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  • Report:  #858175



  • Reported By:
    Richard M. — San Antonio Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 23, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 28, 2020
    10101 W. 47th Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80003
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    720-690-8169, 720-448-737
  • Web:
  • Category:




CHARLIE OVIEDO AND TERRY OVIEDO of JESUS FELLOWSHIP OF WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO  opened a church called The Potters House Christian Fellowship Church in San Antonio, Texas from 1991 through 1996.  After Charlie Oviedo had a serious nervous breakdown, his family was sent back to his home church in Sante Fe, New Mexico and his church was then taken over by Rick Swicegood, and after less than a year, Richard Swicegood left his wife, his children, and his church to pursue his affair with another woman he was chatting with online and committed adultery, divorced his wife.  The biggest reason why Charlie and Terry Oviedo failed as pastor of the church is contributed by Terry Oviedos behavior.  She is a SNAKE and cannot be trusted!  Both of these ugly, stupid, uneducated, FAT idiots cannot be trusted.  They are pastors and counsel many couples, but when they talk to other people in the church and fellowship with other people in the church, all they do is gossip and share the personal problems with couples with other people in the church. If they dislike certain people in the church, they will talk bad about them with other people in the church, and cause division and hatred among everyone in their own church.  In the 5-6 years they had their church, they had thousands of people come into the church and leave and never come back after a few weeks because of the controlling and aggressive behavior they teach people.  They always had around 20 people in their church at all times in the 6 years and their entire tenure at the church was a total FAILURE!  And the new pastor Richard Swicegood that took over ended up committing adultery on his wife that ended in divorce.

CHARLIE OVIEDO AND TERRY OVIEDO of JESUS FELLOWSHIP OF WHEATRIDGE, COLORADO  cannot be trusted!   Do you really want these people to counsel your marriage?  They will just end up sharing your personal problems and secrets with other people in the church.  CHARLIE OVIEDO AND TERRY OVIEDO have no education, training, or experience with counseling married couples.  This is evident in their FAILED church from San Antonio, Texas back in 1992 through 1997

CHARLIE AND TERRY OVIEDO used to be a part of the Potters House Christian Fellowship organization from 1980 through 1999 run by Wayman Mitchell and Hank Houghton, which was a corrupt and controlling organization that was so corrupt and unethical that the church organization of some 2000 churches split and then split again to where the church organization is almost nothing now because of all of the leadership and pastors of the organization fought and disagreed that they no longer wanted anything to do with each other.

You can get a complete history of all the lives they destroyed on this website's_House_Christian_Fellowship

History of The Potter's House Church

As a matter of fact, all of the thousands of people that had anything to do with this organization actually left the church in worst condition than what they were when they joined this church.  This church was an abusive, controlling cult and still is today.

In the past there have been criticisms of the Potter's House. Concerns have been raised by some media, a few Christian commentators and authors who have focused on previous church activity which they have labeled as having cultic characteristics.  Ronald Enroth's book from 1992, Churches That Abuse contains an account of alleged abuse within a Potter's House church.  His follow-up book in 1994, Recovering From Churches That Abuse, also contained an alleged account of abuse.

In 1989, a father who accused the group of being a "mind-controlling cult", convinced social workers to prevent his 16-year-old daughter (who was in the custody of the state) from attending a Potter's House church. After several months, however, a Juvenile Court commissioner ruled that she could go unless her father or the county could show she was being harmed by the church. The girl's mother, Renee Collin, disagreed with the father, saying she had no objection to her daughter going to the church.

In January 2002, Charisma News, a Christian news magazine dealing mainly with Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, reported a major exodus of some 160 churches from the Potter's House Movement in the United States. The reason for the split, according to Charisma News, was "because of unhealthy control, and after (members) leave they are afraid to talk about their experiences." A former pastor interviewed in the Charisma News article, when asked about allegations of abuse, said "There are families who have not spoken for years, brothers who are pastors all the way to the Philippines who were separated by this group and had years of not even speaking, churches that have been deliberately split, children who don't talk to their parents."

In November 2010, Australia's Nine Network, reported that Potter's House in Tasmania, Australia was performing a theater stage-show involving "scenes of suicide and drug use, and ended with a pastor telling the audience that 'the devil's children' needed to give their lives to God to be saved from Hell."  Ads for the show stated that the performance was MA-rated, however it did not state that it was run by Potter's House or had religious content. A pastor of the Potter's House, according to the report, stated that a press release warned audiences of "violence, mayhem, suicide, the occult and of course death."

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Charles O

Wheat Ridge,
United States

Your so concerned but you won't say who you are!!!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 28, 2020

OK MR: Well actually thats the Problem your so concerned about what you say happened, that you forgot to mention your Name! I'm Guessing thats because you dont want to be confronted by all those you are accusing of bieng non chritian, so far the only non christian I see is the one spearding these lies, and false comments, I understand you might be bitter as I am about the old fellowship we where part of, but be man enough to tell me who you are, perhaps we can do what the bible says, instead of speading rumors over the internet, maybe we could talk man to man! I'm willing if you are! 

yours for Working and talking things out

 Charlie O

Charlie Oviedo has no trust, no character, no honor.  They are the most dishonest people ever.  They dont build a church, they dont help people get closer to god, they destroy peoples relationsh

#5Author of original report

Thu, July 06, 2017

Just reading the response of this self-acclaimed Pastor Charlie Oviedo, you can clearly see his arrogant, unprofessional, selfish, gangster-like, and uneducated behavior.  This would clearly be the last person anyone should ever want to put the trust of their entire family in his hands and trust that he and his big mouthed wife wont just go and gossip and tell other people all the personal, private, and confidential problems of people who seek help from Charlie Oviedo.  They gossip too much, they dont know how to shut up, they tell everyone in the church about everyones problems.  They have no trust, no character, no honor.  They are the most dishonest people ever.  They dont build a church, they dont help people get closer to god, they destroy peoples relationship with god, they create division, they are responsible for creating the most hostile and negative environment in the church and peoples homes.

