So, you may very well get your way. You may destroy me–and my business–completely. You may be the one who is FINALLY successful at wiping me out (and believe me… many others have tried–repeatedly over the last twelve plus years!)…

But you know what? It’s out of my hands. What you do is on you. What other people do is on them.

I only have control over: what I do. How I do it. My actions. And our actions are the manifest ion of what we think and believe. And this is what I believe: I believe that we—as a society—are a nation of rules, laws, and order.. we are a society founded on the sacredness—and the importance—of contracts (people keeping their word)… Decency.

And I believe that you—and your ilk–spit in the face of this nation. Our laws… Our rules.. Our procedures… Our brave men and women who’ve died defending this great nation… You don’t have ANY respect for anything—or anyone!–but yourself. What you want… How you want it… What you’ll do (Anything!) to get what you want… Who you’ll run over—and even destroy– to get your way…

And I hope the people reading this think LONG AND HARD about what sort of precedence they’re allowing you—and people of your rabid breed—to set. The kind of place… the kind of environment… the type of future they’re leaving for their children… their family.. their friends… A place where ANYTHING goes. Anything at all. Anything can be said… anything can be done… And people are rewarded for their negative—and vicious!–behavior.

But that’s on you. And that’s on them.

YOU are the one who made this personal. Not me. You’ve decided to not be civilized and act like a two-bit thug from the street. You made it very clear–to me–that you wanted to cause me severe harm. And that has an impact on my family. My two kids. That’s pretty personal. Very personal. But. There’s one thing that is more personal–to me–than that. My faith. And my faith teaches me to: bless those who curse me. And to pray for those who mistreat me. And that’s exactly what I will do. My faith teaches me to extend grace (even though most people always mistake it for weakness!) to those who don’t deserve it. Why? Because I didn’t deserve it. But. I got it anyway. And I am so very grateful for it. And I want to share that with other people.

So, I want you to know: I don’t hate you. I’m not angry at you. I don’t hold any hard feelings. None. I forgive you. And so do my husband and children.

And not only do we forgive you, but we thank you! We are grateful for this opportunity. Very grateful. For several reasons:

01.) Your ‘claim’ will help keep ignorant–and so very spiteful–petty people away from me. Far away from me. They’ll go somewhere else. And you know what? I’m completely fine with it. In fact, I am so very grateful. I don’t want… I don’t need… I don’t have time for headaches like that in my life. Thank you!

02.) Even if I don’t list—and sell—another home in the community… the city… the county… the state… that’s okay. I’m fine with that. I believe in a free and competitive market… and the market will have spoken. And I believe in the right for consumers to make choices. And they’ll have chosen. And I’m fine with that. Perfectly fine with it. And I hope they will be too. They’ll have to be… because they’ll have made their bed… they’ll have to lie in it (pun intended). So, I hope they know what they’re crawling in the covers with. I really do. But you know what? That won’t be my problem.

03.) I have complete confidence in this truth: what people mean for harm in my life… in the life of my family… in the life of my business… God works these things out for the good. For our betterment. And I will just trust in Him to honor His Word. Even when I don’t fully understand His reasons…. when I don’t necessary like the situation… even when it hurts… I KNOW He’s got my best interest at heart. And I will continue to trust in that. What did Job say? “Though He slay me… I will continue to trust in Him.”

And that’s what I will do…. I will trust in Him. Not you…. Not other people… Not even myself…. I will trust in: Him.

So, thank you for this wonderful opportunity. And I wish nothing but the best for you. It’s my hope… it’s my prayer… that you find peace. Because you don’t have any. None. You are a sad and tormented soul. And I don’t know what has happened in your life to make you such a bitter and hateful person. But. I’m sure it must have been really terrible. They say, “every obnoxious act is a cry for help!”….

You must really be in agony. And I hate that. I really do. And I pray that you find peace. I really do.

But. My praying for you doesn’t mean: “Jessica, won’t continue to stand her ground.” I will. You have not shaken my resolve… not in the least. None. I’ve already told you on numerous occasions: “I will not bend to your threats. Your insane—and unacceptable—demands. You can pitch all the little tantrums that you want… But. I will not capitulate to you. I may be in the service industry, but you’ve mistaken me for some type of servant. And I’m not. And as I also said above: you’ve mistaken my being kind and gracious to you as: weakness. And you’re wrong! Completely wrong. Being kind and gracious isn’t weakness. It’s strength. All the way. You just aren’t smart enough to recognize it.

And I have the courage to confront you head on. Even when you behave like a sniveling coward and launch your little anonymous attack online….

Cowards die a thousand times…

I’m not a coward. Far from it. So, if I perish… I perish. If I lose my business… I lose it! Either way… I will go out with my head held high. And I will go out with my honor and dignity in place.

So, lets examine your ‘claims’. Point by point.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #1

>Jessica Horton is a local realtor who sends out attractive post cards to residents in my over-55 community.

