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  • Report:  #565366

Complaint Review: Jim Burwell Petiquette

Jim Burwell Petiquette -- Dog Training: 21st Century Snake Oil? -- Houston, Texas

  • Reported By:
    LAW — Houston Texas USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 06, 2010
  • Updated:
    Sat, February 06, 2010
  • Jim Burwell Petiquette
    5126 Hummingbird Street
    Houston, Texas
    United States of America
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  • Category:
Dog Training:  21st Century Snake Oil?

Step right up, folks, and be amazed by the dastardly deeds of deception by this flim-flam man disguised as a dog trainer!  Seriously, if this in any way represents what Burwell claims to be the "Absolutely, Positively, The Best Dog Training, Puppy Training and Behavior Modification In The World," then I'd rather risk having my dog eat my face off.  The utter nonsense and pointless cruelty of his methods could at best ruin, or at worst kill, your dog.  He'll spend a few minutes with your dog then hours regaling you with his vast accomplishments and lecturing you with inane doggie psychobabble, blaming you for things not even wrong with your dog that of course only 100% adherence to his "program" will ever make right.  After all, these fast-talkers must fog your brain while separating you from your money, mustn't they?  Here's just some of the laughable yet dangerous Skinner-esque trash training you'll get for the several hundred dollars you're considering throwing away on this clown:  Don't pay attention/give affection to/play with/walk around/feed first/go through the door after your dog/let your dog on the furniture/touch you/sleep with you, etc., or else it'll be the pack leader (news flash: "pack" mentality went out about the time dogs were domesticated and we stopped swinging from vines, at least for some of us anyway).  Don't pet your dog because petting means grooming to a dog and the alpha can get anyone to groom it anytime, so by petting your dog you're telling it that it's the alpha (so ... this must mean when you're actually grooming your dog ... you're telling it that it's the ... Supreme Commander of the Universe!?!)  Completely ignore your dog when you get home to suppress its "emotional highs" (after all, two beings overjoyed to see each other is a despicable act that must be stopped).  Tie your dog to yourself in the house so you'll always know where it is and what it's doing (I suppose while ignoring and not touching it).  If that doesn't work, let it drag its leash around the house at all times so you can stomp on it (the leash or the dog?) to stop it from going anywhere or doing anything it shouldn't.   Experiment with Bach Remedies for anxiety (a dead drunk dog isn't anxious because these placebos are up to 40% alcohol or 80 proof and alcohol is poisonous to dogs).  Sit on your dog's bed to assert your dominance over it (heck, why not just lift your leg on it while you're at it?).  Wet dry food so your dog can bolt its meals or else you'll throw its food away so you can control your dog by withholding food (never mind that manufacturers warn against wetting dry dog food, causing bacteria growth that can make a dog sick or worse and, in my case, a little puppy must eat frequently to develop properly).  If your dog can't be trained not to escape by hitting it in the face with the door or throwing things at it, walk it around the neighborhood so that when it gets loose it can find its way home (this for a sighthound puppy living blocks from a major interstate freeway; there's at least one dog he "trained" killed this way).  But MOST IMPORTANT (now you might have to quit your job to have enough time to perform all of these bizarre rituals, but don't worry, they work equally well under a bridge), CONTROL EVERYTHING in your dog's life and make it WORK for EVERYTHING:  food, treats, toys, pets, exercise, peeing, pooping, walking, breathing, living, because if you DON'T, you're unbalanced and forcing your negative emotions onto your dog and it will act out because it doesn't have structure or sense of leadership or its role in the pack, which is YOU FIRST and it less than LAST, and if you don't make it CLEAR that YOU'RE the leader by either totally ignoring or forcing it to sit/down/stay a THOUSAND TIMES A DAY for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, it will always tear up your stuff, poop on granny, run away and attack the neighbors.  But if you will just spend every minute harassing your dog, it will immediately become and always remain perfect for life (except you won't know it because your heartbroken/food-obsessed/affection-starved/confused/scared Pavlov dog will be elsewhere confined to its "place" or in the bathroom or in a crate, HATING YOUR GUTS).  