Regarding the response from Stephanie and the owner of the church Charlie Oviedo, the report is not fictitious or an evil lie.  This is so funny how they think this report was filed by someone Robert Graham in NM or wherever, when we live in Corpus Christie, TX.  LOL!!

As a pastor of the church in San Antonio, Texas, the pastor Charlie Oviedo breached his title of pastor and the trust everyone gave him multiple times on a monthly basis, including the following, just to name a few:

1.  Refused to pay his bills forcing members of the church to pay them and lose her job.

2.  Disclosed private information on numerous times about private counseling sessions with all church members, to other members, breaching his position of pastor and counselor, by talking to other members of the church about problems and issues church members were going through, including (1) telling people how much other chuch members pay in tithes like $450 a month by Vance Yarter, (2) Telling people about Alex abusing and beating up his wife Liz on numerous occasions and Liz going to church with a black eye, yet Alex was still allowed to keep his positions and ministries without any consequences, (3) Richard smoking and going to movies which was forbidden, (4) Richard comitting adultery with lex's wife Liz yet Richard remains in ministry positions, (4) Telling people that Jeff and Sharon were lazy and sleep all the time, jeff and sharon were good and wonderful people who did nothing wrong at all, yet charlie and terry oviedo just constantly complained and hated jeff and sharon because they were lazy and not like them, (5) Telling people in the church that he despised the members of his own church because they were nothing and not even close to being radical like the church people in his home church in Sante Fe, NM, (6) Watching movies on multiple occasions while forbidding his church members to go to church, (7) Telling other church members how disobediant and rebellious Vance was and how he hated Vance because Vance had the courage to call charlie out for not following by the rules and not treating everyone equally, showing favoritism over one over the other, (8) Allowing a man to be a lead singer in ministry while he was still doing cocaine and committing fornication and refusing to get a job, yet kicking other people out of ministry for doing far less infractions, (9) another church member named Mark allowed pastor charlie oviedo to use his credit card on a monthly basis with a credit limit of 500 or 1000 a month, and pastor Charlie Oviedo calls the credit card company illegaly posing as Mark and raising the credit limit to alot more without Mark's permission or knowledge, the list goes on and on.

Any dealings with church members like the ones mentioned above should have remained confidential and private and never disclosed to other church members, yet charlie and terry continuously fellowshiped on a daily basis with church members and all they would talk about and complain about is all the other church members problems, like no one was good enough for his church, and judged everyone as not even being close to good enough like to the extremely radical church members in his home church in Sante Fe, NM.  

Pastors, priests, Marriage and family therapists, when consulting with patients or church members, have a huge and strict responsibility to never ever share confidential information.  The church members went to pastor Charlie Oviedo with complete trust to never reveal or disclose confidential, private information shared by the church member.

As a matter of fact, when church members go to pastor Charlie Oviedo regarding issues they have with other church members, instead of trying to resolve these issues in a peaceful and positive manner, pastor Charlie Oviedo and his wife Terry caused the church members to turn against each other, causing so much division and hate, and an extreme environment of negative atmosphere.

He did not bring the church together, he made the people of his own church hate each other and become a divided church, an extremely negative hostile environment.  Maybe 2000 people walked through his church doors to visit, but week after week only 20-30 people remained, you can only guess why the other 2000 refused to stay.

Next thing you know, Charlie Oviedo has a nervous breakdown for 2 weeks and he was removed from his position a month later and sent back to his home church in Sante Fe, NM.  And the replacement pastor Richard Swicegood was no better.  He was secretly chatting with another woman online and committed adultery, ruining his marriage and his children and family, and destroying the church, people left.

Ask any former church member about all of the above and they will tell you this is the truth.

I still talk to my friends in san antonio, tx and where i live now in corpus christi, tx, where we have our own bible study, and we are all happy now in our own churches for 15 years now because we are a part of a church where we have 110% trust in our pastor, he has never betrayed our trust!



You can't fix stupid!

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 21, 2015

Not sure who filed this, but everything this person said is ficticious.

But okay!


I am the Charlie Oviedo and the person that filed this "report" is Robert Graham.


He is completely unstable and we had to expell him from our church about 10 years ago due to moral issues.


This is not worth my time, but was at least worth one response.







This report has to be false

#5General Comment

Sun, February 16, 2014

It really saddens me to see a report put into a church that I respected and admired a lot. Charlie And Terry Oviedo were there for me when I was struggling with a drug addiction, they opened their doors when I was thrown out on the street and they helped me get on my feet. Sadly when I did get on my feet I fell back into my addictions. terry and Charlie were always there for me and they always were honest with me. I would love to see why anyone would post this against such good people. And it saddens me that the only thing I have  found on them is this.  Now that I want  to go Church I refuse to go to one without charlie being the pastor. He always would make such good sermons and he would find a way to lightt a room and bring everyone to their  knees.

As for the man who was a adulterer  that has nothing to do with what Terry and Charlie are.  If the man who is a adulterer is in NM what does that have to do with a couple in  CO? 


Stop spreading evil lies . 


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