Incorrect statement #1. I am not a Realtor(r). I am a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. I canceled my membership to the National Association of Realtors(r) back in 2008. My reason for doing this was both personal and political. Not that my personal decisions—and internal business dealings–are anyone’s business… they aren’t. However, I will share it with you (and others). To make a long story short: I did not agree with the NAR and their stance on: urging congress to push the Bail Out upon the American public. I put my money where my mouth was… I canceled my membership. I haven’t looked back.

Members of the NAR pay an annual fee—and take a short class every so many years—to proudly boast about having ethics. Where I’m from… money can’t buy ethics. You either have integrity or you don’t. I don’t need a plastic membership card to tell me what I have in my soul.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #2

>She touts herself and the #1 salesperson for our Del Webb establishment.

Incorrect statement #2. I don’t tout anything. I simply state a fact. Facts are what I deal in. I AM the #1 resale agent in the community. I’ve sold more resale homes that any other agent in the community—including the ones who live there. And this even includes some of ones that I strongly suspect: you’re in collusion with. Some of the agents who would love nothing more than to run me out of community–completely. Why? Because I’ve helped home owners save over $300,000.00 in real estate commissions. They haven’t had to pay 5%, 6% or even 7% to sell their homes. My average seller saves over $6,000.00 with my program. And quite frankly: other agents—and their brokers—hate this fact. And they would do ANYTHING to eliminate me from the picture. And they’re probably salivating—and about to wet themselves—over finding you. Someone who will do their bidding (and they don’t even have to get their hands dirty).

Well, I’ve said it before and I will say it again: The majority of real estate agents aren’t anything but a bunch of thugs! Blood-sucking Equity Vampires that feed off the hard work—and savings—of other people. Rarely earning the enormous commissions they charge people.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #3

>I am a senior citizen who lives alone and became a victim of Jessica Horton’s hype.

I’m going to completely ignore your carefully constructed words that are meant to appeal to people’s emotions. To present yourself in the best possible light. To make it seem like you’re a victim. Too many people in the community (especially in your Pod) know you. They know you very well… and they KNOW that you are ANYTHING but a victim.

And the people who don’t know you personally? Well, people will believe what they want to believe. If they want to think of you as some 95 year old lady who can barely walk and is completely helpless…. they’ll believe what they want to believe. No matter what I say or do… it won’t change their minds. And you know what? I’m not going to try and change their minds.

Instead, I’m going to focus on your Incorrect statement #3. There isn’t any “hype”. None. My track record speaks for itself. I’ve sold the most resale homes in the community. That’s a fact. I’ve saved those sellers the most money.

That’s a fact. Not hype. It’s a: fact. F-A-C-T-S. Facts. Something that you seem to have a very hard time utilizing….

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #4

>She promised to sell my home quickly.

Incorrect statement #4. I told you: “The Copper Ridge is a very popular floor plan and that there was strong—and steady–demand for this model home. That I have been very successful in selling homes in this collection (The Dogwood Collection) and that my marketing plan is highly effective. That your pod was located very close to the Amenity Center… and that was a perk. That Dahlia Drive (your street) was a very nice one. You had A LOT of pluses going for you…

Furthermore: I told you that I had over 500 people in my database. Many of them have expressed interest in your particular model… and that we may be able to get you a good offer in a very short amount of time.

Incidentally, I was able to get you a quick offer. A full priced offer. There wasn’t a ‘failure’ on my part… But. We’ll get to that in just a bit…

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #5

>She told me my asking price was too low and that I should raise it. I responded that I desired a quick sale.

Incorrect statement #5. Even though your words are ‘true’… you are taking them completely out of the context in which they were spoken. When you originally called me about listing your home… you told me: “Jessica I want to list at $__________.”

And I said: “__________! Based on these comps…that’s way too low! Entirely too low! That’s like $25,000 – $30,000 too low.”

And That is why I took the comps with me (to our appointment). And that is why I made you sign off on them (and I have the documentation). That way—if you insisted upon listing your home well below market value—I would have explicable—and uncontested– proof that you had—in fact!–been advised of your homes actual market value. Thoroughly! Completely.

I did this for two main reasons

01.) To cover myself in the event that you were making a rash—and emotional—decision and then later wanted to come back and blame me for it.

02.) The other reason is: several people had mentioned that you could be extremely vindicate and spiteful. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I like to form my own opinions. However, I wanted to ensure that I was covered.

So, this whole “She told me my asking price was too low” was given to you BEFORE I ever stepped foot in your front door. Before I ever saw your home in person.

And once I entered your home.. it was very apparent: there wasn’t ANY WAY IN THE WORLD that you were getting top market value you for your home. No way. None. It wasn’t going to happen. Not in the condition in which I found it.

Upon seeing your home in person, I informed that you would have to do A LOT of work to get your home to sell. A lot of work.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #6

>During the 3 months she has had my listing, Ms. Horton has come up with a myriad of excuses for her failure to sell my home.

It’s just now been 3 months…. However, I haven’t given you excuse. What I’ve given you is: FEEDBACK. Feedback straight from the buyers. Verbatim. Feedback that you called me—very quickly—to ask for. Feedback that I gave you. Feedback that I didn’t sugarcoat to make you feel good. I just gave the truth.