This "self-taught expert" didn't have a dog until he was in his 40s but since then has trained some 5,000 families and 20,000 dogs over 25 years, yet for some reason, despite the decades and tens of thousands of families and dogs and legions of supporters and accolades, few reviews were ever posted until only recently when SOMEONE started posting TRUTHFUL negative reviews.  Then, all of a sudden, five-star, glowing reviews started coming out of the woodwork from everybody, every day, everywhere!  (And no doubt will come out even stronger with rebuttals here.)  Forget recommendations from veterinarians, kennels, rescues, etc.:  he solicits their referrals by giving "free seminars" and training their dogs for free.  (This is how they suckered me; no ethical vet ever would refer this menace--mine's fired.)  Otherwise, the only one promoting this trainer is THE TRAINER.  He spends so much time plastering himself all over the internet, rehashing the same articles and hawking his ebook on how only HE can reveal to you the SECRETS TO A PERFECT PUPPY if you will ACT RIGHT NOW for the bargain price of only FORTY-SEVEN DOLLARS, how could he possibly find time to train even one dog?  For years he's been hustling Petiquette "franchises" without a single taker (or is it success) -- does that tell you anything?  Here's my personal favorite, direct from his propaganda:  "When Burwell began to advertise in print, he always used a photo of himself and his dogs.  He says this helped to build his credibility as well as his reputation as a dog trainer."  Yep, credibility and reputation with a photo.  Here's a statement from one of his "credentials," a paid membership with the the Association of Pet Dog Trainers: "Burwell is an Associate member of the APDT. This membership is geared for people who are not actively training, but that might be prospective trainers. This is the lowest type of membership we offer."  Another of his paid memberships, the International Association of Canine Professionals, says he's been a member for two whole years.  His other paid membership, a kennel association, didn't say anything.  In my circle of acquaintances long active in local dog rescues, shows and competitions, no one has ever heard of him.

Luckily I had the sense to question Burwell's methods, get validation from credible sources and immediately cancel his services -- but no refund, of course.  I just wish more people would come clean and expose these charlatans for what they are, so hopefully this will spare the next someone(s) from the same near-tragedy.  There is no "secret" or "exclusive" or "immediate result" dog training that you need to waste your time or spend hundreds of dollars on.  It's all readily available in books or online -- even his garbage above -- where do you think he got it from?  However, my expectation from dog training is to raise the dog's behavior to human, not lower mine to the dog's, which appears to be the only thing these internet and TV dog trainers are about.  Sure, some of this treatment might be appropriate for working/service/security/competition/hunting/"dangerous breed" dogs (more like "dangerous trainers"), but for the average pet it's ridiculous.  Your dog is to enjoy, not be a slave to you or you to it.  And "one size" training does not fit all; every dog and breed is different, and household pets don't need to be treated the same as working dogs.  The main things are to use common sense, be realistic and patient: are/were you or your children perfectly mannered and potty trained in a few hours or days as this huckster promises?  As with people, many dog behavior problems simply disappear with age.  So in reality, while you're busy shoveling time, money and this latest snake oil down your dog's throat, the problem resolves on its own.  Or, as Burwell puts it:  "This is not the total solution ... It could be weeks or months before meaningful progress is seen."

So please, do your dog and yourself a big favor:  if your dog has a serious problem, find a qualified behaviorist that does not use clickers or treats, check them out thoroughly, verify references only from those who've personally had the same problem and gotten immediate results, then get a guarantee or minimal results before you pay anything.  Anyone without all of the above is only going to rip you off.  Otherwise, if your dog just needs to learn basic commands, buy some treats, do the research, get a library book or take an inexpensive group class and donate what you saved to your local animal shelter.  Ask any of them:  most "problem" dogs surrendered have been obedience trained.  The belief and LIE that obedience training solves problems gets dogs euthanized.  Obedience training for problem-solving is just a marketing ploy for greedy opportunists like this one to take your time and money for nothing.  Worst of all, accepting their training lies could end up costing your dog's health, happiness or even life.

Now go take a walk with your dog and tell this guy to go take a hike.

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