Incorrect statement #6: As previously mentioned (above) I had a buyer write up a FULL PRICE offer on your home. This happened within 30 days of being listed with me. The buyer has family that lives in the community… she has been researching the market… and she was well aware of the fact that your home was priced well below market. She wrote the offer up sight unseen.

Per our numerous discussions (and our strategy): you agreed that getting COMPLETELY moved out was your best chance of selling. That no one was going to buy your home with you—and all your belongings (including the 6 animals that you had under your roof!)—in it.

Now, I will admit: you were an absolute trooper. You really pushed yourself and got all your stuff out of the house. You did an excellent job. You really did. BUT. The house was still in horrible shape. It was dirty. No, actually it was: filthy. And there was a severe odor problem from the animals…

That is why the 3 or 4 showings that we had had (during the first 30 days) only stayed in your home less than 5 minutes (something that you got very aggravated and upset about!). They couldn’t tolerate the smell. And the condition of the home was a complete turn off to them…

You needed to sell. And you KNEW what had to be done. You had to get out of there. You had to get all your stuff out of there. You had to get all your animals out of there. And you had A LOT of cleaning that had to be done….

But you called me all up in a tizzy. You were so worried and upset about it all. You needed the home to sell. But there was no way that your were going to have it ready (cleaned) before the buyer came down to visit it—in person. You had tried your best, but you weren’t going to be ready… The house wasn’t going to be ready…

And you were so upset.

Anyway, you called me up and spoke about it. You expressed your concerns. You told me how badly you needed this deal to work. How desperately you were to get out of the community and away from all the people.

And what did I do? What did I do for you? I told you, “Let me speak to my husband about it. Let me see if we can help you clean–and get the home ready.”

And what did my husband do? He agreed. And you were so happy. I remember you hugging him…

So, we all came over and worked ALL DAY LONG-=from morning until night–and cleaned your home. We came to help you clean… the very people that you are attacking.

When you had no one that was willing to help you… not one of your ‘friends’ or neighbors would come to help you clean up….

And that’s really strange because: the people in Sun City Peachtree (r) are known for coming to aid of their neighbors. Helping them. They pull together and help each other out. All the time. I’ve seen it. It’s one of things that truly makes the community a very special place. They way people help take care of each other. It’s a very beautiful thing.

So, when no one was willing to come to your help… to help you move… that really says something, doesn’t it? They steer clear of you. They give you a wide berth…

None of them came to help you move. None of them came to help you clean.

No neighbors. No friends. Not even family…

When your own child—and her family–wouldn’t get on her hands and knees and scrub your—caked with dirt and grime–walls… I did. My husband did. My kids did. Both of them. My son is 14 years old. My daughter who is about to be 13… they came—with Jason and I—and helped you clean your home.

They could have been enjoying their weekend. Doing the fun—and memorable things—that teenagers do…

But they weren’t out having fun.


Instead of going to Six Flags (like we had planned)… they gave up their day to help you. Jason wanted to teach them an important life lesson: the joy of helping others. Even strangers. Coming to their aid when no one else will. Anyone that knows my husband… they know he is ALWAYS trying to teach the most important lesson there is: GRACE to people.

We worked there like 10 hours? 12 Hours? We worked all day Saturday and Sunday. And we got your home in the best shape possible. We scrubbed the baseboards… We cleaned the windows… we cleaned your toilets… we cut your grass in the backyard (fenced area)…

We went above and beyond the call of duty for you. And we didn’t ask you for a single cent for doing any of it. Not a penny.

You had professional carpet cleaning people come out, but even they agreed: your carpet was BEYOND help. That you had allowed the animal urine to seep completely through the carpet… the pad… and even down to the concrete…

But that’s what happens when you have 6 animals running around—locked in a house for hours at a time—without anyone being home. They make big messes… big, nasty, filthy, stinking messes

The buyer that had this property under contract saw it after all our work… She was willing to purchase it, but she wanted you to give her an allowance. A monetary allowance. She wanted to replace the carpet…. she wanted to fix various other things that were wrong with your house. Example: where your large dogs had chewed—and completely mauled—some of the doors and walls.

You rejected this—in its entirety! You rejected it completely. Your exact words were (and I quote!): “That b***h can go f**k herself. I’m not going to give her one single d**n penny. Who does that b***h think she is?”

I urged you to reconsider this. To come back with something. A figure. Anything even! Give the buyer something! I mentioned that if your home sat on the market longer… it would probably end up costing you that much any way. Extra mortgage payments. Extra utilities. Extra HOA dues. Extra gas back and forth.

Not to mention: how much it would cost you in time and aggravation.

And you told me: “No! I’m not going to do it, Jessica. I’ve busted my a*s off for this woman. And if she doesn’t want my house… then she can go buy something else.”

And that’s exactly what she did. She bought another house in the community (that was listed with another agent–not me)!

And then you calmed down… you allowed reason to kick in (finally!)… and you realized: “Oooops! I probably just made a mistake.” But. It was too late then. She was gone. She found a better deal. She found a seller–who wasn’t listed with me!–that must have been extremely motivated (or desperate!) because: she got that house for a steal! It should have EASILY brought $15,000.00 – $20,000.00 more. Easily. I sold one that didn’t have all the upgrades for right at $15,000.00 more. This home should have brought much more. A lot more.

But. I also understand: money isn’t always everything. Sometimes people will sell a home for less because they have something more important to do. Some place more important to be. I’ve had 3 and 4 time cancer survivors GLADLY lose money (when selling their home). They didn’t care about the money! Why? Because they had a grandchild—one they never thought their kids would have—and they sold! Quickly! They didn’t care about the money. They wanted to be with their family…

You can’t put a price on things like that. What is losing a couple thousand dollars compared to being with your family? Especially when you made a lot of money selling the home before this one? I mean: looking at the numbers… they’re still WAY ahead…

So, the point is: I don’t have all the facts about why this seller sold for that price. But. What I do know is this: that buyer—the one who offered on your home—got that house for a sweet deal. And it was in WAY BETTER shape than yours. Even after we spent hours and hours cleaning it.

Don’t get me wrong… your home looked much better! Way better! But. We still had a very long way to go. And a lot of issues to handle.

> She said my carpet was not fresh and must be replaced

Finally! We have some truth coming out. Thank you. I did say this. And you complained about not having the money to do this. You had spent so much moving. You still had a lot of work to be done around the home…

See: your home was really in bad shape. Very bad shape.

But. Jason (my husband) is the kind of person who would give the shirt off his back for people. You told him about how people treated you differently because of you being a clown. Because you don’t conform to that most people think is ‘normal’. You told him about how rude and ugly some people have been to you. And what did he do?

He volunteered to help you. He grew up around the construction business. His father was a builder. His grandfather was a builder. And he volunteered to help you. That he would come in and pull up your carpet for you… That he would even get new carpet laid down for you. And that you could pay him back at closing. At closing.

So he pulled up all your urine infested carpet and pad. He pulled it all up—for you! He hauled it off—for you! He paid the dumping fee—for you! He did all that—for you!

How many hours did he work on your house? He went out there—just about every single day—for almost 2 weeks straight. Cleaning. Scrubbing. Cleaning. Scrubbing. Doing everything that he could to get rid of the odor in your house…

And you called him up and asked him, “Jason, why haven’t you got the carpet down yet.”

And what did he tell you? This is what he told you: “It doesn’t do any good to put carpet and/or flooring (y’all were also discussing putting pergo down) when we still have an odor problem. And we have some SERIOUS odor issues.”

He also told you that he had several different carpet and flooring samples picked out. And that they were at the house.

And what did I tell you: “The buyers that I’ve shown it to are just fine with having a carpet allowance. They like the idea. The thought of picking out their own flooring is very appealing to them…”

And what did you tell me: “Jessica, if you think it’s okay… then it’s okay with me.”

And what happened? Jason kept cleaning and scrubbing. Cleaning and scrubbing. But. We still had an odor problem. And when you spoke to him you told him, “Jason, I’ve got some concerns about it not moving fast enough.”

And again he told you: “I understand. But. It’s pointless to put down carpet and/or flooring when there is an odor problem. I’m concerned that I may have to put a sealer on the concrete.”

And you were okay with that.

Until… you came up with some people (I’m guessing your family, but I don’t know..) and you told me that they told you: “It smells good in here! Smells great! No odor here. BUT! These cracks in the concrete are going to scare any buyer off…”

And that’s all you heard…

You immediately wanted to get those cracks in your foundation covered up. Instantly! You wanted to make sure that no one thought there was a problem with your home. You were screaming at Jason about it. That he had better get that flooring in ASAP. That nobody was going to buy your home with those cracks.

And what did Jason tell you? I will tell you what he told you: “I don’t know who in the world you’re listening to, but they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

Furthermore he told you: “Of course the house smells good! I was just out there—the day before—cleaning it! It smells very good. Right now. But. Come back in a few days when its been sitting. And the odor is going to come back. We’re going to need to seal the floor first. Please stop listening to well meaning—but completely mixed up—people. Otherwise, you’re going to put down carpet and you’re not going to eliminate the odor.”

You didn’t like his answer, but you accepted it.

Until a few days later… You called back and started going off on him about the cracks in the concrete again. You started telling him what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. And when he would do it or else…

And what did he tell you?

“Fine. If you want to be a hard head… be a hard head. Learn the lesson the hard way. Go do what you want to do. That he didn’t have time for it.”

You start mouthing off at him about everything.

And what did he tell you? He told you: “I don’t have time for your crazy s**t! If you want to be crazy… go be crazy somewhere else.” That’s what he told you.

And you told him, “Jesus Christ Jason Horton! What is your problem?”

And he told you, “No. Jesus Christ is my Lord. My name is Jason Horton. Get it straight.”

And that really set you off…

You went ballistic!

Jessica Horton responds to a misleading statement…

>it was removed

Yes, and how was your carpet removed? By the hard work of my husband. Whom you invited into your home. Whom you welcomed with open arms. Whom you hugged and bragged about and even said, “I love you!” on numerous occasions to. He made life easier for you every step of the way. Until he told you, “No. I won’t do that.” Then the honeymoon was over…

The same husband whom you told to send you over an invoice, but you’ve NEVER paid. Not a penny. The same Jason Horton who hasn’t asked twice for it. And He won’t. Because that’s just the kind of person he is. And that’s what I love about him.

>and I paid for new carpet throughout the house.

I don’t know if you have or haven’t paid for it. I do believe that carpet was installed. However, I can’t speak for whether or not the carpet company has been paid.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #7

>Then she said that a flooring allowance would have been more attractive to prospective buyers.

Incorrect statement #7. That is not what I said. I said that we ran a serious risk of putting down a carpet (or a certain color pergo) and the buyers wanting something else–instead. It was my professional option that the flooring allowance would work nicely… especially while we were trying to handle the odor issues.

>The excuses have been many;

I don’t make excuses. Again, you’re mistaking “feedback” for excuses.

Jessica Horton responds to another misleading statement…

>results have been nonexistent.

Another incorrect statement. This just isn’t true. We had you an offer. YOU decided to not give into request for concessions (to handle much needed repairs). You got all emotional. You blew up. You made a foolish decision. But you refuse to take any responsibility for your choices/actions. It’s much easier to blame everyone else.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #8

> Her latest excuse was that there was a dent in the stainless steel refrigerator door. Of course. that is not true.

Incorrect statement #8. I gave you feedback. It wasn’t an excuse. It was a statement made. A statement made by several buyers… buyers who didn’t stay in your home more than 5 minutes. Why? Because the first thing out of their mouths was: “Did she have animals in her house? This place has an odor. Never mind… I know the answer to my question. I see where something has chewed up the door…”

> She told me that the dent was a dealbreaker and that everyone who had seen my house commented on that dent. I have pictures showing the refrigerator (as well as every single room, wall, and appliance in the entire home). There is no dent;

Wow! I can’t even imagine getting SO bent out of shape… over a small indentation in your refrigerator! It’s ridiculous! But. You do seem to take everything personally. The slightest negative feedback is an attack on your ego. You take everything way too personally. It’s just feedback. A little constructive criticism.

Not to mention you called for this feedback—very quickly. Sometimes we were pulling out your drive way…. Why get upset with me? I’m not the one who said it. I’m just relaying the message.

Jessica Horton responds to another completely misleading statement…

> the home has been professionally cleaned,

Thank you! We tried to do our best for you. And truth be known: I think we did an incredible job. I wouldn’t have called us “professional”, but it’s nice to know: if you—and some of the agents you’re probably in bed with—end my real estate career… I can always work as a maid. Can I use this as part of my resume? Thanks!



Jessica Horton responds to a deliberate attempt at telling a half the truth….

>patched and painted.

True. Especially since we had to go back and do all the small holes. You only paid for the big holes in certain rooms. Just the “MAJOR DAMAGE” stuff. We handled everything else—for you!

And by the way? Who went and drove all the way to McDonough to get your custom paint colors? Jason did! That’s right. And who paid out over $300.00 in cleaning supplies for your home? That’s right! Jason did.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #9

>All these things I did and paid for at her urging.

Incorrect statement #9. You did all these things because: I told you: “This is what you’re going to have to do in order to sell your home. People expect to find it in good order. You’re selling a home in a very affluent community! People have certain expectations.”

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #10

>As I was a first-time seller and lived alone, I also did not know that signing an exclusive listing agreement with a realtor who did not belong to the MLS was unwise.

Incorrect statement #10. No Mam! That’s a lie! We went over–in complete detail–how I work. And that’s why you READ and SIGNED: “5 Reasons why Not to Put Your Sun City Peachtree Home (r) the MLS”. I laid out 5 solid rationales for why putting your home—in Sun City Peachtree(r) —in the MLS was a bad idea. You read it. You reviewed it. You signed it. And I have it—on file.

Not to mention: We went over all of this on the phone—the very first time we spoke, Before we EVER met in person. Which was days later…

Furthermore, is it really such a bad idea? Seriously? You’re going to try this excuse? I mean: I’ve only outsold my ‘competition’ (in resale homes) 3 and 4 and even 6 to 1. I’ve closed almost 40 resale homes in the community. What does my closest competitor have? 15? 20? Maybe… I don’t know. I really could care less. But I know it’s not as many as I’ve sold. Not even close.

So, how exactly is going with the agent—who outsells the competition that depends on the MLS—a bad idea? Especially when I usually do it in A LOT less time! AND for A LOT less money… how is that a bad idea? How is that unwise?

Tell me. Real quick. What’s your top 10 favorite reasons for losing money? Wait! I will make it easy on you. Your top 5 will do. Your top 3… How about just your top 1 reason…

It was only ‘unwise’ because: Other agents didn’t get your business. Other agents aren’t going to take your money… Other agents aren’t getting to sink their fangs of your homes jugular and feast off your equity…

No, it wasn’t unwise. Not by a long shot. What was unwise was: possibly allowing jealous brokers and agents to manipulate you—and have you act like a puppet on a string—to do their dirty work.

You are unwise. But. It has nothing to do with selecting me.

Jessica Horton responds to: False Statement #11

>When I checked with other local realtors, I was told that Mrs. Horton is the only real estate agent in the state of Georgia who requires an exclusive agreement with clients.

Incorrect statement #11.

Really? These local realtors know what EVERY single real estate agent in the state of Georgia are doing? They know how they run their business? Really? Wow! That’s pretty impressive! How do they keep up with everyone? More importantly: how do they have the time?

Well, you know what: maybe if they spent more time trying to be more competitive… offering new and better services… innovating… making things easier for their clients…. MAYBE… JUST MAYBE they wouldn’t have to mind the business of everyone else. They’d be so busy—with their business—that they wouldn’t have to stick their noses into the business of everyone else.

But it’s much easier to attack and destroy competition. Then swoop in—like the buzzards and vultures they are—and pick at the carnage.

“ONLY REAL ESTATE AGENT in the state of Georgia…”

Really? And I wonder if these mystery agents would be willing to raise their hands? To step up and reveal their names? To not hide in the shadows… To not skulk… To not deploy useful idiots to fight their battles for them…. To come forward and explain themselves.

I doubt it. Why? Because that’s how cowards operate. And birds of a feather flock together…

Jessica Horton responds to claim of: “Dissatisfaction of former sellers”

>I checked with other residents in Sun City Peachtree who had, at one time, Jessica Horton RealEstate signs in their front yards. I was told horror stories! Several had been harassedby Mrs. Horton and her husband after they indicated dissatisfaction with her unprofessional behavior AND failure to sell their homes.

I’ve been doing this for almost 13 years. For every person you find to come forward and publicly—not online– say something negative about me to my face… I will bring you 10 that have something positive to say about me. 10 to 1 odds… That’s what I give you.

Of course any weak coward can come online and post their twaddle. It doesn’t take any courage—at all—to come online and post things. Any petulant child who doesn’t get their way can come online and write a bad review… people love to do things under the cloak of being anonymous. And the internet is nothing but a mouth piece for angry and bitter morons—like you–to spew their hate.

Jessica Horton responds to the false claim of “Police issuing a ‘Cease & Desist’ Order.

>One former resident had to call the local sheriff, who went to the Horton home and filed a “cease and desist” report against them.

Please. Produce this “Cease and Desist” report. This “restraining order” that certain people just love to talk about! I would love to see it! I really would… No deputy has been to my house and served me with any such thing. Not at my house. Not at my office. Not at Sun City Peachtree (r). It didn’t happen… Period!

We’ve just had one our police officers murdered—in cold blood! And people like you want to waste the time, effort, and energy of our law enforcement with stupid—and nonexistent garbage! You think these fine law enforcement officers are your personal gestapo… they aren’t! And you—and others—should be ashamed for bringing them into a personal—and what should be private—matter. This is a civil issue. Not an issue for law enforcement. They have more important things to do than play baby sitter to: a spoiled rotten brat. Brats who pitch fits and tantrums when they don’t get their way. When someone has the audacity to tell them, “No. I’m unwilling to do that.”

Jessica Horton responds to mud slinging involving her husband’s past

>It then came to light that Jason Horton, who had answered my phone calls as his wife’s representative and given me advice as to selling my home, is a convicted felon and was not supposed to have been inside our homes. Mr. Horton spent two years in the state penitentiaryform breaking and entering with a firearm. He is by law banned from entering a private residence unless invited in. I asked Mrs. Horton about this and she agreed that it was true.

I absolutely love how you phrased this! I would be willing to bet your agent friend is so proud of you! I bet they coached you so well. Exactly what to say and how to say it.

Jason has never spoken to you about selling your home. Not in a real estate agency context. In fact, I have an e-mail where you were complaining about how upset you were. And why were you upset. “I call your office and Jason answers your phone, but he can’t tell me anything! And you’re busy doing something else…”

Yes, I am busy. That’s why you hired me. I’m busy. Busy showing and selling homes.

Now you and Jason HAVE discussed the price [of your home] of it in terms of the flooring. The flooring that he was going to put in for you. The work that you hired him (but haven’t paid) him to do. And YOU BOTH (Jason and You) sought my professional opinion on what new flooring (especially the pergo) could bring. You had to make sure you netted enough to reimburse him for his work…

Of course the price was discussed! But not in terms of him giving you advice.

As far as his past…

I bet it did come to light! I bet someone just couldn’t wait to tell you about something that happened over 20 years ago—when he was still a kid! And he’s probably only had a single speeding ticket since then. TWENTY PLUS years ago!

Yes, it is true. He was convicted. He actually went to trial… a jury trial… People can read all about it (if they want to).

And you know what: I don’t deny it. I won’t deny it. And I won’t be ashamed of it. Why? Because that was then. This is now. And my husband is the most loving… the most caring… the most giving… the most gracious person that I know. Unlike so many ‘men’ in this nation… he is with us—his family!–every single day. Not off running around… acting like he’s still some teenager in heat. No. He’s home. With his family. Every. Single. Day. He’s a wonderful father… the best husband… and a Fantastic Man–all the way around!

He is the hardest working person that I know. He is the smartest person that I know. He is the most loving person that I know. And he is the most giving person that I know.

People can change…

People can grow up…

People can move on…

Even when others try and keep them trapped in the past…

If you had a CLUE about the hell that he endured as a child… the neglect… all the abuse… you–and everyone else!–would cut him a little slack. My husband is a true success story. And he is a walking–and talking–example of God’s grace.

And you know what? Jason doesn’t try and hide his past. He embraces it. It’s online. All of it. He OPENLY talks about it. He has shared every single bit of it. He’s shared it with THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people. I wish that you—and others–could meet some of the people his story has touched. Some of the kids who were heading down the wrong path… heading in the wrong direction… The lives that have been impacted by him… His willingness to share his mistakes and all the suffering that he endured. And if you were to ask him, “So, was it worth it?” Do you know what he would tell you? “You’re dang right it was! It was the BEST thing to ever happen to me. Ever. And I thank God every day that He allowed it to happen. For me. And for all the other kids who I’ve spoken to–over the years. Yeah! It was worth it. It sure was!”

My husband is someone who learned from his mistakes. That takes a little humility. And he has it in spades!

If someone wants to judge him (or me for that matter) based off who he was 20+ years ago… have at it. I won’t try and stop them. And if I don’t list another single home in Sun City Peachtree (r) because of it… that’s fine too! But. I WILL NOT beg… and I WILL NOT grovel…

Just like I WOULD NOT be bullied by you.

Jessica Horton makes her stance–perfectly!–clear.

You made the bad decision of not taking care of your home.

You made the bad decision of letting your animals roam around free—hours and hours—without being attended to. Just letting them relieve themselves ALL OVER your home…

You made the bad decision of not responding to the buyer’s request of giving her an allowance.

You made the bad decision of getting emotional and reacting…

You made the bad decision of not thinking things through….

You made the bad decision of letting the buyer walk away…

I believe you’ve made the bad decision of letting other agents use you for their nefarious purposes…

And you certainly made a bad decision when you threatened me with public humiliation and shame if I wouldn’t give you what you wanted. I mean… that is what THIS is all about. You threatening me… If I didn’t let you out of your listing agreement… you would make pay dearly… you would ruin me… you would destroy me… You would make it your mission in life to ensure that I never sold another home again.

What did I tell you? “Do your worst!” I will NOT be bullied. I will NOT be threatened. I will NOT have someone extort me.

>I have filed formal complaints with the Georgia Real Estate Commission.

Yep. I’m sure you have. And you know what? I’m the one who gave you the link to their website. I’m the one who gave you the link to the “file a complaint” page. I gave it to you.

Why? Because you threatened me. If I wouldn’t let you out of your listing agreement and go list with some other agent… you would come online and destroy me. You would turn me into the real estate commission and let them take my license.

And you know what I told you: “HERE YOU GO! DO IT! Here is the link to file your complaint with GREC! Have at it! Quit making your little veiled threats and do it! If you feel like I’ve done something wrong.. file a complain with the Real Estate Commission. That’s your right! That’s why I’ve given you the link. Do it.”

And you know what? I am 100% confident in the ability—and the integrity—of the Georgia Real Estate Commission to carefully investigate your claims. I am confident in their ability to get to the bottom of it. And I’m confident that your character will come out—completely. Very confident.

> the head of Marketing and Membership of the Georgia Multiple Listing Services

I could really care less what the executives at Georgia MLS think about my personal opinions about the MLS. And if they’re intimidated and/or threatened by my stance… then that tells me: they’re insecure about their service(s). However, I really doubt they are.

> and the Head of Marketing with Pulte Homes.

I don’t work for Pulte(r). I am an independent licensed real estate broker. I work for private home owners. I am not an employee of the builder. I am not affiliated with them in ANY WAY whatsoever!

Jessica Horton calls it what it really is: sabotage, character assassination, and dirty pool

>It is my desire to prevent this woman and her husband from victimizing anyone else.

No, it isn’t. This is what you’re telling yourself in order to justify your horrible and abhorrent behavior! You don’t want to help people. You only want to help yourself. To garner sympathy from uninformed nitwits–and validate your position. No. Your desire is: to hurt me. It’s your desire to cause pain and injury to me–and my family. It’s your desire to get your pound of flesh. It’s your desire to appease your offended ego. You’ve probably never had a man talk back to you before–and tell you “what is what”. Jason did. You probably thought you could just speak to him like a dog… you found out otherwise–quickly. And you saw red!

And because of what happened–20+ years ago– in Jason’s past… it makes him an easy target. You aren’t the first who hasn’t paid him for work done. For services rendered. It happens all the time. People will taunt him: “Well, why don’t you call the police? Who are they going to believe? You? A convicted felon? Or me? An upstanding citizen that’s never done anything wrong in their lives?”

And you know what Jason does? He puts it in the Lord’s hands and walks away…. Doesn’t even look back! And I have watched as tremendous blessing just pours down on him—and the people who’ve treated him kindly. Tremendous blessing by association in their lives. I’ve also watched quite a few others lose a lot more than what they cheated him out of. A whole lot more. And I’ve watched him continue to keep praying for them…

And because my husband is such an easy target… that makes me one also. And that’s okay. Like I said way earlier: I forgive you. Jason forgives you. We all forgive you. We won’t hold a grudge. We will continue to bless you. To pray for you. To wish you well. But. We won’t lay down and die. We won’t let people just walk all over us. No. We’ll take a stand. And the chips can fall where they may…

You don’t desire to ‘help’ others. This isn’t about others. This is about: you.

You desire to not take any responsibility for your own poor choices.

You desire to get your way.

You desire to get your way no matter what you have to do get it.

But you know what? You can write your little nasty reviews online…

You can turn me into the Georgia Real Estate Commission…

You can turn me into Georiga MLS….

You can turn me into Pulte(r)…

You can send this to every home owner in the community….

For all I care… Take out a front full front page ad in the Griffin Daily News!

Doesn’t bother me! Not in the least.

Do what you have to do.

My life isn’t in your hands.

My life isn’t in the hands of your little cabal.

My life is in HIS hands. And He can do with me as He pleases.

But just know this: I won’t be bullied by you. I won’t be intimidated by you. I won’t be manipulated by you. I won’t be controlled by you. I won’t be blackmailed by you.

I will not agree to cancel our contract.

I have buyers who want to see your home.

I will NOT give into your demands.

Pitch all the fits you want to pitch…

Write all the things you want to write…

Call whoever you want to call…

Do whatever you feel that you have to do…

But. You. Will. Not. Move. Me. Not one inch from what is: RIGHT. HONORABLE. NOBLE. And what you want is not right. It is not honorable. And there isn’t any nobility in it. None. And once again… I will put my money where my mouth is…

So listen up very closely:

Jessica Horton puts her money where her mouth is (again!)

If people want an agent who will work hard for them….

If people who want an agent who will go the extra mile for them…

If people who want an agent who won’t give in to the demands of others (won’t sell them down the river)…

An agent who will fight for what she believes in…

An agent who will fight for them—and their money…

Here I am.

I will work hard for them. I will treat them fairly. And I will charge them a very fair commission. I will save them THOUSANDS of dollars when selling their home.

However. If they don’t think that I’ve done a good job…

From this day forward (June 07, 2014) If they don’t think that I’ve kept my word…

If they don’t think I’ve honored my commitments…

If they don’t think that I’ve don EVERYTHING that I promised to do…

If they can look me in the eyes and say, “Jessica, we’re not pleased with the job you’ve done. You’ve been a terrible real estate agent! You don’t deserve a penny from us!”

Well you know what? Okay…

Starting from this day forward on all new listings—in Sun City Peachtree(r)—if they don’t like the job I’ve done as their listing agent.. they don’t have to pay me a commission at closing (however I won’t be refunding the small—and very reasonable—upfront fee that I charge). NONE! They can keep their money. Keep it! Every penny.

I will leave it up THEM to pay me.

Completely up to them.

And I will go one step further… If you’re willing to leave this ‘claim’ online for the whole world to see.. I will extend you the same courtesy….

You aren’t pleased (and we know you aren’t!)… You don’t want to pay me? Don’t pay me. Don’t pay me a dime. Not a single penny.

I don’t want your money.

I don’t need your money.

Not that desperately.

You can keep it.

But. I won’t release you from your listing agreement. Just because you get mad… just because you get angry… just because you don’t get your way. Just because you made some very foolish decisions, but can’t take any responsibility for them.

I won’t do that.

Not for a second.

And I think that I’ve made that very clear.

I’m not even going to bother going back to read this. It’s not worth my time. I have a job to do. And until the day comes when I don’t have any homes to sell… I will keep doing my job. I will keep selling homes. Despite people like you.

And I will close with something that my husband told someone the other day:

Jessica Horton’s closing remarks. Dedicated to thugs–and online cyber-terrorists–who wage economic warfare

“A terrorist blows up buildings to terrorize. They want to create fear and panic. Why? Because they want to change the way other people live. To control them. It’s all about power and control. And do you know what happens? People start trading freedom for ‘security’…

And the terrorist wins. People start giving up things. Eventually: people give up—period.

So, the best thing to do when faced with terrorism is: keep right on living.

Well, jackasses—very nasty people–do the same thing. No. They don’t blow up buildings, but they act out (sometimes very cruelly)… why? Because they want to change the way you live. They want you to be just as miserable as they are. They want to bring you down to their level. To manipulate and control you. The best thing to do is: keep right on giving!

Be selective about who you intimately associate with? Sure! No doubt! You better believe it. But. You keep right on giving… Because that’s who YOU are.

Never let people blind you of that. It’s not about them (even though they often think EVERYTHING is). You give because that’s the kind of person you are. People will often mistake that as weakness…Give anyway.

You wont change us… Jason and I will keep right on giving.

If someone wants to exploit that… that’s on them.

We’ll keep right on giving.

Because that’s who we are.

Thank you for your time.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica Horton

Jessica Horton & Associates
410 East Taylor Street
Suite K-4
Griffin, GA 30223
(678) 871-9660 – Direct

Georgia Real Estate License #250612

Equal Housing Opportunity

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